To show or not
to show? A question small,
yet big as Google
Ogling a man
all gristled flesh and sweat
till he demands
a pound of mine
to push him o'er the edge
A man he's not
just dots and yet
a man he is
I've spied the piece
that makes him thus
The puss that pleasure wrings
from aching balls
begins to rise
I tease, I vacillate
while teasing tits
and titillating
juicy bits
My finger hovers
Do it... Do It! Push it
push him o'er the edge
to show appreciation
Begging, 'Please'
his blurry fist
is stilled, he presses
hand to groin and
feels the pleasure build
I part and show
my glistening fingers'
Intimate egress
A grateful pumping
arc, a rainbow
white as snow
a pause and then
another salvo takes
the air and I am there
By mutual consent
we're duly spent
No disappearing trick
he stays to chat
his prick a shrinking
violet. With no regret
I let him see
my tits, observe
arousal's silver sheen
upon my lips
And now my eyes
to show or not
to show? A question small
yet big as Google
to show? A question small,
yet big as Google
Ogling a man
all gristled flesh and sweat
till he demands
a pound of mine
to push him o'er the edge
A man he's not
just dots and yet
a man he is
I've spied the piece
that makes him thus
The puss that pleasure wrings
from aching balls
begins to rise
I tease, I vacillate
while teasing tits
and titillating
juicy bits
My finger hovers
Do it... Do It! Push it
push him o'er the edge
to show appreciation
Begging, 'Please'
his blurry fist
is stilled, he presses
hand to groin and
feels the pleasure build
I part and show
my glistening fingers'
Intimate egress
A grateful pumping
arc, a rainbow
white as snow
a pause and then
another salvo takes
the air and I am there
By mutual consent
we're duly spent
No disappearing trick
he stays to chat
his prick a shrinking
violet. With no regret
I let him see
my tits, observe
arousal's silver sheen
upon my lips
And now my eyes
to show or not
to show? A question small
yet big as Google