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Author's Notes

"The next chapter after A Very English Affair and An Encounter in the Changing Rooms"

The changing room door closed for a second time and Stephanie let out a breath. Her legs were shaking. An hour of netball practice and then crouching on a toilet seat would do that.

She stepped down slowly, unlocked the cubicle door and looked out. The changing room was empty.

She took a moment to consider what had happened. Had she really just heard her friend and her teacher have sex? No, not sex, Mr. Chambers had been clear about that, and Talulah had said that she just wanted to give him a handjob.

She had never done anything like that, but attending an all-girls school wasn’t really conducive to meeting boys, although she had to admit, she did have a crush on Mr. Chambers. And when Talulah had said that her classmates would be jealous of her standing in front of him in her bra and knickers she had to agree, even though she knew she would never have the courage to do that herself.

And the fact that she had just heard him climax was something that made her head spin. But it wasn’t just her teacher; she’d heard her friend orgasm too.

The only time she had seen a penis outside of a school sex education class had been last summer when she had accidentally found pornography on her cousin’s laptop.

It had been last summer when Steph and her parents had gone to stay with her aunt and uncle in their big country house. She’d had some research to do for homework and her aunt had told her to use her cousin’s laptop while he was out. When she opened his internet browser the first thing that appeared on the screen was a porn video. In the clip she could see a pretty blonde with big breasts lying on her back, moaning and swearing as a long, thick penis thrust in and out of her. Her immediate reaction was to slam the screen closed, shocked, her face red with embarrassment.

It had taken her a few minutes, sitting on the bed, red-faced to recover, but despite trying to block out the image she found she kept picturing it. And so she had carefully opened the screen as if doing so too quickly would alert others in the house to what she was doing. She’d lowered the volume and pressed play again, putting her hand to her mouth as the male actor’s hard shaft thrust into his co-star’s waxed vagina, fascinated by their grunts and exclamations. And then, just as she wondered how much longer the video would go on for the male, whose face she couldn’t see, announced that he was going to climax, or words to that effect, and pulled his erection from inside the woman so that it was positioned over her body. Stephanie’s eyes grew wider as she watched the girl take hold of his penis and begin to masturbate him until he climaxed, shooting his thick fluid all over her breasts and stomach, the force of his ejaculation making her jump, putting her hand to her mouth.

As the video ended Steph found herself breathless, unsure if what she had seen was normal. She had just turned eighteen but having had a sheltered upbringing she had never watched videos like that before. Of course, she masturbated, she’d even done it while away on netball tournaments; in bed, in the dark dorm room, trying not to be heard by Miss Stokes or the other girls, but that was really the extent of her experience.

All these thoughts flashed through Steph’s mind in a second as she stood in the middle of the changing room, next to the chair from which Miss Stokes had fallen earlier. She remembered hearing its metal legs squeak on the floor and she realised that Mr. Chambers and Talulah must have been sitting on it while she was listening to them. There was a damp patch on the seat - was it Mr. Chambers’ seamen? Or was that from Talulah? She’d heard her friend say she was really wet and she could feel that her own underwear was damp. The thought embarrassed her, to think that hearing her friend and her teacher both moaning, panting, climaxing had turned her on felt wrong, but also exciting.

Stephanie adjusted her knickers and let her fingers trace the outline of her vagina, trying to picture the scene from the changing rooms.

A door slamming from outside made her jump and she pulled her hand from beneath her school skirt before hurrying towards the door. She eased it open, looked both ways along the dreary Hotfwartsesque corridor and slipped out.

Dean Chambers was just rounding a corner having forgotten his briefcase in the staff room when a movement in the corridor caught his attention. Ahead of him, he saw Stephanie step furtively from the gym changing rooms and scurry towards the exit of the main building. He froze. Had she gone back for something or had she seen him and Talulah in there? Turning, he walked back into the staff room, opened a filing cabinet labeled Student Records.

Back in his room Dean took out his mobile phone and dialed the number from the piece of paper.

Talulah had just stepped from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her body, her hair still wet from her shower. Her phone rang.


‘Talulah? It’s Mr. Chambers.’

The student smiled. ‘Hello, sir. I have to admit, I thought it would take longer for you to get in touch. How did you get my number?’

‘I took it from your student file. Listen, we have a problem. I think Stephanie saw us.’

‘You do? Why?’ Talulah replied, sounding surprised.

‘Because I saw her coming out of the changing rooms after we left. She must have been in there.’

‘I can’t think where,’ she said. ‘Should I speak to her to find out?’

‘I think you need to,’ Dean said.

‘Okay, sir. Leave it to me and I’ll call you back in a moment.’ She ended the call and scrolled through her contacts. The number rang once, twice.

Stephanie needed a shower. She was stressed by the accident and still aroused and she needed to distract herself. She had taken off her skirt and blouse, followed by her bra and was just about the take off her knickers when her phone rang. She saw her friend’s number on her screen. Why was Talulah calling? Did she know that she’d heard her and Mr. Chambers?

She answered the call.

‘Hello Talulah,’ she said, trying to sound casual.

‘Hi Steph. Are you okay?’

‘Um, yes. Why wouldn’t I be?’ Talulah sounded like her usual self.

‘Oh, I was just checking on you after what happened today.’

Stephanie froze. She did know that she was there. She stumbled over her words. ‘What do you mean?’ she asked.

‘This afternoon. The accident with Miss. Stokes.’

‘Oh, yes, of course. Yes, I’m fine now. Thank you.’

‘Okay, that’s good. I knew you were upset by what happened, but it wasn’t your fault.’

‘Thank you,’ Stephanie replied.

There was a moment of silence and Stephanie thought Talulah was about to end the call but her friend spoke again. ‘I have to ask you something,’ she said. ‘Did you see anything in the changing rooms earlier?’

Stephanie froze, unsure of what to say.


‘Yes, I mean, no - I didn’t see anything.’

Talulah relaxed.

‘But I did hear,’ she said, sounding nervous.

Talulah took a deep breath. ‘What did you hear?’

‘You and Mr. Chambers.’

‘I see. Are you going to tell anyone?’ Talulah asked.

‘No, of course not,’ Stephanie replied.


‘Of course. You’re my friend and Mr. Chambers is really nice.’

Talulah relaxed. ‘And hot,’ she said.

Stephanie giggled. ‘Yes, and hot. I can’t believe you did that.’

‘I know. I hadn’t planned it. I just saw the opportunity and went with it.’

They both giggled again and Stephanie sat on her bed.

‘Where were you?’ Talulah asked.

‘I was in the loo. I went in for a wee and I was just about to come out when I heard you. At first, I didn’t know what was going on, but then I heard you say about standing in front of him in your bra and knickers and I realised. What was it like?’

Talulah paused. ‘It was amazing,’ she answered.

‘Yes, it sounded like it.’

‘I can’t believe you heard us,’ Talulah said, feeling a little embarrassed. ‘Were we loud?’

‘A little,’ Stephanie replied. ‘So what happened? Did you -?’

‘Have sex? No, we didn’t do that.’

‘No, I know, I heard you tell him you couldn’t do that. But I mean did you, you know….,

‘Cum?’ Talulah asked.

‘Climax, yes,’ Stephanie replied, a little embarrassed.

‘I did,’ her friend replied.

‘How? I mean, was Mr. Chambers touching you?’

‘Sort of. He was touching my boobs and sucking on my nipples.

Stephanie gave a little gasp. ‘And did he touch your -,’

‘My clitoris? No, he was doing such a nice job playing with my tits I did that myself.’

‘You mean you masturbated in front of him?’

‘Not really. I was holding his penis against my clit and rubbing up and down on it.’

Stephanie had laid back across her bed, her feet still on the floor. ‘And that made you…orgasm?’ she asked. Her phone was in her left hand, her right just above the waist of her knickers, resting on her stomach.

‘It did,’ Talulah replied. ‘Really hard.’

Stephanie closed her eyes, her hand moved slowly over the front of her underwear and again she could feel the outline of her vagina, the material leaving a visible line at her cleft. ‘And then what happened?’

Talulah smiled at her friend’s question and the soft distance in her voice. ‘Well,’ she began, wanting to indulge her friend. ‘All the time I was sliding my clit up and down him, he was sucking on my nipples, which was making me really wet, I was also running my hand over the tip of his cock which is the most sensitive part.’ She heard Stephanie give a little sigh.

The pretty blonde had put her phone on speaker and laid it next to her face. Her fingers were creeping inside her underwear as if she were hiding what she was doing from her friend.

‘Are you still there?’ Talulah asked.

‘Yes,’ Stephanie replied, trying not to sound too breathy. ‘Then what happened?’

‘Well, by now he was really leaking pre-cum which was making him really slick and slippery.’

Stephanie’s fingers had reached the soft downy hair between her thighs where she could feel her own wetness. The fingers on her other hand were gently brushing over her nipples.

‘So,’ her friend continued. ‘I held the shaft in my other hand and started to slide it along the length.’

Stephanie pushed her hand deeper into her knickers, but the material was restricting her movements. She quickly lifted her feet onto the bed, lifting her small bum and pulled her knickers down, throwing them across the room before dropping her feet back to the floor, her fingers moving back between her thighs. With a soft moan, she ran her middle finger over her cleft while the other two teased the puffy flesh on either side. ‘And did that make him…climax?’ she asked, her voice husky with arousal.

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‘Not right away,’ her friend replied. ‘I was moving too slowly. Probably if I’d kept going at that speed, he would have cum eventually, but I didn’t know if one of the cleaners was going to come in so I didn’t want to take too long.’

‘What happened next?’ Stephanie slipped her finger between her lips as she spoke, the palm of her hand pressing against her clitoris. She bit her lip to stifle a moan.

‘Then I just kept wanking him, one hand on the tip, the other in his shaft’

‘I could hear him,’ Stephanie said, her eyes closed, her imagination drawing pictures.

‘His breathing was getting quite loud at this point,’ Talulah said, sure that her friend was playing with herself.

‘Is that when he,’ Stephanie paused, torn about using an inappropriate word. ‘Came?’


‘What was that like?’ Her finger was buried deep in her cleft, her palm rubbing her clitoris faster now. Her breathing was becoming deeper but she tried to hold back.

‘He came really hard,’ Talulah answered.‘When he ejaculated it shot up onto my boobs.’

The line when quiet, the only sounds in the room Stephanie’s breathing and her finger sliding in and out of her wet opening. ‘What did that feel like?’ she asked finally.

‘It was really warm. Almost hot.’

‘Did you mind him cumming on you?’

‘No, it was great. I really liked the idea that I was able to do that to him. That I was able to make him cum and that he did it on me.’ Talulah paused, sure that she could hear her friend’s breathing quicken. ‘Do you know what I did after?’

There was a pause as Stephanie tried to think back to the changing room. ‘No, I heard you say something but I couldn’t hear what it was.’ Her voice was quiet, distant as her hands concentrated on her clitoris and her nipples.

‘I used Victoria’s dirty knickers to wipe Mr. Chambers’ cum off my tits, and then I used them to clean him up. I wiped the cum off his cock with them. Do you think she would mind?’

‘No, I think she would probably find it funny.’

Steph’s body twitched.

Talulah giggled. ‘I bet you wish I’d let him into the changing rooms while you had your tits out now, don’t you.’

There was no reply from Stephanie.

‘Can you imagine him walking in, seeing you in just your knickers and taking you, lifting you into his lap, sucking on your nipples? Are you picturing it?’

‘I am but I shouldn’t be. Not now.’

‘Why? It’s not like we’re in a relationship. Who knows, you could be the next one to see Cheeky Chambers cum. Maybe it’ll be your perky tits he cums on.’ She could definitely hear her friend’s breathing quicken down the phone.

Stephanie wanted to say she could never do anything like that. That she would be too nervous to ever be naked in front of her teacher, to touch him, or let him touch her, but she couldn’t help but think about it. The image of Mr. Chambers sucking and teasing her nipples as his fingers slid inside her made her gasp. Her finger was thrusting faster, harder into her tight, wet opening, the heel of her hand, pressing against her clit, rubbing.

On the other end of the line, Talulah heard her friend’s breathing turn into a pant and Stephanie’s body tensed up as her orgasm built and she came. She bit her lip to stifle her moan, her hand moving faster as she rode out her climax. Her body trembling, her nipples stiff little buds, Stephanie fumbled for her phone, ending the call, letting out a final gasp as her legs clamped around her hand. The line when dead and she rolled onto her side. Within seconds she was asleep, the stress of the afternoon drifting away in her post-orgasmic haze.

Talulah smiled.

‘Hello Talulah. Did you speak to her?’

‘I did, sir.’

Hearing his student call him that seemed strange given the events of the afternoon and the reason for their conversation.

‘What happened? Is she going to talk?’

‘No, everything is fine, sir. As I said, she’s my friend and she likes you so she’d never get us into trouble.’

Dean Chambers relaxed a little, his eyes closing in relief.

‘In fact, I think she really likes you,’ Talulah said with a giggle.

‘What do you mean?’ Dean asked, his stress level rising again.

‘Well, she seemed to really enjoy it when I was telling her what happened this afternoon.’

‘You told her? Why would you do that?’

‘We’re girlfriends. Girls talk.’

Dean sat on his bed, one hand propped against his forehead. ‘So what did she say?’ he asked, wondering how easy it would be to get a job teaching science in another country.

‘She didn’t really say very much,’ Talulah replied with a smile. ‘But there was definitely some heavy breathing coming down the phone. And I’m pretty sure she orgasmed just before she hung up on me.’

‘You mean she -.’

‘Masturbated to my description? Yes.’

Dean groaned.

‘Yes,’ Talulah said. ‘She sounded a lot like that.’ She laughed.

‘Talulah, this is NOT funny,’ he said, exasperated.

‘Oh, come on, sir. It’s a little funny. And besides, she isn’t going to tell anyone. And neither will I.’

He took a deep breath and started to relax again.

‘So, Mr. Chambers. Have you thought about what we did this afternoon?’ Talulah asked.

‘Of course I have,’ he replied, stress still evident in his voice.

‘But I mean in a non-stressy way.’

‘Oh, then no, not really.’

‘That’s a pity, because I have.’ There was silence for a few moments then Talulah spoke again. ‘Do you know what I’m wearing?’ she asked. She pulled at the knot that was keeping the towel wrapped around her body, letting it fall to the floor. ‘Nothing.’

Sitting on his bed Dean Chambers involuntarily pictured his student’s body - her large, firm breasts, her athletic body and firm, round buttocks. ‘Talulah, please don’t do this again,’ he said, feeling the familiar stirring in his trousers.

‘Oh really?’ Talulah replied. Dean could tell she had pouted her bottom lip again. ‘You don’t want to play a little?’

‘No, Talulah, we can’t. We shouldn’t have done anything before. You’re going to get me the sack. And you really shouldn’t have told Stephanie what happened.’

‘But she seemed to really like hearing it,’ Talulah replied, crawling slowly onto her bed. ‘And I enjoyed reliving the experience.’

Dean was silent, trying and failing to push away the memory of his student, naked on his lap, making herself cum while he sucked on her breasts, and then letting her stroke him until he came on them.

‘Sir? Are you still there?’ she asked.

‘Yes, I’m still here Talulah.

‘You went very quiet. Do you know what I’m doing now?’

Shaking his head Dean pinched the bridge of his nose. ‘No,’ he said. ‘I don’t know what you’re doing.’ He heard the line change and realised that she had put her phone on speaker.

Talulah laid her phone on the bed and pulled one of her pillows down between her knees. ‘I’m on all fours on my bed, with my big, plump pillow between my legs, and I’m rubbing my clit against it.’

Dean fell back on his bed, his eyes closed tight, his free hand resting on his growing erection beneath his trousers.

‘It feels so good,’ she continued. ‘Not as good as rubbing against your hard cock, but I suppose beggars can’t be choosers.’ She shuddered at the sensation. ‘Mr. Chambers are you touching yourself?’

‘No Talulah, I’m not and I really think we should stop this now.’

She shuddered again, a little moan escaping from her pouty lips. ‘You said really.’


‘You said really. That means you don’t mean it. If you had just said I think we should stop this now I would believe you. Why don’t you play too.’

‘I can’t,’ Dean replied, but even as he spoke his hand was unbuckling his belt, and opening his trousers, pulling them down until his erection popped out. He gripped his shaft, stroking slowly.

‘Mr. Chambers, this feels nice,’ Talulah said, her voice becoming breathless. She reached up and tapped the screen of her phone.

Dean jumped at the ringing sound in his ear and for a moment he thought he was receiving another call. He looked at the screen. A number was FaceTime calling him. Before he could think he hit the answer button. Talulah’s pretty face filled the screen, her full lips open as she breathed harder, her thick dark hair pulled back over one shoulder to keep it from her face.

‘Can you see me?’ she asked, as she rocked back and forth on all fours. She looked at the small screen in the top corner of her phone, adjusting the phone's position until her breasts were also in the shot, her nipples hard with excitement. She reached up, pinching one.

‘Yes, I can see you,’ Dean replied, trying to hide the fact that he was masturbating.

‘Mr. Chambers, this is what it would look like if I were on top of you. I’d put your cock between my labia like I did earlier and rub my clit against you. ’ Talulah said, her eyes fluttering at the sensation between her thighs. ‘Don’t you wish you were here to see it for real? My big boobs swinging over you like this. My nipples are so hard. You could feel them and suck on them again while I rode you.’

The image of his student on his screen, riding her pillow captivated Dean Chambers and he started to stroke faster.

‘Sir, are you wanking?’ she asked between breaths.

‘Yes,’ he replied.

‘Let me see.’

Dean paused. ‘Please?’ she pleaded.

Without stopping to think, Dean dropped his phone, kicking off his trousers and boxers, pulling open his shirt and throwing it to the floor. He hit the camera switch button on his screen so that his hard-on was in view, his hand wrapped around it.

Talulah sighed at the sight. ‘Sir, you have such a lovely cock. Stroke it for me.’

Dean sped up the movement on his shaft, exposing his tip to the camera and to his student.

‘Oh yes, sir, keep doing that, I’m getting really close.’ Talulah breathed harder as she pressed against the pillow. ‘I’m so wet,’ she said, ‘my pillow is going to be such a mess.’

Dean stroked faster.

‘Oh sir, I’m close. I’m going to cum soon. Sir, watch me cum.’ Talulah’s breasts swung with each thrust and she panted, her hair falling forward into a tangled mess, sticking to the perspiration on her forehead. ‘Ugh, Mr. Chambers.’ Her eyes closed as she climaxed, her body trembling. She fell forward, her face closer to the camera and Dean could hear her heavy breaths louder. He stroked faster, harder.

‘Mr. Chambers?’ Talulah said, her voice ragged, eyes still closed. ‘Have you cum?’

‘No, not yet,’ he replied.

‘Good,’ she said, opening her eyes. ‘Don’t.’

‘What?’ Dean asked.

‘Don’t cum yet.’


‘Because I want you to come over to my room.’

Dean stopped. ‘Talulah, I can’t.’

‘Please, sir.’ She wasn’t pleading in the pouty, playful way she had earlier. This time was more urgent. ‘Come over.’

‘Talulah, I told you, we can’t have sex.’

‘No, I know. But we can still do things. I gave you my second handjob earlier. I could give you my first blowjob.’

Written by Mercury23
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