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I casually walked to the lift and stood next to Amy. She looked at me dispassionately but did not say anything as we waited for the lift to arrive.

A resounding ding announced the arrival of the lift and once the door opened we both stepped inside.

As soon as the doors closed I turned to Amy, “Do you fancy getting a coffee, I want to talk to you.”

“Yeah, why not.”

We quickly left and drove a couple of miles to a local coffee shop, parked up went inside, got a coffee and sat down.

“So what do want to talk to me about, it is clearly not about the birds and bees, I saw you this morning.”

“Yes well,” I quickly tried to brush that last comment off, “it is about Jade and her coming and living at our house rather than staying in Student accommodation.”

“Won’t that spoil your sex parties? For god sake dad your acting like a hormonal teenager. You had a threesome last night and don’t try and deny it, I saw you and Hannah leaving Jade’s room together.”

“Trust me, I am not acting like a teenager, my teenage years were never that wild. In fact, I am pretty sure if I had suddenly found myself in the company of two beautiful women when I was 18 or 19 I would have run away. I definitely think nerves would have resulted in performance issues back then and there were definitely no issues last night.”

“Too much information, I don’t want any further details thank you.”

“Well, you can’t talk. I see you stopped over last night, was it with that curly hair lad? He seemed quite taken with you I seem to remember him stealing glances at you all night and he was trying his hardest to keep you engaged in conversation at the end of the night.”

“I am not going to talk about my private life with you for Christ sakes,” snapped Amy, “have you spoken to Jade about moving into our house?”

“No, not yet, I wanted to make sure that you were happy with it before I asked Jade.”

“And if I say no?”

“Well in which case, I kick you out, sell the house and then me and Jade run away and you never see us again.” I had a big grin on my face as I said this.

“Really? Perhaps I might just see about getting you declared insane and have you committed and me placed as your guardian.”

“On what grounds might I ask?”

“Well, let's see, how about, dating a girl half your age, hanging around student parties and accommodation, consorting in college parties, and having a threesome with said student girls half your age.”

“Oh pleases, get real take that in front of some doddery old judge and he is more likely to award me a medal. Think you are going to have to try harder. Can I take it you are happy with my suggestion then?”

“Yes, although you have to promise me that there will be no loud music, drugs or walking around the house half-naked.”

“Drugs? Jade is most certainly not into drugs, she is an athlete remember. I will tell her the rest of the rules though.”

“Who said I was talking about Jade? I was referring to you.”

“I will have you know that at my age the only drugs I take are prescription ones. Can I just remind you that I am the parent here and it is my house,” I joked.

Amy looked at me, “Well, I have sort of given up thinking that until you act your age.”

“I can’t help it. As I have told you before in my head I think I am 25 years old, my sense of humour is often that of a 5-year-old. The only thing holding me back is my body which sometimes seems to want to tell me that I am about 90.”

I looked at Amy with a big smile on my face, I was pleased that after the initial fallout over me dating Jade her best friend we seem to have patched things up.

“Thank you Amy, I am pleased we have had this conversation. Now I think it is time we headed home, I need to change my clothes, especially my underwear.”

“Dad, too much information again, but yes, I am glad we have chatted.”

We left the coffee shop and headed home, it had been a successful morning and now I just needed to convince Jade to move in with me.


Jade did not take much convincing and within a week she had moved out of her Student accommodation and in with me and Amy.

It was strange after so many years to be sharing a bed, but equally, it was nice to have the wardrobes full again. Like most men, I had few clothes and they had been allocated a small space within the total wardrobe area by my late wife and I had remained pretty much within those boundaries even after all these years. Jade may have been a student, but she seemed to have a large number of dresses and shoes which now filled the vacant space. The dressing table which for so many years had been like a barren wasteland now hosted an array of bottles of perfume, deodorant and items of makeup. My bedroom had been feminised again.

Amy found it funny as I tried to adjust to sharing my life and bed with somebody again, reminding me whenever I looked annoyed or uncomfortable that it was my decision to have Jade move in. This was not said with malice as she would frequently tell me that I now look younger and had a new zest for life.

Work was going well for me and the girls were studying hard at university, but it was not all work and no play.

With Jade and Amy being best friends, we went out for meals together and they would drag me along to concerts of bands I had never heard off and in a few extreme cases hoped never to hear again. Occasionally we would go out to the countryside or to the coast to indulge my passion for photography with some very pleasing results as I now had two beautiful models to enhance my shots.


Then the pandemic hit and this threw us all into confusion. Both Jade and Amy had their Uni courses suspended and I was asked to work from home. I happen to have a nice home office so I quickly brought my stuff from the office and set it up in there. I also encouraged the girls to study during the day to try and keep up or get ahead in their studies and it helped for us to all have a routine. In the evening we would all settle down to watch the latest box set or a movie, myself and Jade snuggling together on one sofa and Amy stretching out on the other. All in all, we were having a good lockdown.


“I have chosen the movie for tonight, it's a bit steamy but should be ok.”

“Really Jade, you know Amy is going to be watching it not bloody Eyes Wide Shut is it? That is a bad film and was only a success at the time because of the subject matter”

“No,” Jade responded with a defiant look, “I have chosen 9 Weeks with Kim Bassinger and Micky Rourke.”

“That is not much better, although it could have been worse I suppose as there is a film called 9 Songs which just avoided being classed as a porn film at the time of release. When I was young I hated watching anything remotely sexual in the presence of my parents and it's no different now, only now it is me as the parent.”

“Didn’t stop you at that party, you seemed to enjoy spanking Amy judging by the lump in your trousers at the time.”

“Yes well, I had had a drink or two and Amy wanted to keep the fact that I was her father secret from everybody there so I had to do it to avoid suspicion.”

“How very noble of you. You're not fooling anybody you know, just admit it, you enjoyed it.”

“Actually, I did enjoy the spanking and domination bit, just not really who I was administering it too. That reminds me, you said you fancied a good spanking.”

Jade looked at me for a minute before responding very slyly, “Well I shall have to try and misbehave today so that I deserve a good spanking.”

“Why do you have to be bad, I can administer the punishment for future indiscretions put it on account if you like.”

“No, no the punishment must fit the crime and I think I know exactly how to earn it.”

I looked at her trying to think of some smart-arse retort, but nothing came to mind as all I could picture was her over my knee with her pert little arse in the air. Shaking my head, I kissed her on the forehead and went back to the office to continue working.


“Come on it, Chris, we are starting this film shortly, what are you doing?” Jade shouted up the stairs.

“All right, all right, I am on my way,“ I shouted back as I slipped on some pyjama trouser and my blue lightweight cotton dressing gown.

As I walked down the stairs I saw Jade was still stood there in a satin blue laced cami and shorts set. The cami top flowed down over her breasts and stopped just below them leaving her tanned toned torso bare. The top was matched with a pair of satin shorts which hugged her arse tightly with her arse cheeks visible just below the material. Even after all these months, the sight of her took my breath away and I smacked her behind as she walked away from me.

“Hey, not until I do something especially naughty, I told you.”

“Wearing that outfit around me is enough, your arse is just begging to be smacked,” I retorted.

“You two knock it off otherwise I will be physically sick,” came the voice of Amy from the living room.

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Entering the room Amy was already lying on the second sofa dressed in silk pyjamas with a matching floral silk gown which she had removed and placed over her lower half almost like a blanket. They had been one of my presents to her at Christmas and whilst it had not been intentional the effect of the soft shiny material moulding and floating over her breast extenuating her curves was highly erotic.

I saw her hungrily devour Jade with her eyes as we made our way to the other sofa and settling down with Jade lying so her legs were across my lap we began to watch the movie.

Amy glanced at the lights and then announced, “Computer, please turn off all lights, let’s make like being in the cinema.”

We have a wireless lighting system throughout the house and when Jade had moved in, she had taken great delight in changing the control name from ‘Alexa’ to ‘Computer’ saying that it made her feel that she was on the bridge of the Starship Enterprise from Star Trek. I jokingly said perhaps she could dress up in the outfit sometime. Jade had readily agreed but only if she could wear the uniform as worn by Seven of Nine from the Voyager series. Now I was not going to turn that down and looked forward to that day immensely.

For those who have never seen the movie, it is about a female played by Kim Bassinger who enters a relationship with a guy, Mickey Rourke, who slowly over time pushes her boundaries until the relationship becomes to all intense and purposes an abusive relationship. It has several highly erotic scenes and as the film continued, we were all very quiet. I stroked Jade's legs, my hand moving higher and higher till I was at the top of her thigh with my fingers stroking gently underneath the bottom of the shorts.

Jade shuffled down and opened her legs ever so slightly, giving me greater access, my fingers slowly moved in an almost sub-consciously manor toward the hidden prize.

As Kim and Mickey started to get it on down in the subway after the fight with the thugs and the rain beat down on their bodies my fingers finally found the prize. My fingers felt the soft folds of her pussy and the slowly creeping wetness as I gently circled her clit. I felt the little nub get harder and I increased the pressure with my fingers.

Jade moaned a bit and I froze, glancing across at where Amy lay. Half her face was lit by the harsh flickering light from the TV screen which she seemed to be watching intently.

Satisfied that she had not heard anything I resumed my circling motion with my fingers, with each rotation I increased the pressure and soon Jade was squirming, clamping her legs shut and biting her lip to prevent moaning. Whenever I thought that we were in danger of being rumbled or that Jade was about to orgasm I would pause, the constant edging was driving her mad.

I slid two fingers deep into Jade’s pussy throwing caution to the wind briefly, Jade moaned loudly and I froze again. Looking across at Amy, she was still intently watching the film. It was obvious that she was just a bit too intent on keeping her eyes on the screen and not looking across at us.

Jade had now bent one of her legs and her foot was now rubbing up and down my cock, I was getting hard, I shivered and closed my eyes for a second. When I opened them again Amy was staring at me, her eyes glanced first at my crotch and then to my hand which was still tucked inside Jade’s pyjama shorts.

I quickly pulled my hand out and push Jade’s foot off my crotch as I struggled to sit up straight. Jade looked confused for a second before also sitting up.

“Hey, don’t let me stop you two,” said Amy, “I was getting turned on by this movie as well and only looked over to see if I could, well, you know.” She nodded downwards. “I was trying to see how much light there was and if it was possible to do it underneath my gown without you seeing."

I frowned.

“Oh come on you were practically at the stage of whipping it out.”

I didn’t know how to respond, but Jade was quick to answer.

“Well, why don’t you just do it in the open.”

“What, no,” I blustered.

I had known since we first got together that Jade had a high sex drive and determination, after all, she had admitted that soon after becoming Amy’s friend and meeting me for the first time she had to have me. That pursuit had taken her about six months, although as I had said when she confessed if she had just asked me outright, she could have shortened that timeframe by about five months twenty-nine days.

“Why not?” Jade asked, “She was at that party, you got naked in front of her, you even spanked her arse. She gave you a lap dance which, if I remember rightly you both had to be told two or three times that time was up before you stopped.”

I did not respond, my mind was whirling with emotions, lust for Jade, revulsion for what she was suggesting and finally a desire to have an audience.

Taking my silence as agreement Jade stretched out her hand and started to caress my bulge, “See your cock is telling me you want to do this.”

I had not moved. Dumfounded looked across at Amy. She was now stood up and removing her pyjamas, they fell to the floor and she sat back down on the sofa facing us. She picked her legs up opened them wide and placed her feet back down on the sofa cushions.

I could see her pussy was already moist and this was further confirmed when she ran her fingers along her slit and took them to her mouth, there was a string of moisture dangling from them for a second. Having licked her fingers clean she returned them to her pussy and plunged two fingers into herself.

All resistance was gone, I watched as Jade pulled my bottoms down and without wasting any time with further foreplay, jumped up, pulled her shorts to one side, and impaled herself on my cock. As she started to bounce enthusiastically, she removed her cami top and threw it over her shoulder.

I lay back on the sofa until my back and neck touched the cushioned backrest and then tried to match her thrusts by raising my hips to meet her downwards movements ensuring that I was buried deep within her hot snatch.

Within a minute Jade was panting hard.

"Oh yes, oh yes, oh my god, oh my god I am going to cum,” she yelled and flopping forward on to me she orgasmed. I felt her pussy clench and then relax, releasing a stream of fluid that flowed down my shaft, over my balls onto the sofa.

I had forgotten all about Amy but she was moaning quietly on the other side of the room, she now had three fingers of her right hand deep with her pussy whilst her left hand was a blur on her clit.

“That is so hot,” was all she said as she suddenly jerked, clenched her legs together and slid down the sofa onto her back.

“Only you left to come,” said Jade jumping off me and dropping to her knees, “Come on over my face, fill my mouth, if we are doing a live porno lets make it a good one.”

I climbed to my feet and stood over her jacking off frantically as Jade licked around my balls and ran her hands up the back of my legs and over my backside.

“Come on give it to me, make me your whore, I want your cum on my face, over my tongue.”

I looked down at this foul mouth hussy and she opened her mouth...

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Written by cethpada
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