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Author's Notes

"Due to the fact that there are two of us publishing this story and that the series drop down only works for each author's stories. You can follow my chapters by using the drop down or going to the link at the bottom 'previous story.' Here is the link to JefferyB's story that precedes this one. <p> [ADVERT] </p> By alternating between his links and mine you can follow the full story."

Now it was Ted's turn to watch. Pam slowly lifted her red dress until it was level with her waist, then slid forward a little in the seat and spread her knees, showing him her beautiful, hairless pussy. Pam said, "I didn't put any panties on because you don't like me to wear them. But you know how aroused I get when I'm out in public or at the office without panties. I've been excited since we got into the car. I wanted to show you then but decided to wait until the plane took off to let you have a long look without risking you driving off the road."

She slipped a hand down her belly and said, "If I had panties on, baby, they would be soaking wet by now. Look how wet I am." She opened her legs wider and pushed a finger into her pussy. She was quite wet as she began to slide the finger in and out. Ted could see the wetness on her finger and hear the squelching sounds it made as she seductively frigged herself.

For several minutes he watched as she fingered herself and as she watched him stroke his hard cock. Both were mesmerized by where they were and what they were doing. Finally, Pam said, "Take your pants off so we don't mess them up. I want that beautiful cock of yours inside me."

Pam watched as he took his pants off and tossed them and his boxers to the end of the couch. He unbuttoned his shirt and sat up on the couch. He slid his butt out a bit to show her that he wanted her on top of him.

Pam stood, and her dress dropped down. She took two steps and stood directly in front of him. She straddled his legs and then slowly lowered herself until his cock was at her opening. Ted could feel her heat and how very wet she was.

She lowered herself enough to allow the head of his cock to enter her aching pussy. He watched her with her eyes closed and mouth open slightly, a sign of pure sexual indulgence. She moved only slightly as she let his cock push inside her as far as it could in this position. Her full weight was on his legs as she sat there motionless, just enjoying the feeling.

Putting her arms around his neck, she kissed him. It was a long and passionate kiss. They seemed to be paying no attention to the fact that he was buried in her burning pussy. Neither moved anything except their faces, lips, and tongues. Finally, Pam pulled slightly away from his mouth, put her mouth next to his ear, and began to whisper to him as she slowly slid up and down his shaft.

"You feel so good inside me, baby. I love the way you feel in my pussy, in my mouth, and in my ass. You are so good and so perfect for me."

Ted, whose cock had been flaccid before she started whispering, turned into a steel rod.

Had someone walked into the cabin, they would have seen what was happening because they were completely naked. Ted could feel her rise until the head of his cock was almost outside her, then slowly slide it all in again, over and over, while she continued talking in a whisper.

"This is going to be a wonderful weekend," Pam whispered. "You're going to make love to me until I can't move. And after we've made love, we will fuck like a couple of animals. Neither of us will be even slightly concerned about making noise. You always say that you can't get enough of me; now we will see if that's true. We'll see if you feel like doing this again when we get on this plane to go home."

Pam moved away from Ted's ear, sat up straight, and continued to move slowly up and down on his shaft. "Does this feel good, baby?" she asked.

"The word good doesn't even come close to describing how it feels to be inside your pussy," Ted told her. "Good simply isn't an adequate word to describe how wonderful it feels."

She placed her hands under his open shirt and rubbed and squeezed his nipples. "I know that you like to make love to me," Pam said as she maintained the same slow up and down motion, "But do you like to fuck me too?"

"Do you mean like last weekend when I fucked you until you squirted? If that's what you mean, then the answer is yes," he said.

"How are you going to fuck me this weekend?" Pam asked with a bit of an emphasis on the word "fuck."

He could sense that she was working herself into a sexual frenzy, and Ted didn't want to do anything to spoil it, but he did want to feed it. Ted put his hands under her on the bare skin of her ass, pulling her a little harder against him, and said, "I think before this weekend is over, you will have been fucked in as many positions as we can think of. I'll probably fuck you in the bed, the shower, the pool, and maybe on the floor. I'll lean you over a chair and fuck you from behind until I'm ready to cum, then put you on your knees and cum in your mouth. You'll sit on my face and fuck my mouth with your sweet pussy until I'm covered with your juices. Then, I'll have my fingers in your pussy and ass until you scream. I'll make you cum more times than you ever thought possible."

The more he talked, the faster Pam moved. Finally, when he stopped talking, she leaned forward and again put her mouth near his ear. As she slid faster and faster up and down his cock, Ted could feel his naughty bits covered with her love juices.

Pam whispered, "I want that, baby. I want all of it. Please take me over and over again. Don't even let me stop to think. Just take me the way you want me. I want to love you with my body and soul this weekend, but I want you to take control. I'll do whatever you want. If you want me to suck your cock in front of Bill, I will. I want all you have and to cum and cum and cum."

With her last word, Pam gripped tightly around his neck as her whole body shook. Ted could feel her pussy squeeze his cock. She had just talked herself into her first orgasm of the trip, but Ted knew it wouldn't be the last. Pam's motion slowed to almost a stop. She leaned back to see Ted's face.

Ted said softly, "I want you to go into the head and get a couple of towels and then come back here and make me cum."

"Don't you want to cum in my mouth?" she asked with a fake plea in her voice.

"No, I don't," Ted said, "I want you to get down on your knees between my legs and suck me until I'm ready to pop. Then I want you to jerk me off and watch me cum so that you can see how excited I am."

Pam moved slowly and made a frowny face when his hard cock slipped out of her pussy. Pam quickly got up, went to the little bathroom, and returned with towels. Without a word, she got down on her knees between his legs and took his very wet cock into her mouth, repeatedly running her tongue around the head. Pam looked up. "You taste so good. Your cock is hard and feels so good in my mouth."

Pam went down on him as he put his hands into her hair. Ted wasn't pushing her down on his cock, but maybe helping her just a little. He knew this wouldn't take long because he was ready to release his load.

Pam sensed that he was close and took his cock in her hand, sliding it up and down the wet pole as quickly as she could. With one hand, Pam grabbed his balls and squeezed them gently. That was all Ted needed, and the cannon went off! Cum gushed out of him and shot into the air. He heard her moan as she continued to stroke him. More and more rounds of hot cum shot out of him until her hand was covered.

Ted looked down to see her smiling up at him. While he watched, Pam ran a finger through the semen on his belly and put it into her mouth, making a face like she was tasting a delicacy. Pam wiped more cum on her hand and slid it up and down his still-erect cock. Ted groaned out loud at the mixture of pleasure and pain before grabbing her hand and saying, "OK. I'm a little sensitive."

Pam cleaned Ted up and handed him back his clothes, and put her dress back on. They sat on the couch with Pam stretched out to face Ted. She had one hand on the back of his head, running her fingers through his hair. They were sharing light kisses and talking softly about what they thought might happen upon their arrival.

They wondered what the "cabin" would look like and how rustic it might be. Since Bill had said there was a pool, they both had trouble imagining it as some log cabin. Finally, Pam said, "I don't care what it looks like, how grand or little it is. I want to spend time with you and love you. I think we just had a good start, don't you?"

"It was an incredible start," Ted said with a broad smile. "And since you've put me in control for the weekend, I'll give you the rules. There will be no panties on you this weekend at any time. If you've packed a bra, you can just put it away. When I want you, I don't want anything in the way to slow me down. But you know that I won't hurt you or embarrass you. I will make you cry out but only with the joys of pleasure. Now you'd better slip that dress back on."

As Ted spoke, he moved his hand up between Pam's thighs. As his hand neared her pussy, she quickly moved her legs apart to give him free access. She was still dripping wet, and as his finger glided inside, his hand was slippery with her fluids.

Pam rolled over on her back and spread her legs. "I love your fingers inside of me, baby," she said. "Your fingers are magic in me." Pam closed her eyes and made a small moan. When Ted put his slippery finger on her clit and began to rub it, she moaned again, but louder. "I can't wait to get this dress off," Pam said, "So that you can put those magic fingers on the girls. My nipples are so hard they hurt."

Ted leaned down, kissed her, and said, "You won't have to wait long, babe. I feel the plane starting to change direction. My guess is that we aren't far from a landing. Now, why don't you go to the head and fix your hair and refresh your lipstick before we have to buckle in again. As I recall, you said you wanted to look like you owned this plane when you walked off."

Pam sat up quickly and looked out the window. "We are going down," she said excitedly. "I can tell that we are." She put her hands on Ted's face and kissed him quickly. "That's a good idea. I'll get fixed up a little." Pam picked up her purse and started toward the head. Before she opened the door, Pam turned and said, "If the rest of this weekend is as good as it has been, I just can't wait for what's next."

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As the door to the head closed, the door to the pilot's cabin opened, and Howard came into the main cabin. "I guess you've noticed that we're headed down. I could make an announcement over the intercom, but that's so Delta. We are headed down and should be landing in about fifteen minutes. So you two should buckle up pretty soon. I've had a message that Amos has the car at the airport and will drive to the plane to meet us. The weather there is sunny and nice. So you'll reach your destination long before dark."

"And you're still not going to tell us where we are?" Ted asked.

"That's right," Howard said with a broad smile. "You'll find out soon enough, and since I've been there myself once, I can assure you that both of you will be delighted. Now I need to get back. I'll see you after we land."

When she was gone, Ted turned to look out the window to see if he could get any ideas about where they were. Based on the flight time and the fact that he could tell they had been headed in a southerly direction, Ted thought they were headed toward Atlanta. However, Wild Bill lived near San Antonio, Texas, and Ted knew they couldn't have reached that area when they had been airborne.

As he looked out, they were still too high to see anything that would help. Finally, Pam came out of the head and twirled around for him. "How do I look?"

"You look absolutely wonderful," he answered. "Now, you need to sit down and buckle up. Howard just said we would be landing in less than fifteen minutes. So find a seat, and let's watch to see if we can figure out where we are."

Pam stood beside Ted, kissed him, and said, "You sure we don't have time for a quickie?"

They both laughed, and Pam retook the same seat. She looked at Ted, saying, "If you'd like, I can take off this dress and land naked."

Ted gave her suggestion some serious consideration. He liked the idea very much but decided that he didn't know how soon after being "wheels down," Howard would come back through that door. Or perhaps more importantly, if Ted could restrain himself once she was finally and completely naked. He said, "I like the idea, but since I don't know where we are landing or what will be waiting for us, I'm going to suggest that you keep that pretty red dress on and just tease me for a few minutes more."

Pam gave him a big smile as she lifted her dress once more for him to have a quick look. Ted moved into the seat facing her and said, "Now let's watch and see if we can get some idea of where we are landing. Maybe there will be some landmarks one of us might recognize."

"Where do you think we are?" she asked.

"Based on our direction and watching the sun's location, I think we've been flying south or southwest. Then based on the flight time, I think we might be headed for Atlanta or somewhere in that area."

Ted could tell that the idea of "Atlanta" didn't excite Pam much. She was hoping for something with a little more pizzazz than Atlanta.

"Hey," he said, "I'm just sayin' that we're in that direction. Howard told me that we would arrive at our destination quickly and that Amos would be there to meet us. That doesn't exactly sound like a major airport like Atlanta."

Ted could see her spirits brighten immediately, and she was quickly looking out the window. Finally, after a couple of minutes, she said, "I can see that we are getting much lower, but all I see are trees."

"Yeah, darlin'. I'm watching too, and that's all I see," Ted offered. "If we were going into Atlanta, we would see signs of civilization by now, and I'm seeing nothing."

The intercom crackled, and they heard Howard say, "Five minutes."

Their faces were almost glued to the windows on the port side. It was a clear day. Ted checked his watch and saw it was 5:25. All they could see below them was what appeared to be a pine forest with some minor roads and tiny towns. As the plane dropped closer and closer to the ground, they were both looking for signs of civilization that just weren't there. Finally, when they saw the runway and felt the wheels touch down, they could see nothing but pine trees on either side of the jet.

The jet slowed, and the plane began to turn. They saw a small terminal building looking out the other side of the aircraft. It had a tower that was nothing like what they would expect in a major city. As the plane turned, they could see a couple of small buildings and nothing else. Their eyes met, and they were both thinking … WTF?

When Ted felt the plane come to a stop and the engine whine start to trail off, he unbuckled and stood up, facing the cockpit.

Howard opened the door with a big smile, saying, "Here we are, boys and girls. Your destination is here, and your weekend adventure awaits." He walked down from the cabin and reached out his hand. "I hope you enjoyed your flight, and we'll see you again on Sunday afternoon. A car will pull up outside our door in about two minutes, and the famous Amos will take over. It's been our pleasure to bring you here, and we'll look forward to seeing you on Sunday." With that, he turned, opened the door to the closet where he had put our bags, and said, "Follow me."

When Howard reached the exit door, Ted expected him to put the bags down and open it. But before he could, the jet's captain came through the cockpit door and said, "Let me get that." The captain was a beautiful blonde that Ted guessed was about forty. She was drop-dead gorgeous, and his quick glance told him she was centerfold material. When the door opened and the steps dropped, she stood back, smiled, and said, "I hope you have a wonderful time. We'll see you again on Sunday."

They took a few steps down from the plane and saw a short man standing beside a large Cadillac. When their feet touched the ground, the man stepped forward, took their bags from Howard, and said, "Welcome. Get in the back, and I'll drive you to the cabin."

Ted turned and waved to Howard as he quickly returned to the jet. "See you Sunday."

When Ted turned back, Amos had their small bags and was already putting them into the truck of the large car. He came around the side and opened the back door for them. They climbed in and began to look out the windows to get some idea of their location while Amos got into the driver's seat. They could see a tiny airport with no more than five small planes on the ground. There was no "terminal" to speak of, and Ted thought that there were no major airline flights into this place.

He watched Amos as he got into the driver's seat and started the big engine. He could see that Amos was Filipino, as Bill had said. It was difficult to determine his age, but Ted guessed he was between fifty and sixty. Amos turned to them, saying, "Anything you need before we go to the cabin?"

Leaning forward, Ted hung on the front seat of the car. "I don't think so, Amos. Do you think we need anything?

He chuckled as he put the car in gear and said, "No sir, I'm thinking everything you could need is already there."

As he drove across the tarmac to the exit, Ted asked, "Would you like to tell us where we are, Amos? So far today, that has been a mystery. We don't really need to know, but I wouldn't mind having a general idea."

Again he chuckled and said, "Mr. Bill likes to have fun with everyone. If you don't tell him I said it, I'll tell you that you are in the hills of northern Georgia. We are close to the Tennessee border. The company built this place about ten years ago, and I have been watching after it ever since."

"How far are we from Atlanta?" Ted asked.

"By car, maybe two and a half hours," Amos said. "Company people like to come here for a 'Get-a-way.' I take care of everyone."

"Well, thank you, Amos," Ted said, "That's the first truthful information I've had today."

He giggled and said, "Mr. Bill is a big joker. I think he will be here tomorrow night. Of course, he enjoys kidding me, but he's a good guy."

Ted leaned forward over the seat between Amos and the back of the car. They talked as he drove out of the small airport and to their final destination. As they spoke, Ted put his hand on the inside of Pam's leg. He moved his hand slowly up her bare leg toward an area he knew would be hot and wet. As Ted moved his hand higher, Pam began to spread her legs wider and moved closer to him.

"I guess you know," Ted said, "That we've never been here, and we don't know what to expect. Can you give us some idea of what we will see?"

"We'll be there in just a few minutes," Amos answered. "We are very close now. We have everything you might need."

Ted was pleased that Pam opened her legs for him and eagerly accepted his fingers as he slid them inside her pussy. As Ted talked with Amos about where they were, he stroked his finger in and out, never stopping the conversation with the driver. Finally, Ted glanced back at Pam and saw that her head was back against the seat and her eyes were almost closed.

After only a few minutes, the car turned a corner, and Amos said, "Here we are. I hope you'll enjoy yourselves."

They pulled up in front of what might have been called a farmhouse. It appeared to be a single-level house with a green metal roof. There was a long front porch with a few white rockers on it. At once, Ted thought, "Are you kidding me?" But before saying anything out loud, he sat quietly and watched.

Amos pulled the car up to the house's main door and got out to open the door for his passengers. He took their bags from the trunk and then opened the backseat door.

They walked onto the porch, and Amos opened the front door. "Please enter and enjoy," he said.

Written by ChrisM
Contributing Authors
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