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The Office Whore - Part 17

"Just when things seemed to be going well for Chad and Reina, Chad retreats."

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Author's Notes

"For those of you who have been reading the series, this moves ahead to almost a year since they met. For those of you starting with this one, it's a decent stand alone story, but it is far more enjoyable if you go back and start with Part One."

Reina finished her reports for Karena and was feeling pretty happy that her afternoon looked clear. Normally, she hoped for a clear afternoon so she could play the role of Office Whore for Chad, the CEO, and her boyfriend of almost a year. She had recently given up her apartment and moved in with him after much convincing on his part. She realized that it seemed silly to him that she had taken so long to officially move in with him, but in her mind, she was just being smart. It was clear that Chad loved her, but the rocky start to their relationship had made Reina wary of jumping in with both feet too soon.

She had actually started out as Chad’s Office Whore, whose job it had been to satisfy her boss’s sexual needs; performing whichever of the tasks described in the Base 12 Slut handbook that he desired. She had been a break from the norm, being a petite, voluptuous red head rather than a tall skinny blonde with flawless skin and a model’s figure. It had been Karena’s idea to hire her. While it had taken Chad some time to realize it, he had fallen for Reina from the start.

Nearly a year had passed since they finally admitted their feelings to each other. There had been rough patches along the way, but the past couple of months had been smooth sailing. Moving in together seemed liked the logical progression. She only wished that they could move into a new place together. But it was silly to make Chad give up his beautiful home just because she felt a little awkward moving into his place. He insisted time after time that it was her home as well. She supposed in time, she’d get used to that.

Karena stepped out of her office and smiled. Reina had proven to be a very quick learner, with a good head for business. She also had a clever, skilled tongue and had brought her pussy to many orgasms over the past eleven plus months. She’d been so happy when Chad had realized that he was in love with Reina, but also delighted that he continued to enjoy her as his Office Whore. Chad had shared his previous sluts with multiple men and women. But he only shared Reina with Karena, which worked well for all three of them. Karena had also hoped that this afternoon might be just such an occasion for a Task 9, but she noticed that Chad wasn’t back from his lunch meeting yet.

“Hey, Reina, any idea when Chad will be back?” Karena asked.

“No. I was just about to ask you the same thing,” she answered, puzzled.

At that very moment, Chad rushed through the front door and walked briskly past both women. He held up his hands, not bothering to make eye contact.

“I don’t want to be bothered for the rest of the afternoon and I don’t want to talk about it!” he said tersely.

Reina started to follow him anyway, but Karena stopped her.

“Not a good idea, Rei. I’ve only seen him like this twice before. Both times he just needed to be left alone and he eventually calmed down and became a reasonable person again,” Karena said, warily.

“But I feel like I should do something!” Reina said, frustrated.

Karena shook her head and forced a smile. She knew what had caused this type of behavior on those two previous occasions and knew this was something he processed better on his own.

“If you want to do something to help, cut out a little early and be home when he gets there. He may just need a couple of hours to blow off some steam. Then going home and finding you there might be just the thing to help pull him out of his foul mood,” Karena suggested.

Reina decided to take her advice and went home a couple of hours early. She had time to make Chad’s favorite meal, her homemade chicken pot pie, and turn herself into a perfect little slut, complete with lacy black thigh-high stockings, a lacy black push up bra, a short little black skirt, and a white blouse with the top four buttons undone. And no panties of course. Easy access had been a requirement as his Office Whore, so she thought it would make him smile. She added her four inch come-fuck-me heels to round out the look.

She left her red hair, which had grown past her shoulders now, in long loose curls. She dabbed her perfume that she knew drove him crazy in all the right places and then teased her clit to make sure her pussy was hot, wet, and ready. She couldn’t wait for him to come home so she could make him feel better and forget all about whatever had him so cross and upset.

Only Chad didn’t come home. Reina waited. Then she texted him. Then she called his cell and his office phones, multiple times. At first her messages were sweet, then they became laced with concern. Eventually she was pissed and said she was going to bed. She laid awake for a very long time, trying not to be hurt that he hadn’t come home; and hoping he was not dead in a ditch somewhere. Eventually, exhaustion won out, and Reina drifted off, though she slept poorly.

She woke up to an empty bed. There were no signs that he had been home at all. No calls or texts from him. She was back to being worried.

She was about to call Karena, when Chad walked in the door. Reina ran down the stairs to meet him and stopped when it was clear he was still nearly falling down drunk.

“Where were you?” Reina asked, trying hard to sound patient and worried, rather than pissed off.

“I was out and now I’m not,” he answered sarcastically.

“You could have called; I was really worried!” Reina said rather sharply.

“Your last message said you were going to bed. I didn’t want to wake you,” he lied.

Reina looked at him in disbelief. He’d taken the time to listen to her messages, but hadn’t bothered to even send her a quick text letting her know he wasn’t coming home.

“I’m guessing you won’t be going into work today?” she said, curtly.

“Nope. That’s the beauty of being the boss, Reina. I can stay home if I want to. You should stay home with me. We can play Office Whore and you can be my little slut. Maybe we can plow through a bunch of base 12 tasks until you’re so thoroughly used you can’t walk,” he said, sounding like such a complete asshole, that Reina didn’t bother to answer him.

She took a deep breath and said, “Well, I’m not the boss and I have a meeting with a new distributor this morning. So as tempting an offer as that was, I’m going to have to pass.”

Reina walked upstairs to go shower and get ready for work, leaving Chad standing in disbelief.

She was just about done rinsing her hair when Chad barged into the bathroom and said, “Give me a Task 5, my little whore.”

Reina was fuming, but tried to stay calm. “Sorry baby, no time,” she said, reaching for a towel.

He grabbed her arm roughly and was about to step into the shower when he saw the look on her face. It was a disturbing combination of fear and disgust. He let go of her and walked out of the bathroom.

What the fuck is wrong with me? Chad thought to himself. Jesus, he was messing things up badly. He had come upstairs wanting the feeling he had whenever they were in the shower together. That had been where he had first realized that he was in love with Reina, in the shower. At times, if they struggled with communication, they could always depend on the shower to have intense, erotic sex and then talk things through.

But he’d been a complete dick just now and he spoiled that. He hoped it was only for the moment and not something that would ruin that special bond they’d had in the shower from the very beginning. He sat on the bed and could see by the way the covers were tangled that she’d slept badly. He watched out of the slits that were his tired, hungover eyes as she got dressed for work and regretted leaving her alone all night to worry.

He knew he should go in, but he was in no shape to stand up straight, let alone attempt to work. So, he laid back and wallowed in misery as the room spun a little. What the hell had he been thinking, getting so drunk?

Reina looked at him and wondered if it was safe to leave him alone. She also wondered if she’d given up her own place a bit prematurely. She wished he would have come home and talked to her instead of staying out all night. But apparently, as far as they’d come in their relationship, it wasn’t far enough for him to open up when he was truly hurting over something.

“I’m going to work. Here’s a bucket if you feel like you might get sick. Please don’t puke on the bed. I will tell Karena that you are sick and that she will need to reschedule any meetings you may have had,” Reina said quietly.

“Are you coming back?” Chad asked in a voice that sounded much younger than the man who was about to turn 40.

“Where were you last night, Chad?” she asked softly.

When he didn’t answer, she simply grabbed the overnight bag she had packed and left for work. She couldn’t come home until he was ready to be honest with her about where he was and why he hadn’t come home. She’d ask Karena if she could stay with her for at least the night. Hopefully it wouldn’t take longer than that for him to come around.

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They both spent the day feeling miserable. Reina had planned to stay at Karena’s for the night, but she reconsidered. If she and Chad were going to make it as a couple, they couldn’t run away from each other. That is what he’d done last night and it just made things worse. She was going to have to be the grown up in this relationship and show Chad that couples talk to each other and work things out together. She just hoped he would be there when she got home.

On her way home, she thought about how she would approach Chad when she got home. She knew the confrontational approach would just blow up in her face. So, she decided to handle things the Chad and Reina way.

As soon as she walked through the door, she saw Chad standing there in the foyer as if he was waiting for her. He looked so conflicted; she very nearly forgot her plan. But she knew words would be useless out here.

“Chad,” she said trying to sound a little forceful, “in the shower now please. Task #5.”

She walked past him and headed up the stairs, leaving him dumbfounded. She turned around and said, “Well, are you coming or not?”

Chad’s heart skipped a beat and then he grinned, “God I hope so!” as her ran up after her.

In the bathroom, Chad started to speak. Reina stopped him saying, “Uh-uh, no talking yet. Get naked and turn on the water, Mr. Stephens.”

“Yes ma’am,” he answered grinning.

This was a side of Reina he’d never seen before. Every time he thought he had her figured out, she surprised him with something she said or did. She was like a bright light in his dark world; like a fucking miracle. He didn’t deserve her, but he realized at this moment that he’d never let her go.

Once together in the shower, Reina took Chad’s face in her hands and kissed him deeply. That was all the invitation he needed to put his hands on her; all over her body, fingers probing and playing as the water rained down on them. He moved his head down to take a hardened nipple into his mouth, sucking and nibbling. Reina’s moans were music to his ears. As long as he could make her feel like this, they could figure out the talking part. They’d done so before.

He switched to give the other nipple some attention, while he slid two fingers into her hot, wet hole. It was hot, rough, needy sex they both needed right now. Her hands gripped his shoulders as her orgasm ripped through her body from the rapid motions of his fingers pumping into her. Suddenly her hands were on his cock and she was sliding to the floor. She took his hard shaft into her mouth and now it was his turn to moan. Jesus! The things she did with her mouth ought to be illegal. She was licking and sucking and moaning on his cock.

He instinctively took two handfuls of her luscious red hair and held her head while he fucked her mouth and throat. God, she felt so good! Each time he thrust into her throat, she managed to lick his balls with that magical tongue. He thought his cock would explode, she had him so hard. But he wanted, no he needed, her pussy. He lifted her up and instructed her to put her arms around his neck and her legs around his body. Then he slid into her with one swift move. She was so hot and wet and waiting for him. She rewarded him with kisses on his face and neck as moved in and out of her tight, needy cunt. He wanted to last longer, but she’d gotten him so aroused with her mouth that he knew this would be fast.

Reina didn’t care, as she was already cumming again, screaming out Chad’s name as she did. The pulsation of her orgasms ignited his own and he came hard and deep inside her, holding on tight as they slid to the floor of the shower. They were both out of breath, their hearts beating fast.

Chad eventually spoke first as he reached up to shut off the water, “I should have come home and done this last night. I’m sorry Reina. I’m so, so sorry.”

“Yes, you should have,” she answered quietly. “The fact that you didn’t makes me wonder if I’m the one you want to be with. If you can’t open up to me, what’s the point?”

Chad sat silently, trying to find words to explain. Then he realized she was right. If this was going to be a relationship to last a lifetime, he needed to share everything; the good and the bad.

He finally just blurted out, “Every 5-8 years or so, my father feels it necessary to assuage his guilt and demands that I have lunch with him.”

“You saw your father yesterday?” Reina asked rhetorically.

“Yes, and he decided to share with me that he remarried and has a son with her. He finally found his happily ever after and hoped I could see past my contempt for him and wish him well.”

Reina sat quietly, praying to find the right words to say.

Chad continued, “He said he screwed up the first time around, so now he gets a second chance to do things right. So, I figured I could be the bigger man and congratulate him. Then he adds in that his new wife wants to be sure that if something happens to him that she and her son will be taken care of financially. So dear old dad decided to revise his will so that they get everything. Well, not everything. I get his Ferrari. What a kick in the ass, huh?”

Still Reina said nothing. Her heart broke for Chad.

“I don’t need his money, Reina. My company is doing well. Especially since you’ve been on board. Karena told me how much you’ve saved me in expenses by redesigning our billing process and how things are done around the office. If you decided to leave me, I’d still beg you to stay on as an employee. You’re that good,” Chad said smiling at her.

“You don’t need his money or his fucking Ferrari,” she said, finding her words finally. “You needed him to be a father and instead he is an asshole.”

Chad sat, stupefied by the feelings her words were stirring up inside him. She was a little spitfire!

“I know this sounds strange, Reina, but damn you are making me so fucking hot right now with your take no bullshit attitude!” he admitted.

But Reina wasn’t smiling. “Where were you last night Chad? I want an honest answer. I can handle anything except a lie.”

Chad took a deep breath. Anything but a lie, she had said. Well, fuck it, she wanted honesty, then honesty was what he’d give her.

“I went to a bar; drank till I could barely see straight. I got hit on and picked up by some tall blonde and went back to her place. We were about to have sex, when I realized two things: one, I was too drunk to get it up, and two, I couldn’t fuck her because you were in my head. So, I got sick in her bathroom and passed out on her floor. Apparently, a neighbor helped drag my ass out into the hallway of her apartment complex. I woke up with a note taped to my arm that said, “Fuck you, don’t come back.” Then I arranged for an Uber driver and came home. You know the rest.”

Reina sat quietly, trying to decide whether to be mad that he had gone home with some other woman, or grateful that he was so drunk that his dick didn’t work.

Reina finally spoke, “Is there any part of that story that you want to change? If so, you get one chance, Chad, one!”

“One thing,” he said, “I think it was a Lyft driver, not an Uber.”

Reina couldn’t help but burst out laughing. He was a piece of work, but he was her piece of work. It had taken balls to admit he went home with another woman.

“You’re lucky I am crazy about you,” she said.

Chad looked at her as a single tear rolled down his cheek, “I’m beyond lucky.”

“I’m so sorry Reina, I let that asshole sperm donor make me feel like shit again and I just couldn’t handle it. I know that’s no excuse, but it’s honest and you asked for honesty.”

Chad looked at Reina and smiled weakly. He had so many things he wanted to say to her, but when he opened his mouth all that came out was, “I love you and I need you.”

Reina’s heart broke a little. Here stood a man who would turn 40 in two weeks. He was powerful, wealthy, gorgeous, and broken. More broken than she had realized. Would loving him be enough to heal him? She wasn’t sure. But she would give it her best shot. She owed them both that much.

“I love you and I need you, too,” she said softly.

Chad breathed a little easier hearing those words. He knew that he needed to do more to make this right, though. Taking her hands into his, he asked her, “How can I make this up to you?”

Reina thought for a moment, then she said, “Never, ever stay out all night again. Answer my texts and calls so I know you aren’t dead in a ditch somewhere. And talk to me when you are hurting, Chad.”

“I can do all that, I can if you give me another chance,” he said, pleading.

“There’s one more thing,” she said with a devilish look in her eyes.

“Anything, baby, anything at all,” Chad said as he kissed her lips softly.

“Stay home and play Office Whore with me tomorrow. Let’s see how many tasks we can handle in one day!” Reina said playfully. “Oh, and let’s get started right now with Task #1. I suddenly have a craving to suck your cock again!”

Chad grinned at her and said, “I am one lucky bastard!”

Written by techgoddess
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