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Author's Notes

"He watched Sally’s eyes go wide as he dipped a finger in the spoon, then doled out a healthy amount of fudge syrup directly onto her left nipple. The coolness of the fudge made her moan aloud. “Shhh…” Lenny whispered, then treated her right nipple to the same fudge topping. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Finally, he moved her skirt out of the way, then pushed what was left in the spoon right into her belly button. “There,” he said, placing the spoon into Sally’s open mouth, which she sucked on willingly. “If only I had some whipped cream.”"

Lenny held out a hand to Robbie, who was still rolling around in the dirt, laughing. “Get up, fool. You never could tackle for shit.”

Rob took his hand and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet. “Just having some fun, man.” He dusted himself off. “More fun than you’re having with my sister, that’s for sure. Where is she, by the way?”

“She’s in the Ladies' room,” Lenny motioned behind him, then glanced over to the entrance. “So… are you done galavanting? Are you gonna hang out with us now, or what?”

“Actually… I found out about something WAY better to do than watch a stupid movie.”

“C’mon, man, I thought we were gonna spend some time together, y’know? Like we used to. Hell, we ain’t got that many chances left.”

Rob punched him in the chest good-naturedly. “Which is why we have to grab the bull by the horns, right? Have some REAL fun! While we still can, man!”

“Okay, let’s hear your big idea,” Lenny said.

“All right!” Rob stepped close. “I just heard from Davey that his brother’s back on leave from the Army, and he’s having a little get-together in his Grandpa’s barn.”

“Danny Zimmer’s back?” Lenny asked. “Already?”

“He’s on leave, man.”

“He just finished Basic a couple months ago,” Lenny said. “And they gave him a leave that soon? That don’t seem right.”

“You want ME to explain how the Army does things?” Robbie snorted. “Hell, that’s gonna be YOUR problem soon enough.”

Lenny shook his head. “Besides, Old Man Zimmer ain’t gonna like anybody disturbing his cows.”

“Pshhh… He’ll never know.” Robbie said, waving his hand dismissively.

“Robbie; the last time we even set foot on his property he SHOT at us.” Lenny put his hands on his hips. “Or has all that drinking affected your memory?”

“My memory’s fine,” Robbie said defensively. “He fired over our heads… ON PURPOSE.”

“You’re missing my point. The old man fired a SHOTGUN at us because he thought we were disturbing his COWS.” Lenny sighed and looked around. “As if they’re completely fine with gunshots. He’s a psychopath.”

“C’mon, man, it’ll be cool,” Robbie reasoned. “Hell, his own grandsons are gonna be there.”

“How many times do you have to be shot at before you smarten up?” Lenny spat at him. “Why the hell do you think I’m ENLISTING?”

“Lenny, he ain’t gonna shoot at us with his kin right there!” 

“He sure as shit ain’t gonna aim at his KIN, now is he?” Lenny reasoned. 

“See? That’s what I’m talking’ about!” Rob slapped his upper arm. 

“Oh, he’s still gonna shoot!” Lenny said. “But with his relatives off the target list, who’s left to fire at?” He stabbed Robbie’s chest with his finger. “The drunken fool who ain’t got sense enough to run away from a psycho with a gun, and a history.”

Robbie pushed Lenny’s hand away. “Well, I’m going.” Rob’s countenance changed from amused to angry in a heartbeat. “I ain’t afraid. Danny brought a BUNCH of beer back with him from the PX, and it’s sitting in the fridge at the back of the barn, just waiting for us.”

“Ah, now I get it. It’s always about the booze with you lately, isn’t it?” Lenny said. 

“You shut up.” Robbie pointed a finger at Lenny menacingly. “It’s about having a good time, not watching some boring movie.”

“But you’re forgetting something.” Lenny pushed Rob’s hand down.

“What?” Rob was agitated now.

“Sally sure as shit ain’t gonna be happy about hanging around in a dairy barn watching you get drunk,” Lenny said. “What do you plan to do about her?”

“SHIT!” Robbie said. He looked around, like the solution was somewhere on the horizon. “You gotta help me out with her, man.”

“Help? How?”

“Just do what you’ve been doing already,” Robbie said, smiling. “Babysit her and take her home after the movie.”

“What do I tell her when you aren’t here once the movie ends?” 

“Tell her whatever you like,” he said dismissively. “OH! Just come pick me up on the way home. Hell, Mom will be asleep when we get in, so who cares?”

“Robbie, be sensible. You know Sally’s gonna rat you out the first chance she gets.” 

“Which will be tomorrow.” 

“You really want to deal with that?” Lenny asked, “Again?”

A car horn blasted behind them, and they both turned to look. 

Dave Zimmer ground to a halt in his new metallic-blue Mustang, a graduation present from his family, in lieu of attending college himself. 

“Hey, Lenny!” Constance Kramer said to him, leaning out the passenger window, and giving him a full-body look, from head to toe. “You coming, too?” she asked hopefully.

Dave revved the engine of his new Mustang, anxious to show off his new toy to all in attendance. 

“Hey, Connie,” Lenny said. “Nah; I have to stay here and babysit.”

Robbie slapped his back. “Thank’s man, I owe you one!”

“WAIT!” Lenny said, grabbing his arm. “You gotta pay me first.” Robbie tried to pull his hand off, but Lenny gripped it tight. 

“Dude…” Robbie said.

“I mean it, Rob.” Lenny held out his other hand. “If I’m babysitting for you, you’re at least buying the ice cream.” 

“FINE,” Robbie said, pulling his wallet from his back pocket and opening it wide. Lenny simply reached in and snatched all the bills from inside. “HEY!” Robbie objected.

“This will do fine.” Lenny shoved the bills in his front pocket. “I’ll get you the change later. Besides, you ain’t gonna need any cash where you’re going, are you?”

Robbie stiffened when the car horn sounded again. “LET’S GO!” Davey shouted. “Get in now if you’re coming!”

“FINE.” Robbie turned and opened the back door of the car, as Davey revved the engine once more. Rob climbed in and Davey sped away, spitting gravel in his wake, not even waiting for the car door to close.

Lenny watched them leave, hands on his hips, and suddenly felt a hand tap his shoulder. Sally stood next to him defiantly, but he simply smiled down at her.

“Babysitting?” she said, her annoyance obvious in her voice. 

“Ah, you heard that?” Lenny smiled, took her hand in his arm, and began walking to the snack bar. “It don’t mean nothing. I just had to get your brother’s money away from him before he did something foolish, like buying beer from Danny Zimmer.” 

“Danny Zimmer’s back from the Army?” Sally asked. 

“Apparently. And, he brought a bunch of beer with him, and those guys,” Lenny motioned toward the car that was just now exiting the drive-In, “… are out to drink it all tonight.”

Sally nodded. “Good idea, taking Robbie’s money away.”

“So your brother pays for our drinks and ice cream. Ain’t nothing wrong with that, right?” Lenny leaned in close to her ear as they reached the door. “Besides, we have unfinished business, and now, we won’t be disturbed, will we?” He asked with a twinkle in his eye. 

Sally felt herself juicing up already, as he held the door open for her. “Right you are.” 


When they arrived back at the pickup, with two large sodas and the biggest hot fudge sundae they could buy, their neighbors on either side had left, to Sally’s great satisfaction. 

“You think that your friend didn’t like having us as an audience?” Lenny asked, holding open the passenger door for her.

“Or her competition.” Sally climbed into the cab, as Lenny handed her the drinks, smiling, then closed the door. “What?” Sally said. “All I’m saying is that… well…” She waited for him to walk around the other side and get in, then leaned over, and whispered, “I did get kinda loud there.”

“Trust me, she didn’t hear a thing,” Lenny said, getting in, placing the ice cream on the dashboard. “And knowing Phil, they probably went parking down by Swift River.”

“Really?” Sally asked, with a hopeful tone.

“Yeah, all the boys on the team talk about this one spot. Supposed to be little more private than this place, that’s for sure.” Lenny set up the speaker, closing the window to keep it in place. “And if it gets hot enough, it’s perfect for skinny-dipping in the moonlight.”

“Really?” Sally failed to keep the wonderment out of her voice.

Lenny just looked over at her intently. “You wanna go?”

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Just then, the big screen flickered to life with the cartoon with the dancing hot dogs, a crowd favorite, extolling the customers to visit the snack bar, and the floodlights turned down a bit.

The scintillating light danced in his eyes, his gaze still strong upon her. At that moment, she had a vision of the two of them, neck-deep in the cool river water, totally naked, their arms wrapped around each other in the moonlight, kissing deeply. Her nipples ached inside her blouse.

“Maybe next time,” she smiled.

Lenny and Sally took turns eating the ice cream, strangely silent, although both knew what was on the other’s mind. The movie started, the floodlights were switched off, and wordlessly, they both concluded they had eaten enough ice cream. Sally took the bowl and placed it on top of the dashboard.

She sat up on her haunches and turned toward her date. “Lenny?” she asked, “How interested are you in seeing THIS movie?” She slowly unbuttoned her cardigan.

Lenny took one last sip of his Coke and placed the cup on the dash. “Uh… not much, I guess. You?”

Sally shook her head, and finished unbuttoning her blouse, then thrust out her bare tits as she peeled both items off of her shoulders, down her arms, then dropped the clothing behind her. She shivered at her sudden toplessness, and absent-mindedly arched her back and pinched her exposed nipples, making them instantly go rock hard. Lenny gasped at her sudden nakedness. “What movie?” Sally asked.

Lenny whipped his shirt off over his head, then lunged to take her in his arms. Their hands were all over their exposed skin, tonguing each others’ mouths in the darkened cab. They kissed for several minutes, then pulled apart, panting. Sally moved to straddle her date in the darkness.

“Oh, Lenny, I feel so sexy like this!” She started subtly gyrating her hips, feeling his trapped hardness beneath her, knowing that she was soaking his jeans with her copious juices.

“You ARE sexy, you little vixen.” Lenny fully rubbed her naked chest and back, then back around front to cup a perky boob in each hand. “Did you go to the bathroom just to take off your bra?”

“Among other things,” she said, biting her lip.

Lenny grinned. “You little minx!” He lifted her skirt and verified that she was indeed without panties. “You lost your underpants, too!”

“You know what I say,” she breathed, sitting up a bit so that Lenny could fully squeeze and massage her naked ass. “Let it all hang out, baby.”

She pulled his face to hers for another deep kiss, moaning into his mouth as he molested her perfect teenage butt, then allowing his lips to leave hers, and travel down her neck to suck on her impossibly erect nipples. He maneuvered one hand underneath her bottom and insinuated his finger into her soaking wet slit. Sally moaned her approval, and once he found her tight vaginal hole, started humping that finger into her hot snatch.

After a minute of finger-fucking her tight vagina, Lenny twisted her to the side, and laid Sally down on the bench seat, maneuvering himself to kneel on the floor of the cab between her legs. He suckled her nipples, one after the other for a few minutes, then sat back on his haunches, staring down at her.

Sally was suddenly quite aware of her nakedness and covered her boobs with her arms. Wordlessly, Lenny simply took her arms and lifted them over her head, then ran his fingertips down her arms, her sides, over her heaving breasts, then her tummy. He lifted the skirt up and rested the fabric on her stomach, staring down at the wispy fur covering her mons. Even in the dim light of the movie, he could see her pussy lips glistening with her wetness.

“Wow, Sally,” Lenny whispered. “You look so delicious like that.” 

“Lenny,” she whispered, “this is embarrassing.”

“No, no, I mean it. Wait; I’ll show you.” He reached behind him and picked up the bowl of ice cream. He twirled the spoon along the edge, then removed a heaping spoonful of hot fudge, and put the bowl back on the dash.

“What are you doing?” she asked coyly, biting her lip.

He watched Sally’s eyes go wide as he dipped a finger in the spoon, then doled out a healthy amount of fudge syrup directly onto her left nipple. The coolness of the fudge made her moan aloud. “Shhh…” Lenny whispered, then treated her right nipple to the same fudge topping. Finally, he moved her skirt out of the way, then pushed what was left in the spoon right into her belly button. “There,” he said, placing the spoon into Sally’s open mouth, which she sucked on willingly. “If only I had some whipped cream.”

Sally took the spoon out of her mouth, but put her arm back over her head. “Or cherries?” she added, smiling. She was amazed at how erotic she felt, knowing that he was about to literally devour her.

“I like the way you’re thinking, Sweet Sally.”

“You know, I do have a cherry.” She motioned with her eyes down to her exposed crotch and giggled as Lenny’s eyes went wide at the realization.

“Well, we’ll just have to see how that tastes, too, won’t we?”

“Oh, Lenny…” she gyrated her hips. “You’re making me so horny!”

Still, he teased her skin with his fingertips. After a few minutes of torturing her, he leaned forward, hovering over her heaving, chocolate-covered breasts. “You know, I saw you talking with Debbie and Barb outside the bathroom,” he said.

“You saw me?” 

“Yep. They were friends with my ex-girlfriend.” His fingertips danced down her sides. “And apparently, Stephanie had a big mouth.” 

“What do you mean?”

“You just met them,” he kissed her tummy, above the belly button. “…and suddenly you’re walking around without bra and panties.”

Sally squirmed beneath him. “S-s-so?” She could feel and see the fudge melting atop her breasts, slowly dripping down the sides. “I… I just wanted to be ready for you.” The waiting was painfully erotic. “For this.”

“Are you?” He leaned down and blew hot air onto each of her breasts in turn. “Ready?”

“Oh, yeah…”

“Left, right, or middle?” he asked. Sally started to lower her arms, but Lenny held them above her head. “Well?”

Sally swallowed hard. “What about the cherry?” 

He smiled. “Saving the best for last.”

“The best? Really?”

Lenny nodded. “Now… Left, right, or middle?”

“Left.” She nodded. 

“My left or yours?” he teased. 


He grinned, then leaned down and began lapping at the sides of her left breast, while Sally swooned beneath him. His tongue circled the nipple, smacking up the hot fudge, then he engulfed her entire breast in his mouth, laving the whole of her flesh with his tongue, finally sucking hard on the nipple, then letting it loose from his lips with a smack.

“Oh, God, Lenny, that felt amazing!” Sally felt like she could start breathing again. She twisted her torso slightly, strongly hinting that she was ready for the same treatment on her other tit.

Lenny kissed his way across the valley of her chest, then licked all around that breast, again trying to take the whole thing in his mouth, then suckling on the nipple until he was sure all the chocolate was gone. 

“Oh, God, Lenny, I love the way you suck my tits…” Sally breathed. 

He kissed his way back to the valley between her breasts and pinched both of her nipples simultaneously. 

“So what did Deb and Barb tell you?” he asked, kissing his way closer to her belly button. She could smell the fudge now. 


“Really?” Lenny asked. “Sally, remember what I said about intimacy?” He dipped his tongue into her belly button, and dug out the hot fudge while pinching and twisting her nipples. Sally actually came at that moment.

“OH! OH! YES! Oh, God! I don’t believe it!” Sally dropped her arms and entwined her fingers in his hair as he tongued her little hole.

“Tell me what they told you.”

“They told me… they told me that… that Stephanie bragged about… about how good you were with your tongue.”

“You see? She was supposed to keep that to herself,” Lenny answered. “And you want to find out for yourself if it’s true?”


“Then I need you to promise me something first.” Lenny sat up, suddenly serious.

“O-Okay,” Sally mumbled, concerned about his change in demeanor.

“What happens between us, stays between us.” He smiled at her worried look. “I don’t like being the subject of idle gossip, so how good I am at anything… intimate… is nobody’s business but ours, understood?”

She nodded briskly. “I do.”

“So no more gossip?” He smiled. “You won’t tell anyone that I covered you in hot fudge, and then licked it off?”

Sally shook her head vigorously. “No.”


“And you won’t tell anyone… that I…” Sally swallowed hard. “… that I touched you, too?”

“Not a soul,” he said.

“Good.” She sighed and stretched her chest upward. “So… what now?”

“Whatever you want, sweet Sally.” He leaned down and kissed her belly button again. “Then all you have to do is ask, and your wish is my command.”

She pushed his head down to her steaming teenage snatch, and whispered, “Please lick my cherry, Lenny.”

[to be continued]

Written by dirty_dad_42
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