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The Office Whore - Part 4

"Chad continues to struggle with what to do about Reina...fuck her or fire her..."

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Author's Notes

"Thanks to everyone who keeps wanting more of this story. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I promise to make it worth your while to keep reading."

Chad Stephens sat in his office trying to decide what to do about his predicament. He’d been very excited when his Office Manager, right hand man (well woman), and best friend Karena had hired a new girl for the position of Office Whore. Reina had been delightful on her first day when she had appeared so innocent and yet eager to learn how to be a Base 12 Slut, whose job it was to take care of all of his sexual needs. He had been surprised how much it had pleased him that she had accepted the job not realizing what her position would be, but then kept the job anyway. Well, at least on a trial basis. He watched her for three days as she studied the manual and memorized the 12 tasks that he could request at any time during the day when he needed an outlet for his high sex drive and to help soothe his frustrations over things like the several new business deals that he’d been working on. He was actually looking forward to teaching her a few things about how to please a man.

Then Reina had stunned him by giving him the best head of his life, taking his cock deep into her throat, which made him deliriously happy at first. Until it pissed him off.

It was figuring out WHY it pissed him off that had him so conflicted; so much so that apparently even videos of him enjoying his previous sluts on the Base 12 website wasn’t doing it for him at the moment. He tried watching sessions of him fucking his office whores in every way imaginable, but his cock was not responding. Even the videos of Svetlana weren’t enough to help him stroke himself to an orgasm, and that girl could do some pretty kinky contortions with her gymnast’s body. As it was Reina’s first week, he hadn’t yet started recording their sessions yet, so he didn’t even have that to soothe this savage beast that started to rage inside him. He was fucked…and not in a good way.

Meanwhile, at her desk, Reina realized, reluctantly, that she would benefit from watching the videos of sessions with the previous whores on the website to get a better feel for what Chad expected. She brought up the Base 12 Website and clicked on Video Gallery. She would have laughed at the irony if she knew that Chad was doing the same thing at the same time. She clicked on a few different girls and eventually chose ‘Alexandria-Task 9.1,’ thinking maybe seeing how this sexy blonde handled herself would be helpful to watch. Karena was the guest again, so that was hot and exciting to see.

Wow, she thought, they didn’t waste any time getting started! As soon as Alexandria was tied down to the conference table, Chad slid his cock into Alexandria’s very wet pussy. She wondered, why did he just jump straight to fucking this girl without touching her in the very erotic manner he had touched her own body today? God, that had felt so amazing. His fingers, tracing their way down her body before probing her wetness…whew! Ok Reina, pay attention to the screen, she told herself.

Karena’s hands were busy playing with this woman’s perky tits and it made Reina’s nipples hard as well just watching. She reached down to feel her own very wet pussy and wondered if she could get away with fingering herself while she watched Chad’s cock slide in and out of the willing slut on his table. Reina frowned for a minute and zoomed in closer. The look on Alexandria’s face was not anything like she imagined her own face looked when she was getting fucked by Chad yesterday. This woman looked bored. How was that even possible?

Reina zoomed back out and focused only on how hot it was making her to watch Karena pinch and suck on those pert nipples. She noticed that Chad was enjoying watching what Karena was doing as well. This video was making her so fucking hot! She decided to log off the website and head to the bathroom. Once there, she closed herself into a stall, took her hairbrush out of her handbag and eased the handle into her hot needy cunt. She fucked herself with slow, firm thrusts while she rubbed her clit teasingly with a couple of fingers. She knew she wasn’t supposed to take care of herself like this, but she needed to cum so bad after watching those videos. She kept thinking about Chad’s cock; how it looked when he was fucking Alexandria, and how it felt when it was fucking her own hot, wet pussy. She picked up the pace and thrust the hairbrush faster until her orgasm ripped through her body. She would have loved to just sit there and enjoy the afterglow, but she knew she needed to clean up quickly and get back to her desk.

Chad, having no luck with the videos, picked up the phone to call Reina, but hung up before she could answer. Immediately his phone rang. He should have realized she would call right back. But he ignored it. He should just send her home, out of sight, out of mind, but he’d already done that yesterday. Unable to concentrate, Chad grabbed the files that needed looking over, threw them in his bag, and headed out the door.

Reina looked up from her computer as she saw Chad walk out of his office. He looked miserable! She felt that she was somehow responsible, but she didn’t know what to do. So, she just smiled and said, “Have a good weekend Chad.”

Chad stopped and said, “Huh?” He was clearly preoccupied and looked a bit confused.

“I said have a good weekend. It’s Friday and, since it’s after 4:00, I just figured you wouldn’t be coming back to the office,” Reina explained in that sweet, sexy voice of hers.

Suddenly, Chad realized that he wouldn’t see her for 2 days! He wasn’t sure if that was a relief or utter torture. His dick, which had remained uninterested, despite his best efforts to jack off to the blonde bimbos on his computer screen, was suddenly standing at attention and aching for release.

“Oh, um, no, I was just taking this out to the car so I don’t forget later,” Chad lied. If his cock was going to come alive when he saw her, he might as well use this curvy little office slut. After all, that was what he was paying her for. He needed to cum and she was available and willing. So, whatever his issues, Chad realized, he would be an idiot to go home frustrated.

“I will actually be right back in, so meet me in my office Reina. Task 4,” Chad said a little too eagerly for his own ego.

Reina was relieved. She thought she’d have to go all weekend wondering if Chad was going to fire her after all. Now that he was calling her back in, she figured he was just under a lot of stress like Karena had said. Well, actually, Karena said he was being a moody prick. While she could definitely agree with that statement, she also reminded herself that she needed this job. She would have to learn how to not freak out when Chad did something unexpected or not specifically outlined in the manual. He was the boss, after all, and she really wanted to keep this job. She knew she wouldn’t find this kind of pay and benefits anywhere else without having graduated from college. So, play your cards right, she told herself, and save enough from this job to be able to afford to go back to school and finish that degree!

Realizing he would be back any moment, Reina hurried into Chad’s office. She closed the door, but didn’t lock it, figuring he’d be right back anyway. Task 4 required her to be completely naked so while she rode his cock he could play with her tits. What a fabulous way to end a Friday! Little did he know that this was Reina’s favorite way to have sex. Her last boyfriend had enjoyed it, too. Unfortunately, he enjoyed it with pretty much anyone willing to ride him. So, she kicked him out, and then lost her job almost immediately after that when the firm she worked for previously had gone bankrupt. It embarrassed her to realize that if she’d lost her job first, she probably would have let her cheating ex stay to help pay the rent. Thank goodness that wasn’t the case.

While she waited, Reina looked around the office. It was beautifully decorated, in rich, warm tones, but she couldn’t help but notice there were no pictures or personal items. It struck her as odd. Her last boss had pictures of his wife and kids, his bowling trophy, and some little odds and ends his wife had picked up on their vacations. Reina knew that Chad wasn’t married with kids. She had inquired about this with Karena once she realized that she would be having regular sex with their boss. Well, daily sex, as some of what he wanted wouldn’t be considered “regular” she supposed. But there was no sign of anything that would give anyone a clue as to what kind of man occupied this office. She thought, for a moment, that it seemed pretty sad.

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Chad seemed to be taking a while, so she leaned against his desk fingering her eager pussy. She wanted it to be dripping wet when she climbed on top of him, while he buried his cock deep inside her. She closed her eyes and found that pretending they were Chad’s fingers made her even hotter.

Suddenly, the door opened and she was startled. She turned and smiled; then realized, to her dismay, that it wasn’t Chad at all. Standing in front of her was a man of average height and weight, with sandy blonde hair and hazel eyes. He was attractive, but older and a gold band adorned his left ring finger. She was suddenly extremely uncomfortable with how he was staring at her body and she sat down on the couch to try and cover herself with her blouse.

“Well, Chad’s got a new whore, huh?” the stranger said in a lazy, southern drawl. “And aren’t you just the prettiest little slut! Move your blouse, girl. Let me see those gorgeous titties. I can’t wait to get my cock between them!”

Reina sat frozen. Task 4, Chad had said. Not 9, not sharing her. She didn’t know what to do now. Move the blouse? Wait for Chad? Where the hell was he, anyway?

The door opened again and Chad caught the look of distress in her eyes.

“Clarence!” he exclaimed as he walked into his office and closed the door. “Hey, what are you doing here, man?” He tried to sound casual, but he wasn’t too happy to see the way Clarence was eye-fucking Reina.

“Chad, you have outdone yourself boy!” Clarence said, chuckling smoothly, “This little piece of ass is fine indeed! I came by to ask if you wanted to go have a drink with me at the corner bar, but I can clearly see you were planning to have a little fun. I’m happy to join you!”

Chad panicked. He could change his mind and require a task 9. God knows he was still hard for her and he’d shared previous sluts with Clarence before. He wouldn’t have minded if she was one of the others, he realized. But suddenly the idea of letting Clarence touch her infuriated him.

“Sorry Clarence, you’ve walked in too late,” Chad lied. “We already had our little session. Reina was just about to get dressed and head out for the day. Isn’t that right my little slut?” Chad looked at Reina, his eyes imploring her to play along with his lie.

“Yes, Chad, I appreciate you letting me rest a little before I got dressed. I’ll just go and put myself back together now. Thank you so much!” Reina said nervously as she gathered her clothes and found herself ducking into Chad’s private office bathroom. She shouldn’t be in here without his permission, but she didn’t know what else to do.

She simply sat for a moment, catching her breath. She was grateful that he didn’t make her have sex with this rather aggressive man that she’d never met. But she was also curious as to why Chad felt the need to lie.

While she put her clothes back on, she could hear Chad explaining to Clarence that his latest slut was new and very inexperienced. That she wasn’t much of a lay yet, adequate at best, but he’d be sure to invite Clarence back after she was properly trained.

Reina went from grateful to completely pissed off. She was fuming! Not much of a lay? Adequate at best? What kind of bullshit was that? The worst part was, she couldn’t even express how angry she was or she’d probably lose this job. She took a deep breath, stormed out of the bathroom, and headed straight for the door. Clarence was still eye-fucking her, while Chad stopped her and asked her where she was going.

“My shift ends at 5:00, sir. I am going to go log off my computer and get ready to leave if that’s permittable sir,” she said, trying hard to maintain her composure.

Oh shit, Chad thought, she was pissed! He hadn’t known how angry his little red headed slut could get. She was furious. His cock got hard instantly. He couldn’t go all weekend without fucking her. He needed to get rid of Clarence and have her now.

“Reina, please stop back in my office before you leave today. I have that file I wanted you to take home to look at over the weekend. Let me just see Clarence out,” Chad lied, again.

Completely confused, and more than a little irritated, Reina went back to her desk and closed down her computer and shut off her printer. She went back into Chad’s office and waited again, this time with her clothes on. She had no intention of taking them off now. Whatever game he was playing, it was 15 minutes until her weekend started and she planned to be out the door at 5:00.

Just then, Chad rushed back into his office and closed and locked the door. He was surprised to see her still dressed, as he’d hoped she had figured out that he still wanted his Task 4 Session.

“Well, that was close! Next time lock the door so that uninvited guests can’t barge it. I always have my key on me. Come on baby, take your clothes off for me. If I’m going to fuck you before 5:00, we don’t have much time!” Chad said as he started undoing his zipper.

Reina just stood there staring at him. She was dumbfounded. Seriously?

“Chad, I think it’s best if we just wait until Monday. There’s hardly enough time for me to ride your cock now, especially since I’m not properly trained,” Reina responded sarcastically.

Chad just sat there a moment and blinked. Never, ever, had any of his previous office whores denied him like this.

“Are you fucking kidding, Reina?” Chad yelled. “Fine. I’ll pay you fucking overtime if that’s what you’re worried about. Now get undressed!”

“No, I’m sorry Mr. Stephens. I have plans and my contract never said anything about being required to work overtime,” Reina said, heading for the door.

Chad watched as she turned the handle. Don’t be a dick, he scolded himself in his head. Jesus if she walked out now, she might never come back.

“You’re right, Reina, you aren’t required to work overtime,” Chad said swallowing pride as he didn’t realize he was capable of doing, “But I’d like you to stay. I need you to stay.”

Reina stood still looking at him for a moment. She was about to leave when he put his hand on her shoulder softly and said, “Please? Please stay.”

“I’m sorry, Chad, I know this sounds ridiculous, but you hurt my feelings when you told your friend Clarence that I wasn’t much of a lay. I spent hours watching porn vids at home this past week so that I could be the kind of slut you needed and thought I gave you a freakin’ spectacular blow job!” Reina’s heart was racing as she spoke more freely than she had intended.

“Wait, you learned all that watching porn vids?” he asked, feeling more than a little stupid. “You did that for me?”

“Yes, I’m 24 years old and I’ve only had 2 boyfriends; neither one of them very adventurous. How else was I supposed to learn how to do all the things outlined in that manual?” she implored, exasperated.

“Reina, I…” Chad realized he didn’t really know what to say, but gave it a shot anyway. “I’m sorry. I’ve been a fucking asshole the past 2 days and you’ve done nothing but try to do your job and be remarkably good at it. So much better than I was anticipating. I shouldn’t have said what I did to Clarence, but I just wanted him to go away. Truth be told, I didn’t want to share you with him, Reina. He’s not very gentle and I…”

Before he could finish, Reina interrupted brusquely, “I can handle rough, it’s my job. All you needed to do was tell me Reina, Task 9 instead and whisper a little heads up about him liking it rough. I wouldn’t have embarrassed you.”

“Embarrassed me?” Chad repeated, “That’s not what I meant at all.” It was maddening how he just couldn’t communicate what he was feeling (there was that tricky word again) and he was clearly about to blow it and spend the weekend pissed off and frustrated.

“Fuck it Reina, do you wanna ride my cock or not? I’ll pay you double time and I’ll make sure you cum if you stay.”

Reina looked at Chad and saw the misery in his beautiful dark eyes.

“Please?” Chad asked again.

Reina closed the door.

Written by techgoddess
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