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The Office Whore - Part 50

"Chad's been keeping a secret from Reina, and she starts to wonder if he no longer finds her sexy."

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Author's Notes

"I can't believe this is the 50th chapter of The Office Whore. Thank you to all of you who continue to read about Chad and Reina. I hope you enjoy this part."

Chad Stephens was a lucky man. He had a wife, a lover, and an Office Whore in his bed, and they were all the same woman. He watched her belly, very swollen with their child, rise and fall as she breathed.

She’d had a difficult time falling asleep last night because the baby had been awake and kicking up a storm.

“I swear this baby is trying to dance its way out of me lately,” Reina had joked last night.

So, he let her sleep a little longer. It was no hardship to watch her like this, all peaceful and glowing. Pregnancy had only made her more beautiful. Yes, he was a lucky man, indeed.

“Why are you staring at me?” she asked, her eyes still closed.

Chad laughed, “How do you know I am staring at you?”

“I can feel it,” she said, stretching her arms above her head.

“If you stretch like that, Mrs. Stephens, you’re going to give me naughty ideas,” Chad mused.

Reina smirked, “I like naughty ideas.”

Chad slid down under the covers between her legs and planted wet kisses on her inner thighs.

“Mm, don’t start something unless you mean to see it through,” she warned. He’d been a tentative lover lately, and she’d been left frustrated a few times by his well-intentioned but unnecessary concern over the fact that she was in her third trimester. Even vanilla sex had started to become a rare treat. She just didn’t want him giving her false hope if he didn’t intend to follow through.

He looked up at her, the covers over his head like a veil, and gave her a goofy grin. Then disappeared under the sheets again and began to devour her. God, it felt so good!

His tongue explored every tender pink fold while his fingers dipped inside to draw out some of her sweet honey. Once coated, those fingers began to play with her rosebud until they slid into her ass, opening it up, causing her to gasp.

His teeth set about the task of nibbling on her clit, and within minutes, she was writhing and panting. He felt her arch and shudder, and then she exploded in his mouth.

“Mm, you taste so fucking good, Reina!” Chad moaned.

“God, that was exactly what I needed! Thank you so much! At least let me return the favor,” she said, grinning.

“Later,” he said, surprising her. “My stomach is growling. I’m going to go make us some breakfast.”

“Oh, okay,” she said. She supposed she was hungry too. But it was unlike Chad to turn down oral pleasure. In fact, she couldn’t recall a time when he’d put off one of her amazing blow jobs unless he were busy at work.

When she came down to the breakfast table, she saw him texting someone. He seemed oblivious to the fact that she had even entered the room.

“Earth to Chad!” she said, trying to sound like she was teasing and not annoyed.

“Oh, sorry, baby,” he said absent-mindedly.

“It’s fine. Is breakfast ready?” she asked.

He looked at her like a deer in the headlights, “Breakfast?”

“Yeah, you know. You were so hungry that you turned down a blow job so you could come down and make us breakfast,” she said, unable to hide her irritation now.

“Oh, gosh, of course,” he said. But his attention was on his phone again.

“Never mind,” Reina said curtly. “I’ll make breakfast.”

Chad looked up from his cell, “Oh, thanks, babe!” But he was too preoccupied to notice the hurt in her eyes.

She looked down at her belly, quite swollen with pregnancy, and figured he just didn’t find her sexy right now. At least he’d been considerate and made her cum this morning.

She made some scrambled eggs and toast and set Chad’s on the table before him. He was texting again and didn’t seem to notice that food had just been placed in front of him. Reina didn’t have the emotional energy to deal with whatever was going on with him. So, she just sat down across from him and ate her breakfast in silence.

When she finished, Chad had barely touched his food. Annoyed but unwilling to start an argument, she cleared her dishes and left him sitting alone.

His inattentiveness was not the only thing bugging her. He’d been acting odd and secretive lately, and it was starting to grate on her nerves. What bothered her the most was that he’d been so completely enamored with her for the first and second trimesters. He had doted on her but also kept his promise about continuing to enjoy lighter BDSM with her.

But recently, it was like pulling teeth most of the time to get him to even touch her. There were a few exceptions, like this morning’s delightful oral treat, but normally if she didn’t bring it up, he didn’t either.

She spent the rest of the morning reading the books about newborns that she’d gotten at her baby shower the week before. After a while, she thought about grabbing one of her erotic novels from her bookshelf but figured it would get her aroused, and she wasn’t at all sure if she could depend on Chad to be interested. She could always masturbate, but that felt weird to do so with Chad somewhere else in the house.

While she was excited about the baby, she missed being tied up and spanked. It had been weeks since they played in the attic dungeon. And now, with Chad acting strange, her only conclusion was that he had lost interest in her sexually.

She went looking for Chad in the house and found him asleep on the couch. Reina sighed. She grabbed a blanket to put over him and saw a text notification pop up on his phone, which was on the coffee table. It was from a number she didn’t recognize.

Hey, I’m looking forward to later. Does she suspect anything?

Reina’s heart hurt, and she felt like she couldn’t breathe. Now at least she knew why Chad was acting so secretive. Obviously, something was going on between him and someone else. She thought about waking him up, but she was too miserable to confront him. She left him sleeping and went upstairs to curl up on the bed. She felt a good cry coming on, and she sure as hell didn’t want to do it in front of Chad.

An hour later, Chad found her on the bed surrounded by tissues. Had she been crying? He sighed. Her moods were all over the place lately. He knew he was partly at fault. She was craving sex even more with the pregnancy hormones running rampant. But he just worried about hurting the baby at this point.

“Hey, baby, are you okay?” he asked softly. He went to put his hand on her shoulder, and she pulled away. He sighed. She was clearly not okay. Maybe he should reschedule what he had planned later.

“Look, I’m sorry about breakfast. I was a little preoccupied,” he said.

“A little?” she asked sarcastically. Although she felt like she couldn’t have any more tears left, she could feel herself on the verge again.

“Reina, talk to me,” he urged. “Tell me what has you so miserable.”

She shook her head. She felt humiliated and wondered how long he had been sneaking around behind her back.

“Rei, I’m sorry if I have said or done anything to hurt you. But it would help if you would talk to me,” Chad said quietly.

She felt fury rise through her entire being. She sat up and looked him in the eyes, “Oh, would it help you, Chad?”

He inhaled sharply. But if he were honest, he would prefer a shouting match over her forlorn silence.

“Do you have some plans later that you forgot to tell me about?” she asked, tears welling up in her eyes.

“What are you talking about?” he asked.

“I’m talking about the fact that someone is looking forward to spending time with you tonight and asked if I suspected anything!” she shouted.

“You looked at my phone?” he asked. Immediately he realized that was the wrong thing to say.

“It was sitting on the coffee table. I noticed a text message coming in while you were sleeping on the couch. I was about to cover you up with a blanket,” she said, tears streaming down now. “I know I’m not sexy anymore, but I didn’t think you’d go behind my back!”

“Go behind your back?” he asked incredulously. She couldn’t have said anything more hurtful. “If you don’t trust me by now, Reina, then what the fuck are we doing here?”

“You never want to have sex with me anymore; you’ve been acting odd. What the hell am I supposed to think?” she cried.

“You’re supposed to think you’re extremely pregnant, and your husband is trying to be kind,” he yelled, feeling frustrated. “And we had sex this morning, which I did initiate, so I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“No, Chad, we didn’t have sex. You ate my pussy and then refused a blow job. Maybe that is considered normal for other couples, but it’s not for us,” she said, trying to bring her temper and her voice to a calmer level. “And you still didn’t tell me why someone is looking forward to later and asked if I suspected anything.”

“Reina, besides my stupidity very early on in our relationship, have I ever given you cause to doubt me?” he asked somberly.

“No,” she admitted.

“Then why would you assume I would do anything to hurt you now?” he asked.

“You are hurting me, Chad!” Reina cried. “You think I haven’t heard you masturbating in the bathroom after you’ve told me you’re too tired for sex? Are you having phone sex with someone? Do you find me so fat and unattractive that you’d rather stroke your own cock than slide into my pussy?”

“Okay, fine!” Chad yelled. “I’ve been trying to be the kind and caring husband. I don’t want to do anything to hurt the baby. So, sue me for trying to be a good guy!”

“The doctor said sex is absolutely fine! Do you suddenly know more than the medical expert now?” she was exasperated. “And you have conveniently avoided answering my questions. Are you having an affair?”

“Your lack of trust hurts like a fucking knife, Reina!” he yelled. “I’ve done nothing to deserve that.”

“A simple yes or no is all I am asking for,” she said.

“You shouldn’t need to hear the words; you should trust me, but no, I’m not having an affair,” he said bitterly. “I’m sorry if I’ve been masturbating, but I feel like I’m banging into the baby’s head when I fuck you, and it made me worried.”

“That doesn’t explain why you have been turning down oral sex. My mouth isn’t pregnant!” she felt her hurt shifting to anger.

“Okay, fine, I’m worried about getting carried away. What if, in the heat of the moment, I lodge my cock in your throat and cut off your air for too long? I know you can handle that, but what will it do to the baby?” he blurted out, revealing his fears.

Her anger softened, “So, all of this is about not hurting the baby? You should have talked to me. Instead, you’ve made me feel like I’m undesirable and crazy.”

“I’m sorry, Reina, I just…this is just uncharted territory for me. I love you so much, and I’d never forgive myself if I hurt you or the baby because of my sexual needs,” he admitted.

Reina was quiet for a moment. When she finally spoke, she asked one more time, “Who is the person who texted you, and what are they looking forward to?”

“I know how much your back has been hurting. A friend of Gemma’s is training to be a massage therapist with a specialty in pregnancy massage. I arranged for her to come here as a surprise for you. Her name is Sally, and she needs hours of practice and was excited when I arranged for her to come over and get some time in. If you enjoyed it, I planned on having her come over once or twice a week. I didn’t tell you because I just wanted to do something special for you. You’re always doing thoughtful, special things for me. I just wanted to be the one to surprise you for a change,” he said.

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Reina burst into tears, “I feel so stupid! I’m so sorry. I’m just a mass of moodiness, and I had no right to accuse you of doing something wrong.”

“Hey, you’re not stupid. I should have realized you’d catch on that I was up to something. I just never figured you’d think I’d be unfaithful,” he said. “But all of this could have been avoided if I had just talked to you about it. So, I guess we’re both a little at fault here.”

She nodded and wiped her tears away with the back of her hand. Chad looked at her and saw a million emotions all over her face. He drew her into his arms and held her close.

“I love you, Reina. I know these emotions and hormones are temporary and that they are harder on you than they are on me,” he said, hoping to soothe her.

“I love you, too, Chad,” she said, pressing her cheek against his chest. She could hear his heartbeat and found it very calming. “Is she still coming?”

He smiled, “Yes, she is. She will be here at 3:00 P.M. I figured after that, you and I can have dinner and spend the evening relaxing.”

“Oh, that sounds really nice,” she said as she held onto him for another minute. Being in his arms felt so nice.

When Sally, the masseuse, arrived, Chad had her set up her table in one of the guest rooms. Then he brought Reina into the room and kissed her softly. “Enjoy the massage, baby.”

Chad went down into the living room and sent Gemma a text.

Thank you for helping me get in touch with your friend. I hope that it helps Reina. She’s so wound up that she thought I was cheating on her. She really needs this massage.

Gemma smiled and replied.

My pleasure, Chad. Glad to help.

As he went to put his phone down, he saw another text come in. This one was from Karenna.

What Reina really needs is for her Master to take her into the dungeon and use her like a slut. Then maybe she won’t think her husband has lost interest in her.

Chad frowned. Had he created some of Reina’s anxiety by not meeting her need to be dominated? Had his effort to be careful with his very pregnant wife made her feel undesirable? He felt so conflicted.

Upstairs, Sally was busy kneading away the knots. The massage was so relaxing that Reina dozed off a few times.

“How do you feel?” Sally asked when she was done.

“Like my bones have turned to noodles,” Reina laughed. “It feels wonderful!”

“I’m so glad,” Sally said. “I’m going to call Chad in to help you off the massage table. Just relax for a moment or two longer.”

Chad helped Reina sit up and then get down carefully. As her body pressed against his, he felt her heartbeat quicken. He had intended to take her to bed and make love to her, but he changed his mind. Karenna was right. He’d been neglecting his wife’s need to be a submissive little slut, and it was time he fixed that.

“Sally, do you need any help getting the table to your car?” he asked, suddenly wanting her out of the house so he could take his wife up to the attic dungeon.

“No, thanks, I’m good,” she answered.

After she was gone, Chad looked at Reina and said, “Strip off that robe, slut.”

Reina giggled, thinking he was kidding. But she realized he was serious when he put her collar around her neck and attached her leash. She slid the robe off as he had commanded and lowered her gaze.

“You’re such a good girl,” he praised her. “Don’t kneel. I want you upstairs so I can show you who owns you.”

She felt herself go damp and said, “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

Chad took her leash in his hand and led her up to the third level. “I’ve been a neglectful Master,” he said. “I intend to remedy that tonight.”

When they entered the room filled with contraptions and sex toys of every variety, he guided her over to an area where he could restrain her with her hands over her head. He used the sash from her robe instead of rope, remembering what the doctor had suggested months ago.

Reina said nothing, but her body language gave away her obvious pleasure. She was trembling just a little, from desire not cold, and her eyes fluttered ever so slightly.

“Look at my slutty little Office Whore, knocked up by her boss that uses her for his pleasure,” he said, setting the tone of the session for her. “You enjoy being the boss’s whore, don’t you, slut?”

She nodded. Chad stared at her breasts as he watched her nipples harden just from the way he was speaking to her. God, he’d been such an idiot not to see what she truly needed. He moved his hand between her legs and slid a finger along her slit before pushing it into her slowly.

She shivered and moaned as Chad moved that finger in and out of her slick, swollen pussy.

“Does that feel good?” he asked, getting behind her and pressing his fully erect cock against her. “Does my pregnant whore need more?”

“Mm-hmm,” she pleaded softly.

He slid a second finger in to join the first one and fucked her with them, causing her to squirm. But when he felt her getting close to climaxing, he pulled his hand away and smacked her ass sharply.

She moaned and said, “More, please, Sir. I need to be spanked.”

“I’m happy to indulge you, my sweet little slut,” he said. Then he used his hand to spank her ass, alternating terse smacks on one butt cheek and then the other. He spanked her again and again till her ass was rosy red.

He looked at her face and saw tears in her eyes. Alarmed, he asked, “Was that too much, baby?”

She shook her head, “No, it’s what I’ve needed for so long.”

He made a mental note to thank Karenna for suggesting this visit to the attic. Then he said, “As much as I like seeing your slutty body restrained like that, I need to release you.”

She looked disappointed for a moment before he added, “I need you in a better position to suck my cock.”

He released her hands and led her over to the couch. He took off his jeans and sat down, placing a pillow at his feet for Reina to kneel on. She grinned, took his cock in her hands, and licked the tip seductively.

He lifted her chin so he could look into her eyes, “You offered me a blow job earlier, and I’m ready to feed you my cock. Remember the first time you knelt before me like this? Remember how you blew my cock and my mind at the same time? I will remember that time for the rest of my life.”

She grinned proudly. Then she looked up at him wantonly while she made his dick disappear into her talented mouth.

“Oh, fuck, Reina! No one sucks cock like you!” he exclaimed as he leaned back against the couch and let her perform her magic.

While her mouth entertained his prick, her hands were doing things to his balls and anus that were indescribably erotic. She continued to suck and play while he felt his eyes roll back into his head. What she was doing was probably illegal in some countries, he mused.

He tried to hold back, but Reina was taking him into her throat. He opened his eyes and looked at her, “Reina, you need to squeeze my hand if you can’t breathe, okay?”

She nodded; she would do as he asked and not take any chances for the sake of the baby. But she knew she was fine. She devoured his shaft, licking and sucking, swirling and throating, driving him mad.

He couldn’t help it; he grabbed two handfuls of her long, red hair and pushed himself all the way into her throat. Her moans vibrating on his rod as he moved in and out pushed him right over the edge.

“Oh, fuck, Reina!” he cried out as his cock exploded and he fed her his seed.

She swallowed every drop and climbed up onto the couch to be next to him. Then she whispered into his ear, “Find a dildo to fuck me with; I need to be filled up so badly.”

He grinned, “My little Office Whore needs cock in her cunt, does she?”

Reina nodded vigorously.

“Well, if I’m not mistaken, I’m the one who calls the shots,” he said in a chastising voice. “No worries, slut, your cunt will get filled. But it’s going to have to wait until I’m hard again.”

He went over to the wall of impact play implements and grabbed a crop. “I think this will do nicely,” he said wickedly. “Spread those legs for me, whore. I need to punish your sassiness with my crop on your cunt.”

He didn’t have to spend much time spanking her pussy. Watching the black leather strike her bare mound and her glistening labia made his cock hard again in no time. He took her by the hand, stood her up, and led her over to the bed.

Then he removed her leash and said, “I want to make love to my wife.”

Reina smiled and said, “I need you inside me, Chad. I need you to show me that you still find me desirable.”

He pulled her on top of him, so she could guide the pace, and made sweet, passionate love to her. She came in rolling waves of orgasms that left her panting. He rolled her on her back, scooted her to the edge of the bed, and tucked a pillow under her lower back for support. Then he lifted and spread her legs so he could enter her again.

Slow, steady thrusts brought her over the edge, again and again. When he could hold back no longer, he pulled out and came on her belly and her tits. She was grinning seductively as she scooped up some of his seed and licked it off her fingers.

“Fuck! You’re so erotic and sexy, baby!” he said as he got back on the bed next to her. “What the fuck is wrong with your husband that he made you wait so long for what you needed?” he teased.

“He’s a great guy,” she teased back. “But sometimes he gets in his own way when it comes to me. I think I throw him off his game. It’s been like that from the very start. He didn’t mean to fall in love with me, but he couldn’t help it.”

He looked into her eyes, “How could I help but fall in love with you, Reina? You’re my everything.”

She kissed the tip of his nose and said, “You’re my everything too, Chad. Thank you so much for knowing exactly what I needed tonight.”

When he got an odd look on his face, she added, “Even if Karenna had to remind you what that was.”

“How did you know that?” he asked.

“Because I texted her and told her to remind you,” Reina giggled.

“You’re clever, Mrs. Stephens,” he laughed. “I sometimes wonder if you’re truly my submissive or if you’re calling the shots. I can’t say that I mind, after this extremely satisfying evening.”

“You’re the clever one, Mr. Stephens,” she said. “You were wise enough to listen to the advice of your best friend.”

He suddenly looked earnest. “Yes, but she’s not my best friend anymore, Reina. You are.”

Reina felt a little misty-eyed and incredibly loved. Then, suddenly, the baby kicked, making both of them laugh.

“I’d say she approves,” Reina said.

“Yes, he does,” Chad replied.

When they got up from the bed, Reina’s stomach rumbled loudly.

“Either the baby has learned to growl, or you’re starving,” Chad teased. “How about I make up for not making you breakfast by cooking dinner for you?”

“That sounds amazing,” Reina said. Then she felt a twinge in her belly.

“Are you okay, Rei?” Chad asked, looking concerned.

“Yes, just another Braxton-Hicks contraction. Nothing to worry about; they are very normal,” she said as the tightness passed. “And, no, you did not cause it, so don’t even go there.”

He nodded, but he would worry anyway. However, he’d keep it to himself so he didn’t risk annoying her again.

He’d never worried about anyone before Reina. Love was a strange and wonderful thing.

Written by techgoddess
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