cethpada 12 Jul 2021 Another Love (Part 19) Jade and Chris look to set up and improve there swingers profile After our trip to the club in the North West, our sex life, which was already incredible, seemed to go to another level. Our passion for each other was insatiable, often ripping each other’s clothes off as soon as we got home from work or nights out. We discussed going back to the club, but between work, Jade’s studies and other stuff we did not have any weekends free. We kept in contact with Claire and Ray and they told...
cethpada 9 Jul 2021 Another Love (Part 18) Couple discover a love of reclaim sex We left the private room at the Club and having gotten drinks from the bar, spent the remaining hour or so sitting chatting. We were tempted to go and have a look in the public room again but decided that having already ‘played’ as Claire and Ray put it, we didn’t need to go and watch anybody else having sex. Claire was fascinated by how we had met and whilst at first we were reluctant to divulge too much personal informa...
cethpada 27 Feb 2021 Another Love (Part 17) We left very early on a Saturday morning and drove over to the North West of England. The journey was uneventful and we made good time. As we had plenty of time until check-in my military training kicked in and I insisted that we drove the route from the hotel to the club. We turned into an industrial estate and drove past a number of two-story flat-roofed office buildings before the sat nav announced that we had reached...
cethpada 28 Jan 2021 Another Love (Part 16) An impromptu night out leads to a wild threesome Getting out of the car we crossed the road and headed down the concrete steps which were all covered in sand and led down to the beach. “Which way do you want to go?” I asked. Jade looked up and down the beach before replying, “Let’s go that way, that way we can turn around walk back and finish at the other end of the beach where we can have a coffee and a cake.” “Oh really, always wanting something.” “Of course, that is...
cethpada 2 Jan 2021 Another Love (Part 15) The rest of our holiday was uneventful. The next morning we had discussed in detail the night before both agreeing that whilst it had been fun we felt that Ben and Amber had almost been predatory in the way they had kept trying to pry us apart. I felt that if I had turned my back for one minute when Jade and Amber had been otherwise occupied, then Ben would definitely have tried to get involved. Jade agreed and on reflect...
cethpada 24 Oct 2020 The Hotel - Chapter 1 - I Want To Get Lost With You The receptionist stood behind the large dark wooden counter which ran along the whole length of one wall. She stared at a screen hidden from view below the countertop and tapped on the keyboard. She heard the revolving entrance door swish and caught out of the corner of her eye a couple approaching the counter stopping a few metres away. The gentleman was dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans with a button-down white shirt...
cethpada 17 Oct 2020 Another Love (Part 14) Jade was bouncing for the rest of the day after I proposed to her. She bounced around the bungalow singing to herself as we got ready to go out. I couldn’t stop grinning, I must have looked like a Cheshire cat. I will admit it was not the way I had wanted to propose but as Jade said it was done out of love which made it more personal, there were no gimmicks or effects. The day was spent swimming, and snorkelling and we ev...
cethpada 7 Oct 2020 Another Love (Part 13) I awoke the next morning to an empty bed and lay there looking at the wooden beams holding the roof up and thought about last night. I knew in my heart that I now wanted to marry Jade but my mind was saying she was too young to be stuck with me, she had only just turned twenty and at fifty I was thirty years her senior, was it right? She will say yes if I ask her, my inner monologue ran, she almost said as much last night...
cethpada 16 Sep 2020 Another Love (Part 12) Night out on holiday leads to meeting another couple We sat at our table at the Yacht club watching the sun dropping below the horizon, its last golden rays lighting up the clouds silhouetting them in the sky and giving them a halo effect. “It is absolutely gorgeous, my Louise would have loved it here,” “I love how you always refer to her as ‘my Louise’ you loved her, didn’t you?” I looked at Jade, “Yes, but let’s not talk about her.” “No, I want to, she was a big part of y...
cethpada 13 Sep 2020 The Awaking I never heard the car pull up or the bedroom door open. I missed the sight as you slowly stripped off, dropping you clothes in a heap on the floor. I did not hear you as went and got showered and ready for bed. I felt the bed move as you gentle slip beneath the covers, the cool air disturbing the warmth of my cocoon. Suddenly your cold hands and feet rouse me from my slumber as you kiss my neck. “How was it?” I murmur. “Q...
cethpada 5 Sep 2020 Another Love (Part 11) Start of a wonderful holiday “I still can’t believe we are going on the holiday of a lifetime,” Jade said, looking at me with pure love in her eyes. “I know, I have wanted to go to Bora Bora for years since I saw it on a TV holiday programme.” I fell silent, what I did not add was that the ‘for years’ was just as my late wife was starting to fall ill and together we had made plans that when she recovered and was well again we would go. Sadly, those p...
cethpada 5 Sep 2020 The Appointment “Wish you hadn’t said that,” she said as I stepped out of the shower. “Said what?” “About having sex tonight like you are making an appointment in the diary, I am all tingling down there now. I want it now.” “You know we can’t baby, we have to go out this has been planned for months.” “I know, but I could really do it right now,” she pouted hands on hips “I would too but it will have to wait until tonight.” “You promise?”...
cethpada 22 Aug 2020 Another Love (Part 10) Final get to meet my young girlfriends parents “Have you packed your gym kit?” Jade asked me the following Saturday morning. “Well, I have packed my running kit, I was not sure if we were going to do any training whilst we were down there, but thought if the opportunity arose, then I might squeeze in a run.” “Oh good, I have done the same. I thought tomorrow morning we might go for a run around the park first thing. I have booked a restaurant for tonight as well.” “Oh...
cethpada 5 Aug 2020 Another Love (Part 9) Jade calls her parents to arrange a visit I opened the front door after our morning walk and let the Jade go through it before me. As soon as the door shut, we started to strip off. Very quickly we were both naked, with Jade putting a set of strappy heels on she had taken to keeping by the door so she could take them off before going out and put them back on immediately we returned. I remained barefooted, glad that over the years where we didn’t have carpet down...
cethpada 25 Jul 2020 Another Love (Part 8) Stuck in the house together things take a dramatic turn for the three of us I pulled my phone from my pocket and looked at the name. “Hello, Carole, to what pleasure do I owe this call?” “I think you know why I am calling you. It is about last night’s conversation and your relationship with my daughter.” “Thought it might be.” “I felt it might be easier for us to have a grown-up conversation whilst she is not by your side.” Carole was Jade's mother and whilst we had never met, we had spoken a few...