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The Lion Chapters 7 & 8

"Mel had an idea for a new dildo line called “The Lion”. Instead of balls on the base, it would be a lion’s mane."

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Author's Notes

"No sex, but a continuation and a finish of this part of the story."

Chapter 7

Mel worked with the product design department closely in her expanding role as Chief Revenue Officer (CRO). She had a lot of meetings with Sean and his counterpart Sara Victor. Mel had an idea for a new dildo line called “The Lion”. Instead of balls on the base, it would be a lion’s mane. She thought this would work since lesbian buyers don’t necessarily want to be looking at even a replica of a man’s testicles, but she also thought it would differentiate the line. 

Kat thought it a great idea and she greenlit the project. The standard size was eight inches long. They got Johnny to do a mold of his penis so they knew it would be lifelike. As you can imagine, they had a great time doing the mold which required him to be engorged at full staff for long enough for the mold to set. They accomplished this by having Kat and Mel make love while on the plastic set. It worked beautifully and once the plastic was set, The Lion got his own treats.

Mel, Sean, and Sara were working on the design, colors, packaging and everything. Sean was always pretty quiet, but when he and Sara started talking about design, colors, packaging and other artistic aspects of the project, they started bubbling up with ideas and enthusiasm. Mel sat there watching and listening and realized that Sara was attracted to the very shy Sean. 

Sean was a good-looking man. He was tall like his father, but actually bore a strong resemblance to his mother Kat rather on the thin side. Sara was petite, maybe 5’2” tall, looked like an artist, dressed like an artist because while she made a living being a graphic designer, she truly was an artist in her own right. Sean and Sara kept on talking about the project, Mel excused herself, they didn’t even know she was leaving, they were so caught up in what they were doing, and she headed to Kat’s office.

When she got to Kat’s glass office she was surprised to see Johnny and Maggie there as well. Kat motioned her in and they all stood and hugs and kisses were shared with all. While this was a business, they were all lovers and they loved each other immensely.

Seated, Kat started out saying, “Mel, I was just going to look for you. I’ve got a couple of things for you to sign, and Johnny and Maggie just brought them over.” 

“Sign, you want me to sign something?” Mel asked. 

“Yes. The first document is a royalty agreement. By signing it, you’ll receive 5% of the gross revenue of The Lion product line in perpetuity, forever.” Kat said. Mel sputtered and looked shocked, “Kat, you don’t have to do that, it was just part of my job.” Kat continued, “You may have thought it was part of your job description but I think everyone in this room knows you’ve gone above and beyond normal at this job. Please sign.” Shakily, Mel signed, she didn’t even bother to read it, she knew she was being treated fairly. 

Kat took the signed agreements, signed the three herself, giving a copy to Mel and one to Maggie as Lyons & Shell were representing the KSims company in the matter. Then Kat said, “Mel, How much do we have in pre-orders for The Lion? Mel stuttered, “Five Million dollars.” Kat then turned over another document, a check, and handed a check for $250,000 to Mel.

Mel started crying. While this wasn’t fuck-you money, it was the start of the ability to control her own life, be a strong mother to her children and never have to back down on anything ever again. Through the tears, she yelled, “FUCK YES!” at the top of her voice. She almost leapt across the desk and hugged Kat who was also crying by then. Johnny and Maggie also joined in another hug and kisses ensued. 

A semblance of calm ensued. Then Kat said, “You know, Mel, I wanted you to sign this agreement for absolutely selfish reasons. I’ve got another agreement for you to sign. With that, Kat handed Mel a larger agreement that said “Employment Agreement” at the top. Mel was confused, “But, but Kat, I’m already an employee.” Kat shushed her and told her to keep reading. What Kat saw was that KSims was making her the President of the company. 

She read but didn’t really comprehend what was going on so Kat explained, “Honey, you’ve done an absolutely brilliant job from the very first day of everything you’ve touched. The company and the employees are better because you are here. Plus I’m not getting any younger and the company needs new leadership. We need you. The base salary is $500,000 per year, plus incentives for gross revenue and profits.” 

“All in you should be making one million dollars a year. Along with your royalties, I’d say you can kiss your shithead husband’s family to the curb and do whatever you think is in the best interest of you and your great kids. And lover, no more royalties for new products. Well, not directly as President you can’t earn money that way in the future. That’s the selfish part for me. I’ll have your energy, creative genius and we’ll be one kick-ass team.”

This time Mel didn’t cry. She signed with ferocity and commitment. She handed the documents back to Kat and said, “I’m ready to get started.” As Kat was signing her set, a loud “pop” was heard as Johnny had opened a bottle of Dom Perignon and was filling champagne glasses for the four of them. As they toasted all around, Mel interrupted them with an, “Oh, oh, I almost forgot why I was coming to your office. Kat, I think Sara Victor, the really cute designer, has a crush on Sean. And I promise you Sean has a crush on her. And, they are so cute together.”

This time, it was Kat’s turn to start crying. She dearly loved her son, she knew how special he was, but he was so shy, she’d never dreamed he would ever have what she now had, her heart was overflowing.” Through her tears, Kat wanted to know what she could do. 

Mel said, “Leave it to me. When Sara interviewed, it was only a couple of days after I started, I sat in. While Sara is a graphic designer, to pay the bills, she showed some of her artwork which is her passion. Her work is complex and rich, more realistic than Sean’s abstractions, but I bet they can learn from each other.” 

“How about inviting Sean over for dinner Saturday, I’ll bring my boys, Johnny will get his family over, Maggie of course, then I’ll have a special project for Sara, and ask her to bring it to your house as it’s a rush, then when she drops it off, invite her to stay for the afternoon. I’ll lead Sean into showing his artwork, then see if art and nature can lead them together.”

Kat was overwhelmed, she continued to cry, as she hugged Melanie and told her how much she loved her. It was reciprocal. As they looked up, Johnny was holding Maggie, they smiled and he said, “Well, that looked like so much fun we didn’t want to get left out.” as he planted a sweet kiss on Maggie’s lips.

John then said, “Ladies, I’m buying lunch. It’s a beautiful day. I know a place with a great outdoor patio and pool, Dom is already chilled, food in the refrigerator and clothing is optional.”

With hoots and hollers, they left the office but not before telling everybody to take the remainder of the day off, take their wife, kids, significant others out for a nice lunch and expense it, as a gift for all their great work.

Johnny and Kat led Mel and Maggie to their house, where they rapidly stripped off their clothes, grabbed some more champagne and food and headed to the poolside. 

The Lion roared a number of times that afternoon and into the wee hours of the night and morning.

Chapter 8

Three months passed.

Ben Johnson came home late one night. He was back from another two-week golf trip. The house was quiet. He’d also been out late drinking. He was hammered and unsteady. He noticed, but didn’t really care, that when he came back to town, Melanie had sent the boys to her parents and she told him she was staying with a girlfriend. Shit, he didn’t really care. He didn’t give a shit about the boys either. It was just friction in his life. They were a weight around his neck, an anchor. If he just hadn’t got married no telling what he would have been doing. 

He stumbled around and headed to the bar. He poured himself some scotch, hell, make it a double he said to himself. He didn’t even bother to put ice cubes in the glass. He sat down and took a big hit. It was cheap scotch, but it was all he could afford. His family had him on a tight budget, and wouldn't let him earn any money. He was fucked.

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He had consumed about half the drink when the doorbell started ringing. He tried to ignore it. The ringing became insistent. He got up and traipsed to the door, opening with a big grunt and a “What the hell... “ And promptly shut up.

Outside were three black Suburbans. On his porch were four men in suits, with armored vests on, with hands on their guns. The vests said “FBI”. Behind them were four other uniformed men, all with full riot gear, drawn semi-automatic weapons, all of them pointed at him.

The tall man closest to him said, “Mr. Johnson, I’m agent Able from the FBI. We’d like you to come with us as we have a few questions for you. At this time you are not under arrest, nor do we anticipate that you will be charged with anything. We would like you to come willingly as a gesture of goodwill.”

Ben asked, “Should I call my lawyer?”

Agent Able replied, “You always have that right. We are not anticipating your answers will lead to any charges, but should it change for any reason we will give you ample opportunity to call your lawyer.”

Ben had drunk just enough that he fooled himself into thinking he could handle the situation, so he grabbed a coat, and followed the men into the waiting vehicles.

As the motorcade proceeded to downtown Chicago, sobriety was starting to tickle at the edges of Ben’s bravado and he started sweating.

The Suburbans pulled into a nondescript office building’s basement. A guard at the door let them in and swiftly they were in an elevator and headed up somewhere. Ben was led into a small interior conference room and offered coffee. He asked for something stronger, and after getting no response settled on coffee. He sat in the room with one of the agents who didn’t speak for about ten minutes, when the door opened and John Lyon strode into the room with agent Able.

Ben’s eyes narrowed. “What the fuck,” he said to himself.

John and Agent Able sat down. 

Agent Able started. “Mr. Johnson, at 6 PM tonight your father, your mother and your older brother were arrested by Federal agents on multiple murder, money laundering and sex trafficking charges. The claims this office was able to bring against them were so vast and so compelling that they, along with about 60-70 other persons are being held without bail or any chance of bail.”

“The case broke about a year ago following a wreck that resulted in the deaths of ten Dominican men and women who were being transported in a truck for purpose of selling them into sex slavery. The trucking company is owned by your family. We got a break on the case when John Lyon sued the trucking company on behalf of a plaintiff who had been hit and paralyzed in the accident. The trucking company subsequently filed for bankruptcy hoping to avoid being caught. Your family had hidden the ownership of the trucking company well and it was only through some incredible computer expertise that the entire operation was exposed, the case built and the defendants found their way to jail.”

Able continued, “Mr. Johnson, do you have any knowledge of your family's trucking business holdings, sex trafficking efforts or murder for hire that they have conducted.”

Ben looked down at the floor, and said, “No.”

Agent Able continued, “We think this is your lucky day. For whatever reason, your family didn’t trust you in the family business. We found no evidence of any kind that you were involved or had even minimal peripheral knowledge of what the family enterprise was all about.”

“I will tell you that all assets of the companies owned or operated by your family have been frozen. This means bank accounts, both personal and corporate, cars, homes, boats and everything else owned by this criminal organization are now in the ownership of the US government. That includes the house you are living in currently.”

Agent Able slid a legal document to Ben and said, “This is your thirty-day eviction notice for the house you are living in that is owned by your family.”

“You are free to go but you might want to take a few minutes and talk with Mr. Lyon.”

Agent Able got up, shook John’s hand, gathered his materials and walked out the door leaving John and Ben alone.

John started, “Ben, you have no job, no business to go back to. Your relationship with your wife and your children is non-existent.”

“Thankfully, financially Melanie doesn’t need anything from you. While you were conducting whatever company business that you were allowed to do, Melanie got a huge job and now she’s president of a $100 Million dollar business. She legitimately makes seven figures a year in base salary commissions and bonuses.”

“She has recently purchased a new house so she doesn’t have to live in the hand-me-down your family doled out.”

“She doesn’t need you.”

“But, but for some reason, she still loves and feels that you can become a good man again.”

“Can you Ben?”

Ben looked up for the first time. For the first time in years he wasn’t afraid or ashamed. He didn’t have a clue of what to do next, but he knew he’d never have to deal with his fucked up family again. But, he was still scared shitless.

Ben said, “She still loves me?

John smiled and said to himself, “There may still be hope.”

John quietly said, “Yes.”

John continued, “There are stipulations. You have to deal with your alcoholism. You’ve got to deal with your family abuse. While it may not have been physical abuse, it was mental corruption that you’ve dealt with your entire life. It will be like dealing with a form of PTSD since the whole world will be all-new for you. You’ve been in a prison, which you allowed to happen to yourself of course, and only you can change the narrative.”

“You’ll sign a divorce decree subject to the terms of treatment. If you fail to abide by the terms of your treatment, then the divorce will go through and you will lose your wife and family. You will receive compensation if you do not abide, but you will only receive that one-time stipend.”

“You can only be released from the divorce decree if released by the treatment facility or by Melanie.”

Ben said, “She still loves me?

John quietly said, “Yes.”

Ben began to cry. The relief of having a choice of having a chance and having Melanie still love him was overwhelming.

John let him cry. It was the first time he had experienced Ben as not an asshole.

John started slowly reading to Ben all of the stipulations to the treatment, where it was going to be, how long, visitation by Melanie and by the boys and all the myriad details associated with this treatment to try to fix, at least partially, his broken life.

When he was done, John slid the papers to Ben which were clearly marked where to sign. He signed without reading them. He never asked what the compensation was to be.

Ben looked up at John, The weight of the world seemed off of his shoulders. He asked John, “This starts immediately doesn’t it.” 

John shook his head yes.

Ben continued, “I think I’ve sobered up. Would you allow me to go home, pack a small bag, I don’t need anything from my old life anyway, go get cleaned up to travel and may I see Melanie before I go?”

John shook his head yes, and added, “I’ll drive you.”

Ben humbly said, “Thank you.”

Both men were quiet as they drove to Ben’s old house. It didn’t take long for Ben to clean up, grab a small bag of toiletries, underwear, golf shirts and jeans and he was ready.

They drove quietly for a while, ultimately pulling over to a diner on the way to the airport. Melanie was standing outside of her car waiting.

Ben got out of the car and walked up to Melanie, she hugged him, Ben reciprocated, put his head on her shoulder and began sobbing. 

Ben was broken. 

Melanie held him and over time he stopped crying.

John could tell that Melanie was talking to him but he couldn’t hear what she was saying. He didn’t need to know anyway. Shortly thereafter, Melanie softly kissed Ben, walked away, got in her car and drove off.

Ben got into John’s car, said “Thank you” and John headed to the airport. He didn’t utter a word. At the airport, John handed Ben the airline tickets and some cash, shook his hand and said simply, “Good luck.” Ben got out and headed inside the terminal.

Written by GhostedWriter97
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