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The Office Whore - Part 53

"How does a couple like Chad and Reina reconnect after having a baby?"

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Author's Notes

"Life got busy, other stories took a front seat, and I simply didn't know how I wanted to end this series. The bad news is, I will be wrapping up Chad and Reina's story. The good news is, this part isn't the end. There will be a part 54 and a part 55. (Just as soon as I have time to turn outlines into stories). Thanks for your patience in waiting on this part. (Imagine how Reina felt waiting four months for me to finish this portion of the story...LOL!)"

Chad stood in disbelief as Reina’s water broke three weeks before her due date.

“I knew this whole dungeon thing was a bad idea. Karenna insisted you needed more. Now, look what I’ve caused!”

“Would you relax, please?” Reina asked firmly. “This isn’t abnormal. There are plenty of women who have their babies a few weeks early.”

“You were supposed to tell me if something didn’t feel right, Reina!”

“Everything felt just fine, Chad! Better than fine! You need to chill out and grab the go-bag that is sitting in the nursery. I will call the doctor and let her know we are on our way to the hospital. Let Karenna and Gemma know what’s going on. I’m pretty sure they haven’t left yet.”

Chad ran upstairs and burst into the attic sex dungeon. Karenna and Gemma were too involved to hear him come in, and they continued their erotic play. Chad stopped in his tracks and tilted his head as he watched Gemma shoot Reddi-wip from a can into Karenna’s pussy, then go down on her, sucking and moaning. He felt his cock twitch and forgot for a few seconds why he’d raced up here. Then, Karenna came, screaming, “Oh. My. Fucking. God!”

Chad quickly came to his senses and shouted, “Reina’s water broke!”

“What? Oh, my God! What do you need us to do? We can clean up here in no time!”

Chad repeated, “Reina’s water broke!”

“Yes, Chad, we heard you,” Karenna said as she wiped up the leftover whipped cream between her legs. “Now, I’m sure Reina has a go-bag ready. I think it’s in the nursery. I’m going to finish cleaning up, and then we will drive you and Reina to the hospital, okay?”

“This is my fault. I shouldn’t have let you talk me into this session with Reina. She shouldn’t have been playing the slutty little whore three weeks before her due date!”

“Just stop that nonsense talk. I kept a close eye on her the whole time. She was not in pain, and she was not the least bit uncomfortable. She was enjoying herself. Tell me what happened right before her water broke.”

“I was holding her from behind, and suddenly the baby kicked really hard. Then there was this gush. Oh, God, what if the baby is not okay? It’s too soon!”

“Chad, listen to me,” Gemma said sternly. “I was born a month early, and there was not a thing wrong with me. You have to trust that this baby of yours is just ready to come out. We will get you both to the hospital as quickly as possible. Reina and the baby are going to be just fine.”

Once they got to the hospital, an ultrasound showed that their baby hadn’t turned yet and would have to be born via a Cesarean Section.

“Are you okay with that, Reina?” Chad asked, hoping that she wouldn’t be devastated by not giving birth naturally as they had planned.

Reina smiled at Chad and said, “I just want our baby to be born safely.”

“You’re a trooper, baby. But I feel bad that your recovery will take longer,” he said, holding her hand.

“True. But there is an upside to this.”

“What’s that?”

“Well, my pussy won’t be stretched to the hilt to accommodate the baby’s head,” Reina explained, wiggling her eyebrows.

Chad laughed. “God, I love you, Reina. You always see the bright side of things.”

The doctor entered the room and said, “Okay, folks. We’re getting set up to perform the C-section. My intern said she explained everything, but I wanted to check with you to see if you had any questions before we prep you for surgery, Reina.”

“No, I think we’re good,” Reina answered as she looked at Chad, who nodded his agreement.

“Alrighty then, let’s go have a baby!”


Two days later, Chad and Reina took their seven-pound, two-ounce baby girl, Isabella Grace, home and spent the rest of the week together, bonding.

Karenna and Gemma came by to visit and bring dinner. They also brought a few meals to tuck in the freezer for days when they needed something already prepared.

Chad was overwhelmed with love for his new daughter. He hadn’t thought he would ever learn how to love at one point in his life. Now he had an amazing wife and a beautiful daughter. Life was wonderful.

Until it wasn’t. As the weeks went by, Chad began to wonder when their sex life would return to some semblance of normal. Not that he expected Reina to be his sexed-up Office Whore, but would it kill her to give his cock a little attention? He understood in the beginning when she was recovering from the C-section. Fortunately, he had spoken about things with Karenna before saying something stupid to his wife.

Still, he was in awe of how she took care of their baby and still managed to have a meal on the table when he got home from work. She’d kept up with the housework and laundry too. Everything was taken care of, except him.

One Friday morning, Chad was feeling sorry for himself when it struck him like lightning that maybe, just maybe, Reina was missing sex too and would appreciate him making the first move. He called Karenna into his office so he could bounce his idea off her. She’d let him know if he was on track or just thinking with his dick.

After listening to Chad, Karenna smiled. “I’m really proud of you. I think this is a marvelous idea, and Gemma and I are totally on board with helping out.”

“Really? I don’t want to be an ass, but I think…”

“Really,” Karenna interrupted. “You’re not being an ass. It’s a lovely idea. As long as you have realistic expectations.”

Chad nodded and, when Karenna left his office, he texted Reina.

Hey babe! I hope you don’t mind, but I invited Karenna and Gemma over for dinner tonight. They are going to bring Chinese take-out and hang out for a relaxing evening. They want to spend time with their goddaughter.

Reina sighed. She was exhausted. But the idea of having dinner brought in sounded terrific. Plus, Karenna and Gemma were family.

Hey, that sounds nice! What time will you be home?

Chad grinned.

Home by five. I love you!

Reina smiled as she read Chad’s text. He used some heart emojis and a goofy grin smiley face.

Love you too!

When the doorbell rang at four o’clock, Reina felt a little harried. She still wanted to pick up the house a bit more. But it was Karenna and Gemma with bags of food in tow, so she could hardly complain.

“Oh, goodness, you’ve brought enough food for an army! Please tell me Chad hasn’t invited more people to come over.”

“Not at all. We just wanted to make sure there were plenty of leftovers,” Gemma assured her.

“I was hoping to pop in the shower before you arrived. I just fed Bella and got her down for a little nap.”

“Go shower, we’ve got this,” Karenna said, shooing Reina towards the stairs.

Once upstairs in the master bathroom, Reina stepped into the shower and turned on the faucet. She stood still for a moment, letting the hot water beat down on her. It felt marvelous not to rush, knowing that if Bella fussed, Auntie Karenna or Auntie Gemma would attend to her.

Suddenly, hands closed over her breasts, and a sexy voice said in her ear, “Mine.”

“Mmm, yes, but if my husband catches you, there will be hell to pay,” Reina teased, leaning back into Chad and enjoying the feeling of his skin against hers.

Chad kissed her neck and shoulders while his hands traveled down her hips. He turned her around and kissed her passionately.

Reina pulled away and said, “Not that I mind, but I think Karenna and Gemma are expecting us to come down for dinner.”

“No, they aren’t. You and I will be having our dinner upstairs. The aunties are fully in charge of our Bella Grace for the evening. You and I need some time alone.”

Reina’s eyes welled up with tears. She laid her head on Chad’s shoulder and simply said, “Love me, Chad. Right here, right now. Make me feel like your wife and lover again.”

Intensely pleased with himself for getting things right, Chad was more than happy to oblige his redheaded beauty. He turned her around again to face the wall and spread her legs apart to accommodate him. Sliding into her, he felt her entire body give in to pleasure while she moaned and sighed.

His hands covered hers, pressed against the tile, as he thrust into her. Nibbling her ears, he marveled at how wet she was and how it made him even harder. He let his mind wander back to the first time he’d made love to her in the shower. Only then he didn’t realize he was making love. He thought he was fucking his sassy little Office Whore. God, he had missed this! He found it thrilling that her body responded immediately to his touch. Clearly, she had missed this too!

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“I love you so much, Reina. I’ve missed taking you like this. We’ve both been so busy and exhausted, especially you. But we need to make time for this too.”

“God, yes! It’s not that I haven’t wanted to make a move on you. It’s just by the time you come home, I’m wiped out. I know things will get better once she is sleeping for longer stretches, but I’ve truly been too tired to feel sexy.”

“Well, then, my sweet little Office Whore, let me remind you of just how sexy you are,” Chad said in a low, sensual growl, his mouth a mere inch from her ear. The eroticism of this sent shivers down her spine, and she felt herself growing near to climaxing.

Chad sensed she was close and decided not to deny her or make her wait. He sped up his thrusting until they were both ready to explode. He erupted inside her as she shuddered from head to toe.

“Holy fuck, Chad! Oh, my God!” Reina cried out.

“Holy fuck, indeed, Reina!”

After they caught their breath and finished showering, Chad wrapped her in a big fluffy robe and donned one as well. He led her up the stairs to the third floor, where Karenna and Gemma had set up a table in chairs in the outer office area. Chinese food and wine were the perfect meal for this impromptu stay-in date night.

“First we feed our tummies, then we’ll head into the dungeon and feed our souls,” Chad remarked as he dished out some Sesame Chicken onto Reina’s plate.

“I love your way of thinking, Mr. Stephens,” Reina said as she sipped her wine.

“I thought about taking you out tonight, but I figured this was better,” Chad said as he closed his hand over one of hers.

“Much better,” Reina agreed. “Just my speed. No need to dress up and do the whole makeup and hair thing.”

“Not necessary when all I want is my naked wife.”

“You’re so easy to please.”

“You may not think so once I have you tied up,” Chad mused.

Reina felt a shiver of delight as she imagined what the after-dinner portion of the evening would be like. They hadn’t been in the dungeon since the night Isabella was born. God, she hadn’t realized how much she needed this!

After they finished dinner, Chad cleared the plates and came back with something behind his back. “Close your eyes, slut,” he said firmly.

“Yes, Sir,” Reina replied as she felt a tingle of wetness between her legs.

Once her eyes were closed, Chad covered them with a blindfold. Next, he put her collar around her neck and fastened the leash to it.

“Get down on your knees, slut. You’ll crawl into the dungeon where I will use you for my pleasure.”

Reina felt giddy with lust. She very willingly got down on her hands and knees and crawled like an owned slave to the room where her husband and master would do whatever he wished. She was glad for the blindfold so that Chad wouldn’t see the tears in her eyes, as he might misunderstand them, for they were tears of joy and need, not sadness. Her amazing husband had known exactly what they both needed without her having to say a word. She wondered briefly if this had been Karenna’s idea. Then she shook it off; the man he used to be needed prompting. But the husband he had become was more than capable of wonderful surprises like this.

Once inside the dungeon, he led her to the spanking bench and strapped her in. Her creamy bottom was on display for him, waiting to be turned a rosy hue.

“It’s been far too long since I’ve spanked you, slut,” Chad said as he selected the paddle that he knew she liked best. “I won’t be too harsh since it’s been a while, but I promise you will feel the sting that you crave.”

“Thank you, Sir,” she answered, trembling with excitement and desire.

“Count for me, slut.”





Reina continued counting until thirty swats, fifteen on each cheek, had her ass stinging and her pussy dripping with need.

Chad put the paddle down and rubbed his hand over her sexy ass. The heat made his cock ache to take her, but he knew she would be disappointed if he didn’t give her more than a good paddling. Instead, he released her from the restraints and led her to a table.

“Lie back and spread your legs for me.”

Reina did as she was told and felt wickedly vulnerable as Chad secured her ankles to a spreader bar and extended it open as far as he could make it go. He brought a rack over to the end of the table and hooked the spreader bar onto it so he could take advantage of her with his hands free.

“There’s that gorgeous pussy!” Chad said seductively. “All needy and begging for use!”

“Yes, please, Sir! I need to be filled.”

“All in good time, my sweet little Office Whore.”

His fingers softly traced the delicate pink folds that grew wet with desire, playing as she squirmed on the table. He moved between her legs and let his hot breath torment her while he stole her dripping nectar to stimulate her puckered star.

Reina whimpered as Chad slid one finger into her pussy, one into her ass, and used his thumb to tease her clit. He watched her face reveal the sheer pleasure of being touched.

What an idiot he’d been to wait so long. Her body had long since healed, but she needed his touch to heal her spirit. As her luscious body writhed and her hips rocked, he promised himself he would be more observant and aware of her needs.

It was tempting to let her cum. But he wanted to draw this out for her. So, he stopped suddenly and elicited a groan of protest.

“I need to cum, Sir!” she cried out.

“Not yet.”

He walked to the head of the table where her head rested and rubbed his cock on her face.

“You need to suck your Master first before I let you cum,” Chad instructed her.

Reina turned her head and opened her mouth wide to accept his thick shaft.

“Such a good slut,” Chad moaned as he worked himself into her mouth until he hit the back of her throat.

“Open that throat slut, take it all. You know how. I’ve experienced that delight many times with you.”

She relaxed her throat and felt him slide in deeper, temporarily cutting off her air. He held himself there just long enough to make it clear that he owned her and would use her as he wished.

He eased out and began to fuck her pretty mouth, watching her ample tits bounce as her body moved in rhythm as he enjoyed her oral skills. When he felt himself growing close, he pulled out and grabbed the butt plug he knew would drive her wild.

Reina’s body was humming with desire as Chad lubed up the anal device and eased it into her slowly. He removed her blindfold so she could watch as he teased her with his cock, rubbing the head against her wet pussy until she begged him to enter her.

“Please, Chad! I need you to fuck me!” Reina cried out.

He could have made her wait longer, but the fact was, his need was just as intense. He pushed into her with one firm thrust and watched her eyes roll back in her head as she moaned with pleasure.

“Oh, God, yes!”

With the plug filling one hole and her husband’s massive cock filling the other, Reina was in heaven! He pumped into her and fed both their needs for rough, raw sex.

“Yes, God, fuck me harder!”

Happy to oblige, Chad jackhammered into her as a string of orgasms ripped through her body like an electrical current. Only when he was certain she was sated did he allow himself to let go and fill her with his seed. As he erupted inside her, he felt overcome with emotion and love.

When his breathing returned to normal, he released her from her bonds and gently pulled the anal plug from her ass. Scooping her up into his arms, he kissed her tenderly.

“I’d intended to do more here in the dungeon, but I can see that my pretty little Office Whore looks quite satisfied. I know I certainly am. And maybe that was plenty for our first time back at it, huh?”

Reina looked up at him with a dreamy smile. “I’m plenty satisfied, my love. I needed that so much. I’m sorry that I haven’t been acting like your sexy Office Whore much lately.”

Chad carried her down to their master bath and started the water for the jacuzzi tub. Then he tilted her chin upward so he could look into those beautiful blue eyes. “I’m sorry that I’ve neglected you. I was trying to be considerate of how tired you’ve been. But in doing so, I forgot that we both have voracious sexual appetites that need to be fed regularly.”

Reina giggled. “I’m probably not going to be much of an instigator in the sex department, but I promise if you get things started, I will follow along obediently.”

Grinning, Chad picked her up, set her gently into the hot water, and turned on the jets. “I can work with that.”

Later, as they drifted off to sleep, Reina said, “I’ll take the first turn tonight when she wakes up.”

“No, the aunties are spending the night. We get to sleep the whole night through.”

“You are the best husband in the world. The sex was amazing, but the promise of a good night’s sleep is decadent!”

Chad smiled in the darkness. Every once in a while, it felt good to get things so incredibly right.

Written by techgoddess
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