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Three weeks ago, Dani never would have imagined she'd be taking off from O'Hare airport on a flight to Des Moines this morning. Her life's gone through some drastic changes, but they were easy changes to make.

Things just naturally clicked for her when she met Jill and Allie. It was so easy for them to jump in bed, and it was easy for Dani to accept Allie's invitation to take Jill's place at the Club when was too sick to go.

Her first taste of prostitution gave her sexual pleasures she'd always dreamed about, and the thousand dollars she made in tips showed her the kind of financial rewards a girl like her can make selling her body.

She feels proud of herself, dressed in new clothes she bought with whore money she made two weeks ago. There's an aura of confidence about her as she stares out the airplane window, thinking about the sexual pleasures she'll be having at the Club tomorrow night.


In Des Moines, everyone's in such a happy mood going to the airport to pick up Dani. She's nothing but smiles when she sees her four new sisters waiting for her as she steps into the airport wearing her new clothes.

"Hi Dani!" they all say as they give her hugs and public girl-kisses.

Jill and Rosy smile as Dani walks ahead of them hand-in-hand between Allie and Carla. They all know their sex-circle of lovers has grown from four to five. The only question is whether Dani will be sleeping with Allie and Carla tonight, or with Jill and Rosy.

They take her out to a delightful lunch, and just being with her new sisters convinces Dani she's made the right decision. Instead of struggling to be accepted by straight guys who hang out in bars, she's now with girls of her own kind, and they're leading her straight into an erotic world of rich men who love having sex with t-girls.

After lunch, it's off to the Naughty Lady store to buy her first whore outfit. Since it's a Friday afternoon, there's aren't any shoppers in the store when they arrive. They've bought so many clothes there that Betty, the store owner, knows them by name.

"This is our new friend, Dani," Allie says to her. "She needs to walk out of here with the sexiest outfit she can find."

Dani's standing there in absolute awe. In a store like this, full of sexy women's clothing, everything she sees looks like candy.

"Do you have an idea of what you're looking for?" Betty asks her.

"Not really. I've never shopped for clothes like this before."

"She wants a mini-dress," Rosy butts in. "A short one, to show off her legs."

"I have some nice minis over here," Betty takes her. "These two racks are all minis. If you see one you like, feel free to try it on in the dressing room."

Twenty minutes later, Dani comes giggling out of the dressing room wearing a hot yellow mini, "How do I look in this one?"

"You look like a hot fox," Jill says.

"You look good in yellow," Rosy approves. "We'll pick out some sexy panties and bras to go with it. What do you think, Carla?"

"I like it, but I also like the red one she tried on."

"I know," Dani says, "I'm having a hard time making up my mind."

"You know what rich girls do when they can't choose between two dresses?" Allie asks.


"They buy both dresses! I think that's what you should do. We already know you'll be coming to the Club regularly from now on. Time to start building your wardrobe, rich girl."

"Wow, I never thought I'd think of myself as a rich girl."

"Start getting used to it, Dani. You're about to find out just how much a hot t-girl like you is worth to horny guys with money."

"I don't know if I brought enough money to pay for all this."

"Buy whatever you want," Jill says. "We'll cover you until you get paid tomorrow night."

Dani has a ball the next hour, trying on lots of different dresses, panties, and bras. She ends up buying the two mini-dresses, with two sets of matching panties and bras, because Allie warned her that one set will be ruined after tomorrow night. Rosy then loads her up with a half dozen pairs of nylons before they look at shoes.

She loves the slut boots, and buys a knee-high pair to wear with her jeans. She adds shorter pairs that go a quarter-way up her calf, because Rosy said she has sexy legs and needs to show them off. She's the happiest girl in the world, leaving the store with bags of new sexy clothes.


Unfortunately for Carla and Rosy, by the time they get back to the apartment, it's time for them to go to work. They change clothes while the t-girls smoke a joint in the living room, and Rosy's surprised to see Jill getting stoned when she comes to kiss them goodbye.

"You must be feeling better, baby," she says, "if you're smoking weed again."

"I'm not one-hundred-percent yet, but yeah, I'm feeling a lot better. It was good to get out of the apartment."

"Has it been almost a month since they put you on estrogen?" Dani asks.

"Almost a month, yeah."

"Then you shouldn't be feeling sick too much longer."

"OK, sweeties," Carla comes into the living room, "time for us females to go to work. Have fun while we're gone. Gimme a kiss, Dani."

Dani gets up to kiss and Carla whispers in her ear, "Save some of yourself for me when I get home, baby. I wanna give you what I promised you last time."

"You mean in bed?"

"Of course in bed, I wanna get a piece of you before you get ravaged tomorrow night." she giggles.

"Don't pay attention to that horny-bitch Carla," Rosy jokes.

"I'm no hornier than you, my little rosebud."

"I'll see you tomorrow," Rosy laughs as she kisses her. "I can't wait to make up that pretty little face again."

"We gotta go, Rosy, or we'll be late."


"I think the girls like you," Allie says to Dani.

"They're the coolest girls I've ever met. I'd love to have a girlfriend like them to teach me things like they've taught you."

"Keep coming to see us," Jill says. "They have lesbian girlfriends. You never know who they might bring home. There's probably a lesbian girl out there who'd like to have a t-girlfriend."

"I think Dani's gonna be coming to see us a lot, now that she's become one of us," Allie says.

"One of us, as in another t-girl?" Dani asks.

"No, baby. One of us, as in another whore. You know that's what you are now, don't you?"

"Yes, I know it now," Dani admits, "I had a hard time accepting it at first, but I finally realized I couldn't let myself deny it any longer. I don't wanna go without sex anymore.

"I thought I was happy living with my gay lover, but when I look back at it, he was such an asshole. He always put me down because of my small cock, but I thought I loved him because he fucked me all time. I should have left before he kicked me out, but I couldn't. I was addicted to his cock."

"You weren't addicted to his cock," Jill says, "you're just addicted to cock, any cock, like me and Allie are. You probably thought you were addicted to his cock because you didn't know where else to find it.

"Once you start dating a few rich guys, they'll be bragging to their rich friends about this hot t-girl whore they've been fucking, and they'll come looking for you. You'll never have to look for cock or money again."

"Jill's right," Allie confirms, "tomorrow night, you're going to be surrounded with cock like you've never imagined. You'll be sucking cock till you can't think straight, and then they'll take you to the bed and fuck the brains right out of you. And you'll love every minute, because you're a cock addict, just like we are."

"Shit, you two are making my little dick hard talking like that."

"Save your little dick for Carla," Jill giggles, "I told her Rosy taught you a few techniques. She's gonna want you to show her what you've learned."


The next morning, Dani wakes up in Allie and Carla's bed, and Carla won't let her get up until she fucks her again. "I loved the way you used your cock on me last night," Carla teases, "but I think you need a little more practice."

"Carla likes to be fucked in the morning," Allie says.

"Carla likes to be fucked alone in the morning," Carla giggles. "Why don't you get some coffee. I want some alone-time with Dani."

"You must have liked her last night?"

"You watched us, so you know I did. I want one more piece of her while I can, because tomorrow morning I know she isn't gonna be worth a shit for sex."

"Go ahead and have your fun, but don't keep her in bed too long. We have hair appointments at ten."

"What...? We're getting our hair done?" Dani's surprised.

"That's right, sexy whore. A whore's hair can't look just okay like yours is now. You need a professional to style your hair so you'll look as hot as you can be."


Like buying her sexy clothes yesterday, Dani's once again in awe at Jorge's styling salon. He pampers her for an hour and turns her tomboy hairstyle into a work of art. Not only does he make her hair look beautiful, he makes her feel beautiful inside with his constant compliments. Her self-esteem has never been higher.

"Oooo-weee!" Carla exclaims when they get back to the apartment. "Look at this little hottie!"

"I can't believe how different I look," Dani checks herself out in front of the vanity. "I love my hair!"

"Believe it, Dani," Rosy tells her, "that beautiful girl you see in the mirror has always been there. All you had to do was let her come out. This is who you are now, this is what you look like. The guys are going to love you tonight."


A few hours later, they're walking into the hotel lobby with their dresses on hangers and overnight bags over their shoulder. Dani's feeling quite spunky with her fancy new jeans tucked into her new knee-high slut boots.

She feels so hot and pretty when she notices several men giving her the eye. Everything she's done since she got to Des Moines yesterday tells her this is the life she's always wanted to live. Her body tingles as she thinks about all the sex she'll be having tonight.

"Hi girls!" Tony sees them come in.

"How's it going, Tony?"

"It's going great! Here's the key to the room... Hey, Dani! We were hoping you'd want to come see us again. You look more beautiful than you did two weeks ago. Word about you got around fast, and we sold out in a couple days. How do you feel about tonight?"

"Pretty good, I think. I know there'll be more guys tonight, but it's not like my first time anymore."

"Tonight's going to be a lot different than last time," Tony says. "The guys are going to be all over you. If you start feeling uncomfortable with anything they're doing with you, just let them know and they'll back off. They want to have fun with you, but they want it to be fun for you, too."

"Thanks, Tony. I think I'll probably like everything they do with me. They were all so nice to me last time."

"They'll always be nice to you. Girls like you are hard to come by, so we'll do everything we can to make you want to be one of our regular girls."


A few hours later they're just about dressed and ready to go. They always put on their fake nails at the end to avoid running their nylons. As Allie's showing her how to glue them on, Dani's getting a little nervous as she realizes the life-changing step she's about to take.

"Your hand is a little shaky," Allie says to her. "Are you having second thoughts?"

"I'm not really sure what I'm thinking. I'm excited and scared at the same time. It just hit me a few minutes ago that I'll never be the same after I do this."

"You're right, you won't be the same. You'll feel like a different girl once you step into that room. Once you get into it, you'll forget who you are and where you are."

"You'll be Dani again when it's over, but while you"re out there, you'll be the cock whore that's always been inside of you. You're fuckin' addicted to cock just as bad as me and Jill are. So feed your addiction, Dani, be the dirty little slut you've always wanted to be. Are you ready to let the slut part of you play?"

"God, Allie... I think so. I know I'm addicted to cock and I've always wanted to be a girl like this with a bunch of guys like this. Ready or not, I guess I'm about to find out what it's like to be gang banged."

"It'll be fun if you just let go and let your slut side take over. The guys are super nice, so when you get into it, all you'll want to think about is sucking cock and getting fucked. Your body will know what to do if you get out of the way and let it do its thing. Are you ready to be something fabulous?"

"Ready as I'll ever be, I guess."


She's nervously excited standing behind the door hearing the chatter coming from the main room. Allie gives her a hug and a very long kiss. "Here we go, Dani. I'll go out first, then you come out after introduce you."

The room quiets down as Allie begins to speak.

"Hi, guys!" Allie gets their attention. "I have good news and bad news for you tonight."

"The bad news, guys, is that Jill couldn't make it tonight. We're taking estrogen now, and her body's having a hard time adjusting. Plus, she's been getting tattoo work on her arm. She wanted me to tell you she wishes she could be here and she can't wait to be back. You all know how much she loves playing with you.

"But like we promised, if we have to miss a party or two, we'll make it up to you. Jill's making it up by having one of our girlfriends take her place tonight. Do you guys like blonde girls?"

The room's quiet as Allie's talking, but when she says blonde girls, they erupt with loud cheers.

"Now guys," Allie calms them down, "you have to know... this is her first time doing anything like this. So I want you to be gentle with her, okay? Don't do anything to her you wouldn't do with me or Jill. Does that give you enough wiggle room?"

Everyone's laughing as Allie says, "Okay, guys, here she is, say hello to our friend, Dani Lane."

Dani timidly pokes her head out to see a crowd of happy guys clapping for her. With a big smile on her face, she opens the door and lets them have a good look at her.

Allie takes her hand and walks her into the room. "How are you doing, baby?" she whispers in her ear.

"Okay, I guess. What am I supposed to do?"

"Just breathe, baby. Soak up all this attention you're getting and just let it happen. You're the center of their world right now, so have fun with your new fan club."

Allie lets go of her hand and turns her attention to a group of guys to her left. Dani's always been shunned by guys when she goes to bars, but here, she's a magnet to the guys. It's easy for her to prance around acting like a little slut itching to be fucked.

It doesn't take her long to get comfortable with them, and she doesn't mind a bit when they start touching her. After ten minutes or so of flirting and touching, a guy she's talking to gets bold and puts both hands on her waist. She figures it's time to get close and gives him a hug. With her arms around him, she feels two hands rubbing her ass.

"Oooo..." she giggles, "who's touching my ass?"

"I couldn't resist," the guy says.

"Well, if you can't resist, you can pull my dress up and get a better feel. I kinda like having my ass grabbed."

Norm and Gary are over at the snack table admiring how free and easy Dani is with guys she's never been with before.

"I think we've got us another high-class whore right there," Gary says.

"And what a hot little whore she's gonna be," Norm agrees. "They really cleaned her up nice. She's fuckin' gorgeous."

"She wasn't exactly dirty when she was here before," Gary chuckles. "She was a great piece of ass when I had her."

"Oh, I know. She was hot as hell two weeks ago, but she looks so much better tonight, with her hair done real nice and wearing that hot yellow dress."

"I bet she won't be wearing that dress much longer."

"Yeah, she seems to be getting into it like a natural-born whore. I can see it in her already."

"We'll find out how good she is when she starts sucking cock."

"Oh shit..." Norm laughs, "she'll probably turn into a fuckin' tramp when she sees all those dicks in her face."

They don't have to wait long to see her dress coming off. As soon as she feels someone tugging at her zipper, Dani turns around and holds her arms up. "How did you know I was getting warm?" she giggles. "Who wants to help me out here? This dress is getting kinda tight."

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Dani's getting into it now as they lift her dress off over her head. Showing off in the center of a circle of older guys in just her undies gives her erotic shivers. She's not just being accepted, she's being worshipped.

She loves the hands running up and down her legs, and has no problem when a guy behind her unsnaps her bra and reaches around to cup her tits. She reaches back to grab his cock, and her cock addiction suddenly takes over. Allie told her she'd know when it was time to suck, and that time has arrived.

"Oooo, baby," she unzips his pants and giggles, "you got a big lump down there. Can I see what you got in there?"

The guy just smiles as she gets on her knees. She takes out his hard cock and strokes it as she looks up at all the guys watching her. Erotic sensations she's never had before come over her when the guy beside her takes his cock out for her to touch. She's been all giggly and bubbly up to this point and having a fun time. When a third guy takes his cock out, she loses her giggly and gets down to business.

With a cock in each hand, she licks the cock in the middle and wraps her lips around the head. Her tongue gets a taste of pre-cum, and the velvety, spongy head tissue in her mouth takes her to another world. All she's thinking about as she goes down on his shaft is sucking cock.

She's feeling brazenly slutty, like a dirty little cock sucker as hard cocks pop out all around her. It just so happens that her first cock is a good-sized hunk of man-meat that fills every bit of her mouth. The taste of his pre-cum coats her mouth as her lips savor the smooth skin of his shaft.

Running her tongue around his sweet cock-skin, she feels hands on her tits, squeezing her nipples as she bobs her head up and down this beautiful cock. Her emotions build as the guy holds her head still so he can fuck her mouth. She gags every time his fat cock touches her reflex, but all that does is turn her on more.

Her hands automatically stroke the guys on either side of her, and the cock in her mouth begins to pulse as the guy emits primitive-like grunts and groans. She pulls on his balls and gets ready for what she knows is coming. "Here it comes, baby," he groans and she feels cum spurting on the roof of her mouth. He pulls out and shoots a ribbon of white goo onto her cheek before putting it back in her mouth to finish emptying his balls.

Her hunger for cock gets stronger as his sperm seeps down her throat. Dani almost cums herself to the erotic experience she's having. He pumps her mouth and she keeps sucking until he goes soft. She's got cum running down her chin as she smiles at him. "Did you like that?" she grins.

"Shit, girl..." he says, "I thought Allie said you've never done anything like this before. Was she kidding? You're a god-damned pro. Welcome to the Club, darling!"

After sucking a guy off like that, she'd normally want to lie back and share intimate kisses back and forth with her lover. But he's not her lover, and there's nothing remotely intimate about this.

Another cock forces itself into her mouth, and she's reminded of where she is and what she is. As she sucks her second cock, she's suddenly hit with the erotic reality of being a gang bang slut in the middle of a circle-suck.

Her cum-laced spit drips down his shaft as she sucks his nutsack into her mouth. In this vulnerable position, she doesn't feel vulnerable at all, nor does she in any way feel ashamed of what she's doing.

She remembers all the dreams she's had about doing this before. She's accepting her destiny as she realizes what she's doing is a manifestation of those dreams coming true. She realizes this is her place in life, this is where she belongs. She sucks with a sense of security, knowing she's finally found what makes her happy, and it's gonna make her a lot of money.

A hand invades her panties and grabs her between her legs. She's suddenly aware of the little stiff prick she forgot she even had. She can't ignore it now as they pull her panties to her knees and start jacking her off.

She's lost count of how many cocks she's sucked and doesn't realized it's been over an hour since she got on her knees. Every time she takes another cock, she slips further down the rabbit hole of erotic pleasures that has now become her life. Every load she swallows gets her more addicted to it. Already past the point of no return, the only question is how far she will go.

Her mesmerized brain doesn't care as she alternates her sucks between several cocks, stuffing two heads in her mouth whenever she can. She'd love to be able to suck all the cocks at once, but her mouth only has room for two.

All the while her little prick gets harder and harder, her nipples are on fire from the constant erotic touching and pinching. The guys get bolder with her as she offers no resistance to whatever they want to do. The more they do, the more she seems to want.

Just before he blows his load, one of the guys jacking off grabs her by the hair and pulls her head back. On her knees with her own prick ready to explode, she closes her eyes and opens her mouth to accept the cum that's about to spew from his cock. His cum tastes as sweet as the others, although most of it splatters all over her already cum-covered face.

Her body jerks and her stomach goes into convulsions as her balls erupt a load of clear liquid up her vein. It's been years since she's had an orgasm like this, and she almost passes out as she falls back on her hands.

Norm and Gary are still watching from the sideline.

"Didn't I tell you she was going to turn into a little tramp?" Norm chuckles.

"Damn... that girl can suck cock. That was beautiful to watch."

"It's always beautiful to see a whore being born. It's gonna be even more beautiful when she gets a cock up her ass."

"Are you gonna get in there and get a piece of her?"

"Naw, it's so satisfying to just watch a beautiful whore like her getting her first gang bang. I'll wait till I can get her alone in a hotel room, where I can have her all to myself."

"But she lives in Chicago."

"That's the best part about her. I fly in and out of O'Hare all the time. I can layover in Chicago and get a piece of her sweet ass before flying back home to the old lady."

"You horny bastard," Gary laughs, "you won't have to share her with anyone in Chicago."

"Oh... I'm definitely planning on sharing her, my friend. If she's interested, I'll set her up with a couple of my friends over there. Once she gets a few dates, word will get around and she'll be set. When she sees all that money coming her way, her ass will be addicted and stay addicted."

Norm won't have to worry about Dani getting addicted to this lifestyle. Halfway through her first gang bang, she's already so addicted to sex that this lifestyle is the only way she'll be able to feed her addiction. Sitting on the carpet in the middle of a circle of cocks, she's in such a daze she's not sure what to do next.

The guys help her out when they pick her up and carry her over to the bed. Allie told her before they started to just let it happen. Finding herself being carried by four strong men with her panties around her knees, that's all she can do. Ninety minutes of sucking cock has left her delirious and unable to think for herself.

"Are you doing okay, Dani?" a guy asks after she's been laid on the bed. "Do you need a rest?"

"I don't know," is about all she can say.

"Do you feel like going on? We can end it now if you've had enough."

"Don't stop," she says, "I love this. I'm tired, but I still want more."

"Just lie back and relax, sweetheart. We'll take care of you the rest of the way."

Since this is her first gang bang, Dani doesn't realize sucking cock is the hardest part of the night. All she'll have to do now is lie back and let them have their way with her. On her back with her eyes closed, a pair of lips that taste like cum starts kissing her. "Hey, baby," Allie whispers, "looks like you've been having a good time."

"Oh God, Allie," she answers in long, drawn-out words. "I'm so tired, but it feels so wonderful."

"You're tired, baby, because you've been sucking cock for an hour and a half. You feel wonderful because you love sucking cock. Now comes the best part. They're going to reward you for all that cock sucking. Are you ready for a little fucking?"

"Oh, God, Allie. I'm so ready for it. I don't want just a little fucking, I want a lot of fucking."

"Did you hear that, boys?" Allie says. "Oil her up, Dani's ready to be gang banged!"

Still catching her breath from all the cock sucking, Dani lies motionless as the guys lift her legs and spread them apart. She's ready for lube to be poured down her crack, but she's erotically surprised to feel a tongue in her hole instead of a finger. She writhes in ecstasy as they take turns eating her cute ass. It's almost torturous, wanting to be fucked so bad, but enjoying having her ass licked so much.

To the side of her, Allie's on her back with her head hanging over the side as she lets them fuck her throat. Having choked several times earlier trying to swallow cock like that, Dani makes a mental note to ask Allie to teach her how to deep throat a cock.

Allie holds her hand as the last guy eats her out and pours the lube she's been wanting just below her balls. It's so erotic feeling the slippery liquid running down her crack to where his finger is waiting to work it into her hole.

She whimpers and squeezes Allie's hand as a cock head presses against her waiting hole. "Fuck me," she begs as he teases her. "Fuck me, god-dammit," she demands, "please... don't make me wait any longer."

"Ahhhh... Yeah..." she moans as she feels his cock sliding up her hungry ass.

"Is this want you've been wanting?" he says to her.

"You know it is. Fuck me good. Fuck me harder. I want it harder."

"You got it, sweetheart," he says as her pounds her as hard as he can.

"Oh yeah, baby," she moans, "that's how I want it."

She moans harder when he grabs her little cock and jacks her as he fucks. As if that's not enough, another guy straddles her face and forces his cock into her mouth. Allie gets up from her throat-fuck position and cheers the guys on.

"Fuck that little bitch," she tells them. "Can you see how she loves it? She loves being your whore, guys. Show your little cum-slut what it's like to be gang banged."

Allie's having fun with the dirty talk until she gets bent over and suddenly feels a cock ramming up her ass. She wails like a cat in heat as she arches her back to give her fucker a better angle. She sees Dani take a load of cum on her face and leans over to lick it off her cheek.

"Having fun?" she giggles to Dani.

"Oh my God!" Dani shrieks. "This is fuckin' heaven!"

Back on the sideline, Norm and Gary are still enjoying the show.

"I think we've got the hottest whores around," Gary says to Norm.

"You ain't lying!" Norm's excited as he watches their two whores in action. "Wait till we get all three of them on the same bed."

"Oh fuck..." Gary laughs, "Allie, Jill, and Dani. What a slut-show that will be."

"If we get all three of them going, we can let more guys in and make this a real fuck-fest. We could let guys from other clubs come in and charge them premium rates, which, of course, we'll pass on to our girls."

They've got a real two-whore fuck-fest going on right before their eyes. Dani seems insatiable as she takes cock after cock. Getting screwed a few times gave her a second wind. She was on her hands and knees a bit ago taking cock at both ends until someone put her on her back with her ass in the air and knees pushed against her shoulders.

Dani doesn't care what position they want her in, she's in a fuck-doll mentality, and she's loving it. She's always wanted to get gang banged, and it's everything she dreamed it would be. Each time a cock finishes with her, she loves feeling the cum dripping down her crack and the air rushing into her gaping hole.

Allie's about worn out as her last guy gives her a nice slow-fuck on her back to finish off the night. She turns her head to see Dani's legs wrapped around a guy's waist, moving her hips up and down in rhythm with his strokes. Her swollen nipples ache with pleasure as she tries to get a few more strokes from the guy on top of her.

This is the second time he's fucked her tonight, and although he does his best, he can't pump another load into her before he runs out of gas. "Oh god-damn," he pants, "you wear an old man like me out."

"That's the idea, sweetie," Dani giggles.

"Welcome to the Club," he says, "I hope you'll be coming back next time."

"You can count on that," Dani smiles, "you horny fuckers turned me into a whore tonight."

"We love whores like you," he says as he gets off her.

Dani looks around for the next guy to fuck, but she's run out of guys. "Anyone want to fuck me again?" she asks the guys still standing around the bed with limp dicks.

"We'd love to, Dani, but you've worn us all out."

"Wasn't she good?" Allie says as they all cheer. "Isn't she cute with her pretty little titties?" they cheer louder.

"Listen, guys," she gets an idea, "if you like her with little titties, you're gonna love her with bigger titties. Dani wants to have breast augmentation surgery, but it costs a hell of a lot of money to get it done.

"If you'd like to see your new whore with a beautiful set of jugs, and if you can help her out with expenses, I'm asking you to leave a donation with Tony before you go. It's just a little out of your pocket, and it would help this poor little slut out so much. I'm sure she'll let you play with her new tits all you want.

"Anyways, guys, thanks for a fun night, as always. We love you and we'll see you next month. Hopefully, Jill will be able to join us again."

As they get off the bed the room erupts with cheers and clapping as they walk back to the side room. Dani's self-esteem is through the roof like she's never imagined. Her ass is numb and full of cum that's dripping down her legs, but it all feels so good to her, like she's made it as a transwoman.

Some of the guys are chanting, "Dani, Dani, Dani," as they close the door.

"Hey, you little fuckin' whore," Allie giggles at her.

"You got that right," Dani laughs, "I'm a fuckin' whore now, and I never imagined it would feel so good. I don't know what was so afraid of."

"It was all in your head, baby. Jill and I both had to go through it before we admitted to ourselves that we're whores and we were always meant to be whores."

Oh, God... I'm over it now," Dani giggles, "I'm a little fuckin' whore and I ain't never going back."

They grab each other in a hug and lick cum off each other's face until Tony knocks on the door.

"Wow, girls," he says, "just wow. Dani, you've got thirty guys in love with you."

"I love them, too," Dani says as she giggles with satisfaction.

"Well, here's your money envelope... and Dani," he hands her a wad of cash, "this is what the guys donated towards getting your implants done. I didn't count it, they just handed me bills as they were leaving."

"Geez..." she says, "I don't know what to say."

"You can say you'll be back next month," Tony suggests. "You can say you're one of our regular girls now. Are you ready to say that?"

"Yes, I am." Dani declares, "I'm a regular girl now. I'll be back for sure."

"Glad to hear it. We had over twenty guys call to get in after we sold out, so let me know when Jill comes back. I'll let more guys come in to make sure you each get your $3000 every time we do this."

When Tony leaves, Dani's giggling as she goes to the bed to count her money. She knows she has three thousand in the envelope, but he breaks down in tears when she counts another $2200 the guys donated towards her breast surgery. "Gawd, Allie," she cries, "how did you think to ask them for donations to get my tits done?"

"The same way Jill got them to buy us our new house. Do you remember what she said?"


"She said they paid for our house because they're addicted to our asses. Remember this, Dani... when you get a guy addicted to your ass, you can get him to do almost anything you want."

Written by Jilluvscox
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