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Author's Notes

"Pam's plan comes to fruition and she gets her way. <p> [ADVERT] </p>It proves to be much more than she had expected."

In a zombie-like state, Ted raised his hands to hers. Pam took them and placed them palm down at her waist, where they rested on top of her hips. Slowly she glided his hands over her soft skin, letting him feel the round, full ass he had eyed so many times. She could feel his palms sweating and knew she almost had him.

Still holding his hands, she dropped down to her knees and moved his hands to her breasts. She could hear him suck in his breath as he cupped them. A few seconds later, he lightly pinched her hard nipples. He was behind her and couldn't see the smile on her face. Now she had him. Now he was going to let himself go and let his lust take control of his conscious mind. He was going to stop thinking about what he shouldn't do and start acting on what he wanted to do.

Pam let him lightly run his hands over her full breast for a full minute, closing her eyes and allowing herself to enjoy a touch she had wanted for such a long time. His hands were soft, and his touch was tender. It was confident, unlike that of some of the younger men she had been with. This man knew what he was doing.

He didn't pinch her nipples but softly pressed on them, making them even harder. Then, he took the fullness of each breast in his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before he ran his palm softly over her shapely tits.

She wanted to turn to feed one of her nipples to his mouth, confident his lips would caress her like no one ever had. But instead, Pam had to fight her lust to keep her mind on her plan. She had to concentrate on her strategy even as she began to feel how wet she was getting between her legs. "Stay on plan," she repeated in her mind as she waited for the next step.

When Pam decided the time was right, she slowly turned around to face Ted. Still on her knees with her forehead level with his chin, Pam ran her hands over his chest. She could tell that his breathing was heavier than it had been a few minutes ago. She didn't look up into his face but kept her eyes down on his chest, so she didn't give him a chance to say anything she didn't want to hear.

Finally, Pam put her fingers on the top button of his shirt and unbuttoned it. When he made no move to stop her, she slowly moved her hands down from one button to the next until the front of his shirt was completely open. She slipped her hands inside the shirt and put her palms flat on his chest, running her fingers through his chest hair and lightly touching his nipples. He still said nothing, and he hadn't moved. She slipped the shirt off his shoulders and let it drop to the floor.

Again, she made sure not to look into his face and ran her hands all over his chest, admiring the mixture of dark and white hair. The hair was snow-white between his breasts and the top of his chest. The hair running down the middle and seemingly pointing toward his cock was dark brown. She spent another minute admiring his chest before she took the next step in her plan.

Pam leaned forward and lightly placed an open mouth kiss on one of his nipples and then the other, once again hearing him suck in his breath. She took another second to think of her next step. She quickly changed her position so that rather than being on her knees, she was now seated on the bed, her legs outside his and her chin placed slightly above the waistband of his shorts.

Pam undid the button above the zipper and turned her head to his face, wanting to give him a "please don't stop me now" look. However, she found that his eyes were shut, and he was breathing through his mouth. Pam smiled and returned to concentrate on his shorts. With one hand holding the button, she used the other to quickly unzip him, then simply let go. She watched the shorts fall to the floor. Ted was now wearing nothing but boxer shorts with a prominent bulge in the front.

It was all she could do not to laugh when she studied him. He was such a "totally put together" man that it came to her as no surprise that his boxers were solid blue, with a "polo" emblem on them. Pam was willing to bet that they had been ironed. However, the laugh was quickly gone as she knew the next step was to take down his boxers and see what was hidden in them. She was glad to see that despite the neatness of his boxers, there was already a rather large dark spot that was obviously wet and an indication of his arousal.

Pam had considered this many times before. What would she do or say if he had a tiny penis? She had always told herself that no man as sexy as Ted could be undersized, but she wouldn't know until she took the next step. Taking a deep breath, Pam put her fingers into the waistband of his boxers and began to lower them. Almost unexpectedly, his cock seemed to spring out of his shorts. As Pam dropped his boxers, she found her nose was just a few inches from his stiff cock.

Now it was her turn to gasp a little. What she saw was a perfect cock. Obviously hard as a rock, beautifully shaped, probably no more than seven inches long, but thick and very masculine. She could feel the wetness between her legs and had to fight the urge to suck it into her mouth. She deviated from her plan for the first time, looked into his face, and said, "Oh, Ted, it's beautiful."

With the lightness of a butterfly, Pam touched her fingers to his cock. It was hard and hot. The room was bright enough for her to see the large pearl of a clear liquid that had formed at the tip. Without a thought, she leaned forward, scooped the liquid pearl with her tongue, and sucked it into her mouth. She was so aroused that she let the taste of it settle on her tongue for only a few seconds before she took the entire head into her mouth and literally moaned with delight. She was so engrossed in her own pleasure that she completely missed hearing Ted as he groaned, "Oh god."

Pam would have liked to take Ted's cock in her hand and play with it a bit, study it, and examine it, but she had a plan and was determined to stick to it. Ted's cock was amazing. It tasted so good. It was the perfect size for her mouth. She knew it would fit inside her slit like it was made for her. She hoped he was watching but didn't want to look up. Pam was slowly taking his cock into her mouth, and she took him a little deeper each time she went down on him. It just felt so wonderful. She had waited such a long time to do this, and now she would enjoy every second of it.

It occurred to Pam that Ted should see what she was doing, and as long as she was sitting on the bed and leaning over, he could see nothing but the back of her head and back. She quickly adjusted by sliding off the bed and onto her knees in front of him. She moved her head back with the tip of his cock in her mouth and looked up to see him watching her. This was going to work much better, she thought. Again she took his cock into her mouth until her nose was nestled in his pubic hair, and she heard him groan. Pam moved slowly back and forth a few more times, then took his balls in her hand and squeezed them gently. She heard another moan.

Pam sensed that he was probably nearing an orgasm and wanted to ensure he wouldn't stop her. So, putting her hand around the base of his cock, she began sucking the head in and out of her mouth while she stroked his cock. Pam could tell that she was as excited as Ted because she could feel her own juices running down the inside of her thighs. She considered taking her hand away from his balls and rubbing her own clit when Ted grasped her hair. He held still for a second, then began to move her head against his cock. Now it was her turn to be still and let him do the work. Within a few seconds, his need to cum had overtaken his senses, and he was holding her head and fucking her mouth. "Please don't stop," Pam prayed. "I just want you to cum in my mouth. I want to taste you and take all you have."

Pam was uncertain what to do next, but feeling like she needed to do something, she put her hands on Ted's ass. As he was moving his hips to thrust into her mouth, she pulled him into her. Pam did something without thinking and dug her nails into his ass cheeks. She had no way of knowing that it was one thing that drove Ted wild.

When Ted felt her nails digging into his butt, a current of electricity ran through his entire body and came out the tip of his cock. While thinking he would pull out before his orgasm, he no longer had that option. Instead, the electrical charge sent him into an orgasmic explosion. He held Pam's head with his hands threaded through her blonde hair and shot pulse after pulse of hot cum into her mouth and throat.

His entire body trembled until he finally removed his fingers from her hair and looked down.

Pam still had the head of his shaft in her mouth. When they made eye contact, she slowly let the tip slip out of her mouth and smiled at Ted. There were two spots of cum on her lip and chin. Still smiling, she wiped both spots with her finger, popped it into her mouth, and sucked the finger while he watched. "God, that's so good, Ted."

Ted still hadn't spoken. Other than moans and groans, he had been silent. When she had started, he was opposed to what she had in mind, but his lust was stronger than his willpower. Now he stood looking down at this gorgeous, naked woman who had just given him the most incredible blow job of his life. While he should have been sated, he found that his lust was still raging.

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He extended his hands to Pam and pulled her to her feet. Then, before she could say or do anything, he turned, pulled back all the bed covers, tossed a pillow to the far side, and told her, "Lay down on your back with your head on that pillow." His words were soft, but definitely, they were a command. Pam obeyed.

Ted stood there looking at her for only a moment before simply leaning over, taking one of her ankles in each hand, and spreading her legs apart to see her pussy. His lust raged as he saw how the area between her legs was glistening. He could easily see how excited she had been by the trail of her juices on her thighs.

He kneeled down on the bed, putting his hands behind her knees and spreading her wide open, hesitating only a second before he dropped his face between her legs. There wasn't going to be any foreplay. No light kissing or soft fingering. Ted's mouth was a half inch from Pam's pussy when his tongue darted out and went instantly to her vagina. He pushed his tongue into her pussy and lapped up her juices.

He was so immersed in what he was doing he didn't even hear Pam's cries of pleasure. Finally, after a full minute, he turned his attention to her clit. Ted opened her petals and found her bud prominent, large, and rigid. He dropped his mouth on it and sucked. This time he heard Pam as she put her hands into his hair, pulled his face into her and moaned loudly.

Ted had always thought of himself as something of a lady's man. He had always known how to make them happy in bed. He had always taken the time to make sure that a woman's needs were met and that when he was finished they were delighted with what he had done to them. Not only did he enjoy it, but he also knew a satisfied customer was much more likely to come back for seconds.

But the gentle, careful Ted wasn't in the bedroom today. This was the animal Ted, and he would make this woman scream with joy or die trying. As he sucked and licked her clit, his finger was inside her pussy, moving in and out. He quickly found her g-spot and began working it. Pam was squirming on the bed and moaning with enjoyment as she had never before.

Pam had already cum twice when Ted moved up from her pussy to her breasts. She thought he was going to stop because of her orgasm, but instead, he moved up and began to make love to them with his mouth and hands. His hand would be on one while he licked and sucked on the other nipple. He would lightly bite her nipples bringing her pleasure but no pain. Her head was swimming in pure erotic pleasure when she thought he had stopped, only to find that he was simply readjusting and had now moved to her mouth.

In all that had gone on to date, they had never kissed. They had never even shared a "friendly" kiss at an office party or birthday celebration. Pam had no idea what to expect in that department from Ted, but she quickly found out. His lips were soft and tender. His tongue was soon in her mouth, searching and probing.

She could taste her pussy on his tongue, and she wondered if he could taste his cum on hers. His hands were on her face, and his lips moved to her neck. She expected Ted to be good in bed, but she had not expected him to be such a tiger. Nevertheless, he was a fantastic kisser, and she thought he could make her cum with his kisses.

Ted had moved on top of her and put his legs between hers. She became aware of something pressing against her belly. The haze in her brain took a few seconds to clear and for her to realize it was Ted's cock. Then, before she could give it any thought, she felt Ted move once again. Suddenly she realized that he was mounting her and that big, thick cock was as hard as a rock and was pushing into her pussy. He did it slowly, letting her feel all of it as it slid deeper and deeper into her dripping wet hole. He filled her up, and she loved it, letting out a low moan as he pushed it deeper and deeper.

Ted looked into her eyes and found them large and sparkling. He was excited about what would come next.

He kissed her once again, passionately and hard. As they kissed, he began moving his cock inside her. At first, his movements were very slow. Finally, he pulled out about halfway and then slowly back in. Her pussy was so wet that moving inside her was effortless.

He continued kissing her. Their tongues were dancing, and they were breathing rapidly. Ted picked up the pace, began thrusting into her faster and harder, and was rewarded with more groans of pleasure. Within another minute, he could feel that as his balls slapped against her, they had become soaked in her juices.

Pam could feel his thick cock stretching her open with each thrust as he pounded into her. She responded and began to thrust her pussy up to meet him. He obviously enjoyed what she was doing and picked up speed again. They were both starting to enter into a mental frenzy. Both of them were beginning to move into a place outside their normal reactions. Now they were being driven by pure lust and desire. They were both giving and taking as much as they could.

Finally, Pam wrapped her arms around Ted's neck and pulled his face next to hers. She kissed him hard and then pulled his ear to her mouth. Her plea was almost a scream. "Fuck me, Ted. I just want you to fuck me until I cum again. I don't want you to stop. I want you to fuck me until you can't move any longer."

In his entire life, no woman had ever talked to Ted like that during sex. He was startled but highly excited. While driven by lust, something in his mind told him to give her what she wanted and drive her crazy. He moved to a position where he sat upright on his knees with his legs spread open. Taking her by the hips, he pulled her to him, finding that he could thrust even deeper into her wet pussy.

Pam wrapped her legs around his waist and he began thrusting into her at a fast and furious pace. He thought, "If she wants me to fuck her, this must be what she wants." As he hammered away, her noises of pleasure grew louder with each stroke. He was mesmerized by her breasts as they shook back and forth in front of him with each of his deep strokes.

For a moment, Ted forgot about the feeling in his cock as his eyes feasted on Pam's beautiful body. As she lay there rocking her head from side to side, Ted studied her large, full breasts. He had never seen more beautiful breasts on women, even in magazines. Next, his eyes ran down to her waist and then her belly. Her skin was soft and flawless. Finally, he looked straight down to watch his cock drive into her pussy. It glistened with the juices that covered it.

As he looked at his cock he suddenly became aware again of the fantastic feeling Pam's pussy was giving him.

Taking her by the waist, he began a smooth and rapid motion in and out of her. She took her breasts in her hands, pinched the nipples, and whispered loudly, "Oh god, Ted. I'm going to cum again. Fuck me, please!"

The words rattled through his brain, where an alarm went off. Ted could feel the orgasm beginning in his toes and moving quickly up his legs, finally reaching his balls. The deep moan came out of him like a scream as his cock exploded inside Pam's pussy.

At the exact second, Pam locked her legs around Ted and pulled his cock deeper into her as her orgasm took control of her body. Her entire body shook as Ted's cock shot pulse after pulse of hot cum into her. He continued moving while she continued shaking until they both collapsed in exhaustion.

Ted dropped down on top of her. He was vaguely aware that both of them were covered in sweat. They were both breathing as if they had just finished running a marathon. Ted began to pull out of her only to have her grab him by the ass and whisper, "No, Ted. Please just leave it inside me a little longer."

They lay there like that for several minutes, catching their breath, until finally Pam moved her hands off his ass and said, "Now you can move."

Ted rolled off of her onto his back. He looked over, ran a finger through the pool of sweat on her belly, and ran it up her chest until finally, he ran the finger over her breast and lightly pinched the nipple. Pam shivered and giggled softly. Then, she rolled over, putting her leg over Ted's and moving her face next to him. She gazed into his eyes for long seconds before saying, "What a man you are. I've wanted you since the day we met. I've always known that you would be a good lover, but you are amazing. I've never had anything like that in my life."

Ted could feel his hot cum dripping from her pussy as she spoke and slide down his leg. Rather than thinking he needed to get a tissue to wipe it up, he found it erotic. While she was saying that she'd never had anything like it in her life, Ted was feeling things he had never known as an adult.

Their sex had been totally unexpected and almost out of bounds from what he had always known. Instead of thinking of getting up and washing off as he would have done with his ex-wife, his mind was on the feeling of her breast pressed against his chest. He said nothing to Pam, but put his hands into her blonde curls, pulled her mouth to his, and kissed her gently for a very long time.        


Written by ChrisM
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