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Monday morning. Bobby had just gotten out of bed. I was finishing up my makeup and dressing when he walked into my bedroom, naked of course, his limp eleven inches swinging between his legs. Standing behind me, he smiled in the mirror. His body was muscular and lean. Big for his seventeen years. Six feet tall and good-looking. We had had a fun weekend but we had to go to school today. 

I wanted to get to school early as I always did, using the morning to get my day planned. Study guides and plans had to be made, sometimes there were papers to grade. Just normal school shit. This week, however, would be laid back. The last three days of school before summer vacation. No tests, no homework, no problems. Just had to fulfill the state's minimum number of days. 

“You need to get dressed”

“We have two hours until class starts,” he protested.

“That’s plenty of time if you want to walk. But if you’re going to ride with me, I’m leaving in ten minutes.”

He shook his head with a smile and said, “Maybe I’ll ride to school naked.”

“You ain’t got the balls to.”

“You bet I do. I’ll ride naked and get dressed there.”

“If you do, I’ll suck your dick at my desk.”

“That’s getting boring. I want to fuck you at your desk.”

“All in due time, lover,” I said, “Go get your clothes and let’s go.”

He turned and walked out of the room as I stood to look at myself in the mirror. Wearing a tight white cotton skirt that ended just above my knees, I tried not to admire my legs too much. A light blue blouse and matching pumps completed my attire. The skirt, though not obscene, was just thin enough that if you looked closely you could see that I was not wearing panties. But you had to look very closely. 

I met Bobby, still naked and carrying his clothes on top of his books. He was grinning from ear to ear, I was feeling very naughty this morning, knowing what Bobby had in mind. I could get fired for what was about to happen. I could go to jail. I would be known as the high school teacher that fucked her students. I didn’t care. I was just having too much fun. 

I opened the front door, letting Bobby walk past. He didn’t hesitate. Just walked out in nothing but his sneakers, his dick swinging from side to side. It was early so I doubted that anyone would see. My mistake. Mr. Bozeman was sitting on his back porch. He waved with a smile. I waved back then got in the car. Bobby closed his door then put his seat belt over his naked lap. I smiled at him then backed out of the drive.

Bobby stroked his dick as we drove to school. I couldn’t take my eyes off his huge young dick. It was so long and thick. He was so hard when we turned into the school parking lot. I scanned the area and saw no other cars. Bobby pushed his door open without care. He stepped out tall and proud, his cock still hard and pointing straight out. 

I followed him to the double doors by the office. He had to stop and wait for me to unlock the school. To my surprise, the door was already open. Making my young lover wait, I stuck my head in to make sure the coast was clear. Nervously, we slowly and quietly walked in. No one in sight, we pushed on. Bobby turned the corner of the large corridor toward my room. 

There in the hall was Coach Joe from last night. I panicked but then thought, “I’ve already sucked his dick. He isn’t going to spill the beans.”

“Hey, Angel,” he smiled, “Bobby, how are you.”

“Joe,” I choked, “What are you...”

“What am I doing here? I knew you came in early every morning so I wanted to talk.”

“Talk? Look let’s go in my room before someone else comes in.”

We all went into my classroom and I closed the door. These doors wouldn’t lock so I stood with my back against it. Bobby stood there, his erection quickly melting. Coach walked to my desk and sat on the edge. Looking back and forth between Bobby and myself, he just smiled as he had us where he wanted us. “What do you want, Coach?”

“Well, Angel,” he began, “I want some more of what you gave me last night. A lot more. Or I’m going to have to tell Mr. Hargass about you and your little boyfriend.”

“How do you figure he is my boyfriend?”

“One, he got out of your car naked and with a boner. Two, he was at your house last night while you sucked my dick. Yeah, I saw you trying to hide, young man.”

Bobby fumbled with his phone, looking down. He knew we were busted. He just fidgeted and tried not to look at Coach. “What do you want us to do, Coach?” he stammered.

“I want you to watch the door, young man. Angel is going to suck my dick.”

“Joe,” I protested, “We don’t have much time and you cum so much. You are going to ruin my clothes. Can’t we do this tonight?”

“Oh, we are going to do it tonight too. But you have about forty-five minutes to suck my dick. There is an empty canister on that shelf,” he pointed, “I can cum in that.”

Bobby winked at me then fetched the canister. It was more or less a clear plastic gallon jar. He took the black lid off then placed it on the desk along with his phone. Coach was pulling his joggers off, revealing his funny-looking dick. He stood just in front of me, offering his cock. I took his skinny shaft in hand, feeling it harden. 

I know I shouldn’t have felt this way, but my pussy was buzzing. I could feel my wetness on my inner thighs. So he was blackmailing me. I was cum hungry and becoming a world-class slut. I sucked his freaky huge cock head in my mouth, forcing as much of my tongue into his pee hole as I could. Humming as I sucked his cock in and out of my mouth, I urged him to cum. I looked up to see that his head had fallen back, eyes closed. I wanted to hurry, but at the same time, I wanted to suck his dick for hours. 

I was surprised when Bobby knelt beside me. He gave me a wink then took over sucking Coach’s cock. He seemed to be putting his heart into the task. His hands grasped at Coach’s ass, pulling him deeper into his throat. Greedily sucking Coach’s dick, Bobby hungered for the cum that was soon to gush forth. 

My fingers were busy in my pussy while I watched the fellatious display. I saw Coach tense, his hips thrusting into Bobby’s mouth. I knew he was going to come. Jumping to my feet, I retrieved the canister from my desktop. When I turned back, Bobby was swallowing hard, cum squirting from the corners of his mouth. I leaped into action, pulling the dick from Bobby’s mouth and aiming it into the canister. It was like a fire hose, slapping the side of the canister with each blast of cum. The jar was almost half full after about a dozen squirts with no end in sight. I stroked his thin shaft, coaxing as much jism as possible. 

Almost full of cum, the gallon canister was getting heavy. His cum blasts were as strong as the very first one. “Get another canister, Bobby.”

Bobby, still naked, jumped to his feet. There was an identical canister on the shelf. After retrieving it, he ran back to my side, opening the canister on the way. “I think he has another gallon in him.” 

The first canister full, we started the second. I was amazed at the amount of cum Coach was squirting. A whole gallon and working on a second. Bobby would have enough for weeks. I was screwing the lid on the first jar when the second was half full. The man was a real freak of nature. Almost two gallons of cum and he was still like an open faucet. 

Coach filled both canisters and Bobby took his cock, swallowing another quart before he dried up. I watched Coach’s cock slip limply from Bobby’s suckling lips. Bobby swallowed one last time then smiled at me when he stood and grabbed his phone. Handing the phone to me, he said, “I recorded all of it. Now we have him shoving his dick in a student's mouth.”

Coach looked at us, concerned. “What are you going to do with that recording?”

“Nothing,” I answered, “As long as you play ball.”

“Play ball?”

“Yeah, play ball,” I said, “Keep your mouth shut about all this and the video will be our secret.”

“Plus,” Bobby added, “When we order food, you always bring it. And when I want more cum, you always bring it.”

“And the food is always free,” I smiled.

“Deal,” Coach agreed, pulling up his joggers, “Bobby, you should get dressed. People will be here soon.”

Quickly dressing, Bobby asked, “What are we going to do with all the cum?”

I thought for a minute then went to my desk. Taking a permanent marker from the pencil drawer, I wrote, “Science Project. Do not remove,” on the lids. “I’ll put them in the fridge in the teacher's lounge. No one will touch them.”

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“Good,” said Bobby, “That’s going to be my hydration tonight.”

“What about me?” I smiled.

“Don’t worry, you can get it fresh from the source,” he answered, grabbing his crotch.

We laughed and made ourselves presentable before students began to arrive. Coach made his way to the athletic department where he had nothing to do. All sports were over for the school year. I hoped that he would save his cum for tonight rather than jack off while he was alone. I had stolen a coffee cup full from the canisters when I put them in the fridge.

I would sip my mug of semen as the students did their final work in my class. Bobby sat in the very back doing nothing. I had pulled my skirt up and spread my legs behind my desk, unseen to my students. My pussy was already wet from my fingering in front of the unsuspecting class. Dipping my digits in the mug of cum, I pushed them deep into my pussy. 

I wanted to moan out loud but held it in. My crummy fingers played in my depths. The semen was not for lubrication. I was already completely soaked. It was the thought of another man's ejaculation in me. It felt so dirty. It felt scandalous. 

I was startled by the crackle of the intercom. “Mrs. Williams, come to the front office please. Mrs. Williams to the front office.”

I nearly panicked. Looking up, I saw Bobby looking at me in alarm. Had we been discovered? Were the police going to be there? My mind was spinning. I stood to my feet and said, “Class, I’ll be back. Keep the noise to a low rumble.”

After a few laughs from various students, I walked to the door. Bobby raised his hand and asked to be excused. I nodded and he followed me into the hall. He looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders. At the intersection of the hallway, I turned left and Bobby turned right, toward the restrooms. Mr. Hargass was standing outside his door as I turned.

“Bobby,” he called, “can you join us?”

My heart fell. I knew that we were busted. The principal held the door for me and waited on Bobby. The school nurse was waiting in his inner office, sitting in a chair. The door clicked shut behind us and Mr. Hargass pointed to two chairs. Bobby sat next to me and Hargass sat on the edge of the desk looking at us. 

“Is there something wrong, Mr. Hargass?” Bobby asked.

He looked down at Bobby, then me. Rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hand, he gave us a look of disappointment. “You’ve been fucking.”

Bobby and I looked at each other then back at Hargass, shaking our heads in denial. He nodded his head in affirmation. “Mr. Scott, can you come in please?”

Mr. Scott was the assistant principal. A black man of forty years, he was tall and athletic. When he came in, I noticed he had an IPad in his hand. He stood next to Hargass and said, “It’s uploaded on here.”

Hargass motioned for him to show us. He turned the iPad around to show a video of Bobby, naked, exiting my car just before I did. It switched to a view of the front door, Bobby standing naked behind me as I unlocked the door. The school nurse watched Bobby as he watched the video. She put her hand on his arm with a sympathetic stare. The video concluded with Bobby, Coach, and myself entering my room.

I hung my head, expecting the police any minute. Bobby put his hand on my arm and I looked at him nervously. “You can see,” Mr. Scott began, “We have the evidence on video. As well as two gallons of semen in the refrigerator.” He continued with, “Ms. Abernathy is here to evaluate any mental and or physical damage Bobby may have experienced.”

I sat, head down, speechless. I knew I would not sleep in my bed tonight. A jailhouse cot waited for me. I dare not look up into the condescending eyes of the other adults present. From the corner of my eye, I saw Ms. Abernathy put her finger under Bobby’s chin, lifting it.

“Bobby,” she asked, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. You can all kiss my ass.”

“Bobby, I’m just doing my job. I need to evaluate your well-being,” she continued, “Has she done anything to you that hurt you?”

“Fuck no.”

“Has she touched you, like this?” she asked, placing her palm on his zipper.

His breath caught as the pretty, young nurse pressed her small hand on his dick, squeezing it softly. I couldn’t believe my eyes, she was rubbing her hand over his hardening cock. I looked up to see Scott and Hargass gripping their cocks. My eyes met theirs and I knew how this was going to play out.

The fear melted away. I was so relieved that I would do whatever they said. My pussy was starting to drool again as I watched Ms. Abernathy pull Bobby’s hard dong from his pants with a pleased gasp. Bobby took in a long deep breath as her lips wrapped around the big swollen head of his cock.

Mr. Scott had taken his huge cock out and was stroking it. Hargass was stepping out of his pants. I knelt between them, taking a hard cock in either hand. Hargass was long and thick. His cock throbbed in my hand. Scott was the first black cock that I had ever touched. He felt heavy in my hand. I tasted him first, taking his cock into my mouth. He tasted the same as any other cock.

I sucked him in as far as I could, touching his ball sack with the tip of my tongue. He pulled at the back of my head, forcing it deeper into my throat. Hargass was impatient and pulled me away from Scott. I swallowed his dick immediately. I should have been mad. I mean I should have been pissed that they used this situation to get sex from me. But I was just enjoying all the cock. 

From the corner of my eye, I saw Bobby pulling Ms. Abernathy’s pants down along with her panties. She was unbuttoning her blouse. I had to admit that she was hot. Her ass was tight and her tits were amazing. My pussy was getting wetter by the second. I watched Bobby kneel in front of her, driving his tongue deep into her smooth-shaven pussy. Her fingers tangled in his hair as her head dropped back. 

Back to Scott’s dick, I tasted his precum. He was throbbing hard. I could tell he was getting close to orgasm. I pulled Hargass by his huge cock, bringing him closer. I wanted to taste them both. Neither of them protested when I rubbed their cock heads together, licking them with my tongue. With a little effort, I got both cocks in my mouth, sucking like a whore. 

Bobby had Abernathy on her back, plowing her sweet pussy with his massive cock. She sighed and moaned at his ministrations. I noticed her nipples, hard and pointing at the ceiling. He was thrusting hard and deep into her pussy. Her fingernails dug into his ass cheeks, leaving red streaks behind them.

The black assistant principal, Mr. Scott, was getting so close. His precum leaked like a broken faucet. His body suddenly tensed and I received a long sticky rope of cum from his dick. It was followed by one smaller squirt then he was done, his cock rapidly shrinking in my hand. 

Mr. Hargass, the principal, wasn’t so quickly sated. His hands on the back of my head, he pushed his long dick deep into my crummy mouth. Scott’s cum squeezed out of my mouth and dripped down Hargass’s balls. I swallowed his dick to the hilt. Sucking him for all I was worth, begging his load. I didn’t have to wait long.

“Yeah, Bitch,” Hargass grunted, his cock pumping his white seed into my throat. I pulled his cock, still spewing cum, from my hungry mouth. Stroking his shaft, I felt a thick gob of his hot cum land on the bridge of my nose. I heard Bobby hiss, “I’m going to come.”

Finishing off Hargass, I turned and kissed Bobby on his mouth. He pumped his seed into the school nurse. My face was spattered with cum, my dress stained. I pushed Bobby away from Abernathy and took his place, driving my tongue deep...

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Written by CrystalsVoyur
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