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Later After The Changing Rooms

"Talulah asks Mr. Chambers to pay her and visit and Stephanie and Lilly meet for a hot chat"

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The room fell silent and Dean realised he was holding his breath.

‘Talulah, I can’t. I can’t come over to your dorm.’

‘Oh please, sir,’ Talulah moaned. ‘Just sneak over. It’s getting dark out, no one will see you.’

‘Talulah -,’

‘Sir! Please. I’m here, naked. And I really want to take you in my mouth.’ She paused, listening to her teacher breathing on the other end of the call. ‘Are you imagining it? My pouty lips sliding over your hard penis. It would be my first time, so you would have to give me pointers.’

‘Talulah, this is bad.’

‘Sir, you keep saying that, but it never feels bad. If you come over now I promise to still be naked.’

Dean closed his eyes, his hand still holding his erection, picturing his beautiful, eighteen-year-old student, naked. ‘Give me ten minutes.’

‘Goody,’ Talulah giggled. ‘The front door to the building should be unlocked.’

The sun had already set as Dean Chambers stepped from his accommodation. He looked around but the school grounds were deserted as he made his way along the path that lead between two old granite buildings. The imposing structures cast shadows, making the school grounds all the more creepy.

Approaching the building he knew to be Talulah’s dormitory Dean could see that the large wooden front door was slightly ajar. Glancing up he checked that no one was looking from the windows, but, not wanting to look suspicious he walked purposefully towards the door, pushed it open, and stepped inside.

As the door closed behind him a taxi pulled up on the corner, the rear seat occupant catching the movement of a figure disappearing into the darkness of the building.

The wood-panelled corridor into which Dean walked was lit by antique ceiling lights. He stopped in a pool of light, suddenly aware that he didn’t know which room was Talulah’s. Was that a sign that he should turn and leave? He stopped, indecisive, when a sharp ringing from his pocket made him jump. He snatched the phone from his trousers, recognising the number.

‘Hello,’ he whispered.

‘Are you nearly hear?’ the feminine voice asked.

‘Yes, I’m in the corridor, but I don’t know which room is yours.’

‘Goody,’ Talulah gushed. ‘First floor, right at the end of the corridor, farthest from the stairs.’


Stephanie’s eyes fluttered open and she blinked herself awake. Her right hand was still resting between her legs. She lifted her left hand and looked at her watch - she had only been asleep for half an hour but she felt refreshed. She stretched, stood up, and picked up her discarded underwear, stepping into them.

From behind her on the bed, Stephanie’s phone rang. She snatched it up and looked at the screen - Lilly.


‘Hi, Steph. Am I disturbing you?’

The pretty blonde looked at the crumpled duvet, her mind going back to listening to Talulah’s description of her and Mr. Chambers and the effect it had had on her. You would have been half an hour ago.

‘No, of course not,’ she replied.

‘Oh good. Do you want to meet at the refectory for a hot chocolate?’ Lilly asked.

Stephanie smiled. ‘That sounds nice,’ she replied. ‘About ten minutes?’



Reaching the top of the stairs Dean stopped, listening for signs of one of the other students coming out of their room, but the corridor was quiet except for the muffled sounds of televisions and music from behind the doors.

Standing in front of the door he raised his hand to knock, but before he had the chance, the door opened. Standing just inside was Talulah, her thick black hair framing her pretty, smiling face. As promised she was naked, her large breasts partially obscured by her obsidian tresses.

Dean paused, but as she stepped aside he walked through the door, hearing it close behind him. His heart raced and he turned to his student, but before he could speak Talulah lifted onto her toes, placing her hands on his shoulders and her lips on his.

Dean felt her tongue on his mouth and he parted his lips, allowing her in, his own tongue finding hers. Talulah moaned, pulling him closer, crushing her breasts against his chest and her stomach against the hardness beneath his trousers.

‘You really were naked,’ Dean whispered between kisses.

‘Of course,’ Talulah replied, lifting his t-shirt and dropping it to the floor. ‘I don’t tell lies. And to prove it to you -.’ She stepped back, put her hands on his chest, and pushed him backwards. Dean shuffled back until his calves hit her bed, his student’s hands working quickly on his belt, pulling his trousers down and off. She eyed the bulge in his boxers before looking up at him.

‘I promised to give you my first blowjob,’ she said, pulling the waistband of Dean’s underwear over his erection and pulling them down. She eyed his hard shaft, the tip just visible from under his stretched foreskin - he flexed under her gaze.

‘Sit down and lie back.’

Dean did as she said, any earlier intentions not to indulge with his student gone. As he lowered himself onto her soft mattress Talulah dropped to her knees in front of him, her plump lips inches from his steel-like penis.

She pushed her mass of dark hair from her face. ‘One moment,’ she said, her hand moving to her wrist. When she didn’t feel the hair tie she usually wore she looked around - a smile creased the corners of her mouth. Reaching down she picked up the underwear that lay on the floor and pulled her hair back tying it into a thick ponytail.

Dean groaned as he watched Talulah reach up, her large, firm breasts pushed forward.

She smiled at his reaction. ‘Is tying my hair back with my dirty knickers sexy?’ she asked.

Dean nodded. ‘Everything about you is sexy.’

Talulah’s eyes twinkled as she shuffled forward on her knees, lifting her teacher’s erection. Propping himself up in his elbows, Dean watched as she gently released his shiny tip, kissing it. Her tongue slipped from between her lips and slid from the base to the tip. He flexed in her hand and she smiled.

‘This is my first time, sir, so feel free to guide me.’

‘You’re doing great,’ Dean said, watching as she licked him again.

‘No, Mr. Chambers,’ she said, her lips pouting. ‘I want you to tell me what you like. What will feel best for you,’

Dean nodded. ‘Concentrate on the tip with your mouth and tongue and the shaft with your hand.’

Talulah smiled. ‘Like this?’ she asked, her lips sliding over the tip of his penis, her tongue sliding along the underside. Dean groaned at the sensation as Talulah’s head began to bob slowly, her hand joining in on his hard shaft.

‘Fuck, Talulah,’ Dean sighed. ‘That feels amazing.’

From between his legs, she looked up, watching his face, holding eye contact. ‘Shall I play with your balls?’ she asked, lifting her mouth off him for a moment.

Dean nodded, catching his breath. ‘That might make me cum quicker,’ he said, ’but don’t worry, I’ll warn you so I don’t do it in your mouth.’

‘Mr. Chambers,’ the beautiful student said. ‘I want you to cum in my mouth.’


When Stephanie arrived in the refectory, dressed in a t-shirt, school hoodie, and her little gym shorts, Lilly was already sitting at a table in the window that looked out onto the hockey pitch and the woods beyond. Her pretty friend waved, pointing at the two large mugs on the table. She wore the same hoodie and tight yoga pants which accentuated her slim legs and pert buttocks.

‘Well, today was exciting,’ Lilly said as Stephanie sat down. She nodded, sipping at her hot chocolate, the cream sticking to her lip and nose.

‘And having a man in the changing rooms,’ Lilly said, flashing her big blue eyes.

Stephanie giggled. ‘I know. It was lucky Talulah walked in first.’

‘Yes, I just remember her telling you to put your boobs away,’ Lilly giggled, taking a sip.

Stephanie shrugged. ‘They’re not very big,’ she replied.

‘Maybe not, but they’re cute, and you have a nice bum too.’ her friend said, causing them to both giggle into their drinks.

‘But I bet Mr. Chambers would rather have seen Talulah’s,’ Stephanie said. Was she going to mention what she’d heard happen between their friend and their teacher? She didn’t think she should, even though she thought Lilly would keep the secret.

Lilly nodded, dipping her finger into the cream. ‘They are big,’ she said.

‘And firm,’ Stephanie added.

‘I know. I’m not attracted to girls, but whenever she has no top on I want to push my face between them.’

‘Shut up!’ Stephanie said, laughing.

They both giggled.

‘So can I ask you something?’ Stephanie said after a moment.

‘Of course,’ Lilly replied, looking up inquisitively.

‘Are you still a virgin?’ she said, not making eye contact with her friend.

Lilly looked at her, concern on her face. ‘Yes,’ she replied. ‘Not much chance of meeting a boy while I’m in an all-girls school.’ She paused for a moment, looking at her friend. ‘Why? Are you not?’

Stephanie looked up, shocked. ‘No! I mean, yes - yes I still am.’

‘But are you thinking about changing that?’

‘No, of course not. Like you said, not much chance of anything like that while we’re here.’

Lilly nodded. ‘Unless you count my shower head,’ she said looking down at her drink, a grin spreading over her pretty face causing Stephanie to laugh into her drink.

‘So who on the netball team do you think isn’t a virgin?’ Stephanie asked.

Lilly considered her question for a moment. ‘If I had to choose, I’d say Miss. Stokes.’

Stephanie looked at her. ‘You’re an idiot,’ she said. ‘I know Miss. Stokes isn’t, I meant us sixth-formers. I mean, what do you think about the fact that we’re all eighteen and none of us has probably even seen a boy’s - you know?’

‘I like to think of my shower head as a boy,’ said Lilly, grinning. ‘Does that count?’

Stephanie slapped the table. ‘Stop it,’ she said, laughing. ‘I’m being serious.’

‘I know,’ replied her friend. ‘If I had to really guess who’d had sex I’d have to say Talulah.’

Despite knowing the truth Stephanie nodded. If she hadn’t known better she would have thought the same. ‘Hmm, that’s who I would say, but I think I’d be wrong. I don’t think Talulah’s done it.’

‘Okay, so I have a question for you,’ Lilly said. ‘Have you ever been caught masturbating while we’ve been away at another school for a netball game?’

Stephanie dropped her gaze, and she could feel her cheeks turn pink. She waited for her friend to erupt into laughter.

‘Yep, me too,’ Lilly said quietly, lifting her mug to her lips.

Stephanie laughed. ‘Did anyone know it was you?’ she asked.

Lilly shook her head. ‘No, I don’t think so. I’d thought everyone was asleep, but I must have got a little carried away and let out a moan and someone started laughing.’ She giggled. ‘I was so embarrassed. I just lay there pretending to be asleep.’

‘That’s what I did,’ Stephanie said. ‘I didn’t moan, though. I was caught because the bed was creaking.’

Oh my gosh!’ Lilly exclaimed. ‘That was you? I remember that. Someone asked if you were on your own!’

‘I nearly died,’ Stephanie said, putting her hand to her forehead. ‘They started asking if Mr. Chambers had come on the trip. I just laid there -.’

‘With slippery fingers,’ laughed Lilly, interrupting her friend.

‘Yes - hoping they’d shut up. Miss. Stokes had to intervene in the end to stop them. How embarrassing.’

Lilly shrugged. ‘I think everyone has been caught at some point. We just don’t always know who it is. Hey, do you think we’ve ever heard Miss Stokes have an orgasm?’

Both girls laughed and Stephanie put her hand to her mouth. ‘Oh my gosh! I forgot to ask you. Did you hear that Miss Stokes and Mr. Chambers got stuck in that blizzard at half term and had to spend the night on the floor in a pub?’

‘No!’ exclaimed Lilly. ‘Is that true?’

‘So Victoria told me,’ Stephanie replied.

Lilly’s eyes flashed wide. ‘Do you think they did it?’

‘No! Surely not,’ Stephanie said.

‘I don’t know,’ Lilly replied in a sing-song voice. ‘You don’t know what these teachers get up to. I mean, Mr. Chambers could be at her dorm room right now.’


Dean Chambers looked down at the beautiful student between his legs. Talulah, her hair tied back with her underwear, his erection in her hand, looked back at him. She smiled before leaning forward and taking him in her mouth again, her slim fingers encircling his shaft, the nails of her other hand gently scraping over his balls causing a bead of pre-cum to smear on her tongue.


‘Stop it,’ Stephanie said. ‘I’ll get all hot and bothered.’

‘But at least you’ll be on your own tonight so no one will hear you as you bring yourself to a wonderful orgasm.’

‘Shhh!' Stephanie looked around to see if anyone was in earshot.

Lilly laughed. 'You'll be able to lie there in the throws of ecstasy without worrying that someone is going to ask you if you've finished because they want to go to sleep, or asking if they can join in.’

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‘Stop it! Change the subject.’

Lilly giggled. ‘I know I talk like this to you, but I’m actually really shy and I don’t know what I’d do if there was actually a boy here.’

Silence fell between the two girls and Stephanie looked at her friend. ‘So what are you doing this weekend?’

Lilly shrugged. ‘I don’t really have anything planned, but I’ve been doing some open-water swimming recently.’

‘Oh yes, I remember you telling me that. Where do you go?’

‘Well, if I can get the bus I go down to the coast - there’s a group of ladies who meet there. But I’m going home next weekend so I might borrow my mum’s car and drive to the woods near our farm and go in the river.’

‘Brrrr,’ Stephanie shivered. ‘Isn’t it freezing?’

‘It is,’ Lilly nodded, ‘but that’s part of it, it feels really nice when you get out and get wrapped up.’

‘So, do you, you know, go in -,’

‘Naked?’ Lilly asked.

Her friend nodded.

‘No,’ she said, giggling. ‘I wear a swimming costume.’ She paused. ‘But it does make me feel all - sexy - when I get out. Especially getting changed.’


Lilly nodded. ‘I have one of those big towels that you put over your head so I can get undressed and dried off while I’m standing up.’ She looked at her friend and lowered her voice. ‘It’s like being naked on the beach without being naked. It’s really sexy.’

‘Is it?’ Stephanie asked.

Lilly nodded.


‘Talulah,’ Dean said, looking down at his student. She looked up at him, her lips around the tip of his penis.

‘I don’t want to cum yet,’ he said. He paused. ‘I know I keep saying we shouldn’t be doing this, but we’re already through the looking glass and so I really want to see and hear you cum again.’

Talulah released his cock with a pop. ‘Oh goody, sir.’ she said. ‘I’d really like that.’

‘Me too,’ Dean replied. ‘Come up here onto the bed.’

He watched as Talulah stood up and climbed onto the bed. She looked at him.

‘Where do you want me, sir?’

‘Lie on your back,’ her teacher replied. She smiled, laying with her head on the pillows, watching as Dean moved over her.

‘Mr. Chambers,’ Talulah said. ‘You referenced Alice in Wonderland just now. Do you think I should get a blue and white dress, long white socks, and a blonde wig?’

Dean rolled his eyes at the thought. ‘One thing at a time, Talulah.’

She smiled, a glint in her eyes as she opened her legs and pulled her teacher down to kiss her. ‘So how do you want to make me cum?’ she asked.

‘I was going to go down on you,’ he replied.

Talulah sighed as she kissed him. ‘Do you mean do it with your mouth?’

Dean nodded.

‘I’d like that, but I’m so turned on I might be too wet for you to enjoy it.’

‘That’s half the enjoyment for me,’ he replied. ‘I want to taste you.’

Talulah looked serious. ‘No one has ever done that to me, what if I don’t taste very nice?’

‘You will,’ Dean replied as he started to slide down, kissing her neck and breasts, sucking on first one nipple then to other before starting to move down her body.

‘Sir, wait,’ she said. ‘Can we do it another way? I’ll be embarrassed.’

Dean looked up at her. ‘Of course,’ he replied. ‘What would you like to do?’

‘Do you remember how I made myself cum earlier by sliding up and down your erection while you sucked on my nipples?’

Dean smiled.

‘I want you to be on top, sliding your hard-on up and down my clitoris. And you can suck on my boobs and kiss me.’ She reached down, taking Dean’s shaft in her hand, positioning it on her vagina. Dean looked down, slowly pushing his hips forward. Talulah gasped as his erection slid up over her clit.

‘Oh yes, sir. That’s exactly what I wanted,’ she gushed as he continued to thrust. ‘Please don’t stop.

Lowering his head Dean kissed his student’s plump lips, before moving down to her left breast, sucking on her nipple, teasing it with his teeth and tongue. Talulah raised her legs. Looking down she watched as her teacher’s shaft slid between her wet lips and over her sensitive button. Over and over he moved, his mouth still alternating between her breasts and her lips as her breathing deepened. Another drop of pre-cum appeared and smeared over her clitoris.

Talulah moaned. ‘Sir, I’m getting close.’ Her firm thighs gripped her teacher’s waist. ‘Just a little faster, I’m going to orgasm.’ Her voice was louder, and a moment later Dean felt her body tense up and she let out a loud moan as she came.

Talulah pulled him down onto her, her breathing heavy and loud in his ear as her climax tore through her. She rocked her hips, and flexed her thighs, holding him tight, increasing the sensation, her cries becoming louder as the waves of her orgasm continued.


‘So do you ever -?’ Stephanie started to ask, but then paused, embarrassed.

Lilly looked around again. ‘Masturbate? On the beach?’

Her friend nodded.

‘No. There are always people around. But I do think about it  - and sometimes I do touch myself a little.’


‘Yes, I quickly stroke myself and touch my nipples, but that’s it. I do think it would be nice to do it outside though.’

Nodding, Stephanie looked at her mug. ‘But you’d need a quiet place where no one would see you. I mean, it’s embarrassing enough in a dark dorm room when your friends think they hear you orgasm. Imagine if someone actually saw you.’

‘Hmm,’ Lilly replied, nodding, looking down at her drink.


‘Mr. Chambers.’ The beautiful brunette slowly released her hold on Dean Chambers, her breath still coming in heavy gasps. ‘That was amazing. I think that was even better than when we were in the changing rooms.’ She opened her eyes and looked up at him looking down at her. ‘Can I tell you something else?’

Dean nodded, still looking at her, his erection still resting on her smooth vagina.

‘Every time you slid down it felt like you were getting closer to my -,’ she paused, ‘to my -. And when I looked down it looked like you were going to slide inside me.’

Dean blinked. ‘I wouldn’t have done that. We don’t have any protection,’ he said.

‘I know,’ Talulah said, closing her eyes for a moment. ‘But I kept thinking how good it would feel. I know they say that a girl’s first time can be painful, but I’m so wet I don’t think it would have been.’ She looked up at him, silence between them.

Dean knew what she was going to say; he didn’t want her to because he knew it would complicate an already impossible situation, but when she said it he felt his hard-on flex again.

‘Will you, sir? Will you go inside me?’

‘Talulah,’ Dean said, closing his eyes. ‘We’ve talked about this and you were right, we can’t have sex. You’re not on any birth control and I don’t have any condoms.’

‘I know that, sir,’ she replied in her pouty voice. ‘But we could just do it a little bit. And as long as you didn’t cum inside me it’ll be fine.’

‘No, Talulah,’ Dean said. ‘It won’t be fine. We shouldn’t even be doing this. I could lose my job.’

She reached up, holding his face in her hands. ‘Mr. Chambers,’ she said firmly. ‘My father is a multi-millionaire who donates an awful lot of money to this school, not to mention the school fees he pays, and I’m his only child. You are NOT going to lose your job.’ She looked at him seriously. ‘So please, will you make love to me.’


Stephanie finished her hot chocolate and looked at her friend. ‘I think I’m going to get an early night,’ she said.

Lilly nodded. ‘Do you have a date with your shower head?’ she asked, grinning wickedly.

‘Shut up!’ Stephanie hissed. ‘No, I do not.’ She paused for a moment. ‘Do you really do that?’

Lilly nodded.

‘Is it nice?’

Again, her friend nodded her head. ‘You just have to find the right setting. If it’s too powerful it can hurt, but if you get a milder one it’s lovely. You’re going to try it, aren’t you.’

Stephanie’s eyes grew wide. ‘No I am not!’ she said, then looking around to see if anyone had heard her.

‘I think the maiden doth protest too much.’

‘You’re mean,’ her friend said, pushing back her chair. Both young women stood up.

‘Sorry,’ Lilly said. ‘I couldn’t help it.’ She paused, looking at Stephanie from the corner of her eye. ‘But just try to keep the noise down. Victoria is in the next room to you and you don’t want her hearing you.’

‘I’m going!’ Stephanie replied in mock anger, striding toward the refectory door.


Dean looked down at Talulah. He knew his hard-on was only millimetres from her warm, wet cleft.

‘Please, sir? Just slide down. I’m really wet, you’ll slip inside really easily.’

‘It’s not the slipping inside that worries me,’ Dean replied. ‘It’s the pulling out again.’ His mind drifted back to the pub floor with Jess Stokes. ‘Mr. Chambers, if you have the self-control to pull out of this tight little pussy before you cum, you’re more than welcome to shoot it all over my cute little bum cheeks.’

He knew that pulling out of his pretty colleague would have been hard enough, but Talulah, with her big eyes, plump lips, and big boobs, not to mention how tight he imagined she would be, it would be all but impossible.

‘It’ll be okay, sir,’ Talulah said. ‘As soon as you feel your orgasm approaching just pull out.’

Dean laughed. ‘Do you have any idea how hard that is?’ he asked.

‘No, but I really want to feel how hard it is,’ she replied with a cheeky grin.

Dean laughed in spite of himself.

‘Sir, there is a hot, wet, virgin pussy just waiting for your big hard cock. Just slip it in, kiss me, and play with my boobs. You’ll be able to pull out, I know you will.’ She reached down between them, running her finger over the slippery tip of his erection. Dean groaned before sliding down, his hard-on moving closer to his student’s wet opening.

Talulah felt him reach her lips, his tip parting them. ‘Yes sir, just push it in,’ she whispered, lifting her legs around his buttocks. And then Dean was thrusting gently, feeling his student opening around him. Talulah gasped, her fingernails digging into his back as she felt him start to enter her. She lifted her head, biting his shoulder as he began to fill her.

‘Am I hurting you?’ he asked as she moaned.

‘No, sir,’ she replied, her voice muffled by his shoulder. ‘Keep going.’

He thrust a little more, inching deeper, amazed at how wet she was and how easy he was sliding in. He bowed his head, sucking on Talulah’s nipples. She moaned again. ‘Yes, Mr. Chambers. Don’t stop.’

When he reached his full length into her Dean started to pull out, only to push back in again, thrusting over and over. Talulah called out, gripping him with her arms and legs, grinding against her teacher.

‘Keep going, sir,’ she said between gasps. Her bed creaked under their movements but neither cared that another student might hear, too lost in their individual pleasures.

Dean moved his mouth to Talulah’s before taking her other nipple between his lips, sucking on it, pulling it, teasing it with his teeth. She cried out, telling him not to stop. But Dean could feel his orgasm approaching and he knew he had to pull out.

‘I have to stop, Talulah,’ she said, breathless. ‘Or I’m going to cum inside you.’

She nodded, relaxing her legs and then he was pulling out, rolling onto his back and in a blur of smooth flesh and dark hair, Talulah sat up, moving over her teacher, grabbing his throbbing erection, sliding her lips over the tip, sucking as she bobbed her head up and down. Talulah’s knickers still held her dark tresses in place, and Dean looked down as she sucked and stroked him. Talulah looked up at him, her eyes flashing an invitation and a moment later Dean called out her name, gripping the duvet as he came.

Talulah felt the first shots of cum hit her throat and coat the roof of her mouth and she swallowed. She sucked again as she pulled off of him, taking a breath as Dean ejaculated again, landing in his student’s hair, the white fluid contrasting against the tousled ebony strands.

She looked down at his penis, surrounded by her fingers, and at the cum that covered them. Her hand continued to slide along his length, now slick with his cum and her wetness.

‘Do I look naughty with your cum in my hair?’ she asked, still stroking him slowly.

‘You always look naughty,’ Dean replied. She giggled. ‘Really? And I thought you thought I was a good girl.’

‘I do, but you always looked like you’d have a naughty side. And now I know you do.’

As she reached the tip again Dean winced. ‘That’s really sensitive now,’ he said, his voice jumping at the sensation.

‘Is that what happens?’ Talulah asked.

He nodded.

‘Hmm,’ she replied. ‘That's like my clitoris. She gets really sensitive after I orgasm.’

Gently laying his now softening penis down, the pretty student moved up, resting her head on her teacher’s chest, draping one leg over his.

‘Mmm,’ she sighed. ‘This is nice.’

Dean nodded.

‘I feel all relaxed and satisfied,’ she continued. ‘Like I could stay here all night.’

The room was silent for a moment.

‘Sir,’ Talulah said. ‘Would you buy some condoms?’ she asked. ‘Or perhaps I should go to my GP and go on birth control. That way it wouldn’t matter where you came - in me, on me. Anywhere we want.’


The lock clicked and Stephanie pushed open her door. Closing it behind her she listened to the silence before the muffled sound of a television in one of the adjacent rooms drifted through the wall. A lot had happened that day and despite her earlier nap, she was feeling tired again. Shower and bed, she thought. Shower. Lilly’s words came back to her and she turned to look in her neat little bathroom and the shower head on the wall, and as she removed her t-shirt and untied her gym shorts she wondered if it was as nice as Lilly said.

Written by Mercury23
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