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Author's Notes

"Ted and Pam are still at it fucking almost non stop. When friend Bill and Jeanie show up they get a voyeuristic treat as they witness they witness Bill and Jeanie put on an erotic treat for them to witness. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Pam discovers she still has a yen for girl on girl sex. Previous chapter written by JefferyB"

Ted's thought processes were a little fuzzy, but he watched as she positioned herself above his cock and lowered herself on it. Pam looked back and him and dropped, letting her pussy swallow him up. Again she turned back to him and said, "Be still, baby. Just be still and watch."

His mind was still fuzzy enough to do as Pam instructed until he realized what she wanted. As he watched, she began to move on his cock, simply fucking herself on his erection. His cock had never been stiffer. Pam's pussy was a velvet sheaf around him as her juices coated his erection.

Ted was on sensory overload, feeling the silkiness of her pussy and watching the sexiness of her ass. He spent several seconds just floating in a 'neverland.'

When his senses returned, he heard her whimpering from the thrill of what was happening inside her. He reached forward and massaged her anal pucker. Ted's body took over as he grabbed her waist and pulled her down as he screamed in his sudden orgasm. His cock pumped out cum into her again and again. His mind became blank, and he could not tell what happened next. It was an out-of-body experience for him. When he was finished, Ted was unable to move.

The next thing Ted remembered was Pam lying beside him, kissing his neck and saying something about how sexy he was. It didn't make any sense to him for quite some time. He knew of people blacking out because of too much alcohol but determined he must have blacked out from a sexual overload.

He wasn't sure what had happened, but he was beginning to come back to his senses. He rolled over toward Pam, taking her in my arms and kissing her soft lips. He ran his tongue across her lower lip and into her mouth. Their kiss continued as if they hadn't just finished having sex.

It was more like they had just started and were again beginning to work up a hunger for each other. Ted cupped one breast and fondled the nipple, getting it nice and hard before sucking it into his mouth and running his teeth around it.

Moving his face back to hers, he said, "You have the sexiest ass I have ever seen."

Her face lit up with a big smile. "I told you I knew what you liked," she said. "And I knew you would go off like a rocket watching your cock slide in and out of me from a rear-view."

"You're pretty sure of yourself," Ted said.

"Yes, I am," Pam answered, still smiling. "And wait until Matilda sees THAT wet spot. She may decide to take you home with her."

"Hopefully, we'll already be home before she gets a peek at that spot," he said with a laugh.

Ten minutes later, they were both sleeping soundly. Ted had no idea if it was 10:00 or 2:00 when they went to sleep. They hadn't looked at a clock all day, and it really didn't matter.

Ted woke up and looked at the bedside clock as he made a quick trip to the bathroom. It was 3:35, and the entire house was extremely quiet. He was very careful and didn't turn on any lights until the bathroom door was closed. When he was ready to leave the bathroom, he turned off the lights and allowed his eyes to adjust to the dark before opening the door to the bedroom. As he opened the door slowly, he heard a slight sound that he couldn't quite make out. But once the door was opened, he knew instantly what it was. Pam was lying sideways across the bed, completely naked, legs open and holding a vibrator between her legs. Ted got on his hands and knees on the bed and crawled beside her.

Pam smiled at him when he was at her side and said, "Once more?"

It was somewhere around 4:30 when they were done and once again asleep. Again, the bed had a new wet spot, but this one was hers.


Shortly before 10:00 AM, Ted heard a noise and woke up. Checking to see that Pam was still sound asleep, he slipped out of bed. He pulled on some shorts and a shirt, washed his face, and combed his hair before tiptoeing out of the bedroom. Ted found Bill in the kitchen.

"Good mornin' ol son," he greeted Ted with a smile. "You know, if I had someone as pretty as your little lady, I don't know that I would be getting' outta bed," he said as he reached into the cabinet to pull out two coffee mugs.

"I'm not so certain about that," Ted replied, taking the mug he was offered. "The last time I looked, you had one hell of a bombshell in your bed, and you were up before me."

Bill poured coffee for both of them and looked up at me with a big smile. "Now that little Jeanie is really something, isn't she? She's not only beautiful and hot as a two-dollar pistol, but she's just as bright as can be. Unfortunately, I don't get to see her nearly enough, but man, we can light up the night when I do."

"Should I assume that Mrs. Bill knows nothing about Jeanie?" Ted asked.

"You may certainly assume that," Bill replied as they both moved over to sit at the counter. "But then," he continued, "That woman hasn't been interested in my activities in many years. Somewhere around age 50, she decided that she had done about all the fuckin' she needed to do. Shortly after that, I began finding women willing to fill my needful evenings. Fortunately, I have made a lot of money, and Mrs. Bill likes to spend it. She has her toys, and I have mine. But when I need an elegant lady on my arm for business or a political event, she is always happy to show up and look lovingly at her successful husband."

"How did you manage to hook up with Jeanie?" Ted asked as he took his first sip of coffee.

"Oh, I was introduced to her in California a few years ago. It was purely accidental. Of course, I started flirting with the pretty young woman, which evolved into friendly conversations. It turned out that she had a couple of problems that I was able to help her with. Then her bad luck turned into good luck, and she's always been grateful for my little help and friendship."

"Some of those looks she gave you last night didn't appear to be grateful love," Ted offered.

"Well now, ol son," Bill said as he began to wind up into his 'good ol boy' mode, "We have shared a bed together a time or two, and there isn't any question that we both enjoy ourselves. She knows how to drive me crazy, and I think I do a pretty good job for her. Maybe we might get together more if I was free, but I don't think so. She's got things goin' on in her life that wouldn't be helped by havin' an old fart like me hangin' around."

Bill returned to the kitchen, found the coffee cake Matilda had made the previous day, and set it on the counter. "That fat old woman is a hell of a cook, ain't she?" Bill asked.

He sat down again and offered, "Jeanie was comin' east this weekend anyway. She's got something to do in Atlanta on Monday, and I just thought she might like a little time up here in the hills where she could just let her hair down. She doesn't have to do anything up here to impress me or anyone."

"She is lovely, and a pleasure to be around, Bill," Ted told him. "You've always told me that you didn't hang around with any skanky women, and now you've proved it to me."

They both laughed and continued eating Matilda's coffee cake and drinking coffee.

Bill and Ted were sitting there chatting when they heard a bedroom door open. They looked to see Pam coming out. She wore the red wrap she had worn to the pool the day before and gave Ted a beaming smile.

As she walked toward him, Ted saw she was not wearing the black top, and her luscious breasts were free under their cover. It wasn't until she was within about eight feet of him that Ted noticed that she wasn't wearing the bottom.

Pam walked up to him, leaned over and gave Ted a kiss on the cheek, said hello to Bill, and turned back to Ted. "I know we have to leave in a couple of hours, but I thought I would take the opportunity to get some sun by the pool. I'm certain you two are talking business, and I don't need to hear any of that."

Pam picked up Ted's full coffee cup, took a taste, and said, "Oh, that's good coffee. You won't mind if I take it with me to the pool." She kissed Ted again and set off to the door leading to the patio and the pool. When she reached the door, Pam turned back and said, "Maybe later you'd like to bring me one of those yummy drinks you made for me yesterday." Pam smiled brightly and then walked out to the pool.

As Ted sat on the barstool listening to Bill, he turned just enough to see Pam down by the pool without it being apparent that he was watching her. He saw Pam set the coffee cup on a table by a lounge chair, put a towel to cover the chair, and then take off her red wrap and hang it over it. She was absolutely naked. Pam stretched out on the reclining chair and picked up the coffee cup. Ted also felt sure that as she sipped, she looked up at the house because she knew Ted would be watching.

Bill popped up out of his chair and went into his bedroom. Three minutes later, he returned with a bottle of brandy. "I'm thinkin' that this coffee might taste a bit better with a little kick to it," he offered as he went to the coffee pot and poured a cup for both of them. While fixing his brew, he told Ted that he had mentioned to Jeanie that Pam was "sunnin'" by the pool and that she should do the same. Ted was wondering how Pam would feel if Jeanie showed up to find her naked but decided that she could handle it.

A few minutes later, Jeanie came out of the bedroom wearing a mid-thigh terrycloth robe. She breezed into the kitchen and gave Bill a big hug before turning to Ted, giving him a big, beautiful smile and announcing that she thought taking in the sun by the pool was a great idea. She took a large cup of coffee from Bill, grabbed a towel from the back of a chair, and headed out the door.

Ted took a drink of Bill's exceptional coffee and said, "Yeah, Buddy! That will certainly get your blood flowing."

From where Ted sat, he could see Jeanie walk down to the pool and stop very near where Pam was stretched out. As he glanced from time to time, he noted Jeanie appeared to stand beside Pam's lounge chair. As Bill and Ted continued to talk and drink coffee, Ted would sneak a peek whenever he could. Finally, he noticed that Jeanie pulled another lounge chair over near Pam's and spread her towel on the chair before taking off her terry robe.

Ted almost choked on his coffee when he saw that Jeanie was also naked. She settled into her chair, put on a pair of oversized sunglasses, and turned to Pam. Ted remembered that Pam had asked for a mimosa and began wondering how he could make two drinks and take them down to the pool.


Pam was lying on her lounge chair, enjoying the feeling of the sun on her naked flesh with her eyes closed. A light breeze was blowing across the pool. She was amused thinking about Ted sitting in the house watching her. To Pam's surprise, she heard a voice saying, "Do you mind if I join you?"

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Pam opened her eyes to see Jeanie looking down with a sweet smile. Before Pam could say anything, Jeanie said, "You have a lovely body."

Without thinking, Pam replied, "So do you, Jeanie."

Immediately Jeanie gave Pam a quizzical look. Pam realized that Jeanie was wondering how she knew she had a lovely body. Jeanie saw Pam naked while she was covered by a terry robe.

Rather than trying to dance out of the situation, Pam said, "Last night while you and Bill were out here by the pool, we were up there," she pointed at their balcony, "in the hot tube. We saw you naked, and I know you have a lovely body. In fact, I think my guy would say that you have a 'killer' body."

Jeanie looked at the balcony, seeing how close it was to where they were, before turning back to Pam. Jeanie smiled and asked, "Did you enjoy watching us?"

"To be totally honest with you," Pam said, "It was damned hot. I think that I had two orgasms watching you."

"Two from just watching?" Jeanie asked.

Pam laughed and said, "Well, we had a little action of our own while we were watching."

"And how much did you see?"

"We were up there until you picked up your clothes and went inside," Pam confessed.

"Damn," she said. "I thought that I heard a noise. I thought it was the jets from the hot tub. I've been in that hot tub with Bill, so I know what you were seeing." She looked at Pam and smiled. "That's damned hot. I wish I had known you were there. The idea of you watching is making me wet."

Without a single thought of what she was doing, Pam put her hand out toward Jeanie's crotch and said, "Show me."

"What?" Jeanie asked, a little shocked.

"Oh, I'm so dumb," Pam said. "It's kind of a game we play. If he says something is exciting him, and he's getting an erection, or if I say that something he is doing is arousing me and that I'm getting wet, the other one will put out their hand and say, 'show me' or 'prove it.' I wasn't thinking. Sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry," Jeanie said seriously. "I'm more than happy to play your game." She untied the robe and let it fall open. 

Pam looked up to see Jeanie naked under the terry cloth cover. Pam got a close-up view of her body and could see that it was flawless. As Pam examined her new friend, her eyes started with Jeanie's exceptional breasts, and quickly determined that they were completely natural. In addition, Pam could see that her skin was beautiful and evenly tanned. And as her eyes dropped, Pam saw no hair between her legs and no indication that she had recently shaved it. It was hard to believe, but Pam determined that she was even more exquisite up close than she appeared from the balcony.

When Pam's eyes moved up and met with Jeanie's again, Jeanie said, "After an examination like that, I can assure you that I'm wet." She took a half step forward and said, "And I'm happy to prove it."

Pam hesitated only a second before putting her hand toward Jeanie's crotch. Jeanie moved closer and opened her legs so Pam could put her hand between them. As Pam stretched her hand out, she looked into Jeanie's eyes. Pam's fingers moved lightly over the skin between Jeanie's legs. Pam saw Jeanie close her eyes as Pam found the wet spot and slipped a finger inside. She moved her finger only slightly before saying, "Indeed. You are wet."

In a whisper-like voice, Jeanie said, "If you leave your finger there, I can assure you that it will get wetter."

"What if I move it?" Pam asked as she began to slide it back and forth slowly.

Jeanie's eyes were still closed as she said, "I assure you that I would do nothing to stop it because it feels so good."

Pam decided to try something that Ted had often done to her. Taking her finger out of Jeanie's pussy, Pam replaced it with her thumb long enough to cover it with her juices. Once that was accomplished, Pam put the finger back inside and began to massage Jeanie's clit with her thumb.

The look on Jeanie's face went from pleasure to extreme pleasure within a second. Both hands moved to her breasts as she began to pinch her nipples before finally saying, "Damn. That feels so good."

"I take it that you like a woman's touch," Pam said softly.

Jeanie opened her eyes halfway and replied, "Yes, I do. I spend a lot of time with women where I live, but I prefer a hard dick. However, a woman always knows what to touch and how to touch it."

"It looked to me last night that Bill must have been touching some of the right spots," Pam said as she watched Jeanie's facial expression. The woman was obviously enjoying what Pam was doing and taking no steps to stop her.

Jeanie was beginning to breathe quite hard, but she didn't stop talking. "Bill certainly knows how to touch a woman, and if you saw him last night, you know that he's hung. He's so big I can't take him all inside me." She shuddered a little, thinking about Bill's cock. "But he is very gentle and always gives me what I want."

"And what is it that you want?" Pam asked softly, sensing that between her fingers and Jeanie's erotic thoughts, she would bring Jeanie to an orgasm.

Jeanie started breathing through her open mouth, and Pam could feel little trembles running through her body. Finally, she said, "He always has to cum in my mouth. Always. I can't get much more than the head of that big dick in my mouth, but when he cums, I could scream with pleasure. My whole body shakes, and sometimes it actually gets me off. Nothing feels better than making a man cum with your mouth."

Jeanie's body shook harder, her pussy clamped down on Pam's finger. Pam saw Jeanie's legs stiffen just before she moaned. A large orgasm took over Jeanie's body. Pam's fingers were soaked with juices which she seductively licked off her fingers, looking Jeanie in the eye.

 Pam kept sucking her fingers until Jeanie regained control and her eyes opened. Waiting until Pam saw Jeanie's eyes focus, she said, "Maybe you'd like to pull up one of these lounge chairs now?"

Jeanie walked the few steps to another lounge chair and pulled it beside Pam's. She put a towel on the chair, draped her robe over the back, and stretched out. She reached back into the robe's pocket, took out a large pair of sunglasses, and put them on. Turning to Pam, she said, "I knew the first time I saw you that you were a very sexy woman. If I had any doubts, you just removed them."

Pam turned toward Jeanie and said, "I do love sex. Like you, I prefer a man, but I've had some experience with women. It's been many years, but I've been there. I spent a few years just not being overly interested until I met my guy. He woke up those long-buried desires and turned me into his personal, shameless slut. I can't begin to tell you all of the places we've had sex that would embarrass any normal woman. All he has to do is touch me, and I'm ready and willing."

"Your man," Jeanie said, "Oozes sex! He has dreamy eyes. You can't talk with him for more than three minutes without wanting to know what it would be like to kiss him. So I caution you not to leave me alone with him for more than five minutes."

"Thanks for warning me," Pam laughed. "He is very sexy, and he never seems worn down." Pam looked over her shoulder to make sure she could talk freely and said, "This morning, about 3:30, he got up to go to the bathroom. I thought that I had already made him cum five or six times during the day, but when he came back to the bed, I was playing with my vibrator and asked if he was ready to go again. Of course, I was joking, but that man got into the bed, took me, and made me cum so hard that I screamed and left a wet spot on the bed that would have made any man proud."

"You're kidding?" Jeanie said. "You know, something woke me up around 4 AM. Maybe it was the earth shaking." And both of the women laughed again.

As the two were giggling, Ted walked up carrying two glasses. "Ladies," he said. "I could see you were both busy with conversation and thought you might need something for a parched throat."

Pam looked at Jeanie, and they both giggled again. Ted didn't get it at the time. He handed a glass to Pam and Jeanie, ensuring that while he did, he got a good close-up look at her fabulous body. "Jeanie, Bill wanted me to tell you that he had to drive into town and would be away about an hour. He said he was getting something for you."

"Oh, that man," she said with a laugh. "Any time I mention something casually about a thing I would like to have, the next thing I know, there he is with it in his hand for me." She looked at Ted and said, "Sit down and join us unless sitting with two beautiful naked women makes you uncomfortable."

Ted pulled up a chair beside Pam, saying, "I've never had a problem being with beautiful naked women. And it will be much easier to sit than stand."

Pam giggled at his remark.

Jeanie looked at Pam and then at Ted. "I assume you are suggesting that if you are seated, we won't notice that you might be aroused?"

"Might be isn't an option," he told her. "Will be is a basic truth."

"I like a straight-talking man," Jeanie said to Pam and then turned back to Ted. "I understand you two had a good show last night from your balcony."

Without looking at Pam, Ted responded by saying, "We saw an outstanding show from our balcony last night. The dialogue was weak, but the plot and cinematography were simply outstanding. The cast was small."

Pam giggled once again.

"That is to say," Ted said, frowning in Pam's direction, "That there were only two players, but certainly not small." Ted noticed that Pam took a long pull on her drink to muffle her giggling.

"Tell me more about the show," Jeanie said with a wicked smile.

Not backing down one inch, he replied, "Well, there were two acts. Both players were equally involved in the first act, even though the lead actress began with a monologue. Then, the actors joined in a long duet, and the act ended with the actress making music with his flute. In the second act, the actress went on a long ride that she appeared to enjoy very much and ended with the two of them side by side as the curtain closed."

"That sounds like an exciting play," Jeanie said as she took a sip of her mimosa. "But it would appear that you've benefited from seeing the production, and I have not seen it. So I think it would be appropriate for the two of you to reenact this program for me to better understand what it was that you enjoyed so much."


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Written by ChrisM
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