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The Morning After

Sometimes, a few brief words are just enough

My cellular chirped, notifying a text message had arrived. "Hello sexy, how are you feeling this morning?" "My ass is sore, but for the rest, pretty fucking fantastic. I'm glad we finally tried it last night." "Shit, I didn't hurt you did I, Baby?" "Yes,...

Amazonians in Space

Fiona's journey through the Delta quadrant is interrupted by a strange anomaly.

Stardate 85844.9. Somewhere in the Delta quadrant.   A wave of nausea swept over Captain F for Fiona Ukkers as she gradually emerged from space hibernation. Trying to prevent vomiting only made the feeling worse and, although a descendant of a long line o...

A family picnic

A family picnic proved to be more exciting than I could imagine.

Unbelievable how quickly a day can go to the shitter.  Today Lucy suggested having a picnic with her parents. Wanting to make a good impression, I agreed, and pretty soon we were in a meadow surrounded by poppies. After lunch, Lucy's father wanted to stro...

Letters to Abigail - Jane's Confession

Teresa's boring hen party takes an interesting turn once the wine starts flowing.

Hello Abigail, Sorry for not writing sooner but things have been a bit hectic the last few weeks, what with Matty and Teresa's wedding. It was lovely to see you and the kids. Mom and dad were looking well, so moving out to the farm with you and Bob obviou...


Online chatting enables Mrs D to escape the captivity of marriage

  I shook my head, struggling to rid myself of the song I'd just heard on the car radio. It wasn't as if David Bowie was one of my favourite artists, but Changes definitely applied to my frame of mind, and I couldn't get the words out of my mind.  A nervo...

Nick's Downfall pt2

When I helped my friend Nick discover what he wanted in life..

Part 2 The second time Nick and I exchanged bodily fluids, it happened in his apartment in the Christmas period following our camping holiday.  I was still living with my Mom, more through choice than necessity. When my parents divorced, Mom had custody o...

A Full House

A private poker match proves to be a real challenge.

The house was huge. Powerful floodlights lit the garishly decorated building, as it dominated the hill overlooking Los Angeles. Somewhat ostentatious to my mind, it proved yet again that wealth and good taste aren't always mutual bedfellows. That said, I...

Forbidden Fruit

Dan's covert activities are not quite as stealthy as he had wished.

I grimaced as the tightness in my jeans increased. Not that I was unhappy — on the contrary — but my discomfort was growing and I could do little to relieve it. My prick, which until a few minutes ago was in its normal, dormant state, was now outgrowing t...

Dirty Tricks Chapter7

Sex and subterfuge, politics makes for strange bedfellows

Previously in "Dirty Tricks" While attending Alexa Grey's, the retiring mayoress's extravagant birthday party, an unknown photographer captures political opponents and electoral candidates, Heather Anderson and Sean McCarthy, during an adulterous rendezvo...