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Author's Notes

"Sorry I took so long on this one. Had to rewrite due to me not reading the rules."

“Ok, Bobby,” I said, “You win. Can you let go of my towel please?”

He was holding half of my towel open, exposing my pussy and my right hip. He had found his evidence. He knew for certain that it was me that he saw on Ogleme. I could no longer deny it but he was still a sixteen-year-old student in my class.

“Bobby,” l demanded, “Let go of my towel. Please”

He looked at me with a grin and then pulled the towel a little further open. I was exposed from my pussy to just below my tits. I turned, trying to cover some of my nakedness, but I lost half the towel from my grip. My body was almost completely exposed to his young eyes. I pulled again but he was strong, too strong for a woman my size.

“Bobby,” I gasped as he pulled the towel away. I covered my pussy with one hand and put my other arm across my nipples. I stood there in shock, naked in front of my young student. His eyes were fixed on my body and I saw a bulge growing in his shorts. To be honest, my pussy was drooling on my fingers. 

“Come on, Bobby,” I begged, “Please give me the towel.”

He held it up just out of my reach. I took my hand from my pussy to reach for it but he pulled it away, teasing me. I stepped forward, still covering my breasts. He backed away just out of reach. I gave up on modesty and reached with both hands. He was fast, I stumbled forward just missing the towel. He laughed and stepped to the side. 

Turning, I reached for the towel again but he stepped backward, tripping over his own foot. He ended up falling back on the sofa. I saw my chance and rushed him. He rolled to the side just as I lunged and I ended up right beside him on my knees. He laughed at my clumsiness.  

“Mrs. Williams,” he laughed, “You're funny.”

I pushed myself up and snatched the towel from him. ”Thanks, I guess, ” I said as I covered my body then sat on the sofa. ”You're an asshole, by the way.”

Bobby stood up in his sweaty running shorts and a tee-shirt. ”I'm thirsty, Mrs. Williams, can I get something from the kitchen?”

I waved him on and said, ”Sure, Bobby. Help yourself.” 

He walked around the corner and disappeared into the kitchen. I heard the refrigerator door open and thump shut. I heard the pop of a soda can opening. Bobby walked back into the living room where I was still draped by the towel. 

”Bobby,” I scolded, ”That's a beer.”

”I know, Mrs. Williams,” he said, ”I drink my dad’s when he is gone.”

I shook my head and resigned to the fact that I would probably be fired for corrupting the morals of this boy. ”Fuck it,” I thought, ”I want a glass of wine.” I stood and tried my best to cover my rear end with the bath towel. I knew I wasn't doing a very good job of it, but I walked to the kitchen anyway. 

After turning the corner, I wrapped the towel around my body again. I got a glass from the cabinet and filled it with a white wine that I enjoy.  Returning to the living room, I had to walk by Bobby to sit on the sofa.

He moved his feet out of the way and I stepped through. As soon as I tried to sit, Bobby jerked the towel from my body and tossed it across the room. I stood naked in front of my sixteen-year-old math student. I took a sip of wine, shook my head, and turned around to face him. 

”Are you trying to get me fired, Bobby?” I hissed.

His eyes roamed my body as I stood there, hands-on naked hips. I felt my body reacting to his attention, my pussy was starting to drool again. For long seconds I stood there watching his face as he took the sight of my naked body in.

”Go get my towel,” I said. When he stood and turned to go, I just grabbed the legs of his shorts and yanked them down, shocked by the fact that he wore no underwear, I stared at his ass, mouth agape. ”How do you like it?” 

He tripped over his shorts but recovered without falling. He turned with a laugh and I saw his cock, hard and pointing at me. His cockhead was huge. The veins on his long shaft were prominent and intimidating. His balls hung low between his thighs.

”Bobby, I am sorry,” I said, ”I thought you would have some underwear on.”

He stood there, seemingly proud of his huge, young cock. ”No, ma'am,” he answered, ”I don't wear any.” I was buck naked with a glass of wine in my hand. My body exposed to the fullest in front of my math student who, himself was naked from the waist down. 

We both paused there for a long few seconds in shock. His eyes played over my body and mine over his huge member. I shook my head back to reality, ”Bobby, pull your shorts up.”

I walked past him to my towel. Squatting down, I picked the towel up and wrapped it around my body, ”Bobby, I have Chinese takeout coming in about an hour. You can stay and eat if you want to.”

”I think I should go home and get a shower,” he started, ”and some clean clothes.”

I thought for a second. There was no excuse for exposing him earlier. I needed to make up for that. ”You can get a shower here, Bobby,” I offered, ”I can get you some of Mr. Williams' shorts and a shirt.”

”Ok,” he said with enthusiasm, ”I was just going to eat macaroni and cheese at home. Are you sure it's ok?”

I finished tucking my towel over my breasts and said, ”Yeah, no problem. We need to get some things straight anyway.

I smirked as he turned to walk to the bathroom.

“Throw your dirty clothes outside the door and I’ll wash them,” I yelled after him.

“Yes, ma’am,”

I followed him past the bathroom to my bedroom. Fishing through my husband’s dresser, I found an old tee shirt and a pair of his running shorts. Bobby was almost the same size as my husband, so I figured they would fit close enough. 

My pussy was still dripping from the show I got just minutes earlier. I played it in my head over and again. In an alternate scene, I pulled him on top of my body on the couch. My legs spread and his hard young cock pressed into my sex.

”Mrs. Williams,” he shouted, ”There aren't any towels.”

I was startled back from fantasy to find my fingers playing under my towel. ”I'll bring you one in a minute,” I responded, ”Go ahead and get your shower.” I wiped my fingers on my towel then, with the clothes in my and, walked to the laundry room. 

After getting a towel from the dryer, I kicked it closed then shuffled down the hall. His clothes weren't where I told him to put them. I shook my head the knocked, ”Bobby,” I called, ”Where are your dirty clothes?”

”In here, by the door,” he yelled through the steam.

”I'm coming in, Bobby,” I informed him, ”Keep the shower door closed and I won't look.”

I pushed the door open slowly. The room was heavy with steam and the aroma of my husband’s body wash. I tried not to look at the glass shower door but it was tempting me.

I stepped to the vanity and put the towel down. In the mirror, I saw his body obscured by the steam but still visible. I saw his muscular arms as he lathered his hair. His long, heavy cock hung between his toned legs. A stream of soapy water fell from the head of his cock.

”I'm putting your towel on the countertop, Bobby,” I said, ”Take your time. I'll put your clothes in the washer, ”

My back was to him but my eyes watched him in the mirror. I wanted to drop my towel and join him in there. I wanted him to drive his hard young cock into my wet pussy. I felt a bead of moisture run down my inner thigh.

I turned and watched him rinsing his hair, his dick hanging between his legs. I don't know what came over me. My control was fading. I opened my towel and dropped it. My legs fell open as I leaned against the vanity. My fingers pressed my clitoris. A slight moan escaped my lips.

Bobby’s head jerked up and he turned to see where the noise came from. His eyes snapped shut from the burning of shampoo running into his eyes. My lust abated quickly and I reached down for my towel. I grabbed his dirty clothes on the way out of the bathroom.

The clothes were in the washer and I was safely in the privacy of my bedroom. ”What the fuck are you doing, Karen?” I asked myself. If I kept fucking around like that, I would end up in jail. My husband would leave. My job would be gone. My life would be ruined. I shook the thoughts from my head. 

A long tee shirt and a pair of panties. I considered a pair of shorts but dropped them on the foot of the bed. A look in the mirror to see myself. I picked the shorts back up and pulled them up my legs. Another look, old white terry shorts that were worn out and baggy. My nipples pushed at the fabric of the tee-shirt, but I wasn't wearing a bra in my own living room.

The front doorbell rang. My takeout had arrived. Bobby was coming out of the bathroom when I passed him. ”Those shorts fit?”

”They are a little big, but they are ok,” he answered.

The food was paid in advance so I just dug through my purse for the guy's tip. The bell rang again just before I opened the door. I thanked him and handed him a tip after he put the delivery on the floor. I swear he tried to look up my shorts. I shoved the tip in his hand with a cool look and closed the door. 

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”You hungry?” I called to Bobby.

”Yes, ma'am,” he replied as he came to help me carry the food to the table.

”In here,” I directed when he tried to go into the dining room, ” Let's eat on the sofa. I want to watch the Lakers.”

”Cool,” he agreed. 

I jogged back to the kitchen for a bottle of wine and with a grin, I grabbed Bobby another beer. Tossing him the beverage I plopped beside him on the couch. ”What's the score?”

”Twenty-one, eighteen. We’re up,” he said.

”Booyah,” I cheered, ”Hope we can hold them.”

I poured a glass of wine and fished out an egg roll. Chinese was my favorite takeout on a Friday night. I pinched a mouth full of noodles with my chopsticks and stuffed my face. I was very aware of his leg pressed against mine. 

We ate and watched the game, chatted about our favorite players and fought over the last egg roll. I pushed him sideways and grabbed for the treat. Before I could reach it, he pushed me aside and grabbed it. Not to be outdone, I reached for the box, knocking it from his hand. Tumbling onto his lap, the box spilled its contents. 

Without thinking, I slapped the box away and tried to nab the egg roll lying in his lap. I thought I had it but he was fast. Just as I grabbed the food, he grabbed it too, pulling it from my fingers. He held it away as I reached for it. 

I had had about three-and-a-half glasses of wine so maybe I was feeling a bit loose. I reached across his body for the treat. My breast pressed into his right shoulder and my left hand landed in his lap. He leaned back, holding the egg roll further away. Ignoring the fact that my hand was pressing down on his cock, I lunged across. Laughing as he leaned further back. 

I was never one to give up. ”That's my egg roll,” I said as I turned and threw my leg over his lap, straddling him. My ass square on his lap, I pushed his arm into the back of the sofa. I reached over with my other hand to retrieve the food. Before I could corral it, he swung his arm over his head, making me chase it. 

I could feel a stirring in my panties as I squirmed on his lap. I knew what he was doing, but I didn't fight it. He kept the prize just out of my reach, try as I might to get it. Once again over his head, I tried for it. He let his arm lean way behind him. I lunged for it, my breast pressing into his face.

I wrapped an arm around his head, holding him tightly to my chest, still scrambling for the egg roll. His free arm snaked around my waist and he rolled me to the side. I ended up on my back, him on top between my legs. He started at me, with a huge smile, holding the egg roll in his mouth like a cigar. Before I could stop myself, I took a bite from the egg roll. We laughed as we chewed our halves. 

After a few moments, the position of our bodies became an awkward situation. I let my legs fall open a little, to give him the opportunity to move.  Before he moved back, his hips pressed against my crotch lightly. I could feel his hardness against my pussy, separated only by a few layers of thin fabric.

As he sat up, I caught him stealing a glance between my legs. I knew I was probably a little too exposed by the old baggy shorts, and my thin panties. Truthfully, I took a few extra seconds to regain my modesty. Finally, I sat up and excused myself to the bathroom. 

Once I closed the door, I leaned against it, my face in my hands. My pussy was so wet. My nipples ached from their hardness. I needed to get control of myself. This young student of mine was driving me to a lustful distemper. I needed to change my panties before their moisture soaked through my shorts. 

I pushed them both to the floor. I plucked the flimsy panties from the tangle and tossed them into the hamper. I pulled my shorts back up, flushed the toilet, I guess to make him think I used it and opened the door. 

My plan was to sneak into my bedroom and get a fresh pair then return to watch the remainder of the Lakers game. Before I could get to my bedroom, Bobby called from the sofa.

”Mrs. Williams,” he reported, ”Our forward just fouled out.”

I walked to the living room and leaned over the back of the sofa. I watched the umpire explain the foul and eject our star player. ”Fuck,” I spat, ”There goes the game.”

”Mrs. Williams,” Bobby teased, ”I've never heard you use that kind of language.”

Totally forgetting my plan to get some panties, I walked around the end of the couch and picked up the remaining half of glass of wine. I playfully threw Bobby the bird then downed the drink. ”Have you ever heard kiss my ass?” I asked with a laugh.

He laughed and returned, ”No, but have you heard suck my dick?”

I plopped down on the couch, as we laughed, then poured another glass. There looked to be enough in the bottle for one more glass. I was well and truly buzzed. ”Have you ever heard eat shit?” 

We burst out in another round of laughter. I took a long draw on my glass then rolled my eyes from the alcohol. 

Bobby stood and turned away. ”Have you ever heard of a full moon?” he said as he bent and pushed his shorts down, revealing his tight young ass. He wiggled it for me then pulled them up. 

I choked a laugh into my class when I saw, then pushed his knee with my foot. Without a thought, I pulled my knee to my chest and sat facing him with my other leg hanging over the edge of the couch. I laughed as I finished the glass then refilled it. Shaking the bottle, I said, ”All gone.”

I noticed Bobby looking down between my legs. My old shorts could not be hiding much in this position, but I was beyond propriety. I leaned over to set my glass on the coffee table. The glow of the television washed over my legs. His attention did not waver. 

My mind was clouded with the effects of alcohol, but I was never one to shy away from teasing. I stretched my arms over my head and laid back on the arm of the couch. Pretending to yawn, I let my leg rock back and forth, then I stretched it and laid my foot on his knee.

After laying in that position for a few minutes, I sat up, pulling my ankle to my crotch. My legs couldn't be spread any further. I played absently with the leg openings of my shorts, never looking up at him. My fingers pulled at the material and tweaked it around for a while. 

I could see his cock straining at his shorts. My heart raced. My fingers continued their game of peek-a-boo with my crotch. Absently, but with a purpose known to myself, I moved the shorts slightly to one side. I stretched my arms over my head again and laid back. Once again, I let my leg fall over the edge of the couch. 

My pussy had no choice but to peek at my young friend....

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Written by CrystalsVoyur
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