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Author's Notes

"Jeffery B and I are delighted in providing you with the continuing adventures of Ted & Pam. Links to previous chapters are at end of the story."

The two lovers became less frantic about their sexual encounters as the months passed. Of course, it remained wild, mind-blowing sex each and every time, but they were no longer trying to rip each other's clothes off at every opportunity.

They settled into a routine where she spent her weekends with Ted at his place. On Wednesdays after work, they would go to Pam's apartment or Ted's house to spend the night together. Two nights apart was the most they could endure.

Pam noticed that their interest in sex was beginning to affect their work. They had discussed it and determined to be a little more focused on business. That was the decision that brought about the Wednesday night sleepovers.

After almost getting caught in the office with his hand underneath her skirt, they became slightly more cautious. The key word there was "little" because there was not a day that passed when they were both in the office that there wasn't some sexual contact during the workday. On more than one occasion, they said they were going to lunch only to meet in a nearby parking lot where they would satisfy each other's sexual needs, if only for an hour.

Pam had discovered early on that it wasn't her doing the leading and the teaching. When she first seduced Ted, Pam had thought he was an older and less experienced man. She had concluded that once she got him in bed, she would lead their sexual activity. However, it was Ted that led her into new realms of sexual satisfaction. He kept her entertained and waiting for the next adventure.

On one occasion in the office, after checking to see that she wasn't wearing any panties, he handed her an odd-looking thing that consisted of some straps joined together at something that looked like a butterfly. Ted showed her how to put it on and place the "bug" on her clit. After she stood up to ensure no one could see it through her skirt, Ted turned on the remote control. She learned quickly that the device was a clit teaser that could be controlled from about fifteen feet away.

Ted had used it off and on all day, simply driving her crazy and actually giving her two orgasms. One orgasm came while seated in his office and one at her desk. That little device had become one of their secrets in the office, and from time to time, she would walk into Ted's office and show him that she had it on and wanted him to use it.

Over several months, Pam learned to do some new things very well and enjoyed them immensely. First, Ted had taught her how to squirt during her orgasms. While she didn't understand why it magnified the intensity of her orgasms almost beyond belief, Pam no longer needed to cum ten times a day because one or two full-body orgasms could leave her practically unable to move. Second, Pam had seen adult movies with women squirting fluids six feet and thoroughly soaking the bed as their bodies shook in orgasmic pleasure. Pam was delighted that she got the same result with significantly less fluid. She was also convinced that Ted liked it and was equally happy to get her off with his tongue as she was to have him cum in her mouth.

Thirdly she realized how much she loved anal sex. Ted had led her along that path very carefully, continuously checking to ensure it felt good and that she was comfortable. He had brought her any number of toys designed for her butt, and she loved them all. She was especially fond of the one Ted had given her, which she called 'the finger.' Pam was fond of having it in her ass while Ted pounded her pussy from behind. Her orgasms from that activity left her breathless and weak.

Ted was careful about not doing the same things over and over despite how much he enjoyed them. Still, she was always pleased when he would get her on her knees and elbows and reach for the vibrating anal toy. She could get worked up just thinking about it. He would slip the toy inside her ass, put his cock inside her pussy, and then turn on the vibration in the toy. Sometimes he wouldn't move for a full minute while the vibrations worked on her.

Ted had caught her once with the toy in her ass and her fingers in her pussy, pleasing herself. Pam remembered how he stood quietly and watched until she reached her climax. He then stripped his clothes off, got on top of her, and fucked like a wild animal until they both cried out and covered each other with their juices.

Ted entranced her with his creativity. He always had something new and something different. He was always enjoyable and continually erotic as hell.

From time to time, he would come up with role-playing games. They could sometimes take hours, were always fun, and always ended with both sweaty and panting. Pam's favorite was when she walked into his great room after work on a Wednesday evening to find him standing beside a video camera mounted on a tripod. When she asked what he was doing, he turned and went into character. "Well, now. It's Pamela, correct? Do you mind if I call you Pam? You can just call me Ted. I am the casting director for Vixen Films' upcoming adult movie, and I'm just thrilled to have you come in to audition for the leading lady part."

Pam had played along because she knew what Ted planned would be fun, and without a doubt, she would get some outrageous sex out of it. First, Ted asked her to sit on the couch in front of the camera so he could record the interview. Then, after some silly small talk, he asked her to stand and turn around for the camera. As she followed instructions, Ted requested that she take off her blouse, then skirt and acted amazed when he found that she was not wearing panties. Ted did such an excellent job of staying in character that Pam did her best to do the same.

Once he had her naked, he told her that as a part of the movie, she would have to do a solo masturbation scene. He instructed her how to position herself on the couch and masturbate while the camera rolled. After a few minutes, he explained that her co-star would naturally give her oral sex in the film. He positioned himself between her open legs and offered to play the part of the male star.

About the time she thought she was going to cum, he stood up and indicated that now she needed to perform oral sex on him so that he could show the director that she could follow instructions. He instructed her to give him a BJ and make the audience believe she enjoyed performing the act.

This game lasted about an hour until they had used every sexual position they knew. Finally, Ted pulled her up on her feet, and they stood naked and toe to toe. "Now, Pam," he said earnestly, "You know how these adult films always end. Either I have to cum in your mouth while you smile, or I cum in your pussy, and the camera closes in to see the semen run out of you. Which one would you prefer?"

Pam chose option #1 and watched as Ted pulled the camera from the tripod and moved it in for a close-up. She had remained very amused at the game Ted had cooked up and stayed amused until she discovered that he was filming them and had the entire session with a soundtrack.

He had waited until the weekend to tell her what he had done. So when Ted showed her his edited film, Pam was furious and ready to break the camera. But, after watching it, Pam had to admit that it was scorching. And, of course, by the time the movie ended, they were both naked and replaying every event in the film.


The only thing that bothered Pam about their relationship, which she enjoyed tremendously, was that it couldn't go any farther for Ted. While she would have been happy for it to go on forever, he would never be able to deal with it publicly. While it was impossible for Ted to refuse her beauty and sexuality, he simply couldn't find a way to open up their relationship to others. He thought he would always be a dirty old man taking advantage of a young woman. Even she could accept that few people would believe that two people twenty years apart in age could make a good and lasting relationship.

Pam tried to convince herself that things would change when their affair began. She felt certain after a few weeks of exceptional pairings, Ted would see the light and accept the fact that he was in love with a woman much younger. But after months of them hiding their passionate relationship, Pam began to understand that as much as she loved Ted, he would never be willing to make their union public.

On the nights she stayed alone in her apartment, she wrestled with thoughts of how to convince him to marry her. She had determined that she would be happy to live with him without a wedding. Pam had no problem showing up at a social event with a man old enough to be her father. The concept did not bother her, but it did unsettle Ted.

Over the year they had been together, he had turned down multiple opportunities for them to be seen together in public. He insisted that they show no affection when working with a client. He might have been willing to put his hand under her skirt in a restaurant, but he would never allow a client to think he might have a sexual interest in his assistant.

Pam was always a part of his client meetings. They were a team and worked toward the client's interest with the efficiency of a military fighting unit. He always praised her for her work, so the client knew how indispensable she was to their efforts, but he would never show his desire or interest in her.

As much as Pam would have liked to stop the charade, she simply couldn't. She loved Ted and couldn't imagine the possibility of not being in his bed as often as possible.

Whatever else might be going on, the idea of not being able to remove her clothes and give her naked body to him on Friday after work was not a concept she could accept. There was too much joy. It was too great a thrill for her to give up those moments.

Her need for him was too great.

Life with Ted was simply too good to consider changing.

Pam knew she could probably double her income by going to another company. But it would mean giving up her relationship with Ted. She wasn't willing to give up those incredible highs when he took her to the moon and back. A successful career could not compete with the joy she felt from Ted's skillful touch.

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Ted had multiple clients. As in any job like his, there were good and bad clients. But Ted's philosophy was each one of them, regardless of their size, should be treated the same way. A ten-million-dollar client would not be given preferential treatment to a client that generated only half a million dollars a year.

Pam understood her boss's point of view. There was no question that the ten-million-dollar client paid the bills and kept the doors open, but the smaller clients wanted and needed the same respect. Ted was determined to see to it that the 'little guys' were treated as well as the big guys.

Ted's contact with his most significant client company was a man named Bill Mason. Although Mr. Mason was well educated and exceptionally prized within his company, he preferred his persona to be that of a Southern hillbilly. He chose to be thought of as a 'hayseed.'

Ted knew the man was highly educated and had exceptional business skills. Of all his clients, he knew that none of them matched Bill Mason. Nonetheless, he played the game with the man who wanted to be known as "Wild Bill."

Pam would tell Ted when Mason would call, "Wild Bill is on the phone." Of course, they both knew him, and it might be said they loved him. Bill was exceptionally sharp, and he seemed to miss nothing. His business ideas were always sound, and his directions were easy to follow. He was, in fact, a dream client anyone would want to have.

Wild Bill would 'drift' into their office about every sixty days. He would always call well in advance to make sure Ted would have time to spend two days with him while he was in town. He would always insist on taking Ted to dinner one night. Unlike other clients, Bill would always pick up the tab, complimenting Ted on the job he performed on his company's behalf. The restaurants he chose were always the best in town.

More often than not, Bill brought his golf clubs when he worked with Ted. Except in the coldest weather, they would spend an afternoon on a local golf course. Bill knew how much Ted enjoyed golf and thought that four-plus hours alone with him on a golf course was more valuable than the same amount of time sitting together in an office.

Simply put… the two men greatly admired each other and worked together beautifully. Ted always managed to achieve Bill's requirements and then a little extra.

Bill never seemed to be less than grateful for Ted's work. However, he was also quite protective of Ted. On one occasion, the man had marched into the office of the president of Ted's company and threatened to move his business to another group. In fact, he suggested that he would hire Ted himself if the company's leader continued to put restrictions on Ted.

"Ted is the best thing you have going for you," Bill had told the company's leader. "Now, back off and give him the room he needs to make money for you."

Bill had been invited to the president's home for dinner on another occasion. When Bill arrived, he found that Ted had not been invited and stormed out the door. After that incident, corporate management formed a 'hands-off' approach to Ted.

During one of Bill's sessions working in the office with Ted, Bill invited both Ted and Pam to have dinner with him. He had a restaurant he had found on a previous visit and wanted them to join him there.

When Ted and Pam arrived, Bill was already seated in a booth and waved for them to join him. "Hey there, old son," Bill said, extending his hand. "And you, pretty lady. It's nice to see you away from that office you hide in."

"Thank you for the invitation," Pam said as she slipped into the booth, ensuring that her skirt was high enough to give Ted a good view of her legs.

"We're not going to talk business tonight," Bill announced. "We're just gonna talk like old friends while we enjoy some adult beverages and eat a thick steak. How's that sound?"

Just then, a shapely member of the restaurant's wait staff came to the table, putting a fresh drink in front of Bill. He winked at her, saying, "What will you two have? Tina will fix you right up."

"I'll have a vodka martini up, and the lady will have white wine," Ted told the waitress.

Ted noticed that Tina was standing close to Bill and guessed she was touching his leg with hers.

"I'll be right back with your drinks and menus," Tina told them and was gone.

An hour later, they finished an excellent meal and enjoyed coffee. To Ted's shock, Bill leaned in, almost whispering, "So, tell me. How long have you two been involved with each other?"

"Excuse me," was all Ted could manage. Pam couldn't utter a sound.

"Oh, look," Bill said with a grin. "I certainly don't have a problem with it. In fact, I think it's great that you get along so well in and out of the office. You are a well-oiled machine. I wish I could have you on my personal staff. Now, if you want to pretend that you're not involved, I can play that game, but it's obvious that you are a team out of the office."

He continued when Ted or Pam could not come up with something to say. "Wild Bill doesn't miss much. I see the glances you give each other. You think you're being clever, but I've watched Pam walk out your door and pause to give you a longer look at her shapely ass."

Bill spoke directly to Pam. "I'm not being fresh here, pretty lady. Ted and I know that your backside is simply the best."

Pam blushed, saying, "Thank you, Bill. I appreciate the compliment."

Turning to Ted, he said, "I've also noticed you putting your hand on the inside of her leg when she stands beside you behind your desk. That is a very intimate thing to do and something every boss and assistant don't do. It's also obvious that touching is common because Pam doesn't flinch when you do it. So you think your actions go unseen, Ted, but an old hawk like Wild Bill doesn't miss a thing.

"Now, don't get me wrong," Bill said, holding up his hand. "I have no problem with you playing a little hanky-panky. This young lady is so pretty. I can only be jealous. I'm just asking how long it's been going on, and I'd like to know if it's going to continue."

It was Pam who spoke first. "We've been a team outside the office for over a year. To be honest, I seduced Ted while we were working on a project together at his home. Ted is embarrassed about our relationship because he is much older than me. He thinks he's guilty of cradle robbing. But I think Ted's the sexiest and kindest man I've ever known. He touches me, and my clothes fall off."

"I think that's wonderful," Bill commented, giving Pam a warm smile. "I guess that if your relationship was known by company management, someone would be in trouble."

"Without a doubt," Ted finally spoke up. "Because Pam reports to me, it would be considered that I was using my position to… well, you know."

"Yes, I know," Bill said with a chuckle. "At least once in my life, I've had a similar circumstance. You two fine people have my blessing. I just want to make sure that you continue to be careful. I don't want this team to be broken up with a spat or someone getting fired."

"We'll be more careful in the future," Pam offered. "But I'll admit that it's difficult for me to keep my hands off him in the office."

Bill smiled and said, "Let me take care of the check, and we'll get out of here. Perhaps you can get your hands on him in the car."

Tina showed up, gave Bill his credit card, and whispered, "Hilton?"

"Yes, ma'am," he replied. "You two have a pleasant night. I'll see you in your office tomorrow morning. Don't expect me before 10:00. I have some phone calls to make."

"Phone calls, my ass," Ted said after Bill was gone. "He'll be giving Tina a little morning attention."

"Maybe once we're in the car, you can give me a little attention," Pam suggested.

"If your skirt gets any higher, you'll get some attention right here," he whispered.

Pam put her hand on Ted's arm. "When we get to the car, the skirt will come off, and my treasures will be all yours."

When Ted opened Pam's car door for her, she turned to him, dropped the zipper on her skirt, and stepped out of it. The only thing keeping her bare ass from being visible in the parking lot was Ted standing in front of her.

"You are not the only man interested in my ass. How do you think Wild Bill would react knowing I don't wear panties when I'm with you?"

As Ted clutched Pam's butt cheeks, he said, "He would think that I run a tight ship."

"Maybe you'd like some tight pussy," Pam whispered as her hand wrapped around Ted's growing member. "Suddenly, I'm feeling very horny. Perhaps we should get in the back seat, and I could ride this stiff pole for a while."

"Perhaps you can just wait until we get back to my house," he said with a smile. "Then we can take turns doing the riding, and you can make as much noise as you want."

"You see," she said. "That's why you're the boss. You always have the best ideas."

"And while I'm driving, you can get that hot spot between your legs tuned up and ready for action."

"That would be my pleasure," Pam replied with a giggle.

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Written by ChrisM
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