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‘Goodness, Mr. Chambers!’ Talulah Middleton-Jones’s head dropped onto her teacher’s pillow, her mass of dark hair splayed out. ‘Is four times in one night normal?’

Beside her Dean Chambers draped his arm across his forehead. ‘Not really,’ he replied, his breathing beginning to slow.

‘Well, I’m certainly glad it’s Sunday tomorrow,’ the pretty eighteen-year old, said, looking at the expensive watch on her wrist. ‘Or rather, today. It’s almost 5am.’

Dean nodded as Talulah snuggled in beside him, feeling himself drifting off to sleep.

‘Mr. Chambers.’ The whisper close to his ear started to bring Dean out of his slumber and his eyes fluttered.

‘Mr. Chambers,’ Talulah repeated. ‘It’s almost 6 o’clock. Do you think I should go?’

A surge of panic brought Dean upright and he looked at his student. ‘It’s 6 o’clock?’ he asked.

‘Yes sir,’ Talulah replied, confused ‘We’ve been asleep for almost an hour.’

Dean relaxed, looking at the watch on his student’s slender wrist. ‘Oh,’ he sighed. ‘When you said 6 o’clock I thought you meant in the evening.’

Talulah giggled. ‘No, sir. 6am. Do you think I should leave in case any of the other teachers come back?’

Dean nodded. ‘Yes, that’s probably a good idea.’

He watched as Talulah sat up and stretched, the bedside lamp and the early morning sun coming through his window illuminating her naked body. Pretending she hadn’t seen him watching her, Talulah crawled across his legs to the side of the bed, standing up. She looked at her teacher. ‘Did you have a nice time, sir?’ she asked, comfortable in her nakedness.

‘I did,’ he replied. ‘Did you?’

‘Of course, sir.’ Her blue eyes sparkled ‘I hope we get to do this again.’

Dean knew that that shouldn’t happen,  but he also knew there was no way he would be able to resist her. He nodded. ‘I’d really like that,’ he said. ‘But we have to be careful.’

‘Of course,’ Talulah said. ‘Perhaps we could spend a weekend at a hotel.’

She unzipped her gym bag, taking out a sports bra and matching thong before dropping in the lacy underwear she’d been wearing the previous evening. She could feel her teacher’s eyes on her as she stepped into the Lycra knickers, turning so he could see the back disappear between her firm buttocks. She turned to face him again, pulling the sports bra over her head and squeezing her large breasts inside, adjusting them until they were pushed into a deep cleavage.

Dean realised he was staring, Talulah’s piercing eyes locking with his. She smiled, enjoying the attention.

‘Shall I still come to your classroom tomorrow after school?’ she asked.

The thought of having a student alone in his classroom caused him anxiety, but the image of Talulah in her uniform overtook and he nodded.

‘Wonderful,’ she said smiling brightly. ‘I’ll be there after netball practice.’

The whistle pierced the air of the gymnasium, bringing the sixth form girls to a halt. Jess Stokes looked around at her netball team, their shouts replaced by loud breathing, perspiration dripping from foreheads and lank hair.

‘Miss, it’s so hot!’ wailed Imogen, bent over.

‘It’s character building,’ Jess replied with a laugh.

Victoria wafted her top. ‘She’s right, Miss. I’m hotter than Stephanie’s knickers on a Saturday night.’ She looked over at her best friend, grinning as the pretty blonde glared at her, trying to hide a laugh.

‘Victoria,’ Jess said, exasperated. ‘Have  your parents ever thought of sending you to Lady’s College? To make you more like, well, like a lady?’

Victoria grinned. ‘Sorry miss,’ she replied. ‘Sometimes funny things just come into my head and I say them.’

‘Okay,’ her teacher said, ‘but perhaps try thinking before you speak.’

‘Understood, Miss Stokes,’ Victoria said, tapping her forehead, eliciting a withering look from her teacher.

Jess flopped into her office chair, it was the last class of the day and she was exhausted - a state which, given the volume from the changing rooms, didn’t seem to be affecting the girls.

She loved netball practice, particularly with the older team because their skill levels were so much higher than the lower years. Of course, seeing her sixth form team in the showers was a distraction, but she always remained professional and usually waited in her office until they were getting dressed.

Jess shook her head, she couldn’t let herself think about the girls like that, at least not until she was back in her room. She had been particularly horny today, and Victoria’s earlier comment about Steph’s underwear hadn’t helped. Not that that was a bad thing, Stephanie was a sexy little thing and hearing Victoria’s naughty comment was arousing.

Jess groaned, she had to stop these thoughts. She stood up, the girls had been in the showers long enough, she needed to get them out so she could go back to her room.

In the changing rooms the girls were out of the showers and in various stages of undress.

‘Where’s Victoria?’ Jess asked, looking around. It might be the end of the school day, but that was no excuse for anyone to leave early.

‘I’m here, Miss Stokes,’ Victoria said,  emerging naked from the showers,  having not bothered to wrap herself in a towel, her long hair pulled back from her face. ‘Sorry, Miss,’ the pretty brunette said. ‘I left my watch in the gymnasium and I went to fetch it.’

‘Okay, well hurry up,’ Jess said ‘Everyone else is getting dressed.’ She watched as Victoria walked over to her gym bag on the bench next to where Talulah was standing in just a pair of white cotton knickers.

‘It was a good practice today,’ Victoria said, picking up her towel. ‘I thought Imogen played particularly well. And ‘Lulah,’ she looked at her topless friend. ‘Your boobs are looking great.’

Talulah giggled and beside her Imogen coughed, a cloud of brown dust spraying out of her mouth.

‘Victoria, please,’ Jess said, stifling a smile. ‘Will you hurry up. Imogen are you okay?’

Imogen, a blonde ‘English Rose’ with large brown eyes, held up her hand as she coughed again. ‘Yes, Miss,’ she said. ‘I feel like I’m coming down with a cold, so I’m taking some ginger to ward it off.’

Fastening her bra Victoria looked over at her. ‘I bet that’s not the first time you’ve choked on a ginger,’ she said, causing Talulah to snort and Stephanie, who was watching from the other bench, to gasp and put her hand to her mouth.

‘Victoria!’ Jess shouted. ‘One more and you’ll be in trouble.’

‘Sorry, Miss,’ Victoria said, stepping into her skirt.

Silence fell across the changing rooms.

‘Why would Stephanie’s knickers be hot?’ Lily asked from the other side of the changing room.

‘Oh! Why me?’ Stephanie asked, throwing up her hands.

‘Well, we don’t know what she gets up to in her room,’ Victoria replied.

‘Not much chance of anything exciting happening in an all girls school,’ Lily replied. ‘Especially since Steph’s straight.’

‘So is spaghetti until it gets wet,’ Victoria said with a cheeky smile.

‘Right, that’s it, Victoria!’ Jess said, surprised at the remark but trying not to laugh. ‘Get out. Go and -,’ she paused, lost for an ending to her sentence. ‘Just be somewhere else.’

Victoria jumped at her teacher’s outburst and Jess narrowed her eyes at her student, but the smile creasing the corners of her mouth belied her amusement and Victoria stifled a giggle.

‘Yes, Miss,’ she said, hurrying towards the door.

Outside the gym, Victoria waited for her friends. As they walked out the door into the hallway she giggled.

‘What has got into you today?’ Talulah asked shaking her head.

Victoria shrugged. ‘I just say what pops into my head.’

‘Well, I think you may have overstepped the mark with Miss Stokes today,’ Stephanie said, concern for her friend clouding her pretty face.

‘No,’ Victoria replied. ‘Miss Stokes is okay. She was trying not to laugh. What are you both doing now?’

‘I have lots of laundry to do,’ Stephanie replied.

‘Do you mind if I come along?,’ Victoria asked.‘

‘Of course,’ Stephanie replied, smiling at her friend. ’Lulah, what are you doing?’

The question appeared to catch Talulah off guard and for a moment she was silent. ‘I have to speak to Miss Stokes about the upcoming netball matches,’ she said, her confidence growing as she spoke. ‘You know, team captain and all that.’

Stephanie frowned. ‘I thought you did that before practice.’

Talulah looked a little flustered but quickly composed herself. ‘I did,’ she said. ‘But we still have a couple of tournaments to discuss.’ She looked at her friends. ‘Why don’t you two go back to the dormitory and I’ll see you later for dinner.’

‘Okay,’ Victoria replied, linking arms with Stephanie. ‘We’ll see you in the refectory later.’

Talulah nodded, turning and walking back through the gym doors. Letting the doors close behind her she stopped before turning and opening them again, poking her head out. The hallway was empty except for her two friends walking towards the exit. Giving them a few more seconds to make their way down the corridor she stepped out, hurrying in the opposite direction.

Stephanie pushed open the heavy wooden door, groaning with the effort and squinting in the afternoon sunshine.

‘Shit!’ Victoria said, opening her bag.

Beside her Stephanie gave a gasp.

‘What?’ Victoria asked.

‘Well,’ said Stephanie, a look of admonishment on her face. ‘You said a swear.’

Victoria rolled her eyes. ‘I’ve left my text book in Mr. Chambers’ classroom,’ she said. ‘Are you coming with me to get it?’

Stephanie let her head fall back in exasperation. ‘Ohhh,’ she moaned. ‘I don’t want to walk all the way back there. Can’t you get it and I’ll meet you after I’ve done my laundry?’

Victoria looked back down the deserted corridor. Despite all her bravado she didn’t like being in the creepy school buildings on her own, recalling all the stories about which hallways and rooms were haunted told to them by the older girls when they had first joined the school. And although she didn’t fully believe them, they played on her mind. ‘No, come with me,’ she said, tugging her friend’s arm.

Stephanie sighed in resignation, following Victoria back through the door, stomping her feet in protest.

The two girls chatted as they walked, their shoes echoing off the solid walls and high ceilings. Ahead was Mr. Chambers’ classroom and as they approached, Stephanie stepped to the wall opposite, studying the notice board. She was just reading about a late night nature walk around the school grounds being arrange by some of the students when she felt her arm being tugged. Letting out a yelp she stumbled across the hallway, Victoria’s hand still clutching the sleeve of her blazer.

‘What on earth -,’ Stephanie began but was quickly silenced by her friend.

‘Sshh,’ Victoria said, looking through the glass panel in the classroom door.

‘What?’ Stephanie asked, following her friend’s gaze. Inside the classroom she could see Dean Chambers standing in front of his desk, his arms around Talulah, kissing his student.

‘Oh no,’Stephanie whispered, sighing wearily. ‘Not this again.’

Victoria glanced at her. ‘What do you mean, again?’ she asked. ‘Did you know about this?’

Stephanie froze. What should she do? Tell Victoria she didn’t know anything and lie to her best friend? Or betray her other friend, and risk upsetting Victoria for not having told her sooner?

‘I -, well -, you see -,’ she stuttered nervously before throwing up her hands, exasperated but strangely relieved that someone else knew her secret. ‘Yes,’ she said in frustration. ‘Those two have been shagging for weeks, and I knew about it. And now you’re going to hate me because you’re my best friend and I  didn’t tell you. But what was I supposed to do? Talulah called me and asked me what I’d seen  -, or heard, and then asked if I was going to tell anyone. And I said I wouldn’t, and then I couldn’t tell you because I would have been breaking my promise.’ She paused. ‘And now I’ve broken my promise because I’ve just told you, so now I’m probably going to go to Hell, which isn’t fair because it’s not me that’s been shagging my teacher. And now I’ve said shagging twice which means that I’ll probably be in Hell with my grandmother who was horrible. And now I’ve made it even worse because I’ve just spoken ill of the dead.’ Finishing her tirade Stephanie put her face in her hands, her tousled hair falling forward.

‘They’re actually shagging?’ Victoria asked, not taking her eyes off the scene. ‘And not just doing this?’

‘Oh!’ Stephanie moaned. ‘Can we stop using the word ‘shagging’? I know I said it, but it so course. Can’t we use something like -,’

‘Stephanie!’ her friend hissed. ‘Focus. How long have they been at it?’

‘About a month.’

‘A month?’ Victoria whispered. ‘Ohh Talulah Middleton-Jones, you naughty little thing.’

‘You’re not going to tell anyone or tease her are you?’ Stephanie asked.

‘Of course not,’ her friend replied. ‘I’m proud of her. While we’re in our rooms in the evenings with our vibrators, she’s getting it from and real life cock. Good girl.’

‘Speak for yourself about our evening activities,’ Stephanie said. ‘I don’t do anything like that.’

Turning her head Victoria shot her a knowing look.

‘Fine!’ Stephanie said, crossing her arms, her cheeks flushing.

Inside the classroom, Dean was untucking Talulah’s blouse, sliding his hands up her back, causing her to moan into his mouth.

As Dean’s hands moved higher Victoria could see her friend’s bra strap and she watched as her teacher unhooked it. Then he stopped, pulling away and walking towards the door.

‘Shit!’ she whispered, moving away from the small window.

Beside her Stephanie groaned. ‘Oh! Another swear. I’m definitely going to Hell,’ she said as her friend grabbed her hand, pulling her away from the door. Standing with their backs pressed against the wall Victoria heard the blind being pulled down and the door being locked.

She leaned forward. ‘Oh, well now we can’t see,’ she complained.

‘Good,’ Stephanie sighed. ‘Can we go now?’

‘What? No,’ her friend replied. ‘Come on.’ She grabbed Stephanie’s hand.

‘Where are we going now?’ Stephanie whined. ‘I have laundry to do.’

‘Laundry can wait. I want to see if our friend and our teacher are going to be shagging.’

Stephanie huffed as she was pulled away from the classroom, stamping her feet again. ‘But we can’t see. They’ve pulled the blind down.’

Walking a few feet down the corridor Victoria stopped at a storeroom door. Stephanie looked confused and her eyes grew wide as Victoria turned the doorknob, pulling it open and stepping inside, dragging Stephanie behind her and closing the door.

‘Shhh,’ Victoria whispered putting her finger to her lips in the darkness.

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‘What are we doing?’ Stephanie whispered-, looking around, feeling as though she had been in this room before.

‘This way,’ Victoria replied, leading her friend across the small room to where shafts of light were coming through slats in another door. ‘This is the store cupboard at the back of our classroom,’ she whispered. ‘We can see in.’

She tilted the wooden slats until they had a clear view into the room. Inside, Talulah was now topless, her back to them, kissing Dean. From their hiding place Victoria could see that he had one hand on her breast while the other had lifted her skirt holding her bottom.

‘I’m not sure we should be watching this,’ Stephanie said, peering through the slats. She was about to turn away when Talulah started to lower herself, her hands reaching for her teacher’s belt and zip. Dean turned to lean back on one of the front row desks, giving the two girls a side view of their friend’s large breasts, her nipples hard with excitement.

‘Talulah’s tits look great,’ Victoria whispered.

Stephanie gasped, watching as she pulled Dean’s trousers and boxer shorts down, his erection springing up.

‘I don’t think I can watch,’ Stephanie said, not taking her eyes off the scene as Talulah ran her hand along Dean’s hard shaft, before taking the tip in her mouth, sucking as she stroked him.

‘Ooh, she really likes sucking his cock,’ Victoria whispered with a chuckle.

‘Oh! Say penis,’ Stephanie said, nudging her friend. ‘That’s so crude.’

The pretty brunette looked at her friend out of the corner of her eye, smirking. ‘I wonder if he likes licking her pussy?’

Stephanie tutted, but couldn’t help thinking that that sounded nice.

‘What’s she doing now?’ Stephanie asked as Talulah released Dean’s cock from her mouth and moved closer. ‘Oh! She’s putting it between her boobs.’

‘Can you blame her?’ Victoria said. ‘Her tits were made to have a cock between them.’ She stifled a giggle as she felt Stephanie push her shoulder.

Talulah looked down, watching the swollen tip of her teacher’s erection slide up and down between her breasts, licking it each time he thrust up.

The only sound in the store cupboard was the girl’s breathing, and Victoria fought the urge to slip her hand into the knickers, which she new were getting wetter by the moment. Had she been alone she wouldn’t have hesitated in playing with herself.

Turmoil rushed around Stephanie’s stomach, but she couldn’t stop watching. She could feel her nipples had hardened and were pressed against her bra, bringing back memories of hiding in the toilet, hearing her friend and her teacher in the changing rooms. She could hear Mr. Chambers’s groans as he thrust between Talulah’s breasts and saw him tilt his head closer to her.

‘What did he say?’ she asked.

‘I don’t know,’ Victoria replied. ‘I couldn’t hear him over the waterfall in your knickers.’

‘Shut up,’ Stephanie said, but she could already feel how wet she was.

Talulah nodded, standing up. Reaching under her skirt she pulled her knickers down, kicking them off over she shoes. She turned and bent over the desk behind her, lifting her skirt.

‘Thats my desk,’ Stephanie said, shocked, as her friend’s breasts pressed onto it.

‘You’ll never look at it in the same way again,’ Victoria giggled.

Talulah looked over her shoulder as Dean kicked off his trousers and underwear, lining his hard on up to his student’s glistening vagina.

‘I’ve never seen a cock in real life,’ Victoria continued. ‘Mr. Chambers’s looks nice.’

Beside her Stephanie nodded, watching as her teacher’s penis slid inside Talulah.

Talulah let out a long moan as Dean pushed slowly into her, one hand reaching around to her breast, the other sliding up her back and into her thick hair, gripping it at the top of her neck, pulling gently. Talulah’s body reacted instantly and she went limp.

Victoria pointed. ‘Ooh, I read about that while I was at home at half-term,’ she whispered. ‘I can’t remember what it’s called, but it makes the girl go all relaxed. Like this.’ She reached over, sliding her hand up Stephanie’s neck, tangling her fingers in her hair.

‘Stop it!’ Stephanie hissed, pushing her hand away. But even as she protested, she noticed how nice it felt and she shuddered, the  sensation adding to her arousal at watching Dean thrusting into Talulah.

‘Oh, yes sir!’ Talulah gasped with each of her teacher’s forceful thrusts.

‘Oh, she still calls him sir,’ Victoria whispered. ‘That’s so sexy.’

Leaning forward Dean whispered into Talulah’s ear and a moment later he was stepping back, his hard on sliding out of her, bouncing up, slick with her wetness  .

‘Have they finished?’ Stephanie asked.

‘No, I think they’re just changing positions,’ Victoria replied, watching as her friend turned around, lifting herself onto the desk and opening her legs for her teacher.

‘Wonderful,’ Stephanie moaned. ‘Now her bum is on my desk.’

‘Thats the least of your concerns,’ Victoria said. ‘If she’s half as wet as I am, she’ll be dripping all over it too.’

Stephanie huffed, her eyes growing wide as she saw Dean kneel down between Talulah’s thighs, his tongue slipping inside her, sliding up over her clitoris.

‘Well, that answers my question,’ Victoria whispered.

Talulah let out a gasp at the sensation, her eyes closing, her hands holding the back of Dean’s head. Moving closer, he held her thighs, his hands sliding up to her breasts, gently pinching her nipples causing Talulah to whisper his name.

‘Mr. Chambers, that feels so nice,’ she said, her body tensing as she felt him suck her clitoris between his lips, flicking with his tongue. She moaned louder as the intensity grew.

Between her legs, Dean watched his student’s face, her mouth open as her breathing deepened, her body twitching.

‘Oh, sir,’ she called. ‘I’m close.’

‘Close to what?’ Stephanie asked, instantly regretting her questing.

‘Cumming,’ Victoria replied. ‘We’re going to hear our friend cum.’

‘It won’t be the first time,’ Stephanie said under her breath.

‘What do you mean?’ Victoria asked. ‘Are you talking about when we’re away on tournaments?’

‘Uh, yes,’ Stephanie replied quickly.

Beside her Victoria thought for a moment. ‘That’s not what you meant, is it?’ she said, looking out of the corner of her eye at her friend. ‘Have you seen them do this before?’

‘No,’ Stephanie said quietly. ‘I heard them in the changing rooms. That’s how I found out.’

‘Did you hear them cum?’

Stephanie nodded.

‘Oh, you lucky cow!’ Victoria replied, a grin on her face. ‘Tell me about it later.’

‘Just ask Talulah,’ Stephanie said, quietly. ‘I’m sure she’d be happy to tell you - while you’re touching yourself.’

Victoria looked confused but returned her attention to Talulah and her teacher.

Dean had slowed his movements on Talulah’s clitoris, keeping her on the edge. Her body trembled as her orgasm built slowly, she moaned again and Dean licked faster, hearing his student call out as her orgasm burst through her.

‘Goodness!’ Stephanie said, her eyes fixed on her friend and their teacher.

‘I know,’ Victoria replied. ‘I think they both enjoyed that.’

‘It certainly looked like she did,’ Stephanie whispered.

‘Are you wishing that was you in there?’ her friend asked. Victoria’s nipples were aching and sensitive and she could only imagine how intense her own orgasm would be when she got back to her room.

Stephanie didn’t reply, but the thought of a man between her thighs, licking her clit gave her goosebumps.

The sound of Talulah’s gentle moans as her orgasm subsided made Dean’s erection flex.

‘Sir, come up here,’ Talulah whispered, opening her eyes, looking down between her thighs to where Dean knelt, his mouth this covering her vagina.

Dean stood, holding Talulah’s legs over his arms. Reaching between her thighs, she held Dean’s erection, guiding him inside her, wrapping her legs around him as his hands held her breasts, his fingers scissoring her nipples. Dean could feel Talulah’s shoes digging into his buttocks as he pushed deeper into her. She looked up at him and smiled, her mouth falling open as his movements sped up.

‘Ohh,’ Talulah moaned. ‘Don’t stop. I’m going to cum again, sir.’

Talulah didn’t know if she was about to have another orgasm or her teacher was reigniting her previous one, but she didn’t care, moaning and running her fingers through her hair as Dean thrust harder. The back of her hand was over her mouth and she bit her finger. She could feel her orgasm building and she reached between her legs, her fingertips raking gently over the delicate skin of Dean’s balls. He groaned louder and she stopped, not wanting him to cum yet.

‘Don’t stop, sir,’ she said, pulling him with her legs, increasing the depth of his thrusts.

‘Mr. Chambers,’ Talulah sighed, nibbling her finger. ‘That feels so good.’

‘You feel amazing,’ Dean replied. ‘And you look so fucking sexy.’

‘Really, sir?’ she said, opening her eyes. ‘You’re so hard, and I sound so wet.’

‘You are really wet,’ Dean replied.

‘Please don’t stop, sir.’ She let out another moan.

‘Sir, I’m so close,’ Talulah called between gasps, pressing her hands onto his, increasing the pressure on her breasts. ‘You’re going to make me cum.

Dean sped up his movements, the desk beneath Talulah rocking with his thrusts.

‘Sir, play with my nipples,’ she said, watching her teacher’s face, crying out as he stroked her stiff buds. Her body tensed and her legs trembled as she came again, panting and moaning.

‘She’s louder than when she’s playing with herself when we’re away at a tournament,’ Victoria giggled.

Stephanie shook her head. ‘And I thought she talked a lot in class.’

Did Mr. Chambers cum too?’ Victoria asked.

Talulah looked up at Dean.  ‘Did you cum too, sir?’

‘No not yet, but I’m close.’

‘Good,’ Talulah said, sitting up and pushing him back, letting her teacher’s erection slip from her hot cleft. Sliding off the desk she dropped to her knees, taking his shaft in her hand and the tip in her mouth. ‘I taste nice on you, sir,’ she said, flashing her blue eyes at him before taking him back in her mouth.

‘Ahh! Talulah, yes,’ Dean said, looking down at her.

Talulah sucked, her cheeks hollowing, her free hand moving up to hold and massage his balls. He panted again and she released his cock from her mouth with a pop.

‘Sir,’ she said, looking up at him. ‘Cum on my tits.’

‘Oh ‘Lulah, you naughty bitch,’ Victoria whispered. ‘Good girl.’ Beside her Stephanie’s mind shot back to the movie she’d seen on her cousin’s laptop. Her hand moved to her mouth as she watched her friend jerking her teacher’s hard shaft, her breasts shaking with the movement. In the classroom Mr. Chambers let out a groan and the two girls watched as he came, spraying their friend’s face and breasts with spurts of cum.

Talulah closed her eyes as she saw her teacher’s body jerk, feeling the first ropes land on her face. Angling his cock down, she kept stroking, the rest of his cum spurting onto her breasts. Her hand slowed and she watched the last drops of cum fall from Dean’s cock, joining the rest that were running down her cleavage to her flat stomach.

‘Oh my gosh,’ Stephanie said quietly. ‘He did it all over her.’

Victoria looked at her and grinned. ‘I wonder if it’s good for your skin.’

‘At least he didn’t do it in her mouth this time,’ Stephanie said, shaking her head. Her mind was a mess of arousal, shock and guilt at watching her friend’s intimate moment.

‘Has he cum in her mouth before?’ Victoria asked. Stephanie hesitated, not wanting to make eye contact, her silence answering her friend’s question.

‘Oh, Talulah, you naughty girl,’ Victoria whispered, smiling.

Dean Chambers looked down at his student kneeling in front of him.

‘Are you okay, Talulah?’ he asked. ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cum all over your face.’

‘Don’t apologise, sir. I loved it,’ she said, licking the last of his cum off his cock before putting her lips on his tip and giving one final suck. Dean leaned back on the desk behind him.

‘Well, he certainly made a mess,’ Victoria said, watching as Dean picked up his trousers, took a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiped Talulah’s face. ‘But at least he’s cleaning up after himself.’

‘Thank you, sir,’ Talulah said, standing up. ‘But I think I want to walk back to my dormitory with your cum on my tits.’ She smiled cheekily at him.

‘That’s so sexy,’ Dean replied.

‘That IS so sexy,’ Victoria whispered.

‘I’m glad you think so, sir,’ she said, stepping closer to him, pressing her lips to his, feeling his hands reach for her breasts again.

‘Mr. Chambers certainly likes playing with her boobs,’ Stephanie said.

‘Can you blame him?’ Victoria replied.

‘I should probably go soon, sir,’ Talulah said, stepping back but making no attempt to cover her breasts or lower her skirt. ‘I’m meeting Stephanie and Victoria for dinner.’

Dean nodded. Despite his anxiety he felt bad about her having to leave as soon as they’d finished.

Talulah bent to pick up her shirt. ‘At least I have all the buttons on my blouse this time.’

‘This time?’ Victoria said, looking at Stephanie. ‘Have they done it in there before?’

Stephanie shrugged. ‘I don’t know. I only know about the changing rooms and the cinema.’

‘Cinema?’ Victoria was about to start questioning her friend when she heard Talulah speak.

‘Would you think me very naughty if I walked back without my bra and knickers again?’

‘The thought of you with no underwear is so sexy,’ Dean replied.

‘Really, sir? Well, we have a class tomorrow, perhaps I should leave my bra and knickers in my room.’

Dean groaned. ‘You’d walk around all day with no underwear?’

‘Of course, sir. It would make me feel so sexy. And every time you saw me you would know that my boobs and tight little vagina would be uncovered.’

She flashed her eyes at her teacher before slipping on her blouse, the material becoming opaque as it touched her teacher’s cum on her flesh.

‘Come on,’ Stephanie whispered. ‘We need to leave. If they see us coming out of this cupboard we could get into trouble.’

‘Trouble?’ Victoria asked. ‘How can we be in trouble?’

‘Oh, you know what I mean,’ Stephanie said, her voice pained. ‘It’ll be really awkward and I don’t want ‘Lulah knowing that we spied on her. She’s lovely and I don’t want to upset her.’

‘You’re right,’ Victoria said. ‘But you need to tell me everything you know about them.’

‘Oh, no,’ Stephanie whined. ‘Really? It’s so embarrassing.’

‘Come on, Stephy,’ Victoria said, tugging her sleeve. ‘It’s so sexy, and I need something else to think about when I’m with my vibrator. I don’t think my imagination is going to keep doing the job.’

‘You’re so uncouth,’ Stephanie said, stepping away from the door. ‘Why do you have to tell me about you and your vibrator?’ But she knew that she would be replaying the scene in her head the next time she was alone in her room.

‘Oh, like you weren’t using yours doggy style on Saturday ,’ Victoria said.

‘Sshhh!’ Stephanie hissed, putting her hand over her eyes, her cheeks flushing,

Dean pulled up his trousers, tucking his now semi-hard penis back inside. Straightening her blazer and tie Talulah raised onto her toes, kissed her teacher and headed for the door.

Listening at the storeroom door, Victoria and Stephanie heard the classroom door close and the sound of Talulah’s shoes as she hurried down the corridor. A few moments later the door opened and closed again and they heard their teacher’s footsteps disappearing in the opposite direction.

Victoria slowly opened the door, looking out. Seeing the corridor was empty she gestured to Stephanie and the two girls walked off in the direction their friend had taken.

Written by Mercury23
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