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2 weeks ago
Bi-curious Female, 52
United Kingdom



The Politician

Lies, damn lies and masturbation

'Ready for Rasha' screams the social media hype. I am ready; splayed like a sacrificial virgin in my boudoir, thighs flung wide, buttocks clenched and raised as my insistent fingers massage my obsequious clit and my cunt weeps tears of liquid rapture. I'm ready Rasha. Ready for your floppy, mop-top to trail across my stomach as you tease my soaking snatch with your Etonian diction; untruths fluttering against my feverish...

Getting Wood

He brings the wood. I bring the fire.

"I'm getting wood," he announces. My eyes flick south. Tongue traverses in a half moon caress across my bottom lip as my fingers flutter amongst fabric confines to release his nascent bulge. The weight of his swollen shaft presses against my mount of venus as my cuticles wriggle their way to cup his engorged, pulsing plums. Hair tickles beneath my touch, the sweated heat of confinement coating my skin, lust and need and w...

Artificial Construct

Money buys anything.

"Money is an artificial construct," she said her Coutts Card carrying, diamond sparkling, fingers dancing their way up the inside of my naked and exposed thighs. "It separates the haves from the have-nots. Keeps the rich rich and leaves the poor to sell the only thing they truly own; their bodies." "Slaves to the capitalist system. Proferred as playthings. Your oozing desperation impaled, ravaged and pillaged for their be...

Subscription TV

Bye Bye Bridgerton.

His fingers tease expertly at my neck's nape. Fixing me in position, urging me onwards as, head in his lap, I suckle hungrily on the expanding popsicle nestling in my mouth. My tongue swirls about his thick-veined muscle; foreskin withdrawn, smooth dome pressing insistently. I gurgle and splutter; dribble flecks decorating my wide pulled lips. His fingers tighten their controlling grip, guiding my bobbing head for his del...

Debt Recovery

I'm full of need. She insists on denial.

Paper pile, all red and final, urges me to call this number now. She's breathy. I'm breathier. "Credit extension?" I beg in my best whimper. "You'll have to wear more clothes," she unflinchingly retorts. "I'm sure you'd prefer me in less," I flirt hopelessly and hopefully by reply. "Less than what?" she enquires. "Pearl's," I moan. "A pearl thong. Pulled tight. Parting my petal lips. Slick with my essence. Smooth beneath...

The Pump Attendant

My purse is as empty as my petrol tank.

The pitstop has a country dustbowl ascetic as I pull over, my needle as red as my bank balance. Skirt hiked, buttons untethered, nipples evident atop my swelling bosom; all offered as negotiation beneath my inviting smile. With my best "lost little girl" voice I enquire about "what arrangement might be made" as my finger twirls playful amongst trimmed and coiffed auburn strands. He offers to deposit 10 litres in my tank i...

Brief Encounters - Train Guy

I'm searching for tits, but the only thing to be found is a one-eyed trouser snake.

There has been a complete lack of tits in my garden for the last week and it was starting to play on my mind. No cheeky little Blue Tits, no white-cheeked and black-capped Great Tits, and the pair of Long Tailed Tits who made occasional forays into the branches of the many well-lopped tree branches were conspicuous by their absence. Personally, I was blaming the army of House Sparrows which had taken up residence in the l...

Brief Encounters - The E S Sex Girl

She's not Sexy, she's Extra Sexy, because she's an E S Sex Girl.

"I'm an E S Sex Girl." She accompanied the statement with a cackle deserving of a starring role in any am-dram production of 'Wicked'. I responded with my best questioning head tilt and supercilious eyebrow raise. Well, the best I could manage under the circumstances. The circumstances being that we were the leftover dregs of an after-work sortie for Happy Hour cocktails that had dissolved into a succession of Moji-Cosmo-...

Dare I?

And if I should dare, dare you?

Dare I unfurl the banner of my desires Across stubble fields and barren moor Or drag it through dew heavy meadows To hide beneath a willow's curtain, weeping? Should I barefoot and pregnant of expectation Induce grass spears to caress my skin Or dip them in the sparkling flow For minnows to feast upon my need? Might I unravel the beeswax square That burnished key reveal Sacred and sanctified with acid tears Yowled in angu...

She Despised Him

And yet still...

She despised him.  Despised the wisps of hair that straggled from his nostrils, the saliva speckles that adorned his lips as his mouth gurned to reveal crooked tombstones demanding a hygienist's attention. Despised the heated wave of his breath ripe with stale hints of alcohol and cigarettes and garlic. Despised the weight of his body against her thighs, her pubic bone, her stomach as he slammed his swollen and insistent...

I think we can all heave a huge and much-needed sigh of relief at the knowledge that we've all nearly reached the end and there isn't much more of this shit. So, splash yourself out a glass of pink poison, give it a little swirl in the glass so it refracts the light, and then chuck it down your throat not letting it touch the sides on its way down. Just consider it a medicinal necessity. And with that, let's go 'to the le...


The Happy House her Paradise Place

Floorboards become tattered carpet beneath my fine denier, hosiery-clad feet as I ascend the stairs. Turning left on the half-landing, away from her bedroom I step into a room I've only glimpsed through the open doorway. Nothing secret here; she calls it 'The Music Room', its walls lined with vinyl and CDs. A stereo unit, two-seater sofa and a coffee table the only other furnishings. I peruse the endless spines absorbing...

Dear Cum Lush,My really hot wife recently fell down the stairs and the police couldn’t prove it wasn’t an accident, so that’s good. Anyway, she bonked her head and now she thinks she’s sixteen.The sex has been fantastic, although I think her mind is still degrading, because we’ve gone from, “are your parents home,” to “is your wife home,” to “is Mom home” and she keeps shouting, “Oh, Daddy,” which is kind of hot, except f...

Dear BumGirl,'Hirsute trucker'!!! It was a pizza delivery moped as you well know, and I really object to you describing me as 'hirsute'. Certainly, you and your assorted collective of 'hen do' harlots and horny housewives didn't seem to object to the natural curls that adorned my pubic mound and lined my cunt lips. In fact, I distinctly remember one of them purring with delight at the sight of a 'natural redhead' and all...

Now in the salad bowl of existence that is our multi-cultural, multi-racial, pantheist, pan-sexual world sometimes, it might appear that what divides us is greater than the sum of our shared humanity. So it is more important than ever that we can celebrate and, dare I say it, worship those most divine of creatures that transcend our petty divisions with the universality of their adorable essence. I am, of course, talking...