The following morning Dean was relieved to see that the snow had stopped, but as the temperature had risen it had been replaced by a steady drizzle which was turning the snow that was left on the ground to slush.
Their replacement hire car had arrived around lunchtime and by 2 o’clock they were pulling up outside Jess’ house. They’d talked for most of the ride into town but neither of them had mentioned the previous night.
The windscreen wipers made a steady thump as she unbuckled her seatbelt and reached into the back seat for her coat. Pulling the door handle, Jess stopped, turning back towards Dean, but not far enough to make eye contact.
‘Just so you know,’ she began sadly. ‘I’m not a bad person. My wife and I separated six months ago. She cheated on me.’
Dean was silent for a moment. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said. Jess nodded, pulled the handle and slipped out of the car.
As is often the case with English weather, within a few days the grey clouds had cleared and a chilly wind and warm sunshine gently announced that spring was on the way.
The hallway was crowded with female students jostling to get away for the start of the weekend, some planning to attend after-school clubs, others going home to their rich families in the surrounding cities and countryside.
As Dean reached the staff room he heard his name above the throng around him. Turning to look down the corridor he saw the source of the voice.
The young woman’s dark brown hair flew free as she ran towards him, her large piercing blue eyes even wider than usual. She stopped in front of him, out of breath.
‘Sir, Mr. Chambers.’ She stopped to catch her breath. ‘Ooh, note to self,’ she said, clamping one arm over her large breasts, ‘no running without a sports bra.’
‘Is everything okay, Talulah?’ Dean asked, trying to maintain eye contact with the pretty eighteen-year-old despite her having inadvertently drawn his attention to her chest.
‘No, not entirely. Oh, by the way, sir, I apologise for my non-regulation attire…’ she indicated her clothing, a mismatch of white school blouse, short netball skirt and no tie. ‘We’ve just finished netball practice.’
‘It’s okay. Tell me what’s the matter.’
‘Oh yes, apologies. It’s Miss Stokes, I think she may have broken her ankle.’
‘Right,’ Dean said. ‘Has anyone called for an ambulance?’
‘No. Victoria said we should get the deputy head, but Miss Stokes said, and these are her words - no, he’s about as much use as tits on a fish. Get Mr. Chambers. So here I am.’
Dean stifled a laugh. ‘Okay, no problem. Where is Miss Stokes now?’
‘She’s in the changing rooms over at the gymnasium.’
They reached the entrance to the gym with Dean in the lead, but as he went to push open the door to the changing rooms Talulah stopped him.
‘Ooops, just a moment sir,’ she said, touching his arm. ‘Lots of boobs and bums in there. Perhaps I should go in first, ensure everyone is decent.’
‘Yes, of course,’ Dean said, a little embarrassed at his mistake.
Talulah pushed open the door, poking her head around into the room.
‘Miss, I have Mr. Chambers out here.’
From outside Dean could only hear muffled voices, but it appeared from Talulah’s side of the conversation that he had almost walked in on semi-naked six-form students that made up the netball team.
‘Steph, can you put your boobs away, please,’ Talulah was saying. ‘Victoria, bra and knickers may not be entirely appropriate at this moment. That’s it. Okay, sir, you can come in now.’
‘Are you sure?’ Dean asked. ‘Perhaps they should all come out first.’
‘Oh no, it’s fine, they’re all covered up now.’ Talulah pushed the door open fully and Dean followed her through.
‘She’s over here, Mr. Chambers. Oh, Victoria, could you just pick up that underwear there, please. I don’t think sir needs to see anyone's dirty knickers on the floor.’
The pretty brunette bent to pick up the offending item. ‘They’re not dirty per se,’ she said in explanation, ‘just a bit sweaty.’
Talulah giggled and Victoria smiled cheekily as she dropped the white knickers onto the bench beside her.
Ignoring the conversation Dean looked over to where his colleague, Jess Stokes, was lying on the floor of the changing room, a folding chair tipped over beside her. He walked over to her, feeling a little embarrassed, images of their night on the floor of the country pub still fresh in his mind.
‘What happened?’ he asked, kneeling next to her. She looked a little pale but despite the obvious distress on her face the suspect ankle didn’t appear to be at too strange an angle.
‘I fell off the chair,’ Jess replied. ‘It was an accident. Stephanie bumped into me.’
A distressed wail filled the room. ‘It was all my fault!’
Dean turned to see who had spoken.
‘She’s the sweaty mess of anxiety and guilt in the corner,’ Jess said quietly, rolling her eyes.
The young lady behind him, a student in his senior science class, was sitting on one of the benches which ran around the walls, her face in her hands, her long blonde hair hanging down.
‘No it wasn’t, Steph,’ Jess said exasperated. ‘I shouldn’t have been standing on the chair in the first place. Especially given how accident-prone I am.’
‘That’s right.’ It was Lily another senior student with shoulder-length dirty blonde hair and delicate features. ‘It was just an accident. And Mr. Chambers knows how Miss Stokes can be.’
He glanced down at Jess accusingly. She shook her head, almost smiling. ‘She’s talking about our car accident.’
‘Yes, that’s right,’ Lily continued. ‘Miss told us how she crashed the car and you had to find shelter in a remote tavern on the moor in the middle of a ghastly blizzard.’
Dean relaxed, smiling at the young woman’s clipped voice and theatrical flair. ‘It must have been simply awful for you both, being so cold and wet, and in the dark to boot. I expect Miss was glad to have sir there to comfort and reassure her.’
Jess rolled her eyes again as she looked up at her colleague. ‘Yes, Lily, Mr. Chambers was a perfect gentleman helping me in my hour of need,’ she said, choosing to omit ‘by shagging me from behind in the floor.’
‘Like a knight in shining armour,’ Lily gushed, her eyes misting over at the image.
Some of the other girls giggled. ‘Oh be quiet,’ Lily said, ‘I think it’s perfectly lovely. Chivalry certainly isn’t dead.’
Grinning despite the pain in her ankle Jess said, ‘Do you feel like you were my knight?’
Dean chose not to answer, instead moved closer to Jess’ ankle which appeared to be swelling as he watched. ‘So tell me what happened.’
Sighing Jess said. ‘I was standing on the chair trying to clean the extractor fan in the ceiling when Stephanie stepped backwards into me and knocked me off.’
Behind him, Stephanie howled in distress and dropped her head again.
‘It’s okay, Steph,’ Talulah said, patting her teammate on the shoulder. ‘No one is blaming you.’
‘Even if you have potentially crippled Miss Stokes and ruined her career,’ Victoria joked.
Talulah spun around, stifling a laugh, trying to glare at the other girl, but failing as her face cracked into a grin. ‘Steph, just ignore her,’ she said. ‘She’s just teasing you.’
‘No, it’s true!’ Stephanie cried. ‘I’ve ruined Miss Stokes’ life.’ She covered her face in both hands and Victoria came forward to put her arms around her friend, hugging her. ‘Come on now Steph,’ she said, rubbing her back. ‘It could be worse.’
‘How?’ Stephanie asked, her voice muffled by her friend’s shoulder.
‘Well, for a start if Talulah hadn’t come in first Mr Chambers could have walked in while you had your boobs out.’
‘Right, that’s enough,’ Jess said from the floor. ‘Stephanie, it wasn’t your fault, it was just an accident. Victoria, I know you think you’re helping - but you’re not. So perhaps you should both go and start whatever it was you had planned for the weekend.’
‘Unless your plan was to injure any more of the faculty,’ said a pretty student standing in the corner, her hair up in a messy ponytail, still wet from showering. ‘My parents pay a lot of money for me to come to this school and they won’t be very happy if all the staff are off with Stephanie-related injuries.’
The other girls giggled at Stephanie making a kind of snorting into Victoria’s shoulder. Jess’ head snapped around. ‘Imogen, don’t you have somewhere else to be?’ she asked, trying to hide her grin. The girl giggled and turned back to her gym bag, satisfied with her teasing of her friend.
‘Okay,’ Dean said, trying to regain some control over the changing room. ‘Now I don’t think this is broken, just a pretty bad sprain, but I do think you need to get it X-rayed.’
Jess groaned at the thought of sitting in the hospital emergency department. ‘Okay, but I don’t need an ambulance. Just call me a taxi and one of the girls can come with me.’
‘Before you leave could you just make sure the lights are off in the gym and the changing rooms, please.’ Dean nodded as he closed the taxi door. He felt bad about not going to the hospital with Jess, but he didn’t relish the thought of sitting in the waiting room for hours, plus he knew that the longer he spent with her the more likely it was that their night on the floor would come up, and he didn’t want to talk about it. It wasn’t that he wasn’t attracted to Jess, she was pretty, sexy and he liked being around her, but he knew the whole thing could be complicated given that she was gay. Plus he didn’t know how she felt about him, and he didn’t want to start feeling something if it wasn't reciprocated.
Walking back into the changing rooms he noticed that the chair was still tipped over on the floor. He stood it up when he heard a noise from the office at the end of the room.
‘Hello?’ he called.
‘Who’s that?’ he asked walking towards the office.
‘Hello, sir,’ Talulah said, stepping out of the office, smiling, her perfect white teeth and bright blue eyes a contrast to her thick mane of dark hair. She really was beautiful and Dean felt a twinge of guilt at admitting to Jess that she was one of his favourites.
‘Hi, Talulah. Jess - Miss Stokes, asked me to check the lights were off in here.’
‘I’ve turned off the lights in the office and everything is put away in there,’ she replied, smiling at him.
‘Thank you. Let’s get this place locked up and we’ll get out of here.’
Talulah nodded and was about to follow him out. ‘Oh, just a moment, sir,’ she said. ‘I’ve left my gym bag in my locker. I need to get it so I can wash my kit, otherwise, it’ll be in there over the weekend, all sweaty and disgusting.’
Dean nodded. He watched as Talulah spun, her trainers squeaking on the tiled floor, her netball skirt flipping up and he realised that he’d seen a glimpse of his student’s buttocks.
Was she not wearing any underwear? No surely not.
‘Talulah,’ he said. ‘Where does this chair go?’
‘Oh, it can just stay there,’ she replied as she inserted her key into her locker. ‘Miss uses it when we’re all in here going over training and match talks.’
Dean nodded and then, suddenly feeling tired, lowered himself onto the chair. He looked around the room and then at his watch.
Talulah was standing in front of him, gym bag in hand. He smiled and went to stand, but before he could the eighteen-year-old stepped over to him, not so close that she was touching his legs, but close enough that if he stood their proximity would be uncomfortable.
‘What is it?’ he asked, but she didn’t answer, instead dropping her sports bag, her hand moving to the top button of her school blouse, popping open first one and then another.
‘Talulah, what are you doing?’ he asked, wanting to stand but knowing that doing so would put him in even more of an awkward position. Talulah didn’t reply, looking down at her blouse as she continued to undo the buttons.
‘Talulah, you need to stop please,’ Dean said with more conviction than he felt, like when one of his students said something funny in class and he had to reprimand them.
‘Are you sure you want me to stop, sir?’ she asked as the final button popped under her fingers and her blouse fell open, revealing a pink and white lacy bra beneath. Dean struggled to keep his eyes off her large breasts.
‘Yes, Miss Middleton-Jones, I would like you to stop.’
Talulah pouted, her hands dropping to her sides. ‘But sir, I’m enjoying myself. And if you let me I think you’d enjoy it too.’
When Dean’s reply didn’t come immediately she took it as affirmation that he wanted her to continue, and before he could find his voice to protest she quickly lifted her blouse off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor behind her, leaving her standing in front of him in just her bra and dark blue netball skirt.
Dean felt his mouth go dry and despite his efforts, he let his eyes drift down over his student’s body.
He’d always thought of Talulah as athletic, knowing that she played netball and rode horses competitively, but he hadn’t realised just how solid her body was - not muscular, just firm with a flat stomach and, strong legs which were used to grip horses as she rode.
‘Talulah,’ he began, finally finding his voice. ‘I really don’t think this is appropriate. I…’
But before he could continue his student moved her hands to the back of her short skirt, lowering the zip, letting it drop. Dean felt a level of relief when he saw that despite catching a glimpse of her bottom earlier she was actually wearing underwear. But his panic started to rise again when he realised that he was looking at his student in pink and white lacy shorts which cut into her hips and barely covered her firm buttocks. Talulah looked down at her legs.
‘Sorry about the lines,’ she said, indicating the two narrow grooves which ran down the front of each of her thighs. ‘It’s the price a girl pays for riding horses in jodhpurs every day of the holiday.’

Tearing his eyes away from her body only inches from him he found his voice. ‘I’m sorry Talulah, this has gone too far.’
‘Really sir?’ she replied, pouting again, ‘I thought we could go just a little further.’
‘No, Talulah, I’m sorry but this has to stop. I’m your teacher…’
She smiled as she cut off his protestations. ‘I know, sir, but I do think you’re really sexy. A lot of the girls do and I’m sure they’d be awfully jealous if they knew I was standing in front of you in just my bra and knickers.’
Dean could feel his heart pounding, torn between looking at his gorgeous student and images of being let go from his job. But despite the anxiety, he found he couldn’t move.
‘So could we go just a little further?’ she asked, her hands reaching around her back to the clasp on her bra.
‘Talulah, I can’t have sex with you,’ Dean said, his voice cracking.
‘Oh, I’m not suggesting that, sir. Not at all, I’m still a virgin. I just really want to give you a hand job.’
Dean almost coughed at her statement said so candidly, his fingers digging into his thighs. Without waiting for an answer Talulah unhooked her bra and let it slide down her arms.
Despite no longer being held by her bra Talulah’s breasts barely moved and Dean knew he’d never seen a pair that were so firm, and if he hadn’t known she was a school student he would have sworn that she’d had a boob job.
‘Do you like my boobs, Mr. Chambers?’
Dean didn’t answer, he couldn’t; by answering ‘yes’ he would be crossing even further into that zone that was forbidden as a teacher, but by saying ‘no’ he would be lying and still acknowledging that he was looking at his pupil’s breasts.
‘Sir?’ she asked, tilting her head in question.
‘Yes,’ he said finally, his voice a whisper.
Talulah smiled, happy at his answer. ‘Thank you, sir. I never know if they’re too big. I have to make sure they’re held firm in a good sports bra when I play netball or ride.’
Without waiting for him to respond she slid her thumbs into the waistband of her lacy shorts. ‘Do you mind if I take off my knickers?’
Dean squirmed in his seat. This was getting way out of control, he wanted her to stop, every fibre in him was screaming for him to stop her, but the man part of his brain wouldn’t allow the words to come out, wouldn’t allow him to stop her from stripping in front of him. And so he watched in silence as Talulah slowly slid her underwear down over her thighs revealing her vagina waxed smooth.
‘Can I share a secret with you?’ she asked quietly. Dean had all but given up trying to battle her and his sensible teacher brain. He nodded. ‘This is really turning me on, and my puss is getting wet. You can touch it to see if you would like.’
‘Talulah, this is really bad,’ he said, finally looking up to her eyes. ‘I can’t touch you.’
She stuck out her bottom lip. ‘Okay, sir, but if you’re going to be a spoilsport can I at least touch you?’ And before he could accept or protest she had stepped forward, her legs either side of his, her breasts almost touching his face and lowered herself onto his lap. Dean moved his hands off his thighs just in time, letting them fall to his sides.
‘Is that comfortable?’ Talulah asked, shifting in his lap. Dean could feel his erection growing, pressing against his trousers. He nodded, panicking at his situation rising to its highest level yet as he looked at his pupil’s perfect breasts and hard nipples in front of him.
Talulah smiled, pushing his hair from his forehead. She looked him in the eye. ‘So, can I give you a hand job now?’
He wanted to say no, he wanted to push her off his lap, stand up and run from the changing room - but he didn’t do any of those things. Instead, he nodded.
‘Wonderful,’ Talulah gushed. She reached down to the zip in Dean’s trousers, the movement of her arms pressing her breasts together. Dean’s eye dropped to look at them.
‘You can touch them if you’d like,’ she said not looking up.
From between Talulah’s thighs, Dean heard the sound of his zip and he looked down to see her pull open the button, opening his trousers, reaching her slender fingers inside. sighing as she made contact with the smooth skin on his steel-like erection. She gently manoeuvred his hard shaft out the front of his shorts and looked down.
‘Mmm, you have a lovely cock, sir,’ the eighteen-year-old said, running her perfectly manicured nails down to the base and back up before using her other hand to slide his foreskin down, releasing his swollen, shiny head.
Dean groaned. A bead of clear liquid had appeared at the opening of his hard-on and Talulah’s eyes flashed wide as she placed the tip of her finger on it, spreading it around his sensitive tip. ‘Does that feel nice, sir?’ she asked, looking at his face.
Dean held her gaze. ‘It feels amazing,’ he said, his voice no longer breaking. ‘And you look incredible.’
‘Thank you, Mr. Chambers. I bet I feel nice too. Why don’t you find out.’ She reached down, taking his hands still hanging at his sides and lifted them to her breasts. Dean wasn’t a stranger to women’s breasts, he’d held his colleagues only a few days before, but he knew he’d never felt a pair quite so firm as Talulah’s, which he knew was surprising given that he couldn’t cover them entirely in his hands.
‘Stroke my nipples,’ Talulah whispered, watching his hands. She moved hers back to her teacher’s erection, spreading more of his pre-cum around the tip and down the shaft. She sighed, letting her head fall back, her thick dark hair trailing down her back, almost to her round buttocks on Dean’s lap. Her hands slowly moved all over his penis, one sliding the length of his shaft while the other rotated around the slippery tip, the sensation balancing him on the thin line between pleasure and torture.
‘Do you know what would make this better?’ she asked, lifting her head to look at him. ‘If my clitoris was being stroked too.’
On hearing her words Dean instinctively removed one hand from her breast, but she stopped him.
‘No sir, you keep playing with my boobs, I’ll take care of my clit.’ She scooped a bead of his pre-cum up with one finger and Dean watched as she released her clitoris from between her folds and ran her wet finger over it.
‘Oohh, that feels good,’ she moaned. ‘Would you mind if I made myself cum?’
Dean shook his head, lost in the sensation of Talulah’s hand moving slowly around the head of his cock.
‘Before this happened I’d planned to spend the evening masturbating in my room,’ she said. ‘I’ve been ever so horny all day, and I was so pleased that we weren’t away at a tournament this weekend. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I masturbate then too, but you have to be really quiet so the other girls and Miss Stokes don’t hear. Of course, sometimes it’s difficult not to make a moan when you cum, but then you have to put up with the others teasing you. So I like it when I can be alone and let go.’
Dean already had images of her, Stephanie and the others masturbating in the dark dormitories while away on netball tournaments, but hearing her say it in her perfect, mid-counties accent made it even better. ‘Talulah,’ he said. ‘Would you mind if I sucked on your nipples?’
‘I thought you’d never ask.’ She pushed her breasts towards his face, watching as he took her nipples in turn, sucking and licking them. She moaned again and slid closer, holding his shaft in place with one hand, pressing her clitoris against the underside, sliding up and down, grinding against him.
‘This feels wonderful, sir. And please don’t stop what you’re doing with your mouth and hands, I’m getting really close to orgasming.’
Dean could also feel the very start of his climax, but the slow, steady movements of Talulah’s hand around the tip meant that he was being kept on the very edge; not fast enough to make him cum but just the right speed to make his whole body tense up.
He flicked his tongue over her nipple as he pinched the other, the speed of Talulah’s hips increasing as her orgasm grew closer.
‘I’m really close Mr. Chambers,’ she said, her voice loud enough to have been heard outside should someone have been walking past. He could feel her wetness on his shaft and balls, her lips open and wanting. Her hand moved slowly over his glans, his pre-cum making him slicker by the moment, the continued contact giving him no let up from the pleasure and indescribable sensitivity. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this hard. He wanted to cum but he didn’t want the moment to end, he wanted to feel the release of his orgasm but her hand was moving too slowly to bring him to his climax.
Talulah moaned and she ground against him as he sucked and stroked her nipples. Her breathing grew louder as her orgasm approached.
‘I’m so close Mr. Chambers,’ she gasped. ‘Cum with me.’ But Dean knew he couldn’t cum yet.
‘I can feel it,’ she said, as she increased the speed of her hips. ‘I’m going to cum, Mr. Chambers.’ Her body shuddered and she gasped as her orgasm flooded through her. She continued to slide her clit against him, but her movements slowed and she shivered as her nipples became sensitive under her teacher’s mouth and fingers.
‘That was wonderful,’ she said, her movements much slower now, just enough to prolong the sensation around her clitoris. ‘Thank you for letting me cum first.’
Dean looked up at her, knowing that her nipples were too sensitive for him to continue sucking and teasing them. Talulah held his gaze for a moment, her mouth open with deep breaths. And then she was kissing him, her full pouty lips pressing against his, her tongue probing into his mouth. Dean’s hands moved to her hips, gripping her as she started to increase the speed of her movements on his penis. Her left hand returned to his shaft, while her right stayed at his tip, both moving in unison. She broke their kiss to watch him, the speed of her movements increasing.
With his student masturbating him faster, Dean groaned and closed his eyes, but Talulah stared at him, fascinated by the look of exquisite agony on his face at her ministrations. Dean’s body jerked as he felt his orgasm approach and she knew he was close.
‘That’s it, sir,’ she gushed. ‘Cum for me.’
And as Dean started to lose control his mouth dropped open, gasps escaping as he climaxed, his whole body tensing up, Dean grunted as he felt himself cum.
The jet of cum hit the underside of Talulah’s breasts making her jump, but she kept her movements steady, watching as his cum splashed onto her perfect skin and down onto her hands.
As his breathing returned to normal Talulah looked at Dean and then down at the sticky mess.
‘You came really hard, sir,’ she said sounding surprised. ‘Was it nice?’
Dean nodded, his face now pressed between her breasts.
‘Good. I’ve only given one hand job before, to one of the trainee stable boys at mummy and daddy’s riding stables, but he came almost as soon as I touched him so I didn’t get to see much. This time was much better.’
Lifting his face from between her breasts, Dean looked up at her. ‘Talulah,’ he began. ‘This was really bad.’
‘No it wasn’t sir,’ she replied pouting. ‘It was amazing. Letting you see and hear me orgasm really turned me on. And I love the fact that you came on my boobs. I will definitely be saving this in my masturbation memory bank for later.’
‘No, I mean, we shouldn’t have done it. I could lose my job.’
‘Mr. Chambers,’ the beautiful teenager said, holding his face in her hands. ‘Apart from Miss Stokes, you’re my favourite teacher. In fact, all the girls think that too, so why would I let you get the sack?’
Dean looked at her. ‘So you won’t tell anyone?’
‘Cross my heart,’ she said, doing the action over her left breast.
‘Thank you,’ Dean said, feeling a little easier.
She nodded. ‘And who knows, perhaps we’ll get the chance to do this again.’
Dean shook his head. ‘I don’t think that would be a good idea.’
‘Oh, you’re just saying that because you have post-orgasm clarity. But once you’re horny again and, oh I don’t know, you see me walking about in my skirt that’s a little too short, and I have one button too many undone on my blouse that’s a little too tight across my boobs, you might feel differently.’
She leaned down, kissing him quickly on the lips. ‘Well, I suppose we’d better get cleaned up and dressed before someone comes - no pun intended.’
She eased herself off Dean’s lap. He watched as she stood, his eyes roaming over her athletic body; her big, firm breasts, her toned stomach, tight buttocks, and firm legs and he knew that resisting her in the future would be, as she had suggested, all but impossible.
Talulah looked around for her underwear but stopped as she felt a tickle on her breasts. She looked down. ‘Oh, I think I should probably wipe your cum off my tits before I get dressed.’
She looked over at the bench to wear her teammate had left her underwear after retrieving it from the floor earlier. ‘Luckily I have Victoria’s dirty knickers here,’ she said, picking up the white cotton panties, wiping the liquid from her stomach and the underside of her breasts. She looked up at Dean sitting a few feet from her, his now flaccid penis still visible through the flap on his shorts.
‘Do you need cleaning up too, sir?’ She stepped over to him, bending over, taking his cock between her fingers, gently wiping over his shaft and tip with the soft, white cotton underwear. Dean’s eyes fluttered at the sensation. Talulah smiled as she felt him thicken. ‘Hmm, your brain may be saying that we can’t do this again, but this little chap seems to think otherwise.’
She stood up. ‘I’ll give these back to Victoria later - she’ll never know,’ she said, putting her finger to her lips, grinning cheekily.
Dean stood up, tucking his penis back into his trousers, trying not to watch as Talulah bent over in front of him, picking up her underwear, giving him a perfect view between her thighs of her smooth pussy. She stepped into her underwear before retrieving her bra from the floor and putting it back on. She quickly finished dressing, standing in front of her teacher.
‘There you are sir, all student handbook regulation again,’ she said as she finished buttoning her school blouse. ‘No one would ever suspect.’
Dean smiled, still a little shocked about what had happened between them. ‘We should go,’ he said. ‘Before someone comes in and finds us. We’d better not leave at the same time, it’ll look too suspicious.’
Talulah nodded as he took the lead. ‘I’ll go first, you leave it a couple of minutes and then you go.’
As he stepped out the door Dean turned back to see Talulah standing just inside the changing room, gym bag in hand, her big blue eyes watching him.