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Diary of a High Price Escort Book 16 Part Two

"Angel treats Mitch with a Saturday night of passion and lust."

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Author's Notes

"Angel senses a strengthening connection with Mitchell Freeman, and together they share a romantic night. Her thoughts that a tiny blue pill would ensure a marathon, turned out to be incorrect. <p> [ADVERT] </p>She was the medicine to cure his dysfunction."

Holding my curling iron in one hand, I turned to see his options. Both neckties were striped; in his right hand, Mitch had a gray, black, and white tie draped over his other, a gray and light pink tie. I pointed to the more colorful choice. "I think a little color would be good," I commented, pointing at the one with pink highlights. I also chose that one because the pink was nearly a perfect match for the lip color I had picked but not yet applied.

I returned to the mirror but could also see his reflection there. His skillful fingers moved almost like a conductor leading a symphony as he tied a perfect Windsor knot around his neck.

"You've done that before," I commented, looking at him in the mirror.

Mitch grinned and replied, "Yes, every day for the last thirty years."

He picked up his suit jacket and walked over to me. I heard him inhale deeply as he drew my fragrance into his nostrils. "I'm going to sit on the balcony and let you finish," he said.

"I'll try not to keep you waiting," I promised.

He turned and left the bedroom without saying another word, but I was sure his mind was racing, anticipating how he expected our evening together to unfold.

With two tight ringlets extending in front of my ears, I used my hairbrush to soften them, giving my hairstyle a sensuous look.

Finishing my make-up with a dazzling coat of pink on my lush lips, I opened another dresser drawer and picked up my silk stockings, a light gray color of fashion thigh highs. Gathering the silk fabric on my fingers, I carefully slipped my foot into the stocking and slid it up my shapely leg, making sure the seam was as straight as an arrow, repeating the process on the other leg. I stood up and smoothed both over my thighs, the lacy top hems grasping my thighs.

A black satin thong ensured my ass would appear as silky smooth as my legs once I slipped the black cocktail dress I'd selected over my head. The dress was chosen, knowing that I wanted my sensual eyes to not only hypnotize him but be his focal point for the entire time as we dined. My cocktail dress had a loose-fitting cowl neckline that softly rose over my shoulders and then plunged nearly to the small of my back. As it floated down over my braless chest, I felt the material cling to my nipples as they began to harden slightly. The dress reached nearly to my knees, covering enough of my luscious body to give me a sophisticated, alluring look while providing Mitch with my naked back to touch whenever he desired.

My most sexy pair of black stilettos, the ones with ankle straps, completed my wardrobe for dinner. After applying a spritz of a new perfume I'd purchased called Hypnotic Poison behind each ear, I gathered the essentials I would need to touch up my makeup and slipped them into a tiny black leather clutch. Before leaving the bedroom, I surveyed my reflection in the mirror. "Perfect." I thought as I checked the seams of my silk stockings one final time.

The lengthening shadows of another tropical evening began fading as I approached the fluttering sheer curtains at the door to our balcony.

"I've finished," I remarked, stopping short of the door.

Mitch stood up and turned toward my voice. I smiled widely at him as he paused momentarily to appreciate the partially obscured vision of loveliness visually. He moved forward, drawing the sheer fabric aside, and stepped into the room, his eyes slowly devouring every part of my appearance.

"Stunning, absolutely stunning," Mitch remarked as he smiled broadly at me.

I waited for a moment before asking. "Would you like to see the rest?"

Mitch just smiled and nodded his head.

I slowly turned around.

He gasped as the naked flesh of my back came into view. He was behind me momentarily, his hands gently resting on my hips. I again heard him inhale, this time savoring the sexy vanilla fragrance of my perfume and the lingering scent of strawberries. His lips moved next to my ear. "Your beauty stupefies me," he whispered.

I leaned against him, letting my intoxicating fragrance waft into his nostrils. He inhaled deeply again, then lightly kissed my ear.

"I can't wait to show you off," Mitch said as he moved to one side and slipped a hand onto the small of my back. Unlike the night before when his hand seemed to be stuck there, leaving me wondering if he found me sexy, tonight it made me yearn for more of his gentle touch.

"I'd like to buy you a cocktail before dinner," Mitch said as the light touch of his hand urged me to move toward the door.

As Mitch and I walked past James and Tiffany's suite, we heard a muffled scream of ecstasy.

I giggled and remarked. "It sounds like they might be skipping dinner."

I stepped into the elevator and turned around. Mitch pressed the lobby button and then leaned against the side wall of the car. I sensed his eyes roaming over my lush form. "You look incredible," he remarked.

I turned my head and smiled widely at him, acknowledging his compliment. As the car came to a stop, Mitch stepped forward and turned as the doors glided open. He offered his arm, which I happily accepted, gently placing my hand on his forearm.

It had been years since he had the chance to walk with such a stunning woman on his arm, and his gait was that of a man filled with pride. I gave his forearm a tender squeeze, hopefully sending him a message that I was ecstatic to serve as his trophy wife for the weekend.

Arm in arm, we strolled across the lobby toward Pelicano's, where we would begin what I was sure would be a most pleasurable evening. Pelicano's is the beachfront restaurant at the Royal Cancun, with a magnificent view of the white sand beach and blue Caribbean. The open setting provides guests with the romantic sounds of waves crashing against the beach and the gentle, warm ocean breeze.

As we entered the restaurant, Mitch remarked. "Pelicano's specializes in seafood," he explained why he chose this over the other seven restaurants throughout the resort.

"Good evening, sir," the maître d greeted us with a broad smile.

"A table for two, please," Mitch replied.

"The breeze is quite strong tonight. May I suggest a table nearer the center of the room?" the maître d asked.

I glanced at Mitch, who appeared to be waiting for me to decide. "We'd like to sit as close as possible to the beach," I said, knowing the sounds of the ocean and the breeze would add to the romantic setting, plus the fact that we may not have too many other guests nearby would allow me to be more risqué in my teasing of Mitch without embarrassing anyone.

Mitch grinned, confirming that he agreed with my choice, then placed his hand on the small of my back as we followed the maître d toward the open-air setting for our meal.

"Your waiter will be with you in a moment," the maître d stated, then added, "Please enjoy your meal."

Mitch, being the perfect gentleman, helped me with my chair, his smooth fingertips slowly sliding up my naked arms, sending a tingle along my spine. He moved to his left and sat next to me with his back to the remainder of the tables in the restaurant. We sat facing the lovely blue waters of the Caribbean with the sound of breaking waves nearby and the breeze fluttering my hair.

"I like having you close enough to touch you," I remarked as my delicate hand covered his.

Mitch concentrated on my sensuous eyes as we waited to order our drinks. "Your eyes seem to sparkle even more tonight," he remarked.

I just stared back into his eyes as my fingertips gently stroked the back of his hand.

"Good evening, my name is Ramon. Welcome to Pelicano's," our waiter greeted us as he stood across the table from me.

I smiled at him and replied, "Thank you, Ramon."

He returned my smile and then directed his attention to Mitch. "Can I get you a cocktail?" Ramon asked.

Mitch looked at me as he replied. "We're celebrating, so I believe a bottle of champagne is in order."

"Very good, sir," Ramon answered as he placed a menu before us.

As Ramon headed off, I returned my attention to Mitch. "What are we celebrating?" I asked.

He turned his hand over and gently held mine. As his eyes searched mine, he answered. "I should have said I'm celebrating. Your stunning beauty and my rekindled desire for sex."

I smiled broadly at him as I moved my other hand to hold his between mine, "And I'm celebrating your incredible talent to make me feel extraordinary."

Mitch reached out with his free hand and slid it along my jawline; his adoring caress made me shudder involuntarily.

Noticing my shudder, Mitch asked, "Is it too cool here?"

"No, it's fine; that's the second time you've caressed my face like that, and both times it made me shudder," I replied.

Mitch just smiled and pressed his hand firmer against my jaw. "I can hardly wait to caress you more," he whispered.

Ramon returned with our champagne and poured a small amount into one fluted glass after removing the cork with a resounding pop. "I hope this is to your liking, sir," he said while handing the glass to Mitch.

Mitch sipped the bubbly and immediately said, "Perfect."

He didn't seem to savor the taste very long, and I wasn't sure if that was because it was perfect or if he wanted to dispatch Ramon quickly so he could return his attention to me. I hoped his reason was the latter.

As Ramon filled our glasses, he asked, "Are you ready to order?"

We hadn't even glanced at the menus, but Mitch already knew what we would order for our entrée. We'll both have the blackened swordfish," Mitch quickly replied.

"An excellent choice; the chef serves the swordfish on a bed of maque choux, and your entrée comes with a house salad," Ramon explained.

"That'll be fine," Mitch answered rather bluntly as he returned his attention to me. His eyes searched mine as if he was trying to read my mind.

I smiled and then asked, "What are you thinking about?"

His hand slid over mine as he spoke, "Honestly, I was thinking about how much harder it will be for me to see you when we return to the States."

I loved that he was already contemplating another appointment back in DC, but I reminded him, "Let's enjoy our time together now and worry about that later."

He squeezed my hand lightly and answered, "Thanks for keeping me focused."

A blast of air blew in from the ocean, the soft ringlets of hair alongside my face fluttered, and the cooler air caused my nipples to harden some.

Mitch noticed and asked, "Are you sure it's not too cool for you?"

I slipped my hand from under his and then placed it on top. "I was just thinking about your gentle fingers touching my tits, and the anticipation excited me," I answered, giving him credit instead of the cooler night air for my aroused nipples.

Ramon returned with our salads and understood that Mitch wanted no part of a friendly conversation. "I'll have your main course in a few minutes," he announced as he placed our salads before Mitch and me and quickly moved away.

I decided to try to heighten Mitch's anticipation of what would happen once we'd finished our meal and used my fork to pierce a cherry tomato. He watched intently as I lifted the fruit to my lips and sensually licked the dressing from its skin. He smiled just before asking, "Maybe I should ask our waiter for a bottle of that dressing. You seem to enjoy its flavor."

"It's not the dressing I enjoy as much as the juice that squirts when I bite into it." After biting the tomato, I teased him, letting him know I planned to savor his juice later.

Mitch giggled, then asked, "I hope you don't bite into everything that squirts juice?"

I leaned toward him slightly, batted my long lashes, and said seductively, "Only if it is absolutely necessary to make it squirt."

Mitch began eating his salad earnestly while I continued teasing him while picking at mine. I used my fork to put a second cherry tomato into my mouth. I left my mouth partially open so Mitch could watch as I rolled it around using my tongue before chewing it. After seeing this, he placed his fork down and reached to touch my arm. "I think you're the first woman who has ever used a salad to seduce me," he commented.

"Seduction is best when it takes a very long time," I remarked as I slipped my hand between his thighs and gently squeezed his cock.

His smile confirmed he was enjoying my playful teasing immensely.

I continued, "Do you know why it's called foreplay?"

Mitch grinned. "I suppose you're going to tell me?" he replied.

"It's called foreplay because it should take forever if done correctly," I explained.

Mitch giggled at my play on words but got the message that I was planning on a marathon later.

Ramon returned with our swordfish entrée and, as before, quickly served the sizzling meal. "Please call me if you need anything," he stated before leaving us to enjoy our food.

"Swordfish is best if eaten while sizzling hot," Mitch mentioned.

I wasn't sure if that were true or if he mentioned it because he couldn't wait to finish and get me into a more private setting so I'd be free to begin taking forever to pleasure him.

The swordfish was delicious, and I wished I had taken more time to savor the excellent taste, but Mitch had more important things on his mind. We finished our meal in less than ten minutes, and as I drank the last of my champagne, Mitch motioned for Ramon.

"Is everything to your satisfaction?" Ramon asked as he approached our table.

"Yes, everything was wonderful, but I'm wondering if you could ask room service to deliver the remainder of our champagne to our suite?" Mitch asked.

"Yes, of course, sir," Ramon replied as he picked up the ice bucket containing our champagne. "I'll be right back with your check, sir," he said as he turned to leave.

"You seem to be in a hurry; we have all night," I commented, smiling at him.

Mitch grinned and lifted my hand from the top of the table. He moved my hand underneath where he positioned it on his loins. "We don't want to waste this," Mitch replied.

His erect cock pressed against my delicate fingers. I smiled and flattened my palm against the hard bulge in his pants. "I can't wait to hold this in my hand," I whispered.

Mitch grinned. "I can't wait to see and feel your lips wrapped around it," he replied.

Ramon returned with our check, and Mitch quickly signed it.

"Excellent, sir. I'll have room service deliver your champagne as soon as possible," Ramon said as he picked up the check.

After standing up, Mitch offered me his hand, which I happily accepted, and stood beside him. We walked hand in hand as we left Pelicano's to return to our suite.

"Thank you for a wonderful dinner," I mentioned while we waited for the elevator.

Mitch grinned and replied, "I should apologize for making it so brief."

"No need to apologize; I'm as anxious as you," I remarked.

As the elevator doors closed, Mitch turned toward me and then moved forward, pinning me against the wall. His hands slid to my soft tits and squeezed them through the fabric of my dress. "I can't wait to take this dress off you," he whispered.

I stared into his lustful eyes, slipped my hand between our bodies, and softly squeezed his cock. "I can't wait to kneel before you and suck this wonderful hard cock."

He continued slowly massaging my tits until the elevator car lurched to a stop on the seventh floor. I smiled, knowing that soon enough, we'd both have what we couldn't wait for.

Mitch's hand captured mine again and briskly led me to our suite. After opening the door, his hand touched my ass as I slipped past him into the room. I stopped once I heard the door close behind me, wondering if he'd want to remove my dress immediately. Instead, he moved to stand behind me, his erect cock pressing against my ass, and his hands circled my body to cup both big tits and press them firmly under his palms.

"I guess we'll have to wait for room service," he mentioned, not seeing our champagne anywhere in sight.

I turned to face him. "I have time to freshen up a little," I remarked as my delicate fingers slipped to his loins and gave his cock a gentle squeeze.

"Let's hope room service is prompt," Mitch remarked as he reached behind and squeezed my ass firmly.

"I'll be quick," I promised as I slipped away from him and headed to the bedroom. I knew his eyes were glued to my ass, and I gave him a seductive wiggle as I walked away.

As I stood before the mirror studying my reflection, I wondered if my plan for a marathon fuck session would come about. I applied a fresh coat of pink gloss to my lush lips, then brushed my hair, softening the ringlets that dangled beside my ears. I used a spritz of Hypnotic Poison behind each ear, then pulled the cowl neckline of my dress away and gave my cleavage a tiny spray, too. My fingers tweaked both nipples so that they poked at the fabric, which I hoped Mitch would be stripped from me shortly.

Again surveying my reflection, I was sure my sultry appearance would entice his cock to complete hardness but to ensure it would remain rock hard, I unfolded the tissue Simon had given me. I picked one tiny blue pill from the center.

Mitch was tipping the room service delivery boy as I returned to the living room. "Thank you, sir," the young Mexican boy said as he turned to leave.

Mitch had removed his suit jacket and hung it over the back of one bar stool as I approached with the same seductive wiggle as before he smiled. "You look incredible," he said, complimenting me.

I smiled and answered, "Let's have some champagne."

He poured the bubbly, handed me a glass, and returned the bottle to its cradle of ice. I moved closer and used my three free fingers to check the condition of his cock. It still felt firm but wasn't nearly as hard as when he guided my hand to it under the table in Pelicano's.

"To marathon sex," I whispered, holding my champagne glass up.

We toasted marathon sex together, then I lifted my fingers from his cock and showed him the Viagra I held between my thumb and index finger.

"What's that for?" Mitch asked.

I smiled and replied, "Insurance that we'll enjoy a marathon."

Mitch grinned. "I suppose it couldn't hurt," he replied, then extended his tongue. I placed the tiny blue pill on his tongue, and he swallowed the rest of his champagne.

After placing his empty glass on the bar, he moved his hands to my hips. "Finish your drink," he suggested. I tipped my glass and did as he asked. I reached beyond him and placed my glass on the edge of the bar, then moved my hand to his shoulder as he pulled my hips tightly against him.

Our eyes were glued together, searching tentatively before the first kiss. I tilted my head slightly to one side and parted my lips as his hands slid up my back, pulling my chest against his and our mouths together. His tongue pierced my lips, probing deeply, and then began an oral dance of passion as our kiss intensified. Mitch's fingertips slid up and down my naked back, causing goose bumps to rise on my arms. Our mouths moved in unison, his lips sucked my lower lip, and I sucked his tongue as he pressed it into my mouth.

His hands moved down and slipped onto the fabric again as he squeezed my ass firmer than before. A muffled moan escaped my lips as he drew my loins tightly against his, the growing bulge in his pants pressing against my pubic mound.

Mitch broke our kiss as his hands moved to my hips. "I have to see your naked body!" he urged.

I stepped back and lifted my arms above my head. He grasped the fabric of my dress and slowly lifted it toward my outstretched arms. I took a step back as the dress slipped over my head and off my arms, shaking my head with it tilted back slightly, which caused my wavy blonde hair to cascade down behind my shoulders.

Mitch tossed the dress aside as his eyes slowly moved down over my partially naked form. I slid my hands to the tiny black strips of my satin thong and pulled them high on my hips as his eyes moved down.

"Fucking incredible!" he exclaimed as he studied my sexy body. His eyes moved up from my long, sleek legs to my full breasts. I slipped my hands to them, lifting both in a seductive offering. "Please touch them," I pleaded.

Mitch's hands move to cover my tits, his soft palms pressing against the erect nipples, and his long fingers spread across each soft orb. In a playful tone of voice, he remarked, "I like big tits!" I just smiled and pressed them harder into his hands. I had learned all during the day that he loves caressing big tits, and I let him fondle me as long as he wanted, closing my eyes and tilting my head back, allowing the tingling in my chest to grow as his magical touch continued.

"Suck my hard nipples," I pleaded, knowing his mouth would heighten my arousal. His hand moved from one erect nipple and was instantly replaced with his lips as he kissed and sucked on the tip of one heaving tit. I moved my hands to his head and combed my nails through his hair, guiding his mouth from one tingling nipple to the other, then back again. Alternating between breasts, he flicked each nipple with his tongue, every contact sending lightning bolts of pleasure shooting to my brain and causing my pussy to begin growing moist.

"I have to touch your naked body," I pleaded as my hand slid along his shirt sleeves.

Mitch straightened up; his eyes fixed on the twin nubs of pleasure he had so expertly caressed. Each taut nipple glistened with his saliva.

My fingers made short work of his Windsor knot, and I slipped it from his neck before unbuttoning his shirt. Once I reached his waist, I undid the buttons at his wrists and then moved to loosen his belt.

His eyes were fixed on mine as I pulled his shirttails from his slacks and opened the last two buttons.

I leaned forward and flicked my tongue at one nipple as my hands slipped the shirt off his shoulders. It joined my dress where Mitch had tossed it earlier. I pressed my mouth into the mat of silvery gray hair on his chest, suckling one nipple as my fingernails scratched across his shoulders and then down his naked arms.

He slid his hands into my hair, drawing it tight along my temples, then pulled my lips from his chest and guided my mouth to his. Our kiss, more passionate than before, caused me to moan softly against his lips. His hands guided my mouth as he probed with his tongue and sucked with his lips.

I moved one hand to his loins and pressed it against his erect cock. He pushed forward, capturing my delicate hand between our bodies. My hand moved up and down against the throbbing cock beneath his slacks.

His kiss left me panting for breath as I broke our oral grasp and pleaded, "Please let me suck it." My delicate hand squeezed his pulsing cock as I spoke.

His smile confirmed that he wanted my mouth on his cock, also.

I slipped my hands to his waist, and as I undid his pants, I kissed his neck, shoulder, and down his chest until I began bending my knees so I could softly kiss his paunchy belly. Mitch's eyes followed my slow, seductive descent down his body, his hands resting on his hips. As my knees settled into the soft carpet, my deft fingers pulled the metal tab of his zipper down, and then I reached up and peeled his slacks from his hips, slowly sliding them down around his ankles. Mitch steadied himself on the bar as he kicked off his shoes, and I slipped his pants over his feet and removed his socks.

I looked into his eyes, and the lustful stare urged me on. His surging erection, covered by the white cotton fabric of his briefs, begged to be released. My nails lightly traced up the back of his legs, then slipped across the cotton covering his ass until they reached the elastic waistband of his underwear. The waistband pulled his hard cock down as I slipped his briefs off; it snapped up fully erect when the elastic released its grip on his cock.

"Hmmm," I moaned as I looked up at his proud face. Look what I've got," I said.

My delicate hand surrounded the solid shaft, and I stretched the flesh tight, causing his corona to flare even wider. My mouth watered in anticipation of his cock slipping between my glistening lips.

"I've wanted to suck your beautiful cock all day," I admitted as I slowly stroked the stiff shaft. Mitch just kept smiling, knowing that I'd be savoring what I've wanted.

I rose and extended the tip of my tongue to tease the sensitive flesh where his shaft blends with the head, then circled the smooth, flaring corona once with my tongue. Mitch's eyes were fixed on mine as I pressed my pursed lips against the very tip of his rock-hard cock, then slowly let them part, sliding over the head until his corona disappeared behind my lips. My free hand slid up his leg to gently cup his balls, using my nails to tease the flesh and the hard nuts inside. Very slowly, I started bobbing my mouth back and forth, giving his corona a massage with my soft lips.

"God, that feels so good!" Mitch exclaimed, his lustful eyes watching every move I made.

I spent an inordinate amount of time just slowly sucking his flaring cock head like that, occasionally using my hand to stroke his surging shaft. I was confident that if I made him cum, the Viagra I'd given him would keep him hard, hopefully for hours.

I could tell by his expression that Mitch loved having me caress his cock head this way, but my craving for the feel of a throbbing cock in my throat urged me to swallow more of his shaft. I began letting a little more slip between my lips each time I bobbed forward but still drew back and let my lips tease his sensitive corona. More and more of his shaft began to glisten with saliva, and I let his head slide along my tongue as it neared my throat. Mitch groaned deeply as his cock head wedged into the back of my mouth for the first time. I let him slip from my lips the next time I drew back, a string of saliva extending from my tongue to the tip of his pulsing cock.

"Put your hands on my head," I suggested.

Mitch's hands instantly moved from his hips and laced into my hair, pulling it tightly along my temples. I opened my mouth wide and moved forward; his cock head slid along my wet tongue until it reached the back of my mouth.

"Uh ha," I tried to say, permitting him to impale my throat with his rock-hard cock.

His fingers pressed firmer into my head as he drew it toward his loins. A throaty moan escaped his lips as the flaring cock head spread my throat open and then slipped into its tight wet confines. I swallowed once, then again as he pressed my nose into his pubic hair.

"God damn!" Mitch exclaimed as I used the soft hot flesh to caress his beautiful cock.

He held my head firmly as he flexed his pelvic muscles, causing his cock to twitch inside my mouth and throat. I loved that feeling, the sensation, of a man holding my head tightly with his hard throbbing cock deep in my throat until my lungs screamed for oxygen before he removed it momentarily, watching his eyes as I gasped for air before he impaled my mouth and throat again.

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Perhaps it's the whore in me, but that feeling excites me more than any other sexual sensation. I slid my hands up his legs and lightly applied pressure, signaling for him to let me fill my lungs. Mitch pulled back on my hair until his shimmering cock slipped from my lips. I gasped for air several times before extending my tongue to provide his cock a cradle to my throat. He dug his fingers into my scalp and pushed my mouth over him again, faster and with more force this time. My nose ground against his pubic bone as he thrust forward, trying to drive his pulsing cock deeper, spearing my throat with his cock head. I swallowed once, twice, then again, letting my throat muscles caress his cock head, then moaned, knowing the vibrations of my moan would pleasure him even more.

I wanted him to throat fuck me, but Mitch had other ideas. He pulled my head back, his cock slipped from my oral grasp with a resounding pop, then stretched up in front of my eyes, glistening with a thick coat of spit. His hands dropped from my head and reached down to grasp my big, soft tits. He almost pulled me up by my chest until his hard, slippery cock was positioned outside my deep cleavage.

"I want to fuck your big beautiful tits!" he exclaimed. I leaned forward, capturing his wet cock between my tits, then he pressed them together, encasing the erection in the warm flesh of my cleavage.

"Yes fuck my tits," I agreed as he began thrusting between my orbs of pleasure. His thumbs moved to roughly circle my erect nipples as his cock slid up and down between them.

"Sweet tits!" Mitch proclaimed as he watched his cock pop out the top on the downstroke and then retreat between the big soft mounds of pleasure on the upstroke.

I stared up at him, my eyes glistening with moisture, and urged him on, "Fuck my titties."

I reached between my thighs and slipped two fingers into my pussy. I was sopping wet and ready for him to thrust his rock-hard cock inside me.

He pounded my tits with abandon, and I fully expected he would shortly coat my big tits with his first cum load, but again he had other cravings. Mitch pulled his cock from between my big tits, then slapped the head against each nipple, sending exquisite sensations shooting up my spine.

"Fuck me!" I pleaded.

His strong hands quickly lifted me to my feet, then turned me around and shoved me toward the small dining table. As my thighs pressed into the edge of the table, Mitch pushed his cock against my ass. His hands moved up to my shoulders and bent me over the table until my tits rested on the surface.

"Yes fuck me from behind!" I pleaded.

One of his hands slid down to my silk-covered leg, then lifted it until my knee rested on the surface of the table and my loins were spread wide open for his assault from behind. His hand moved to my ass, and I felt the satin fabric of my thong being pulled tight, giving me a sensual cameltoe for a moment before his strong hand shredded the thin sliver of material between my ass cheeks. As he moved his hand down, he slid a finger between the cheeks of my ass and over my puckered asshole. When his hand reached my pussy, he extended his middle finger to dip into the wet folds. He took the finger dripping with my juices and gently rubbed it over my tight sphincter before he briefly penetrated it with just the tip. He returned to my wet pussy, and this time, he inserted two fingers. I moaned softly as he swirled his fingers around deep inside me.

I glanced over my shoulder as he withdrew his fingers and smeared the moisture on his throbbing cock, then guided it to the wet lips of my pussy. I felt the head press against my lips, then slip inside. We moaned in unison as he drove his cock deep inside my wet flesh. His hands firmly grasped my hips so he could pull my ass toward him as he thrust forward.

"Fuck my wet pussy," I begged as he pulled back and then impaled me again.

Mitch snorted as he continued pounding his stiff cock into me. My flesh began to swell, grasping his cock as he pummeled me from behind. His cock head slid roughly over my G-spot each time he thrust in.

My breath started coming in short gasps, and indistinguishable sounds of pleasure were all I could mumble as his glorious cock carried me closer and closer to orgasm. The numbing sensation of climax spread from my loins through my entire body as he pounded my hot wet pussy harder and harder.

"YES, I'm cumming!" I was able to scream as the incredible waves of pleasure coursed through me.

Mitch continued his assault, driving his rock-hard cock against me as I rode him through a mind-blowing climax. My body was reduced to a quivering mass of sexual flesh, every muscle twitching and grasping at his cock as he thrust it inside.

I moaned almost continuously until my orgasm mercifully began to subside, and my gasps of pleasure slowed.

Mitch pulled out and stepped back away from me. I let my leg drop off the table but lay there, my quivering body still basking in the spectacular glory of an incredible orgasm.

"Now that's what I call fucking!" Mitch proclaimed from behind.

I pushed my body up from his altar of lust and turned weak-kneed, and sexually spent. As I turned to face this glorious man, his broad smile acknowledged that he'd satisfied me completely. His rock-hard cock stood at attention, and he grabbed it with one fist and said, "Let's fuck some more."

I moved toward him and pretty much collapsed into his arms, his cock pressing against my stomach.

"Take me to bed," I pleaded.

Mitch smiled and scooped me off my feet. I circled his neck with my arms, and he carried me through the doorway to the bedroom. Reaching the bed, he slowly lowered my feet until I was standing, then circled my body and pulled it tight against his. Our mouths blended, lips, tongues, and even teeth pleasuring the other. His hands moved continuously over my back, sliding up to my neck and then down again to squeeze my ass. Our kiss lasted forever, and I slowly began grinding my loins against his hard cock trapped between us.

His fingers slipped into my hair, pulling my ear to his lips. "I want you on top this time," he whispered.

I turned my mouth to his ear and slid my tongue along the edge, then pierced it with the tip, giving him an erotic sensation.

I pushed him back against the bed, causing him to flop down on the soft comforter. Mitch instantly scooted to the center and reached in to grasp his erect cock, his proud smile again spreading across his face.

As I crawled toward him, I whispered, "I'm gonna ride your hot cock till you explode."

I lifted one leg over his body and placed my stiletto flat on the mattress, then lifted my other leg and did the same so that I was crouched above his loins. "Give it to me," I demanded.

Mitch guided his cock head to my swollen slit and rubbed it back and forth a couple of times. I lowered my wet pussy over his cock, letting him slide inside slowly. He moaned as the tight flesh engulfed his cock. Once I felt his pubic bone against mine, I lifted until just the tip of his cock head was still inside. His hands moved to my tits and began squeezing the big soft mounds. Again and again, I moved my body up and down on his raging cock until my leg muscles ached, then I dropped to my knees and slipped my feet back along his legs.

Our eyes stared lustfully into one another, his hands were glued to my big tits, and my hot, wet pussy encased his rock-hard throbbing cock. I slowly began grinding my pussy on him, pressing the head against my cervix and letting the flaring corona massage my G-spot.

"God fucking damn, that feels so good!" Mitch exclaimed as I pleasured his cock with every part of my hot wet pussy.

Mitch reached up and pulled me down tight against him, kissing me deeply as I continued humping his cock, letting it stretch my flesh, filling me perfectly. As we kissed, he released a sinful moan, and his hips began lifting to meet every sensual plunge I made with my tight, hot wet pussy.

I felt that incredible numbing sensation begin again and broke our kiss to whisper in his ear, "You're gonna make me cum again."

His hands slid down to my hips to control the tempo of my movement, holding me down while he flexed his pelvic muscles, causing his cock to lurch deep inside. I began grinding my clit against his pubic bone, and together we started climbing the mountain of pleasure toward the peak of orgasm.

"YES, YES, YES, I'm cumming," I screamed while I rode his surging hard cock over the top. My pussy flooded with juices bathing him in my hot orgasmic flow. My entire body convulsed uncontrollably while intense waves of ecstasy shot along my spine.

Mitch closed his eyes almost as if he was concentrating on reaching his pinnacle. I urged him on, "Cum for me; fill me with your hot load."

His beet-red face contorted, and a deep guttural moan escaped his throat as I felt him swell inside me.

"Yes baby, that's it; gimme that thick, hot sauce," I pleaded.

His fingers dug into my hips, and his strong hands pressed my loins down to meet his thrusts. Our loins slapped together again and again until his cock exploded inside me.

"Fuck yes!" Mitch exclaimed as he pumped my soaking wet pussy full of his fantastic hot cum.

Over and over again, he spurted until my pussy could hold no more, and it began seeping out of me, coating his groin with our combined fuck juices. He groaned again, then released his firm grip on my hips. I instantly started moving my hips up and down, riding his rock-hard cock through the final few mind-numbing moments of our mutual orgasm. I finally collapsed forward, pressing my tits against his chest, kissing his neck and shoulders as his cock soaked inside me.

Mitch turned his head and captured my mouth with his, a soul-searching kiss with tongues entwined together as tightly as our lo incredible," he whispered between kisses.

I just moaned in agreement.

We lay there joined at the mouth and loins as together we basked in the glow of an incredible climax. Mitch's cock remained rock hard, and he occasionally flexed his pelvic muscles causing it to lurch inside me.

I wanted more, and I wanted to give him more. Rising off his erect cock until it slipped from my wet pussy, I slithered down his body, smearing his cum coated cock along my stomach, between my big tits, and finally into the soft flesh below my chin.

He lifted his head from the bed and watched as I slid my mouth along the shimmering shaft, then licked and sucked the puddles of sweet cum from around the base and off his balls. I smiled at him, my lips and cheeks glistening with his thick sauce. "I want more of your sweet juice," I whispered just before sucking his cock head between my lips.

My delicate hand circled his throbbing shaft and stroked along its length as I used my lips and tongue to pleasure just the head of his cock. His eyes widened as he watched my lips slide again and again over the smooth, sensitive flesh of his corona. His cock tasted incredible, still coated with our combined sex.

After pleasuring him for what seemed like an eternity, I lifted my mouth from his cock, and with the head pressed against my pursed lips, I asked, "Throat fuck me?"

His instant smile confirmed he wanted that.

I slipped from between his legs and reclined on the bed, dangling my head over the edge. "Fill my throat like you filled my pussy," I pleaded.

In an instant, Mitch rolled off the bed and moved over me.

"Gimme that beautiful, hard cock!" I exclaimed as he guided the tip to my lips.

I pressed my head firmly against the edge of the mattress and extended my tongue as his cock head slipped between my lips. His hands, now free, covered my big tits squeezing and pinching the heaving flesh as he slowly thrust inside my wet mouth. "Hmmm..." Mitch moaned as I closed my lips around the pulsing shaft. He didn't stop until his balls rested against my nose and cheeks, and his cock head was surrounded by the hot tight flesh of my throat.

My primeval groan signaled that I loved the sensation of having him buried deeply in my throat.

Mitch pulled back just a little, then began making short jabs at my throat, his corona slipping back and forth through the tight ring of flesh at the entrance to it. His balls slapped my face again and again as he assaulted my mouth.

Mitch knew I needed to fill my lungs with life-sustaining oxygen and pulled back, bringing a thick coating of saliva with his cock. As I gasped for air, the wad of spit ran down my face toward my eyes. I reached up behind him and grasped his ass.

"Give it to me! Fuck my mou," I said, but his cock cut off the last syllable.

He thrust forward until his cock head was again buried in my soft wet throat, and his balls slapped into the puddle of moisture covering my face. Mitch leaned forward, sliding one hand down over my belly, then slipped his middle finger into my steamy wet pussy. I moaned again as he swirled his finger around inside the slippery flesh. The ball of his hand pressed against my clit, heightening the pleasure his hand was providing as he continued jabbing at my throat. Over and over again, he repeated the entire process, pulling back so I could gasp for air, then driving his cock deep into my throat so he could make the short jabs inside.

My eyes were pasted shut with the thick saliva he'd pulled out of my mouth with his cock, and the moisture was smeared across my face. I slid my hand through the mess and then coated my tits with it.

I craved his thick load, and I began begging him for it between deep thrusts into my throat, "Cum for me, gimme that sweet sauce."

Mitch must have known that for him to climax again, he would have to fuck my mouth harder and faster than I could handle. He pulled his throbbing cock from my mouth and nearly demanded, "Turn over now!"

I rolled over and swiped at the thick coating of saliva smeared on my face, wiping my hand on the comforter.

"I'm gonna jerk off on your face!" Mitch exclaimed. His hand began moving at a steady pace along his cock shaft, twisting a little as it slipped up over the head.

I urged him on, "Give it to me!"

His hand moved faster and faster.

"I want your hot cum!" I exclaimed.

A blur of movement covered his raging cock.

"Coat my face with thick hot sauce," I begged.

His strokes slowed, and his eyes closed as those beautiful balls pumped my reward toward the tip.

"Yes, give it to me!" I pleaded.

"Argh!" Mitch groaned as the hot sauce reached the tip. It shot across the tiny space between his cock and my face splattering across my cheek. His hot cum felt like it burned my flesh. The second shot coated my tongue, and I moved forward, closing the distance so he could shoot the rest into my cum craving mouth.

"Yes," Mitch bellowed as his cock filled my mouth with sweet thick cum. He pulled his cock up and then slapped it against my upper lip, a splatter of cum coating my nose and lip.

I swallowed his load and then remarked, "I love the taste of your cum."

Mitch moved sideways and sat down on the edge of the bed beside me. He was sweating profusely, and his breathing seemed somewhat labored.

I turned on my side and placed one hand on his thigh. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine; I just need to catch my breath," he replied.

As I gently stroked his thigh, I suggested, "Let's take a bath together in the Jacuzzi."

Mitch smiled at me and answered. "I'd like that."

I twisted around to sit next to him, undid the ankle straps on my stilettos, and slipped my silk stocking off my legs. Standing, I leaned down and kissed him tenderly. "I'll start the bath water. Join me when you're ready," I said, knowing he needed a few minutes to recover fully.

After adjusting the water to a comfortable temperature, I wet a face cloth and cleaned my face. I added a cap full of bath bubbles and set the Jacuzzi low before slipping into the warm, frothy water. Bubbles covered all but the very tops of my ample tits as the soothing warmth surrounded my body. Mitch came in carrying the bottle of champagne, two glasses and sported a haft erect cock.

I smiled as he approached. As he sat the bottle and glasses on the tub's edge, I remarked, "Looks like you're good for another round."

He grinned and replied. "It's amazing what a sexy woman and a little blue pill will do for a tired old fuck like me."

I sat up, which lifted my tits from beneath the bubbles. "Slide in behind me," I suggested.

He slipped into the tub behind me and sat down; as I leaned back against him, I felt his semi-hard cock press between my ass cheeks and up toward the small of my back.

"That doesn't feel like an old fuck's tired cock to me," I commented as I wiggled my ass a little.

Mitch poured champagne for us and then handed me a glass. "I guess your toast earlier was quite appropriate," he said.

"Isn't marathon sex wonderful?" I asked.

He giggled and answered, "If I survive."

Leaning back against him felt so lovely as we relaxed and sipped champagne. I especially liked the feel of his cock sliding against my skin in the bubbly water. Mitch enjoyed the feeling also because his cock seemed to harden further. He reached around me with his free hand and gently caressed one breast, letting his fingertips slide around and over my sensitive nipple.

I finished my drink and placed the empty glass on the edge of the tub, then leaned my head back to rest on his shoulder, cooing softly as I felt his cock slide between our bodies.

"You are so damn sexy," he commented.

I turned my head a little to look into his eyes. "You're pretty sexy yourself," I replied.

He tipped his glass, swallowing the rest in one gulp, then placed his empty glass next to mine. I moaned softly as his other hand joined the first, and his sensual caresses on my tits became more aggressive.

I moved my hands to his thighs on either side of me and slowly massaged his muscles under the warm bubbles.

"I believe we have a fantasy to fulfill," I remarked.

He squeezed my tits a little harder and pinched both nipples in unison.

"We do, don't we," Mitch replied, knowing I'd promised to pleasure him orally in the Jacuzzi.

I slid away from him a little, then turned and knelt between Mitch's legs; just the tip of his cock poked up from under the bubbles. I moved my delicate hand toward his loins, circling his shaft with my fingers. His eyes were fixed on mine as I slowly stroked the length of his cock beneath the water, softly massaging the flaring corona with a handful of bubbles.

"That feels so good," Mitch whispered while my hand caressed his cock.

I slid my fingers down and cupped his balls. "Is there another load of hot savory cum in here for me?" I questioned.

"Absolutely," Mitch replied with a confident tone.

I continued stroking his cock as I leaned forward and flicked my tongue across his nipples. He moaned quietly while my hand slowly stroked up and down on his pulsing cock, and my tongue moved up his chest and toward his mouth. I slid my tongue around his lips and then probed between seeking his tongue.

Mitch sucked gently on my tongue, then opened his mouth to kiss me passionately on the lips. His hands slid to my big tits and pressed them together as he arched his hips, trying to thrust up between the soft orbs and into my deep cleavage.

I broke our kiss and patted the tub's edge with my free hand. "Sit up here," I said.

Mitch hoisted himself up and slid back onto the edge of the tub, his rock-hard cock covered with soapy bubbles and water cascading off his body.

I straightened up and cupped my big soft tits, lifting them as I asked, "You want to fuck these big titties?"

Mitch just smiled and nodded his head.

I released my tits and gathered handfuls of bubbles, then dribbled them over my tits and between. As I moved forward, he slid his hand to either side, squeezing the wet flesh and pressing my tits firmly together. I reached up and grasped his throbbing cock pressing it into the soapy flesh of my deep cleavage. My hands slid to cover his as I began slowly humping his cock with my chest. His eyes dropped to watch as I moved my body up and down, caressing his cock head with the soft wet flesh between my tits.

"That feels so fucking good!" Mitch exclaimed

I smiled and replied, "Your hard cock feels wonderful between my big tits."

After several minutes of sensuous tit fucking most of the bubbles had either popped or slid back into the water, and his cock slipped out uncovered from my cleavage.

I looked up into his eyes; his lustful stare signaled that he wanted my lips surrounding his cock.

I let him slip from between my tits and hooked one sexy finger around the shaft keeping his cock from slapping back against his belly.

He watched intently as I dropped down and took one of his balls into my mouth, sucking and caressing it with my tongue. I repeated that with the other. After removing the second one from my mouth, I extended my tongue and licked from the base of his scrotum up over the bulging urethra along the underside of his shaft.

His soulful moan confirmed he loved the sensation.

My tongue paused a moment at the flare of his corona teasing the sensitive flesh, then continued up to the tip of his pulsing cock. I pulled with my finger, drawing the tip toward my parted lips.

Just before it slipped between my soft lips, I whispered, "I love sucking your cock."

My moist lips spread over the head, then caressed his corona and down an inch or so along his cock shaft.

"Yes," Mitch nearly whispered as my hot mouth surrounded his cock head.

I lifted again, using my lips to massage the corona, then let him slip from my mouth so I could circle his cock head with my tongue. The pace of my oral pleasures was slow and steady, constantly moving my mouth over his cock then teasing him with my tongue. Every once in a while, I'd dip my mouth along the throbbing shaft to lick and suck his scrotum and the big swollen balls it held.

"You're an incredible cock sucker," Mitch happily said.

I lifted my mouth from his cock and replied, "I'm the best cock sucker on the planet."

He giggled and answered, "I believe you are."

Over the next twenty minutes or more, I showed him why. I didn't suck his cock to make him cum, even though that was the ultimate goal, but instead gave him head to provide pleasure, sucking, licking, kissing, and teasing his pulsing cock and heavy balls with my talented mouth, tongue, and throat.

His eyes stayed focused on my mouth as I slowly pleasured his cock, wanting to fulfill his oral sex fantasy. His breathing became heavier, and he began lifting off the edge of the tub, trying to press his cock deeper into my mouth. I knew what he wanted and had waited until his throbbing cock was surging with every movement of my mouth. As I took more of his shaft between my lips, his hands moved to my head and urged me deeper.

"Suck it, swallow my hard cock," he demanded.

I wanted his cock deep in my throat nearly as much as he did. I let his hands press my mouth down, slowly stretching the flesh at the back of my mouth. I moaned soulfully as his cock head slipped through and into the soft flesh of my throat. His hands pressed even firmer pushing me down until my lips stretched around the base of his cock.

His lustful moan turned into a gasp for air as I extended my tongue over my lower lip to lick at his scrotum and the solid balls cradled within. He held me firmly impaled on his cock, and I used my throat muscles to massage the head and the part of the shaft buried deep inside.

"God damn!" Mitch exclaimed just before he let me lift to fill my lungs with air. His hands remained on my head, but I began controlling the tempo of my sensual oral sex. I moved my mouth faster and faster, lifting off to breathe and then plunging to massage his swelling cock with my throat.

"That's it, fuck me with your throat," Mitch exclaimed as I continued to pleasure him orally. "Make me cum!" he nearly screamed.

I could tell he was on the verge, and even though I wanted to savor his incredibly sweet cum I knew he wanted to explode with his cock buried in my throat.

"Yes, yes, yes, that's it!" Mitch bellowed as his orgasm began to build.

I clawed at his thigh with the sharp nails of one hand while my other one slid to grasp his balls, squeezing them tightly as his cock filled my throat with sweet thick cum. There was no need to swallow his hot cum; it shot down my throat, coating the soft flesh to my stomach.

"Fuckin' A!" Mitch screamed as his climax peaked.

I lifted off his cock just in time to receive his second blast across my tongue, the sweet fruit of his balls coating the inside of my mouth. I released my tight grip on his balls and stroked up the shaft, wanting to draw every savory drop into my mouth. His cock continued to ooze cum, and I let him slip from my mouth to smear his seed across my lips.

His hand moved to my shoulder, and he dug his fingertips into my soft flesh while I licked and sucked every drop from his cock. As he watched me intently, I opened my mouth to proudly show him the thick coat of cum he'd rewarded me with, and I smiled at him as I swallowed his sweet juice.

"Your cum tastes so good!" I said between licks and kisses on his cock head.

Mitch slid forward off the edge of the tub and slipped back into the water, pulling me up on top of his body so he could press my tits against his chest. Unlike before when he hesitated, this time he gladly kissed me sharing the taste of his cum.

Under the water, his cock began to soften, and I massaged it with my stomach and loins as we cuddled together in the warm water. I slid my lips to his ear and softly whispered. "Take me to bed."

We patted each other dry, then slipped under the cool sheets of our bed. I snuggled into his side as he held me with one arm.

His free hand captured mine, and he moved my delicate fingers to his soft cock. I slowly began stroking it, hoping to bring it back to life. His hands touched me everywhere, and eventually, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, his cock began to swell.

"You have an incredible effect on me," Mitch whispered as he moved between my legs and spread me open, mounting me missionary even though he'd remarked before that he couldn't care less if he never had sex in that position again. Mitch only climaxed once more. Still, before he did, he pleasured me with his cock and mouth through at least four incredible orgasms. He fucked me in every position he knew and a few that I suggested during the waning hours of the night.

It was clear that his erectile dysfunction was more a problem with his sex partner than him because long after the Viagra had worn off, his cock remained rock hard, a fact that I happily accepted, again and again, that night.

We fucked until the darkness of night gave way to the first light of a new morning, and then we drifted into a satisfied and blissful sleep entwined in each other's arms.

Written by JdRobbins
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