Hacking bones, I glance askance
At Graham in his bloody apron
Sawing through a clump of muscle
Trimming fat and severing tendons
Oh, those hands! Now gloved and crimson
Skillful as a slaughtering surgeon
Operations never ending
Always reaping, never sewing
Grisly gristle, loathsome lites are
Minced for barbecue delights; I
Stuff obscenely swollen skins
Hope Graham sees me tease the meat
Yes, meat is murder, this I know
Yet swallow all my bile for him
Each Saturday for Judas' pay
To see his ruddy butcher's face
He chops then slams the cleaver down
Into the block with bloody stains
"Give us a hand wi' this one, Sally."
Nods towards the freezer door
Breath clouded by the deathly chill
My quickened heart eviscerated
Tripe, in stripy red and white,
His carcass wardrobe, I surrender
Handprints, carmine DNA from
Countless nameless murdered beasts
Is evidenced across my virgin
Smock, my curves delineated
Vibrant flesh, the steak I crave
Is in my grasp; I tease the meat
Obscene, the sausage swells till, oh!
His joint roasts in my oven mouth
How dripping drips despite the Arctic
Cold; we cling, we kiss, he lifts and
Hangs my living corpse amongst
The racks of ribbed asymmetry
My collar hooked, he strips this fishy
Mammal, till I'm shaking, naked
Graham cleaves me raw and gaping
Stabs me with his beefy skewer
Juicy breast and brisket cleave
Together, weaving shanks around his
Tender rump as lips and tongues
Entwine and baste the tasty flesh
Loins lock while the silent herd
Dismembered flocks around our frozen
Fevered fucking, marking urgent
Rutting stark against their corpses
Pumping life into this place of
Death unrecognisable we
Consummate our co-existence
Glory in our life extended
From the silent frosted tomb two
Red-faced Lazari emerge to
Throngs proclaiming disbelief as
New life swirls within my womb
At Graham in his bloody apron
Sawing through a clump of muscle
Trimming fat and severing tendons
Oh, those hands! Now gloved and crimson
Skillful as a slaughtering surgeon
Operations never ending
Always reaping, never sewing
Grisly gristle, loathsome lites are
Minced for barbecue delights; I
Stuff obscenely swollen skins
Hope Graham sees me tease the meat
Yes, meat is murder, this I know
Yet swallow all my bile for him
Each Saturday for Judas' pay
To see his ruddy butcher's face
He chops then slams the cleaver down
Into the block with bloody stains
"Give us a hand wi' this one, Sally."
Nods towards the freezer door
Breath clouded by the deathly chill
My quickened heart eviscerated
Tripe, in stripy red and white,
His carcass wardrobe, I surrender
Handprints, carmine DNA from
Countless nameless murdered beasts
Is evidenced across my virgin
Smock, my curves delineated
Vibrant flesh, the steak I crave
Is in my grasp; I tease the meat
Obscene, the sausage swells till, oh!
His joint roasts in my oven mouth
How dripping drips despite the Arctic
Cold; we cling, we kiss, he lifts and
Hangs my living corpse amongst
The racks of ribbed asymmetry
My collar hooked, he strips this fishy
Mammal, till I'm shaking, naked
Graham cleaves me raw and gaping
Stabs me with his beefy skewer
Juicy breast and brisket cleave
Together, weaving shanks around his
Tender rump as lips and tongues
Entwine and baste the tasty flesh
Loins lock while the silent herd
Dismembered flocks around our frozen
Fevered fucking, marking urgent
Rutting stark against their corpses
Pumping life into this place of
Death unrecognisable we
Consummate our co-existence
Glory in our life extended
From the silent frosted tomb two
Red-faced Lazari emerge to
Throngs proclaiming disbelief as
New life swirls within my womb