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The afternoon was beautiful and probably the most relaxing we'd had on this vacation. We floated around the lazy river on a couple of innertubes for hours. I was wearing a black bikini, and George was sort of matching in his black midthigh trunks. We were so relaxed that we both dozed for short spurts as we traversed the slow-moving circuit. My obsession with Anne seemed to fade away through the repeated laps.

At one point during our endless floating, we got pretty hungry. So, we pulled our tubes over to the launch area to find some grub. Walking toward the little food shack still in our bathing suits, we found their selection paltry. But the upside was that they did have beer and wine. We opted for a couple of cheeseburgers with fries and a couple of beers.

Searching for a quiet spot, we saw plenty of tables to choose from and headed for one toward the back for a little quiet time. While the lazy river was pretty serene due to its slow movement, there were still quite a few kids who could be very loud. It was almost quiet back in our little nook as we scanned the families having fun.  

George was enjoying his burger like a hog at the slop trough, gulping it down like a starving man. I wasn't much more graceful, finishing mine off shortly after him. In our post-gorge bliss, I noticed a large table of four women and six kids. The thing that drew my attention was that all of the women were looking our way sporadically and seemed to be quite taken with George.

I relayed what I'd viewed to him and asked, "Honey, would you be interested in having one or more of those ladies at that table tomorrow? They seem to be very interested in you. You know I'll be pretty busy with Anne, and I wouldn't want you feeling abandoned. I'm going to try and talk her into letting you join us, but in case she is only a one-woman gal, I don't want you to be lonely," I said as I pointed them out.  

"No, thanks. I was thinking of visiting Leanne for a while and maybe taking her to lunch during her break. But, thanks for the thought, Baby."

We finished our beers, and George dropped everything in the waste basket before heading back to do a little more floating. I hung back to wipe down the table as George passed the thirty-something mothers. They all watched him walk past. Having determined the head-cluck of the group, I moved up next to her. I whispered, "George and I love to play with others, with or without each other. So, if you want some of that, give me a call," before grabbing her phone and typing in my number. "Also, we'll be here for two more weeks and have no particular plans," I imparted before catching up to George as he grabbed a couple of tubes.

We spent the rest of the day floating around that tranquil waterway. It wasn't until we heard the notice that the park was closing that we even entertained leaving the water. Turning in our innertubes, we headed for the locker rooms to change. We met outside and walked leisurely to the buses. Along the way, we checked our phones and saw a few texts from Anne and Leanne. We both received the text from Leanne that read, "Just checking in to see if my lovers were planning on dinner out tonight."

George asked me, "Had you thought of going out anywhere for dinner?" in response to Leanne's text.

"Not really. What about carry-out pizza as we sit on the hotel lawn to watch tonight's movie? The three of us could hang out, eat, and have a few drinks while catching the flick."

"That sounds fun. Why don't you reply to Leanne and see what time she gets off?"

"Good idea, since she seems to need a little extra attention from me right now." After sending the text, I read her reply to George. "She's off at eight and loves the idea. She'll meet us out on the lawn since she'll be running a little late for the start of the movie."

"So, what was your other text about?" George asked with a curious smirk.

Pretending to play dumb, I answered, "What other text?"

"You know. The one that has your nipples as hard as pebbles and girly cum leaking from your skimpy little thong," George replied while glancing up my short skirt as we sat on a bench waiting for a bus.

"Ohh, that text! Well, Anne seems so fired up to see me that she'd like to come over at seven tomorrow morning. So. what do you think?"

"Well, that is our prime morning sex time..."

"Oh, hold on a minute Honey, my phone is ringing. Hi, yes, this is her... uh-huh... sure, let me ask, he's right here." Covering the phone, I looked at George and asked, "Honey, this is one of the women from that group earlier today that was checking you out. She wants to know if you'd like to meet her tomorrow around lunchtime at the French pavilion at the park. She has worked it out with her friends to watch her kid."

"Well, you know that I was thinking of taking Leanne out to lunch, but that wouldn't be until around two, so if she wants to meet maybe around noon, that should be okay."

Uncovering the phone, I responded, "Sure, he'd love to meet you around noontime if that works. Okay... yes, I'll text you his number as soon as we hang up... George... Yes, it is more than okay. You'll love every second of it, I guarantee... You have a nice evening too."

"So, it seems that you made quite an impression on those young mothers. That was Carly, and she's the leader of the hen pack. She was chosen as the first sacrifice to see if you are as good as I advertised. If things go well between you two, she will have a free room for you to have a little frolic time. Plus, the other girls are hot for you too, and all want a little, if you pass muster, that is."

"Are you pimping me out now?" George asked like it was the first time I'd ever done anything like this.

"I just know I'll likely be busy the entire day tomorrow, and I thought it would be nice if you had someone to do too."

"You worry about me too much, Baby. I would be just fine enjoying the parks alone for a day."

"I know, but you can do both this way, and I won't feel as guilty about spending all day between Anne's lithe thighs without you around."

"So, how do I know what Carly looks like?"

"I'm texting her your number and a picture and asking her to do the same so that you can find each other a little easier. When and where you two meet is up to you now, but, of course, I'll want details tomorrow night as you fill me with whatever sperm you may have left."

"You know I will, Baby. I'll also be looking forward to hearing about your day in the sack with your Princess and the innumerable peaks that you gave her. However, seven is too early for Leanne and me to be kicked out of bed. Why don't you meet Anne for breakfast somewhere to fuel up for your long day of the sexual onslaught to come? That way, I can give Leanne the attention she needs to start her day."

"Okay," I replied as we stepped off the bus at our resort and went to order our pizza for dinner on the lawn. They had blankets for everyone, and we grabbed one while finding a place toward the back. I got a text on the pizza at eight, just as the movie started. I sent George to pick it up along with a six-pack of beer. It wasn't long after he returned that Leanne showed up, and we all ate, drank, and enjoyed the movie.

Back in the room, we all stripped down and fell into the bed for a little slow and gratifying copulation. It was unlike anything that we'd done with Leanne before. This was definitely lovemaking more than fucking. It was quiet and sensual as we pleased each other repeatedly. We took turns double-teaming the third in numerous ways, which always resulted in very satisfying results.


The night had taken us, and we all three slept like the dead. I awoke, curled up against George's chest, and held him tight as the day slowly pierced my soul. I began to recognize more and more sounds as my eyes remained stubbornly closed. The first was the hum of the air conditioner, followed by the birds out on the porch chirping happily as they searched for crumbs to supplement their diet.

One of the last was the shower running in the bathroom. It was obviously Rebecca getting ready for her day with Anne. I was very tempted to join her and convey one last orgasm from me before Anne brought her many more. Instead, I opted to stay with George and trade gratifications via a morning sixty-nine. Moving my face down his torso, I simultaneously knee-walked my crotch toward his face.

Taking his growing penis in my mouth, I left my ready puss hovering above his mouth. As he gradually roused, his hands traversed my thighs and ass before pulling me onto his face. His tongue split my labia and drilled delightfully inside my eager puss as I kept a slow blowjob on his stiffening prick. We kept it slow and easy for a few minutes until he began to finger my little star. I returned the favor, and within moments we were both getting heated.

Another few minutes into it, I quietly pleaded, "George, please fuck my ass."

"Not yet," he replied, then added, "Your finger feels so good in mine too."

That's when we felt the double-dong slap against our sides. Rebecca appeared from the bathroom in nothing but a towel around her head. She'd obviously heard our conversation and grabbed the dildo to give to us. We both stopped and turned her way when she offered, "Fuck each other in the ass. That's what I'd do."

George reached for the lube as I moved onto my back, pushing my groin toward his. Upon retrieving the lube, George squeezed some against my pucker before doing the same to his. We backed away from each other until there was plenty of room for us to penetrate ourselves with our ends of the faux prick. Mine slipped in easily as I had become used to something in there regularly of late. George's took an extra minute. Once we were both ready, we faced our crotches together, overlapped our legs, and grabbed hands as it deliberately filled our desirous colons.

There were only about four inches of the eighteen-inch dong left between us as George pushed himself into a reclined seated position. He held himself up with his left hand while using his right to tantalize my clit. I followed his lead, grabbing his cock and stroking it to the rhythm of his clit strokes. Once that was going, George started pumping the dildo back and forth, forcing it in and out of each of us. It all rapidly became overwhelming, and I shuttered through my first cum of the morning as our buttocks touched.

While I recovered haltingly, I realized that George was very close to his own climax. I focused my efforts on his rigid pecker to bring about his orgasm. But, the closer he got, the harder he pressed against my inflamed clit. As I felt the crest of another peak beginning to overcome me, I doubled up and quickened my pace on his rod. Seconds later, as my orgasm took me away, I felt his steaming manjuice hitting my bare chest and abdomen and dropped flat onto the bed.

We were both panting as we again held hands. George squirreled his hips around a little to add a little more to my already amazing second acme. In an utterly unscripted move, I pushed myself up and fell down on top of him. The dildo slipped from my ass before I shouted, "God! I love you so much!" Our mouths met, and I kissed him like he was all mine, not even thinking about Rebecca sitting only a few feet away. My love for him pushed me forward as I pressed every inch of my young form into him and smothered his face with my lips and hands.

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Grinding my wanton puss against George's semi-hard dick gave me ample stimulation to bring me to another orgasm in less than a minute. As it possessed me like a demon, I couldn't stop my assault. Feeling his wood stiffening, I moved the tip to my entrance and pushed it hard into my womb. George reacted too, rolled me onto my back, and began fucking me savagely. His hands gripped my ankles and spread my legs wide as he battered my splayed cunt.

Through multiple orgasms, George kept up his invasion of my greedy puss until he too succumbed to his own. After the first spurt hit my cervix, he fell onto me and held me tight while trying to kiss me through panting lips. Neither of us even looked in Rebecca's direction as she must have been watching with speculative eyes. When our lips finally parted, I did glance her way, and she was busy preparing herself for her upcoming date with Anne. Jealousy reared its ugly head again in my mind as I watched her amazing body shift about as she applied her makeup.

George distracted me as his semi eased in and out of my sloppy puss. He must have seen it on me, like a rash or disease of some kind, and gave me the attention I desperately needed in my irrational state. He kept up the lethargic fuck and kisses until Rebecca leaned in and kissed us both goodbye. We both offered, "I love you!" as she shimmied her hot little ass out the door.

"How much time do we have until they get back?" I inquired.

"Probably about an hour. What would you like to do in that time?" he questioned through our ongoing coitus.

"Make me cum again, and then let's take a muscle-melting shower. I don't want to be here when they return. I love Rebecca and Anne is a good friend, but my envy will get the better of me if I'm here."

"Have you and Anne ever?" George asked.

"No. We were more like girlfriends trading secrets about all the boys. Frankly, I didn't know she went that way until she asked me about Rebecca. Not that it shocked me, but I never got that vibe from her."

"I think it had more to do with Rebecca flirting so openly with her and the compliments she heaved her way. One thing you need to know about Rebecca is that she isn't apprehensive at all when she wants someone. She's wired more like a guy that way. Rebecca has had more women than most men I know, and they are rarely inclined that way. She has a way of approaching them that draws most women in."  

"Of course, the fact that she's sexy and in great shape doesn't hurt."

"I think most of the women she's been with didn't even know they wanted to be with another woman."

George was perfect. He calmed me with conversation while simultaneously maintaining the perfect stroke in my young pussy. Throughout the conversation, I moved closer and closer to what became a body quivering climax that did me in for several minutes. The next thing I knew, George was carrying me into a hot shower and holding me up, and he washed my body. The warm water and his constant caresses brought me around before long, and soon we were drying each other off with big fluffy towels.  

Dressed and out the door, George escorted me to work. Once I started the job, he asked, "What time is your break?"

"Around two. Why?"

"I thought I would swing back around and take you to lunch or a snack."

"Aren't you meeting someone this afternoon?"

"Yes, but I honestly don't think that it will pan out into anything. Even if it does, I'll still be back to hang with my girl."

"Okay, I'll see you later. Love you!"

"Love you, too!" George replied as I watched him walk away.


There she was, sitting at a table for two in the little sidewalk bistro. I know it sounds cliche, but Anne was a vision of beauty. Just before she saw me, I paused and took a quick picture of her. I never wanted to forget this moment. After taking the picture, I resumed walking toward her, and she finally found me in the crowd. There was no denying that Anne was happy to see me as she jumped from her seat and skittered my way as only a princess could. Upon reaching me, Anne didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around me and kiss me firmly on the lips.

Standing amongst a fair number of people, we didn't let the kiss linger. I didn't want to draw too much attention to my stunning paramour, especially since she was employed here. But, before separating, I did manage to slip her a little tongue prior to walking back to the cafe hand in hand. We stood at the counter deciding what to get and, upon making our decisions moved down the line as Anne reached for her purse.

"Allow me to take care of it," I suggested.

"Okay, but we can use my employee discount to save a little," Anne offered while holding up the card.

"I don't want to cause you any problems here. This is your workplace, and you don't need any hassle from being seen with someone other than your fiance, " I whispered. "Besides, I have a few discount cards of my own and love to get my money's worth out of them. Allow me to take care of you today the way you took such wonderful care of me the other day."

"Oh, I'm expecting that and more. But, I understand where you're coming from and will allow you to spoil me if you wish," Anne uttered back before kissing me on my cheek.

The light breakfast was just enough as we sat and chatted about our lives. The breakfast date was initially just to stall a little before heading back to the room, but it was so much fun that we stayed there for quite some time. The walls came down, and we shared very intimate details that only lovers or best friends share. It was wonderful to be able to take the time to really get to know a lover. It made our time together all that more special. Throughout our chat, Anne insisted on holding hands, not caring one bit what others may think. I found that very intimate.

When there was finally a pause in the conversation, Anne leaned in and inquired, "Can we go back to your place and make love now?" before kissing me full on the lips.

"Yes," I replied before standing and pulling her with me. Nearing the front of the park, I asked, "Where can we get a taxi back to the room? I want you even more now that we took the time to get to know each other, and I can't wait to get you naked!" I half-shouted as she directed me to the stand. That seemed to light a fire in her, too, as we slipped into the car and gave them our destination.

We were no sooner on our way when Anne pulled me in close and slipped a hand under my skirt to find me pantiless. As her fingers diddled my slick puss, I followed suit and found her sans panties. Easing two fingers into her drooling slit brought about some intense and soulful kisses. I'm sure the driver was getting an eyeful as he ogled our actions in his rearview mirror. The drive was just right as I brought Anne to her first climax just before the car stopped. I handed the driver a cash tip coated in Anne's juices, but he didn't seem to mind one bit.

Walking through the lobby was a struggle as all we wanted to do was run to the room and get busy. Once we turned the corner into our hallway, we both took off like two little kids heading for a ride. As I fiddled with the card key to open the door, Anne moved in behind me and pressed me against it while fingering my hot little puss.

"If you keep that up, we'll never get in the room," I panted.

"I have faith that you'll figure it out. Some part of my body will be in contact with your sweet cunt for the rest of the day, so just get used to that," Anne breathed into my ear as her tongue flicked about it.

For several minutes I was paralyzed by the sensations coursing through my eager form. The first peak hit me, and my knees buckled as a cleaning cart moved our way. True to her word, Anne kept her fingers in my vagina even as they passed. As my orgasm ebbed, she slipped her thumb into my pucker to up the ante.

"Oh, God!" crossed my lips a little too loudly as she continued to explore my depths.

"Don't make me drop to my knees and use my tongue on you right here in the hallway because I will if you don't get that door open right now."

Drawing the last bit of focus that I had left, I managed to get the door open, and we stumbled into the room, landing on the floor. We both stripped off our clothes as the door gradually closed on its own. Nude and on fire, I dove between Anne's legs and ate her like a starving woman. She came hard as I gripped her thighs firmly, keeping her in place until it was over.  

"Bed, now," Anne panted as she sat up and pulled me with her. We fell onto the bed in a sixty-nine and lapped, licked, nibbled, and chewed each other to multiple orgasms for the next hour or so. With our jaws and tongues raw and sore, we tried a little scissoring. Taking turns on top, our clits became worn as well. Finding the strapless cock, I slipped it inside myself and then grabbed Anne's ankles. Easing it inside her slippery cunt, I asked, "Hard and fast or slow and easy?"

"How about hard and slow with lots of sloppy kisses in between?"

"God, I love you!" I shouted as I began slowly pounding this gorgeous woman. Anne came hard with minutes, and I left the dong buried deep in her snatch while our lips and tongues danced. I eased out gradually and used a hand to line up with her pucker. I pressed against it and kept up the pressure as she slowly opened while drawing in big gulps of air.

As my tongue explored her ear, I whispered, "Just relax and let yourself open up to the cock. It will feel so good in another minute." In our intimate talk earlier, Anne admitted that she didn't care for anal because the first time she tried, it was with an overzealous ex-lover, and it hurt for days afterward. Not even her fiance could get her to try it again.

I moved my hands down to her breasts and fondled them before concentrating on her nipples which seemed quite sensitive. As I rolled and pinched them continuously, Anne neared another orgasm. The dildo still hadn't penetrated her anal ring, but as her acme hit, it slipped right in and brought about a long deep wail from Anne's wide-open mouth. I held the prick in place as she quivered and squirmed. Moving one hand down to her puss, I glided across her labia in an up and down motion, extending her excitement.

I kept up the alternate stimulation as I began a sluggish fuck of her near virginal ass. She babbled incoherently as wave after wave of passion ripped through her overwhelmed body. I don't know how many orgasms she had or if it was just one long ongoing one, but in the end, she was toast. I slipped the phallus from her pucker and myself before covering us up and snuggling close as we napped for a while.

To be continued...

Written by stockingluvr
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