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Over 90 days ago
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Love's Enigma 1

Keep your secret; tell it no one: wars are won and lost with careless words

~ ~ I broke my codeMy cool enigma Overflowed I rode the U boat's Floating fragments Depth-charge bursting Surface breaking  ~ ~ Tied by hands Exposed and naked Wooden chair Roped ankles chafing Anglepoisoned Tasting blood and  Sweat I'm breaking ~ ~ Tortuously Beaten stripped by Brain-washed films In-terror-gations Nations cried Humiliation Almost broken ~ ~ Sleep-deprived Amusic blaring Hot and cold I'm suffocating Solit...

Imitating Art

Ira, Cole and Noël are dead; Julie London too. So I wrote this song instead and sing it just for you

The gallery was free, yet full Of endless dull Depictions with no wonder thundering In my heart or head. I stood instead And gazed within: why must my ordinary life Forever imitate art? * There! Amongst the moulded marble Art, by name  And nature, nurtured in an alien  Scrapered world for his and my mimetic sakes Bought tea and toast, taught me to see that most of life Is counterfeiting art * He blended Greco-Roman And El...

Frankenstein's lover

In gothic boudoirs throughout the land, monsters are created from the corpses of former lovers

Break the sod and shovel through the wormy loam Crack the casket lid and take my lover home Cut away the flesh and sinew, hack the bone Slap the slab and pierce the jigsaw till it's sewn * Search the hallowed ground, a stone, a memory Then dig for death, a corpse of one once dear to me  Fill the barrow, wheel away by raven night  Hobble down the cobbled road towards the light * Vaulted dank laboratory, black with bloody S...

Two minutes seven inches of Heaven

Black PVC and a sliver of diamond resurrect singular first-time memories

I remember everything single thing about it. The squealing windscreen wipers on the bus, slightly out of sync, one completing seven cycles to the other's six. Condensation streaking down my window, collecting in the rubber seal then sloshing out whenever the bus slowed, accelerated or stopped. I was cold, my polyester cardigan, short cotton dress, insignificant shoes and soggy tights no protection against the autumn's chi...

Big as Google

To show or not to show? That is the question!

To show or not to show? A question small,  yet big as Google Ogling a man *  all gristled flesh and sweat till he demands  a pound of mine to push him o'er the edge * A man he's not just dots and yet a man he is I've spied the piece  * that makes him thus The puss that pleasure wrings from aching balls begins to rise * I tease, I vacillate  while teasing tits and titillating juicy bits * My finger hovers Do it... Do It! P...


The ups and downs of love and life and yin and yang and see and saw and yo and yo and come and go

Ride my ecstasee-saw Cutting teeth on ripping  Tips and dipping valleys See so many seasons Rise and fall and winter Springs to summer's sailing Sunny climes sublimely Climbing falling swirling Down through seven circles To the darkest depths An apocheir with no one No one there but you and Bubbles bursting upwards Cork released a feast Awaits yet at the summit Plummet sliding slopes of  Greasy groping fingers Clawing gro...

Parodies of paradise

Do you ever look at respectable people and wonder where their fingers and mouths have been? No? Oh!

A teacher is a trade with requisites So pure, and chaste, a taste for Staid perfectionism in my  Measured tones. Beyond reproach * Are eyes that shine with kindness, skin that Glows and gently comforts with a  Caring touch and honest words That never give away too much * This digit, here, who taps the board Can you not see her honeyed tip And know the places she has been? Her guilty finger points at me * And on this palm,...

Master and sub

A poem exploring how the terms 'master' and 'sub' have been subjected to a masterful subversion...

If you were my Master I'd offer you head And christen you Bates With old masterful traits By degrees and at-arms My craftsman, my captain Of dark martial arts Master all my miss-parts * If I were your sub Your submissive, submerged In seminal substance - Subject to your guidance - From sub-arctic steppes To sub-tropical suburbs Subdued and subpoenaed  My soul subjugated * Subsumed as your sub So subvertly sublime Not a sa...

A Brief Encounter

Love grows, flowers and dies in a timeless, endless cycle.

The winter of your absence I hide and freeze Entombed beneath the sheets of ice  And sleep a thousand deaths * The springtime of your nascence I wake and thaw Swell and split with roots of white Shoots of the brightest sheen * The summer of your presence I thrive and bloom  Bedecked is wondrous petalled shades I burst and bear my fruit  * The autumn of your distance I shrink and curl Corrupted back into the earth Embrace...

A rose by any other...

I can't think of a one liner. Perhaps if I could, I would have spared us all the 66 liner below.

Big ears! he shouted and ran away Stuck out his tongue, pulled my hair all day And made me cry * Hey, is your Ellie playing out, Mrs Jones? We broke a window throwing stones And never got found out * Billy's got a girlfriend! his mates all cried No I bloody haven't! She's a liar. Ellie lied! But we held hands later * You're beautiful, gorgeous, I wish that we ... He kissed me in the darkness, hand on my knee Till the moon...

Butcher's hook

Scenarios for sex are not confined by social mores

Hacking bones, I glance askance At Graham in his bloody apron Sawing through a clump of muscle Trimming fat and severing tendons * Oh, those hands! Now gloved and crimson Skillful as a slaughtering surgeon Operations never ending  Always reaping, never sewing * Grisly gristle, loathsome lites are Minced for barbecue delights; I Stuff obscenely swollen skins Hope Graham sees me tease the meat * Yes, meat is murder, this I...

101 wasted words

A Roman said it in 2 words; someone else in 3: seize the day! We know it, yet still run out of ti...

We have tonight, my lover said, To write a poem A poem to write Without a wasted word? said I Said I, said I, said I * Precisely so, my lover said,  A hundred words And one besides 'Tis not enough, I fast replied 'Tis not, 'tis not enough * If love were true, my lover said, You'd need but three Just three would do But I would die for you, I said For you I'd die, said I * Quick! Write our poem! my lover said For time is sh...

Day of reckoning

In love as in life, what goes up must come down

One chance Two souls Three times Forewarned Five kisses Sixth sense Seven leaven Ate all Nine and sixty Tentatively Nine tails Eight strokes Seven wonders Six kisses Five tears Forgo Three words Too late One

Soulless story; pointless poem

A story about fucking? A lover who only fucks? What's the fucking point?

You fuck me using all your skill but it's A soulless story. Where's the slick denouement?  Where's the clever ploy? You leave me full of  Empty joy; a salad feast replete with Colour, crispness, salty mayonnaise These weighty days of famine how I crave  A beast with flesh that drips with tasty tallow Flows with primal energy for me * My mouth you fill with meat and drink I do And think I don't; you're showing off, the sci...

Let's do it with the light off

It's been a long time since she dated and she's not the girl she used to be

Let's do it with the light off, baby, please It's so romantic! Sight's an overrated sense I love to feel my way around, explore The soft and hard you have in store * Let's close the curtains, drapes and blinds, my mind  Works overtime to fill the voids, avoids The stereotypes. It fires imagination Heightens touch and smell and taste sensations * Let's make love beneath the quilt, it's Been an age since I've been so turned...