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Waking to the feeling of a warm mouth surrounding your cock is more magical than the place where we were vacationing. I opened my eyes to see Rebecca bringing my penis to life, while Leanne lapped at the opening of her splayed legs. The vision of the two of them naked was more than enough to bring on a raging hard-on, but Rebecca's blowjob sealed the deal.

With my penis at full tumescence, Rebecca moved to my face while Leanne straddled my hard-on. The girls were facing each other, and just before Rebecca obscured my vision with her lusty groin, I saw them begin to kiss. My tongue pushed into Rebecca's open puss while Leanne's slid down my welcoming pole. We stayed in this position for some time as I orally pleasured Rebecca, and Leanne vaginally possessed my eager cock.

All three of us were approaching orgasms. Rebecca was easy to read with her quivering pelvis riding my face. Even though I couldn't see Leanne, I could tell from the speed and force of her ride that she was also close. Although my vision was obscured, I was sure that their nipples were being well worked over.  

Sucking and nibbling on Rebecca's inflamed clit pushed her over the top first. Her nectar ejected into my mouth and coated my face while she rode it to and fro. Leanne and I were close behind as her pistoning reached a fever pace. Her first contraction sent me over the edge, and as I pumped my batter into her, Leanne pushed back with her own expulsions.


Rebecca and I had our hands and mouths all over each other's sensitive areas. I was riding George's fervid manhood while Rebecca rode his face. For a while, Rebecca and I kissed like a couple on our first date, soft and tender. But, as our climb to mutual heights sped up, it became more animalistic. Our hands gripped each other's breasts, kneading and pinching. In quick glances, I could see George's teeth latch onto Rebecca's clit to give her what she needed.

If it weren't for Rebecca's assault on my nipples and mouth, I could have ridden George's magnificent cock all morning. However, that was not to be, and I'm glad it wasn't. Our three-way climb to orgasm was nothing short of spectacular. George pushed Rebecca over first, just after I started really slamming down hard. George and I were right behind her, and I relished the feel of his hot cum filling my desirous womb.


I felt a twinge of jealousy as George filled Leanne's hot little pussy with his cum, but it was short-lived. The next thought that entered my mind was that I had to suck their combined fluids from her flawless little snatch. Pulling her sideways to dislodge her from my husband, I followed her leaking slit until my mouth covered her labia.

Leanne was still quivering from her orgasm with George as I moved my tongue greedily inside her. Sucking their mixed juices, I heard Leanne beg, "Share it with me."

Digging deeply to get the bulk of their love broth, I held it in my mouth as I moved up her torso to her parted lips. When our mouths docked, our tongues instantly began to tangle, and the sharing started. We both moaned aloud at the flavor. Then, without realizing it, I found that I was grinding myself against Leanne's slippery puss. I guess the display became too much for George.


The girls moved off of me, and I got a glimpse of fire in Rebecca's eyes a second before her face became attached to Leanne's crotch. Rebecca was going wild, sucking and tonguing Leanne. But when Leanne asked her to share, it all halted. Rebecca then slithered up Leanne's body and attached her mouth to Leanne's. It was like Rebecca had transferred part of that fire into Leanne as they both went wild.

Their bodies were writhing like two serpents entangled. The image was so lustful that I was suddenly painfully hard. Without a thought, I moved forward and impaled Rebecca's open cunt. This was not lovemaking. This was raw. I gripped both of her shoulders and plowed into her unmercifully. I hadn't taken her this way in months and thought only about my own need.


Something barbaric took me over after Rebecca planted her mouth on mine. I saw the carnality in her eyes as she shared George's leavings with me. It was like his cum was some sort of sexual elixir designed to drive you mad. Whatever caused Rebecca to go all primitive on me had somehow affected George.

He'd been lying in the same position where we'd left him in until something sparked in his eyes. I noticed it just before I succumbed to Rebecca's onslaught and went wild on her. Our bodies molded together with all of our erogenous realms rubbing together. We were feeding off each other's saliva and air, never totally separating our mouths. I began to feel the first wave of my orgasm when George approached.


I was on fire, rubbing my body all over Leanne's while never removing my mouth from hers when George arrived. There was no ceremony and no request. Instead, he entered me with a shove and kept pounding my slick slit. His actions accelerated my own climax, and I'm sure Leanne's too. My pelvis was now smashing into Leanne's with every stroke of George's invading manhood. I hadn't felt him fuck me with this kind of intensity in a while, but I was loving it.

Leanne and I quickly turned to a mass of jelly as we began moaning and cumming. George's actions continued, as did our climaxes. I felt the swelling of his cock inside me, and seconds later, he fell onto me, biting my shoulder as his eruptions began. As the convulsions took us over the top, we were all making some noise. George held on for another minute before rolling off me and onto his back while panting hard.

Leanne's mouth found mine again for a softer kiss before rolling us onto our sides. Then, breaking the kiss, she suggested, "Let's go cuddle your man."

"Our man, this morning," I added before moving to the other side of George.  

George stayed on his back as we each snuggled up to a side. We kissed him all over his chest, neck, and face before coming together on his lips. After that, we all just lay there for a while, watching the sun begin to breach the room. I think we were all trying to figure out how to say goodbye and thank you when Leanne asked, "Would it be okay if I come back after work tonight?"

George and I simultaneously replied with a stereophonic, "Yesss!"

"What time do you have to be at work this morning?" I asked Leanne.

"In about two hours. Why?"

"Do you want me to run your clothes through the washer and dryer real quick?"

"Sure, that would be great. Let me grab them for you," Leanne offered.

"No, you just stay here and snuggle with our husband while I get the wash going," I said with a sexy wink.

As I got up to get things going, Leanne did just what I'd hoped and moved on top of George in a sixty-nine while bringing his pecker back to life. Then, with the laundry started, I moved toward the bed and asked, "Anyone want some coffee?"

They both mumbled yes with their mouths full of the other's genitalia.


This was the best. Lying on top of George, sucking his semi-hard penis back to life while his tongue brought me to yet another orgasm. At that moment, I was seriously considering asking to move in with them. I doubted whether I would ever find such a pair of wonderful lovers again. Even a single love that was this attentive would likely never happen. I know that it was probably my emotions getting carried away, but I wanted to stay with them all the time.

I put my energy into getting him back to full strength at least once more. I wanted to ride him cowgirl style and look in his eyes as he filled me with his semen. The thought of having a child wasn't in my motivation. I just wanted to feel the love that we had been sharing repeatedly. Back at the task at hand, or should I say, in mouth, I had George stiff once again.


This girl was amazing. She seemed to be able to go on forever. While in our little impromptu sixty-nine, I brought her to two more orgasms. Most women would have been placated by now and simply wanted to snuggle. However, Leanne seemed a different breed. She was similar to Rebecca in that way. She was a breath of fresh air for both of us, and I know that I'd miss her youthful vigor.

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I'd been in my head for a few seconds before I realized that Leanne had me hard once again. First, she slowly pulled her yummy pussy from my face while slithering down my torso. Next, Leanne moved to a seated position and teased my pulsing cock with both of her tempting holes. While doing so, she got up on her feet and gradually turned around to face me. Stepping over me seemed difficult in her squatting position, but she managed it gracefully.

Now, facing me fully, Leanne again teased my rod with each of her entrances. She'd allow just the head of my penis to invade her before pulling off and moving to the other. The precum was abundant as she continually taunted my wanting pecker. I considered thrusting into her as she tempted me, but I was having as much fun as she was with her little game. Then, just when I thought this may go on forever, Rebecca came through the door with our coffee's.

Leanne reached for hers as she slowly sank down on me with her restrictive little star. Holding her coffee to the side was a good idea, since Leanne came fairly hard upon reaching my pelvis. She only spilled a few drops on the comforter, but it was pretty hot. I loved the feeling of a woman cumming on top of me. The feel of her hot nectar running across my scrotum and my pucker never got old.

Leanne took a couple of sips from her cup while wiggling around on my implanted cock. Then, handing the cup back to Rebecca, she said, "Is there anything better than having a stiff cock in your ass first thing in the morning?"

Rebecca knowingly replied, "Nothing that I can think of, but I'm quite spoiled."

Now moving up and down on my shaft, with her eyes just slits, Leanne murmured, "I'd love to be this spoiled too."


I'd felt a tinge of jealousy when George was with Leanne initially. Deep down, though, I knew that George and I had a stronger bond than any other woman could ever bring. That being said, I was beginning to grow very fond of Leanne as a lover. I also admired her for respecting our relationship. She could have easily been a stealing little bitch trying to take my husband from me.  

Wanting to please her as much as she pleasured my husband, I stripped down and moved in behind her. Reaching around as I pressed my body into her back, I caressed her breasts while matching her up and down. I watched as George's hands moved to her crotch. He inserted three fingers into her pussy as she raised up and then left them there for her to ride. The other hand found her clit, and he massaged that softly.

I started kissing the nape of her neck as I felt the heat begin to pour from her body. Leanne had been cooing quietly, but her sounds increased to a louder moan with the additional attention. Then, still maintaining the medium pace that she'd started with, Leanne began to talk.

"I've never felt so loved. I want to be with you two forever. How does one person deserve this much?"

Her thoughts touched me deeply as my hands continued to fondle every bit of her perfect tits. Up until now, I simply stroked and squeezed them, not really paying any special attention to her nipples. But, as her words swirled in my mind, I wanted to bring her more. Pulling and rolling her nipples as I nibbled across her neck and back seemed to up the ante. Leanne was on fire now as I felt George begin to increase the tempo of his insertions.


I could see from her face that Rebecca was quite touched by Leanne's talk during her sexual high. And although I knew that the intimacy of our sexual relations had a lot to do with her thoughts, I also knew that they were probably genuine. Seeing Rebecca increase her lovemaking made me decide to do the same. Until now, I'd let Leanne set the pace, but opted to increase it on my own. Adding additional pressure to her puffy nub, along with everything else, seemed to do the trick. Finally, Leanne released a deep bellow as she shook from an all-encompassing peak.  

Leanne's hands, which had been supporting her by holding my hips, gave way. Rebecca held her in place as we both continued to bring her to the ultimate climax. Her quivering continued as her deep breathing eclipsed the sounds she'd been creating. I felt continual contractions on my stroking cock by her anal ring. Finally, I knew that she was done when she clamped down hard.

Rebecca felt me stop and gently lowered both of them onto me. As Leanne moved toward me, I saw tears streaming from her eyes. Concerned, I asked, "Are you okay, sweetheart?"

"Better than okay," she blubbered as her mouth dropped to mine and kissed me lovingly.  

Rebecca joined in, and the three of us held each other tightly while sharing tongues. When the buzzer on the dryer sounded several minutes later, we all jumped a little. Then, laughing at ourselves, we gradually moved apart as Leanne headed for the shower. We gave her some privacy to actually shower and get ready for work.


When the shower stopped, I threw on some clothes to escort Leanne to the front door. Our two-bedroom suite shares a living room where the entrance to the room is located. With my sister-in-law and her husband in the next room, I wanted to help Leanne avoid any embarrassment. It was still early, at seven am, but they sometimes rise at first light.

I opened the door to our room as George pulled on some shorts. I could hear their shower running. This was the perfect time for Leanne to make her getaway. As I poured myself a second cup of coffee, Leanne appeared and headed my way after a quick kiss on George's lips. Then, reaching me near the front door, Leanne gave me a toe-curling kiss as well.

"I'm looking forward to sharing the both of you again tonight," Leanne whispered in my ear.

"What time can you be here?" I softly replied before sucking her earlobe.

"I... I should be here... about nine," Leanne stuttered as I found a susceptible area.

Hearing the handle turn on my in-law's room, I backed away.  

Leanne thought fast, saying, "...and if you have any more trouble with the sliding door, please give us a call."

I had a spare room card in my hand to give to her so that she could wait for us in our bed. But with this interruption, I didn't get a chance to give it to her as she turned and exited. So instead, thinking fast, I stated, "Oh, darn, I forgot to ask her about the showerhead," and bolted through the door to catch her.

Leanne had only made it partway down the hall as I sprinted after her. Then, catching up, I offered, "Leanne, I forgot to thank you for the wonderful service," and extended my hand with the card.

Leanne felt the card and took it from me before murmuring, "I'll be in your bed at nine with nothing on."  

We stared for a few seconds longer than we should have as each of us wore that cat-that-ate-the-canary grin. Turning away, I felt warm inside, like I've just climaxed. It was a feeling that only George has ever given me. This girl had rocked both of our worlds, and now I wanted her full-time. George and I needed to talk.

I entered the room and headed straight for the shower, only to find George in there awaiting me. Stripping off my clothes, he embraced me and pulled me under the warm water. We cleaned each other all over and then dried the other off as well.

I stared at George for a moment, trying to figure out how to ask him. It's then that he spoke, "Let's see how tonight goes. I've had the same thoughts, but this is uncharted territory for us. We'll talk to her after and see what she thinks."

"Okay, now let's go have some fun in the parks with your sister," I proposed as we finished dressing.

To be continued...

Written by stockingluvr
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