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I tossed my vibrator on the bed and fell back, staring at the ceiling and wondering how I let this happen. ”Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I shouted.

I sat back up and tied the belt of my robe. This was serious. I could be fired, or worse, I could go to jail. Thinking it through, I realized that after I closed the page, there would be no proof. But, who needs proof, all they have to do is accuse you of something like this and you're guilty. 

Should I call him? Should I drive over to his house? That would only make it worse. ”Fuck,” I whispered, ”I have to pick him up for school in the morning.”

Maybe he would forget. Maybe he would think it wasn't actually me. I had to hope for the best, I had to think he would think he was mistaken. I worried for hours, trying to sleep, seeing Bobby naked on my computer screen. What were the fucking chances? I had been using that site for all of three years. Never had I seen anyone I knew. 

Sleep came very early in the morning. I thought of calling in, but that would tell Bobby that he was right. I thought of just driving past his house, but he was standing at the curb. ”Good morning, Mrs. Williams,” he said as he sat in my passenger seat.

”Morning, Bobby,” I replied. I was still picturing him in my mind, all young and strong and hard. ”Did you get some studying done?”

His smile was from ear to ear and his eyes were glued to my face. ”I couldn't believe I saw you on Ogleme last night.”

I acted confused, ”What are you talking about, Bobby?” I asked.

”You know what I'm talking about, Mrs. Williams,” he teased, “I saw you playing with your pink dildo.”

“Bobby Jenson,” I gasped, “You watch your mouth, young man. I don’t know what Ogleme is and I don’t know what you're talking about. And why are you visiting a site like that anyway?”

“I turned sixteen last week, Mrs. Williams, I think I’m old enough to see naked women.”

“Well, young man, you didn’t see me on that kind of website. And another thing, you should have been using that time for study.”

“I knew you would deny it,” he smiled, “Good thing I made a screenshot of it.”

My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. He held his phone out to show me the picture. I naturally looked. It was a good picture. My dildo was deep inside. I was pinching a nipple with the other hand. You could even see a wet spot on the robe under my ass.

I turned the car into the school parking lot and parked in my usual spot. No one was around so I took his phone. “Bobby, this isn’t me.”  I looked closely as if trying to see the resemblance. “She is too young and a little thinner than me.”

He looked at me with confusion. When he reached for the phone, I held it out of his reach. “Ok, Mrs. Williams,” he challenged, “There is a way you can prove it.”

“And how would we do that, Bobby?” I asked in a frustrated tone.

“The lady in the picture has a birthmark on her left hip,” he said, “Show me your hip, and we can see.”

“I’m wearing a dress, Bobby.

“So,” he challenged.

“I would have to pull it up,” I growled, “I’m not going to do it.”

“Come on, Mrs. Williams,” he smiled, “You know it’s you. And you know you have the same birthmark.”

“Can we talk about this later, please?” I asked as a car parked beside us. “And you will get this phone back after school. Now get your ass to class.”

I kept my finger on the screen so that it wouldn’t lock. I knew that I would never figure his passcode out. I deleted the picture and scrolled through to make sure he had no more. I saw several of his dick in various stages of erection.

I don’t know why, but I sent them to my phone. I then made sure to delete the photo from the recently deleted album. Next, I deleted the picture message that I sent to my phone. He would never know. I put his phone in my purse and walked in.

“Good morning kids,” I called to the students. They returned my greeting with little enthusiasm.

The first two classes went by with no problems, but the third period would see Bobby in the last row.  He walked through the door and glanced over at me. I could tell he was pissed about his phone.

We got through the class without incident. I know the time drug by as slow for him as it did for me. The bell finally rang. Kids rushed to get to the next class and the squeaks and thumps were heard. I noticed Bobby hanging back. After the last student walked out, he closed the door and turned back to me.

”You know I have study hall, Mrs. Williams,” he said,  ”So I'm going to stay here till you give my phone back.”

I scoffed then dug his phone from my purse. With a contemptuous eye, I handed him his phone. He took it with a grin and immediately opened it and started searching through his photos. His smile faded and he looked up at me.

“What did you do?” He asked, “If it wasn’t you, then why did you delete it?” He continued to search his phone but it was gone.

“Bobby, the last thing I need is you running around showing that to your friends and telling them it’s me,” I said, “Besides, you don’t need that on your phone anyway.”

“It was you,” he exclaimed, ”I know it was. I told you how to prove it. The birthmark on your left hip.”

“And I told you that’s not happening,” I retorted, “I won’t pull my dress up here. I could lose my job, or even go to jail.”

“Ok, I get it,” he caved, ”But you know as well as I do, it was you.”

”You need to get to study hall, Bobby,” I said as I took the excuse pad from my pencil drawer, ”Here, now get your ass out of here.”

He took the slip and turned to go. When he opened the door he turned and said, ”I'll see you after school.”

I had the hour to myself, so I took the opportunity to grade some papers. I still had about ten minutes after I finished, so I took my phone out. I opened my messages to look through the pictures that I sent from Bobby’s phone. He was good-looking, however young he was. I studied each photo in detail. His young cock was even larger than my husband's.

There was a knock on the door. I nearly threw my phone across the room. My Hargass, the principal, stuck his head in. After I tucked my phone into my purse I smiled and said, ”Hello, Larry.”

”Hi, Karen,” he returned, ”How are you today?”

”I'm doing fine,” I answered, ”What can I do for you?”

”Just wanted to let you know that we are going to turn school out at noon today,” he announced, ”We had an excellent review by the education commission and we are going to reward the students.”

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”Great,” I said, ”I sure don't mind taking a half-day on Friday.”

”You have a good weekend, Karen,” he smiled as he shut the door.

The announcement came over the intercom just before the bell rang. The roar of happy students filled the hallway. I gathered my purse and materials. When I opened the door, I was blocked by a throng of kids trying to get to their lockers. I pushed my way into the corridor. 

About three steps into the hallway I felt a hand on my ass. I turned to see who the offender was, but there were a million high schoolers within arm's length. Another grope from behind. Then another. I started to make my way to the door.

I couldn't blame the senior boys for what they did. They were sixteen, young and curious. It was natural for them to try to touch a female. And to tell the truth, I was a little turned on that they found me attractive enough to touch.

I found Bobby leaning on my car when I finally got out of the halls. ”Are you ready to get out of here?” I asked.

”Yes ma'am,” he smiled.

I popped the locks with my remote and we climbed in. The heat hadn't built to scorching yet but I still rolled down the windows. We sat in the car as the air conditioning cooled the interior. I could see him looking at me. I knew what was on his mind. If he only knew how moist I was from the groping, he would try to get in my panties a little harder. 

I rolled the windows up and put the car in reverse. Finally out of the parking lot and onto Tucker Mill Road, we cruised in the direction of home. ”Would you mind stopping at the store?” Bobby asked, ”I want to get a coke.”

”Sure, Bobby,” I answered, ”Do you need some money?”

”No ma'am,” he replied, ”My dad leaves me some when he is gone.”

We pulled into the parking lot and he went into the store.  I watched as he walked away and remembered how big his dick was. My pussy was absolutely wet. I scolded myself for the thought. 

Bobby closed his door after sitting back in the passenger seat. ”Thanks, Mrs. Williams,” he said.

”You're welcome, Bobby,” I replied and we drove to his house. 

We chatted for a while. I was thankful that he didn't bring it up last night. Finally in his driveway, he started to get out. I looked at him and kind of felt bad about the way I handled everything.

”Bobby,” I called, ”I don't want you to think I'm mad. I just think you were a bit inappropriate.”

He shrugged his shoulders with a crooked smile, ”You can still prove me wrong. Until then, I think you were on Ogleme, naked last night.”

I shook my head and said, ”I could prove it to you. I could show you my hip and you would see that you are wrong. But I'm not going to. You can think what you want.”

”Ok, Mrs. Williams,” he grinned, ”But, you have a smoking hot body.” he turned away and walked to the front door. 

I put the car in reverse with a smile and got back on the road. I was so turned on that my panties were soaked. I needed to get away from him or I would do something I would regret. I turned toward my house and floored it. If I didn't get a speeding ticket, it would be a miracle.

Once home, I drew a hot bath. I lined the tub with scented candles, dropped in the bath salts, and turned on some soft jazz.  As the tub filled, I went to the kitchen for a bottle of wine and a glass. It was one-thirty in the afternoon and I wanted to get things off my mind.

A glass and a half later and I was feeling good. My feet were propped on the rim of the tub. My eyes closed and my head hung back. The spicy warm apple cider candles glowed in the darkened room. The soft sexy sounds of a saxophone drifted through the silence. 

A knock on the door. 'It can't be the take out I ordered, I told them not till five,' I thought out loud. Another knock, harder this time, and a muffled voice called out. Maybe they would give up and go away. Another knock and I laid my head back.

I waited for several minutes, but nothing. I smiled to myself and stretched in the warm water. Another sip of wine and I heard something. Did I lock the front door? I stood up in the bath then stepped out. ”Fuck,” I whispered. My robe was in the dryer. I wrapped a bath towel around my body. It wasn't much but it covered the important parts.

I heard another bump. There was definitely someone in my house. I picked up the toilet brush to use as a weapon. I know, I was fucking pitiful. Holding the towel with one hand, I eased the door open a crack. Peeping through the opening, I saw the offender. ”Son of a bitch,” I breathed. 

His back was to me so I crept up slowly. I swung the deadly toilet brush and found my target. Bobby grabbed the back of his head and then turned around. When he saw what I hit him with he said, ”Ewww.”

”What the hell are you doing here?” I yelled.

”Hey, I knocked.” he said in defense, ”You didn't answer and the door was unlocked. You know, Mrs. Williams, that isn't safe.”

”Shut the fuck up,” I barked, ”I asked you a question.”

He held his phone up and the picture was on it. I grabbed for it but he was too quick. He held it behind his head and smiled. I tried again but was dangerously close to dropping my towel so I gave up.

”How did you get that back?” I growled.

”I knew it was you,” he laughed, ”See the birthmark on her hip.”

”Left hip right, Bobby?” I asked through gritted teeth.

”Yep,” was his short reply.

I tried to figure out how to do this without showing too much. I lifted the left side of the towel and turned a bit. My other hand still holding the towel up. He was trying to get a look at my hip but acted as if he couldn't see.

”A little more, Mrs. Williams,” he teased.

I had about had it with his game. I decided to call his bluff. The birthmark was on my right hip anyway. I pulled the towel completely behind my hip. He had a great view and his eyes bulged. My hip and about half my left asscheek we're exposed.

He was staring but had a disappointed look. ”Damn, I really thought it was you,” he moaned.

I watched his eyes as he stared at my hip. I was shocked when he touched it with his finger, but I didn't stop him.

”I could have sworn it was you,” he said. He looked at me, then the phone and back again. One more look at his phone and he figured it out. ”Wait a minute,” his eyes lit up.

Before I realized what was happening, he had pulled the other side of the towel back. My pussy and hip were exposed. I tried to cover myself, but it was like making a desperate chess move, no matter what I did, he would win. He would either see the birthmark or my pussy. He ended up seeing both...

Written by CrystalsVoyur
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