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Author's Notes

"Lenny’s cock stood tall and impossibly swollen, with a deep red hue on the entire shaft, but the head was an angry purple. Pre-cum was leaking from the pulsating hole on the tip, and the whole thing glistened with moisture. <p> [ADVERT] </p>“Now I know what you meant,” she said as she looked his naked body up and down. “You look delicious, too.”"

Lenny tried teasing her first, spreading her legs wide, and gently kissing her inner thighs, but Sally would have none of that, and roughly pulled him by the hair to her sopping wet gash. “Lick me… please…” 

He rewarded her moxie by doing just that. He started at the bottom, and in one wide swipe of his tongue, licked all the way to her clitoris and beyond, tickling her sparse downy fur. Sally gasped at the sudden sensation of feeling his hot tongue in her honey pot, swooned as he made that first initial contact with her clit, and then defiantly pushed his face back down where it belonged. “Right there… right there…”

Lenny smiled, and attached his lips to her clit, sucking hard for it to come out of its hiding place, and humming against the little nub when it did. Sally went off like a rocket, arching her back, pressing her pussy hard against his face while pulling him down by the hair at the same time. “Oh! Oh! Yes! Oh my god! Oh! Lenny! I love you! Suck me, baby! Oh god, it feels so good!!”

He worked her expertly, whipping his tongue over her clit, probing her delicate folds, and poking it inside her pulsating little hole. All the while, his hands were busy palming and squeezing her nubile tits, rolling the stiff nipples between thumb and forefinger. They still felt sticky from the fudge, and he was looking forward to tasting them again soon.

Sally just entwined her fingers in his hair, guiding his lips all over her steaming snatch. “Oh! OH! Yes! Right there… please lick me there!… Oh god! Don’t stop! OH!” 

She barely noticed when he moved his right hand down her side, then under her ass, which she was lifting off the seat to force more of her pussy against his mouth. He squeezed the firm cheek, then ran that hand down the outside of her leg, then back up the inside, spreading her thigh wide.

Lenny moved his lips back to Sally’s clit, and whipped it back and forth, then probed her tender hole with his finger. Now she took notice.

“OH! YES! Stick it in me, Lenny! Oh god! YES! Suck my kitty, baby! OH! you’re gonna make me cum so hard! PLEASE! Suck me! Don’t ever stop!”

He latched his lips on her tender bud, and sucked hard, humming loudly, and fingered her vagina deep and fast. He added a second finger to his assault of her virginal hole, then hooked the fingers upward and pressed. Sally didn’t even know she had a G-spot, but Lenny found it. Sally strained to lift her pussy higher for his digital and oral assault and went over the edge quickly.

“YES! OH GOD! I’M CUMMING! Oh! Lenny! Don’t stop eating me! Don’t ever stop eating my pussy!” She crested that wave, and lo and behold, there was another right behind it. This was even stronger than the first, and it rendered her almost mute, her mouth agape in a silent scream until it crashed over her hard, and she flopped around on the seat without any control of her body whatsoever.

“Oh! Oh! GOD! Cumming again! Oh, Lenny! It’s so good! Oh! OH! OOOHHH GOD! So GOOOD!” Lenny pulled himself away from her thrashing body, and Sally clenched her legs closed, and curled up in a ball, shaking like a leaf in the breeze.

A sudden flash of lightning filled the cab, and Lenny noticed how fogged up the windows had become. He used his shirt to wipe his face, then kissed his way up her legs, over her ribs, and down her arms, then pried one arm away, and twisted her body back toward him, enough to gain access to her right nipple, which he sucked on gently.

A peal of thunder rolled across the drive-in, shaking the truck as it passed. The rain began falling gently, then earnestly on the truck, making quite a ruckus inside. 

The sound seemed to rouse Sally from her stupor, and she rolled over onto her back, holding Lenny’s head to her breast, breathing heavily. “Oh, yeah, suck my nipples, baby.” She kissed the top of his head. “I still can’t believe how good that feels.” 

Lenny leaned up to kiss her quickly. “They still taste like chocolate.” He quickly gobbled up the other nipple, sucking gently and whipping his tongue all around it.

She just moaned beneath him, her fingers playing in his hair, still in the post-orgasmic bliss. “It’s raining,” she said as if she was only now regaining her senses. 

“Um-hmm,” Lenny moaned agreement around her nipple, then switched boobs quickly. “Just started,” he said before swallowing her tit-flesh whole. 

Sally could feel her arousal begin again, and willed herself to resist. She pushed his head from her breast, and pulled his lips to hers for a deep kiss. She ran her hands down his naked back to squeeze his ass, still clad in his tight blue jeans. 

Lenny pulled away from the kiss, but Sally held his face. “Don’t move. It’s your turn,” she said. 

“Okay,” he smiled.

She moved her hands around the front of his jeans, palming the prominent bulge there, and they both moaned. She deftly unbuckled the belt he wore, but couldn’t undo the top button. He chuckled at her troubles, and said, “Let me.”

Lenny stood up as high as he could in the cramped confines of the truck cab, unbuttoned the top button, then unzipped the jeans. Sally did the rest, tugging his pants down over his ass, exposing his stiff prick, standing proud. She immediately brought both hands to his dick, and began stroking him earnestly. 

Another flash of lightning filled the cab, causing Sally to shriek. 

“Don’t worry, Sal.” Lenny leaned down to kiss her, gently palming one breast, as the rumble of thunder washed over them. “We’re safe here.”

“I know,” she said with a sigh, then took command again. “Sit down. Here.” she indicated the passenger side of the bench. 

Lenny did as he was told, and Sally took up position on the floor between his legs, pulling the jeans down as far as she could. Lenny kicked off his sneakers and then stepped on one leg of his pants at a time to remove them completely. He was now nude except for his socks. 

Sally suddenly realized this, and sat back, staring down at the naked man who had given her so much pleasure. His penis stood tall above his hairy groin, begging for attention. She just rubbed up and down his hairy legs, then over his hips, then his fuzzy tummy, then his chest, where she palmed his stiff nipples. She had to climb up his body to reach his face, rubbing her nipples on him along the way, and pulled her lips to his for a deep soulful kiss. He rubbed her naked back and hunched his penis against her thigh.

She brought one hand back down and started stroking his dick again, then slowly slid back down to the floor and added the other hand to her ministrations.

“I can’t believe how hard it is,” she whispered. “And HOT.”

“All because of you.”

She stroked him in silence for a few minutes; relative silence, because the rain was still making quite a racket on the roof of the truck. She could barely hear the speaker in the window, but had long since given up on even knowing what the name of the movie was, let alone the plot.

“Uh… Lenny?” Sally started. “I need to tell you something.”

“Now?” he replied with a smile.

“Yeah… The girls told me some other things, too.”

“Like what?”

“Just close your eyes, and I’ll show you.”

“I think I like this game.” He dutifully closed his eyes, and sighed deeply, obviously enjoying the hand job.

Sally reached up on the dash for her Coke, and look a long swig. 

“Oh, that sounds good, Sal,” Lenny said, reaching his hand down to her. “Can I have a sip?”

She handed him the cup, and said, “It’s almost gone. Finish it off; we still have another one up here.”

Lenny took the cup, and sucked down the last remnant of cola, slurping loudly. “Ahhh,” he exclaimed as he handed her the cup, then leaned back and closed his eyes. Sally deftly removed the cover and reached inside for an ice cube. “Now, keep your eyes closed, y’hear?”

“Yes, M’lady.” Lenny placed both hands behind his head, fully relaxed. 

She held the ice cube in her fingers and brought it to the tip of his penis. Lenny lurched awake at the contact, including his dick. “HEY!”

“Hey yourself!” Sally shouted back, moving the ice cube slowly down the shaft. “Just relax, okay? I want to see what happens.”

Just then, another bright flash of lightning illuminated the cab, the white light muted by the heavily fogged windows. In her hands, she caught a glimpse of the monster she was masturbating, glistening with melting ice water, throbbing with intensity.

“Wow…” Lenny breathed, looking down at her tiny hands stroking him as another peal of thunder cracked nearby. “That feels amazing, Sal.” 

She grinned. “I know! But your dick is so hot, the ice is almost melted!”

“So get another cube,” Lenny said intently. The rain began falling even harder, creating a cacophony on the roof. 

Sally retrieved two cubes and used both hands to massage them into his stiff dick. Lenny groaned loudly beneath her ministrations. “Oh, God, Sal, I cannot believe how good that feels!”

This motivated her to stroke him faster. She could feel the water dripping freely off his skin, and the contrast between the coldness of the ice and the hotness of his rampant cock was turning her on immensely. Before the cubes were completely melted, she palmed the icy morsels into the spongy head, and Lenny lifted his hips off of the seat in absolute pleasure. 

Soon; too soon for both of them, the ice was completely melted. Sally fished out another couple of cubes and was about to resume her hand-job when another flash of lightning illuminated the cab. For a brief second, she saw clearly what she was doing to him. 

Lenny’s cock stood tall and impossibly swollen, with a deep red hue on the entire shaft, but the head was an angry purple. Pre-cum was leaking from the pulsating hole on the tip, and the whole thing glistened with moisture. “Now I know what you meant,” she said as she looked his naked body up and down. “You look delicious, too.”

“Sally,” Lenny breathed softly. “Put the ice cube in your mouth.” Thunder rumbled nearby.

“My mouth? Why would I…” Sally paused. “Oh.”

“Do it,” Lenny intoned.

Sally paused, conflicted. Long gone was that little girl who worried about what good girls did on their first date. Here she was, mostly naked, still in the glow of the expert tonguing he had just given her, stroking his hard-on, and absent-mindedly licking her lips. He did indeed look delicious, and he made her feel so good with his mouth, but could she really do the same for him? 

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She shook all doubt from her mind and popped the ice cubes into her mouth, suddenly ravenous.

At that moment, a brilliant white light filled the cab, an immense explosion of thunder shook the truck violently, and then the Drive-in went completely dark.

In the sudden blackness, Sally pounced, dropping her mouth onto Lenny’s stiff prick-head. She tongued the spongy head, and tasting his manly essence, instinctively began sucking hard on him, moving the ice cubes around his manhood with her tongue.

Lenny went nuts. “OH! OH! God, Sally! That feels amazing sweetheart! YES! Suck me, baby, suck my cock good…” He entwined the fingers of one hand into her hair and urged her to take him deeper. The other hand snaked down to firmly grasp her left breast, which he squeezed roughly in time with the bobbing of her head on his meat.

Sally soon got into a rhythm, bobbing up and down, taking him as deep as she could. The ice was long gone, but she realized his taste was getting stronger, and it spurred her on, moaning as she slaved over his meat.

“Oh, sweet Sally, you’re sucking my cock so good!” Lenny exclaimed breathlessly. Lenny pulled on her tit, which caused her to sit up higher, and Lenny pushed her head down further. “Suck me deep, baby…”

Sally was shocked to feel him go even deeper this way, and when he twisted her hair left and right, she soon got the hint and started rotating her face back and forth, in addition to up and down, moaning freely. 

Soon, she started to feel light-headed, and pulled off, panting. 

Lenny gently cupped her face in his hands. “Oh, baby, you are so good at that!”

Sally blushed, grateful that he could not see her face in the sudden darkness. “Thank you,” she replied breathlessly, “I… I can’t believe I’m doing this for you…”

Lenny stiffened. “You don’t have to, Sweet Sally, I mean it.”

“No, no, I want to… I’m enjoying it, truly. You taste so…” she paused and planted a quick kiss on the tip of his cock, and tasting his pre-cum flowing freely, it drove her mad with lust, so she pounced once again, taking him deep into her mouth, moaning loudly.

“Yes! Yes! Oh God! Sally, my gorgeous little cocksucker! I love it when you moan with my dick in your mouth!”

She was getting even more turned on with his dirty talk and moaned louder. She could feel her drool on the hand she held at the base of his cock, and remembered to play with his balls. 

“Oh, yeah, Sally, squeeze my balls while you suck me… You’re such a good little cocksucker! Oh, baby, you’re gonna make me cum! Oh, God! I can’t wait to cum in your sweet mouth! Yes! Suck me harder, ‘cause I’m almost there! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!”

Sally could feel the head swell impossibly large, and remembered something else from the advice she was given. She stopped bobbing, and held the prick-head in her mouth, sucking hard, while pressing her tongue on the spot where the head joined the shaft and could feel his cock lurch in her mouth as she pressed down here.

“Oh, YES! Here it comes… Oh! Baby, keep sucking me!! I’m cumming! Oh God! CUMMING!”

Sally felt the balls pull up inside his sack, then felt the pulses under her tongue, and knew she was about to get her reward. At the last second, she was scared at the thought of how much cum was going to come out of his tasty prick, and what she was to do with it all when the first shot hit the back of her mouth, hot and heady. 

The second shot was even hotter and larger, and to prevent herself from gagging, she swallowed instinctively. The taste was stronger, too, and she swooned knowing this was his sperm she was sucking down, as fast as he could shoot it into her mouth. She could not stop herself from snaking a hand down to her sopping wet gash, and fingering her clit hard while he shot off into her mouth.

Lenny held her head in place with both hands, grunting with every spurt of his semen. “OH! OH! OH! Take my cum, Sally! Oh, God! It’s so good! Ungh! You perfect little cocksucker! Oh! Drain me dry, baby! Ungh!”

Sally moaned loudly as she drank him down, then her orgasm washed over her, and she started bobbing her mouth up and down on him again. The flow of semen slowed then stopped, and his dick shrank enough that on her last swallow, she somehow managed to get all of him into her mouth. Sally held still, her nose pressed into his pubic hair, massaging his dick head with her throat muscles. 

Lenny was amazed, and let her deep throat him until he couldn’t take any more, and pulled her head off of him with a loud smack. Sally sat back on her haunches, breathing heavily, drool all over her face. 

“I did it!” she exclaimed. “I didn't know if I would, or could, but once I started, I couldn’t stop!”

“You did so good, little girl,” Lenny said breathlessly. “I can’t believe you took it all!”

“I loved it!” Sally found his shirt on the bench, and wiped her face off. “I really liked it when you…” she kissed his inner thigh, then the tip of his rapidly shrinking member. “…when you called me your cute little cocksucker.”

“Well, I’m happy to hear that, baby,” Lenny said, pulling her into his arms, cuddling and pressing their naked chests together. “It felt so good, I just couldn’t help myself!”

“Next time, I’m gonna call you my big bear pussy-licker!” She kissed him quickly, and they laughed together. 

“Call me whatever you like, sweetie.” Lenny kissed the top of her head. “Just let me at that sweet little cherry of yours again, okay?”

“Count on it, mister,” she said, resting her head on his chest. She played with the hair she found there.

Suddenly, Sally raised her head. “What happened to the movie?” She sat up and wiped away a spot of fog on the passenger window. 

“Wow,” Lenny said. “The whole theater lost power. Check it out.” There was another flash of lighting, followed quickly by a loud crack of thunder. The rain was still falling intensely. 

They could see someone with a flashlight running around outside in the maelstrom. Lenny leaned over across Sally and turned the key in the ignition. The engine sputtered, but started. He leaned over further and turned on the truck’s parking lights.

“Lenny!” Sally exclaimed. “What are you doing?”

“If I don’t start the car, they’ll come knocking on the window to see if we’re okay.” He lay back down and pulled her nearly naked body back into his arms. “I want to enjoy feeling your soft body against mine for a little while longer.”

She snuggled into his chest, reveling in the ticklish feeling of her tender boobs against his hairy chest. She rubbed him from his legs to his tummy to his chest and kissed one of his nipples. He massaged her naked back, then reached down and lifted her skirt to palm and squeeze her butt cheeks in turn.

Another flash of lighting filled the cab, but the fogged windows still muted the white light. A couple of seconds later, thunder rumbled past them.

“Sally?” Lenny pinched her butt cheek in a friendly way. “We should get dressed.”

“Just another minute.” She burrowed her chest even harder against his and sighed heavily. She bumped her thigh into his flaccid penis, then reached down to give it a squeeze. 

“C’mon, Sal,” Lenny pulled her hand from his member. “We definitely don’t have time for that.”

“Why not? You said they’d leave us alone if the car was running.” She pulled her hand away from his grasp and started massaging his tummy.

“Sal, they lost power. They’re gonna start kicking everybody out soon.” 

She looked up at him. “I just don’t want this night to end, okay?”

He sighed. “It has to, baby.” He pulled her up by her ass to kiss her deeply once more, then moved his hands to palm both of her breasts as they tongued each other. 

She pulled away and rested her forehead on his. “Does it really have to be over?”

He laughed. “Hey; there will be other nights, you know.”

She sat up quickly, her boobs bouncing delectably. “Really?” 

“Absolutely.” Lenny pinched both her nipples. “I am definitely going to want to get you naked and get my tongue back in your sweet cherry, that’s for sure.”

“Mmmm, I do like the sound of that,” she said, leaning down to kiss him once more.

Another car started up behind them and turned on their headlights. Now the cab of the pickup was lit quite clearly. Sally ducked down with a shriek.

“NOW it’s time to get dressed,” Lenny said with a laugh.

“FINE,” Sally said, cowering on the driver’s side of the seat. She found her purse on the floor and put her underwear back on, then hitched up her skirt, and finally put on the blouse and cardigan. 

Lenny watched her intently, then sighed. He found his jeans on the floor, and pulled them back on, then stepped into his sneakers. He found his shirt on the bench and pulled it on over his head. “Sal; it still smells like you,” he said, grinning.

She slipped on her sandals, then reached up on the dash to find the other cup of Coke, and took a deep swig. She handed it to Lenny, who took a big gulp himself. 

Lenny slid underneath her to the driver’s side and opened the window with the speaker hanging on it. The rain had subsided, but was still falling steadily. He replaced the speaker on the stand, then closed the window part-way. The dashboard was still fogged, even with the defrost on High, and he rummaged around in the cab until he found a hand towel stashed behind a headrest. 

The two of them took turns wiping down the windshield until a man in a raincoat walked up and knocked on the driver’s side window with his flashlight. “You kids okay?”

“We’re good,” Lenny said. “Old truck.”

“I used to have one just like it,” the man said, patting the hood. “Y’all be careful on the way home, all right?”

“We will, sir.”

The attendant walked away, and Lenny looked over at his date, prettier than ever in his eyes now. She was staring out the window at a nearby car getting a jump-start, twirling her hair, deep in thought, until she noticed Lenny looking at her. “What?” she said, self-consciously.

“Nothing,” Lenny said and put the truck in gear. “Oh, wait.” He put it back in Park, then turned and took her in his arms again, hugging her tight and kissing her deeply. She wrapped her arms around his neck and devoted herself fully to that kiss, knowing it would have to last them both for a while. 

He pulled away and looked into her eyes. “Thank you for the best date I’ve ever had, Sally.” 

She kissed him again. “Hey; that’s MY line, mister.”

[to be continued]

Written by dirty_dad_42
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