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Author's Notes

"Ted and Pam return home after their time at the cabin. They feel pretty low about being back in the everyday world. They then discover that Jeanie is much more than who they thought she was and their spirits receive a welcome boost. <p> [ADVERT] </p>The previous chapter was published by Jeffery B at; ."

It was after seven when they finally got home. Ted had decided they would stop for dinner at a local restaurant, followed by a quick stop at the closest grocery store before going to his house. Ted and Pam were quiet and probably thinking about the weekend. It was a letdown to return to their regular, everyday lives.

They had been free to be what they were and who they were for one long weekend. They had not had to hide their relationship but could expose it to the light of day. They had been free and happy in "that" world, but now they were back in "this" world.

Despite the joys of the previous three days, Ted and Pam were unwilling to admit it but felt just a little depressed. Three days of luxury and unlimited fun, but now, they were back in the real world.

Pam said that she wanted to fire up her computer and get a start on company emails.

Ted wanted to see if he needed to do some laundry.

Around 11:00, they went to bed, cuddled up, and fell asleep with almost no conversation.

On Monday, they worked all day and hardly spoke to one another. Ted had a client dinner on Monday night, and when he arrived home, Pam was in bed and asleep.

Tuesday morning, around 11:00, Pam called Ted. Never knowing if they were free to talk, Ted saw that it was Pam calling and said, "May I help you?"

He thought her voice was a little breathless. Finally, Pam said, "If you have a minute, I'd like to come to your office and show you something."

Deciding that they were not being overheard, Ted replied, "Sure, darlin', come on in. I've always got time for you."

Pam walked into Ted's office with a huge smile within two minutes. She turned and waved to someone before closing the office door. She circled around his desk and gave him a large wet kiss.

As he sat there wondering if she had lost her mind, Pam pushed his chair aside and leaned over to his computer keyboard. "Look at this," she said as she typed in an internet location on his computer.

After a few seconds, a picture appeared on his monitor. It took only a nanosecond for Ted to realize it was a photo of Jeanie. The Jeanie they'd shared their weekend with. She was in a beautiful dress, standing in front of a backdrop. The caption read, "Jean Winslow, star of the new Century Movies production of 'Forever in Love,' was in Atlanta last night for the premiere of her new film." Below the photo was a story about the new movie release filmed in and around the Atlanta area and how critics had already determined that Ms. Winslow was a leading contender for this year's Oscar for an actress in a lead role.

Ted turned to Pam with his mouth open. "We spent our weekend with an Oscar nominee? So our Jeanie is an actress?"

Pam took his hand in hers and kissed his palm. Looking into his eyes, she said, "We not only spent time with her, but we also had sex with her. Both of us. And here's the next piece of news. When we were getting ready to leave, Jeanie took me aside and said that she would really like to see us again, but without Bill, if she was ever near us. She gave me her telephone number and email address, and I gave her my information. Before I found this story on the internet, I received a message from her. It said, 'Will be in your city next month and would love to get together.'

"Before I knew she was THE Jean Winslow, a Hollywood star, I answered her saying, 'You are always welcome. We have a big bed that sleeps three.' And honestly, babe, before I found this story on the internet, she wrote back to me and said, 'I've never met two sexier people than you and your man. So I hope the three of us can find a few hours to relive our two-act play.'

"So, what do you think?" Pam asked.

Ted thought for five seconds and said, "If she wants to come and spend a night or two with us, it would certainly be rude for us to say NO. She is exceptionally beautiful and sexy, and I think we should welcome her."

"You are being a jerk," Pam said. "And I am being serious. Can she stay with us?"

Ted stood up and put his arms around Pam. "I am being a jerk, and of course, she can stay with us forever if she wants to, but I'm guessing her agents won't let her do that. She's a star now. They'll want to control every minute of her life. So you write back to her and tell her that we are both excited to see her and let her know that she can stay with us for a week if her schedule allows it. Does that work for you, babe?"

Pam looked at Ted for a long time before speaking. "I'm certain that you're right. But I'll send her the message."

That night, arriving home, they were both in a better mood. Ted quickly changed into his usual shorts and polo. As he walked out the bedroom door, he called back to Pam, "Maybe you should wear that sweet little red jacket that you wore to the pool last weekend."

Ted stood there long enough for Pam to stick her head out of the large walk-in closet and give him a big smile.

"I'm going to open a bottle of wine for us to share while you find something appropriate to wear."

Ted had been in the kitchen long enough to find and open a nice bottle of chilled chardonnay. He was pulling some glasses from the cabinet when Pam walked around the corner. She stood there smiling at him and slowly turned for Ted to look her over. Pam wore the dress shirt he had just taken off with its sleeves rolled up. She stopped when she faced him, and he saw that she was naked under the shirt. She gave him a big smile and said, "Being at home alone with you is as good as being in that special cabin. Maybe we can do some of the things we did at the cabin tonight?"

Ted stepped over to her, put his hands inside the shirt, and pulled Pam to him. After a long and delicious kiss, he said, "Being alone with you anywhere is always the best moment of my life. Now, why don't we drink a glass of wine and discuss which of our cabin activities we want to try."

As he started to pour wine, Pam said, "OH! I almost forgot." She disappeared into the bedroom and then came hurrying back. "I found these in my suitcase while I was looking for the red top you liked so much," Pam said excitedly. She handed the gifts Bill had given them when they were leaving. "I put these in my bag and completely forgot them."

Ted handed Pam her glass of wine. They touched their glasses in a toast and took a sip. Setting his glass down, he took the box Bill had given him and said, "Let's see what he came up with."

Once the wrapping was off, Ted held a small green leather box embossed with a gold crown.

They both gasped when Ted opened the box to find what they both knew was a costly Rolex watch. Ted took it out and noticed it had been engraved on the back. It read, "Thanks, ole son. You're the Best."

"Oh... My... God," Pam said. "That is fantastic."

"Get yours open," Ted said.

Pam smiled and said, "My shirt or the box?"

"First, the box," Ted said, "I'll take care of the shirt afterward."

Much too slowly, Pam took the paper off her package, discovering just a plain brown box. She put it down on the countertop and slowly removed the top. Inside was a lot of tissue paper that had to be removed before she discovered five one thousand dollar bills. Pam took them from the box, saying once again, "OH… MY… GOD!"

At the bottom of the box was a handwritten note from Bill. Pam read out loud, "Maybe you can use this to buy some pretty lingerie to entertain that man of yours."

"That would buy some pretty special lingerie," Ted said. "What do you think?"

Pam leaned into him, dropped a hand between his legs, squeezed it, and said, "I'm thinking Hot Tub."


It was five weeks until Pam heard from Jeanie again. Her message read,

Hi love.

It's been too long since I've seen you and your extraordinary man. I had hoped to be in your city within four weeks, but it didn't work out for me. Instead, I've been on a whirlwind tour of the country. My new film has been a bigger hit than the company expected. There have been hundreds of requests for me to do interviews and local TV shows. But, of course, my agent wants me to do every one of them, saying it will increase my popularity and help me when Oscar time rolls around.

However, I've managed to get permission to take three days off next weekend. So, with your consent, I'll have a private plane bring me to your town on Friday and pick me up on Monday morning. I hope that works out for you and Ted. I'll understand if you have other plans. This is relatively short notice.


After checking with Ted, Pam wrote back to Jeanie. Your plan works well for us. We'll pick you up at the airport and take you home. We are thrilled to have you stay with us, even for just a few days.

Two days later, Pam received another message from Jeanie.

I'm so glad that my plans fit yours. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to spending quality time in your bed. Spending a few days with you and Ted makes me drool with excitement. Don't plan anything special other than being naked with me.

I hope you won't mind if I don't want to go out to eat. Whenever I'm out in public, someone recognizes me, and then we have to go through thirty minutes of signing autographs. I'm not complaining. I'm grateful for the attention. But it does make doing ordinary things difficult.

I'll call you when I get a better idea of when I'll arrive.

I'm excited to see you.


On Friday morning, Pam went into Ted's office. "I've just heard from Jeanie. She said her private plane is scheduled to land at 5:30 today. Will that create a problem for us?"

Grinning, Ted said, "Not at all. I expect everyone here will be slipping out by 4:30. We'll do the same thing and drop your car at my house before heading to the airport."

Pam frowned. "How 'bout I leave here at 2:00 and pick up some groceries and wine?"

"An excellent idea," Ted replied. "That's why you are my highly-paid assistant."

"Assistant, yes. Highly paid… I don't think so."

"But look at all your fringe benefits," Ted said with a grin. "You sleep in the boss' bed and perform sexual favors for him. And this weekend, you'll enjoy his bed with another fascinating woman. You can't complain about that."

Pam cocked an eyebrow. "I'm willing to admit that the non-cash benefits outweigh any other considerations. Just promise me that you aren't going to fall in love with Jeanie."

"Not a chance," Ted laughed. "She's much too old for me."

"Smart ass," Pam whispered but smiled.


At 5:30 that afternoon, Ted and Pam sat outside the private plane terminal in his car.

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Pam's phone rang. She told Ted, "It's Jeanie."

After Pam answered, Jeanie, squealed, "I just landed. The plane is blue and silver. Can you see it?"

Pam looked around and replied, "Yes. It's just now coming into sight. You'll be able to see us when you get out of the plane."

When Jeanie got off the plane, they saw that she was only carrying a small bag and assumed that her luggage would be delivered shortly. After hugs and kisses, Ted asked, "Will they bring your bags out?"

"This is all I brought," Jeanie said with a laugh, holding up her small carry-on. "I'm expecting to be naked all weekend. I just need a toothbrush and a hairbrush."

Pam hugged Jeanie again. "Right you are, girl. Get us home, Ted. We have some catching up to do."

The two women got in the backseat together, leaving Ted to drive and watch them in his rear-view mirror. Jeanie and Pam embraced and kissed within two minutes of him moving away from the building. He smiled while watching and knowing it would be a busy weekend.

Once they were home, Ted served drinks, and they listened to Jeanie's stories. She told them she had been on the move for five straight weeks. The reviews on her movie had been good, and the producers wanted to keep the good vibes coming. "It's just been hectic," she told them. "I've been too busy and too tired to even masturbate."

"We'll take care of that this weekend," Pam assured Jeanie. "Won't we?" Pam asked Ted.

"I hope to be allowed to lend a hand," Ted smirked.

"I like your hands, Ted, but I'm more interested in your stiff cock," Jeanie offered with a leering look. "I hope Pam hasn't worn you down this week before I arrived."

Pam laughed. "Not only have I not worn him down, but I've also made sure that he has plenty of those little blue pills to keep him stiff and ready. That is… when you're ready."

"Oh, trust me," Jeanie said, running her hand up Ted's leg. "I'm ready right now. I was alone on my flight, so I've been edging for the last hour. It won't take much to get me off the first time. After that, I'm looking forward to a lot of de-stressing."

"You tell us where you'd like to start," Ted said. "We'll do our best to make you feel at home."

Jeanie walked to Ted, putting her hand against his crotch. "If I get to make the call, I think I'd like you to fuck me while Pam rides my face. Then I could get a little of both of you right from the start."

"Then I suggest we adjourn to the bedroom and use that big bed," Ted suggested. 

Pam took Jeanie by the hand and led her to the bedroom. Ted followed, watching the two best asses he had ever seen and wondering if he would live through the weekend.

Their sex play lasted all night and into the morning, and they finally fell asleep exhausted on wet sheets.


The following morning, Pam and Jeanie woke up and slipped out of bed, leaving Ted to sleep.

They both giggled when they reached the kitchen and began making coffee. Jeanie had picked up Ted's dress shirt and rolled up the sleeves. She didn't bother to button it. Pam had worn an oversized tee shirt.

Jeanie hugged Pam, saying, "I don't plan to put on any clothes until it's time for me to leave."                                    

"I don't see any reason why you should," Pam said, laughing. "I feel what went on last night will continue through the weekend."

Jeanie leaned over to put her hands on Pam's breasts. "I hope you're correct. I haven't had that much sexual fun in years."

"Don't you have fun with Bill?"

"Oh, I certainly do," Jeanie answered. "But there are only two of us. So three adds a totally new dimension to the fun you can have."

As Pam made coffee, she asked Jeanie, "When we met you, we weren't told you were a famous actress. So how did you get into that business?"

"First of all," Jeanie replied, "I wouldn't say I'm a famous actress. However, my fame may grow with this latest film. It's had good reviews, and I'm told it's on its way to becoming a box office hit. If that happens, I'll probably get more movie offers. And my cash value will increase. I was paid pretty well on this film, but I hope my worth will quickly improve."

"How did you start?" Pam asked again.

"I got my start in modeling," Jeanie admitted. "Some friends suggested that I apply to the big lingerie companies. They all suggested that the people who put on the big runway affairs with the models strutting around in panties were ideal for me. With some encouragement, I did apply and was rudely informed that I didn't have the figure for that work."

"How could you not have the figure?" Pam said in disbelief. "You have about the most perfect body I've ever seen."

"It's too big," Jeanie told Pam. "They all want skinny women. It's great to be thin as a rail and have big tits."

"I would think that combination would be hard to achieve," Pam said with a frown. "How can you keep big tits and remain skinny?"

"I found out that those models struggle. They are fired if they put on too much weight and look normal. I think some of them move into porn after being laid off."

Pam handed Jeanie a cup of coffee. As she made her own, she said, "Ted has told me a hundred times I should model lingerie. He says they would go crazy for someone with my looks and body. But I guess that I'd be too big too."

"Not if you do catalog work," Jeanie said as she sipped her coffee. "That's where I got started. There are quite a few manufacturers that sell their clothes either online or in catalogs. They want women with sex appeal and curves because men do most of the buying for their wives and girlfriends. Those men see you in a baby doll nightie and imagine their woman looking that good."

"I hadn't considered that," Pam admitted.

"I had the invitation to audition with a photographer and thought, 'what the hell.' It turned out the photographer was female. She snapped pictures of me for an hour wearing everything you could imagine. I stayed and worked with her as she went through all the photos to decide which ones to show her clients. We ended up naked in bed, and that's how my career began. You might say I got my start on the casting couch."

"It looks to me like it worked out well for you."

"The photographer had some friends working in Hollywood. After we had worked together for about a year, she sent some of my photos to them, suggesting I would be a great addition to the cast of their next movie. One of them liked my pics, and I was asked to audition."

"Did you have to get naked again?" Pam asked with a grin.

"Oh, sure I did," Jeanie laughed. "But, what the hell? You know I like sex. I wasn't going to miss out on making a movie because I had to suck some guy's cock. In the first two years, I sucked a lot of cocks, but each one moved me up the ladder another rung. First, I got supporting roles, and those led to starring roles. And all I had to do was something I love to do anyway."

"Did you ever do any porn?" Pam inquired.

"I was thinking about it at one time," Jeanie admitted. "I had talked to a woman who had made a lot of money in porn. She lived in a big, beautiful house and was ready to set me up with a director. Instead, I got a call from a studio offering me a speaking part in a new movie. I told the porn queen I'd get back to her if the movie part didn't work out. But fortunately for me, it worked out perfectly, and here I am today."

"Have you ever done any nude scenes in movies?" Pam wanted to know.

"Twice," Jeanie said as she held up two fingers. "The first time I was in a supporting role, and the director asked if we could actually have sex for the purpose of authenticity. You know, no acting, just the real thing. I didn't object, nor did my scene mate. Then the scene was scrubbed in the final rollout. And my second nude scene was in my new movie. My lover comes into my bathroom while I'm in the tub. I actually enjoyed it."

"So then, you are an exhibitionist?"

"All actors are exhibitionists, Pam. That's just a part of it. We all want to stand on the stage or in front of a camera and deliver our lines. I'm just not opposed to delivering my lines naked. When my tits start to sag, I may change my mind."

"Or you could get a little nip and tuck to keep them looking great forever." Pam put her hand inside Jeanie's shirt and squeezed one of her breasts. "If I had breasts like yours, I'd want to show them off too."

"Sweetie, your breasts are as good as mine," Jeanie said softly. "You show them off, and every man in the room will get an erection." Lifting up Pam's tee shirt, Jeanie studied Pam's body, saying, "Your body is perfection. Absolute perfection. Would you like me to set you up with an audition with my photographer friend?"

"Do you mean that?" Pam said in a gasp.

"Of course, I mean it. Stella and I have remained good friends since my first shoot. She has a studio in Atlanta, and I plan to see her on Friday. I feel sure she'd be happy to take some shots of you and show them to some of her regular clients."

"That would be amazing," Pam said with a big smile.

"What's amazing?" Ted asked as he walked into the kitchen.

Putting her hand over his crotch, Jeanie replied, "That big, beautiful cock of yours is amazing, and I'm going to need it very soon. Do you think you'll be able to keep up with us today?"

Ted grinned. "Just let me find my supply of little blue pills, and I'll be right with you."

Once he was gone, Pam said, "Thanks for not telling him what we were talking about. I'll explain it to him if I get a chance to audition."

"Oh, you'll get an audition. Maybe not next week, but as soon as Stella has some free time."

Ted came back into the kitchen, and Pam changed the topic. "Are you excited about receiving an Academy Award nomination?"

Jeanie grinned. "I don't have it yet. There's just a lot of talk. But if I get one, you two will come to California and be my guests on Oscar night."

Ted put his arm around Jeanie. "From what I read online yesterday, your nomination is already a done deal. And I'm dying to see the film. I read there was a scene with you in a bathtub that was smokin' hot."

Jeanie gave Ted a wicked grin. "If you'd like, we can recreate that scene in your tub."

"Stop trying to steal my man," Pam said with a fake frown. "I'm happy to share him with you in bed, but then you have to give him back."

"I promise to give him back," Jeanie said as her hand reached his crotch again. "But not until Monday morning."


Written by ChrisM
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