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‘How was it?’

The voice next to her ear made Stephanie jump, letting out a yelp. She turned to look at Victoria. She  knew what her friend was referring to, but she was embarrassed, and she didn’t think this was a conversation to be had standing at the coffee bar in the school refectory.

‘So?’ Victoria said, her eyes questioning. ‘Did you -?’

‘Sshhh!’ Stephanie said, looking around to see who was within earshot.

‘You did, didn’t you.’ A smile spread over the lips of the pretty brunette.

Both girls had replaced their summer dresses with leggings and oversized T-shirts, Stephanie also in a school hoodie - the spring sunshine was warm during the day, but as the evenings drew in the air became chilly.

‘Come and sit down and tell me about it,’ Victoria said, picking up her friend’s cup of warm milk as the student serving put it on the counter - Stephanie struggled to sleep and warm milk helped.

‘Aren’t you having anything?’ Stephanie asked.

Her friend turned to the young girl behind the counter. ‘Can I have a Cappuccino, please.’

‘Coffee? At this time of night?’ Stephanie said, looking at the time on her phone, wincing when she realised it was only five-thirty.

The sound of the mug being placed on the counter made her look up and she watched Victoria pay using her phone, then she was following her friend between tables to where they usually sat, a low table with large sofas on either side.

‘So, tell me,’ Victoria said, putting their drinks down and sitting beside her.

‘No,’ Stephanie said, her cheeks flushing.

‘Why not?’


‘Because what?’

‘It’s private.’

Victoria looked hurt. ‘But you’re my best friend. Why can’t you tell me?’

Stephanie looked sad. ‘I’m sorry, I’m just a bit embarrassed.’

‘Stephy,’ her friend said, ‘there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. We see each other naked every week in the changing rooms. And we’ve heard each other cum before.’

Stephanie looked shocked, but Victoria returned her look.

‘Come on, Stephy, you can’t tell me you haven’t had a fumble in the dark while we’ve been away on a netball tournament, and been a little loud at the end. I know I have.’

Stephanie shrugged.

‘Ha! I knew it!’ Victoria laughed, grabbing her friend’s hand, kissing it.

‘Oh, you bitch,’ Stephanie hissed, trying and failing to stifle a laugh. ‘I can’t believe you got me to admit to that.’

‘I can’t believe you haven’t admitted it to me before,’ Victoria said. ‘We tell each other everything.’

‘I know,’ Stephanie replied. ‘But it’s embarrassing to admit, isn’t it.’

Victoria nodded. ‘You’re right, but I think we’ve all done it. So how was it this afternoon? Did you like your new “friend?”

Looking around conspiratorially, Stephanie nodded. ‘It was wonderful.’

Victoria let out squeal, clapping her hands. ‘Amazing! How many times did you use it - I’m sorry, him. I assume you’ve named him.’

A look of surprise crossed Stephanie’s pretty face. ‘Only once,’ she said.


‘Yes. Why, how many times do you do it?’

Poking out her bottom lip, Victoria shrugged. ‘It depends. If I’m feeling particularly randy I can go three times in an evening.’

‘Really?’ Stephanie asked, her eyes wide.

Her friend nodded. ‘There are times when one orgasm just isn’t enough,’ she replied. ‘But that might just be me.’

‘No,’ Stephanie said, looking down at the table. ‘I could have done it again, but I wasn’t sure if I should.’

‘Why not?’

‘I don’t know.’ Stephanie shrugged. ‘I thought what if it means I’m a Nymphomaniac or something?’ She expected her friend to laugh, but instead she felt her reach out and touch her cheek.

‘I don’t think it would mean that. I just think that girls can do it more than once.’

‘And boys can’t?’

‘From what I’ve read,’ Victoria said, ‘they can generally only do it once and then they have to sleep.’

Stephanie thought about this for a moment. ‘Yes, I could definitely have done it again.’

Victoria nodded. ‘So what position did you do it in?’

The look of confusion on Stephanie’s face made Victoria giggle.

‘What do you mean?’ she asked. ‘How many positions are there?’

Now it was Victoria’s turn to look confused, but Stephanie kept talking. ‘No, I know there are lots of positions for sex, what I mean is how many are there for using -,’ she looked around, lowering her voice, ‘a vibrator.’

‘Did you do it lying on your back?’ Victoria asked.

Stephanie nodded, starting to feel embarrassed again.

‘That’s what I did when I first got my mine,’ Victoria said. ‘But then I discovered something.’


‘That the middle slats on my headboard are just the right distance apart to secure it so I can do it -.’ she paused as one of the girls working at the refectory passed by, clearing tables. ‘I can do it doggy style.’

Stephanie frowned. ‘What? You mean you -?’

Victoria leaned closer. ‘I secure it between the slats of my headboard and then I put my feet through the wider slats and slide back onto it so that it’s going in me from behind.’

‘And that works?’ Stephanie whispered.

Victoria nodded. ‘And it feels amazing. Although it can be quite intense if you go too deep.’

Silence fell between the two friends, Stephanie’s head spinning with all this new information.

‘All our rooms have the same beds,’ Victoria said in a sing-song voice. ‘You could try it.’

‘Oh, I don’t know,’ Stephanie replied, trying not to picture her friend as she’d just described.

‘Another way I found is that if you put it between two pillows you can ride it.’

Stephanie buried her face in her hands, her blonde hair falling forward. ‘Oh, I don’t know about all this,’ she whined, her voice muffled. ‘It’s all such a lot to think about.’

Giggling at her friend’s anxiety, Victoria leaned forward naughtily. ‘You can also use it to practice giving blow jobs.’

With her hands still covering her face, Stephanie flopped back onto the couch, letting out a pained howl.


‘So how was your afternoon, Mr.  Chambers?’ Talulah asked, keeping a respectful distance from her teacher as they walked along the path that lead back to their school.

A breeze had picked up and she could feel that her nipples were hardening against the chill, not that she cared, she hoped her teacher would see them poking through her dress. And it wasn’t as if it was the first time she’d walked around the school sans underwear, although she had to admit that this time was voluntary.

‘It was very pleasant, thank you Talulah,’ he replied, nodding politely.

‘Did anything exciting happen?’ she asked.

He considered her question. ‘Not particularly.’ Out of the corner of his eye he saw his student pout her plump lips.

‘Really?’ she asked, sulkily. ‘So no one gave you a blowjob? A pretty young lady didn’t let you watch her play with herself on the bus?’

Dean stifled a smile.

Seeing his mouth crease she continued. ‘No one showed you their boobs? Or -,’

‘Sshh,’ Dean whispered, flicking his eyes to the side where he’d seen their elderly deputy-headteacher walking towards them.

‘Yes, so the documentary explained,‘ he said as the deputy head approached, strolling in the late afternoon sun, ‘how, although hydro-electric power negates the need for fossil fuels, it still has an impact on the environment.’

‘Thats really interesting, sir,’ Talulah replied, rolling her eyes and shaking her head to show that she felt differently.

‘Good afternoon, Mr. Chambers,’ his colleague said as he approached. ‘Good afternoon, Miss Middleton-Jones.’ If he suspected anything he didn’t show it.

They both returned the greeting.

‘Have you both been into town?’ the deputy-head asked.

Dean was about to reply when Talulah spoke. ‘Yes sir. I’ve been to meet a friend from home and I caught the same bus back as Mr. Chambers. He was just telling me about the fascinating documentary he has just been to see,’ she said with enthusiasm. ‘It sounds enthralling.’

She turned back to Dean, making eye contact with him.

‘Sir, I would really like to hear more about it. Perhaps you could teach us more in class next week.’

Dean returned her gaze, narrowing his eyes at her fake enthusiasm.

‘Sounds fascinating,’ his colleague replied.

‘Doesn’t it, sir?’ Talulah gushed. ‘Do you think we could continue where we left off, sir?’ she said to Dean, a twinkle in her eye. ‘I feel it is so,’ she paused, searching for an adjective, ‘stimulating.’

Completely oblivious to her suggestive statement the deputy-head nodded. ‘I agree,’ he said. ‘Miss Middleton-Jones, perhaps you could write an essay on it. You could present it at the whole school assembly.’

Talulah’s face dropped, her smile fading and Dean stifled a laugh despite feeling sorry for her.

‘Um, I could, sir,’ she said, suddenly lost for a response. ‘But I am very busy at present, what with other subjects and netball.’

The teacher nodded. ‘I understand. Perhaps we can discuss it on Monday and we can arrange some time for the two of you to work on it.’ He looked up at Dean. ‘Mr. Chambers, would you be happy to work on it with Talulah?’

Attempting to look serious, Dean nodded. ‘Of course. I’m sure I can find some time to work on - with Talulah.’

‘Good, good,’ the deputy-head replied. ‘I look forward to hearing more about it in the coming weeks.’

Saying their goodbyes, the trio parted company, Dean and Talulah continuing along the path back towards the school. Maintaining her respectful distance, she spoke. 'Well, that backfired,’ she said with a hint of venom. ‘A good deed never goes unpunished.’

Dean looked at her, his hands behind his back as he walked. ‘Good deed?’

‘Yes,’ Talulah replied, turning to face him. ‘I give you a blowjob in the cinema and I end up writing an essay on a boring documentary I know nothing about.’

‘True,’ Dean replied. ‘But I think you’re missing something.’

‘What’s that? That I have to stand up in front of the school and read it?’

‘Well, I suppose that is a risk, but I would bet good money that that dopey old bugger forgot the conversation the moment he walked away. I mean, let’s face it, on two occasions now he’s been within two feet of your gorgeous tits when you’ve been braless and he hasn’t even noticed.’

Talulah looked down front of her dress, seeing the two mounds made by her nipples.

‘So I doubt he’ll even remember that he asked you to do it. But, and this is the most important part, it means that you get a free pass to come to my classroom after school. And we have the perfect excuse for you being there.’

Talulah’s smile returned. ‘You’re so clever, sir.’ she said. ‘When shall we start?’

‘Well, Monday would probably be good. It would show your eagerness to learn.’

‘Oh, and I am very eager, sir,’ Talulah said, her face taking on an innocence.

‘I thought you were,’ Dean replied.

‘Really, sir?’ Talulah said, fluttering her eyes. ‘What made you think that? Was it when my lips were wrapped around your cock?’

Dean grinned. ‘Hmm, that could have been it,’

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They had reached Talulah’s dorm building and she walked over to the large wooden door, pulling it open.

‘Shall we say we’ll meet at three-thirty on Monday?’ Dean said, continuing on his way.

‘Yes, sir,’ Talulah said, stepping into the doorway. Hidden from anyone outside the building, she called to her teacher.

‘Mr. Chambers. If we’re going to be discussing the film, perhaps you should see a trailer for the main feature.’

Dean turned to look back at her just as Talulah opened her dress, flashing him.


Victoria’s arm snaked around the door frame, tapping the wall for the light switch. She had never liked entering a dark room, even if it was hers, but as the overhead bulb illuminated her dorm room she walked in, her fears dissipating along with the darkness.

The conversation with Stephanie had moved on to less intimate topics, but the talk of their sex toys had left Victoria aroused, and her knickers were decidedly wetter now than when she’d left for the refectory a couple of hours ago. Not that that was unusual, she found that she was horny a lot of the time, which was why she’d bought her vibrator in the first place.

Peeling off her leggings, she stepped in front of the mirror on her wardrobe door. Her eighteen years and an active sporting calendar ensured a gap between her thighs, and her tight, light blue knickers formed a line over her bare vagina, which she ran her finger along. She sometimes wondered if it was natural to think about sex as much as she did. But she was sure the other girls thought about it too - even Stephanie, she was just too shy to admit it. She wagered that Talulah thought about it a lot as well. How could she not, with a body like hers. She was sure all the male teachers, and some of the female ones for that matter, spent their evenings picturing Talulah under them or riding them, her big tits bouncing. Not that she didn’t have nice boobs herself, just not as big as Talulah’s. Even so, they were still more than a handful, and she thought they were a nice shape with small nipples that were always really sensitive.

She took off her oversized t-shirt revealing her breasts. She liked to wear baggy t-shirts so she could go without a bra. Sometimes she went to dinner or weekend breakfast wearing nothing at all under her clothes - that really turned her on; feeling free, boobs jiggling, the material of her leggings or shorts the only thing between her smooth vagina and her seat.

Sometimes she excused herself from her group of friends, going into the toilets to make herself cum. She always wondered if the relaxed look on her face when she returned gave her away, not that she really cared if they knew, they all did it.

She also liked to tease herself, not giving in right away to her arousal, making herself wait until she got back to her room. There were some days where she would spend the whole day unbelievably horny. On those days she would make sure she was siting at the back of the classroom so she could reach under her skirt and tease herself over her knickers. She would also let her breasts rub against the edge of her desk until her nipples were like diamonds. She didn’t learn much on those days, and when she got back to her room, she would take out her vibrator and go to town on herself. She wondered if Stephanie or Imogen, who had rooms on either side of hers, ever wondered why her music was louder some evenings.

Standing in just her knickers was only adding to her arousal and all the talk of vibrators had made her want hers. She slid her underwear down her thighs, stepping out of them, running her finger over the damp patch inside. She rubbed her finger and thumb together to feel how slick she was.

Dropping them on the floor, she walked to her dresser, reaching for the  top drawer. She kept her vibrator in the clear plastic bag it had come in, under her bras and knickers. Victoria had a lot of underwear. Her sister and brother-in-law owned a lingerie company, plus having very rich parents afforded her the opportunity to buy as much as she wanted, even though she had few occasions to wear it. Lacy thongs, French knickers and their matching bras weren’t exactly suitable for netball practice, and they weren’t school approved attire, so it was only weekends and holidays that she got to wear them.

Pulling out her vibrator, she eased it from the bag. This wasn’t her first dildo, that one had been the same as the one she’d bought Stephanie. This new one was dark blue, and shaped more like an actual penis, with a bulbous head and an extra, soft appendage which vibrated on her clitoris. But the thing that made it most special was that it connected via Bluetooth to her phone, which meant she could control it without holding it. She felt bad for not buying her friend the same one, but she’d bought it online and she didn’t want to have to wait to give Stephanie hers. Which was why she’d gone to the next town to visit the Anne Summers shop.

She smiled as she took ‘him’ from his bag. She also had a tube of lubrication but she didn’t think she would need it this evening. She opened the next drawer down, taking out an old T-shirt before climbing onto her bed.

Kneeling up, Victoria looked at herself in the mirror, her phone in one hand, the vibrator in the other. Pressing the ‘on’ button she opened the app on her phone. The two devices connected almost immediately and she tapped the screen, causing the device to begin vibrating in her hand. Eyeing her reflection, Victoria flicked her long brown hair over her shoulder, sliding the shaft over her nipples and down over her stomach to the top of her soft folds, feeling the vibrations on her clitoris. The sensation made her shudder and she watched her expression change. Sometimes this was how she brought herself to orgasm, just through the vibrations, watching herself in the mirror. Sometimes she did it lying on her back, and other times on her front, the vibrator underneath her, one hand trapped again her breast, gasping into her pillows as she came.

But tonight she wanted something more than that. Tonight she wanted to feel herself being filled and she wanted to feel naughty.

Victoria knew that she was seen as the naughty one in her year group - not bad, just a bit rebellious. She was the one who talked too much in class, the one who took her mobile phone into school. If someone was going to wear a thong in school, it was Victoria. If she had a lesson after lunch, she would buy an obscenely delicious hot chocolate and sneak it into class in her bag, taking surreptitious sips through the straw under her desk. It wasn’t unheard of for her to excuse herself from a boring lesson and go in to the toilets for a sneaky play with herself, slipping her hand into her knickers, trying to make herself cum as quickly as possible. And it was only last week that she’d received a stern look from Miss Stokes, after netball, for watching Imogen eat a banana and telling her that good girls ate them sideways. She couldn’t profess to having any actual experience of giving blowjobs, but she’d watched them online and she had heard the line in a film,

Picking up her T-shirt she wrapped it around the base of her dildo, pushing it between the middle slats of her headboard. It would fit without the T-shirt, but the plastic base between the wooden slats made a loud clattering and the cloth muffled it to a low buzz.

Once she was happy that it was secure, she got on her hands and knees, moving backwards until her feet were through the slats of her headboard, the bulbous head pressing against her buttocks. She reached back, guiding it to her lips, easing it in. She let out a moan as she parted around it and she moved back letting it slide deeper. She groaned louder as she felt herself being filled, tapping her phone screen, re-starting the vibrations.

‘Ohh,’ she whispered and she edged back further until the soft digit touched her. Reaching between her thighs, Victoria released her clitoris from her folds, making a small adjustment so that the vibrations were directly on her.

‘Ohh, yes,’ she whispered as the sensation ran through her. She closed her eyes, letting her imagination take over. She rocked back and forth, sliding the dildo in and out of her, her clitoris being stimulated each time she pushed back, and in her mind, the vibrator was replaced by her parent’s neighbor.

Martin was in his forties but in good shape and super rich, not that she cared about that - her family was just as rich. Due to the size of their respective houses, she didn’t always see Martin up close, but she had discovered that if she moved her chair to the end window in her bedroom she could see him in his large conservatory and walking around the side of his house. She would sit there in just her underwear, touching herself knowing he was oblivious to her presence.

When he came to dinner with her parents she would watch him talking, feeling herself getting aroused. Then she would excuse herself to the downstairs toilet, listening to his deep, confident voice, her knickers around her ankles, her hand inside her bra. She would imagine that his deep tones were directed at her as he stroked her hair, thrusting on top of her or from behind, telling her how sexy she was. In her mind he held her breasts and stroked her clit as he filled her.

Victoria pushed back onto the vibrator, pulling her pillows in front of her, dropping her face into them to muffle her moans. Martin was thrusting, his rough hands holding her narrow waist, his deep voice telling her how good she felt, how soft and tight and wet she was. She called his name into her pillows, telling him not to stop, asking him if she felt good, telling him how good he felt inside her.

She eased forward, feeling the shaft leave her, the tip vibrating at her labia.

‘Martin, don’t tease me,’ she whispered, holding herself there before tilting her hips back, filling herself again. Her breathing became more intense as she leaned back, letting the dildo fill her and tease her clit.

‘Martin,’ she called, ‘don’t stop. You’re going to make me cum. I’m going to cum all over you.’

She squeezed her muscles as she imagined him telling her to cum, that he was going to cum inside her. In her mind he was letting out deep grunts as he thrust into her, pulling her back onto him as her orgasm built and she called his name, telling him to fuck her.

As she came her body trembled and she lifted her head, letting out a silent moan as waves emanated out from her vagina and clitoris. She gasped for air and her next exhale was loud, but she didn’t care if she was heard by her friends, too lost in the ecstasy of her climax. Pushing back again she felt the vibrator hit her clit, making her squeal, and she pulled it away from her sensitive button, imagining that it was Martin’s finger, letting it touch her again as if he were playfully torturing her. She gasped at the sensation telling him to stop, but not to pull out of her. She tapped her phone screen, turning off the vibrations, leaving the now static dildo inside her.

As her thighs began to tire, Victoria fell forward onto her bed. Lying on her side, her slim legs twisted, hair covering her face she slipped her hand between her thighs rubbing lightly over her vagina, her finger parting her lips as her eyelids became heavy - perhaps it wasn’t just boys who needed to sleep after sex.

The pretty brunette lay like that for several minutes, just on the edge of sleep, basking in the afterglow of her orgasm.

Goosebumps were starting to appear on Victoria’s skin, the hardness of her nipples now as a result of the room  temperature. She was about to pull her duvet over her when she heard the thermostat click on - she smiled sleepily.

As the small room started to warm up she looked up at the vibrator still poking out from her headboard.

‘I bet Martin wouldn’t still be that hard after cumming inside a tight little eighteen-year-old,’ she said under her breath. Reluctantly, she sat up, crawling lazily to the head of her bed. She was about to remove the vibrator from its wooden trap when she leaned forward, taking the tip in her mouth, sliding her lips down the shaft, tasting the tang of her wetness.

‘Mmm,’ she purred as she released it with a pop. ‘I taste good on you, Martin. I’ll give you half an hour and we’ll go for part two. This time, I think I’ll ride you.’

Written by Mercury23
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