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2 months ago
Straight Male, 61
0 miles · England


Active Ink Slinger
I agree . I like the more classical look of which lingerie plays an important part
Active Ink Slinger
No .I dont wear one

I am as immune as i am ever going to be . I havn't had the vaccination so I can wear a mask for the rest of my life smile
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by bria_xo

He found out the grass is not always greener on the other side its been 4 years and he’s still trying to say how sorry he is ~ sucks to be him.

Everything happens for a reason I am so much happier being single

Well done. That's what cheats deserve .
Active Ink Slinger
Maybe I wouldn't .I would replace with intimacy . But I have quite a low sex drive anyway.
Active Ink Slinger
I always prefer to dress smart .In business people will take you more seriously if dressed for the part. That of course goes for the ladies as well.
Active Ink Slinger
As a couple we enjoy playing Monogamy board game occasionally. The drawback with this game is that it can last for hours but is good fun. It can be played with other couples but you need to be broad minded, experimental and not shy about your bodies, as you end up being naked as sure as night follows day.

Another game we play as a couple is Naked Twister. Oil both your bodies up and have some slippery fun . Its a great prelude to some bedroom action .
Active Ink Slinger
This is the second time this lady has been checking me out and trying to flirt with me .

First of all it happened a month ago but didn't think anything about it at the time as I tend to get a fair amount of attention but normally from women who are single .

I am not trying to be Mr Vain but I have been told by others that I have since I lost a lot of weight got model looks and was scouted out for modelling work 2 years ago over coffee whilst on business in the centre of Manchester ( UK ) . I do tick other boxes with some ladies in that I do care about my grooming and appearance and as a Northern Soul dancer , my place is on the centre of the dance floor .I tend to dress smart casual to compliment the outfit my Mrs wears but being careful not to outshine her.

What I found most unusual about being checked out this time is that she stepped up a game a lot . She tried flirting with me , tried to hold my gaze and showed all the classic signs of someone interested by playing with her glasses, hair and generally a little fidgety . She removed her glasses I think for my benefit and she was very attractive and would if I was single would be my type. I did send out the usual counter measures such as folding my arms for some time but to no avail.

That's the other issue I found quite strange is that she was with her partner . I have to admit he wasn't dressed as I would be wearing a loose slogan T shirt and baggy jeans . She was dressed very tidy with heels, black skinny jeans and a white jumper . Agewise in her 40s .

The other thing was I was with my partner and she could see that clearly as we are quite close when we go out .

I asked my wife to discretely check her out and confirmed that she clocked her and quickly turned away when she saw my Mrs looking in her direction . She also clocked her again in around 5 minutes time when she looked back . At this point we moved on to the next bar.

I have some possible theories

1) I became her target for the night to mark some imaginary scorecard. Maybe it was to satisfy her ego and to confirm that she still had pulling power.

2) Her relationship with her partner could have been on the decline , although there were no obvious signs to indicate that .

3) The guy could have been her wingman and she was single .

So I am just wondering if you ladies have any theories on what she was trying to achieve as this has puzzled me .

I have considered going out like this !

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by luvmyhighheels
When I back into someone on the dance floor its completely intentional usually when they are faced towards me i will back my ass up into them

That's exactly how it happened on the most recent occasion .

Thanks ladies
Active Ink Slinger
I am normally pretty clued up for a guy when it comes to body language and eye contact. So this may be a new one for me.

I didn't think too much of this until it happened for a third time last week .

This is the third time a girl has backed into me on the dancefloor in the last 2 months . They tend to be youngish girls as well ie under 26 .

As I am married I havn't been looking out for additional body language or eye contact.

Therefore is this an accident or intentional ?

Thanks ladies in anticipation.
Active Ink Slinger
I am usually on the receiving end . Some women are more subtle than others but either way they are experts when it comes to body language and eye contact. I see their eyes starting at my eye level and slowly working down and coming back up again and trying to hold my gaze. Some will make a complimentary comment when walking past .

For either gender its just a game .
Active Ink Slinger
Not quite as I am married but there are some members who I find interesting in the way, style and substance of their posts . These I always look forward to reading above all others .
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SarahFun
One of the men at work the other day was wearing a shirt and tie that were the same color with almost identical patterns. It didn't look right to me. Truth be known, I like my men suited with a white shirt and plain or striped silk that is a nice shade of red or blue

The "rule" tends to be striped shirt and plain tie or striped tie and plain shirt . Obviously plain and plain will go together. But your absolutely right a patterned tie and patterned shirt especially if they are the same style and density pattern wise will overload the eye. A white shirt will work with almost everything but doesn't quite do it with tweed . A beige . light grey or cream coloured shirt will often work better with tweed. When it comes to colour/color if in doubt consult the colour wheel and go for a complimentary colour.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Magical_felix

Wait, hold your horses... You are a stripper but you needed someone on lush to tell you that couples like going to strip clubs? How does that work?

"men allowed" I assume you are talking about a club where there are male strippers? So you are asking, since you wouldn't want your man getting some choochie grinded into him, wether it's the reverse for men? Like do men like to go to strips clubs featuring male dancers to watch their wives interact with the male strippers and have an overall fun and drunk night in the same way that women can go to a strip club with women dancing and have a good time?


spot on !
Active Ink Slinger
Yes she has done it plenty of times . I am usually handcuffed to the chair so I can't touch.

We do grind together at the Nightclub when we go out. We get mixed opinions most like it as they can see the connection between us. Some of the older ones think its too hot .
Active Ink Slinger
Avoid Takeaways and Burger Bars - Most are just full of fat and cheap cuts of meat. The big corporates will just eat your cash .

There are one or two healthier types cropping up but they are still far and few between
Active Ink Slinger
I am interested in your views on this topic folks .

I admit to having a certain style of which I am happy with. Its more of the classical lines of Jacket ( tailored sportscoat or blazer), open necked shirt with smart denims or chinos and brown shoes .

In a way its been a kind of gentle pressure from my OH that I dress this way . Let me explain. During the week my OH is a cake decorator and confectioner and so she wears scruffy/old jeans and tops all week that become caked ( no pun intended) in sugar and she smells very "cakey" when she comes home . So when it comes to weekend when we go out she dresses very girlie and normally spends hours in the bathroom getting ready and chooses usually a very nice dress with jacket and clutch bag to match. Not forgetting the heels or boots of course . Therefore I need to dress and quite happily doing it to match her and compliment her and also myself at the same time. Therefore a baggy T shirt with worn baggy jeans doesn't cut it in this instance even though I tend to wear these type of clothes during the working week.

So if you like this has become my style and have received compliments of others ( both genders) .
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by carlyhughes2018
i wouldnt worry about your clothes, that much
its the person inside them that counts,
the self worth, warmth, loving, caring, person that attracts others
clothes help but the personality is the key

I agree to a certain degree . However clothes or style transmit your personality from inside to the outside and other people will notice .
Active Ink Slinger
Role Playing. We always have fun as we are both rubbish at acting . My OHs dodgy French accent just cracks me up .
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SarahFun
Breaking loose from a man I had come to abhor was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, after a number of months spent rediscovering who I am with the help of counseling. In this light I started looking at my clothes and the way in which I presented myself and realized that too much of what I had been and the way I presented myself was to please him. Thus, part of the process of making a break is to be myself and not be his ex because of the influence he had over me.

You go for it girl ! Good luck although I don't think you will need it smile
Active Ink Slinger

I'm confused as to why you need an overhaul? You dropped the biggest weight in your life:the husband.

Other then that, everything should be ok.

I think its more to do that she wants to break free from her Exhubby which includes a new wardrobe as I dare say he may have had some influence on what she wore .
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by RikkiSue
Perhaps this is your opportunity to experiment with clothes and style, while at the same time allowing yourself to dress for yourself and not to please someone else -- like an ex-husband. Divorce is agony, I know, but perhaps it is the great opportunity for a new beginning as yourself rather than as someone else's person.


Also you know your body better than anyone else. Dress to your strengths and cover any weaknesses ( if you have any ) . And go sock it to em ! ( As we would say up North UK )
Active Ink Slinger
Since posting the above I thought I would perhaps include an example of perhaps what not to wear in my opinion.

It was summer just over a year ago me and the Mrs had gone to our normal over 40s Cabaret Club in our local town . A lady in her early 40s ( I reckon) was tottering about in high heels after perhaps one or two drinks too many . She was with a partner so she wasn't single . She was wearing a short figure hugging leopard print dress and no nylons ( tanned legs) . If being honest she was in quite decent shape bodywise. Anyway someone had just spilt their drink near the dance floor and she tottered into it and slipped head over heels and onto her back . Her dress rode up revealing a tiny pair of black knickers/panties that had skewed to one side giving me an eyeful. I don't know who was more embarrassed me or her ?

Without trying to coming across has being judgemental , that's the look I think you perhaps need to avoid IMO.
Active Ink Slinger
I think that depends on you and how confident you feel. Wearing something that you not confident in wearing will show. I am not sure of your age and its not the correct thing to do to ask a ladies age . However if you still have a good pair of pins then perhaps a skirt with the hemline just above the knee. A good pair of heels will also emphasise your legs . If you have a nice rear then perhaps trousers that are tight across your rear will give you emphasis there . If you have a decent bust then perhaps a buttoned up blouse or a dress would be a good way of showing this off. Its all about looking attractive but not slutty. I would also look Online for examples of latest fashions and the colours that go together for your age group. . The look I would avoid is the funeral look ie all black.
Active Ink Slinger
A gentle way is just to tell them that they are just not your type.

I have been asked a few times for a potential date. I am married and tell them so . This way they are not wasting their time on me .
Active Ink Slinger
From a guys perspective well this one anyway. Get clothes that show off your figure but don't show to much skin. However do get clothes that emphasise your best features. Nice lingerie always wins as it makes a lady feel confident . Heels are always a winner but make sure you can walk comfortably in them. Nothing more off putting than seeing a woman wobbling about . Armed with all of this get out and socialise .
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by yikes77
It's not Jealousy as in unfaithfulness. It's more jealousy as in "Oh,you got looked at!" and seems like foreplay-no anger. I've never been accused of anything except for getting checked out-also it always leads to great times. Understand that I am younger than most here (I think) and so is my Miss. We're both experienced but it's my first REAL relationship of this nature. I'm 22,my S.O. 25.

That can and does happen in any relationship .

I recommend that you talk it through and give assurances if need be. It can be a security issue and not a jealousy issue
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by ryann88
Have you seen most adults? Just go shopping sometime and look around. There aren't very many I really want to see nude so maybe shyness is a blessing.

Went to Blackpool seaside resort recently. The ones with decent bodies tend to keep themselves covered up and the larger size tend to be happy in letting it all hang out . I fit in the former category but tend to be of a shy nature .