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Diary of a High Price Escort Book 12. Part Two

"Angel gets to know her attorney intimately."

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Author's Notes

"Laura explains the details of Angel’s divorce then absorbs a lesson from Angel, but loves when the table is turned around."

Laura came through the door carrying her briefcase and had her suit jacket draped over one arm. She was wearing a white silk blouse and a tight navy blue pencil skirt. Her hair was parted in the middle and hung straight along the sides of her face. Laura's a pretty girl, but she desperately needs a total makeover. Her body is young and trim with perky tits and I assumed a stone flat belly. I smiled as she approached and asked, "Do you want me to drive?"

She smiled and replied, "Unless you like riding in a twelve-year-old Impala, I guess you should drive."

"Jump in then," I answered.

I put the Benz in gear and headed off to nowhere in particular.

"So, where do you wanna go?" I asked after a block or two.

She smiled and said, "I need a drink."

"Me too," I replied then added, "I don't know this side of town very well do you have a suggestion?"

"I like the Third Street Pub," Laura suggested.

We had just passed Sixth Street, so I figured at Third we'd be turning. "Which way on Third?" I asked.

"Make a right at Third, the pub is at Third and Spruce,” she said.

Traffic was heavy so I couldn't turn right on red and while I waited for the green I asked, "So did you talk to his lawyer?"

"I did," Laura replied.

"And?" I asked.

Laura smiled, then said, "Well let's just say our drinks will be to celebrate."

I smiled widely at her as the light changed, and I turned onto Third. "Walnut, Elm, Spruce?" I questioned her.

"Yep, that's right," Laura replied.

Half way between Elm and Spruce Street I spotted a parking space and steered the Benz in. I turned a little toward Laura with an inquisitive expression on my face.

"Let's get that drink first then I'll explain all the details," Laura said.

The anticipation was killing me, but I figured she'd explain soon enough.

As we walked the half block to the pub at the corner, two middle-aged men approached us. I could see from their expressions that they had started happy hour a couple of hours ago.

“Hello, Betty,” one of them exclaimed in a rather loud, boisterous tone of voice.

Both were staring at my tits as they neared. Laura and I actually had to stop walking since they were blocking our way.

The loud one spoke first, "You ladies want to have some fun?"

I cocked my hips and smiled, giving him a glimmer of hope. "What makes you think we'd have fun with the two of you?" I asked, still smiling.

They were clearly intoxicated and, in that state, more abrupt than most men. The one who was doing the talking smiled and replied, "Well, my friend here has a cock that goes halfway to his knee, and I can comb my eyebrows with the tip of my tongue."

Laura kind of rolled her eyes, clearly not wanting this conversation to continue, but I, on the other hand, felt like toying with them a little more before I shot them squarely between the eyes.

"Well, that certainly sounds very inviting," I replied, making them both think they were gonna get laid.

I cocked my verbal trigger and took careful aim. With a wide smile, I said, "If you two were the last men on earth and my friend and I the last two women, humanity would be doomed. Now get the fuck outta our way before I kick your drunken balls up between your shoulders."

Their expressions instantly changed to ones of flaming defeat. "Well, you two can go fuck each other then," he replied as he cleared a space between him and his friend for us to pass.

Laura and I sidestepped them and continued toward the pub. I heard the silent one say "fucking lesbos" as they stumbled off down the street.

Laura giggled and said, "You handled that perfectly. I could never have led them on like that."

"Trust me, hun, men are so easy to lead on, all you have to do is raise their hopes a little, and they will do almost anything to get laid," I remarked.

She laughed and said, "Is that a trade secret?"

Her clear reference to my line of work didn't really sit well with me and I replied, "No it's a fact of life something you mustn't have learned just yet."

We entered a packed pub. I stretched up, trying to spot somewhere that we could sit and have at least a chance at a private conversation. But there didn't appear to be an empty table or even two stools at the bar.

"Oops," Laura almost had to yell in my ear over the uproarious noise in the place.

I held one finger up and then pointed toward the other end of the bar, “Let me handle this; watch and learn," I suggested.

I took the lead as we made our way through the crowd of happy hour drinkers surrounding the bar. I smiled at any man who glared at me, looking for just the right one. Then I spotted them, two guys sitting on stools beside one another. Neither speaking, both just watching everything going on around them. I stopped behind the space between them.

"Excuse me," I said between their ears. They both turned to look at me. "Would it be possible for me to squeeze between you guys and order drinks for me and my friend?" I asked, flashing a big smile and just shaking my tits a little to get their undivided attention.

Laura stood behind, taking this all in. The one guy spoke for both. "Sure thing," he said with a lecherous look on his face; I knew in an instant he was my target. I turned more toward him and squeezed between them, pressing my tits against his arm firmly.

His eyes dropped to the soft melons and the visible cleavage between. Holding my hand out toward the bartender as he passed caught his attention, and I ordered two glasses of white wine.

As I waited for the drinks I smiled and kept the pressure against his arm. His buddy behind did his best to watch what was going on occasionally looking back and smiling at my young friend.

I leaned close to his ear and said, "My friend and I have been on our feet all day. Do you think there is any possibility of talking you two gentlemen into giving us your stools?"

The barkeep returned with our drinks, and as I turned to hand Laura her glass, I rubbed my nipple over his bare forearm. He leaned over to his drinking buddy and said, "Sam, let's let these two lovely ladies have a seat."

Sam kind of shrugged his shoulders and said, "Yeah, sure."

They both slipped off the stools, and, with huge smiles on our faces, Laura and I replaced them.

Now that we had seats I needed to dash the hopes of these two who were standing directly behind us.

I turned and said, "Thank you so much. Now run along; we'd like some privacy."

With the same down-in-flames expressions as the two drunks on the sidewalk had, the two of them wandered off to other parts of the bar, leaving Laura and me alone in the crowd.

"I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes," she said, giggling at how easily I'd manipulated them.

I leaned close to her and said, "As I said before, give them a glimmer of hope, and they'll do almost anything."

She smiled and replied, "I could learn a lot from you, Margaret."

I only wanted to learn one thing, and that was the outcome of her phone conversation with Barry's attorney.

"So tell me what we're celebrating?" I questioned her.

Laura smiled and began, "Well, our suspicions were correct. His attorney told me that the last thing Barry wants is to have a long drawn out proceeding with depositions and arguments in open court. It seems your soon to be ex is in line for a partnership with the firm."

"That fucking bastard," I exclaimed, knowing his slut secretary would most likely be reaping the benefits of being a partner's wife.

"Anyway, I told him that I was certain you'd want the house free and clear, all the contents, your car paid for, and a monthly alimony of twenty-five hundred."

"Twenty-five?" I asked.

She smiled and replied, "I had to give them something they could negotiate on."

"What did he say?" I questioned her hoping she was going to tell me they agreed to it all.

"Well, first, he balked at paying off the house. The balance owed is apparently substantial," Laura said.

"I really have no idea Barry took care of all that," I admitted.

"I told him that the house was not open to negotiation and that if he didn't agree, we'd file a countersuit alleging adultery and ask for depositions to be scheduled," Laura continued.

"They agreed to the contents and the car, but he told me he would have to talk to Barry about the house and the alimony," Laura said.

"Is that where it's at now?" I asked.

She smiled and explained, "No, since we are in such a strong opening position, I put the pressure on him and told him I'd give them an hour to get back, or I'd start the countersuit."

"Wow, you really play hardball," I remarked.

"Trust me, when you have the kind of advantage we have, you go for the jugular," Laura answered.

"So, what happened?" I asked.

"It took thirty minutes for him to call me back," she said.

I smiled, waiting for her to finish.

"You get the house free and clear, all the contents, your car, and fifteen hundred a month in alimony," Laura said, with a huge smile on her lips.

"You have got to be kidding!" I exclaimed.

"I don't kid about those kinds of things," Laura said, then added, "They came back with a thousand-a-month offer, and I got them up to fifteen."

"Margaret, do you have any idea what a senior partner at that firm makes a year?" she asked.

"Not really," I admitted.

She shook her head and replied, "It's seven figures, hun."

"Oh, my God,!" I exclaimed, then added, "He's going to make over a million a year?"

"You got it," Laura answered.

"He'll be out from under the debt of this divorce in less than a year," she remarked.

"That fucking bastard!" I exclaimed, but with a huge smile on my face.

I leaned over and gave my lawyer a big hug, "Laura, I can't thank you enough."

"Trust me, hun, if you pay my bill, that will be thanks enough," Laura said.

While we were talking nearly every single or should I say stag guy in the place had checked us out.

As we finished our first glass of wine, a rather handsome guy approached and poked his head between us, “Can I buy you ladies a drink?" he asked.

Laura smiled at me, then turned to him and loudly said, "Fuck off, ass hole."

I instantly broke out in laughter, "That works, too," I said, trying to contain myself.

She leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Let's get out of here. I'm hungry, and I'd be happy to let you buy me dinner,” a smile on her lips.

I put a twenty on top of my glass, and we slid off the stools. A sea of men parted, knowing they would go down in flames, like the guy Laura had told off, if they even tried to speak with us. In a moment, we were outside and headed back to my car.

As we pulled out of the space, I asked, "What are you hungry for?"

Oh, I don't know, something quick, I guess," Laura replied.

I giggled and said, "Mickie D's?"

"Not that quick. There's a neat little retro fifties dinner a few miles from here. They make the very best California cheeseburgers and fries," Laura suggested.

I smiled and answered, "Burgers and fries it is then."

On the way we continued to talk about how easy coming to an agreement on my divorce was. Laura kept telling me how Barry knew that he'd either give me want I wanted or stand a chance of not only missing the partnership position but of losing his job completely if the divorce got really messy.

She explained how these big law firms put so much into their public image that even the slightest appearance of impropriety could hurt their bottom line for years. Barry understood that and couldn't take that chance.

"Imagine what would be said if it came out that one of their associate partners' wife was turning tricks on the side. My God, the corporate clients would bail in an instant," Laura explained.

"You didn't tell him that, did you?" I asked.

"Oh my God, no," she instantly replied.

"Good!" I exclaimed.

"Make a left up here," Laura said.

I turned left at the next intersection and instantly knew we'd arrived at our destination.

A completely chrome diner was just ahead on the right. Out front, a big neon sign flashed, “Moe's Diner.”

I pulled into a space out front and turned the engine off.

"This place looks like something right out of "Happy Days," I commented.

Inside, the glimmering chrome continued, with the exception that every seat was covered with bright red vinyl.

The place was maybe half full, mostly younger teenage-looking types. Some dressed in fifties outfits to complement the image.

The waitresses all wore black skirts and white shirts with white aprons and most had period hairstyles, most likely a requirement of employment at Moe's.

One young waitress greeted us as we stood by the entrance.

"Can we sit in the back?" Laura asked pointing toward an area that didn't appear to be in use that night.

"I guess so," the pretty young girl said.

We followed her to a booth away from the rest of the customers and sat down on the red vinyl-covered bench seats. She handed us each a menu and said, "I'll be right back."

An old-style jute box was mounted on the wall with pages and pages of tunes guests could select from, all vintage rock and roll from the fifties.

"This place is amazing," I commented as I flipped through the music selections.

"You should see it when Moe sponsor's one of his cruise nights. Street rods and muscle cars all over the place and everyone looking like they just came off the set of 'Grease' the guys trying their best to look like John Travolta, and the girls like Olivia Newton-John," Laura explained.

"That is so cool," I replied.

The waitress returned and asked, "Ready to order?"

Laura replied, "California cheeseburger and fries with a lemon coke for me."

Since she raved about that earlier, I figured I'd try one too, "Same for me and a diet coke."

The young girl left us without saying a word.

As I continued leafing through the selections on the jukebox, Laura asked, "So, Margaret, will you tell me about your work?"

"Sure, what do you want to know?" I asked.

Laura thought for a moment, then asked, "Well, you obviously don't stand on a street corner, so how do you find johns?"

I frowned and answered, "First of all, they are not johns. They are clients, and we don't call them tricks. It's an appointment."

"Oh, sorry," Laura replied.

"Everything is internet based. Our company has a web page where prospective clients can view photo galleries of the girls that are available for appointments. The web page is managed by my employer," I began.

"So he's not your pimp, I assume," Laura interrupted.

"Not even close," I shot back.

I continued. "A prospective client contacts the webmaster and arranges the escort of his choosing and then electronically signs an affidavit acknowledging that they understand the service is for accompaniment only. They pay for that using a credit card, the fee is reasonable enough as to not look out of line or imply anything more."

"And your employer has run this affidavit by his attorney?" Laura asked.

I kind of shrugged my shoulders and then replied, "I would assume they have."

"I receive a percentage of that fee as reportable income. Once an appointment starts, it is my responsibility to determine if the client wants more than just the arm ornament that he's paid for or if he would like something additional, which is paid directly to me in cash as a tip," I explained the whole process in basic terms.

"I have to report my tips to my employer and pay a percentage to them in cash," I added.

"What about undercover cops?" she asked.

I smiled and replied, "We are very careful not to offer sex for cash in our conversations with a first-time client. If sex happens, it does so because the escort found the client extremely attractive, and the entire process becomes consensual, adults enjoying a mutually beneficial sexual encounter."

"Pretty smooth," Laura commented.

"The client offers a tip at the end of the appointment for the escort service only," I said with a shit-eating grin on my face.

"And what about someone who doesn't want to tip?" she asked.

"Black listed in the company records as abusive and banned from ever contracting for our services again," I explained.

"I assume that doesn't happen very often," Laura said.

I smiled and said, "Look at this body." Straightening up so my tits showed. If you were a man, would you want to be blacklisted from these?"

"I suppose not," Laura replied then asked, "But what about ladies does your company provide male escorts as well."

"Not at this time," I replied, then smiled and said, "But I guess a woman could contract for a female escort."

"And you would accept that kind of appointment?" she asked.

I smiled and asked, "Why are you thinking about trying our service?"

Laura giggled, then said, "Well, I am bi."

I sat back against the red vinyl seat back and crossed my arms just under my tits.

"My lawyer is bi-sexual?" I asked.

"Yes," Laura admitted.

I laughed and replied, "Well, you do know that I'm tri-sexual."

"What's that?" she asked.

I grinned and said, "I'm willing to try anything sexual."

We both giggled just as the waitress returned with our order. As she slid the huge oval-shaped plate in front of me, I looked down at the most scrumptious-looking burger I'd ever seen, and a pile of thick steak cut fries that overflowed the edges of the plate.

"I'll be right back with your drinks," the waitress said.

"Wow, I'm gonna need a doggie bag," I said, picking up one fry and tasting its salty flavor.

"I almost always do too," Laura said.

Our drinks arrived, and the waitress asked if she could get anything more.

Laura shook her head as she nibbled on a fry, and the waitress turned and left us alone.

I had to open my mouth very wide to get the first bite of California burger in and Laura seeing that asked, "Have you ever taken a bigger bite of something?"

After chewing the first delicious bite, I answered her question, "Hun, in my line of work, you have to be able to take big things in your mouth."

Laura giggled at my reference to oral sex.

"So you know how to deep-throat a big dick?" she bluntly asked.

I grinned and replied, "I've had more than a few cocks down my throat."

"Geez, I wish I could do that. My boyfriend wants it so much, but I can't seem to get by gagging all the time," Laura admitted.

I leaned forward and said, "It's all a matter of relaxation and wanting the sensation of a throbbing cock in your throat more than your body wants to gag."

"When did you learn?" she asked.

I smiled, remembering the cock I'd learned on, then told the short version of that story. "My boyfriend in college was hung like an ox, but he was very gentle. Over the course of six months or so, he taught me how to relax not only here," I pointed to my throat, "But here also," pointing to my temple.

"What does it feel like?" Laura asked.

I smiled widely and said, "Like nothing you've ever felt before. You also have to learn how to completely fill your lungs with oxygen because once your throat is full of cock there's no breathing until he pulls back."

"That's something I already know how to do. I used to be on the swim team, so my lung capacity is enormous,” she said.

"That's a third of the battle," I answered.

Laura sat back and nibbled on a fry, "Do you think you could teach me?" she asked.

I giggled and said, "Let me check." As I lowered my hand into my lap and then said, "I haven't grown a cock."

"I've tried it with a vibrator, but the problem is I still gag as soon as it touches back there," Laura admitted.

"And a vibrator just doesn't bend like a real cock," I added.

"I would love to learn to deep-throat and surprise my boyfriend for his birthday in a couple weeks," Laura said.

I thought for a moment, then said, "I have something at my place that isn't quite as stiff as a hard vibrator. Since you worked so hard for me today, I suppose I could return the favor and at least get you started on the right path."

"You'd do that for me?" Laura asked.

I smiled and replied, "Hun, after what you did for me today, I'd be happy to teach you the technique that has had men tell me I'm the best cock sucker on the planet."

"Oh, I can't wait," Laura replied.

"Well, it's early. Why don't we get the rest of these burgers in a doggie bag, and head over to my place and get you started," I suggested.

"I'd love that," Laura exclaimed.

As she waved at the waitress, I explained, "Two weeks is going to require you to practice a couple times a day if you're boyfriend's birthday present is going to be a deep-throat blow job."

The waitress wrapped up our leftovers as I paid for dinner, and in a few minutes, Laura and I were headed back to my place.

In the dark car, with just the dash lights illuminating her form, I could see that she was becoming aroused, her tiny nipples poking at her bra and silk blouse.

Laura broke the silence first, "What about when he comes?"

"What about it?" I asked.

"Should I spit or swallow," she asked.

I laughed, then answered, "If he comes with his cock down your throat, you'll have no choice. It'll be in your stomach before you know it."

"What if he pulls back?" Laura questioned.

"Then it's your choice, but I think it's a waste of good semen to spit. I actually prefer having a man shoot his cum shot all over my face. That way, I can use his cock to gather it up and suck him clean as I swallow every sweet drop."

Laura didn't reply right away; I assumed she was imagining being hit with a hot facial cum shot.

"But his semen tastes so salty," she admitted adding, "One time, I licked his cock after he'd cum inside me, and it really was very salty."

"Every man's cum tastes different. I understand it has a lot to do with their diet, but it's all good and packed with lots of protein," I explained.

"I suppose I could learn to enjoy the salty taste," she said hopefully.

"Trust me, Laura, if you learn to deep-throat his cock his cum will taste like a cocktail from the Gods," I said.

She giggled and said, "First things first. I gotta learn to deep-throat first."

As we neared my driveway, I asked her rather bluntly, "How big is his cock?"

"I never measured it, but it sticks out the top when I hold him like this," she answered, holding her fists one on top of the other.

I laughed and replied, "Sounds like he's got the tool, now we just have to teach you the technique."

I reached up to her sun visor and hit the remote as I came to a stop in the garage. The door closed slowly behind and I said, "Let's get started."

As we stepped into the kitchen, Laura said, "I can see why you wanted to keep the house. This is gorgeous.

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"Thanks, hun," I replied.

I tossed the keys on the counter and put our doggie bags in the refrigerator then said, "Why don't you get comfortable here in the family room while I run upstairs to grab some teaching aids?"

Laura just smiled and walked into what used to be Barry's sports cave.

I walked up to my bed room and slipped my dress off and kicked my powder blue stilettos toward the closet. I kept my thong on and slipped into my favorite terry cloth bath robe.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I pulled the drawer of my nightstand open. It contained an assortment of sex toys that I used to pleasure myself on those nights that Barry was up late watching a football game or out for a business meeting which I now knew was when he was out fucking his slut secretary.

I hadn't needed to use them since last season since I found other ways to pleasure myself when this pre-season began months ago.

Judging from the size of Laura's hands, when she showed me how big her lover's cock was, I figured he was about eight inches, so I selected the smallest life-like rubber dildo I had. I grabbed the next size up, about ten inches, and my favorite, a gargantuan thirteen-inch black one that was a real pussy stretcher. I slipped a small bottle of editable banana-flavored lube oil into my robe pocket.

Holding the two smaller dildos in one hand and my favorite in the other, I headed back downstairs to my cock sucking student.

"Would you like a drink?" I asked as I entered the kitchen and knew she could hear my voice.

"I'm good, thanks," she replied.

I rounded the corner and stepped into the family room. Laura was sitting on the edge of the couch her hands folded neatly in her lap.

"I said you should get comfortable," I remarked.

She smiled and answered, "This couch is very comfortable."

Her eyes grew as big as saucers when she noticed the black cock I was holding.

"That'll tear me open," she exclaimed.

"Calm down, hun. It's for illustration purposes only for now," I replied.

"On second thought, maybe I will have that drink," Laura said.

I assumed she thought she'd need something to relax as we got into our cock sucking lesson.

"Great," I said, crossing the room and dropping all three lifelike-looking cocks on the couch beside her.

As I turned to get our drinks, I said, "When I said get comfortable, what I meant was get undressed. You won't be sucking your boyfriend's cock with your clothes on, so you shouldn't be dressed while learning to deep-throat."

Besides, I wanted to get a better look at her body.

From the kitchen, I asked, "Is white wine okay?"

"Yes, please," Laura replied.

I poured us both glasses of wine and returned to the classroom.

Laura's white silk blouse was pulled from the top of her stove pipe skirt and as she slipped the silk off her shoulders she was blushing noticeable.

She reached behind and unzipped the skirt, then wiggled her cute little ass a few times as the tight skirt slipped over her hips.

I walked over to her and handed her the wine glass. She instantly took a sip and then held it in front of her tits, trying to hide them, I assumed.

"Lose the bra, but you can keep your panties on if you like," I suggested.

She put her glass down, then tentatively reached behind and unclasped her bra. The lace-trimmed cups slipped off, revealing perfectly formed B-cup-sized tits accented by the cutest tiny pink nipples I'd ever seen.

"Great body," I remarked, seeing her naked.

She smiled and replied, "Thanks," as she let her hands drop to her side.

I sat down at one end of the couch, reached across my teaching aids, and patted the cushion, "Have a seat, and we'll go over a few basics."

Laura sat down and rested one forearm on the arm of the couch and the other next to her on the cushion. Her perky tits, still outlined by the impression of a tight bra, looked very sexy.

I began lesson one, "Okay, first, you want his cock completely erect, and judging from your body, that shouldn't be a problem."

She smiled and appeared to relax as she took another sip from her glass, then said, "That's never a problem."

"Good next you'll want to find the most comfortable position for you. It could be kneeling between his thighs or beside him on a bed," I suggested.

"He usually likes to stand over me while I kneel in front," Laura replied.

"Okay, that's good to know. Tell me how his cock bends?" I asked.

"Bends?" she questioned me.

"Yeah, when he's hard, does it curve up toward his belly?" I asked.

Laura smiled and said, "Actually, it sticks straight out from him."

"Good then kneeling in front with him standing is a natural position," I remarked.

"That's the way he likes it," she said.

"Well, there are all kinds of positions to deep-throat from, but for now, we'll just work with that position in mind," I answered.

"So let's assume he is totally erect, and you're kneeling in front on the floor. You can't just take his cock in your mouth and shove it down your throat. First, you have to get it slippery," I explained.

"I'm good at that, Margaret. My saliva glands go absolutely nuts when I have his cock in my mouth," Laura admitted.

"Well, that's a good thing, but excessive saliva can also trigger the gag reflex. So I'd suggest before you try and swallow his cock you first swallow as much of the saliva as possible," I suggested.

She smiled, and I assumed I made a mental note to swallow spit before cock.

I continued, "At the back of your throat, there are muscles that close off your throat while you are chewing food. Those muscles relax just as you begin to swallow and allow the food to slip through and slide into your stomach. Those are the muscles you will need to train to relax so you can swallow something that you haven't chewed to bits."

"But that's the exact spot where his cock touches that causes me to gag," Laura said.

"Exactly, but by totally relaxing those muscles, his cock will be able to slide through without causing you to gag," I explained.

"It has never happened yet," Laura admitted.

"Remember, you have to relax here and here," I said, first pointing to her throat and then her forehead.

"What if I can't relax enough here for him to fit through?" she asked, pointing at her throat.

I reached out and pointed at her forehead again, then said, "Relaxing here will give you what you need to endure the discomfort of the first few times his cock stretches your throat open so he can slip through."

She reached for her wine and took a healthy gulp. "That's a lot of relaxing," she said.

I picked up the midsized dildo and held it at the base. Running my finger around the corona, I said, "Here's the culprit. This is the widest part of any man's cock. It flares out then becomes a little smaller around in the shaft," I said, sliding my finger down along the dildo.

"Once this wide part is through the opening of your throat, the rest is easy. Doesn't matter if he's eight inches or thirteen; if you can get this through, the length just determines how far down your throat the head will go," I said, picking up the big one.

"I understand," Laura replied.

"Now let me demonstrate what I've been talking about," I said.

I pulled my robe open so she could see my throat clearly and, along with that, my much bigger tits.

Her eyes dropped to my breasts and widened somewhat.

"Wow," she exclaimed.

I giggled and shook my shoulders, "Compliments of my soon-to-be ex-husband."

"These cost him five grand. He wanted a trophy wife with 36 D's, and I was more than happy to accommodate him. Now they come in handy, too," I said, smiling and wiggling my shoulders again.

"Since we need to get this wet and slippery, I'll use a bit of editable oil," I said, pulling the small bottle from my pocket.

I squeezed a stream of oil onto the tip and watched as it slowly dribbled down the shaft. After closing the cap with a resounding snap, I put the oil back in my pocket and then used my hand to smear the fluid evenly over the entire dildo.

, so let me get into position like you'll be," I said, sliding off the couch and kneeling facing Laura.

She watched intently as I lifted the cock to my lips. First, licking the head, then down the shaft to properly coat my tongue with oil.

"I want you to watch right here," I said, pointing to the spot where a cock stretches my throat and the flesh on the outside.

I took the cock in my mouth and slowly slid it in until it touched the tight opening. Laura stared at my throat.

I tried to go as slowly as possible so she could see how the muscles relaxed as I slowly slipped it through the opening and deeper into my throat.

"I can see the outline of it from the outside," Laura remarked.

I pushed a little more, causing the bulge in my flesh to extend a little further.

"OH, MY GOD!" she exclaimed as my fingertips holding the end touched my lips. "You have the entire thing in your throat," Laura said excitedly.

I dug my nails into the end of the dildo and slowly pulled it back until just the tip rested against my slippery lips. Then shoved it back as far as it would reach.

"Margaret!" she exclaimed as I massaged the rubber cock with my throat muscles showing her that once buried deep in your throat, it was possible to pleasure her man even more.

I pulled it back again and, this time, let it slip from my talented mouth.

"That's it in a nutshell," I said, smiling at her.

"Now you try it," I suggested.

"But I'll gag," Laura exclaimed.

"Yes, you will, but trust me, as you learn to relax, the gag reflex will lessen, and you'll be well on your way to giving your boyfriend a birthday present he'll never forget," I promised.

"Start with the small one," I suggested, handing her the eight-inch dildo.

"God, it's so long," Laura said, holding it with two hands.

"No longer than his?" I questioned.

She smiled and then said, "I guess not."

"Let's get him nice and slippery," I said, squeezing oil on the tip.

Laura smeared the oil over the entire length, making sure to leave enough at the tip since that was the part she'd have to deal with first.

"When you feel like you're going to gag, I want you to pull it back just enough so you don't feel the urge anymore," I explained.

"Then as you press it in again try and twist it a little to massage your muscles letting them relax at the same time," I suggested.

She smiled and lifted the shimmering dildo to her lips.

"Open wide," I recommended so the oil would remain on the end rather than smear on her lips.

Her lips parted, and she extended her tongue to rest the cock on the end.

"Take your time and remember, relax, relax, relax," I said, hoping she'd repeat the word as it touched her throat.

Laura slowly moved the cock inside, her eyes closed and head tilted back a little.

As soon as it touched the back of her mouth, she gagged heavily. She pulled it back and gagged again as it slipped from her lips.

"That's to be expected. Just try again and go slower this time," I encouraged her.

The second time Laura went slower, letting the slippery cock slide along her tongue. It touched the back, and again she gagged, but this time she didn't pull it out. I could see her fighting the urge as she moved it in aga,in twisting and massaging the muscles as I'd suggested.

"That's it, Laura. Now, just keep it there and let your muscles become accustomed to the feeling," I instructed as she worked at teaching her muscles to relax.

After a minute or so, she pressed it deeper but gagged again.

"Let the cock massage your muscles. They will relax, I promise," I said to help her along.

As she slowly twisted the cock back and forth, I kept encouraging her, "Relax... relax... relax..."

I watched intently as a little more of the shiny shaft disappeared past her lips. I knew the muscles were beginning to give way and that her throat was becoming relaxed enough for the wide part to slip through.

"Keep going," I said.

Tiny tears appeared at the corner of her eyes, and I could tell she was fighting the natural urge to gag and expel this invader threatening to cut off her supply of oxygen.

I looked at her neck and began to see a small bulge appear.

"Almost there!" I exclaimed.

The bulge grew, and Laura moaned as her muscles gave way, and the wide corona spread her throat open and slipped through.

I knew that if I'd estimated the size of her lover's cock she was now feeling how it would be with his cock in her throat.

"Okay, begin to pull it back," I said, knowing a small victory had been won.

She slowly pulled it back and as I expected when the wide part spread her muscles to their maximum she gagged again.

"Shit!" Laura exclaimed as she pulled the cock out of her mouth.

"That happens, it stretches just as much coming back as it did going in," I said then added, "I should have warned you about that."

I really didn't expect her to achieve anywhere near that much the first lesson so I'd forgot to bring it up.

She smiled widely a tear running down her cheek, "I did it! It was actually in my throat," Laura said proudly.

"Yes it certainly was but remember that there is a whole hell of difference between that dildo and a throbbing twitching cock but you took the first steps in fulfilling your lover's fantasy," I remarked.

"I wanna try it again," Laura exclaimed.

"Go right ahead, but you still need to go slow," I explained.

She brought the dildo to her lips again, then slowly inserted it into her mouth. I could see her stomach convulse as her throat tried to expel the cock. But Laura knew the feeling and what to expect and easily massaged the muscle again until it relaxed, letting the cock head slip through.

This time she pressed it even deeper, almost being able to close her lips over the butt end that rested on her front teeth. She held it there for what seemed to me to be a very long time trying to learn how to both swallow and massage a cock in her throat.

Finally, she pulled it back slower, this time letting her muscles react to the wide part as they stretched again.

She pulled it out and instantly said, "That feels incredible."

I smiled and said, "Wait till it's the real thing. That feels even better."

Proud of her accomplishment Laura said, "I'll be deep-throating just like you in no time at all."

I grinned at her, then answered, "Don't get cocky. You've got a long way to go before you can even imagine challenging me when it comes to deep-throating a big cock."

I decided to show her exactly what I meant, "Come talk to me when you can do this."

I picked up the black dildo with no oil to lubricate it. I slipped it between my lips and then straightened the thirteen-inch monster so it extended straight out. Laura watched in amazement as I took the first four inches, then after it slipped into my throat, the remaining nine, tilting my head back as the head approached the entrance to my stomach.

"OH MY GOD!" she exclaimed as the entire thing was held firmly in my very talented throat. I massaged the shaft with my throat muscles and swallowed several times, showing her the technique she needed to learn to accept a cum load from a big cock buried in her throat.

I pulled the gargantuan cock from my throat and looked at her with a broad smile on my lips.

"Okay, okay so I won't be challenging you any time soon if ever but thank you so much. I'm so grateful that you were willing to explain and help me with learning to relax," Laura said as she slid toward me on the couch.

"I want you to take this bigger one home with you to practice with. Once you get to a point that you can easily take it as deep as you did the smaller one, you'll have no problem with your lover's slightly smaller cock," I said.

"I can't thank you enough," she said as she leaned toward me and kissed me on the mouth.

Her hand moved to one breast, and she began fondling it softly. Her tongue slipped between my lips as her caress moved to the other full breast.

"Laura, what," I began to say, but her mouth muffled mine with a deeper kiss.

"I'm so fucking horny," she finally said, breaking a very soft passionate kiss.

Laura slipped off the couch and crawled between my thighs. Her very delicate hands moved up my body, pausing to gently pinch both erect nipples before sliding to my shoulders and slipping my robe off.

"Let me thank you properly, please?" she said as more of a question than a statement.

I smiled and pulled her up toward my mouth. Our lips met in a passionate kiss, a soft, long kiss with lips and tongues barely touching but sensual sparks arching between.

Her delicate hand moves to my loins, seeking my pussy. Long, slender fingers spread me open, then dipped inside to massage the increasingly wet flesh.

It had been since college that I'd made love with a woman, but the memory quickly returned. Soft, tender caresses. Gentle, loving touches bring goosebumps to every pore on my body.

Her lips finally left mine as she began kissing her way down over my breasts, pausing for a minute to softly suckle my erect nipples, then continuing down across my twitching belly to my pubic mound below.

"Oh, God, that feels so good," I whispered as her lips moved to their ultimate goal.

She drew my clit between her lips and sucked it as only a woman can. Slowly, gently, and deliberately.

"Please don't stop," I pleaded.

Laura had no intention of stopping; her lips and tongue began moving down, occasionally licking and kissing the swollen flesh outside my pussy. I moved one hand to my loins and pressed on either side of my clit, forcing the swollen nub of pleasure from under the hood of flesh that covered it.

Laura instantly moved her mouth to suck my sensual offering.

"You taste incredible," she softly whispered.

Wanting her mouth on my slit, I lifted both feet and rested my heels on the edge of the couch. Her head dipped as my thighs opened with the swollen lips parting, giving her smooth pink flesh to lick and kiss.

One delicate finger pierced my opening and began slowly massaging deeper inside as her mouth moved over my pussy with the expertise of a woman who'd giving oral pleasure many times before.

"God, I love how you eat my pussy," I whispered.

Another finger joined the first, and Laura began finger fucking my hot wet slit with more abandon.

"Yes, that's it, finger that hot pussy," I pleaded.

My own hands feverishly caressed and pinched my tits and nipples, sending tingling spirals of pleasure through my body.

Laura's mouth clamped down on my quivering slit, and she began tongue fucking me as her fingers reached deeper and deeper inside.

"Oh, God, please don't stop," I begged as her tongue and fingers began working their magic, bringing me closer and closer to their goal.

My body began tingling everywhere as her incredible oral lovemaking reached a fevered pitch.

"Yes, make me cum!" I exclaimed.

A third finger, then a fourth joint the others, and Laura sank her hand as deep as possible to massage every inch within me.

Oh god....Oh my fucking god!" I exclaimed as she brought me to orgasm quickly.

My hips convulsed, my breasts twitched, and my entire body went numb, with the exception of my pussy which was exploding in orgasmic pleasure.

"Yes, I'm cumming!" I screamed.

Laura sucked hard on my slit, drawing my climatic juices into her mouth, lapping at the wet flesh and sucking at the same time.

"Oh, my fucking God!" I exclaimed, lifting my hips and pressing them forward against her mouth.

She withdrew her hand but continued drinking from my fountain of lust until she was satisfied that my pleasure was subsiding and my sopping wet pussy had offered every drop of juice for her to enjoy.

I finally reached down and lifted her mouth from my swollen slit.

Looking down over still heaving tits, I whispered, "Fucking awesome."

Laura smiled and said, "I loved it too."

Her lips were glistening with moisture transferred from my wet pussy.

I offered her the bottom of my robe to wipe it away, but she licked her lips slowly, savoring its taste once more before wiping her lips and face dry.

"Wow, it's been twenty years since I felt that kind of sensation," I admitted.

Laura smiled as she stood up then said, "Glad I could help you recall."

As she sat down beside me, I placed my hand on her thigh. I was going to ask her to stay the night so I could give her the same kind of pleasure she'd just given me, but before I could suggest that, she said, "I've got a court date first thing tomorrow, and I really should review my documents tonight. Do you think you can take me back to my office soon?" she asked.

"Yes of course Laura," I replied. I leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips, tasting the residue of my loins still coating her lips and tongue.

"Let me run upstairs and get dressed," I said as I slid front on the couch.

Laura stood up, gathered her clothes, and asked where the downstairs powder room was. I took her hand and led her into the kitchen, pointing to the door beside the garage door, "Right there," I said.

I didn't want to release her soft, delicate hand, but I knew she had commitments to fulfill the next day, so I let it slip from my fingers and watched as she stepped into the powder room and closed the door.

I walked upstairs and slipped on a pair of baggie sweats and a tee shirt for the drive back to her office.

Laura was standing in the kitchen when I returned. "Are you ready?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied.

Then I remembered something, "Wait a second," I said quickly, walking into the family room and picking up the medium-sized dildo and the small bottle of oil.

"I want you to practice, practice, practice. So your lover will be a Happy Birthday Boy in a couple weeks," I said, handing her the sex toy.

Laura giggled, then asked, "Can I have a bag for it."

"I'll be waiting for a report on your progress in a couple days," I said, handing her a brown paper bag.

We talked about how the remainder of my divorce would go on the drive back to her office. As I pulled up in front of the dark building Laura reached for my hand and whispered, "I wish I could have stayed all night Margaret."

I turned my hand over and squeezed hers, "I wish so, too."

As her hand slipped from mine and she began standing up outside the car, Laura said, "I'll call you."

Before I could say, "Please do." She closed the door and started walking toward the lot where her car was parked.

I sat there until I saw her headlights come on, then put the Benz in gear and drove slowly away, my mind reviewing the events of the day.

I'd had an incredible appointment with Randy, arranged travel for my flight to Cancun, then spent an incredibly sensual evening with my attorney. All that, along with finding out that my divorce would be quick and simple and that I could remain in my home very comfortably. It was a pretty good day, and I was sure I'd sleep well tonight.

Written by JdRobbins
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