Getting back into writing after taking a LONG time away.
Interests I love to sew; I make all my own shirts. Who decided that Men's clothing had to be stripes or plaids or solids only? Express yourself, boys! I love to cook, desperately seeking that foodgasm face you make when you take a bite of something I made. Plus, you know, Sports, girls, and food; just like every other American male I know.
Favorite Books Histories by Shelby Foote, David Atkinson. Dune (who EVERYBODY rips off), LOTR, mysteries by Walter Mosley.
Favorite Authors Crichton, Clancy; anything geeky by nature.
Favorite Movies Casablanca, The Good The Bad & The Ugly, What's Up Doc?, Almost Famous, and about 1,000 others.
Favorite TV Shows Star Trek, Chuck, Justified, GOT. I'll come back to this category later.
Favorite Music Here we go. In NO particular order: Beatles, Beach Boys, Steely Day, Doors, ELO, U2, Aretha, Marvin, Stevie, Dylan, Marley, Bowie, Elton, Fountains of Wayne, JAM, Jet Set SWE, Jimi, STEVIE RAY, Led Zep, Stranglers, Yes, Oasis, Ramones, the Stones, Sade. And now, my favorite JAZZ artists; Goodman, Miles, Coltrane, Lee Morgan (forgotten genius), Getz, and the all-time great Dave Brubeck. Oh, and I should mention an embarrassingly large and diverse collection of Christmas music.