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The Office Whore - Part 54

"Reina goes back to work and resumes her position as Chad's Office Whore"

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Author's Notes

"After taking three months off, Reina returns to work as Karenna's assistant and Chad's Office whore, only to find herself jealous when a stunning blonde embraces him."

Reina was nervous as she got dressed. It had been three long months since she’d been at the office besides the occasional visit with her baby daughter, Isabella Grace.

Today, she would take Bella to the office daycare that she had established and leave her there for a few hours while she started back to work. It was a good situation, but Reina was a little worried about Bella taking a bottle from someone who wasn’t family. So, she would use her breaks for nursing her baby girl until she became more used to this new situation.

“You hired a great staff for the office daycare,” Karenna reminded her. “All the moms and dads who bring their kids to the program rave about how wonderful it is. Productivity is at an all-time high, Reina. You did an amazing job. Now it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. I need you back at work, girl!”

After dropping the baby off into the very capable hands of Maggie and Regina, Reina put her purse in her bottom desk drawer and picked up the phone.

“I’m here and ready to get started,” she told Karenna.

“Welcome back! I have a slew of accounts that need to be reviewed. I will send you the files via email. That will be your main focus today in addition to whatever Chad requires,” Karenna replied.

Reina felt a shiver of lust. Would things be the same as they were before? Would Chad still need his Office Whore?

She didn’t need to wait long to find out. About an hour into trudging through the account files, her phone rang.

“Reina, Task One please,” was all Chad said before he hung up the phone.

She sighed. She didn’t mind pausing her progress reviewing accounts to give head to her sexy boss. After all, it was the original reason she’d been hired. Yes, the work she did for Karenna was important, but her primary function was to please the boss and help keep him focused by indulging his unusually high sex drive at work.

Chad smiled when there was a knock on his door. His cock twitched in his trousers. Just the thought of his sweet little whore’s mouth devouring his shaft made him grin like a college frat boy about to get laid.

“Come in,” Chad called out loudly.

“I’m here for Task One, Sir,” Reina said coquettishly, and Chad felt his loins ache for her. He moved from his desk to sit on the brown leather couch.

“Come here, my pretty little Office Whore. My cock needs the kind of attention that only you can give.”

“With pleasure, Sir.”

Reina stripped off her dress, wearing only a bra and high heels. This wasn’t a requirement of Task One, which simply required her to provide him with oral sex, but damn if it didn’t make him burn for her even more.

“Fuck, Reina, you make me so hot. Feel how hard I am.”

He took her hand and pressed it to the erection threatening to burst out of his pants. She flashed him a look of devilish seduction and proceeded to unzip his pants. Getting down on her knees, she took his stiff shaft in her hands and guided it to her mouth. She licked the length of him from base to tip before it disappeared between her luscious lips. Her tongue was doing wicked things as she demonstrated her outrageously erotic oral skills, just like she had their very first time together.

“Sweet Jesus, you’re gonna make me cum way too fast.”

She pulled him out of her mouth and whispered, “Then I will just have to get you hard again.”

Reina resumed her magnificent cock-worship technique, easing off when she felt him getting close. When he couldn’t handle the edging anymore, he grabbed her head, held it in place, and fucked her throat till he exploded.

She swallowed every drop and smiled sweetly.

“At least let me return the favor,” Chad said once he caught his breath.

“Later, at home. I have a pile of invoices that need my attention. Besides, the point of having an Office Whore is to satisfy your needs. After work, I can be your sweet, willing wife and spread my legs for you.”

He watched her get dressed and wondered how she managed to make that look as sexy as removing her clothes did. “Send a memo to my wife; tell her I plan to devour her pussy tonight.”

Reina grinned as she exited his office. It felt good to be back at work!

Reina managed to multi-task at lunchtime as she nursed Bella while drinking a protein shake. She thought Chad might stop in the daycare and was mildly disappointed when he didn’t.

“Maggie, will you please let Chad know that I had to go back to work. I thought he might stop in to check on Bella, but he must have gotten busy.”

“Mr. Stephens was in earlier,” Maggie commented as she took the baby from Reina. “He said he wanted to find out how the daycare was doing, but it was clear he just wanted to see his little princess before his lunch meeting.”

Reina sighed. It warmed her heart that he had taken time to check on the baby.

Back at her desk, she had just started diving back into her work when she saw a tall, blonde woman walk in. The receptionist wasn’t back from lunch yet, so Reina spoke up.

“May I help you?”

“Yes, I have an appointment with Chad Stephens,” the stunning woman with striking green eyes replied.

“Oh, let me check to see if he’s available,” Reina said, curious as to who this stranger might be. She seemed vaguely familiar. “Who shall I say is here?”

“Alexandria Myers.”

Before she could pick up the phone, Chad came out of his office to greet the visitor in person. “Ms. Myers, it’s lovely to see you,” he said, his voice sounding warm but a little stiff.

“Please, Chad, it’s Alexandria. No need be formal,” she said, practically purring his name.

Suddenly, it dawned on Reina who she was. A memory of watching a video clip of one of Chad’s former Office Whores popped into her head - Alexandria Task 9.1. She felt like she couldn’t breathe for a moment, but she swallowed hard and plastered a sweet smile on her face.

Chad acted as if it were the most normal thing in the world to embrace one of his former whores in front of his wife. Reina felt like someone had stabbed her in the heart as she watched them walk back to Chad's office.

Karenna stepped out of her office in time to see Reina blotting at the tears that had involuntarily escaped down her cheeks.

“Hey, Rei, what’s wrong?”

Reina sniffled. “Nothing.”

Karenna suspected nothing meant something and asked, “Where’s Chad?”

“Chad is in his office having a meeting with Alexandria Myers,” Reina answered curtly, as misery swam in her eyes.

Karenna looked puzzled for a moment, then remembered why the name sounded familiar.

“What the hell is she doing here?” Karenna asked rhetorically. “The severance package she received when her employment was terminated clearly stated that she was to have no further contact with Chad. He must be furious that she showed up out of the blue like this.”

“Oh, I don’t think he was furious at all. Alexandria had an appointment, and he came out to greet her.”

“What?” Karenna asked incredulously.

“It gets better. Chad hugged her and said it was lovely to see her.”

“What the actual fuck?”

“So, this kind of thing has never happened before? A former Office Whore showing up?”

“Never. I can’t imagine why she would be here. But I intend to find out!” Karenna said in a huff.

“No, please don’t,” Reina said sadly. “As much as I appreciate your wanting to help, he’s my husband and the father of my baby. I need to figure out how to handle him on my own.”

Karenna took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “You’re right. But it bugs me that he would meet with her and not even tell me.”

Reina nodded sadly. “I was so excited when I stopped into the daycare and heard he’d been in to check on Bella. My heart melted at the fact that he took the time to see his daughter. Now, I feel like I’ve been punched in the stomach. Maybe there is a logical reason for her being here, but he should have told me so that I wouldn’t feel blindsided.”

Karenna was frustrated but knew that Reina was right. Besides, Chad’s wife didn’t need anyone fighting her battles for her; she was a force to be reckoned with. Still, it pissed her off, too, that Chad never mentioned an appointment with his last Office Whore before Reina.

Nearly an hour had gone by when Chad and Alexandria emerged from his office. They were laughing and seemed very chummy. Reina felt sick to her stomach, wondering if Chad had hired her to fill the position open in accounting. She prayed he wasn’t that stupid.

After Alexandria left, Chad came over to Reina’s desk and said, “Hey, what would you say to us leaving early today? I’ve got a terrible craving for my hot little redheaded wife.”

“Oh?” Reina asked, trying to hold her temper. “Did your former blonde bore whore get you all worked up?”

If looks could kill, Chad would have been on the floor bleeding. He was rendered speechless by the daggers flying out of her eyes.

“No comment, Chad? That’s not like you. Surely, you have some sort of witty comeback or at least a reasonable explanation as to why I was subjected to the sight of you warmly embracing the woman who bounced up and down on your cock for several months.”

“Reina, keep your voice down, please,” Chad finally said. “If you’re going to make a scene, at least follow me to my office so we can discuss this privately.”

“I don’t think so,” she said through clenched teeth. “I’m going to go nurse my daughter.”

Reina walked off before anything else could be said, leaving Chad standing at her desk. Karenna popped her head out and said, “Hey, Chad, can I see you for a moment?”

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Chad was in no mood to be lectured by his office manager, but he followed her into her office anyway.

“Are you going to blow up at me too?” he asked curtly.

“Nope, Reina asked me not to. She said she needs to figure out how to handle you on her own, and I agree. I will, however, ask why you would take a meeting with a former employee whose severance package forbade her from entering the premises. What were you thinking?”

“I didn’t realize I needed your permission to handle business meetings. It turns out that Alexandria has started a firm of her own and is interested in doing business with us. It would be a major account and a huge money-making opportunity. I’d be an idiot to turn down this chance to make her a client.”

“If I can offer you a piece of advice, you should have told Reina what you were up to. Seeing you embrace a very slender, sexy former Office Whore while she is using every break that she has to nurse your daughter was a huge slap in the face,” Karenna said.

“If Reina came back to work too soon, that’s on her. I told her she doesn’t need to work at all,” Chad answered curtly.

Karenna blew out a long breath. “You’re missing my point, Chad. Your wife was blindsided by seeing you with Alexandria. If you had bothered to explain to Reina why you were meeting with your former lover, it might have been less hurtful.”

Chad frowned. “Alexandria is not my former lover. She was a woman who satisfied my sexual needs and did a little filing for us. I never had any feelings for her. So, why should my doing business with her be a problem? It’s not like we will see each other regularly. Once we get the contracts in place, I won’t see her any more than any other client.”

Karenna sighed. “You really don’t get it, do you?”

“Get what? That my wife is irrationally jealous of a woman who means nothing to me except a way to increase my company bottom line? The irony of Alexandria taking the money I gave her to start her own company and then paying my company for our services is just too incredible to pass up.”

“Again, I see why this opportunity intrigues you. But it’s your lack of communication that is the issue here.”

“I don’t need Reina’s permission to take on a new client!” Chad said gruffly.

“I agree,” Karenna said quietly. “But if you had at least informed her of your intentions, she wouldn’t have felt like you were doing something behind her back.”

“Oh, this is nonsense! I don’t have time for this. I’ll be in my office if you need me for anything.”

Chad stormed out of Karenna’s office. He was grateful that Reina wasn’t at her desk. He had no time to fight with her right now.

Back at his desk, Chad found himself unable to focus. He picked up the phone, dialed Reina’s number, and hoped that he could call her in under the guise of wanting her to perform a task. Then they could talk about things and work things out.

But Reina didn’t answer her phone. Chad stepped out of his office to see if she was at her desk and not taking his call on purpose. But she wasn’t there.

Perplexed, he headed to the nursery to check on Bella. When he got there, he stopped and watched while his wife lay their baby in the crib. He moved to join her, but he stopped in his tracks when Reina spoke.

“I know Daddy didn’t mean to hurt my feelings,” she whispered softly as she got Bella settled. “He just doesn’t understand that I’m feeling very self-conscious about my body and how I’m struggling to lose these last few pounds. Otherwise, I’m sure he would have been more sensitive to my feelings.”

Chad shifted his stance but remained quiet. He hadn’t realized that Reina felt that way. In his eyes, she was beautiful and sexy with her luscious curves, and it never occurred to him that she wouldn’t see herself the same way.

“I just wish he would have let me know ahead of time that he was meeting with a former…friend,” Reina said, careful to avoid words not meant for little ears.

Chad tried to decide whether to intrude on this moment and clear the air or to wait until they were home so he could show her. Choosing the latter, he quietly backed out of the room and returned to his office.


Chad and Reina headed home with Bella in tow when the workday was over. The ride was quiet, and Reina dozed a little. Her first day back had exhausted her, but part of that was his fault. Once the baby was down for the night, he vowed to make Reina understand that she was the only woman for him.

The conversation at dinner was awkward at best, with both of them avoiding any talk of Alexandria. However, the mood lightened considerably during Bella’s bath time, and Chad saw an opportunity to proposition his wife.

“Only you could make motherhood look so sexy,” he purred as he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

Reina stiffened for a second; then, she melted into him. She was tired of feeling angry, and he was clearly trying to fix things.

“Mmm, your arms feel good around me,” she sighed.

“I seem to recall promising my wife some oral sex tonight. Feel like spreading those legs for me once Bella’s asleep?”

Reina struggled with wanting to stay aloof and needing the kind of pleasure Chad was offering.

“I was planning to shower once she’s down. I am more exhausted than I thought I’d be.”

“Oh, well, sure,” Chad stammered. “I get it.”

Reina touched his hand with hers. “But I could use someone to help me wash my back.”

Chad’s heart lightened. She was inviting him into the shower. “If I can wash your front too, you’ve got a deal,” he teased.

Reina smiled weakly. “I suppose I could agree to that.”

As soon as they stepped into the shower, their hands roamed all over each other’s bodies. Tongues danced as the hot water rained down on them, as their passion ignited. His hands gripped her ass as his cock grew with desire for her.

“God, Reina, I can’t keep my hands off you. You’re so fucking sexy!” Chad moaned as he kissed a trail down her neck and stopped only when he’d reached her breasts. Taking a nipple into his mouth, he sucked gently before nibbling, eliciting moans of pleasure from Reina.

“Oh, God! Yes! I need you, Chad!” Reina begged. “Take me, please!”

“Not so fast,” Chad responded. “I have been thinking about feasting on that hot little pussy of yours all afternoon.”

He kneeled down as she parted her legs for him willingly. His tongue found its way to her hard little nub, and he quickly began to devour her. Her entire body hummed while he feasted on her nectar.

She grabbed onto his shoulders as he worked his magic, sending her over again and again. After several intense orgasms, she begged again, “Chad, please! Fuck me! I need you inside me!”

Happy to oblige her, he stood and lifted her. “Wrap your hands around my neck. I’m going to give you what you need, Reina.”

He pushed her back against the tile and plunged into her needy pussy with his thick, hard cock. He knew she needed to be taken hard and ravished. So, he pumped into her while telling her how hot and hard she made him.

“Thinking of your sweet little pussy made me stiff all damned day! You make me want to take you every way possible!”

She came hard, triggering his balls to tighten and let go, and he flooded her with his cum.

When they caught their breath, Chad set her down and proceeded to wash her hair. Reina grinned. “Ah, so this is a full-service shower,” she teased.

“I just want to take care of my wife the way she deserves,” he said as he lathered up her body with lavender shower gel.

He truly meant just to wash her body, but his fingers couldn’t resist the temptation to rub her clit till she climaxed again.


After the shower, Reina put on a silky black nightgown and got ready for bed. When she came into the bedroom, Chad was sitting on the bed waiting for her.

The lust in his eyes made her smile. “Don’t tell me you want more?” she teased.

“I always want more. But first, I need to apologize. I should have let you know that I was meeting with Alexandria. It was thoughtless of me to spring that on you without warning. I didn’t think about how seeing her would make you feel, and I am sorry. To be fair, part of my obtuseness comes from the fact that no one holds a candle to you, Reina. No woman on earth is as sexy and gorgeous as my wife. I love saying that -- my wife. I am the luckiest man on earth, and I need to do better to make you understand that no skinny blonde bore whore could possibly turn my head when I have a sexy, curvy redhead in my arms and bed.”

“Thank you,” Reina replied. “I understand it’s a good business move taking Alexandria on as a client. But imagine how I felt seeing her there, hugging you, while I’m still struggling to get all my baby weight off. My mind instantly went places that it shouldn’t have. And I am sorry for imagining the worst for a brief moment, but if you had given me a heads up, it would have gone a long way toward easing my mind.”

Chad looked into her eyes and realized that some things were worth more than a wealthy new client. “If it makes you unhappy, I can call her and tell her to take her business elsewhere. Your happiness means more to me than anything, Rei.”

She took in a deep breath and blew it out. “No, that’s silly. I just didn’t enjoy having her thrown in my face. I trust that it is only business; you’ve always been honest with me. It would be foolish not to take Alexandria on as a client. Just remember to be forthcoming about all of your dealings with her.”

“I promise to communicate better,” he said. “Now, how about we go to bed and get some rest. Then when Bella wakes us at two in the morning, you can feed her, and then I will ravage you in that sexy nightgown and fall back asleep until the alarm.”

“What a clever idea!” Reina said, grinning. She snuggled up next to Chad and let sleep take her, knowing that the more he had promised her would be waiting for her after the early morning feeding.

Written by techgoddess
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