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Diary of a High Price Escort Book 14 Part One

"Angel enjoys a lovely meal with Niles"

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Author's Notes

"A transplanted brit shows Angel how seduction is done across the pond."

The early evening sky was aglow with subtle hues of lavender and blue, and the air had a frosty chill as I steered the Benz into the entrance of the underground parking lot at the Grand Hotel thirty minutes before I was to meet Mr. Sebastian in the lobby.

"Evening, madam," the valet said as he walked to the driver's door.

He opened the door for me, and as I slipped out, his eyes traveled up from my white stilettos across my flowing satin evening gown and lacy white shawl that hid my lush breasts. He forced his eyes up to meet mine as I smiled at him and said, "Be extra careful with my Benz."

"I'll treat it like it's mine," he replied, handing me the check I'd need later to claim my vehicle.

I slipped him a twenty to ensure he would treat my ride like it was his, then slowly walked toward the elevator. I knew he was watching me, because I didn't hear the car door close. My walk was slow, seductive, and deliberate, and as I stepped inside the elevator and turned, he was still staring at me, mesmerized by the view I'd just given him. I smiled, knowing he was the first man who'd be fascinated by my appearance that evening.

Pressing the L button, I waited for the car to rise, then stop at the lobby. The doors silently slid open, and I entered the magnificent lobby of the only five-star hotel in town. Across the vast expanse, a single black male stood at attention behind the counter. As I slowly strolled past towering marble pillars on a rich burgundy carpet, his brilliant white smile flashed at me.

"Good evening, madam," he said as I stopped before him,  "Will you be checking in tonight?"

"I'm meeting a guest for dinner," I replied.

He continued smiling, keeping his eyes focused on my face. "Can I ring his room and tell him you've arrived?"

"Actually, I'm slightly early, so would you be so kind and direct me to the ladies' room?"

He resisted the urge to let his eyes drop as he lifted one hand to the top of the counter, "Certainly, madam, it's down that hall on the left," his long, thick black finger pointed to the hall off to my right.

"You're very kind," I replied, knowing his eyes would be free to roam and his mind free to fantasize as I walked toward the restroom.

I gave him the same slow seductive walk I had the valet earlier and knew he would be staring at how my ass moved as I walked away.

Once in the safety of the ladies' room, I placed my tiny white clutch bag on the counter and opened it. It contained only the essentials I needed. A small bottle of my favorite perfume, a tube of ruby red lip gloss, an equally tiny tube of clear, my cell phone, a few twenty dollar bills, and a short white leash with a shiny chrome snap. Removing the clear gloss, I touched up my lips, then used my index finger to twist the tiny ringlets of blonde hair that dangled down from my tightly pulled bun in front of sparkling diamond stud earrings and just past the distinct line of my jaw. The white satin choker, which, for now, I wore backward to hide the chrome ring, accentuated my long, sexy neck. Pulling the knot of my lacy shawl, I made sure it completely hid my full ripe tits and the soft cleavage between them. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror, thinking even a proper English gentleman would be impressed with my appearance.

Just before leaving the restroom, I made sure my satin gown flowed perfectly over my hips and smoothed the fabric over my ass. It fit snuggly over my butt, and I again smiled after checking that no lines of my thong appeared from beneath.

As I returned to the lobby, the antique grandfather clock between two black leather upholstered chairs began to chime the hour. The lovely sound of its Westminster chime resonated through the expanses of the lobby, filling the area with its familiar tune.

Precisely as it struck the seventh hour, the elevator doors glided open, and a stunning specimen of a man walked out. He wore a classic black tux, a brilliant white shirt, and a perfectly tied bow tie. The jacket was open at the front, showing his black cumber bun. As he walked toward me, I noticed his perfectly shined black shoes and moved my eyes to his face. A wide smile showed off perfect teeth whiter than the black man watching intently from behind the counter.

As he approached, I extended my delicate hand, flashing the sexy French manicure white-tipped nails coated with clear gloss. "Mr. Sebastian?" I asked, already knowing this incredibly handsome man was my client for the evening.

"My pleasure, Angel," he quickly replied.

With a quick smile and a sexy wink of my eye, I answered, "Our pleasure, sir."

As he softly shook my hand, he moved closer, staring directly into my eyes with crystal blue sparkling eyes. "You look absolutely stunning," he complimented.

I smiled, knowing already that my report to Daddy tomorrow morning would be that Niles Sebastian was delighted with our evening.

"Do you have any special plans, Mr. Sebastian?" I asked, enjoying the warmth of my hand in his.

"Please call me Niles," he quickly replied, then added, "I've made dinner reservations in the Casa Blanca Room."

"That sounds lovely," I replied.

Without releasing my hand, Niles slowly walked me past the stud behind the counter toward a massive set of double doors with a scripted neon sign above that read "Casa Blanca Room."

As we entered, I mentioned, "I understand the food is spectacular here."

Niles smiled and answered, "The chef, Marcel, is a personal friend. I'm sure he'll have something outstanding prepared for us."

"Good evening, Mr. Sebastian. Your table is ready," the beautiful female maître d' immediately mentioned as we approached.

She was dressed in a tailored black stove pipe skirt with a white silk blouse and black vest, all accentuated by a black necktie. Her lovely red hair pulled back into a tight ponytail that cascaded down her back.

As she led us to our table, I noticed her shapely legs and four-inch heels, wondering how she managed to walk perfectly after being on her feet for hours.

"Just as you requested, sir," she mentioned as we stopped at a table for two tucked in a private alcove off the main dining room.

She stepped back, allowing Niles to assist me with my chair, then, before leaving, said, "I'll have the wine steward for you in a moment."

Her broad smile acknowledged she'd shown Niles and a few other stunning women to this table before.

I felt I should remove my shawl but decided to wait for Niles to ask me. He sat across the small table from me, and I could see his blue eyes sparkle even in the dim lighting of our dinner setting.

"Thank you, Angel," he said from out of the blue.

I smiled and asked, "Thank you for what?"

"For looking exactly as I'd envisioned you," Niles explained as his hand slid across the table toward mine.

I let him caress my fingers first, then move up to lightly touch the back of my hand.

"Good evening, Niles," an impeccably dressed middle-aged man said as he approached our table, "it's wonderful to see you again."

Niles looked up from my face to greet him, "How have you been, Ramon?"

"I'm doing very well, thanks," Ramon replied.

Ramon glanced toward me, then back to Niles.

"Angel, I'd like you to meet Ramon. He's been wine steward here since the place opened," Niles commented.

I slipped my hand from under Niles' and extended it toward Ramon, "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir."

After a gentle handshake, Ramon again looked toward Niles. "Marcel and I have selected a wonderful red wine for you tonight."

He continued, "It's a French Bordeaux vintage 1982. I'm certain you will enjoy its sumptuous flavor."

Niles grinned, "You've never steered me wrong."

Ramon smiled, knowing Mr. Sebastian spared no expense regarding wine. "With your permission, I will bring you a bottle to test."

"That'll be fine, Ramon," Niles replied.

Ramon turned and walked away, allowing Niles to return his attention to me.

"I'm certain you will love this vintage Bordeaux. I've had it before, and it seems to get better and better with age," he remarked, his fingers again touching my hand.

I glanced down at his hand resting gently on mine, and then, as I returned my eyes to his, I turned my hand over so I could gently grasp his.

"Thirty-year-old wine must be costly," I commented.

"It is," he answered, "last time I ordered a bottle, it cost three hundred, but you'll soon discover that I enjoy the elegant things in life, and fortunately, I have the resources to allow me to enjoy those things."

I smiled because he used the word elegant but more so because he inadvertently informed me he was extremely wealthy.

"I notice you don't have much of an English accent," I mentioned.

Niles chuckled, then explained, "I've been living in the States for twenty-five years and have learned to hide my native accent, but if you like, I can let you have a little cockney."

"You've been here for twenty-five years?" I asked.

"Yes, my father was in the House of Lords, and when I graduated from high school, I came to the States to attend Harvard," Niles explained.

I smiled and continued listening to him intently.

"While attending Harvard, I used to travel from Cambridge to New York on the weekends and fell in love with the Big Apple," he explained, "after graduation, I decided to stay."

"I can certainly understand that. There is so much to do in New York," I replied.

Ramon returned carrying our wine, which rested in a bed of ice, and two crystal wine glasses.

"I hope you approve," he commented as he poured a tiny amount into one glass and handed it to Niles.

Niles lifted the glass to his nose, testing its fragrance, then sipped a tiny amount. I watched as he swirled the liquid in his mouth and swallowed.

"As excellent as I recall," he said,

Ramon smiled widely, confirming that he knew Niles' taste in wine very well. After pouring both glasses and placing them in front of us, he spoke, "Enjoy your meal; I'll check back a little later to refresh your drinks."

Alone again, I returned our conversation to Niles' past, "So you decided to stay in the United States after graduation?"

"Yes, but I often returned to London to visit my parents," he explained.

I smiled, thinking he was quite the jet setter then and perhaps now.

"My mother passed when I was twenty-nine, and dad retired from the House shortly after that," he explained.

"I'm so sorry to hear that," my hand gently squeezing his.

"Dad lived another four years, but losing the love of his life devastated him, and his health failed quickly."

I squeezed his hand a little firmer, "I'm sure you must have been devastated also,_ losing both parents in such short order."

"That was twelve years ago, and time does heal. Inheriting the family fortune helped, too," he grinned.

I did some quick math and realized that Niles is forty-one but looked like he was in his early thirties.

As I returned his grin, a man dressed in kitchen garb approached our table. "Marcel!" Niles instantly exclaimed, seeing his friend.

"It's great to see you again, Niles!" Marcel exclaimed as Niles rose from his seat and hugged his friend.

"Marcel, I'd like you to meet Angel," Niles spoke as he glanced toward me.

Marcel extended his hand, and as I accepted it, he spoke, "Niles, you devil, where did you ever find such a lovely angel?"

I smiled widely as I looked up at his handsome face, "You're very kind."

"And you are absolutely stunning," Marcel replied.

Niles returned to his seat, and Marcel returned his attention to his friend. "I hope the wine is satisfactory?"

"As always, you and Ramon have outdone yourselves," Niles answered.

"Ramon matches the perfect wine to my menu. I've taken the liberty to offer a lovely Rosemary-Pesto rack of lamb complimented with oven-roasted red potato chunks sprinkled with chives, steamed and buttered baby carrots, and a limestone lettuce salad. If you decide on dessert, I've just finished a scrumptious strawberry-rhubarb pie," Marcel said.

"Your description makes my mouth water," I mentioned

Marcel looked toward me and softly touched my shoulder, "Hopefully, it will be very pleasing to your palate."

Niles chimed in, "Marcel, you could make a grilled cheese sandwich taste incredible."

He chuckled, then extended his hand to Niles. "Thank you, my friend, but enough of this chit-chat. I must get back to my kitchen and plate your meals personally."

Marcel again smiled at me, then headed off to the kitchen.

"You've known him for a long time," I commented.

"Yes, I have," Niles replied.

Since we'd sat down, I had been waiting for Niles to suggest I remove my shawl, but he hadn't even mentioned it. I wanted him to see what savory treats I had in store but couldn't find the perfect time to untie the knot and slip the lacy cover off my shoulders.

I knew that he had viewed my photos on the web page, and that gallery certainly showed off my large breasts, so I had to assume he was waiting for me to make the first move.

As I unfolded my linen napkin and carefully placed it in my lap, I remarked, "It's a little warm here. Do you mind if I remove my shawl?" Remembering that I'd been advised to follow his instructions explicitly, I felt a little uncomfortable asking, but my fears were instantly put to rest when Niles smiled.

"I've been hoping you'd do that since we sat down."

I slowly untied the knot and slipped the lacy shawl off my shoulders, letting it drape over the back of my chair.

Niles's smile widened as my lush, full breasts came under his intense scrutiny, and his eyes dropped to gaze at the plunging neckline, which exposed most, if not all, of my soft cleavage.

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His eyes remained fixed on the lovely mounds of pleasure as he commented, "Absolutely beautiful."

I giggled and whispered, "So you like big tits?"

Niles lifted his eyes to mine and quickly replied, "I was speaking of your gown."

I felt embarrassed, having blurted out such an inappropriate comment, and thought of apologizing for my mistake. I felt my cheeks flush a bit, which Niles instantly noticed.

He leaned front and put my mind at ease, "Your gown perfectly accentuates your lovely breasts."

I smiled, feeling better knowing that in his proper English way, he had just confirmed that he loves big tits.

His eyes returned to gaze upon my, as he put it, lovely breasts, but his enjoyment was interrupted by two young men carrying our first course.

Served on crystal clear plates, the Limestone Lettuce salad looked like it could be photographed for a food magazine. Marcel had taken a head of the compact lettuce and cut it in half. It was topped with a Green Goddess dressing, which included a savory blend of cottage cheese, yogurt, olive oil, and anchovies. The dressing enhanced the taste of the firm green lettuce.

Alone again, and both enjoying the first delectable offering of his master chef friend, our conversation began to take on a more seductive manner.

"I love how the plunging neckline of your dress reveals your cleavage," he complimented.

I smiled and offered, "It fits much better since my surgery." Letting him know in my subtle way that I'd had augmentation performed on my tits.

He placed his fork beside his salad plate and slid his hand across the table. Taking my hand in his, he whispered, "I understand that operation has the added benefit of making a woman's nipples very sensitive."

I squeezed his hand, "Absolutely."

Our conversation also had the benefit of causing my nipples to harden some, and Niles smiled widely as the nubs of hardening flesh pressed into the satin fabric covering them. I hoped that later that evening, he would be sliding his erect cock through the soft, warm flesh he so lovingly admired now.

The wait staff cleared our salad dishes, and Ramon appeared from nowhere, "Please let me freshen up your drinks."

Ramon placed two fresh wine glasses on the table and then carefully filled each within an inch of the rim. Stepping back from the table, he smiled as the two handsome waiters placed our main course in front of Niles and me.

Once again, Marcel had plated our meal so that it could easily be photographed for a magazine. The aroma wafting from the sizzling lamb was heavenly, and I could hardly wait to savor his offering.

"Enjoy," Ramon said as he turned to leave us with our meal.

Niles glanced at his plate and then returned his eyes to mine. "This is somewhat of a distraction," he commented, waving his fork over the plate.

"Why is that?" I asked.

He smiled, “It's distracting me from the other savory dish I was enjoying."

I leaned forward, causing my breasts to press together more. "I'll tell you what," I paused, "enjoy your lamb; we'll skip dessert, and you can have these as an after-dinner treat."

Niles's smile widened as he picked up his fork and knife and dug into his meal. "You've got a deal," he agreed.

The lamb tasted incredible; the tender meat melted in my mouth, roasted to perfection by Niles's good friend. The red-skinned potato chunks and tender baby carrots complimented it.

"A meal I'll not soon forget," I commented as Niles and I enjoyed every delicious bite.

Our dinner conversation consisted of small talk of other unforgettable meals we'd enjoyed, but between bites, Niles took time to enjoy looking at what he'd be served for dessert.

I wanted to be a little more suggestive, so at one point, I pierced a tiny baby carrot near the end and lifted it toward my lips.

His eyes widened as I extended the tip of my tongue and caressed the vegetable before taking a tiny bite.

"Are you showcasing some hidden talent?" he quietly asked.

I ran the end of the carrot around my lips, savoring the taste and the expression on his face, "I have many hidden talents."

Niles giggled, knowing exactly what I spoke of, then asked, "I hope you don't bite the end of everything that touches your lips."

I slipped the carrot between my lips, and after chewing it for what seemed like an eternity to Niles, I replied, "Not completely off."

I placed my utensils beside my plate. "I'm getting full," I commented.

Niles followed my lead and placed his down, “I want to save room for dessert."

As we sat there enjoying the last of our wine, my flirtatious allure began to have the desired effect on him. I noticed he would occasionally fidget in his chair, and at one point, he slipped his hand off the table to, I assumed, adjust a growing erection.

"Tell me about that lovely choker you're wearing," Niles asked.

I lifted one sexy finger to the line of satin circling my neck. "Don't you like it?"

"It doesn't seem to go completely with your gown," he remarked.

I smiled widely as I slid my finger and thumb around it, showing him the shiny chrome ring. "It's an accessory for later," my fingernail hooked into the ring and pulled it away from the front of my neck.

Niles grinned, then said, "So it's more of a collar than a choker."

"Yes, I suppose it is," I quickly answered.

"And does it come with a leash?" Niles asked with a lecherous grin on his lips.

I reached over and patted my clutch handbag, "Perhaps."

His grin turned to a broad smile, knowing that perhaps meant absolutely.

Niles lifted his glass to his lips and finished its contents in one healthy gulp just as Marcel appeared from the kitchen.

"Marcel, that was perhaps your finest offering," Niles complimented.

I smiled at Marcel and added, "I've never had such succulent lamb."

"I'm so glad you both enjoyed it. Now, how about a slice of my strawberry rhubarb pie to finish with?" Marcel asked.

Niles smiled, “We're both stuffed."

Marcel got a disappointed expression when he heard that we would pass on the last course of his well-planned menu.

I reached out and touched his arm to console him and suggested, "Can you save two slices? Perhaps we'll call for room service later when we'd like a midnight snack."

"I'd be happy to do that," Marcel replied.

I could see that even though Niles and Marcel were such good friends, at this point, he was more interested in getting to his suite to begin enjoying the dessert I'd offered earlier.

Marcel must have read that also because he reached out to Niles and shook his hand. "When are you gonna give me another chance at scoring lower on the golf course than you?" he asked.

Niles grinned, "You've got my private cell number. Call me later in the week, and we'll set it up for early one day this weekend."

He extended his hand to me, and after I placed my delicate hand in his, he lifted it to his lips and kissed the back softly. "Enjoy the remainder of your evening," he said.

I turned my eyes to Niles, but out of the corner, I could swear I saw Marcel give him a suggestive wink.

Marcel turned and, without saying another word, headed back to his kitchen.

"What a wonderful man," I commented as I folded my napkin and placed it beside my empty plate.

Niles didn't reply. Instead, he rose from his chair and walked behind me. His fingers lifted my shawl and draped it over my shoulders. I let the ends hang down along my arms.

"Shall we?" Niles asked, extending his hand to me.

I stood up and kept his hand in mine as we walked back to the heavy double doors of The Casa Blanc Room and out into the lobby.

As we walked past the counter, I noticed that the stoic black man had been replaced by a slightly overweight redhead whose vest appeared to be a size too small.

She smiled widely at Niles as he instructed her, "Hold all my calls until tomorrow morning."

"Of course, Mr. Sebastian," she instantly replied.

I resisted the urge to comment about her oversized tits wanting to keep his attention on my healthy chest.

We turned in unison to face the elevator doors as they glided closed. Niles reached out and pressed the "P" button on the panel.

"The Penthouse?" I asked.

He smiled and commented, "I have a five-year lease."

I was taken aback by his comment. I knew he was rich, but his comment acknowledged that I was to spend the remainder of the evening in the company of a mega-wealthy gentleman. I instantly thought I hope I'm up to the task.

As the elevator slowly came to a stop and the doors slid open, we were greeted by a very muscular young man wearing a three-piece suit. I instantly feared I was about to become the centerpiece of an erotic ménage a trois, but those fears were put aside when the young stud said, "Did you enjoy dinner?"

"Very much," Niles replied, then added, "That will be all for tonight, Samuel."

"Very good, Mr. Sebastian. Are we jogging in the morning?" he asked.

Niles smiled and glanced toward me, "I suspect I'll be sleeping in tomorrow."

Samuel smiled as he let his eyes roam down over my lush form, savoring the image being burned into his brain.

"I'll call you after lunch then," Samuel suggested as he passed us and pressed for the elevator.

As Niles slid his key card through the lock, my anticipation of how his penthouse apartment would be furnished grew.

He pushed the door open, then stepped aside, "Please come in, Angel."

I took a couple of steps inside and waited for him. The door closed with a resounding clunk, followed by the sound of the deadbolt being turned.

"Let me take your shawl," Niles said as his fingers lifted the lacy garment off my shoulders and dropped it on a chair just inside the door.

I was standing in the foyer of an incredible suite. Niles had copied the architecture of the Grand Hotel's lobby to his apartment. On either side of the foyer, two curved halls lead to different parts of the suite. The outside walls were decorated with perfectly lit paintings, while the inside had smaller versions of the marble columns in the lobby that separated the halls from an oval-shaped great room.

Across the room, a bank of large windows provided an incredible view of the city's skyline, with only the very tops of most buildings visible from my vantage point.

Niles moved beside me and lightly placed his hand on the small of my back. He pointed at the hall to our right, "The kitchen and my study are that way," then, pointing across in front of me, "The master suite is down there."

I was awe-struck by the look of his home. Furnished with only the finest appointments and decorated with lovely art ranging from original oils to hand-blown art glass, everyone highlighted perfectly with indirect lighting.

I turned to him, causing his hand to slip from my back to my hip. "This is incredible!" I exclaimed.

"Let me show you around," Niles suggested.

I slid my hand up to capture his at my hip and walked hand in hand to the center of the great room. The arched ceiling held banks of recessed light fixtures, which glowed dimly, casing enough light to see without being harsh like many I've seen.

The room was divided into two distinct sitting areas. To the left, a large stone fireplace provided the centerpiece with a warm brown leather couch and a matching chair. A beautiful oak coffee table sat in front of the sofa, and its mate sat beside the chair. A lovely stained glass lamp glowed softly from the center of the end table.

I smiled, knowing Niles and I would most likely end up entwined in passion on either or both comfortable-looking pieces of furniture later.

Opposite that area, a floor-to-ceiling bank of bookcases held hundreds if not thousands of books. The second end table sat between two chairs that matched the one near the fireplace.

"I like to read," Niles commented as I looked at his impressive collection of literature.

I turned to him and comically replied, "That's obvious."

"Come see the view," he suggested, leading me toward the vast expanse of windows. As we passed the end table to our left, Niles picked up a tiny remote and pointed it toward the fireplace. Small flickering flames instantly began lapping at the ceramic logs in the firebox. Niles tossed the remote back on the table and led me to the edge of his world to enjoy the spectacular view.

"Oh, my gosh," I exclaimed as I gazed over the city, "How high up are we?"

"Twenty-seven floors," he replied, his hand again coming to rest on my back just above the fabric of my gown.

Looking out across the cityscape, only the top floors of neighboring buildings and their tiny flashing red lights warning low-flying aircraft of their existence could be seen.

Looking down toward the street, the warm glow from apartments and offices lit the night, and at street level, the streaking lights of vehicles appear to be miles below.

Miles turned me to face him. His sparkling eyes pierced mine, "I'm sorry to say that tonight is a new moon, so we won't be able to enjoy a very romantic moonrise."

I smiled and replied, "I suspect there will be more than enough romance."

He pulled me against his body, and I gladly pressed mine tighter against him. "You make it easy to be romantic," he commented.

I wanted to kiss him but remembered that I was to follow his instructions explicitly, so I would have to wait until he first kissed me.

"Let me show you the rest of my place.”

Written by JdRobbins
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