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“Hi Guys are you still ok for tonight?  If so meet at that cocktail bar we were telling you about the other night”

I showed the text to Jade from Jen and Steve who nodded, so I texted back to agree to meet up and suggested that we meet at half-eight that evening. 

“So, are we lying by the pool today?” I asked as we continued with our breakfast and awaited their response.

“Yes although I think I am going to cover up a bit today as I am feeling a bit tender on my shoulders and back.”

I smiled, “That will be because of the photo shoot we did on the top of the dunes yesterday, the sun was beating down at the top.”

“Don’t need to tell me,” said Jade, “at the time I was fine it was only later as we walked back to the hotel that I really started to feel it.”

“Don’t worry baby, I will make sure to slather you in suncream today.”

“Just so long as it is only suncream that you put on me, I am not sure about the protective qualities of your personal cream and I don’t wish to test it out.” Jade giggled as she said that. “Besides I think I will wear one of my swimming costumes today less skin exposed.

I nodded in agreement but was not surprised to see that the costume she chose to wear was not really protecting much more than a bikini.  It was a high-legged, halter-neck swimming costume with a deep plunging neckline that showed off a deep cleavage, it pulled her breasts together with the material sweeping over the front of her breasts, it was just about covered her nipples.

I pulled over a sun umbrella and we spent the morning and most of the afternoon lying on the pool beds reading and popping to the bar to get drinks.  Occasionally we took a leisurely swim for five or ten minutes to cool down.  The pool area was fairly quiet as it seemed to be a change-over day and a lot of hotel residents were flying home.

Mid-afternoon we retired to our hotel room to relax and we both fell asleep on the bed.

Our afternoon nap was slightly longer than we intended and I awoke with a start when Jade shook me.

“Chris, it’s nearly half seven we only have an hour to get ready,” she said as she jumped off the bed and headed toward the bathroom.

I slowly came around and then followed her over to the bathroom in order to get a shave but joined Jade in the shower first.

We behaved ourselves and in what must have been a record time for Jade we were both dressed and ready to head out.  I had on a pair of light-coloured chinos and a pink short-sleeved shirt whilst Jade and gone for a white summer dress which buttoned up at the front and a pair of white trainers which somehow added an air of innocence to go with her young appearance.

We headed up to the centre and dodged the guys trying to entice people into the various bars by walking across the top and using the steps on the far side of the complex which finished very close to the cocktail bar that Jen and Steve had mentioned.

The bar was a small unit tucked in between a much larger bar on one side and an Italian restaurant on the other.  All three were open to the elements and had tables and chairs that spilt out onto the walkway.

There was only one other table occupied when we arrived.  Two guys dressed in jean shorts and tight t-shirts sat towards the back drinking a cocktail each and talking to the guy behind the bar.

We chose a table and sitting down picked up the cocktail menus.

“Well, it doesn’t look like they are here just yet,” I said as I glanced across at the Italian restaurant next door, “going to be bloody hungry later and that will be torture, the smells wafting across.”

Jade laughed, “Well we can have a couple of cocktails and then perhaps nip next door and share a pizza.  If Jen and Steve want they can join us, otherwise, we can suggest we join them again back here in thirty minutes or so after we have eaten.”

I smiled at her, “Not a bad idea, seen any cocktails that you like?”

“All of them,” Jade responded, “wonder if I could work my way through the list and have all of them by the end of our holiday.”

I raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything, hoping that she was joking.

“I think I will have a Strawberry Daiquiri.  What about you, are you going to have a drink tonight?”

“I think I might, I will have a Long Island Tea.”

Jade looked back at the menu, “Bloody hell, Chris, that will double your alcohol content for the whole year if you have that, are planning on getting drunk?”

“Not drunk, drunk, I think I can survive just one,” I laughed.

The barman walked over and was just taking our order when we saw Jen and Steve approaching.

Jen looked stunning, her long blonde hair fell down around her face and onto her shoulders in long loose curls.  Her breasts were pushed up into two perfect domes by a tight crop top which showed off a taught stomach.  Her lower half was encased in a long wrap skirt which split to show her long legs as she walked over to our table.  On her feet, she had a pair of black high heels which I thought unusual for a night out on holiday where all the other women I saw were wearing either trainers or wedge shoes.

Steve was casually dressed in a pair of dress shorts and a polo shirt, with the boat shoes on his feet that he had been wearing the night before.  Unlike the last time though Steve was clean-shaven this time.

Jen saw us first and waved as she grabbed Steve and hurried over to us.

“Hi, guys, glad you could make it, sorry we are a bit late,” Jen gushed as we stood up to greet them.

“It’s ok we were just picking our cocktails,” I responded.

“Yes, Chris is even going to have one.”

“Oh,” said Jen smiling, “is that unusual?”

“Most definitely, I rarely drink, I only tend to drink on holiday.”

The barman who had been waiting patiently whilst we did our introduction took our order and shortly after returned with all the drinks and we started to get to know one another.

Jade swapped seats so that she could sit next to Jen and for the next half an hour they sat and discussed work.  Jade was particularly interested in the life of a surgeon.  Whilst they chatted me and Steve discussed sports in the typical fashion of men.

“Chris,” Jade spoke my name to attract my attention and as I looked over at her she nodded down at her now-empty glass.

“Oh, sorry, do you want another drink?”

“That would be nice, glad you are paying attention,” Jade responded sarcastically.

“Ohhh, that’s fighting talk,” Jen said laughing, “leave him alone, he has made a new friend.”

“Thanks for defending me, you make me sound like a child but think I can confidently say I am definitely the oldest here.  Now, who wants a drink?”

The others laughed and all hands reached for the menu to choose their next cocktail from the vast list of drinks available.

“I think,” said Jade, “I would like Sex on the Beach, traditional I know but I have never had one.”

“What you have never had sex on the beach,” intoned Jen, “girl, you are definitely missing out, the sand does get everywhere, and I do mean everywhere but there is nothing like doing it under the stars.  Chris before the end of the holiday you must rectify that oversight.”

“We will see,” I responded smiling at Jen and Jade across the table. “What about you what are you going to have?”

“I would like a Screaming Orgasm.” Jen paused before adding, “Now, which of you guys is going to deliver that?”

“I think,” Steve said in a low slow voice, “that can be arranged later but right now you will have to settle for the cocktail,”

“A drink is what I meant, but if you are promising me a screaming orgasm later, I certainly wouldn’t turn that down, is it you or Chris who is going to deliver that later?”

“I think we should check that Chris and Jade are happy to join us later, but if they are, who would you like to deliver it?” Steve asked turning to me and winking.

“Well, I know darling that you can deliver,” Jen said smiling sweetly at her husband before looking at Jade and then me, “but as you say, if you two are interested I would certainly be interested in Chris giving me one.”

Jade looked at me and I looked back at Jade, both of us were amazed at just how forward Jen was being.

I took a deep breath, “I think I can speak for both of us when I say that we are interested and would be very happy if we could join you later and we will see if we can deliver what you desire.  Now, shall I get the drinks in?”

We ordered our second round of cocktails and Jen stood up indicating to Steve that he should change seats with her so that she could sit next to me and him next to Jade.

“So, Chris,” Jen said as she sat down next to me, reaching her hand out and placing it on my thigh, “I believe you said there was a long story as to how you came to be together, care to tell it to us now?”

“Why not, it’s nothing exciting though, feel free to tell me to shut up if you are bored.“

For the rest of the evening, I told our story trying to keep it as light-hearted as possible and then asked how Jen and Steve came to be together.

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Steve told us that they were in university together although studying different subjects and happened to meet through a mutual friend on a night out. 

Eventually, the crowds walking past the bar started to thin and the numbers in the bar grew less.

“Wow,” Jade suddenly said, “it’s nearly one in the morning, doesn’t time fly when you are having fun.”

“It does sweety, want to make it go faster?” said Jen winking at Jade.

“What do you have in mind?” enquired Jade.

Jen leaned over the table and indicated that Jade should do the same.  Jade leaned forward and Jen kissed her gently on the lip before dropping back into her chair.

“So, we have really enjoyed your company this evening, would you like to walk with us back to our hotel and perhaps,” Steve coughed, “join us for coffee.”

I laughed and Jade joined me in the joke.

“Really, Steve, let’s just say it how it is,” Jen responded, “what my husband is rather delicately saying is: do you fancy coming back to our hotel and seeing if we can fuck one another’s brains out?”

“Such a way with words, Jen, where is your bedside manner?” I joked.

“I am a surgeon so I tend to be frank about things, but I am quite prepared to show you my bedside manner shall we go?” Jen stood up and held out her hand which I took as stood up.

I step aside to let Jen move past me and then joined her, Jade and Steve outside the bar.  Taking Jade’s hand, I indicated to Steve and Jen that they should lead the way.  We left the centre in the opposite direction to our hotel and after 5 minutes were outside a large hotel situated on one of the many large roundabouts that were such a feature of the resort town.

Feeling a bit self-conscious we tried to casually walk through the reception area to the waiting lifts.  I was relieved to see that the reception desk was unmanned.

Stepping into the lift I felt Jen’s arm slip through mine and I turned my head to look at her and was surprised to find her leaning in for a kiss.  I kissed her back and she pulled me into her whilst raising her leg so that her skirt fell away and I found myself holding on to her soft silky-smooth flesh.

Breaking the kiss I could see that Jade and Steve had also started kissing with Jade’s hands roaming up and down Steve’s back, whilst clearly, Steve was caressing Jade’s butt.

The door to the lift opened and Jen took my hand and pulled me along the floor corridor towards their room.  Turning to look behind me I could see that Steve was doing the same to Jade.  Jade looked at me and grinned a wicked grin.

Steven flashed his key card over the lock and pushed the door open.

“Come in, guys, can we offer you a drink we have a couple of bottles of wine, a few cans of beer and quite possibly a can of coke.”

“We could of course skip the drinks,” said Jen in a low soft sexy voice.

“Ermm, nothing for me please,” I replied, “I have definitely reached my limit.”

Jade nodded in agreement.

“Wonderful,” said Jen as she walked over to Jade, “can I ask if you are bi?”

“Yes, I have kissed a girl and liked it, as the song goes,” Jade answered with a smile.

“That is delightful, you are perfect, if Chris had not already snagged you, I would have been trying hard to get you to come home with us.”

Jen and Jade started to kiss and very quickly Jen was tugging at the zip on Jade’s dress and sliding it down her body and over her hips.  She pushed Jade back onto the bed and pushed her legs back so that her feet were above her head.  Jade was very turned on as could be seen by the wet spot that was growing larger on the white cotton panties she was wearing.

Jen licked the top of her thigh and then lowering her head she flicked her tongue over the gusset of the panties.  Jade let out a low slow moan and tried to raise her hips but was prevented from doing so by Jen’s hands which were pushing down on the back of her thighs.

Jen raised her head from between Jade’s thighs and looked at me and Steve.  We had not been idle whilst the girls had started to play and both of us had shed our clothes.  We both stood watching them, with hard and very erect cocks which we slowly wanked.  I moved forward and Jen took the tip of my cock in her mouth and sucked it gently before returning to kiss Jade’s pussy through the thin material of her panties.  This elicited another moan from Jade.

Sensing that she was getting frustrated I straightened her legs and pulled her knickers off before pushing Jen’s head down and holding her mouth on Jade’s cunt.  Jade shivered and this time let out a squeal of delight as her tongue finally came into contact with her clit, which she started to flick vigorously.

I motioned to Steve and he eagerly climbed onto the bed.  Jade turned her head and opened her mouth into which he quickly slipped his cock.

I slowly ran my hands down Jen’s body and over her arse searching with my fingers for her pussy, when I found it, she was soaking wet and her lips easily yielded to my probing fingers.  Jen moaned into Jade’s pussy and the humming vibrations pushed Jade over the edge.  I watched as she started to shake and clamped her thighs shut around Jen’s head.  Jade released Steve’s cock from her mouth.

“Oh, fuck that felt so good,” was all she said before turning her head and hungrily devouring Steve’s cock again.

Jen tapped Jade on the legs and indicated that she should turn over onto all fours, which she duly did. Once on all fours Jen pulled me by my cock towards my girlfriend’s pussy and guided me into her.

I wasted no time and started to thrust in and out in long and leisurely strokes.

Jade was now being spit-roasted, Steve and I unconsciously fell into a rhythm as I thrust in, he withdrew slightly so as to not make her gag and as he pushed into her mouth I pulled back so that only the tip of my penis was inside her. We continued with rhythmic fucking for a few minutes as Jen stroked Jade’s arse and kissed me.

“My turn now.”

Jen was clearly becoming frustratedly horny she dropped onto all fours shaking her arse at me and leaning in towards Jade so that her face was alongside and opening her mouth.

Neither of us needed any encouragement as I withdrew from Jade and shuffled over and with my cock well lubricated plunged into Jen and waited for Steve to move across.

Jade sat up and like Jen before her, she started to caress the woman getting fucked in front of her.

“Hum,” Jade moaned, “is that what I looked like, that is so fucking hot.”

I tried to simulate the same rhythm that we had done when fucking Jade but Steve seemed to know how Jen liked it and as I thrust forward burying my cock deep within her, he also thrust forward driving his cock deep down her throat, holding it there for a second or two before pulling back. When he pulled back, I could hear Jen gasping for breath between her moans.

I started to speed up my thrusts and I could feel Jen’s pussy starting to contract as her first orgasm of the night washed over her. She released Steve’s cock and let out a wail as it hit.

Jade had been watching this with pure fascination but now she scrambled onto all fours and backed up slightly, waving her behind at Steve who wasted no time in grabbing her hips and pulling her onto his cock. As with me, his cock was well lubricated from the sloppy blowjob he had been receiving from his wife and so he slipped easily into her.

As we pounded the girls’ pussies, they both turned their heads to the side to face one another and started to kiss.

The scene was so erotic and with all the teasing that we had been receiving I knew I was not going to last much longer and so reaching forward slightly I managed to place one of my hands on Jen’s clit and started to stroke it as I continued to pound in and out of her.

“Oh fuck I am going to cum again,” Jen announced and suddenly she started a full-body quake as she wailed again. She fell forward flat on the bed and I slipped out of her but following her down I felt my cock squirt ropes of cum over her arse and back as I landed on top of her.

Steve was concentrating on fucking Jade who was breathing heavily but I could tell she was not close to cumming.

Steve announced he was close and Jade told him to deposit his load on her back. Withdrawing from her he released over her back. As he sat down on the bed to gather his breath, Jen kneeled and licked his cum off Jades’ back and swallowed it before the girls shared a passionate kiss.

“That was fantastic, now shall we have that drink and recover before round two?” Jen asked.

“I like your thinking,” I responded as I pulled Jade onto my lap and gave her a kiss.

Jade put her head on my shoulder and snuggled into me.

“Ahh, the youngster is tired,” I laughed, “she might not manage a second round.”

“Listen old man, this girl is more than ready for round two, I am just resting my eyes for a minute,” Jade murmured without taking her head off my shoulder.

“There is that fighting talk again,” laughed Steve, “careful what you wish for, Chris.”

“Oh, don’t worry about me I will be ready for round two, I have had to get fighting fit to keep up with this girl,” I said bicep curling my free arm to show off the muscles.

Jen looked at me with a smile.

“When you have quite finished preening and strutting do you want that drink?”

I nodded knowing that this evening was far from complete.

Written by cethpada
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