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The Office Whore - Part 58

"Reina gets impatient when Chad is too busy to call her in for a task and takes matters into her own hands."

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Author's Notes

"Reina learns there are consequences for breaking the rules."

After a fantastic day of being used as Chad’s and Karena’s Office Whore, Reina thought the savage, sexual beast within her might finally be sated. But she discovered she was wrong.

Over the next few weeks, she found herself feeling hornier than ever and waiting for the ring of her desk phone, indicating Chad’s need for her to complete a task.

But things were hectic at work, and everyone was busy—everyone except Reina.

What little time Chad had to call her into his office was relegated to Task #1 sessions. Not that she minded sucking her boss and husband’s cock, but she was often left feeling frustrated and unsatisfied.

Of course, that came with the territory of being Chad Stevens’ Office Whore. Nowhere in the Base 12 Slut Manual did it say she would be guaranteed an orgasm while performing the sexual tasks as directed. It did stipulate that she was not to masturbate. Reina sighed as she read the portion of the manual that addressed that.

Base 12 Sluts are allowed to cum unless specifically told not to, but they should not expect to do so. If orgasm is not reached, sluts are not allowed to self-stimulate while still at the office during scheduled work hours.

She pouted as she slammed the binder closed. “Well, that just sucks.”

“What sucks?” Sarah, the IT Tech, asked.

Reina froze momentarily, trying to think of an answer that wouldn’t give away the fact that she was horny as fuck.

“Oh, I didn’t see you there, Sarah,” Reina said, buying some time as she thought up a lie. “I like this particular brand of file folders, and they’ve been discontinued.”

Sarah seemed to accept her answer. “I hate when stuff like that happens. I just came by to see if my latest software update has created any issues for you.”

“No, everything is working smoothly. I appreciate you asking, though.”

“Just doing my job,” Sarah said jauntily.

“Well, keep up the good work!”

After Sarah was gone, Reina started rereading the manual. If she wasn’t getting called in to perform tasks, at least she could fantasize about them. Her eyes skimmed down the page until she reached Task #12. Her pussy tingled as she read the description.

Come into my office, lock the door, remove your dress or skirt, and lie back on the conference room table. You will be tied up and will experience both pleasure and pain. You may experience sensory overload. I will use a variety of things to heighten your senses, including, but not limited to, ice, nipple clamps, paddles, and electrostimulation devices. You will be repeatedly brought to the brink of orgasm, but you will not be allowed to cum until I decide you have earned it. You will remain quiet, besides moaning and whimpering, until I allow you to have your orgasm, at which point you may scream if you choose. This task usually takes about two hours. Please make sure to use the restroom before coming to my office.

It had been ages since Chad had called her in for Task #12. She let her mind wander and recalled the last time she’d been his willing victim. He teased and tormented her until she thought she would die of need. When he finally let her cum, it was a multi-wave orgasm of epic proportions.

Reina looked around to ensure no one was looking. Seeing that the coast was clear, she slid her hand under her skirt while she sat at her desk. When her fingers found her slick, swollen labia, she moaned softly.

The shrill ring of her desk phone interrupted this erotic reverie. She prayed the caller was Chad and that he required the presence of his Office Whore. At this point, she’d be willing to perform any task just to get some relief.

Sadly, it was Karena calling to say that she was leaving early for the day due to a headache.

“I hope you feel better!”

“Thanks, so do I.”

After lunch and checking on Bella in the daycare, Reina made a detour on her way back to her desk. She ducked into the ladies’ room to check if it was clear.

“Hello? Is anybody in here?”

When she got no answer, she ducked into a stall, hesitating for a moment as she debated whether to finger her needy pussy to a much-needed orgasm or not.

Who would know? Reina sighed. It was against the Office Whore policy, but her pussy was literally dripping. Maybe she could just let her fingers play a little to ease some of the tension. It wouldn’t be breaking the rules if she didn’t climax, would it?

Lifting her skirt, she sat on the toilet seat and spread her legs wide. The second she dipped two fingers inside her wetness, she knew there was no turning back. She’d never be able to stop without having an orgasm.

Fuck the rules, I need to fucking cum!

She added a third finger, thrusting them into her needy hole while stimulating her engorged clit with her other hand. It felt so good that Reina forgot to listen for the sound of the restroom door opening.

Once she realized she was no longer alone in the bathroom, she tried desperately to be quiet. She knew the smart thing to do would be to stop masturbating, but she couldn’t get herself to still those busy fingers. She was so close! She bit down on her bottom lip and let the climax rip through her body.

“Oh, fuck!” she whispered hoarsely, hoping whoever was using the restroom didn’t hear. On impulse, she flushed the toilet, hoping to mask the sound of her moans as she came a second time almost instantly.

Reina sat as still as a statue until the person washed their hands and left the restroom. When she was alone again, she relaxed and licked her juices from her fingers.

When she returned to her desk, Chad was standing there.

“Reina, would you follow me to my office, please?” It was a question, but it sounded more like a demand.

“Yes, of course,” she replied nervously.

Once inside Chad’s office, he closed and locked the door.

“Do you want to explain why Sarah from IT came to inform me that someone was masturbating in the women’s restroom?”

Reina knew better than to lie, so she didn’t deny it was her. But she was mortified that she’d been caught.

“Did she say who it was?”

“No, she wasn’t able to identify the person. Only that it made her uncomfortable, and she felt I should know about it,” Chad said crossly.

Reina sighed, relieved that Sarah didn’t know it was her.

“Reina, what the fuck were you thinking? We agreed that any sex would occur in my office or Karena’s, nowhere else. Not to mention, you shouldn’t have been masturbating in the first place! I realize that you’re my wife, but there are rules that you must abide by as my Office Whore. The handbook is clear, sluts are not allowed to self-stimulate while at the office during scheduled work hours.”

Reina felt a mix of indignance at being chastised like this and arousal at being referred to as a slut. Sometimes, Chad was too lenient with her because she was his wife. So, the fact that he was holding hard and fast to the Office Whore rules was titillating.

“I’m so sorry, Sir. It won’t happen again,” she said remorsefully.

“You’re damn right it won’t because I’m going to punish you so you don’t forget.”

“Punish me?”

“Yes. You have many perks being my wife as well as my slut. But you must suffer the consequences when you blatantly disregard the rules.”

Reina shivered. “What consequences, Sir?”

Chad walked to the couch and sat down. “Come over here, lift your skirt, and put yourself over my knees.”

She walked toward him with a questioning look.

“Don’t act surprised; naughty girls get spanked.”

Reina lifted her skirt and lay across Chad’s lap. She noticed several impact play implements on the couch next to him as she did. It made her body hum with arousal.

“I can see that my being busy has caused me to ignore you for too long. However, you deliberately disobeyed me. For the first round of spanking, I will use my bare hand. I’ll move on to the paddle, followed by the short crop. Your bottom will sting quite nicely and hopefully remind you to obey the rules.”

The first few slaps of Chad’s hands were mild. However, each additional swat became increasingly more intense, turning her bottom from creamy to crimson.

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Smack! Smack!

Smack! Smack!

Smack! Smack!

“Your ass must be starting to sting by now, slut. Tell me, do you need more?”

Reina’s juices began to drip; the spanking was turning her on.

“Yes, Sir. Please. I need more.”

“Good girl.”

Smack! Smack!

Smack! Smack!

Smack! Smack!

“I think it’s time to switch to the paddle. I can feel the heat emanating from your beet-red bottom. Let’s make it sting some more, shall we?”

“Yes, Sir. Oh, please! I need to be paddled. I was a naughty slut for fingering my needy cunt in the restroom.”

Smack! Smack!

Smack! Smack!

The paddle made a thudding sound as it connected with her tender flesh. Chad’s cock was as hard as steel as Reina begged him to continue spanking her harder.

Smack! Smack!

Smack! Smack!

“Yes! Oh, yes! Spank my insolent ass!”

Smack! Smack!

Smack! Smack!

The pool of his Office Whore’s juices had soaked through Chad’s trousers.

“You’ve made a mess of my pants with your dripping cunt. Perhaps you need the short crop to finish this lesson.”

“Yes, please, Sir. Oh! Ow! Fuck! It stings so much! More, please!”

Tears streamed down Reina’s face, but her pussy leaked like a faucet. The more he spanked her, the wetter she became; it was a huge, fucking turn-on!

Smack! Smack!

Smack! Smack!

He continued swatting her ass with the short crop, momentarily worrying about whether he was taking this too far. Her moans of pleasure reassured him that she was deriving as much enjoyment from this spanking as he was.

“Oh, fuck! Ow! God, please! Yes, teach your naughty slut a lesson!”

Smack! Smack!

Smack! Smack!

He continued until his own need became too great.

“You’ve had enough, slut!” he said finally. “Climb onto the couch and stick that ass in the air so I can fuck your sopping wet cunt!”

Reina wasted no time following Chad’s directions. She got into position, looking back at him with her mascara-streaked face, and said, “Please, Sir, take your pleasure from my pussy.”

Chad unzipped his fly and allowed his raging hard-on to spring free. He impaled her with one thrust and savagely pumped into her, brutally hard and fast.

“Take my cock, my sweet whore. I’ll get my pleasure, but only after you cum, slut!”

Reina loved it when Chad talked dirty when he fucked her roughly like this.

“God, yes! Fuck me hard like you’re trying to break me in two!”

Chad grabbed her hips and jackhammered her until she screamed, “Oh, fuuuckk! Yesss!”

She squirted as she climaxed. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, fuck!”

He felt her body convulse three more times before he finally let loose and flooded her pussy with his cum.

Panting hard and hearts beating wildly, they collapsed together on the brown office couch. Chad buried his face in her hair, breathing in the scent of her shampoo. Like everything else about her, it was intoxicating.

Chad felt a war waging in his head. He should finish this session as the stern boss, pull out, wipe his cock on her face, and tell her to get back to work. Goodness knew he had plenty left on his to-do list that needed completing.

But they were both in disarray, and Reina’s ass looked painfully sore. He knew she’d forgive him for ditching his ruthless plan for a bit of aftercare.

“You’ve made a mess on my couch, slut,” he complained, trying to sound annoyed.

“Good thing it’s leather and cleans up easily,” she retorted.

Chad laughed. God, he loved her so much!

“Speaking of cleaning up, care to join me in the shower?”

“Only if you let me suck you hard again.”

“Reina, I didn’t intend to prolong our session, even if I do enjoy Task #5 with you.”

Reina pouted. “Well, okay. If you don’t want to fuck my ass in the shower…”

“You play dirty, Mrs. Stevens. Get your slutty ass into the bathroom and start the water. I’ll be right there.”

As Reina scurried off to Chad’s private bathroom, he picked up his desk phone and dialed IT.

“Hello, Sarah? It’s Chad. I did a little detective work and discovered our restroom masturbator was one of the cleaning crew who had come in early. I told her that behavior was unacceptable and let her know such indiscretion merited severe consequences. I’m sorry for the discomfort this incident caused you. Feel free to cut out early today, if you’d like. ”

“Oh, well, thank you, Sir,” Sarah replied. She wanted desperately to ask what those consequences were, but she knew it was not her business to know what happened with other employees. Still, something seemed off. She shrugged and went back to work, considering the matter closed.

As he joined his wife, lover, and The Office Whore in the shower, he couldn’t decide whether to be rough with her or tender.

She decided for him as she dropped to her knees and took him into her mouth as the hot water rained down on them.

It didn’t take long for Chad to be fully hard again with her talented tongue doing wicked things. Reina gazed at him seductively, wiggled her eyebrows, and turned around to bend over, giving him access to her tight ass.

He grinned when he saw the bottle of lube standing next to the shampoo and conditioner. His little whore came prepared, it seemed. Using his thumb, he worked the cool gel into her puckered star until she felt ready to accept his big shaft. She felt immense pressure as the head of his cock pushed against her rosebud. There was pain when he entered, but it was fleeting. Soon, she was writhing and moaning as he inched his way into her tight backdoor until he was balls deep.

“Oh, fuck, Reina! Your ass is so fucking tight!”

Her clenched sphincter gripped his rod as he fucked her slowly.

“Oh, God, Chad! That feels so fucking good! My ass is so filled up! Fuck me harder, baby!”

He grinned and felt a little tug at his heart. This might have started as an Office Whore task, but it was his sexy, red-haired wife who gave her ass to him lovingly and willingly. He grabbed her hips as he had done earlier. Only, this time, he plowed into her ass as she begged for more.

He reached under her to play with her hard little nub. His magical thumb and fingers had her quaking almost immediately, and her intense orgasm triggered his own, as he shot his seed deep in her bowels.

Instead of letting her slide to the floor, he eased out of her, turned her around, and kissed her passionately. Then he did what any good husband would do: he washed her hair and lathered up her body, savoring every inch of her with his fingers.

After the shower, Chad wrapped Reina in a fluffy towel and told her to bend over the counter.

“Again?” she teased.

He laughed. “No, my little nymphomaniac. I’m going to rub some of the soothing gel on your angry-looking ass cheeks. Your boss really did a number on your butt.”

“Well, to be fair, I did deserve the punishment; I broke the rules.”

Chad smirked as he let his hands glide gently over her still-pink bottom. “I hope this spanking will prevent any further infractions.”

“Yes, Sir,” she purred as his soothing motion eased the sting. She didn’t mind that her ass was still a little sore, as it was a delicious sort of pain that got her motor revved.

Chad grabbed the extra pair of slacks that he kept in his closet and got dressed. Reina put her clothes on and wiped up the couch, grinning at the decadent scene that had transpired here.

“I’m sorry if I put you behind in your work. If you need to stay late…”

Chad cut her off with a passionate kiss that made her toes curl. “I finished all the essential work that needed to be done today; the rest can wait until tomorrow. Let’s go spring our daughter free from daycare, pick up some Chinese carryout, and go home, my darling wife.”

Reina smiled. “What a fabulous idea.”

They picked Bella up and headed toward the door, running into Sarah, who was also getting ready to leave.

“Have a good evening, Sarah,” Chad called out cordially.

“Goodbye. Thanks for letting me leave a little early today,” Sarah replied.

“Of course. We’ll see you tomorrow.”

Sarah nodded, then looked down at Reina’s shoes as her boss and his wife walked out the door.

Holy shit! They were the same shoes the woman masturbating in the bathroom had been wearing.

Written by techgoddess
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