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Author's Notes

""Due to the fact that there are two of us publishing this story and that the series drop down only works only for each individual author's stories. You can follow my chapters by using the drop down or going to the link at the bottom 'previous story.' Here is the link to JefferyB's story that precedes this one, alternating between the links on his stories and my links you can follow the full story.""

Pam laughed out loud at Ted's joke and said, "I'm finding something to eat," and started walking toward the kitchen.

They found what Amos had left out for them. Everything was covered, and there was a note from him saying, "I'm sorry that Matilda wasn't here to cook you one of her wonderful meals, but Mr. Bill said that this would be fine. Call me if you need something else. There is ice cream in the freezer and cheesecake in the fridge."

"He is such a sweet little man," Pam said as she uncovered everything. They found thickly sliced turkey breast and ham. There was southern potato salad and a variety of other things that looked and smelled delicious. "Yum," Pam said, "Why don't you make our drinks, and I'll fix our plates?"

"I can do that," Ted said as he walked to the fridge to get the champagne. "I assume that you'll stay with the bubbly. I'll stay with scotch." He looked outside and saw that the sun was setting and offered, "How would you like to eat outdoors?"

Pam stopped what you were doing and looked out the glass wall at the deck and the pool below. "Oh baby, that’s a great idea. It is so beautiful out there, and after we eat, we might want to 'skinny dip' in that lovely pool." She turned to Ted and said, "You, of course, are in charge, so it is your decision."

As he pulled the champagne out of the fridge and poured a glass, he said, "That's exactly what I was going to suggest."

Again Pam laughed and said, "Right. Of course, you were. It's a great idea. Thanks for thinking of it."

With plates, drinks, and necessary equipment in hand, they walked out the door to the deck and were greeted by the gentle breeze. It was an evening made for the gods, and they were here to share it. They sat at one of the tables near the outside bar, touched glasses, and sipped their drinks. They looked toward the setting sun that was now below the treetops and viewed the panorama as the sky turned blue and then purple before dark.

"It's beautiful, Ted," Pam said softly.

"It is," he replied. "It's almost as beautiful as you."

She said nothing because she knew it wasn't a line. Pam knew Ted was speaking from his heart.

They picked up their forks and began enjoying the feast Amos had left them. The food was delicious. They ate, drank, and talked until it was completely dark. Then as they sat there, the lights in the pool came on. Soft lights started glowing around the pool, deck, and bar a few seconds later, giving everything outside a soft glow. Everything before them had been charming in the sunlight. In the moonlight and the soft lighting, it was simply exotic and spellbinding. Ted could only think of films he had seen taken in Hawaii near the ocean. It was simply beautiful and peaceful. They both sat still and felt the joy of the surroundings.

Pam swallowed the last of her champagne and said, "I'll take our plates inside and fix us another drink."

"You know that we have staff to do that. But since I gave them the night off, perhaps we should be helpful and take our things in," Ted suggested.

"I'll take care of it," Pam said.

"No, you won't," Ted countered. "We'll do it together. I'll freshen our drinks and then move down to the pool. Wouldn't you like a little skinny dip?"

Pam's eyes brightened, and Ted said, "I would love to skinny dip or sit in the hot tub with you. I will be happy anywhere with you as long as we're naked."

Ted picked up their plates. "You don't have to worry about the naked part, Pamela. I know how to pull the 'rip cord.' So rest assured that you will not get into that pool with anything covering your wonderful body."

"You are such a sweet talker," Pam said, "How could a girl keep her clothes on around you?"

Both knew people were hired here to take care of things like dirty dishes, but neither was ready to accept it. They had met Amos and didn't like the idea of leaving things for him to clean up. But, on the other hand, it wasn't exactly heavy lifting for them to carry their things back to the kitchen. Once they were in the kitchen, Pam refilled her glass of champagne, and Ted refreshed his scotch.

"Is it good scotch?" Pam asked.

"It's probably the best single malt scotch there is," Ted said as he held his glass up in a toast. How is yours?"

"I know that you aren't a big fan of 'bubbly,'" she said, "But this is just great!"

"Then maybe you should take two glasses to the pool," Ted suggested.

"Why would I take two?" she asked.

"Because," he replied, "When you drink, you tend to lose your inhibitions."

Pam stopped dead in her tracks and said, "Lose my inhibitions? I'm standing here practically naked, had sex with you on an airplane, and you think I have inhibitions?"

Ted walked over to her, untied her sash, and put his arms around her naked body. "Baby, you are the sex goddess of the world to me. But you do have some inhibitions. When you put a little alcohol in your system, those things sort of slip away. You tend to get loud and tell me what you really think and what you really want. I don't want to get you drunk. I prefer you stone-cold sober, but I want you to honestly tell me what you feel."

Pam stood very still, put her arms around Ted's neck, and said, "There may be some truth in that, but you know that all I need is you to make me act like a drunk. I don't need alcohol for you to drive me crazy and make me scream out loud. You made me crazy on the plane coming down here, and you made me crazy just a while ago in the bedroom. And sometimes you make me crazy just by looking at me because I can see the lust in your eyes, and I can't wait for you to get your hands on me."

Pam kissed Ted for a long time, pulled away, and looked into his eyes, "But you are correct. Sometimes I have a few drinks and use it as an excuse to let myself go. However, I don't need an excuse with you, do I?"

"No, darlin', you don't," Ted replied. "Now, let's walk down and check out the pool." Ted took her by the hand and strolled outside. They stood on the large deck for a minute to enjoy the exceptional view. The lights in and around the pool shimmered, giving a soft glow without being glaring. "I'll bet you could be naked in that pool, and no one here could know for sure," Ted offered.

"Not until you got out of the water," Pam said with a laugh. She turned and looked at the small deck that projected out of their bedroom, studied it for a minute, and said, "But I'll bet you could be naked in our hot tub, and no one would know. Nor getting in or getting out."

"I like the way you think," Ted said, taking her hand and leading her down to the pool. He stopped by one of the tables with an umbrella and set down his glass. He stepped to the edge of the pool, tossed his robe over a chair, and dove into the water, swimming halfway across the pool underwater. As he surfaced, Ted took a few strokes to reach the far end, then turned and swam back to the middle. He stood and found that the water was maybe six inches above his waist. Looking back at Pam, he asked, "Are you coming in?"

She stood there a minute, looking down at him, and turned to set her champagne glass on the table beside his drink. Without saying anything, Pam untied the sash to her robe and let it open to let Ted see just part of her naked body. She slowly pulled it off her shoulders and let it drop to the ground. Pam lowered one foot to the first step into the pool, took her hands, and cupped both breasts, saying, "I have to be a little more ladylike getting into the water. If it's too cold, my nipples will get very hard. If that happened, you might get aroused."

"Is that a bad thing?" Ted asked.

Pam could hear the huskiness in his voice. She smiled, knowing that Ted was getting the reaction she wanted.

Pam took another step into the water. She was about knee-deep. "In fact, it's a good thing," she said. Pam took the final step and stood in waist-deep water, still holding and slightly caressing her breasts.

"Because when you get aroused, I know I'm going to get a nice fucking like the one I got when we arrived." Pam moved toward Ted in the water very slowly. She stopped, dropped her hands into the water, and appeared to be touching herself between her legs. She whispered, "This water feels very good between my legs, but not as good as your cock in the bedroom. Do you think that you have more of that left in you?"

By then, Pam had reached Ted. She put her wet arms around his neck and kissed him. It was a long and passionate kiss. When she finally pulled her lips from Ted's, she said, "I guess you must be a little aroused because I feel something hard and hot rubbing against my belly."

Putting his hands around her butt cheeks and pulling her hard against him, Ted said, "You know perfectly well that I get aroused by you just being in the same room. You don't have to be naked to get me excited."

"But being naked helps," Pam said with a smile.

"Well," he replied, "I have a fondness for you without a stitch on."

"And lying on my back with my legs open for you?" she asked.

"I've certainly never walked away from that," he said.

"Or maybe naked on my knees, begging you to cum in my mouth?" Pam said softly.

"That has been known to drive me crazy," he answered.

"How about bent over your desk with my legs spread wide or sitting in the car next to you, waiting for you to finger me into orgasm? Which one do you prefer?" Pam reached down in the water and placed Ted's hard cock between her legs, and tightened them around it. Putting her mouth beside his ear, Pam whispered, "How do you like me best, baby? Maybe on my hands and knees so you can slam into me so hard, or is it when you lay on your back, and I get on top and take your cock deep inside me. Is that it, baby? Or when I'm on top, and you can see and touch the girls?"

Continuing to torment him, Pam whispered, "Maybe you like to watch me finger myself or using a toy. Is that it, sweetheart? I know that you love my ass. Maybe you secretly crave to fuck me in my ass over and over again and don't want to say it out loud. Is that what makes you hot, baby?"

Pam moved back and forth over his stiff cock. "You got pretty excited the other night when I stood over you, fingered myself, and watched you jerk off. That was hot, Ted, and you fucked me like a crazy man that night."

Pam ran her tongue around his ear and said, "Or maybe you like me best when I'm hanging on the headboard and rubbing my pussy into your mouth. I think maybe that's it. You do like to eat my pussy, don't you Ted?"

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He was so aroused by how she was rubbing her wet breast against his chest and the dirty talk in his ear that he couldn't find words to answer. The best he could do was a low growl.

"I think maybe that's it," Pam said in his ear. "And I love the way you do it. I love to feel your tongue between my legs. I love how you run your tongue around my pussy and suck on my clit. I love to look down between my legs and see the top of your head. And I love the way that you put your fingers inside me when you know that I'm getting ready to cum. You always touch the right places, and I feel fireworks going off in my head and body."

Ted didn't say anything but put my hands around her waist and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist. He began to carry her back toward the edge of the pool.

When they reached it, he said, "Get out and sit right here," and patted the spot he wanted her in.

Pam did as requested. While still in the water, Ted positioned himself just outside her knees. He placed his hands on her knees, slowly pushing them apart until her legs were spread quite wide, and he was staring straight into her pussy. Still holding onto her knees, he said, "Put your hands down there and open yourself up for me."

Pam followed his instructions, and he watched as she put her hands on her pussy lips and opened herself up like a rose petal. She was wet and pink as the pool lights sparkled off the water drops glistening on her naughty bits.

Ted lowered his face and lightly ran his tongue over her clit, hearing her suck in air. He began to run his tongue around it over and over, occasionally stopping to suck it into his mouth. Each time he was rewarded with a louder sound than the previous time. He concentrated on her clit until it was hard under his tongue. He could hear her breathing heavily. Ted glanced up to see that her eyes were closed, her mouth open, and her nipples were obviously very hard.

Ted pulled his face away from her and watched as she looked down in surprise. Pam was probably wondering why he had stopped. As she looked down, Ted put his hand out and slowly slid two fingers into her pussy and began to stroke them in and out. Pam watched as he took his hand out of the water and rubbed his thumb over her clit.

"Oh God, baby," she said, "Oh yeah… Oh yeah… That feels wonderful."

Ted turned his hand palm up so he could stroke his fingers over her g-spot as he fingered her. He sucked his thumb to keep it wet and applied more pressure on her already hard clit.

Pam continued to watch, threw her head back, and shouted to the sky, "Oh fuck!" then she looked down, mesmerized to watch Ted's hands working between her legs. Finally, she began to make those lovely whimpering sounds he knew meant she was going to cum any second.

"I'm gonna cum… I'm gonna cum," Pam said loudly as Ted used both hands a little harder and a little faster to drive her crazy. He could feel her legs trembling once again. Finally, Pam threw her head back and shouted, "Oh god!  Ohhh baby… yesss.”

Ted stopped moving his fingers to let her enjoy the orgasm, but he could feel her entire body trembling under his hands. He could feel waves of orgasmic magic running through her body as he let her lay like that, with her legs wide open for almost a minute.

But when he felt the trembling stop, Ted moved up on one of the pool steps and found that his rock-hard cock was now on the same level as her pussy. He put his hands under her knees and spread her open again. He placed the head of his cock against Pam's wet pussy and pushed it deep into her with one thrust.

"Oh God!" she shouted as he began to pump in and out of her. "Oh baby, YES! That's so good!"

With his arms holding her legs open and wide, Ted continued to push in and out of her.

She was dripping wet, and he slid easily in and out, drawing out until he could see the head of his cock and then burying it again as deeply as it would go. Over and over again as he listened to her cry out. He had to admit that his pleasure was almost beyond belief, but the louder her moans, the more he wanted to drive her to greater levels of ecstasy.

Pam's pussy was creamy, smooth, and hot. Each thrust he made sucked him in deeper and deeper. Each cry of enjoyment from her inspired him to give her more. Her noises were a narcotic to him. Each one made him want more of her vocal appreciation.

Ted pulled his cock completely out, and Pam quickly looked down between her legs to see why. As she watched, Ted began to rub his wet cock over her clit, rubbing the head over her most sensitive area. He slid his staff over her clit as if he was fucking it. Ted had his weight on his arms and looked up at Pam, saying, "How does that feel?"

"It feels fantastic," she said in a breathless voice. "It feels wonderful, but I want you to cum. I want to see you cum, baby. I want to see you cum like my stallion. Oh God, that's so good!"

As he was pressing his cock over her clit, his balls were pressed against the opening of her pussy. He could feel the heat inside her and how her juices were coating them.

He pushed his cock back into her pussy for two or three thrusts, ensuring that it was covered with her juices, and then returned to rubbing it on Pam's clit.

Ted repeated these motions, each time exiting her a little more than the last. One last time he pulled out and began rubbing his cock up and down over her clit. Pam was making whimpering sounds that became more of a growl. She grabbed his biceps and pressed her nails into his flesh. Pam's eyes opened wide, and she began to shake.

"Oh, God! I'm coming again," Pam said in a rough whisper. Pam put her legs around Ted's and pulled him as hard as she could as her body trembled.

Ted didn't move because he couldn't. At least, not until Pam unlocked her legs. Then he pulled back and sunk his cock into her pussy again. Her eyes opened, and she gave him a questioning look. Before he could get the words out, Ted said, "Now it's my turn to cum. You still want to see it?"

"Oh yes, baby," she said, "Yes, Yes, Yes… cum on me."

Ted knew he was about to explode, and once his cock was coated with Pam's "love lube," he pulled it out for the last time. He stood up on the step in the pool, placing his cock about a foot above her. He grasped it and watched as she propped herself up on her arms with her eyes glued to Ted's hand. She watched him stroking it. Without looking up at his face, Pam whispered, "Now, baby. Give it to me now."

The first blast hit her squarely between her breasts. It was hot and intense, making her gasp with what he assumed was surprise and pleasure. The second was just as strong as the third. Ted removed his hand from his cock and let the rest fire out on its own. He just watched as Pam was covered with it.

Pam sat up quickly, took his cock in one hand, and stroked it softly while, with her other hand, she spread the milky substance all over her skin and her breasts. Finally, Pam looked up and him and smiled, saying, "You are my own sexy stallion. I may have cum again just watching you. God, but that's exciting."

"I'm glad you think so," Ted said as he leaned backward and fell into the pool with a big splash. When he let his face float back to the top, He found Pam lying on her side with her face near the edge, laughing.

"Come down here and kiss me," Ted said with a big smile.

"Why don't you come up here and kiss me?" Pam asked.

"Because I don't think I'll be able to move for a while," he said. "Besides that, you'll probably want to wash off a little. I made quite a mess."

Pam sat up and looked down, saying, "What mess? I thought that I cleaned it up nicely."

"Get your ass in the water!" Ted said with a loud laugh. "Come in here, and let's discuss what's going to happen next."

Pam moved around and slipped into the water. Keeping her hair from getting wet, she moved to Ted like silk through the water and put her arms around his neck. "The people who own this place might get upset about the body fluids being washed into the water," she said before Ted kissed her.

When their lips parted, Ted turned Pam so that her back was against his chest. He ran his hands up and down her chest from her neck to her waist, softly and slowly, to remove the residue he had left on her skin just a few minutes ago.

He said, "I doubt anyone will be upset about anything we do here. Let's hope that they don't have hidden cameras and have taped everything."

Pam suddenly spun around and said, "You ARE kidding, aren't you?"

Ted laughed and said, "Of course, I'm kidding. We couldn't be safer in our own bedroom."

Pam laughed, too, saying, "You shouldn't tease me like that."

"You just come here," he said, turning her around again and pulling her back to his chest, "let's just think about what comes next." He waited a few seconds, wondering what Pam might be thinking, and said, "I'm thinking that we should get into the kitchen and find some dessert. If I'm not mistaken, I saw a tub of vanilla ice cream in the freezer and a bottle of Amaretto in the bar. So it seems that if we put some of that ice cream in a bowl, cover it with Amaretto and give it a little stir, we will end up with a wonderful dessert. And after that dessert, we can give some thought to our next sexual adventure."

Pam turned around and put her arms around his middle. She looked into his eyes for several seconds and said, "You aren't kidding, are you?

"Kidding?" Ted said. "Of course, I'm not kidding. Have you ever had Amaretto and ice cream?"

Pam laughed and said, "I'm not talking about dessert. I'm talking about the next 'sexual adventure' that you mentioned."

 Ted pulled Pam to him, kissing her softly and slowly. When their lips parted, he said, "There will be another sexual adventure before this night is over."

"You think so?" she asked. "It's been a pretty busy day."

"It has been a busy day," Ted replied. "But it's probably not 10:00 yet, and I'm betting that the next time I touch your sweet pussy, you'll be ready for the next adventure."

"If you keep doing that with your hand, I may be ready before we get out of the pool," Pam said with a dreamy voice.


Written by ChrisM
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