“Well, fuckety-fuck-fuck-fuck!” the sassy little redhead spouted off. “She’s fucking pregnant!”
“Who’s pregnant darlin’?” the man asked with his southern drawl, as he traced his fingers over the top of her breasts.
“My sister,” Sydney pouted. “She spoils everything!”
Clarence frowned, “What do you mean?”
“Well, remember how we talked about tricking Chad into fucking me and then blackmailing him so we wouldn’t tell Reina? How am I gonna pull that off if she’s pregnant?”
Clarence chuckled, “I could always knock you up.”
“You gonna leave your wife and raise the brat with me?” she asked bluntly.
“Hell, no, you know I was just kidding,” he chortled.
“Well, then, what the fuck am I gonna do?” she pouted.
“Well, darling, I had a little side piece that got her tummy all bloated once and scared us both by saying she was having my baby. Turned out she was just gassy!” Clarence laughed.
“That’s gross!” Sydney frowned.
“Well, I said I’d help you in your little scheme, darlin’, but Daddy Clarence has no interest in being a real daddy to an illegitimate kid. So, looks like you fill up on steak and lots of fiber or find another way to trick ole’ Chad!”
“Maybe I can find someone else to get me pregnant,” she pondered. “Then I can tell Chad it’s his.”
“Ya know, if you put as much effort into pleasing my cock as you do finding ways to piss off your sister or make a quick buck off her man, maybe I’d be willing to give you a little bonus here and there,” he suggested. “Seems like you got a real burr up your butt over that twin of yours.”
“She just irritates me, thinking she’s better than me,” Sydney complained.
“You’re just pissed she found someone like Chad before you did. Now get on your knees and suck my cock. I’ll give you an extra Benjamin if you do that thing where you stick your thumb in my ass while you milk my prick,” he said.
Sydney slid down on her knees and took out Clarence’s cock. She didn’t exactly enjoy ass play, but there was a pair of shoes in Macy’s window that she was coveting. If a thumb in Clarence’s ass would get them for her, so be it.
Meanwhile, Chad was sitting on the couch in his office getting a spectacular blow job from his gorgeous Office Whore.
“God, baby, you suck cock like your life depended on it!” Chad moaned while Reina took him into her throat.
“Mmmmhmmmm,” was all the answer she could manage.
Chad put his hands on her head and thrust into her throat again and again until he exploded, feeding her his cum.
“Oh, sweet Jesus, Reina, you make me so happy and satisfied! Now, what can I do for my Office Whore in return?” he asked, helping her up off the floor and onto the couch next to him.
“Well,” she said, “I’d kill for five minutes of your amazing hands massaging my neck and shoulders.”
Chad frowned, “Another headache?”
“No, just some muscle tightness,” she lied. She had been having migraines almost daily since the beginning of her pregnancy. At her sixteen-week check-up, the doctor said it wasn’t abnormal, but she knew Chad worried.
“Reina, maybe you should go home and lie down,” he suggested.
“You asked what I wanted in return, Sir. I want one of your magnificent massages. Then, if I don’t feel better, I promise to go home,” she agreed.
Chad tossed one of the couch pillows on the floor, “Sit on the pillow and position yourself between my legs.”
Reina giggled, “That sounds so dirty.”
Chad grinned. Her headache must not be too severe if she was able to joke around. That made him feel a tad better. He undid her blouse and shrugged it off her shoulders.
“Hey, pal, this was supposed to be a real massage, not a way for you to grope my breasts,” she protested.
“I promise, as much as my hands would love to grope those beautiful globes, my intentions are pure,” he reassured her. “I just want to be able to massage you without the material in the way.”
“Sounds fishy,” she teased, “but, okay.”
His hands felt divine as they rubbed her shoulders and neck and chased away the tension in her muscles from the headache that she’d been fighting all day. His thumbs pressed into the knots that had formed and she felt like she might melt, it felt so damn good.
By the time he was finished, she felt immensely better. “Thank you, Dr. Chad,” she teased. “You’re my hero! Pain is all gone. Now I can finish my work.”
Chad eyed her suspiciously, “Promise me that you’ll at least come in here and lie down if you start feeling bad again.”
Reina kissed the tip of his nose playfully, “I promise, Sir.”
Chad smiled and gave her a playful swat on the ass as she headed out the door.
Later that afternoon, he called her, “Reina, Task 3 please.”
Reina grinned. She knew her boss/husband wanted to return the favor of amazing oral sex and she had no intention of arguing. “My pleasure, Sir,” she said seductively.
“Yes, your pleasure is exactly what I have in mind,” he laughed. “Now, get your ass in here, Reina. I have a wicked craving for you!”
Moments later, with her legs spread wide, Reina moaned as Chad took his time teasing her with his tongue. He licked slow, tantalizing figure eights along her inner thighs as her pussy begged for attention.
“Oh my God, Chad, you’re driving me crazy! I need…” she started.
But before she could finish her thought, two fingers slid inside her while he captured her throbbing clit in his mouth. She gasped and moaned while her hips rocked gently. The man had a decadent tongue!
He worked her into a desperate frenzy of need as he licked and sucked, then added a third finger into her hot wet hole. Her body answered his every thrust, as her climax grew closer.
“Chad, please! Fuck! I need to cum so badly!” Reina begged.
Chad stopped and said, “Not yet, baby.” Then he went back to his delicious torment, edging her mercilessly.
Eventually, he sensed frustration and decided it was time to send her over. He alternated sucking and nibbling on her clit and shoved a fourth finger into her, driving her mad. She bucked wildly, and she cried out, screaming and panting, as her orgasm ripped through her body like a hurricane. The intensity took her breath away and, when she finally stopped shuddering, she pulled Chad up to her and kissed him deeply, so she could taste her own nectar.
When she finally caught her breath, Reina sighed contentedly, “You always know how to make me feel amazing. You always know exactly what I need.”
“I didn’t always know,” he admitted as he snuggled up next to her on the couch. “But I’d like to think that I’ve got it down pretty well by now.”
“Better than pretty well,” she laughed softly. “I’m so lucky.”
“I’m the lucky one, Reina,” Chad said as he laid a hand on her belly and smiled. “You’ve given me everything, Rei. I thought I had everything a man could want. Then I met you and you turned my world upside-down. You made me realize that I needed more from life than a successful business and a slew of Office Whores. I needed to love and be loved. I needed you. And, while I could be happy being just the two of us for the rest of our lives, I’m so freakin’ excited about this baby!”
Reina started to cry, “I love you so much!”
“Hey, why the tears, baby?” Chad asked, perplexed at what he might have said to make her cry.
“Just pregnancy hormones, I swear,” she insisted, feeling silly as she wiped away her tears. “I’m so happy and excited. Hearing you say that you’re excited too makes me emotional, I guess.”
Chad kissed her forehead, “I’m over the moon.”
After they cleaned up and were ready to get back to work, Chad’s phone rang. He answered, surprised to hear Clarence’s voice on the other end. He put it on speakerphone so Reina could hear as well. It seemed easier than having to repeat everything once the call was done. He knew she would want to know every detail.
“Chad, old buddy, how goes it?” Clarence asked exaggerating his southern drawl.
“What do you want Clarence?” Chad asked impatiently.
“Well, I’m fine, thanks for asking,” Clarence answered sarcastically. “Look, I know you don’t necessarily want to hear from me, but I really thought you should know that your wife’s sister is looking to make trouble for you. She’s been obsessed with the idea of getting pregnant and saying it’s yours to get some money outta ya. Guess she heard that your little redhead is knocked up and, well, you know jealousy is usually a green-eyed monster. But this one has piercing blue eyes and she’s on a mission to destroy you and your bride, anyway that she can.”
“Why are you telling me this, Clarence? Aren’t you currently fucking her?” Chad asked bluntly.
“Hell yeah, I’m fucking her. After all, she is my Office Whore. But you know what they say, bros before hoes, dude. You and I go back a long time. Sure, I got mad when you decided to settle down and actually be faithful to your wife. But I don’t harbor any ill will, man,” Clarence explained.
“Well, thanks, I guess,” Chad said blandly.
“Look, Sydney is a great piece of ass, but I don’t trust her one bit. She’s sneaky and snarky. You definitely got the good twin, Chad,” Clarence said. “I’m gonna have to start using rubbers or stick to fucking her ass and mouth.”
“Maybe you should have steered clear of her in the first place,” Chad said sardonically.

“Yeah, well maybe I was jealous you got yourself such a hot little vixen and thought her twin would be as amazing as Reina must be. I mean, jeez, that little redhead tamed Chad Stevens. Never thought anyone could do that,” Clarence admitted.
Chad was surprised by Clarence’s admission and lightened up a little bit. “Well, I appreciate knowing what Sydney is up to. It was decent of you to give me a call.”
“I know your little Red doesn’t like me much, but I do wish you both the best, Chad,” Clarence said as the call ended.
Chad and Reina were silent for a moment. Then Reina said, “Well, that was unexpected. Not that Sydney would be so conniving, but that Clarence would prove he does have a decent bone in his body and warn us about her twisted notions.”
Chad looked at Reina and said, “What do you think we should do?”
“Nothing,” Reina said without hesitation. “We do absolutely nothing. We ignore her. It will drive her crazy.”
“I just don’t want her causing us trouble, baby,” Chad said, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t want her to cause you one moment of anxiety, especially while you’re carrying our child.”
Reina raised her eyebrows and tilted her head, “I’m pregnant, I’m not made of glass. I can handle her nonsense. I’ve been doing it for years.”
“Still, I just wonder if we should make someone aware of what she’s up to,” he said.
“Who? It’s not like we can call the police. She hasn’t done anything wrong yet,” she countered. “Now that we know she’s up to no good, we simply don’t have any interaction with her at all.”
“I suppose you’re right,” Chad conceded.
Reina smiled, “Of course I’m right!”
“Is my sassy redheaded Office Whore looking to be spanked later?” Chad asked teasingly.
“Promises, promises,” Reina chuckled. “I haven’t had a decent spanking since I told you I was pregnant.”
“I’m just trying to be careful, Reina. I don’t want to hurt the baby,” he said pulling her in for a hug.
“The baby isn’t in my ass,” she retorted.
“You know what I mean, I don’t want any pressure on your stomach while I spank you,” he replied.
“Well, you could always put me over your lap and spread your legs open a bit to allow room for my baby bump,” she suggested.
Chad frowned, “Why didn’t I think of that? I guess you are always right. Guess that means I don’t need to spank you.”
Reina smirked, “You think you’re pretty clever, but I can always find some other way to earn a spanking.”
Then she kissed him on the tip of his nose and said, “I’d better get back to work. I don’t want the boss to think I’m a slacker.”
After she left his office, Chad tried to focus on his work, but thoughts of Sydney trying to meddle in their lives was a huge distraction. Maybe it would be better if he went to see her and let her know he was on to her plan. He’d need to think about that for a while though. He realized that doing so would likely cause Reina to be pissed at him. Maybe he’d sleep on it and have a better perspective tomorrow.
He did make a point to fill in his office manager, Karenna. He knew he’d feel better knowing that someone who cared about Reina would help him protect her.
“I’ll keep my eyes and ears open, Chad,” Karenna reassured him. “We won’t let that bitch stir up trouble.”
“Do you think I should talk to Sydney?” Chad asked.
“Absolutely not,” Karenna said vehemently.
“Reina said the same thing,” Chad admitted.
“Listen to your wife, Chad. She’s a smart woman and she knows her sister better than any of us. Don’t go behind her back on this, it will only backfire. Promise me you’re not going to do anything stupid,” Karenna insisted.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Chad said grudgingly. “It just infuriates me that Sydney is so hell-bent on causing grief for Reina and me. The last thing Rei needs right now is stress.”
“Chad, Reina is a strong woman, she’s not some fragile flower. Being pregnant doesn’t diminish that,” Karenna chided. “She can hold her own; you need to trust that fact.”
“You’re right. It just pisses me off,” Chad huffed.
“Look, she hasn’t done anything yet. At least Clarence was decent enough to give you a heads up,” Karenna commented.
“Yeah, well, bros before hoes. His words, not mine. But whatever the reason, it was nice to know that he didn’t jump entirely on her bandwagon,” Chad said.
“Mark my words, Sydney will find a way to screw with Clarence if she finds out he tipped you off,” Karenna predicted.
Chad just nodded. He still felt like he should do something, but he knew Karenna was right.
After dinner, Chad came up behind Reina as she rinsed off the dishes and pressed his body against hers. She grinned as she felt his cock grow hard as he cupped her breasts.
“I need my little submissive wife to get her slutty ass upstairs to the attic dungeon for her spanking,” Chad said while he nibbled her ear.
“But Sir, I thought you said you weren’t going to spank me after all,” Reina teased.
“You’ve been awfully sassy lately, so I think you need a good reminder of who’s in charge here,” Chad said as he pinched her nipples tersely.
“Oh, fuck! Yes, Sir!” Reina replied. She felt herself go damp almost instantly between the pressure on her nipples and the thought of his hand smacking her ass.
“Now, slut!” Chad said gruffly. “Don’t undress until we get upstairs. I want you to show me what a little whore my wife is. You need to earn your spanking, darling.”
Once upstairs, Chad sat down on the couch and said, “Take it off slowly, my sweet slut. Seduce me.”
Reina said nothing, but a sensual look came over her face and her eyes looked as though they were inviting him to ravage her. Chad’s cock twitched as she unbuttoned her blouse slowly and allowed it to fall to the floor. Then she turned around so he could watch her reach back and unhook her bra. She looked over her shoulder at his face while she dropped the bra, setting her voluptuous breasts free.
Chad moaned as he watched her continue her delightful striptease. Once she was completely naked, she approached him. He thought for a moment that she was going to come and sit on his lap. While he had intended to dominate her, he would have welcomed her naked body however she was willing to offer it. But he should have known better. She got down on her knees, put her hands behind her back, and lowered her gaze. He thought his cock might bust out of his pants, she had him so aroused.
“You delight me, slut,” he said as he devoured her with his eyes. The swell of her belly from the child she was carrying just made her that much sexier. For a moment, he almost scooped her up to carry her off to bed. But he knew she would be disappointed if he didn’t follow through with spanking her.
“Get over here and lay across my lap, slut,” he demanded. He moved his legs apart to make room for her belly and rubbed his hand over her creamy, smooth ass. Then he brought his hand down sharply and spanked her until her bottom took on a rosy hue.
He dipped his middle finger into her pussy and found her drenched. He grinned. Now it was time to take her to bed.
“Such a good slut, getting so wet for your Master,” he praised her. “Now, let’s go down to our bedroom. I want to make love to my wife.”
She didn’t argue. He’d given her what she needed, so she could certainly compromise and give him what he wanted. Besides, it was certainly no hardship to be made love to by Chad. He was a very generous lover.
It was a wonderful mix of decadent domination and sensual eroticism. He fed her his cock, dined on her pussy, and tormented her sensitive nipples. Then he lubed up her ass to insert a vibrating butt plug, while he teased her clit with his fingers. Then he slid two fingers in her dripping wet hole.
“My God, Chad, you’re making me crazy with need!” Reina cried out. “I need you inside me!”
He smirked, “I am inside you. Can’t you feel my fingers?” He added a second and then a third.
“I need more!” she begged.
He slid in a fourth finger, “Like this?”
“I need your cock inside me, please!” she pleaded.
“Beg for it, Reina. Beg me to fuck you,” he taunted.
Her hips rocked as she bucked against his hand, her orgasm sneaking up on both of them. Panting and moaning, she cried, “Fuck my cunt, Chad! Fuck it hard and fast and deep!”
He entered her slowly and teased her with long deliberate strokes until she thought she’d go mad with need and lust.
She came several times, each time clamping down so hard on his cock that he needed to make a concerted effort to hold off. He wasn’t ready to be done with her quite yet.
He continued to fuck her slowly and sensually until they both could take no more. He picked up the pace and gave her want she begged for, fucking her like a man possessed.
“Oh, fuck, yes!” Reina cried out as another wave of orgasms swept her away.
“Milk my cock baby, take my seed deep inside you!” Chad yelled. “Oh fuck, baby, I’m cumming hard!”
He let out a guttural cry while he pumped into her until his balls tightened, and then let go, as he emptied himself into her hot wetness. “Fuck! You’re so fucking good!”
They collapsed in each other’s arms, panting with hearts beating wildly. He eventually remembered the butt plug was still buzzing in her rear and switched it off. Then he eased it out slowly and set it aside.
Chad lifted Reina’s chin to look into her eyes. He kissed her softly as he laid a gentle hand on their baby inside her. “Thank you for being all things to me, Reina. My wife, my lover, the mother of my child, and the most wicked little submissive slut a man could dream of. I love you so much!”
Reina purred and snuggled up close to Chad, “I love being yours, and I love knowing you are mine. I love you so much, too!”
Chad pulled the sheet over them as he felt Reina drifting off to sleep. She was his miracle, and he’d do everything in his power to keep her sister from spoiling this time for her.