The name of her company wasn’t Alice’s idea. She’d wanted to call it Class A Cleaners, adding the ‘s’ to make it sound like it was more than just her. But her friends had said that was boring and that she needed something more eye catching - so Sweeping Beauty it was. She almost put her foot down at the drawing of the sexy pin-up style girl her friend Becca drew of her, but they all said it was great so she went with that too.
Her parents had struggled with the idea of her setting up her own cleaning business. Not because they thought it was beneath her (their wealth had come from a small business they had started), it was because Alice was known to be messy - not dirty, she was meticulously clean, but her room did make her mother wonder if she’d been burgled. Not that her friends were much better - there were always bras and dirty knickers on their bedroom floors too.
Alice had struggled to know what she’d wanted to do when she left school. She had enjoyed her time away at the all girls boarding school and the education had been excellent, but she couldn’t decide what she wanted as a career. That was until her father had told her to do something she enjoyed, and despite her bedroom often looking like a tornado had ripped through it, she did like to clean.
When she was in the sixth form at her boarding school she would get up on a Saturday morning and clean her dorm room to within an inch of its life. There was something therapeutic about it, relaxing, and if she was honest, a little sexy. But that could have been because she always cleaned in her pyjamas or her underwear. She would put in her AirPods and go to town on her room and bathroom, enjoying the feeling of being in just her bra and knickers or the freedom of her boobs swinging free under her thin PJs.
Then when she was finished she would jump in the shower and release all those sexy feelings under the warm water. She’d even done that while her friends sat on her bed waiting for her. They didn’t know what she was doing, of course. They were aware of her weekend cleaning routine, waiting until she’d finished before descending on her dorm room. But what they didn’t know was that while they were waiting for her to shower, she was in there touching herself. Not that they didn’t do it too, she was sure; lying in their beds or baths exploring with fingers, shower heads or maybe hairbrush handles.
Some of her friends even had vibrators, but she didn’t. She’d had her own credit card, which her father paid for, but he also saw the bill each month, so there was no way she could order anything from Ann Summers or another online retailer without him and her mother seeing it, so she had to make do with her fingers. But they had been enough for her.
She did think about boys though, wondering what it would be like to have sex, but she didn’t want her first time to be a one-night stand, a sticky encounter with a spotty boy from the local town a few miles away. So she’d been happy to wait.
Her interest had been piqued when a new teacher had started at her school. Mr. Chambers was younger than the other male staff, fit and good looking, but he had joined the school only a term before she left so she hadn’t seen much of him.
When Alice had received her first booking for Sweeping Beauty she’d been so excited, skipping around her parents' huge house waving the email she had printed off. She wouldn’t print them all off of course, always supposing there would be more; that wasn’t environmentally friendly, but this was her first one - she wanted to frame it.
That first morning she’d turned up on time in the little van she had bought with a business loan from her father - they were both adamant that it was a loan, not a gift. Wearing her new t-shirt printed with the name of her business and its sexy logo and all her cleaning equipment, she blasted through the house of the elderly couple who’d hired her.
She was so happy she’d barely noticed their grandson, a nervous looking young man a little older than her nineteen years, who seemed to be in every room she went in to.
At the end they’d paid her with his help using her online banking and made a regular booking. She was over the moon, singing all the way home.
When she’d arrived home she’d found the email from the couple with the regular booking and another booking for another customer. She was ecstatic.
The following week Alice jumped out of bed, stripped off her pyjamas, hopped into a sports bra and thong and pulled on her t-shirt and a pair of grey leggings before tying her blonde hair back into a ponytail.
Alice walked up to the front door and knocked. A few moments later the door opened, but instead of seeing one of the elderly couple she was greeted by their grandson. He still looked as awkward as he had the previous week and he smiled shyly.
‘Hello,’ Alice said, smiling. ‘I’m here to clean.’ She held up the plastic box she used to hold her supplies.
‘Yes,’ the young man said nervously, stepping back to let her in.
Alice picked up her vacuum cleaner and stepped through the door into the big house.
‘My grandparents are away on holiday,’ the young man said. ‘I’m housesitting.’
‘That’s nice,’ Alice replied. ‘I’ll make a start. I’m Alice, by the way.’
The young man nodded, his eyes darting around, not wanting to make contact with her. ‘Leonard,’ he replied. ‘If you need anything I’ll be in the kitchen.’
Alice wiped her forearm across her brow and fanned her t-shirt.
I might need to re-think this sports bra in the warm weather, she thought as she picked up her box of cleaning supplies. She was making good time; she only had the bathroom to go and she was looking forward to getting outside to cool off.
Leonard hadn’t appeared again since letting her in but she thought she’d heard him go upstairs a few minutes before. Leaving her vacuum cleaner by the front door Alice ascended the stairs and walked down the hallway past closed bedroom doors towards the bathroom. She didn’t clean bedrooms unless people requested it. She had discovered, doing her research, that people generally didn’t like someone going into their bedrooms, so she made it clear on her website that they could be added to a clean on request.
As she reached the bathroom she could see that the bedroom door opposite was open and she looked to her right through the open door. Leonard was in there putting something into a wardrobe.
‘Hello again,’ Alice said brightly. ‘I’m almost finished.’
The young man shuffled nervously and nodded, making a sound to indicate he understood.
Alice shrugged to herself. He was obviously shy so she decided not to bother him any more and walked into the bathroom. Everything already looked quite clean but she decided to give the taps and tiles a going over. She fanned her t-shirt as she looked around, turning as she heard a noise behind her. In the bedroom opposite, Leonard quickly turned away.
Had he been watching her?
Alice caught sight of herself in the long mirror behind the sink. Her blonde hair was tousled, with strands falling over her face, clinging to the perspiration, but she had to admit her bum looked good in her leggings. She fanned her t-shirt again and confirmed that doing so exposed her flat stomach. Another sound came from the bedroom opposite. Alice turned slowly to see the young man step behind the open door.
He had been watching me, she thought. At first Alice was a little freaked out - this strange young man watching her. But he seemed quite harmless and years of playing hockey at school and using her parents' home gym had keep her in good shape - she was pretty sure she could outrun him if she had to. But he seemed more nervous than dangerous.
I wonder, Alice thought, suddenly feeling a little excited at the prospect of a young man looking at her. Stepping behind the door she lifted her t-shirt, tying a knot at the front, exposing her tummy before stepping back out and bending over to pick up her bathroom cleaner and cloth. There was another sound from behind her. Alice fought the urge to turn around, instead pretending to look for something in her box. She could feel the sports thong rubbing against her and she was sure her position was giving Leonard a good view of her bum. She stood slowly and walked over to the mirror, reaching to the top, the action exposing her waist and her ribs as she reached higher. She was certain she could hear breathing coming from the bedroom and she lifted one leg onto the vanity unit, stretching her leggings even tighter over her bottom, sure that the view from behind left little to the imagination. The sound of breathing from the bedroom was now accompanied by shuffling.

Is he wanking? Alice thought as she slowly cleaned the mirror, a grunt answering her question. The sound was quickly followed by a door closing and Alice froze.
Had she really just let her client’s grandson masturbate to her?
She didn’t know if she should feel guilty or disgusted - but those feelings were quickly replaced with arousal.
Looking around the bathroom Alice decided that it was already clean enough, dropping her equipment into her box and walking into the hallway. She didn’t need to wait for payment because the couple had paid for their cleans in advance.
‘Uh, I’m finished now,’ Alice called as she reached the top of the stairs. ‘I’ll be back next week.’
Her feet thumped on the stairs as she descended. At the bottom she picked up her vacuum cleaner and opened the door, the sound of Leonard’s likely climax ringing in her ears.
She stepped out onto the driveway and into the spring sunshine, grateful for the drop in temperature. Her heart still racing, she fumbled in the pocket of her leggings for her van key.
Her little vehicle was parked just down the quiet street and she hit the central locking button, pulling open the back doors, dropping her equipment inside before climbing in and closing the doors.
Inside the back of the van the opaque glass in the doors gave just enough light for her to see. Alice’s breathing was heavy and the more she replayed the memory, the more aroused she became. She flopped down onto the floor of her van with her back to the side. Her sports bra was cutting into her and she quickly pulled off her t-shirt before grappling with the tight Lycra. Grunting and huffing, she struggled to lift it over her sweaty skin. With an effort she pulled it over her head, exposing her firm breasts to the air. Her small nipples were hard and she brushed them with her fingers, sighing at her touch.
Alice closed her eyes; she hadn’t been attracted to Leonard but the thought of him masturbating while watching her was turning her on. Then, before she could reconsider, she lifted her bottom, sliding her leggings down her thighs, her thong, damp with sweat and arousal, caught up in them. Alice slid her hand between her legs, her middle finger slipping between her smooth, wet lips. She moaned at the sensation, her back arching, but there was no time for teasing; she knew she could be caught at any moment.
Alice’s finger slipped out of her soft cleft finding her clitoris. She gasped at the first touch and then she was rubbing as fast as she could, eyes closed, her head pressing against the metal behind her. Although she hadn’t seen the young man masturbating, any man for that matter, she was picturing it.
Alice’s mouth opened and she groaned as her orgasm burst through her, her body tensing with each wave of her climax before sliding her finger back into the warmth of her vagina.
The van was silent except for Alice’s breathing as she sat on the hard floor, eyes closed, her head resting on the wall. Her eyelids fluttered open and she took a deep breath, remembering that she was parked on a public street, topless, leggings and knickers around her knees. She pulled her t-shirt back on before pulling her leggings and underwear up, struggling to pull the tight material over her sweaty thighs.
Her knees were a little wobbly as she opened the van doors and stepped out. She looked up and down the street to check that no one had seen her before hurrying to the driver’s door and getting in.
Over the next week Alice kept thinking about what had happened at her client’s house. The idea that the young man, Leonard, had been watching her while he masturbated turned her on more than she cared to admit, and as the days went by an idea started to form.
When the morning of her next visit came and she got out of bed, instead of dressing in her usual matching sports bra and thong, she left the bra in her drawer. She looked at her reflection, excited and nervous at the way her t-shirt clung to her breasts, making it obvious that she was braless.
The sensation of her breasts jiggling as she skipped down the stairs reminded Alice of when she cleaned her room at her boarding school. She made a point of avoiding her parents as she poured coffee into a travel mug from the coffee maker in the kitchen before rushing out the door.
By the time she reached the elderly couple’s house Alice’s heart was racing and she wondered if her plan had been such a good one. But it was too late to go back and put on her bra, so she walked up to the front door with her supplies.
Alice was conscious of her unsupported breasts as she waited for the door to be answered and as she heard footsteps approaching from the other side, she looked down at her shirt.
Oh gosh, she thought, my nipples are showing.
She looked up just as the front door opened. ‘Good morning, Alice,’ the elderly gentleman said, smiling.
Alice returned the greeting, suddenly disappointed that it hadn’t been Leonard who’d answered the door. But then she saw him appear in the hallway, turning to head up the stairs.
Alice was left alone to clean, only hearing her clients moving around the house, and as she had before, she headed upstairs to finish with the bathroom. Reaching the top of the stairs she was pleased and nervous to see that Leonard’s bedroom door was open as she made her way down the hall.
As she started to unpack her cleaning supplies Alice saw Leonard out of the corner of her eye, moving around.
Are you aware that my boobs are naked under my shirt? She thought, trying not to look across the hallway into his bedroom. But a movement caught her attention and she turned, seeing Leonard step behind his door.
Are you looking through the gap? She wondered. Can you see my nipples?
And then an idea popped into her head. Stepping behind the bathroom door, Alice pulled the hair tie from her ponytail. Reaching behind her back, she used the elastic tie to grip the back of her t-shirt, pulling it tight across her breasts. Looking down at the outline of her firm boobs, she lifted her shirt up to just below the curve at the bottom of her breasts before stepping into view of Leonard’s room.
Are you watching?
She turned slowly to face the large mirror, pulling her leggings tight around her pert bottom and bending over, wondering how obvious the outline of her vagina was to the young man.
Maybe I should have left my knickers at home too, she thought. Maybe next time.
She could feel her arousal increase and she wondered if her wetness was visible on her leggings. Straightening up she lifted her leg onto the vanity unit as she had before.
Is this going to do it for you again?
Not hearing anything from Leonard’s room, she turned so he could see her exposed stomach, picking up a long-handled duster. She reached up as if she were dusting the coving at the ceiling, feeling her t-shirt rise with the movement until she could feel it lift over the bottom of her breasts. Alice knew that reaching any higher would expose her nipples, but her nerves got the better of her and she stopped.
You can make do with half a view of my boobs, she thought, unable to bring herself to fully expose her breasts, instead pulling at the top of her leggings with her free hand, pulling them tight over her vagina.
The sound from across the hallway made her freeze.
That was it, Alice thought. He’s just cum.
Alice had her t-shirt off before the van doors were fully closed, breathing hard as she pulled at her leggings, her thong still tight around her vagina, the back so far between her buttocks it was uncomfortable.
She tugged at her leggings, freeing her underwear from her bum, releasing the discomfort, pushing her leggings and knickers down her thighs.
She dropped to her knees, one hand on the van floor, the other between her legs as she rubbed furiously at her clitoris. Her long hair fell around her face and her body tensed. Alice’s mouth opened as she slid her middle finger inside, her palm pressing against her clit, rubbing frantically. Her breasts swung with the movement and she gasped loudly as her orgasm built and she came.