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Diary of a High Price Escort Book 7

"Margaret officially becomes Angel."

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Author's Notes

"It's official, Margaret is now known as Angel. Her wardrobe has been updated and she has a sitting with Daddy’s photographer scheduled. On a personal note she's contracted a locksmith to eliminate the possibility of unannounced visits from Barry."

I spent the afternoon shopping and even went into some of the more conservative women's stores, all the while keeping the word classy in mind. By six o'clock, I'd spent nearly sixteen hundred of my advance and had at least one of each item on Daddy's shopping list. I splurged and spent two 'c' notes on sexy lingerie, including a couple of pairs of crotchless panties and half a dozen pairs of silk stockings, which I figured I'd be buying quite often.

I knew I was good with shoes, having a collection in my closet that approached two hundred pairs.

Shopping bags in hand, I headed to my Benz and piled them in the trunk. I was feeling hungry but figured I'd order Chinese when I got home.

Pulling into the driveway, I remembered that I'd wanted to call a locksmith today so I could have the locks changed on Tuesday morning. I chuckled, thinking I should have written it down instead of making a mental note.

The garage door slowly closed, and I nearly tripped over the pile of boxes where his E-Class usually sat. I carried my shopping bags inside and quickly hung the contents on the rack mounted on the back of the laundry room door so my new outfits wouldn't get wrinkled.

I grabbed the phone book and opened the Yellow Pages, leafing through the section for Chinese delivery. After ordering Chicken stir fry and white rice, I thumbed to the section to find a locksmith. Dog earring that page, I went back to the first page and left the book lying open on the counter at the attorney's ads as a reminder for me to make those calls as soon as possible.

My computer was still on the table, so I opened it and started it up. As soon as my desktop appeared, my friendly postman said, "You've got mail."

Wow, I thought I've gotten more emails in the last twenty-four hours than I probably got in the previous twenty-four weeks.

My inbox contained a message from something called Shutter Bugs. I nearly deleted it but realized it could be from Daddy's photographer.

Opening the mail, I read, "Hello, Angel. My name is Craig, and I'll be your photographer. Our appointment is for one o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Please bring at least three changes of clothes, one of which should be an evening gown. We'd appreciate it if you would not wear any make-up as our staff will apply what is needed to enhance your photos. We may also want to experiment with different hair colors, so don't bother doing much with your hair. We'll take care of that also. There is a one hundred dollar sitting fee, which is payable at the time of your appointment. Please bring cash, I'm looking forward to working with you. Thanks, Craig."

I closed my email but left it running in the background.

Things were moving along very quickly. I assumed it was because Daddy wanted to begin receiving a return on his investment, and to be quite honest, I was happy since I'd start receiving compensation for my talents.

A short while later, the doorbell rang, signaling that my dinner had arrived. As I sat eating the tasty stir fry, I began wondering about the who, what, and when of my first appointment. I was beginning to feel very excited about getting started and knew that by the time it arrived, my anticipation would be at a fever pitch.

I love Chinese takeout not only because it's so tasty but because there's always a little left over for tomorrow's lunch and never any dishes to clean up.

It was almost eight thirty when I placed the styrofoam container into the refrigerator, and I decided to turn in early partly because I hadn't slept well last night but also, so I'd be rested and fresh for my photo shoot tomorrow.

Curling up under the fluffy down comforter with my body sandwiched between satin sheets, I quickly dozed off into a restful sleep.


It's amazing what a good night's sleep does for you. I awoke a little after eight, the bright sunlight streaming through my bedroom window, feeling wonderful and excited to have my photos taken by a true professional.

While enjoying my morning coffee, I picked out three outfits I'd take to my shoot and carefully removed all the tags before placing them in a garment bag and hanging them over the laundry room door. I hoped my choices would result in photos that would entice our clients to choose me over the other five girls who worked for Daddy.

After breakfast, I went upstairs to shower. While in the shower, I shaved my legs, underarms, and a tiny bit of stubble above my pussy. My vulva had recovered from the assault Daddy had made on it days before. I shampooed my hair, giving me the sweet fragrance of strawberries.

After patting my body dry, I stood for a moment, surveying my form in the large vanity mirror. At thirty-five, I was still a stunningly beautiful woman. My bright eyes and lush, pouty lips were both accentuated by high cheekbones. My auburn hair, while shorter than many, could be teased to highlight my lovely facial features.

I smiled as I examined my breasts. Their D-cup size, while firm to the touch, still looked very natural. The scars from my implant surgery are only noticeable under very close inspection. The pink areola are perfectly round, surgically altered to be the same size, and appear to act as sensual frames for the tiny sensitive nipples at their center.

My stomach is perfectly flat and shows no signs of the muscles that rest just below the smooth flesh. I had once considered having my belly button pierced but could never get the nerve to see a body artist to have that done. Perhaps I could now get the nerve to have both my belly and tongue pierced.

The vanity top blocked my view of what rested below, so I used my fingers to do a quick physical inspection of my loins. The lips of my vulva, which had been swollen and nearly rubbed raw by Daddy's massive erection days earlier, were now drawn tight, forming a perfect seal over the moist pink flesh they protected.

One finger slipped between the soft lips without penetrating the moist flesh beyond. The smooth lips slipped along either side of my finger while still hugging it. My hot little pussy was back to normal, and I became excited for the time when it would again massage a strong hard cock.

I didn't need to examine my long, shapely legs, knowing they would always be exactly as they've been since I was twenty.

As my eyes moved up again, I thought. "Perhaps I should join a gym to ensure this sensuous body would continue to entice the opposite sex until I'd bankrolled enough to retire from the business."

I slipped a brightly colored sun dress over my shoulders and buttoned it up the front. Beneath, I slipped into a pair of white lace panties and finished with open-toe heeled sandals. Without makeup up, I looked rather plain, but I knew that when I arrived at the Shutter Bug studio, their artists would transform me into an elegant, classy lady.

Walking into the kitchen, I noticed it was only eleven thirty. I had two hours before my appointment, so I took the time to call a locksmith and make arrangements to meet him at the house at four to change the locks. I told him I had an appointment and that if I wasn't home by the time he arrived, he should start.

I knew the Hills was a drive across town but had no idea how long it would take at midday. My garment bag was placed flat on the floor of the Benz' trunk, and since Craig had said not to worry about my hair, I pressed the button to lower the top before backing out of the garage. Pausing briefly in the driveway to enter the address of Shutter Bug in my GPS, the onboard computer calculated my route and drive time. It flashed up arrival at the destination at one fifteen. Perfect timing.

I love driving with the top down. Not only does the wind feel incredible in my hair, but the looks I get from others on the road always excite me. Men love seeing a stunning woman on the road with them, and the truckers sitting high up in their big rigs get the added view of my sexy legs, which are always exposed to mid-thigh while I'm cruising in my sporty Benz.

I arrived at Shutter Bug two minutes later than my GPS had calculated, pulling into a space with enough time to spare.

As I bent over to retrieve my garment bag from the trunk, a man's hand reached past mine.

"Hi, I'm Craig." The handsome twenty-something male said, then added, "You must be Angel?"

"Yes, I am, and thank you for helping me," I replied, extending a delicate hand toward his free one.

"Welcome to Shutter Bug," Craig said.

I smiled at him as he said, "Right this way." His hand motioned to what clearly wasn't the main entrance into the business.

"We have much to do, so let's start immediately," Craig explained.

He guided me past the back of what must be the receptionist's desk and into a small room.

"While we're waiting for makeup, let's look at what you've decided to wear," Craig said.

"I hope the clothes are okay," I said.

Craig unzipped my garment bag and pulled out the three outfits I'd brought.

"I like this," he said as he held up a pale yellow sundress similar to the one I wore to the appointment.

"Buttons down the front can be very sexy," he mentioned.

The next one was a very classy black cocktail dress; its sleeveless design and higher-than-normal neckline appeared rather plain, but when he turned it around and looked at the back, he smiled widely. The back was cut nearly to the waistline with folds of fabric that I would describe as a reverse cowl neck.

"This is very hot," Craig exclaimed.

I smiled, recalling how stunning I looked when I tried it on at the shop.

My final choice was the evening gown. A pure white, almost bridal strapless design that stove-piped almost to the floor. Dancing wouldn't be easy in this dress, but on the seduction scale, it ranked a nine and a half.

He turned to me and said, "This is gorgeous, but I'm not sure it'll work for our purposes, but we'll see."

"Did you bring shoes?" he asked.

"Oh my god, I completely forgot shoes," I admitted. "And stockings for the cocktail dress, too," I added, feeling slightly unprepared.

"Stockings are no problem; we have some here. But I'm not sure we can find the right size shoe for you," Craig offered.

Just then, a slightly overweight young woman entered the room.

"Hello," she said as she closed the door behind her.

Craig introduced us, "Angel, this is Mandy, our makeup artist."

"Hi, Mandy," I said, extending my hand.

Mandy shook like a man, her firm grip pinching my delicate fingers tightly.

"We're going to do this sundress first," Craig said, holding the dress up so Mandy could see the colors.

"Okay, I suggest pale pink to contrast with the yellow in the dress," Mandy suggested.

"Exactly; I want Angel to look like she's been in the sun for hours," Craig commented.

"Gotcha," Mandy replied as she opened the cabinet doors beside where I was sitting.

"Page me when she's ready," Craig said just before he left the room.

"He's very handsome," I commented to Mandy as she prepared her tools.

She grinned at me and replied, "His boyfriend thinks so, too."

An older woman came in carrying a clipboard, "Hi, I'm Janet. I have some paperwork for you to sign," she said, standing next to me.

"Okay," I said.

"It's a standard photographer's release form. I'll need your signature right here," Janet said, handing me the clipboard and a pen, her bright red fingernail pointing to where I was to sign.

"Do I need to read this?" I asked.

She smiled and said, "You can, but if you don't sign, we don't shoot."

I knew that wouldn't make Daddy happy, so I scribbled my signature on the form.

"I also need your sitting fee," Janet said.

"Oh yes, of course," I answered, then asked, "Can you hand me my purse?" Pointing to my bag beside her.

"It's a hundred, right?" I asked as I started pulling twenty dollar bills out.

"That's correct," Janet said as she started filling out another form.

I handed her five bills, and she gave me the receipt. In the name line, it just said Angel.

"Thanks, Angel," Janet said, "I'll let you with Mandy to work her magic," she added just before leaving the room.

Mandy began explaining the process, "Let's start with your hair. I'm going to shampoo it and add some very faint pink highlights. They will hardly show, but the camera will pick them up as a reflection of the colors we're going to use on your face."

"I'm all yours," I said.

Mandy tilted the salon chair back and braced my back until my neck rested in the curved opening of the sink behind me, "Just relax; you're going to look incredible," she offered.

The warm water and her strong hands helped me relax as she shampooed my hair and applied watercolors to give it the pink highlights she'd spoken of. Forty minutes later, she was finished and said. "Okay, let's slip into your sundress," she said.

I unbuttoned my dress as Mandy undid the one on the wardrobe rack. She turned to me just as I slipped the dress off my body.

"Wow, I love your body," she remarked.

I was confident Mandy was slightly jealous of my soft, supple lines. She helped me with the new pale yellow dress, her skillful fingers making contact with my flesh more than needed.

With all the buttons closed, Mandy said, "Take a look at yourself."

I turned to face the full-length mirror mounted on the wall. "Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed. Mandy's skillful fingers and artistic talents had transformed me from a thirty-eight-year-old MILF into a vibrant and sensual twenty-something vixen.

The supple pink color she'd applied to my eyelids and lips seemed to fade into my perfectly styled auburn tresses. Only the slightest bit of eyeliner was used to frame my sparkling blue eyes, and my lashes appeared to have doubled in length. Under all that, my skin seemed smooth and silky, every minor blemish and crease skillfully masked with her own concoction of foundation and blush.

"Absolutely incredible," I remarked, gazing at her artwork.

"I'm going to stay with you in case Craig wants anything changed once he looks at you through the lens," Mandy said as she gathered a few essential tools and a small tray of assorted colors and other items.

"Thank you so much, Mandy," I said, smiling widely at her.

"My job,” she replied, then placed her hand on my back before adding, "Let's go find Craig."

"Wait in here," she said, pushing the door open to what obviously was a studio.

As I walked in and Mandy headed off to locate my photographer, I was amazed at the equipment in the room. It was unlike any photo studio I'd ever been in. Lights with reflectors and tripods were everywhere. They all pointed at a green backdrop hanging on the opposite wall from the door. In one corner of the room, there was a small desk with a computer sitting on it, and besides that, a bookshelf kind of unit containing more camera equipment than Craig could possibly need.

As I stood just inside the door, I began to understand how the photos of the other girls got to be so awesome. While all five girls are gorgeous, the artists here at Shutter Bug have drawn out their best features and made them into absolutely stunning women.

"All ready?" I heard Craig say from behind as he and Mandy returned to his studio.

I turned and smiled widely at him, then said, "I'm ready."

He stopped in his tracks, and as Mandy flipped a small sign that announced "In session" over and closed the door, Craig said, "Great job, Mandy."

"Thanks, hun," she replied, placing her tray of artist tools on a chair inside the door.

"You look incredible," Craig said to me.

He turned to Mandy and said, "I don't think we need to pin any part of the dress; it fits perfectly."

Mandy shook her head in agreement, then moved to the side, knowing her services wouldn't be needed at the moment.

"Let's have you on that stool," Craig said, motioning toward the tall bar-type stool in front of the green backdrop.

"Green's not my best color," I mentioned as I slid onto the stool and hooked my feet on one rung.

"We add the backdrops here," Craig explained, pointing to the computer monitor on the desk.

"Everything is digital today," he said as he turned to me, holding a costly-looking camera.

I flashed him a broad smile and put my hands on my hips. Shrugging my shoulders and shaking them a little caused my breasts to jiggle under the fabric of my dress. "Not everything is completely digital," I suggested.

"Hold that," he said quickly, lifting the camera to his eye and snapping a picture. Flashlights went off everywhere.

"Hey, I wasn't ready," I said.

"The best shots are usually caught when my subjects aren't ready," Craig replied.

As he moved closer to me, he said, "I want to get your close-up headshot first."

"Look directly into the lens and smile," he said.

"Naturally," he said; then, as I smiled, the camera clicked, "Good."

Craig moved the camera down below his chin. "Now I am going to move, and I want you to follow the lens with your eyes, but don't move your head an inch," he explained.

As he moved side to side, clicking photos every few seconds, I did as he asked and kept my head very still but let my eyes follow the lens.

"Very nice, good, great one," Craig kept talking while he moved and captured the images.

After taking eight or nine pictures, Craig turned to Mandy and said. "Have Mark bring us that folding canvas deck chair, please."

Craig returned his attention to me and said, "I think we've got some great headshots. Now, let's go for a couple of full-length pictures."

"Okay, You're the professional here," I replied.

"Let's lose the stool." He said.

I slipped off the wooden stool and stood still as Craig slid it off to the side.

Mandy returned, and Mark followed shortly. "Is this the one?" he asked.

"That's it, thanks," he said as he took my hand and moved me closer to the backdrop.

"Okay, Angel, I'd like you to stand in a classic model's pose.”

I wasn't sure what that was, but I moved one foot slightly in front of the other, my hands at my sides.

"Put your left hand on your hip and the right on your thigh high up," Craig said.

He moved to his left and lifted the camera to his eye. "Wait." He said, dropping the camera down again. Let's lose the wedding band. I slipped both rings off, leaving a tiny tan line where my wedding band had protected my fingers from the harsh sun all summer.

Mandy took the rings and put them in her tray.

"That's better. I can touch up the tan line in PhotoShop later," he remarked.

"Okay, Angel, hands back where they were," he said, waiting for me to move my hands back.

"The right one a little higher on your thigh," Craig captured the image he was looking for, kept me posed like that, and moved around me, taking several more.

"Great legs," he commented.

"You're doing a great job," he said as he moved to his desk and picked up a different camera.

"Let's have the deck chair," he said to Mandy.

She moved the chair where she'd probably moved it a thousand times before, then paused to check my makeup.

"She's good," Mandy remarked as she moved away.

"Okay, have a seat, and we'll finish up your sun dress with some skin shots," he said, smiling at me.

I climbed onto the high deck chair and brought my heels to rest on the rung in front.

"Cock your butt in the seat a little," Craig said.

"Good, now cross your legs. No, the other on top," he said as I moved, then changed which legs crossed over the other.

"Fantastic, now drape your right hand over the arm and bring your left hand up to the top button on your dress and slowly undo the button," he said.

As my hand moved to the row of buttons, his camera went wild, snapping repeatedly as my delicate fingers undid the button.

"Keep going," Craig said, then added, "Undo the next two."

I followed his instructions and unbuttoned the next two.

"Great, now use your fingers on both hands to hold the dress open at the top," he continued.

I gently pulled the fabric apart, revealing just the very top of my tits and the sexy crease of my cleavage.

"Fantastic!" he exclaimed, his camera capturing every detail.

"Okay, Angel, let's finish up, then you can take a short break," he said.

"I'm good," I replied, letting him know I was enjoying myself immensely.

He moved so he was directly in front of my sexy knee, "I want you to unbutton the bottom three buttons and let the dress slip over the sides of your thighs," he explained.

I did as he asked, letting the colorful fabric slide over my thigh. Craig moved forward and pulled the ends tighter over my thigh and taut at the fourth button.

"Fantastic," he said. I wasn't sure if he was talking about the pose or my legs.

"Put your arms on the chair arms and drape your finger over the front," he said, positioning me precisely how his mind's eye envisioned the shot.

I followed his instructions to the letter, making sure my fingers looked natural while still spreading them apart a little.

"Excellent," he commented as he lifted the camera to capture the image.

Flashlights went off repeatedly as Craig moved from directly in front of me to my left first, then to my right.

Centering himself again, he said, "Lean front."

As I bent at the waist and leaned toward him, I felt the front of my dress fall away, exposing even more of my lush breasts and deeper into the soft cleavage.

"Absolutely lovely," he commented as his camera whirled, shooting at least a dozen pictures from every possible angle.

"Stunning!" Craig exclaimed as he finally lowered his camera. "We're all done," he said.

Mandy sprang into action. She helped me out of the tall deck chair and then slid it out of the way. "Follow me," she said.

"The black cocktail dress and blonde," Craig said just before we left the room.

I followed Mandy back to the dressing room, "Change into your cocktail dress, and I'll be right back," she told me.

Now, this dress was designed with my body in mind. The high neckline in front, while not allowing any of my breasts to be exposed, drew attention to my sexy neck. It fit tight across my chest, perfectly detailing the shape of my breasts, and when aroused, my hard nipples would poke at the fabric seductively. For all it did to hide the front, it left nothing to the imagination from behind. The neckline continued to my shoulders, then with more fabric into a fold, it cascaded over my shoulder blades and straight down, curving sexily in to meet in the small of my back. Its length ended about two inches above my knees.

As I soothed the fabric over my breasts and thighs, Mandy returned with a pair of black four-inch heels in one hand and a pair of thigh-high stockings draped over her other arm.

"Be careful with these; they run very easily, and it's our last pair," Mandy said, holding the silk stockings toward me.

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I carefully gathered the first stocking on my delicate fingers, then slipped my toes into the opening. Mandy watched as I slowly slid the sexy silk up my leg, carefully adjusting the dark seam along the back with my thumbs.

"I love seamed silk thigh highs," I said as the second silky stocking was drawn up my thigh.

The heels were a little big for my tiny feet, but I didn't think that mattered since I wouldn't be dancing in them and only had to walk fifteen feet or so.

"All ready," I said as I checked the back of my dress and the seams of my stockings in the full-length mirror.

"Hardly," Mandy exclaimed. "Have a seat," she added.

She slid her work tray next to me and then began removing the pale pink lip gloss and eye shadow she had skillfully applied only an hour before.

When she lifted a bottle of bright red lip gloss toward my face, I protested. "Bright red clashes so with my auburn hair."

"It won't this time," she said as she began applying the fire engine red lip gloss.

Next, she worked on my eyes, spending much more time there than earlier. Mandy finished up with her eyelash brush, extending their length even more.

She stepped back to view the results of her work. "Not bad," she remarked just before she slipped behind me.

I heard something squirt, and her fingers rubbed too much gel into my hair.

She brushed my auburn locks nearly straight back and tight to my scalp. Just as I was about to turn and protest again, I felt the round head-hugging cap of a wig being slipped onto my head. I reached up and pulled a few strands forward to see the color.

"A blonde?" I asked.

"Trust me," Mandy replied.

She teased the hair incessantly for several minutes, drawing handfuls of strands this way and that.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, Mandy gave her work a few squirts of hair spray and said, "There we go."

I was almost afraid to look in the mirror she handed me.

"OH, MY GOD!" I exclaimed as I first saw my reflection. If I didn't know better, I would think I was looking at Jean Harlow. The hair was parted along the side, and wavy bangs were high on my forehead. It cascaded in soft, flowing waves nearly to my shoulders.

"Incredible," I said.

"Wait a second," Mandy said, adding, "It needs something else."

As I watched in the mirror, Mandy touched her eyeliner pencil to my face, giving me a tiny birthmark just below my red lips and near the corner of my mouth.

"Perfect," we both said in unison.

"Craig loves this retro look," Mandy explained, "He'll make you look sexier than you've ever looked before," she added.

"Let's see what he thinks," I said, standing and moving toward the door.

Craig was sitting at the computer looking at the results of his work from earlier when we entered the studio.

Turning in his chair, he exclaimed, "Awesome," he stood and high-fived Mandy for her efforts.

For the next hour, Craig circled my stunning form like a lion stalking a lioness. His camera capturing dozens of photos from every possible angle. I moved seductively for him, knowing these would be the pictures Daddy would share with prospective clients for my services.

As he nearly finished, Craig said, "Daddy always wants what he calls a specialty photo, but he didn't tell me your specialty."

I smiled, then leaned close to him; blowing my heated breath in his ear, I whispered, "I'm the best cock sucker on the planet."

"Hmm... now that's a challenge, let me think for a second," Craig said.

His face lit up. "Mandy, give me a hand," he said.

They left me standing there alone, wondering what idea had lit him up so.

He returned alone, carrying what I thought was a sheepskin. As he spread it out on the floor, I realized it was no sheep but a full-blown polar bear rug, complete with a full head and flashing white teeth.

Craig got down on his knees and said, "Lay down, Angel," as he patted the furry rug.

I got on my knees, then reclined on the rug, propping myself up on one elbow and smiling seductively at him.

"This is going to be so hot," Craig said.

I wanted this last photo to be so hot that after he'd captured it, he'd let me prove to him that I am the best cock sucker on the planet.

"I want you to lay on your back with your head draped over the bear's head," he said.

I jumped at the chance to tease him, "You mean like when I lay with my head dangling over the edge of a bed?"

"Yes, exactly," he replied.

I moved to the exact position he'd thought of and kept my eyes focused on the ceiling.

He lay down with his camera positioned to capture the image in profile.

"Place your spread fingers on your breasts," he said.

I moved my fingers over my tits and spread the delicate digits wide over the black fabric.

"Perfect, now arch your back and show me the tip of your tongue," he said with a slight twinge in his voice.

I did as he said, arching my back and lifting my lovely tits high above the rest of my body. My motion caused my head to slip a little further over the bear's head, and with my eyes closed, I extended just the tip of my pink tongue between bright red lips.

"Hold that!" he exclaimed.

His camera whirled and captured more images of my specialty than he or Daddy could ever need.

"Incredible," he said as he rose from the floor. I remained still except for my hands, which slowly massaged the lush fabric-covered flesh of my breasts.

"Okay, Angel, we're done," he said, standing over me and offering me his hand.

I stood up and instantly hugged him in thanks for making me look and feel incredible. When he didn't return the hug with one of his own, I decided not to try and convince him to let me drop to my knees and suck his cock.

Craig moved away, obviously not interested in anything I had to offer. I smiled, thinking he may be the last man for a long time that could have had a free blow job. Too bad he was so gay.

He sat at the computer and started downloading the final round of photos. I moved to stand behind him, looking over his shoulder. "We're all done, Angel," he said, clearly wanting me to leave.

I leaned down and whispered in his ear. "If you ever change your mind..." Craig cut me off, saying, "I won't."

I shrugged my shoulders and left him alone with his computer.

Mandy was in the dressing room cleaning up as I entered. "Did he get your specialty photo?" she asked.

"Yeah, but that was all he got," I replied.

She turned and grinned at me. "That boy was born gay."

I changed back into my sundress and removed the Harlow wig, then tried to do something with my hair. Mandy didn't offer to remove the bright red lipstick or heavy eye shadow, so I figured a shower when I got home would be in order.

"Thanks for everything," I said to her as I left the dressing room.

She smiled but didn't reply.

The receptionist stopped me before I left and asked if she could email me a copy of all the photos. I gave her my email address and thanked her for her offer. After placing my outfits in the trunk, I slipped into the Benz. It was three forty-five.

I drove home wondering how long it would take for Daddy to schedule my first appointment. I hoped it wouldn't be extended for two reasons. First, I wanted to start making some excellent cash tips, and second I hadn't had any cock since Daddy had fucked me on Saturday, and I was beginning to feel horny.

Approaching the house, I was reminded that the locksmith was to arrive at four. But the white minivan parked in front of my door advertising Nick's Lock & Key confirmed he was prompt.

Nick was nowhere in sight, so I pulled into the garage and went inside.

"Hello," I said loudly as I walked into the kitchen.

"I'm in the foyer." A male's voice replied.

"I'm so sorry I'm late," I said as I entered the foyer.

Nick stood up and turned to me. "No problem. I just let myself in and got started."

He was a handsome-looking late-forties man with salt and pepper hair and a scruffy two-day stubble on his face. A little paunchy around the middle, no doubt from too many of Mrs. Nick's home-cooked Italian meals.

"Be done in a few minutes," he said.

"Is this the last one?" I asked.

"Yep, it only takes a few minutes to change the tumblers," Nick commented.

I smiled at him and then said, "Great, I'll wait in the kitchen for you to finish."

As he tinkered with the lock, I poured myself a glass of wine and flipped open my laptop.

A few minutes later, he entered the kitchen carrying his small toolbox and some cardboard boxes. "Do you want the old tumblers?" He asked.

"No thanks, I'll have no use for them," I replied.

He placed them on the table and then asked. "Mind if I sit down to do the paperwork."

"Please do," I answered, smiling widely at him.

Nick sat down and started filling out a form. "I can't offer you a beer, but how about a glass of wine," I asked.

He looked at his watch and then said. "You're my last stop of the day, so I'd love a glass of wine."

I poured his wine, moved beside him, and placed it next to the form he was nearly finished with. "Thanks." He said, lifting the glass to his lips. His eyes were focused on the lush set of tits, almost staring him in the face.

"That's a really red lipstick you're wearing," he said as his eyes lifted to look into my face.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

He smiled and then said. "What's not to like."

I moved back to the opposite side of the table. "So, what's the charge for today?" I asked, teasing him as I spoke by playing with the fourth button from the top of my dress.

He looked down at the form and then up at me. "It's three hundred fifty," he answered.

I unbuttoned the one I was toying with and let my hand slide down to the next.

"That's a lot of money for a couple of minutes per lock," I said.

"They're the best on the market." He replied, clearly focused on my hand and the button it played with.

I let the button slip through the tiny hole, giving Nick a glimpse of the succulent cleavage behind the flowery yellow fabric.

I leaned over the table, my hands flat on its surface, and the fabric of my dress hung away from my tits. Nick swallowed hard and stared at the creamy naked flesh I'd exposed for him.

"Do you offer any discounts?" I asked.

Without taking his lustful stare off my tits, he replied. "What kind of discount did you have in mind?"

I smiled and shook my shoulders a little. His smile acknowledged his love of healthy big tits.

"How about a cock suckers discount?" I asked.

He leaned back in the chair but kept his eyes focused on my creamy cleavage, "I think I could arrange a sizable discount for that."

I smiled, knowing instead of Craig, the gay photographer, being the last man to enjoy a free blow job, Nick, the locksmith, would be my last freebie for the foreseeable future.

I straightened up and began moving around the table, undoing the remaining buttons that held my sundress closed over my sexy body.

Nick took a huge gulp from his wine, then slid his chair back and toward me as I approached, spreading his feet apart.

He reached up to touch my tits, but I slapped his hand. "No touching," I said.

He nodded his agreement and placed his hands flat on his thighs.

I smiled widely at him with fire-engine red lips, then got down my knees between his outstretched legs.

The unmistakable bulge in his jeans told me he was already getting hard. I slid one delicate hand over the bulge and felt the swelling cock through the denim fabric.

It felt solid under my palm but not overly long, and as I undid the clasp of his jeans, I looked up into his face and whispered, "I love sucking fat cock."

My hand dipped below the worn pants and found the fat cock I desired.

It was very hard and throbbed noticeably under my soft touch.

I reached up and yanked his jeans out from under his ass, pulling them to mid-thigh. His cotton briefs tented to the side, still keeping his cock from my lusty view.

"I love feeling a cock surge in my mouth," I whispered as my fingernails hooked under the elastic waistband of his white shorts.

Nick stared down at me as I slowly pulled the waistband forward, then hooked it under his nut sack and exposed his rock-hard cock.

His balls were pulled up by the stretched elastic fabric making his short cock look even shorter. It was maybe six inches long, but what he lacked in length, he made up for in girth. My soft fingers barely reached around the stiff shaft.

I lifted it off his paunchy belly and examined his throbbing cock with an entirely new mindset. His was the first of hundreds or possibly thousands of cocks that I'd examine closely. Studying the nuances of each one carefully. How the shaft looked, what shape the head was, and how the two correlated at the smooth corona. For the first time, I noticed a slight variation in color as he swelled and grew even harder. His fat cock shaft tapered down as it met the pear-shaped head, the soft, smooth corona forming the widest part of the sexy pear.

I glanced up into his eyes. They nearly screamed, suck it with a stare so intense I knew I couldn't make him wait much longer, and I'd have to continue my studies on the next throbbing cock that rose before me.

Leaning forward, I slipped my tongue in the crease of hot flesh caused by his balls being pressed up against the shaft by the stretched elastic of his briefs.

He moaned when my tongue first touched him, then moaned again as I slowly licked up the shaft and circled the head with my moist tongue.

I lifted slightly and opened my red lips pausing to exhale deeply over his throbbing cock before lowering my mouth over the head.

"Yes!" Nick exclaimed as my hot wet mouth engulfed his cock head. I drew my mouth back and licked around the head several times, feeling the velvety flesh ride across my moist tongue.

As I lowered my mouth over him again, I moved the two fingers that held him away and dropped my mouth even farther. The twitching cock head slipped along my tongue as my red lips stretched to accept his ever-widening shaft.

My tongue pressed out over my lower lip to massage his urethra as I took more and more of his fat cock shaft between my lips.

He moaned deeply as my tongue again slipped between the shaft and his balls, and my sexy little nose nuzzled into this curly pubic hair.

His cock head barely touched the back of my mouth, and I knew that I'd have to wait to feel hot cock in the soft wet flesh of my throat until Daddy arranged my first appointment. Even though Nick wasn't long enough to throat fuck me, his cock still filled my mouth.

I slowly lifted my mouth off him, leaving a ring of red lipstick on his fat cock shaft.

As I drew back, I licked the pear at the end and was rewarded with a drop of sweet precum. I moaned softly, then lapped at the tiny slit, trying to entice yet another drop of his sweet-tasting nectar into my mouth.

"Lick it," Nick pleaded.

My tongue slowly moved along the shaft, pressing into the bulging urethra as I descended toward his balls.

My lips circled one heavy nut and sucked it between the moist red flesh, softly suckling on its fullness. It snapped from my oral grasp with a resounding pop, and I immediately moved to the other, giving it the same suckling massage I'd just given its cum filled mate.

I reached up and hooked sexy fingernails on the elastic fabric that held his balls so firmly. Yanking on the band, I pulled them from under him and drew his briefs down to join his jeans at mid-thigh.

His scrotum, released from its elastic prison, stretched down until his balls rested on the seat of the chair. Somehow his cock looked longer now, the base of his shaft no longer hidden by the extra flesh of his scrotum.

"Suck it!" Nick begged.

I moved my lips up, kissing his rock-hard cock shaft until my lips rested against the pear that topped his sexy cock.

With one delicate hand slowly stroking his shaft, my mouth dropped over the head and moved down until my lips touched my fingers.

I slowly began moving my mouth and hand in unison up and down the throbbing cock bringing him closer and closer to orgasm.

"Yeah, that's it; suck it like that," Nick moaned.

My soft hand and even softer mouth kept up a steady slow rhythm jerking and sucking his quivering cock at the same time.

"Keep sucking, and I'll give you a treat," Nick whispered.

I knew his treat would be more of the sweet-tasting contents of his balls. His promise of treats encouraged me to increase the rhythm of my oral massage.

The faster my hand and mouth moved, the quicker he moaned as his cock swelled to climatic proportions.

"That's it," he exclaimed just before his big hands jumped to the back of my head.

I didn't protest his touch, knowing it might force him deeper into my oral cavity.

Nick's hands pressed down on my head, wedging his pear against my throat.

He groaned harshly, then exclaimed, "Cumming!"

I felt the rush of sweet juice surge along his urethra, pressing the throbbing flesh into my tongue. In an instant, his cock unloaded. A gusher of a cum shot, filling my mouth with the sweetest thickest cum I'd ever tasted.

His firm grip on my scalp held me impaled orally on his fat cock as, over and over, he pumped sweet nectar into my mouth, overflowing from the corners and puddling around the base.

I swallowed what I could and held the rest in my mouth, bathing his quivering cock with hot sweet cum. His hands fell away, and I immediately lifted off him the wad I held in my mouth running down his still-hard shaft. I sucked and licked the final oozing drops of sweet cum from his cock, then collected the last of my treat from his balls and curly pubic hair.

With one long slow sexy lick along his fat cock I looked up into his smiling face. "How was that?" I asked, a smile coming to my cum coated, smeared red lips.

Nick reached to the table and picked up the form he'd so carefully completed earlier. Tearing it in half, he smiled and said, "Paid in full."

I smiled, knowing I'd just earned my first tip—a tip I wouldn't have to share with Daddy.

I stood up and buttoned just one button in the middle of the row down the front of my dress, letting Nick admire my lush firm tits while he tucked his fat cock in his pants.

His eyes lusted for my tits, his mouth for the soft, moist folds between my legs.

With a massive smile, he reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a business card. "If you ever need servicing, don't hesitate to call me," he said.

I smiled, knowing I'd most likely never need his service again, but said, "I may just do that. I'd love to feel your fat cock here; I slipped my delicate fingers between my big tits showing him where I'd love to feel his cock.

"I can't wait," he said, reaching out and giving one luscious pleasure orb a gentle squeeze.

"I have an appointment I need to get ready for," I said, escorting him toward the door.

He smiled as I opened the door and said, "Call me anytime, day or night."

I just smiled as I closed the door.

I leaned against the door and thought. "This sex for cash wasn't so bad. I'd just made, or in this case saved, three hundred fifty dollars with my special oral talents."

As I headed upstairs to shower, I giggled and thought, "With this specialty, I'd be rich in no time."

While slipping out of my clothes, I glanced at my reflection in the vanity mirror. My auburn hair looked shabby, and the bright red lipstick that Mandy had so skillfully applied was smeared over the edges of my lips. The mascara that had made my eyes appear even darker than they were had run a bit, the effect of cock sucking moisture overflowing from my tear ducts.

Running my fingernails through my hair, I decided I'd let it grow long, and once it cascaded onto my soft, sexy shoulders, I'd change the color to blonde and have a wavy Harlow-style perm.

After a quick shower, I slipped into my favorite sweats and a baggy tee shirt, then headed to the kitchen. Popping the leftover Chinese into the microwave, I opened my laptop to check my mail.

That friendly, familiar voice announced, "You've got mail." An announcement I hoped I'd hear often from now on.

The microwave beeped several times, and I sat down at the table with my dinner and clicked on the inbox.

I had two emails. One from Shutter Bug with an attachment, which I knew was my photos the receptionist had told me she would send, and the other from Daddy. I clicked on the mail from my boss with the subject line "Photos."

It read, "Angel, as usual, Craig did a wonderful job with your pictures. His talent always amazes me. I especially like the one hinting at your specialty. Judging from the photos, your wardrobe advance was well spent. The backless cocktail dress will be an instant hit with many clients. Speaking of clients, since you're availability has greatly increased recently, I took the liberty of contacting several who I suspected would be interested in an appointment with you even before I could send them photos. I'm happy to tell you that Mickey, a long-time client, has scheduled an appointment sight unseen. I've scheduled a luncheon meeting with him tomorrow at twelve-thirty. Please meet him at Off The Avenue Cafe, on Main Street between Fifth Avenue and Green Street. Mickey has arranged for a two-hour appointment and expects you to be prompt. Remember that we are Elegant Escorts in choosing your outfit for this appointment. Good Luck, Angel, and please email me after your appointment to let me know how it went."

I smiled as I closed the email without deleting it so I could reply after my appointment with Mickey tomorrow. Now, I had the final part of how Daddy runs the business. It would be first names only, which suited me just fine, and, at first, Daddy wanted me to let him know if any problems arose during my appointments.

I opened my calendar program and made an entry detailing the scheduled appointment with Mickey, then finished the Chinese, which was nearly cold when I got to it.

Tossing the empty styrofoam container in the trash can, I turned out the lights and headed for my bedroom. I wanted to be rested and fresh for my appointment, so after laying out a tailored business suit with a very sexy pencil skirt for tomorrow, I turned in. Sleep didn't come quickly, as the anticipation and, honestly, the anxiety of my first appointment began to build.

Eventually, my eyes closed, and I fell into a restful sleep, knowing I'd have the morning to dash my feelings of anxiety.

Written by JdRobbins
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