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The Office Whore - Part 26

"It's time for Chad to grow up..."

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Author's Notes

"I apologize for taking so long with this part, but I've been really ill. I hope it was worth the wait!"

Chad leaned against his car fighting tears. We need to talk; Reina’s note had said. But he wasn’t even sure where she was. She’d left the office looking angry and miserable, and he’d been the cause of that.

His first instinct had been that she was being unreasonable for being upset. After all, she didn’t even bother to let him explain that he truly hadn’t been watching the video of Svetlana or Clarissa or, truth be told he couldn’t remember which blonde Office Whore that had been on his computer screen. He really had been watching a video of Reina and it sucked being falsely accused!

Then he thought about what Karenna has said. Why were those videos still on his computer? Why hadn’t he deleted all of them?

He’d like to argue that he had simply forgotten about them. But shouldn’t it have occurred to him? He just couldn’t come up with a reasonable reason for why he’d let this part of his past continue to live on his computer.

Was he truly not ready to commit to Reina, like Karenna had suggested? Or was he subconsciously trying to sabotage the best thing that had ever happened to him?

Or, maybe, he was just doomed to be a dumbass and continue to hurt the woman he loved by being so thoughtless.

Whatever the reason, he needed to find her and at least try to make things right.

He tried her cellphone, but it went straight to voicemail. So, he drove home, praying she was there.

While he drove, he thought about what Karenna has said about stealing Reina away months ago. Could she have? Would Reina have preferred being with her over him? God, what was this awful churning in his stomach?

When he arrived home, he found her in the bedroom, packing a suitcase. Oh my God, was she leaving him?

“Reina! Please, let me explain what happened,” Chad begged, his voice filled with emotion. “I know this sounds like a lie, but I really was watching a video of you. Then afterward, my computer was updating and must had restarted with the next file for some reason. I thought what you were seeing was me getting an amazing blowjob from you. Do you actually think I’m shitty enough to have watched a video of someone else and then bragged about it?”

“Honestly, it’s not even that I now have the vision of your cock in some blonde whore’s mouth that bothers me most,” Reina said. “After all, I’ve seen some of the other videos in the past when I first became your Office Whore. It’s the fact that you apparently feel the need to have those videos on your computer still. Am I not enough for you, Chad?”

“I don’t know why I never deleted the other videos. I thought about that on the drive home. I guess it just never occurred to me. Many of them have been there for so long, I can’t remember what they look like at this point. I didn’t leave them there to hurt you,” he said earnestly.

“I know,” Reina answered sadly. “That’s the thing, you never mean to hurt me. Which almost makes it worse. That you can hurt me so casually, without even trying to, scares me, Chad. I love you, and I know you love me. But I don’t know if love is enough.”

“I never knew how to love before you, Reina,” Chad answered solemnly. “I know that’s not a good excuse for my being an idiot, but it is my reality. I feel like I’ve learned so much about love in the past year. You don’t have to marry me, at least not right away, but please don’t give up on me, Reina. I need you in my life. You asked if you weren’t enough for me, but it’s completely the opposite. I’m not enough for you. And it scares me to think that you have finally figured that out and are ready to just walk away.”

“Walk away?” Reina asked, confused. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m angry and hurt, but I love you and I’ve got too much time and energy invested in this relationship to walk away.”

“Then why are you packing?” Chad asked, his turn to be surprised.

“Did you read the rest of the note?” she asked.

“No. I felt like I was going to throw up when I saw the words, we need to talk, and I just wanted to get home as quickly as possible. I was afraid I would get home and you’d be gone,” Chad admitted.

Reina felt her heart break just a little. Did he really think she would just leave him? She had chosen to love this broken man and had said yes to his proposal. Didn’t that mean for better or for worse? He hadn’t done anything wrong besides be a major dumb ass.

“Read the rest of the note,” Reina said softly. “I’m going to go grab my sweater from the laundry room.”

As she left the room, she stopped and touched Chad’s hand with hers. Then she left him alone to finish the note.

He opened the letter tentatively. He felt ill again. But she had said she wasn’t going to walk away, so he hoped for the best as he read it.


We need to talk. I took an Uber home because I needed time to think. I love you, and I know you love me. I realize you had a poor role model of what it is supposed to look like when a man loves a woman. But seeing that video hurt me so much. I’m willing to work on this relationship, to fight for us, because that is what people who really love each other do. But it seems that I’ve made assumptions that aren’t safe to make, and we need to talk about how to resolve this.

I will be packing a bag when you get home, so plan on packing one as well. We are going away for your birthday. Just the two of us. Somewhere we can focus on us and on starting new traditions.

You make me crazy, but I love you and you’re not getting off the hook that easy.

Love you,


Chad realized that he had been holding his breath the entire time he was reading her note. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes tightly, overwhelmed with emotion. He didn’t notice that Reina had come back into the room. When he opened his eyes, she was standing in the doorway.

Reina looked at Chad and saw such sadness on his face, but she knew she needed to keep her resolve. Things would never change if she kept allowing him to use his past as an excuse to be thoughtless in the present. And that wasn’t the kind of future she wanted.

“Are you going to pack?” She asked gently, seeing he was still just standing there holding her note.

“I don’t know if I should. I feel like I’m never going to get this right. I don’t know if I can ever be enough for you,” Chad said sadly.

Frustrated, Reina crossed the room and took his face into her hands and looked into his beautiful brown eyes.

“Don’t you dare give up after asking me not to!” she implored him. “I’m not asking for anything unreasonable. I’m just asking you to think about how things affect me or make me feel. And then, take action to make things better. Like telling Clarence you don’t want to hang with him anymore instead of letting him think you still wanna have threesomes with him. And getting rid of the ten years’ worth of videos of whores who have sucked and fucked you! You’re a grown man, Chad! Fucking act like one! Don’t sit here and try to make it seem like I’m unreasonable or asking for something you can’t give me. Because you can, Chad. Or is it that you won’t? Because if that’s the case, then what are we doing here? I want you. And though I know I’m not even close to being your first, I want very much to be your last. But That’s up to you. Are you going to stand here and tell me that you’re not willing to fight for us?”

“What about Karenna?” Chad asked.

“What about her?” Reina responded, puzzled.

“She said she could have stolen you away from me months ago if she had wanted to. Could she have? Would you rather be with her? Do you have sex with her behind my back?” Chad blurted out.

“Are you fucking serious? Do you honestly think that I would have said yes to marrying you if I didn’t want to be with you and only you?” Reina asked, impatiently. “And no, Chad, I don’t cheat on you with Karenna or anyone else. And the fact that you think I would, is extremely hurtful. Maybe I’ve been wrong all along. Maybe we aren’t meant to be a couple. Maybe we just have really great sexual chemistry and I should just go back to being your Office Whore if you think so little of my commitment to you.”

Reina’s ability to keep her cool was stretching thin. She had probably gone too far with that last line, but better to find out now if all they were going to be is amazing fuck buddies.

“So, pack or don’t pack, Chad. Trying to show you that you are worthy of love has been exhausting at times, but I’m not ready to give up unless you aren’t going to bother trying too,” she said softly. “Are you coming with me? Or are you really going to let me go?”

Panic rose up inside Chad as he realized that this might be his last chance with Reina. He didn’t feel like he deserved her, but he knew he’d be an idiot to let her walk out that door without him.

“Give me ten minutes to pack,” Chad answered.

Both of them felt immense relief at Chad’s decision. As promised, ten minutes later he was ready to go.

“Where are we headed?” Chad asked quietly.

“There’s a quaint little bed and breakfast I found that’s on a small lake. It’s about a two-hour drive. I’ll plug in the address on the GPS,” Reina answered.

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“Have you been there with someone before?” Chad asked.

“I find it remarkably annoying that this has turned into a jealousy issue for you, seeing as it was your cock in some blonde bitch’s mouth that started this. But no, I haven’t been here with anyone,” she said curtly.

They were mostly silent during the drive there. Reina didn’t bring up the fact that she had purposely neglected to wear panties, nor that she had stashed a vibrator in the glove compartment. Her original plan had been to tease him and work herself into a frenzy on the journey. But his ridiculous behavior had sabotaged the mood. She was tired. Maybe he was right. Maybe this wasn’t going to work. She was sure of only one thing. Love was exhausting!

But she had this place already reserved and it was his birthday weekend. So, they’d either make things work, or go out with a bang. Reina was grateful that she had listened to Karenna and ditched the idea of eloping with Chad this weekend. But now she wondered if that wasn’t more of a selfish move on her own part. What did she mean when she told Chad she could have stolen her away from him? Yes, she loved Karenna like a sister or a friend, and she enjoyed the threesomes that they had together with Chad, but she wasn’t IN LOVE with her. Maybe Chad needed to be reassured of that before they could go any further.

When they arrived, Reina handled the checking in, while Chad handled the suitcases. He looked around and noted that it was peaceful.

“Hey, so apparently we are the only ones here this weekend, so she upgraded us to the room with its own jacuzzi. We’ve missed dinner, but she put some fruit, cheese, and crackers along with some wine in our kitchen. She also gave me the number of the one pizza place that delivers here. Breakfast is at 7:30 A.M. Sharp. She emphasized the sharp. She said to let her know by 6:30 A.M. if we would be declining the breakfast meal,” Reina explained.

“It’s pretty here,” Chad said, trying to make conversation. Since when was it hard to think of what to say to her?

“Yes, pretty and serene. I wanted something that would be memorable for your big 4-0,” she said, thinking of how she had originally planned to already be naked by now and fucking his brains out. But it seemed like they’d both gone into polite mode.

The room was large and beautifully decorated in a rustic, nautical theme. She sighed as looked at the king-sized bed with the anchors embroidered on the quilt and wished he would just throw her down and take her. But that seemed unlikely at the moment. The politeness was suffocating.

“Look,” she started to speak.

“No, let me start,” he said, sadness in his voice and in his eyes. “I’ve messed things up in my typical fashion and I don’t know how to fix things.”

Reina could have easily taken matters into her own hands and broken the ice. She could have had him on the bed without much effort. So why was she not doing so? Because she needed him to be the one to make the first move this time. She needed to know that she mattered enough for him to want to fight for their relationship. The fact that he wasn’t making any move made her stomach queasy.

“I don’t either, Chad. I’m exhausted and drained and actually I wouldn’t mind turning in early,” she took the chicken’s way out.

“Oh, okay, sure,” Chad stammered. So, they weren’t going to have it out here and now. They were going to go to bed having solved nothing. Well, how could he expect more from her? In her shoes, he can’t say he would have acted any differently.

While she went into the bathroom to change and get ready for bed, Chad undressed down to his boxers and sat on the bed feeling miserable. She came out with a bathrobe on and said the bathroom was all his. He went in to brush his teeth, feeling more uncomfortable around Reina than he ever had. It fucking sucked!

When he came back into the bedroom, her bathrobe was laying across the chair and she was already in bed with her back turned toward him. He got into bed quietly and turned out the light. They laid there next to each other in the darkness, both unable to sleep, both too stubborn to make the first move.

As he replayed the day’s events over in his head, her words came back to him, “You’re a grown man, Chad! Fucking act like one!”

He reached over and put his hand on her hip. When she didn’t pull away, he decided to just go with his gut and hope for the best. He moved his hand to her shoulder and heard a soft sigh. So, he moved to spoon her and nuzzled her ear.

“I love you so much, and I’m so sorry I hurt you. I want to work things out with you,” he said softly.

She wanted to melt, normally she would have given in at the first moment he touched her, but she needed more.

When she said nothing, he continued, tracing his fingers along her arm, “At times I can be careless with your feelings. I’m not proud of myself when I do that. I can’t promise you I won’t say or do something stupid in the future, but I can promise that I will work harder at making things right. I was wrong to lash out at you and accuse you of cheating on me with Karenna. I know both of you better than that. You’d never hurt me like that. I think I’m just afraid I won’t be good at happily ever after and, so, I think I’m just subconsciously fucking things up. “

She turned towards him slightly, her eyes meeting his. His hand moved to touch her face and brush away the single tear that had escaped.

“You are my world, Reina, and I know I need to grow up and stop using my shitty upbringing as an excuse to behave like an idiot. I won’t give up if you won’t. Let me show you I can be the man you need in your life,” Chad said, his lips touching hers gently.

Suddenly, Reina pulled him into a deep kiss and moved his hand to her breast. Chad realized that she was naked and felt himself grow hard.

“Show me now, Chad,” she said in a low growl.

He moved down to flick her nipple with his tongue, her breast held firmly in his hand. He alternated teeth and tongue as he gave her an exquisite mix of pain and pleasure. He reached his other hand down to find her soft, bare mound. Her body arched as she moaned, “God, yes! Please touch me!”

He obliged her by teasing the delicate pink folds, glistening with need and desire. He smiled in the darkness when she gasped just a little as he slipped a single finger inside her. He knew he could make her cum, but he wanted to draw it out for her. So, he slid his finger out and moved to switch breasts, giving her other girl equal treatment.

She was needy and panting and near to begging when he slipped two fingers inside her hot, wet pussy. He felt her get close and backed off again, edging her to the point of erotic frustration.

“Oh my God, Chad, I need you to fuck me!” Reina pleaded.

“Not yet, baby,” he teased. “I need to taste you first.”

He kissed his way down her body, taking his time with her. She was a delicacy meant to be savored, and he intended to do just that. So, he moved slowly and deliberately, driving her wild with need. And while part of her felt guilty for just letting him make all the moves, it was exactly what she needed. So, she allowed herself to take all that he gave her. Every tender kiss, and every erotic nibble, helped to stimulate her body and soothe her soul at the same time.

His fingers played and probed, while his tongue did incredible things she hadn’t known were humanly possible. He continued to lick and suck on her clit till she thought she would lose her mind. Her body arched as he finally took her over the edge.

“Oh FUCK!” Reina cried out as she came hard, filling Chad’s mouth with her sweet juices.

Please fuck me now, baby!” Reina pleaded. “I need that cock in my pussy!”

“Not until you’ve gotten it good and wet with that wicked mouth of yours,” he teased. His cock was aching for the feel of her tongue. He also knew that she would enjoy it even more if he made her wait a little. He knew her moods by now. He could tell this was a situation that called for dragging things out just a little bit longer.

So, he let her continue to lay back as he fed her his cock. She opened her mouth willingly and wantonly. She sucked him so eagerly with her talented mouth that, if he didn’t want very much to give her what she asked for, he’d be tempted to just keep fucking her mouth and shoot his load into her throat.

Yet, when he tried pull out of her mouth, she grabbed onto his hips and took him down into her throat. It reminded him of the first time she had sucked him; he’d been so blown away by how fabulous it felt to be in her mouth. That memory pushed him over the edge, and he exploded deep in her throat, feeding her his thick cum.

“Oh my God, Reina! You’re so fucking good! I’m sorry baby, I promised to fuck you, but you wouldn’t let me out of your mouth,” Chad said, still panting.

Reina smiled. “Oh, no worries. You will. I shouldn’t have too much trouble getting you hard again. Besides, we’ve got all night.”

He kissed her softly and held her in his arms. “I love you so much. But I have a feeling there is more we need to discuss,” he said.

“There is,” she answered. “But that can wait until morning. Right now, you’re going to put me over your knee and spank me, which will make you hard and me dripping wet. Then you’re going to fuck me hard and fast and deep.”

“Yes, ma’am!” He answered and he gave her exactly what she demanded.

They continued enjoying each other well into the wee hours of the morning until, exhausted, they fell asleep in each other’s arms. But just before they did, he could swear she murmured something about fixing things in the shower in the morning.


Written by techgoddess
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