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A Very English Accident

"Two colleagues from an all female boarding school share a ride home at the end of term in a winter storm."

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The accident wasn’t her fault, it was all but impossible to avoid - the ice would have been invisible in daylight, much less in the dark, and adding in the snow which made the journey along the remote road like they were traveling at warp speed, it was inevitable that there would be an accident.

In the moment before she lost control of the car Jessica had been picturing reaching home and her wife Trish. Her daydream had involved their first kiss as she walked through the door, and how that kiss would have lead to biting lips and nipping flesh, clothes being removed frantically on the way to the bedroom, knickers being pulled down and legs being spread. The image of Trish’s face disappearing between her splayed legs made Jessica move in her seat and grip the steering wheel a little harder. The thought of Trish’s scent on her neck as she ground her pussy against Jess’ thigh, faster and harder until she climaxed, leaving them both a sweaty mess on the bed.

And as the car began to spin on the ice she wondered if she would ever see her again.

Dean, her colleague at the all-girls boarding school where they worked, had pressed his foot to the floor on an invisible brake when the car started to spin but the only sound he made was, ‘shit’, hissed through clenched teeth.

The car ended its three hundred and sixty-degree spin at a steep angle with the passenger tires in the ditch at the side of the road, partially submerged in the drifting snow.

It had taken the two of them several minutes to extricate themselves from their seatbelts and then the car, but when they were standing on the snow covered road in the near pitch dark the seriousness of their situation became apparent - the temperature dropping by the minute, the wind blowing the heavy snow into their faces, soaking their clothes.

‘Okay,’ Dean said, looking around in the dark, ‘I think we could be in trouble here.’

‘I’m sorry,’ Jessica said, looking at the car. ‘I just didn’t see the ice.’

‘It's not your fault. You weren’t even going that fast,’ Dean replied, pushing his hands into his trouser pockets. ‘But I do think we need to find somewhere to shelter. It’s only five o’clock and it’s only going to get colder.’

‘I think you’re right. Shall we get our luggage from the boot?’

Dean nodded, walking to the back of the car. ‘I can’t open it, I think the impact has jammed it shut.’

‘Okay,’ Jessica said. ‘Any idea which direction we should head? I don’t remember seeing any buildings since we got this far onto the moor.’

Dean looked across the desolate countryside. ‘If I remember correctly from the last time I did this journey there’s a pub about a mile in that direction.’ He pointed into the distance and Jessica peered into the darkness, trying to see a telltale light. ‘Do you think we’ll be able to walk that far?’ she asked.

‘Yeah, we should be fine,’ Dean replied sounding more confident than he felt.

‘And you’re sure it’s that way?’

‘Yes. Can you see that dark mass in the sky over there?’ Jessica nodded but was not entirely convinced about what she was seeing. ‘That’s Granite Tor, and it’s directly behind a pub.’

‘Okay,’ Jessica said, pushing her long auburn hair out of her face only for the wind to whip it back. ‘Let’s go before we freeze to death.’


‘So how long have you worked at the school?’ Dean asked, turning his face toward Jessica to stop his words from being blown away. They had been walking across the uneven moorland for about ten minutes and hadn’t spoken.

‘Just over two years,’ she replied, raising her voice to be heard. ‘You?’

‘About the same. You must have started just before me.’

‘How do you like it?’ Jessica asked.

‘Yeah, it’s good. I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about living on school grounds but it’s okay. It’s weird that we’ve never talked before. I’ve seen you around but we’ve never really crossed paths.’

‘I know what you mean. But I bet you’re wishing you hadn’t agreed to share a hire car with me now.’

Dean shrugged. ‘Like I said, it wasn’t you’re fault. It wouldn’t have mattered who was driving, I still think we’d have crashed.’

‘Maybe, but I worry that I wasn’t paying attention. I was thinking about seeing my wife.’ Jessica tried to pull her collar around her neck, but she could already feel the snow had gone down inside her coat and was soaking her t-shirt beneath.

‘How long have you been married?’ Dean asked.

‘Three years in June.’

Dean was about to reply when a gust of wind blasted snow into their faces. Jessica staggered backwards, sitting down heavily, the snow on the sodden grass soaking into her jeans. Dean reached out a hand and she pulled herself up.

‘Thank you,’ Jessica said, brushing snow off her coat and jeans. ‘I’m soaked.’

‘Don’t worry, we should be there soon,’ Dean replied peering into the darkness and leading the way across the moorland.

‘I don’t see you around school much,’ Jessica said, catching up to him.

‘It’s probably because we’re in different departments. I’m science and you’re history aren’t you?’

‘That’s right, how boring of me,’ Jess laughed.

‘Not at all. You coach netball as well, don’t you?’

‘Yes, for my sins.’ Jess laughed again.

‘Don’t you enjoy it?’ Dean asked, squinting through the snow at her.

‘I do, but it’s hard work. The hardest part is keeping those young male teaching assistants away from the changing rooms after training.’

‘Really?’ Dean asked, looking over at her.

‘You look shocked, but I guess you can’t blame them, there’s a lot of sweaty eighteen-year-old boobs in that gym block.’

‘I never really thought about that,’ Dean replied thoughtfully.

‘Really? You work in an all-female boarding school and you didn’t think about them in the showers?’

‘I mean, I suppose I’m aware that there are a lot of teenage girls there, but I think I’ve tried to block out that kind of thing.’

‘So you haven’t noticed that as the year goes on the skirts get shorter and the blouses get tighter?’

Dean laughed. ‘Yeah, if I’m honest, I’ve probably noticed that.’

‘Hmm,’ Jessica said, glancing suspiciously up at him. ‘I'm sure you have. But you realise that the skirts aren’t getting shorter and the blouses aren’t getting tighter - it’s their legs getting longer and their boobs getting bigger. Eighteen-year-old girls tend to get growth spurts. And if you said you hadn’t noticed how gorgeous some of them are, I’d call you a liar.’

Dean laughed, nodding, picturing some of the young women he taught.

‘Is that a light over there?’ Jessica’s voice pulled him from his day dream of nubile young ladies walking around in school uniforms.

‘Where?’ he asked, looking in the direction she was pointing.

Through the driving snow he could just make out a faint glow of a window. ‘Yes, that’s it. The Slaughtered Lamb.’

Jessica’s head snapped round to look at him. ‘The what?’ she exclaimed, images of countless horror movies coming to mind.

Dean laughed, ‘That’s just what I call it. Like from An American Werewolf in London. It’s really The White Hart, or something like that.’

Jess looked at him uneasily and he tried to push from his mind how pretty she was, despite her long auburn hair being drenched and stuck to her face. ‘C’mon, let’s get inside.’

The temperature as they stepped through the pub door was a marked improvement to outside, but walking into a cave would have been warmer than being out in the snow. The flames from an open fire reflected off the low ceiling, but it was the lines of sheets hanging across the room that first caught their attention. At first, Jessica thought they’d had some kind of leak and were drying countless amounts of bedding, but she quickly realised that what she was looking at were small cubicles the owners had sectioned off by hanging sheets on ropes strung from wall to wall, and in amongst them people were talking in hushed tones.

Jess turned to look at Dean, starting to shiver.

‘C’mon,’ he said, looking down at her. ‘Let’s find the landlord.’ But before he could take a step a short woman, as wide as she was tall, in a kitchen apron appeared from between the walls of sheets.

‘I thought I heard the door,’ she said, bustling toward them, a warm smile on her face. She stopped to take them in. ‘Oh, look at you two poor dears, you’re soaked to the skin and freezing. Come on, let’s get you sorted out.’

Dean went to thank her, but she was already turning and pushing her way through the village of sheets.

‘This way. As you can see, we’re quite busy,’ she laughed. ‘All our rooms were already full before the blizzard hit, but a coach broke down just down the road and the party came here.’ Her broad local accent made her sound comforting to the pair and Jess’ spirits were starting to lift despite how cold and wet she was.

‘So all we could do was use the spare bedding and sheets to make these rooms down here. Luckily we’d had a delivery of new mattresses ready for our refurbishment so you should be quite comfortable.’

‘Thank you so much,’ Dean said. ‘We really appreciate it.’

‘No problem, my dears. I’ll get you in your room,’ - she laughed at the word. ‘And then I’ll get you some nice hot stew and hot drinks. We have tea, coffee and hot chocolate.’

She pushed one of the sheets aside and ushered them into the small square, just big enough to house the double mattress that was neatly made up in the floor.

The pair looked at each other, the realization of their living situation for the night dawning on them.

‘You were lucky,’ the landlady was saying. ‘This is our last one. Anyone else arrives and they’ll be out in the dog kennel.’ She looked at them both. ‘Of course the dog isn’t out there, he’s curled up by the fire.’

‘Um, Mrs -,’ Jess began, ‘we’re not -.’

But she wasn’t listening, too busy bustling around and handing them a large cloth bag. ‘Now, here’s a laundry sack. There’s a pen, a piece of paper, and a safety pin inside. You put your clothes in there, write your names on the paper and pin it to the sack and leave it outside here. And while you’re doing that I’ll get you two nice big bowls of stew, some lovely crusty bread and two nice hot cups of tea.’

‘But Mrs -, um,’ Jess started again. ‘You see, we’re not -.’

‘Now my dears, don’t you worry about paying me tonight, we can take care of that in the morning. You haven’t even got proper rooms and I can see you don’t have bags so we’ll say it’s my good deed for the day.’ And then she was gone, disappeared into the corridors of sheets outside.

Jess and Dean looked at each other. ‘So this could be awkward,’ Dean said, looking around their tiny room as if trying to find a place for some privacy.

Jess nodded. ‘Yes, but I’m freezing so I need to get these clothes off and get under the duvet.’

Dean looked at her.

‘Well turn around then,’ she said.

Dean shook his head as if coming out of a day dream. ‘Right, yes. Of course. Sorry, I’m just a bit - yes, this is going to be awkward.’

Jess nodded but reached for the buttons on her coat. ‘Yes, but you telling my wife and family that I died of hypothermia will be more awkward so I’m getting undressed. Don’t look.’

Dean turned his back, a little annoyed at the implication that he might watch his pretty colleague get undressed, trying to push the images of what her lithe body might look like out of his mind. ‘I won’t,’ he said, then as an afterthought, ‘and you don’t look either.’

Jess huffed. ‘I’m not going to look. I’m gay, remember.’

Dean shook his head and started to unbutton his coat, realizing just how cold and wet he was. Behind him he could hear Jess undressing.

‘Oh, I’m so cold,’ she moaned. ‘It hurts to move. Everything is so wet.’ Dean closed his eyes as he pulled off his shirt and t-shirt. They weren’t as wet as his jeans but he found that he was holding off removing them for as long as he could.

‘Oh, even my bra and knickers are wet,’ Jess was saying behind him. ‘I can’t keep them on, they’re freezing. Just make sure you don’t turn around.’

‘Yes, okay,’ Dean replied, a little annoyed.

‘Knock, knock.’ the landlady said from outside their cubicle. ‘I’m back with your supper.’

Jess gave a little gasp. ‘Could you get that?’ she said. ‘I’m naked.’

Dean rolled his eyes at the image, his hand about to unbutton his jeans. ‘Just a second,’ he called out. Stepping over to the join between the two sheets which served as a door he opened it a couple of inches. Outside stood the landlady holding a tray with two steaming bowls of stew, bread and tea. She smiled broadly at him. ‘There you are my loves,’ she said. ‘You enjoy. And when you’re ready you just put that laundry bag out here and I’ll get it dried and put back by the morning.’

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Dean thanked her, taking the tray, allowing her to close the gap as he stepped back. He looked down for a place to put the tray, but seeing nowhere suitable he turned around. Jess was standing in profile to him, naked, he lace knickers in her hand as she looked around for the laundry bag, her long hair was pushed back from her pretty face. Her breasts were firm and round, her stomach flat, and from the side he could see that her buttocks were tight, her vagina neatly waxed. For a moment he froze, in turmoil, knowing that he shouldn’t be looking at her but unable to look away.

Jess started to turn toward him and he spun around as if he was looking for a place to set down the tray.

‘Did you look?’ Jess asked.

‘What? No, of course I didn’t look. I’m trying to find somewhere to put this tray. Are you going to eat anything?’

‘That’s a pretty leading question to ask a lesbian,’ Jess chuckled. ‘But yes I am, I’m starving.’

Dean ignored her joke. ‘Okay, so how do you want to do this?’

‘Let me get under the covers and then while I’m eating you can get undressed.’ Dropping her underwear into the bag Jess climbed under the thick duvet. ‘Brrrrrrr,’ she said, shivering as the covers surrounded her in warmth. She pulled the duvet over her breasts. ‘Okay, I’m ready.’

Dean turned and passed her the tray. She took it, awkwardly trying not to let the duvet drop. ‘Okay, I’m not going to be able to eat this and hold the duvet up so you’ll have to turn your back. And don’t look this time.’

‘I didn’t look the last time,’ Dean replied, annoyed despite his lie.

‘Hmm,’ Jess said suspiciously, dipping the bread into the stew, the food instantly making her feel better. ‘Hurry up and get undressed before yours goes cold.’

Dean paused. ‘Look, I don’t know how we’re going to do this,’ he said.


‘The sleeping arrangements. There’s only one bed and it’s too cold to expect me to sleep on top of the covers.’

‘I’m not expecting you to do that,’ Jess replied. ‘We’ll just sleep back to back.’

‘Okay,’ Dean said. ‘I need to take off my boxers as they’re soaked through.’

‘Okay,’ Jess replied

‘So don’t look.’

‘Married lesbian remember,’ she said, taking another mouthful of stew.

Dean pulled off his shorts.

‘Nice bum by the way,’ Jess said, giggling. Dean froze, feeling some movement in his penis at her cute giggle. ‘Stop looking.’

I’m not!’ she protested. ‘But it’s pretty hard not to in this small space. Besides, you looked.’

‘No I did not,’ he insisted.


‘Have you finished eating yet so I can get warm?’

Jess dropped her spoon into the empty bowl and pulled the duvet back over her breasts. ‘Yes all done.’

Dean looked over his shoulder. ‘Well turn around then,’ he said irritably.

Jess giggled again, laying down and rolling into her side. ‘I know you looked,’ she said.

‘I did not.’ Dean turned around slowly, making sure she wasn’t looking at him, and climbed under the covers, relieved to hide his penis, particularly as it was still slightly aroused from Jess’ cute laugh. He picked up the tray and started to eat.

‘You’re in good shape,’ Jess said, almost completely covered by the duvet, just the top of her head showing. ‘For a science  teacher.’

‘Go to sleep,’ Dean replied. Finishing his stew and putting the tray beside the mattress, he lay down, pulling the duvet up to his chin and closing his eyes.

‘I’m still cold,’ Jess said, her voice slightly muffled by the duvet.

‘It’ll warm up in a minute,’ Dean replied.

‘But I’m cold now.’

‘Oh okay, I’ll just call down to room service and get you an extra blanket.’

‘There’s no need for sarcasm,’ Jess replied.


‘It’s okay.’

They fell into silence.



‘Would you move closer to keep me warm? I’m so cold.’

‘Are you sure?’

‘Yes, just curl up behind me and put your arm over me. As soon as I warm up you can move back.’

He paused for a moment and then turned onto his side, his left arm reaching over Jess’ shoulder, his chest resting against her back. ‘Oh, that’s better already. Thank you.’


Jess’ eyes fluttered open. She could feel a strange sensation; not unpleasant, in fact it was very pleasurable, but she knew it wasn’t quite right. As sleep drifted away from her she realised that Dean was still behind her, snoring softly, and that his hand was now cupping her left breast, his fingers moving lightly across her nipple. She froze for a moment.




‘Huh? What?’

‘You’re playing with my boob.’


‘In your sleep - you’re playing with my boob.’

Dean’s hand pulled away. ‘Oh my gosh,’ he exclaimed. ‘I’m so sorry. I didn’t realise.’

‘Sshhh,’ Jess said, giggling. ‘Everyone is asleep. It’s fine.’

He started to move away.

‘No, don’t move. I’m still cold.’ She reached back and pulled his arm over her again, enjoying the warmth against her back. They lay still for a moment. ‘Actually, your hand was keeping my boob warm,’ she said, pushing his hand back over her firm breast.  ‘Do you mind?’

‘Uh, no, I suppose not,’ he replied.

‘Thanks, just don’t play with my nipple again. It does things to me.’

Dean kept quiet.



‘Are you hard?’


‘Your penis. Is it hard?’

He tried to move his hips back away from her. ‘No, of course it’s not.’

‘Oh. So what’s that I can feel touching my bum?’

‘I don’t know,’ Dean replied, irritable and embarrassed. ‘Look, maybe I should just turn over.’

‘No, you’re keeping me warm. I was just curious that’s all.’

‘Well, I’m not hard.’

‘Okay. But if you were would it be because we’re both naked and you’re pressed against me, or were you thinking about the netball team in the showers?’

‘What? Neither! Look, I’m not hard. Now can we just go back to sleep.’

‘Sshhh,’ Jess said, giggling. ‘You’re being very loud. And protesting a little too much I might add.’

Dean ignored her.

‘So you don’t think about the girls on the netball team?’


‘Really? You must be the only male staff member who doesn’t. They’re gorgeous. And rich.’

‘Well I don’t. I’m their teacher.’

Jess was silent for a moment and Dean started to relax.

‘But if you were to think about them, who would be your favourites?’

‘Are you serious?’

‘It’s okay, they’re all eighteen,’ Jess said. ‘Just give me your top five and I’ll let you go to sleep.’

Dean huffed.

‘If you don’t, I’ll just keep talking to you all night. I’m wide awake now.’

Dean huffed again. ‘Okay, if I had to choose. And you’re making me, by the way, I would have to say - Talula.’

‘Oh yes, good choice.’ Jess said, nodding. ‘Pouty lips, big boobs.’

Dean shook his head, trying to keep his hips pushed back. ‘Victoria.’

‘Ah yes, pretty Victoria. Brown, hair, brown eyes, cute little body. Next.’


‘Oh yes, pretty, blonde, always giggling. A little skinnier than the other two. Looks very delicate.’


‘Yes, blonde, big eyes, like a deer in the headlights. Also has pouty lips and a cute body.’

‘And Lilly.’

‘Ah yes, she’s a little English rose. Pretty, slim, cute boobs, nice bum.’

‘Okay, can we go to sleep now?’

‘Hmm, in a minute.’

Dean sighed.

‘So if you weren’t hard before, are you now?’


‘Are you sure? Because that thing poking against my bum cheeks again would beg to differ.’

Dean tried to move but Jess held his arm. ‘No, don’t move. Slip it in.’


‘Your penis, slip it in.’

‘In where?’

‘Where do you think? Into my vagina.’



‘No,’ Dean whispered. ‘Besides. Aren’t you married? To a woman?’

‘Yes, but I slept with men before I realised I liked women, and if I’m honest I do miss the feel of a nice hard penis inside me from time to time.’

‘Don’t you have a - , y’know, a -.’

‘A vibrator?’ Jess asked looking over her shoulder at him.


‘Of course, but it’s not the same. There’s just  something about a nice, warm, hard cock.’

Dean’s hard-on flexed involuntarily.

‘So how about it?’ Jess asked. ‘Will you put it in me?’

‘What if someone hears us?’

Jess giggled. ‘Hey, I spend every other weekend away at netball tournaments, sharing a dorm room with the girls on the team. I’m the mistress of the silent orgasm.’

‘You masturbate in the room with the girls there?’ Dean asked, shock in his voice.

‘Of course. If I’m horny, I need the release.’

‘But aren’t you afraid they’ll hear you?’

Jess shrugged. ‘Like I said, I’m good at being quiet when I cum. Which is more than can be said for the girls.’

‘Really?’ Dean asked in a whisper.

‘Yes. Oh, I’m not saying they’re lying there writhing around in the throws of ecstasy, but you defiantly get to learn the difference between a sleepy moan and a teenage orgasm.’

Dean groaned quietly, unable to stop himself from picturing some of the girls from his classes pleasuring themselves in the dark - hands inside underwear, stifling moans of pleasure.

‘You’re picturing it, aren’t you,’ Jess said feeling Dean’s hand grip her breast a little more tightly.

‘It usually starts with one of them moving around which usually means they’re taking off their pajamas, and then some rhythmic creaking of the bed before a little moan. You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve received a package in the post from a school containing a pair of knickers that one of them has left behind.’

‘Do you ever say anything to them?’

‘No, but if the others hear it then the teasing starts.’

‘What do they say?’

‘Just funny comments. A favourite is “were you thinking about me?” And “are you over there on you’re own? That sounded like a good one.” Or they’ll ask if they were thinking about one of the teachers. Of course if it’s getting too embarrassing for whoever had been busted I step in and calm it down but for the most part it’s just good natured ribbing.’

‘Have they ever heard you cum?’ Dean asked, his penis now pressing unashamedly against Jessica’s buttocks.

‘No, but it’s not always easy. But I don’t think it would do for the girls to hear “Miss” cumming, do you?’ Jess paused for a moment. ‘You didn’t comment about them asking about which teacher they were thinking of.’

Dean shrugged.

Jess giggled. ‘Well in case you’re wondering, they do talk about you.’

‘Really?’ Dean asked, not sure if she was being truthful.

‘Of course. You’re one of the younger ones so you’re “Cheeky Chambers." It’s because of your smile.’

Dean laughed.

‘But after tonight you’ll be “Six Pack Chambers,"’ Jess said, giggling and bracing herself for his retort.

‘I told you not to look!’ Dean hissed.

‘So did I, but you still did.’

‘That was an accident. I was trying to find somewhere to put the tray.’

‘So you saw me naked?’



‘And you have a really sexy body. But I already knew that. I’ve seen you walking around school and I always thought you were hot.’

‘Hmm, so if you think I have a sexy body, then why haven’t you put your cock inside it?’

‘I don’t know. I do want to.’

‘Then do it. I’ve been wet since I woke up to you feeling up my boob. Just slip it in.’

Dean moved lower, feeling his hard-on pass between her thighs.

‘That’s it,’ Jess whispered. ‘Hold on -.’ She reached between her legs, taking his erection in her fingers and guiding it to her smooth opening. ‘There, push it in.’

Dean could feel the heat of her vagina on his sensitive tip and his body tensed as he pushed his hips forward, sliding between his colleague's lips.

‘Oh, that’s it,’ Jess whispered as she felt him slide inside her. ‘It’s been a long time since I felt that. So hard and warm.’

Dean began thrusting, his hand squeezing Jess’ breast, pulling her hard nipple.

‘Oh, yes, just like that,’ she moaned quietly. ‘Long slow strokes.’

She squeezed her muscles around him as he withdrew, causing Dean to moan.

‘Sshhh,’ she whispered. ‘But don’t stop. You’re right on my g spot. You’ll make me cum soon.’

Dean thrust back into her, deeply, making her gasp and she pulled his free hand from under her pillow and put it over her mouth to stifle the sounds of her pleasure.

‘I thought you were the mistress of the silent orgasm.’

‘That’s when I’m playing with myself. Not when I have a nice hard cock in my pussy. Now go a little faster, I’m really close.’

‘Do you want me to pull out before I cum.’ Dean asked, his lips next to her ear.

‘Mr. Chambers, if you have the self control to pull out of this tight little pussy before you cum, you’re more than welcome to shoot it all over my cute little bum cheeks. I’ll even reach back there and finish you off. But if you don’t think you’ll be able to manage it, then you feel free to let it go inside of me.’

Dean sped up as she’d asked.

‘Oh, Mr. Chambers,’ Jess whispered with a giggle as she pulled his fingers away from her mouth. ‘You’re about to hear your Miss Stokes cum. Don’t stop.’ And then she was pressing his hand to her lips, cutting off her moan as she orgasmed. Dean felt the muscles in her vagina contract as she came, the sensation pulling him over the edge and he flooded her with his cum, pressing his mouth against Jess’ shoulder to dampen his moan.

They lay there, their breathing deep as Dean continued to make small thrusts into Jess.

‘Well, Mr. Chambers, how on earth will I look at you in the halls next term?’

Written by Mercury23
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