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The Office Whore - Part 33

"Chad begs Reina not to leave him..."

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Author's Notes

"I had to rewrite this chapter after losing the original one in a corrupt file incident. I hope I did this part justice and that you enjoy!"

Reina was feeling more than a little stressed as she packed a suitcase. She couldn’t stay with Chad. It was wrong and they both knew it. So, she made arrangements to stay with Karena tonight.

Chad walked into the room and looked like a child whose puppy had run away. “I guess I should have expected this,” he said quietly. “I just didn’t think that you’d really leave me.”

“We’ve already discussed this,” she said forcing a smile, even though her anxiety level was climbing. She didn’t want to forget anything and dealing with his feelings was distracting at the moment.

“But I’m going to be so lonely without you here,” Chad pouted.

“It’s not forever,” she promised.

“It’s going to seem like forever,” he said, aching to put his arms around her, but trying desperately to give her the space she obviously needed.

Reina sighed. She supposed it would seem like forever to Chad. She stopped packing for a moment and crossed the room to him. Then she put her arms around him and held him close, whispering in his ear, “I love you. But this is something I feel very adamant about. You will survive, I promise. The next woman you fuck will be a married woman.”

“What if I can’t wait till then?” he said, nuzzling her neck.

“Surely even you can check your libido for one night,” she laughed.

“Stay with me Reina, I don’t understand what the big deal is,” he complained playfully.

“It’s bad luck for the bride and groom to see each other on their wedding day before the ceremony. I know that seems silly to you, but you promised to humor me on this. Besides, it will make you want me even more on our wedding night,” she murmured, feeling herself become more aroused by the way his hands started roaming over her body. He was definitely making her forget all about the fact she was supposed to be packing.

“I couldn’t possibly want you more than I do right now,” he said as he pulled her with him into the chair and kissed up and down her neck.

He ran his hand up inside her shirt and undid her bra, and found a tender, hardened nipple begging to be pinched and twisted.

She moaned softly, “I guess we have time for a quickie, but then I really have to finish packing! Karena is picking me up in an hour.”

“That leaves me plenty of time to ravish you,” he moaned, lifting her shirt over her head and lowering his head to feast on her full, round breasts.

Reina’s head leaned back as her eyes closed. “God, baby, you know how to make me forget that anything exists besides you and me in the world. Take off your pants, I wanna suck your cock and then ride it hard.”

“Well, aren’t you the demanding little slut? What if I said no and told you to get packing?” he teased.

Then she dipped her tongue in his ear and grabbed hold of his bulge and whispered, “I can wait if you can.”

Chad answered by lifting her off his lap and carrying her over to the bed where he tossed her playfully and said, “Not a chance!”

He held both her arms over her head on the bed and then kissed, teased, nibbled, and probed her body until she was giddy with lust. “God, baby, please fuck me!” Reina begged.

“What happened to wanting to suck my cock?” he mused, raising an eyebrow.

“Well I can’t very well suck you with my arms pinned, can I?” she asked.

“I’d argue that you don’t need your hands to suck me, but we both know how much I love what you do with those hands while my dick enjoys your mouth and throat,” he said seductively.

Chad released her arms, rolled over on his back and said, “Task One, Miss Kelly!”

Reina batted her eyelashes in a feigned attempt to look innocent and said, “Oh, Mr. Stephens! You want me to put that giant cock in my mouth?”

Chad laughed, “You’re adorable! Even the first time as my Office Whore, you didn’t act innocent or surprised. Tell me what was going through your mind the first time you saw my cock?”

“Honestly? When your cock sprang out of your pants, I was a little panicked! I’d never seen a dick that large, not that I’d seen very many, and I just told myself in my head, ‘You can do this Reina!’ Then once I tasted it, I just wanted to devour it!” Reina laughed.

Chad laughed too, “And devour it you did! Holy fuck, no woman had ever made me come that fast with a blow job. I say this not to hurt you, but I had more blow jobs than I can count before you, but not one of them stands out in my mind. But I will never, as long as I live, forget how you made me feel that very first time with you.”

Thinking back to that first time made Reina smile too. “Most women might be a little put out at their fiancé bringing up other women the day before their wedding, but coming from you, it actually sounds romantic. Just promise me that you won’t mention that in your wedding vows!” she teased.

“I should spank you for even thinking I’d bring up sex in our wedding vows!” Chad admonished her jokingly.

“We don’t have time for a spanking, a blow job, and some wild sex. Pick something and let’s get started before we run out of time,” she urged.

His reply came in the form of him rolling over, so he was now on top of her instead of the other way around. Then he whispered hoarsely, “I’m going to fuck my slutty little Office Whore.”

Reina moaned as he slid inside of her, opening her tight, wet hole with his big, thick cock. She arched her back to accommodate his length as he pushed himself slowly, but completely into her.

“You like that cock in you, don’t you, my little slut? You want me to fuck you hard and fast and deep,” he said in a low, sexy growl.

“God, yes! Please fuck me, Chad! I need you to use your Office Whore like a dirty little slut!” Reina was panting already, the sound of his voice, combined with the way he penetrated her, was driving her wild.

“That’s right, you’re MY little slut, my whore to play with and fuck and use. You’ll take my cock in whatever hole I want, and you’ll beg for it, won’t you baby?” Chad said, picking up the pace of his thrusts.

“Yes, oh my God, yes, please keep fucking me, using me, owning me!” Reina called out as she met every thrust.

“God, you little whore, you get me so hot so fast. I’m gonna fucking cum inside your tight little cunt!” Chad grunted as he continued to ram his rigid pole inside her dripping wet pussy.

“OH, FUCK YEAH!” they both cried out as they came together, Chad exploding inside her, while the spasms of her intense orgasm milked his cock of every drop.

They collapsed together on the bed, hearts pounding loudly, with raspy, panting breaths, both feeling sated, content, and loved.

They laid there for a while, just enjoying being in each other’s arms, until Chad broke the silence.

“Thank you,” he whispered, making her giggle.

“Oh no, thank YOU,” she said back.

‘I love you so much, Reina. I can’t imagine my life without you. I know it’s silly that I made a big deal over missing you tonight, but I can’t help it. You make my world complete and even one night apart will seem like an eternity,” he said as he turned to look into her eyes.

“I love you too, Chad, more than I could ever imagine loving anyone. I just want everything to be perfect. It may seem silly that I am being superstitious, but it means a lot to me. I’m going to miss you tonight too,” she said, kissing him on the tip of his nose.

That made him smile. That simple, sweet act was one of the first ways she’d inadvertently let him know that she had feelings for him. It was amazing to think that there was even a time that existed that he was afraid to love her. He was so thankful that she never gave up on him.

She rolled off the bed to head for the shower. She’d need to hurry now if she was going to be ready before Karena came to pick her up. She saw Chad about to follow her in and said, “Nope, uh-uh, you need to wait until I’m done. I know you, mister. You can’t keep your paws to yourself in the shower with me.”

“But, darling, you love it when I put my paws all over you,” he grinned.

“Yes, I do, but if I give in anymore, Karena will be here and then I’ll have to admit to her that I gave in, just like she said I would,” she laughed.

Chad pouted like a little boy, but he behaved and let her shower by herself.

Later that night at Karena’s place, Reina started to think back over all of the ups and downs she and Chad had while they worked at finding their way to each other.

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“Earth to Reina, do you want some more wine or not?” Karena joked, having asked a couple of times while the bride-to-be seemed to be mentally miles away.

“Oh, gosh, I’m sorry,” Reina said. “Yes, I would love some more wine, but this is the last glass. I want to have a clear head for tomorrow.”

Karena poured more wine for both of them and sat down on the couch next to Reina. “So, when can you guys move into the new house?”

Reina sipped her wine, “Chad said we can move in the weekend after we get back from the honeymoon. He figured that would give us time to pack since we are taking two weeks off but will only be gone a week. I wish he would tell me where we are going. All he says is I’m going to love it.”

Karena nodded, “Hard to imagine him not making the honeymoon an amazing spot. You’ve turned him into a true romantic. That’s a good thing, by the way.”

Reina looked at Karena and got serious for a moment, “Hey, I don’t think I ever properly thanked you for hiring me, supporting me, believing in me, going to bat for me, and helping me to see that Chad is the love of my life. I feel very honored that you think I’m good enough to be marrying your best friend.”

Karena giggled, “I was always afraid he’d fall for one of the Bore Whores and be married and divorced by now. It should be me thanking you for saving him. Honestly, I got tired of the parade of blonde amazons with their fake smiles, fake boobs, and fake orgasms!”

Reina wrinkled her nose, “Fake orgasms? How could anyone need to fake an orgasm with Chad?”

Karena just sighed, “Oh sweetie, Chad never gave a fuck about making sure any of his whores came. I mean it was fine if they did, but it was also fine if they didn’t or if they pretended to. He knew, by the way, that’s why he added the rule about the Slut not being allowed to self-stimulate on company time.”

“What about when you were part of a Task Nine, did they fake it with you?” Reina asked.

“I imagine a few did. I honestly didn’t care if they had an orgasm or not either. The point of my being there was because Chad admitted that seeing two women get it on made his cock hard. So, I participated when he wanted me to for his sake, not for mine.”

“You really do love him don’t you, Karena?” Reina asked earnestly.

“Yes, I do. Why else would I, a lesbian, sleep with him for three months before finally admitting to him that I preferred pussy?” Karena laughed. “Although if anyone could have converted me, it should have been him. I never had to fake it with him.”

Karena figured she should change the subject before it got awkward, but Reina was grinning.

“You know most people would find this conversation awkward, so what are you grinning at?” she asked Reina.

“Well, first I’m not most people. Second, how can I not feel a little proud of the fact that the man I’m about to marry made a lesbian cum?”

Karena laughed, “Girl, how much wine have you had?”

“Enough that I should probably stop,” Reina giggled. “Because if I drink much more, I’m probably gonna want to have sex with you and I bet that’s a big no-no on the night before my wedding.”

Karena leaned in and kissed Reina full on the mouth. Instead of pulling away like she should have, Reina allowed the kiss to deepen until their tongues were dancing furiously, causing both women to feel panty-dampening desire. Karena took this as a sign that it was okay to go further, and she reached down to rub Reina’s pussy. Reina moaned before coming to her senses and pulling away.

Reina blurted out, “I’m sorry, I can’t do this. WE can’t do this. It’s not right. It’s different when it’s…”

“It’s fine,” Karena interrupted. “I was out of line. I think we both had more wine than we meant to and should probably call it a night.”

“Karena,” Reina said, “I really want to have that threesome that we missed out on. Does that make me a slut?”

“No,” Karena grinned, “it makes you the perfect Office Whore! Now go to bed! You’re getting married tomorrow!”

The next day, Reina stood inside the little area of The Tea Garden designated as the Bride’s Room and looked in the mirror. She felt a little like a fairy princess in her wedding gown that was a lovely shade of pink with roses. She’d opted to leave her hair down and curly, knowing that, in a few moments, Chad would be unable to resist touching it. Her makeup was done to accentuate her eyes, but she left her freckles visible, as they were part of the face that he loved. She wore the diamond studs in her ears that Chad had given to her for her birthday.

Karena stepped into the room and said, “Wow! You look amazing! I just wanted to let you know that the ceremony is about to begin. When you hear the music begin, that’s your cue to walk up those stairs and go stand next to the luckiest man on Earth. I know he wouldn’t dare, but if Chad ever hurts you, I want first dibs!”

Reina hugged her friend and said, “Thank you! Now, let’s get this wedding started. I can’t wait to be Mrs. Stephens!”

When Reina reached the top of the stairs, Chad’s breath hitched a little and his heart skipped a beat. There she was, his Reina, his deliciously wicked Office Whore, and the delightfully refined love of his life. As she walked toward him, they never took their eyes off each other, and by the time she reached him and he took her hands in his, he realized there was nothing else he needed in the world as long as she was in it.

When it was time for the vows, the officiant announced to the guests that Chad and Reina had written their own vows. He invited Chad to begin.

Chad cleared his throat and, having memorized his vows, spoke from the heart, “Reina, from the moment I met you, you changed my life. You took this broken man, picked up all my pieces, and put me back together again. In the beginning, I didn’t realize I loved you, then I was afraid to love you, then I thought I was just plain unworthy of being loved by you. Any other woman would have given up on me. But you stayed, and you chipped away at the wall that I tried so hard to keep standing between us. You have the most forgiving heart of anyone I’ve ever met. I love you so much and I can’t wait to spend my life with you and grow old together. You make me whole. I promise I will be faithful to you always and I will love you and cherish you forever.”

Reina wiped a tear away from his cheek and then professed her vows to him, “Chad, I loved you from the moment I first laid eyes on you. You had a tough exterior, but inside you beat the heart of a caring, passionate man. You tried hard not to love me and we both did our share of misunderstanding each other along the way. Even after you admitted you had feelings for me, you told me that you couldn’t give me happily ever after. Yet here we stand, and you are about to do exactly that. You make me feel like I’m the only woman in the world when I am with you. You make me feel safe, loved, and desired. I wouldn’t give up because we were meant to be together. Once you realized I wasn’t going anywhere, you placed your trust in me and let me heal your heart. What I didn’t understand, until recently, is that you healed mine as well. I love you, Chad, with everything that I am. I can’t wait to spend every day of the rest of my life with you. I promise to be faithful to you always and I will love you and cherish you forever.”

After the exchange of vows and rings, the newlyweds shared a romantic tender kiss. Then, unbeknownst to the guests, Chad whispered in Reina’s ear, “I can’t wait to rip your panties off later.”

Reina laughed and whispered back, “That might be difficult, because your little Office Whore doesn’t have any on!”

Chad hurried his new bride down the aisle so that no one would notice the raging hard-on he was now sporting.

“I suppose it would be bad manners to leave before dinner, Mrs. Stephens?” he asked playfully.

Reina just shook her head and laughed again, “You’re incorrigible, Mr. Stephens! But I promise I’ll be worth the wait.”

Chad looked into her incredibly blue eyes while his fingers toyed with her red, silky curls, “You always are, baby. Come on, let’s go enjoy our party. There will be plenty of time later to fuck you like an animal.”

They walked into the reception area and, when the guests started clinking their glasses, they made several of them blush with a deeply erotic kiss! Reina blushed too, and suddenly wished she had panties on to soak up her juices that were already starting to drip down the inside of her thighs.

Chad just grinned, as if reading her mind. Then he bent down to whisper in her ear, “I am one lucky son of a bitch. I just married the world’s best Office Whore and I can’t wait to taste that pussy that I am sure is already drenched!”

Written by techgoddess
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