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Author's Notes

"Previous chapter by JefferyB can be found at"

When finally Ted stopped, he held still, just enjoying the feeling of his cock inside her burning pussy and the fluids covering both of them. He looked up to find Pam smiling.

“You got a little worked up, didn’t you?” Pam asked. Before he could answer, she began to move her butt up and down. “You’re still as hard as a rock,” she said. “Ready to go again?”

“Of course I am,” Ted replied with a laugh. “When have I not been ready for you? Besides, you slipped me the little blue pill this morning. I just assumed that you wanted lots of this.”

Pam locked her legs around Ted’s waist and continued moving up and down on his cock. “Oh, I do,” she said in a raspy whisper. “You are just so sexy when you let the animal in you come out. You stop thinking about what will please me and that drives me wild because I know that my body is turning you into a wild man.”

“Your body has been turning me into a wild man since the day I met you, but this is much better,” Ted said.

“What’s better about this?” Pam asked.

“Well, sweetheart, for one thing, you’re naked now and when we met, you were wearing lots of clothes. Not to mention that I’m still inside you,” Ted said.

“If you had your way, would I ever put on any clothes?” Pam asked.

Ted replied, “I want you all wrapped up when you’re in the office or when we’re in the grocery store.”

“Not true,” she countered. “You like for my nipples to poke through my blouse and you’d like me to never wear panties.”

“There is some truth to that,” Ted replied as he slid his hands up Pam’s chest and lightly pinched her nipples. “I don’t mind if other men see how beautiful your nipples are and wish they were me. And sometimes I like you in panties, especially if I am going to get to take them off of you. I’ve spent a small fortune buying them for you.”

Pam seemed to be paying close attention to Ted’s hands as they stroked her breasts and nipples. She looked up at him and said, “If you are going to continue playing with the girls, we will have to start all over again. There has been no change in the condition of your cock. It’s still rock hard inside me.”

Ted leaned over and put his weight on Pam’s chest. He sucked one nipple into his mouth and the other before he kissed her mouth long and hard. As they kissed, Ted began to move his cock inside her.

“You know that I can make love to you all day and all night,” he whispered in her ear. “Are you ready for more of me?”

Pam wrapped her legs around him again and said, “I’m ready for more of you, Ted, but I’m not ready to perform for Matilda. Is she going to be back any minute? You save that beautiful thing for me until she’s gone. Maybe we could shower and put something on before she returns.”

Ted sat back up and smiled down at Pam. Slipping his cock out of her, he took it in his hand and slid it between her legs and over her clit. It was covered with their juices and slippery. He moved it up and down for a while before asking, “Are you certain that you don’t want to have Matilda wait outside for a while?”

Pam reached down and put her hand on top of his cock and held it still. “Listen! You’re teasing me and I have to get up. I was trying to be nice, but damn it, I need to pee.”

Ted rolled off her, laughing as she jumped off the bed and rushed into the bathroom. After a minute, he followed her in and turned on the shower, saying, “OK, sweetness, let’s wash off and find some clothes to put on before Matilda thinks we might be having sex.”

Pam came out of the water closet and threw her arms around Ted. She kissed him and said, “Don’t misunderstand me, love. I did want you again,” she kissed him, saying, “When Matilda is gone, we can stay in bed all day if you want. But first, I had to pee and I would be much more comfortable when she isn’t here.”

“That’s not a problem,” Ted told her. “Let’s get refreshed in the shower without touching each other and then we’ll get dressed. But keep in mind, no panties or bra.”

“I know. I know,” Pam said with a mischievous smile. “I’ve already agreed to that. Maybe you’d like to go commando for me ‘cause maybe I’ll want to reach into your pants and not have to deal with your boxers being in the way.”

“Consider it done,” he said, giving her a long kiss.

When their lips parted, he said, “Have I ever told you that you have the softest lips that God ever created? Have I ever told you I could kiss you for days on end and never grow tired of it?”

Pam smiled at him and replied, “I think maybe once or twice. You might have said something like that. But you are not sweet talking me back into bed just yet. Now let’s get in the shower and you can wash my back.”

“I’d rather wash your front,” Ted said, following her into the large walk-in shower.


Twenty minutes later, they were ready to get dressed. Ted had shaved and made himself presentable. He left the bathroom dressed in a swimsuit and a polo shirt. “I’m thinking that this may be a little overdressed,” Ted said, “But you can reach anything you want. Do you want me to find one for you?”

Pam turned and looked Ted over for a few seconds before asking, “If I put on some swimwear, the parts you want to be exposed will be covered. Is that OK with you?”

“I’ve looked through what’s available in the swimwear department for guests,” he told her. “And I didn’t find anything that would cover much or that I couldn’t remove in less than two seconds.”

Wearing only a towel, she brushed past him and went to the dresser, where they were told things to wear around the pool were kept. Pam looked through it for a few seconds and said, “These were not designed for women. They were designed for hookers and girls under twenty. I have one in my bag that I think you will approve. While I find it, why don’t you get us another cup of coffee since you are already dressed?”

Ted was back in a few minutes and found Pam standing in front of a mirror, inspecting her reflection in a black two-piece suit. It wasn’t precisely a bikini, but it was sexy as hell. It was probably made of spandex or lycra, and Ted thought it fit her like panties. He couldn’t wait to run his fingers over it. The top was relatively small and was tight enough to push her already bountiful breasts up and out. He couldn’t imagine letting her keep that on for very long before he ripped it off.

“God, but you look great,” Ted told her as he handed her a cup of coffee. “On the WOW scale, you’re a 10, babe.” He dropped his hand onto her bottom and ran it across the fabric. As he suspected, it felt like bare skin and just the touching it excited him.

“You approve then?” Pam asked. She walked back to the bedroom closet, allowing him to admire her from behind, and pulled something from it. “This is something else I picked up for the trip,” she said and slipped on a rose-colored cover that buttoned up the front. She fastened two buttons and gave Ted the 360° viewing turn. “Well?”

“Outstanding,” he said sincerely. “But, if you are going to wear that cover, I don’t see any reason for you to wear the top to the bathing suit.”

Pam stepped in front of the mirror and looked for a few seconds before nodding her head and removing the cover. She looked at Ted to ensure he was watching and slipped off the top of the bathing suit, then replaced the cover and adjusted the buttons so that the black bottom of the suit could be seen and some cleavage at the top. Again she turned and looked at Ted, waiting for him to comment.

He whistled and said, “Nothing short of HOT!”

Pam gave Ted her big smile, a quick kiss, picked up her coffee, and let him watch as she walked out of the bedroom. Pam headed straight for the door to the patio and waved back at Matilda, who was coming into the kitchen from the garage door. Ted would have followed her out the doors, but there was a bulge in his shorts that he didn’t really want Matilda to see.

After it was safe to be seen, Ted headed to the kitchen, chatted with Matilda for a few seconds and had her help him find what was needed to make a Bloody Mary. He made the drinks and Matilda cut some celery sticks to go in them. When the drinks were ready, Ted bid farewell to Matilda and headed to the pool. Much to his pleasure, Pam had decided to sun herself with the girls free of a cover.

“Bloody Mary?” he asked.

Pam opened her eyes and said, “Oooo, thanks, babe. Sunning by the pool in the morning with a Bloody Mary makes this mini vacation official. You can’t vacation without a drink by the pool.”

He handed her the drink and leaned over a little more to kiss one of her nipples. “I would prefer to have one of your breasts in my hand, but a Bloody Mary is a reasonably good second choice.”

She took a sip of the drink and said, “Once you’ve determined that Matilda is gone, you may feel free to put anything in your hand that you would like.”

Ted pulled a lounge chair up beside Pam and sat down. “This isn’t a bad place to hang out,” he said.

“Ya think?” she responded. “I could probably force myself to stay here for a couple of months.” Pam opened her eyes wide and said, “I had completely forgotten that we planned to have sex in the Great Room. We’ll need to take care of that before Bill shows up with his friend. I would rather not have to do it in front of him.”

“I feel certain that Bill wouldn’t object to watching us, but I would prefer not to be his entertainment. Maybe you’d like to wait until they go to bed tonight and then slip into the Great Room like we were kids sneaking around our parents,” Ted suggested.

Pam laughed loudly at his suggestion but said, “Actually, that would be fun. Sort of like having sex in a parking lot and hoping no one sees us.”

Ted took another sip of his drink and said, “If you miss those days of sneaking around and having sex in a parking lot, I would be happy to find a lot we could use.”

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“As I recall,” she started, “It wasn’t that long ago that we were driving home from a movie and I had you pull into a parking lot and gave you a BJ right there. I don’t think our parking lot days are over. In fact, when we get home, you should scout out a few that we could use in broad daylight when I have an overwhelming need for your sexual attention.”

Ted heard a noise and looked up toward the house. Matilda was standing at the open door and waving. He waved back and heard her say, “Ya’ll have a good time and come see us again.” They both waved and watched her leave.

Suddenly Pam jumped up, grabbed her cover and jogged into the house. About ten minutes later, she came back out of the house carrying something and wearing a big smile.

“What was that all about?” Ted asked as Pam reached the chair and sat down.

“I just decided I wanted to hug her,” Pam said, still smiling. “She told me to bring out this basket of munchies to you and told me that I needed to take care of you.”

When Ted raised his eyebrows as if to ask why Pam explained, “Matilda said she had changed the sheets on our bed and noticed ‘that man of mine’ had left some sizable stains on the sheets. She said, ‘Girl… If I had a man that could take care of me like that and make wet spots on my sheets that big… Girl, I would take mighty good care of him.’ So, I hugged her and assured her I took care of you last night in every room in the house.”

I walked her to the door. Then, walking down the sidewalk, she said, ‘Every room in da house… Lordy… that there’s some man.’ I had to close the door so she didn’t hear me laugh.”

“What are you laughing about?” Ted asked. “I am some kind of man!”

“Yes, you are, baby,” Pam said and leaned over to kiss him. “You are my man and you’ve never failed to make me feel beautiful and sexy. And I’m gonna take care of you so that you don’t throw me aside for Matilda.”

Ted stood and pulled Pam up to her feet. Wrapping his arms around her, he said, “You don’t have to ever be concerned about me tossing you aside. You are the only woman that I want or need.” They kissed for a long while. When their lips parted, Ted said, “Now I’m going to float in the pool while you decide how you will make love to me in the Great Room.”

“I thought I was supposed to follow orders this weekend,” she said.

“You are,” he answered while taking the steps down into the pool. “I have ordered you to decide on the next adventure.” Before she could say anything, Ted dove into the water and swam to the pool's far end to retrieve a floating pool chair. He brought the chair back to her end of the pool, got out to get his drink and returned to the chair.

“Wouldn’t you like to rub some sunscreen on me?” Pam asked.

Ted stopped in his tracks. “I wouldn’t mind at all,” he said, “But what are the chances that I would finish the job before getting you naked and having my way with you?”

“I’m thinking the odds would be slim,” she said, laughing. “You go float in your chair. I need to give some thought to our next adventure. Are you certain that you don’t want to contribute?”

As Ted got into the floating chair, he said, “Sure. I think we should both be naked.”

“You are so much help,” Pam said with a laugh. After about five minutes, she stood up and walked to the pool’s edge. “I’m going to refresh my drink. Shall I make another one for you?”

“Absolutely,” he answered. “Make it a double. This is the way to live.”

It was almost fifteen minutes before Pam was back with the drinks. She set hers down by her chair and walked down the step into the pool carrying Ted’s. He paddled over and asked, “I was wondering if you got lost up there. Were you having trouble finding the ingredients?”

“No,” Pam said as she handed Ted his drink. “I was deciding on our next adventure and had to check a few things out.”

Ted took a swig of the drink and asked, “Oh, so do you have a plan now?”

“Actually, I do,” she said with a sly smile on her face. “I think I have it all down quite nicely and you will enjoy it.”

“Listen, Pam,” Ted said, “If you are involved in it and if it means that we are having sex, there is no question that I will enjoy it. You want to tell me what you have planned?”

“I don’t think so,” she said over her shoulder as you got out of the pool. Pam walked to her chair, took a towel to dry off her legs, and said, “I’m going into the house. I want you to wait about ten minutes and then come in. I’ll have everything ready by then.” She picked up her drink and disappeared back into the house.

Ted continued to float in the pool and sipped his drink, wondering what Pam had in mind. Coming up with sex games had always been his job. Seeing Pam so obviously pleased with herself for her plan had him curious. But he managed to wait ten minutes before getting out of the pool, drying off, and heading to the house, wondering with each step what she could have in mind.

When Ted stepped inside the great room, he looked around to find Pam. At first, he didn’t see her because he was looking up, not down. Finally, a noise caught his ear and he looked at the floor on the far side of the room to find her lying utterly naked on what appeared to be a large white animal fur.

Pam was on her side with her back turned to him. Waiting until he was only about two feet away, she slowly rolled over on your back, letting him see that she had one of her toys between her legs. Pam’s eyes were half closed and the vibrating toy was about half buried inside her.

“I know you like to watch me masturbate,” she said, slowly moving the toy in and out. “I thought you’d like to sit in that big chair and watch me on this big furry rug.”

Without speaking a word, Ted took the two steps to the large easy chair and sat down, spreading his legs open so that he could see all of her. As he watched, Pam continued to move the toy in and out. With each stroke, his excitement grew more.

After a few minutes of him quietly watching, she said, “I’m going to bet that your cock is quite hard now and it’s probably uncomfortable and restricted in those shorts. Why don’t you take them off and let me look at you naked.”

Ted did as she asked, standing and peeling off the polo shirt, then dropping the shorts onto the floor and kicking them away while he stood between her feet. Pam opened her eyes and looked at him for a long time.

Pam spoke in a voice that was just above a whisper, “Damn, baby. Look at that beautiful cock. It is so hard and I want it. I’m getting myself ready for it now. This toy is perfect, but it doesn’t feel as good as your cock inside me.” Pam continued to move the toy in and out as she talked, but now she looked as if she was taking it deeper and moving it faster.

“Put your hand on it, baby. I love to watch you stroke it,” she said. As Ted took it in his hand and began stroking it, Pam made a little groaning noise and took the toy out of her wet pussy and pressed it against her clit, making her shiver.

Slipping it back inside, she said, “I remember the first time you did that for me. We were in your office. When I closed the door, you took your cock out and began to glide your hand over it. I was mesmerized watching you. It was just so erotic that I couldn’t take my eyes off it. When you were ready to cum I dropped down on my knees and took it all in my mouth. I was so excited that I had an orgasm of my own.”

“I remember that very well,” Ted said. “I remember how you couldn’t take your eyes off of my cock as I stroked it. I remember how when I was nearing my orgasm, you saw that bud of precum on the tip and you licked your lips. I also remember that you were excited enough that while I was pleasuring myself, you pulled your slacks down and began touching your pussy. It was beyond erotic.”

“I’m going to cum hard and soon,” Pam said with a bit of a whimper in her voice. “Would you like to help me? Maybe you’d like to hold the toy?”

Ted didn’t hesitate, but what he did probably was not in her plan. He quickly moved to her side and lay beside her, almost in a ‘69’ position. Ted reached around her leg and took the toy, still holding it inside her. When Pam moved her hand away, Ted surprised her by lowering his head and beginning to lick her clit.

Pam instantly groaned loudly and dug her fingers into his back. Ted removed the vibrating toy from her dripping pussy. Before Pam could complain, he inserted two fingers, instantly finding her enlarged g-spot. When he felt her hips begin to twist underneath his weight, he knew she was getting very close. Ted had one more little surprise for her.

As she groaned again and opened her legs wider, Ted took the wet and vibrating toy in his hand and pressed it against her rosebud. For a second, he thought Pam might pull his skin off with her fingers. She roared a cry of complete joy. He sucked on her clit, rubbed her g-spot, and pushed the toy into her rosebud about an inch. He felt her pussy tighten around his fingers just as the explosion went off inside her body.

Pam moved so that she could take about half of his cock in her mouth, closed her lips around it and literally screamed as her orgasm hit. Ted pulled his fingers from inside her and covered her pussy with his mouth as her body reacted the way he knew it would. Once again, she had a full body, squirting orgasm. Her girlie ejaculate was in his mouth and covered his face. Her body shook and she continued to scream with her mouth full of Ted’s cock.

Ted waited until Pam had calmed down before moving his mouth away and slowly removed the toy. Turning around so that his face was beside hers, Ted put his mouth beside her ear and whispered, “Was that good, my love?”

“Good does not begin to describe what just happened to me,” she said in a tired voice. “It was absolutely incredible.”

“Are you ready for some more incredible?” he whispered.

Pam turned her face to Ted and said, “I don’t think I can move.”

“You aren’t going to need to move,” he said. “Because I’ll put you on your knees and fuck you hard and fast. I’m going to pound your sweet pussy until I explode like you just did. All you have to do is tell me that you want it.”

“Oh yes, Ted,” Pam said. “Yes, Yes, Yes. I want you to cum and feel what I just felt.”


Written by ChrisM
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