You call me and say you think it's time we held another 'Training Course'. You've been talking to the girls again over (yet more) drinks and hearing how effective the first course had been in helping them to please their men with a great blowjob. It seems they all had a great time and their men are now prepared to give more control over to their girls, instead of just fucking their faces every time.
But the girls think that their men still have a lot to learn about how to satisfy them. They enjoy making their men happy with a great blowjob, of course, but it isn't always reciprocated or followed up with a satisfying fuck. They both think some guidance from us could help them to educate their men, but they have to pretend they are learning just by talking to their girlfriends.
You also say that the girls were happy to be "trained" together on the question of blowjobs, but you think that their very personal reactions to their boyfriends are too private to share in front of each other right now.
Anyway, they would like individual tuition, tailored to their personal needs, but they realise that you also have to record what happens, according to our contract. I say I prefer that, too, so that there is never any doubt that whatever happens is agreed and consensual. I would not want any accusations to be made later!
The next evening, you tell me that Kira and Mia have agreed to a private session each, under your supervision, and have drawn lots to see who would get the first session. Apparently, Kira won the round and is ready to tell me what she thinks she needs.
You say that the office doesn't seem so suitable for these private sessions and a bed might be preferable to a hard desk! For this reason, you invite me to come to your apartment (the first time you've done that) but assure me that you will keep full records of what happens with Kira. We arrange to meet together after work the next day.
I find my way to Apartment 7 by 8 pm and tap quietly at your door. You must (both) have been waiting because the door opens immediately and you both smile widely at me. "Thanks," you say, "I've been looking forward to this ever since the girls mentioned their needs. I'm dying to see how you can help them. Come in and settle down while Kira explains what she wants. I will simply video the entire evening, so we can all relax."
We sit together on your couch, in front of a wide-screen TV. You and Kira are positioned on either side of me. You turn on your cam and place it on a stand below the TV, which you turn on, to show us all sitting there. "Just for the record," you say, and ask Kira to explain her issue.
Kira looks a little embarrassed and says she's very happy with her boyfriend, but though he tries very hard, she isn't even sure whether she's ever had a 'proper' orgasm with him. She says it's so difficult to know whether there could be more to it than she has ever experienced. You say you've explained to Kira that there are different types of orgasm and think she would know it if she'd had a full-on orgasm during sex, but you accept that it is difficult to really know in the early days of your youth.
I say I usually try to bring my partner to orgasm before I even start to fuck, but often find that a bigger orgasm can then follow even after a very few strokes. It doesn't have to take long but builds upon the first orgasm, and maybe even more could follow. Everyone is different, of course.
"Hmm, well, why don't you start with the first orgasm, then, Simon; show Kira how you'd do that," you say, and you reach across to stroke my cock. I have worn soft, loose trousers for the occasion, and you can feel that I have no briefs beneath.
I stand in front of you both and you can see my cock hardening in front of you, but I say, "This is about you Kira, not me. You need to get prepared and relax. Take off your clothes now and sit in front of me, with your legs apart, and lay back."
She is obviously well-prepared for the evening too and slips off her lightweight dress, revealing that she wears neither panties nor bra. I remember her body from before, but it is still strikingly beautiful; smooth black shining skin, button nipples on large breasts, and apart from her long black, straight hair, it seems there is not another hair on her body. She leans back, her bright pink lips parting as she licks at them, and her manicured hands with brightly-coloured nails stroke the insides of her long, long thighs, parting them slightly in front of me. She is truly a black goddess, glowing with sexuality.
To help her relax, we both gently massage her arms and legs. Then you stand behind her to massage her neck and shoulders, while I stroke her long thighs slowly but firmly, my thumbs pressing increasingly firmly into her muscles.
I am already hard, of course. Now, I focus more closely on the deep slit in her smooth pussy, with only a hint of darker pussy lips protruding as yet. I slip out of my trousers and you can both see now how aroused I already am. Kira's eyes widen a little at the sight of my cock standing proud in front of her and you cannot resist reaching out to grasp me firmly around the shaft.
You say, "Kira, you understand that the only way Simon can help is to show you what will bring you to a true orgasm. You will have to recognise what he is doing to you, but then it's vital that you can explain to your man what you want him to do for you. So you will need to talk all the way through this if you're going to get the real benefit of understanding. It will all be on video for you to review later, but don't leave with a single unanswered question in your mind."
"That's right," I add, "I think every woman is different and you can only learn what really turns you on by trying some different things. Then you have to guide your man towards the ideal. I will be trying to explore you, so it will need Michelle to describe what I am doing to you, and for you to say what you do or don't like, or what you would like done differently. Is all that OK?"
"Wow," says Kira, "It sounds fantastic. I'm sure you will be gentle with me?"
"Of course," you say, "and you will be able to see the video afterwards, so then you can see it from Simon's point of view too. That's where your man will be, after all, between your legs! Does your man ever go down on you? I'm sure that's where Simon will start, and knowing him, you may find that's the key!"
I kneel between Kira's spread legs, and she sighs as she feels my breath playing lightly over her naked and moistening pussy. You have let go of my cock now, but kneel behind me to get the best camera view over my shoulders and your hand slips between my legs to grasp my balls. "Be careful," I mutter, "you mustn't make me cum before I have completed the training!"
My fingers carefully prise apart the lips of Kira's pussy, which are now emerging from their swollen surroundings, and I can see the full length of her outer lips, opening in front of me to reveal the wonderful pink contrast with her black shining skin. I put my tongue against her and lick slowly up the length of each side of her pussy, from back to front, pausing briefly at the upper end, where her clit is still hidden away.
You describe all this to Kira, while gently massaging my balls. Kira is sighing rhythmically as I lick, and says she can feel every touch of my tongue tip. She shivers with pleasure as she speaks.
After a few minutes of this, I pause at the top of her pussy and use my fingers to press her lips apart, to reveal a beautiful clit, hiding deep inside. I comment on how well-hidden it is and wonder whether her boyfriend has ever even found it. I press firmly either side of it and press upwards, causing her clit to protrude fully, from below its hood. Once found, it is actually quite pronounced, and I make sure it remains exposed to me. It is now a firm red rose bud, demanding the attention of my tongue and mouth. I give it due attention, of course.
You describe to Kira what I am doing and she says she doesn't think her boyfriend has ever done this to her. While I use one hand to keep her clit fully exposed, I press my mouth over it, and suck gently, pull it between my lips, and flick it quickly with my tongue. I keep doing this again and again while Kira's breathing becomes deeper and faster. Her head is back now and her eyes are closed.
Now I use the other hand to slide further down her inner pussy lips and prise apart the entrance to her vagina. It is bright pink and welcoming to my fingers, being moist with her natural lube. It reminds me of her bright pink lipstick when she pouts and licks her lips. I press one finger inside her while licking and sucking on her clit, and she begins to writhe beneath my mouth, pressing up against it as though she wants me literally to eat her. Then she presses down onto my finger, encouraging me to explore further inside her.
Her hips are moving steadily up and down now as her focus alternates between her clit and her vagina; she wants both to be satisfied. You keep describing all this to Kira, but your voice is beginning to falter and your grip on my balls is becoming tighter. I'm sure you can feel them swelling in your grasp.
I return to licking the full length up Kira's pussy, dwelling a little on her clit at each stoke, and sucking firmly on it, but now I start to move my fingers in and out of her vagina, deeper and deeper, faster and faster. Then at the deepest point, I start to twirl and twitch my fingers inside her. "God, Simon," you whisper in my ear, "I wish you were doing this to me!"

Kira is gasping for breath now, and can hardly speak, as I lick, suck and stroke her rhythmically, but deep down I hear a low rumbling animal noise building up inside her, gradually becoming louder and louder, more and more frequent. Now she is grunting with every stroke of my fingers and tongue, pressing harder and harder against me. You are breathing in sympathy with her and pressing yourself against me from behind, rubbing your own pussy against me.
Kira's sounds build to a crescendo now and she begins to shake and shudder throughout her body. Her long thighs rise and wrap around my head, pulling me tightly against her. Then she suddenly freezes rigid, and a series of jolts run through her body as she comes with a loud moan, which seems like it will never end. You are also shaking, and fall over my body, while I try to extract myself from between you. Every time I try to remove the fingers deeply embedded inside her, she shivers uncontrollably, but slowly I escape the grip of her vagina. It takes a little while for you both to calm down, with some 'aftershocks' occasionally wracking Kira's body.
"Well," I say, "That seemed to go well! This is when I would normally ask how you would like me to fuck you. You may think you've had an orgasm, and you probably have, but I think there's sometimes more to come when you are fucked by a hard cock. It needs to be done as soon as you're ready though. I think you're probably too sensitive to be fucked immediately, but as soon as you think you are ready, we can build on that and take you up to an even higher level of orgasm. What do you both think?"
"My God, Simon," you say, "that was spectacular; do you really think you can take her further? I climaxed myself, but Kira looks absolutely wrecked by that experience. What do you think, Kira?"
"O God," says Kira, "That was unbelievable. I know I've never had an orgasm like that before! Do you really think I can feel anything more intense than that?! "
"We'll find out, shall we?" I say, "If you're ready for my cock now, we can see what comes next."
You are very quiet and I think your legs are still clamped tightly together after the exhibition you have just seen. I whisper to ask whether you are OK, and you say, "Yes, but I wish that was me you're treating so well; I would love to be in Kira's place. All I could do was to hold your balls between your legs. I couldn't even stroke the length of your cock, in case I brought everything to a premature end! I didn't want Kira to be disappointed and for you to blame me."
"Don't worry," I say, "You did the right thing and I'll make it up to you later, I promise. For the moment, let's complete the course for Kira, and then we can do our own thing."
"OK," you agree, "but I will be dripping wet by the time this is all over, and I don't know how long I will be able to wait. I may have to get myself off while I watch you fucking Kira next. Just watching and hearing you both will probably do the trick!"
I ask Kira whether she is ready now and suggest that we move to the bedroom, for a more comfortable fuck. You agree that we can use your bed and bring the camera through to continue the record keeping. I explain to Kira that I would like to revive her orgasm a little and then fuck her immediately, in whatever position she would like.
She says that she and her boyfriend would usually have sex in the missionary position, so I say, “Well, let's do that then. Perhaps sometime you can persuade him to fuck you from behind because that gives a much deeper fuck, but for now, just lie on your back in the middle of the bed.”
You sit alongside her while she raises her knees and parts her legs in front of me. She gasps when I lower my head between her legs and says, "No, no, no, I can't! Not again!"
“You can,” I say, “it will only take a moment this time, then I will fuck you straight away.” Her pussy is still wide open and dripping with her juices, so it is easy to slip my fingers deep into her pink vagina while my mouth and tongue renew the work on her pussy lips and clit. She begins to groan almost immediately, as do you when you see what I am doing. You both begin to groan in sync with my licks and fondling of Kira's pussy. I run my hands up her body, reaching up to her breasts while my mouth is again clamped firmly onto her clit, nibbling and sucking at it. My thumbs circle her button nipples, which are as firm and erect as her clit, and her groans increase in frequency and volume.
She is coming back to her previous state of readiness in my eyes, ready for a hard fuck, and I look up at you to signal that it is nearly time. Kira begins bucking her hips against my mouth and fingers again. She comes with a little squeal of pleasure as tremors run through her body and I sit up, kneeling between her legs now. Her pussy slit is gaping pink and open and dripping her juices down between her legs.
I say, " Are you ready now?" and Kira nods in silent agreement while you sigh with the frustration of being a mere spectator.
I move forwards, kneeling between Kira's long thighs spread wide and slip my hands beneath her ass, to lift her up onto my thighs, with my cock pressing against her pussy slit. She gasps as I move slightly, running the length of my cock along the length of her pussy lips. She jolts slightly as the head of my cock touches her clit, which is now so swollen that it stays exposed.
I look at you and say, "Michelle, can you help me by pointing my cock down to Kira's pussy. Just play with me and rub my cock head against her pussy lips for a while."
You are very keen to help and grab my cock firmly again, as I pull back slightly, and you point my cock down towards her open vagina. Kira moans again and is trembling with anticipation as my cock head locates between her inner pussy lips and very slightly presses against her opening. The angles make it difficult to enter her, but I know this. I ask her if she's ready now.
She trembles, and says, "Please, Simon, fuck me now!" Without another word, I raise my body above her wide open legs, keeping just the tip of my cock located in her pussy.
"Now," you say, "Please do it, Simon. Neither of us can wait any longer."
So finally, with one deep, deep thrust, I bury the full length of my swollen cock to the hilt inside Kira, banging hard against her exposed clit, and stopping fully embedded inside her. She screams at the impact of this single thrust and you gasp. She is shaking and trembling with a renewed orgasm, and I can feel her vaginal walls gripping my cock, with ripples of pleasure flowing upwards into her. I stay still and the ripples continue, building into throbs squeezing my cock in a steady rhythm, as she wraps her legs around my back, holding me in and indeed, trying to press me even further inside herself, were it possible.
I stay still and you both realise that I have not yet come.
"O God!" says Kira, "Aren't you finished yet? I don't think I can take any more. Please cum, Simon, please cum inside me! Now!"
I withdraw slowly and hit hard and deep into her again, to loud squeals from you both. I repeat this and you both squeal again, but now you reach behind me, to grasp my balls between my legs, and feel their weight. This tips me over the edge and after two more hard, deep strokes, the final hit is there, and I stop locked inside Kira while you feel my balls emptying into her. She feels the pulses of cum pumping up my cock shaft and shooting up deep inside her, while she trembles and shudders all over.
She goes limp with all the effort and the release of all the tension which has built up. Her thighs fall apart and her arms spread, while her head flops to the side and I lower myself onto her body, enjoying the heat and dampness she radiates. I look up at you and can see that you too are exhausted, though perhaps not as satisfied as Kira. You have brought yourself to a climax too, but I will have to make this up to you later, with a real fuck.
We all slowly disengage and eventually try to talk. Kira says how wonderful the experience has been, and she's sure now that she hasn't had such an intense orgasm ever in her life before. It's something she will try to recreate with her boyfriend and she will watch through the video with you later.
You say, "Kira, I will make sure you understand exactly what Simon did to you during all that, and how you might be able to describe it to your boyfriend so that he can achieve the same. You will have to tell him that all this is my advice, from my own experience. He knows we go for drinks, and I guess he knows what girls talk about!"
"That would be wonderful," Kira says, "I'll let you know how well he does, but I think it might take a little practice to get as good as Simon. But we can enjoy learning!"
Kira says, "I think it's Mia's turn next, isn't it? I hope she will have as much fun as I did.”
So do I.