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Getting out of the car we crossed the road and headed down the concrete steps which were all covered in sand and led down to the beach.

“Which way do you want to go?” I asked.

Jade looked up and down the beach before replying, “Let’s go that way, that way we can turn around walk back and finish at the other end of the beach where we can have a coffee and a cake.”

“Oh really, always wanting something.”

“Of course, that is what makes me so adorable,” Jade slipped her heels off and taking my hand. We set off down the beach.

“Adorable, makes you sound like a puppy.”

Jade made a whining noise like a little dog, before kissing me on the cheek. “I will be your bitch whenever you want.”

Rolling my eyes, I laughed, “Seriously, that was so corny it was unreal, are you going to be like this all day?”

We slowly walked along the beach chatting until we got to the rocky outcrop which marked the end of that section of beach. If we wanted to proceed, we would have to climb over the rock and onto the beach on the other side. Turning around, we looked back along the beach which was now full of families with kids playing in the sand whilst down towards the water’s edge dog walkers were letting their dogs off the lead to run.

“We had better get a move on, I imagine the closer to lunchtime it gets, the busier the café will become.”

We didn’t increase our speed noticeably and despite the feigned worry about not being able to get a seat in the café. Jade suddenly pulled in closer to me.

“You know that night on holiday with Ben and Amber?” she began

“Yes, what about it?”

“Well, the next morning we discussed, you know, going further.”

“You mean swinging, yes I remember what about it.” I knew where she was heading with this conversation but it was fun seeing her embarrassed and struggling for words as she trod carefully through the imaginary minefield.

“Well, could we like, try a club. I love you, will always be yours, and wouldn’t want to hurt you, but I would like to have sex in front of lots of other people,” she paused, trying to gauge my reaction, “I mean we wouldn’t have to swap with anybody.”

I let the silence linger for a few steps before replying, “Jade, I know you love me, and yes I have thought about it quite a bit since we got back not going to deny that. Still not 100% sure about swapping, but as you pointed out on holiday, we have played with Hannah so I would be hypocritical if I said no to doing anything else.”

Jade stopped and pulled me around to look at her. “I don’t want you to do it just because of Hannah, I want you to do it because you do. This is not a way to even up the scores.”

“I know, I know,” I protested, “listen, we have role-played others joining us in the bedroom and it does turn me on. What I feel is if we are going to do this, I think it is something that we should do before I get too old to be able to perform.”

Jade laughed as we resumed walking. “I don’t think there is any danger of that just yet besides you can get tablets for that you know.”

“I admit right now it is not a problem, but later it might just happen. The other reason for saying let’s do it now is that not all women are like you drawn to the older man. The older I get fewer people are going to be interested in me and I am not going to just sit and watch it would be too much of a wrench. As it is, I imagine most of the interest will be centred on you, I will just be an inconvenience.”

“Never,” Jade almost exploded at that last comment, “we should only swap with other couples. If they are not interested in you then we don’t meet them, simple really, there is not going to be any taking one for the team. We come as a package.”

I nodded and reminded her to keep her voice down.

Arriving at the café, I stood in the queue whilst Jade went and found a table. Stepping outside with our coffees, I found that Jade had managed to get a table looking out to sea but nicely tucked away from everybody else.

“I have been thinking,” I began, “why don’t we look up some clubs in the area now and see what they are like.”

Jade smiled and shuffled her chair around to sit next to me. I took out my phone and opened the internet browser.

“What the hell do I type?” I murmured.

“Try sex club?” Jade whispered.

It quickly became apparent that a google search for a sex club gave you millions of hits from around the world and included things like sex therapy, massage parlours, and lap dancing/gentlemen's clubs.

“Think I will go with the obvious and just type swingers club.”

That search brought up what we wanted and after quickly narrowing the search down to the UK we got it down even further to five clubs within a hundred miles of where we lived. Bookmarking their websites, we finished our coffee and chatted about more mundane subjects.


“Sorry I don’t understand what do you mean we can’t be members,” I paused whilst the woman on the other end of the line explained again, “yes, yes, I got that, but seriously she is an adult she is twenty why do you have a lower age limit of twenty-five. We are getting married in the next eighteen months, she is old enough to get married, but not entitled to attend your sex club.”

Another pause, “Ok, sorry, swingers club. Look can’t you make an exception after all I am definitely over twenty-five and she is with me. Ok, ok sorry to have bothered you.”

I disconnected the call and looked over at Jade who was looking disconsolate on the sofa. “Sorry, but that was the last one and all five appear to have some stupid rule that all members have to be twenty-five or over.”

“That is ridiculous, ageist even, can’t we just lie.”

“I know, but I have tried all the arguments and they are quite adamant that until you are twenty-five they will not let you in. You have to provide proof of identity, so no we can’t, I don’t think your fake student ID from two or three years ago will work either.”

“How did you know I had a fake ID?”

“Because it is still a right of passage that all young teenagers have to go through. I had one and I am pretty sure that my parents probably had some sort of fake ID back in the 60s and so on and so on.”

Jade looked at the floor. “So that’s it, is it, we just give up and wait five years do we.”

“Listen there is no hurry.” I was trying to placate her as I knew she was disappointed. “We don’t need to include others in our bedroom antics, I will keep looking there must be some clubs in this country that will let you in. I never thought this morning when we were discussing it at the beach that it would be you that would be the problem.”

Jade scowled at me. “Stop laughing this is not funny. Listen do you want to go out tonight, Hannah messaged whilst you were on the phone asking if we wanted to go and have a drink to celebrate our engagement.”

I frowned. “What on a school night.”

“Might be for you, but we are both students remember, and will just skip lectures tomorrow, I only had one lesson anyway and it was in the afternoon, so might go in if I feel up to it. Don’t think I will drink too much.”

“Ok then just a couple of drinks, where is she suggesting we go, who else is coming?”

“Just Hannah at the moment, I don’t think she has invited anybody else, do you want her to?”

“Don’t mind you can suggest she invite others if you want?”


A couple of hours later, Jade walked into the living room.

“How do I look?” she asked doing a 360 twirl.

“Stunning as always,” I replied, gazing at her. Jade had opted for a very tight-fitting black jumpsuit that clung to her body showing off her curves and her very tight flat abs. It had one long full-length sleeve down the left arm whilst being cut off on the right arm, the top sweeping down over the top of her breasts. To accentuate the plain black outfit, she had opted for a thin diamante belt, which swept around her waist sitting nicely on her hips.

“Why do you do this to me, we arrange to go out, and then I see you all dressed up and just want to stay in and undress you. Think I could very easily never go out again.”

“Easy tiger, you can undress me later, Hannah will be waiting come on.”

We ordered a taxi and it took us into town dropping us off outside the local football stadium. We walked arm in arm down to the bar where we had arranged to meet Hannah.

Hannah was not there so we ordered a couple of drinks and went and sat in a booth. Jade texted her to let her know we had arrived and where to find us.

Ten minutes later Hannah arrived and we waved to her as she crossed to the bar bought a drink and came over to us.

“Sorry I am late. I was getting ready and lost track of time.”

“It doesn’t matter you’re here now,“ Jade replied, getting up and giving Hannah a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Hi Chris.” Hannah leaned in and gave me a kiss. “Have you missed me?”

“Of course I have, like a hole in the head.” This had over the months since I had got to know Hannah become my response to that question.

Hannah was dressed in a tight-fitting off-the-shoulder dress, which pushed her ample breast together and gave them a firm and rounded look. It hugged her body and finished halfway down her thigh. The thing that really got my attention about the dress was the full-length zip, which ran down the front.

I complimented her as my eyes swept over her. “You look gorgeous, and I do like that zip, it makes me want to.”

I reached out a hand and took hold of the zip and lowered it an inch or two.

Hannah giggled and swatted my hand away.

“Really do you like my zip?” she raised her hand and pulled the zip lower than I had taken it showing the cleavage before quickly pulling the zip back up.

“Hannah, I am here you know, that is my fiancée you are flirting with,” said Jade doing her by now well-known feigned annoyed look.

“Sorry Jade, do you want to have a pull on my zip.”

“If you carry on like that I might be tempted to just pull the thing right down and leave you in your underwear,” Jade responded.

“Who says I am wearing any underwear.”

Jade laughed, “Now why do I think you are not joking. Are you going to sit down?”

Jade scooted along the booth bench and Hannah slid in beside her. Raising her glass Hannah looked at us both. “Here’s to you the most beautiful, caring couple I know congratulations.”

We both murmured our thanks as we clinked glasses and took a sip of our drinks.

“And Jade,” Hannah continued as she put her drink down on the table, “thank you for being there for me and being such a wonderful friend.”

She moved in and gave Jade a kiss and hug.

We had a few drinks in the bar before moving down the street to the next one, which was livelier and had music playing loudly which made talking very difficult. We continued to move from bar to bar around the city centre but with it being a Sunday the numbers out were light and many bars started to close early.

As the evening drew to a close we were all slightly drunk. Hannah suddenly grabbed Jade's hand and pulled her toward a small side street. Come on down here one last drink in a nice bar I know.

I followed and we made our way down the twisty little street until we came to what looked from the outside like a small bar.

Entering we were amazed to find that the bar was crowded, mostly with what I presumed were students and what had looked small from the outside was actually very deceiving as it stretched back quite some distance. Music blared out from hidden speakers and the air was hot and sticky as people danced and jumped about.

Through hand signals, we all indicated to each other that we did not want any more drinks and Jade pulled me to an open space and started to dance. She waved at Hannah to join us and quickly we were moving to the music. The girls danced lithely and sensually whilst I did my best dad dancing and tried not to look too much of a fool.

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I became aware that a couple of lads had moved closer to us and were imperceptibly trying to get between the girls and me hopeful of getting their attention. Smiling, I moved slowly to my left and both Hannah and Jade turned as they danced to keep me in front of them. Not to be put off the two guys slowly danced across my path again. I repeated the move and the girls followed only this time Jade moved closer to me in order to stop their encroachment.

I knew from experience the way these guys' minds were working. As far as they were concerned, I did not exist, and that whatever my relationship was with the girls they were easily going to prise them away from me.

Jade and I had started to develop over our time together a little defence mechanism for times like these which enabled us to get rid of people without being rude or resorting to violence. As the guys started to move towards us again, I grabbed Jade's waist and pulled her towards me, she, in turn, flung her arms around me and we locked in a passionate kiss. Breaking the kiss, I could see that the two guys were still dancing close to us, but were now no longer moving forwards.

I suddenly felt another pair of arms wrap around both Jade and myself and turning I was rewarded by an equally passionate kiss from Hannah, I pulled away slightly stunned but Hannah just turned and started to kiss Jade who returned the kiss.

Finally, they parted and putting an arm around each girl like some old international playboy we walked towards the exit. Knowing that the whole scene was like something out of the movies as we got to exit I turned and smiled at the two lads, I wanted to wink but that might have been a bit provocative so left it at a smile and followed the girls outside.

Hannah thought it was hilarious and immediately started talking about how funny that had been and had we seen their faces. Neither Jade nor I found it that funny as we both watched the door to see if the lads would follow us outside. We had on one occasion had to deal with a drunken Romeo, whose perceived pride had been hurt with a quick dig in the ribs. This time the doors did not open and so we set off on a very slow walk back towards the city centre and a taxi rank.

As we neared the centre I suddenly realised that Hannah was still with us. “Hannah we need to walk you back to your apartment.”

“Don’t be silly, I will walk back on my own.”

“No it is late and there are some silly idiots about, it’s not safe for you even if it is the 21st Century.”

Hannah didn’t say anything I think secretly pleased that somebody was concerned for her.

“Why don’t you come home with us and in the morning, Chris can take you home, you can sleep in the spare bedroom.”

“Are you sure, I don’t have any spare clothes?”

Jade thought for a second. “I am pretty sure we can find something for you to wear in the morning if you don’t want to wear that dress.”

“That might be a good idea,” I chipped in, “after all I have behaved myself so far but I might just be tempted to pull that zip in the morning.”

I pulled on the zip and lowered it an inch or two. Hannah laughed but did not pull it back up.

Arriving at the taxi rank we got into the front taxi and fifteen minutes later were back home.

Going through to the kitchen I asked if anybody wanted a coffee or water to help sober them up and prevent a hangover in the morning. Both girls asked for water so I quickly poured two glasses and returned to the sitting room where they had flopped down on either sofa.

“Here you go my princesses, two glasses of the finest tap water.”

“Cheers, are you going to take me to bed,” said Jade holding out a hand for me to pull her off the sofa. I pulled her up and wrapped her in my arms sweeping her backwards and planting a kiss on her.

“What about me,” said Hannah still lying on the sofa.

I held out my hand and taking it, I pulled her up to a standing position.

“Where is my kiss?”

“I don’t think...” I began.

“Chris just kisses her, she has been flirting and wanting this all evening,” said Jade, “Oh, and you can lose this as well,”

With that Jade grabbed hold of the zip and pulled it all the way down in one quick and fluid motion. Like shelling peas in a pod her breast fell out and then the dress unfurled and fell to the floor.

“So, you were lying you do have underwear on,” I said, looking at the skimpy red thong she was wearing.

“That is easily rectified,” retorted Hannah whipping her thong down her legs and rather unsteady on her heels stepping out of them.

I stared at her curvy body, my eyes swept over her pussy which clearly showed she was already very aroused.

“Anyway, I might have had knickers on but your girlfriend most certainly does not, that jumpsuit is far too clingy to wear anything underneath it.”

I turned my attention back to Jade and ran a hand down her back and across her arse. Don’t know how I had missed it, but Hannah was right, there was definitely no ridge indicating the elastic of a pair of knickers.

“You grass you,” joked Jade, “you are for it, now you are really fucked.”

“That is what I am hoping for,” giggled Hannah, “it's been a while since I got fucked and I want a deep hard fucking.”

Taking mine and Hannah's hands Jade led us upstairs towards the bedroom.

As we walked up the stairs, I knew what both girls wanted and it was going to be a long night, this was not going to be some passionate lovemaking session this was going to be some dirty sex.

Entering our bedroom Jade jumped onto the bed and Hannah crawled onto the bed beside her.

Jade pulled her towards her and they started to kiss, Hannah pushed Jade's legs apart and started to caress her pussy through the jumpsuit. I stood at the door, leaning against the frame watching my sexy girlfriend kissing her friend again.

Both looked over at me. “Are you going to come over and help me get this off her?” asked Hannah.

Hannah started to unbutton the jumpsuit and once it was suitably loose, I pulled it down her legs and off her body. Thankfully, it was wide-legged so we didn’t need to take her heels off in order to get it off.

Hannah immediately moved between her legs and started to lick the length of Jade’s pussy. I took the opportunity to remove my clothes and then moved up to Jade’s head and presented her with my cock.

She opened her mouth and I pushed my cock into her mouth. The vibrations from her moans coursed through the shaft as Hannah licked and nibbled on her clit.

I looked along Jade's body and continued my sweep across Hannah’s body. She was lying on her stomach, legs in the air and bent at the knees. She had crossed her feet at the ankles to provide extra support. There is something very erotic I find about a woman keeping her shoes on and Hannah had a lovely pair of red stilettos on.

Hannah started to move her head from side to side very fast so that her tongue was frantically moving across Jade's pussy.

Jade released my cock from her mouth and let out a long howl and arched her back. “Oh fuckkk,” was all she said before grabbing my cock and pulling it back into her mouth. I pushed forward and felt her gag as I face fucked her for a few seconds, driving my cock down her throat before pulling out as she gasped for breath.

Hannah looked up, “You ok?”

Jade nodded. “Don’t stop, don’t stop,” she gasped as Hannah returned to licking and tongue fucking her pussy.

She wanked my cock vigorously. “Oh fuck, oh my god, oh fuck, right there, yes, yes.” Her eyes rolled back and she arched her back again, “fuck I’m coming, I’m coming.” She ground her hip upwards into Hannah’s face as she slowly came down.

Hannah moved up to kiss her with a big grin on her face. “You like that?”

Jade nodded and I moved down to lick up the sweet nectar that was dripping out of her pussy. Jade moaned and then pulled away and swung around to face me. Taking my cock she deepthroated it pushing her face all the way down to my pelvis. Coming up for air, she presented my cock to Hannah, who took hold of it and did three short sucks on the head before kissing it and licking down the shaft. Returning to the top she looked at me as she slowly swallowed my cock just as Jade had done previously.

Jade giggled and grabbed a handful of Hannah’s hair bunching it up into a ponytail before she started to pull her up and down on my cock.

The girls alternated sucking my cock for three or four minutes and I could feel myself getting very close to cumming. I pulled away to recover a bit as I did not want to end things too soon.

Hannah looked at Jade. “You going to show me how you ride this cock?”

Jade nodded and swung her leg across me as Hannah lined my cock up with Jade's pussy. Jade lowered herself down and started to ride me. Hannah sat beside Jade, her hand roaming across her torso until she brought it up to her head and turned her to look at her and they started to kiss again.

I ran my hand up and caressed her breasts before pulling on her nipples, I could sense that she was close.

“Oh my god, I cumming again.”

Jade slammed down on me letting out a long moan as she held herself steady on top of me. I could feel her pussy contracting on me and then a warm feeling around my balls as Jade's juices ran down to pool on the sheets.

Jade slid off. “Your turn.”

Hannah moved up and squatted over me so that I got a long look at her smooth pussy lip, red and wet. I watched as my cock slowly disappeared between them as she lowered herself down onto me. Hannah kept her legs open as she rocked back on forth on me.

Jade used this position so as to rub the top of Hannah's pussy which was met with appreciative moans from Hannah. Jade alternated between kissing her and sucking on her nipples until Hannah’s moaning started to quiver, this was accompanied by a shaking motion and I knew that she was cumming.

Both girls licked Hannah’s juices from my cock before Hannah lay on her back and Jade crawled on top of her. I moved behind Jade and started to fuck her doggy style as she and Hannah kissed and fondled each other’s breasts. I switched between the girls pussy’s regularly so as to not leave either of them hanging for too long and to delay cumming as this erotic threesome was getting me close repeatedly.

Finally, as I fucked Hannah from behind as she licked Jade's pussy I knew I could hold out no longer and announced I was going to cum.

“Fill her up,” Jade said, looking at me, then staring into Hannah's eyes, she said, “Give him your pussy.”

“Yes, yes,” said Hannah then she pushed back onto me and I saw her start to shake as she came. “Fuckkk,” was all she said.

With that, I exploded and I felt my cock jerk as jet after jet of sperm flooded her pussy.

Jade pulled Hannah up and kissed her. “Did you enjoy that?”

Hannah nodded. “Ever since the last time after the party I wanted a repeat.”

“Well, you got your wish, let’s get cleaned up, then we can all snuggle up in bed.”


I slept soundly after the exertions with the two girls but not so soundly that I was able to sleep through my normal wake-up time the next morning of 6 AM. Carefully and quietly getting up I went downstairs and having made myself a drink I checked my emails.

Half an hour later, Jade wandered down with a severe case of bed hair as it was wildly stuck out and tangled around her head.

“Hey what you doing, why don’t you come back to bed,” she asked as she came over and gave me a kiss and a hug.

“I am coming right up, but thought you might like to know I have found a club that will accept you.”

“That is fantastic, where?”

“I sent a few emails out to clubs last night before we went out and this one has said that so long as you are over eighteen you are welcome. It is not local, unfortunately, it's over in the North West, if we go we will have to make a weekend of it.”

“Sounds great, come back to bed and you can tell me about it later.”

"Ok, but we will have to be quick as unlike you I have to go to work."

With that, I closed the laptop, and taking Jade's hand, we went back upstairs to join Hannah in bed.


Written by cethpada
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