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Author's Notes

"This is the third chapter of Julie and Ron's story. If you want to better understand how this couple reached this point, you might want to start back at the Pool Party (Chapter 1)."

Chapter 3:  Exploration 

A couple of weeks later, after a particularly wonderful Saturday morning wherein I awoke to Ron’s gentle kisses and firm licks between my legs and, after an earth-shattering orgasm, was treated to breakfast in bed, Ron announced we were going shopping.

Ron doesn’t shop.  He’s a self-described ‘buyer.’  He goes to stores knowing exactly what he wants, and frequently exactly where it is in the store.  He walks in, picks up what he needs, buys it, and leaves.  So this was a major event.

He went off to take a shower and I finished off the last two strawberries, wondering where we were going and what we were shopping for.  He came out, wrapped in a towel, and gazed upon me.  Now I’ve been looked at by my husband many times and in many ways, so I knew that look.  He was horny for me but had some sort of plan.  His look held both deep, abiding love and sincere, direct lust.  And the deep, abiding love was going to win for the moment, but I trusted the sincere lust wasn’t going to take too long to rear its beautiful head.

He sent me off to take a shower, and, when I returned, he did something he’s never done before.  He dressed me.  He even had the whole outfit laid out on the bed as I might do.  Just the sweep of my eyes over his clothing choices made my pussy pulse just a bit.  

He started with a pair of black, lace underwear, kneeling before me, allowing me to step into them.  Then he slowly brought them up my legs, kissing and nipping as he went.  He kissed me directly on my pussy lips before pulling them to my hips.  He adjusted them so they fit just right before again planting a kiss on my lips through the fabric.

He stood slowly, kissing my abs and lower ribs before gently licking the underside of each breast.  He never touched my nipples, which, to me, was slightly frustrating, but I couldn’t fault him, as I would have ripped off the panties and fucked him silly if he had.

Instead, he held my white bra by the top of the shoulder straps and slid it slowly up my arms, barely grazing his fingertips along the hairs of my arms.  He hooked the straps over my shoulders and moved behind me.  Ever so gently, he took the cups of the bra and cupped my breasts with his hands, fitting them to me perfectly.  

“There are five hooks,” he whispered into my ear as his hands held my breasts through my bra.

“One looser than the middle,” I was just able to respond.

His hands left my breasts and I felt the tug from behind as he fastened it for me.  His hands returned to heft my breasts in my bra as he had seen me do to myself hundreds of times before.  I was impressed with how well he fit it to me, though I did reach up and give one more tug as he turned to grab the black skirt he had chosen for me.

He slid that up my legs, again kissing up my legs as he brought it up to my hips.  After he buttoned it up the side, he kissed the edge of my hip and licked up to my bra.

He stood and grabbed the sheer white blouse he’d chosen.  It was one of those that had buttons at the top and a tie at the bottom.  He did a fine job of slipping it on me and sensuously buttoning me up, kissing the exposed slope of each breast after he was done, though looking down at the ‘bow’ he’d tied, I had to retie it.

To his credit, he did bring me a choice of shoes, both black.  One was a pair of very high heels with satin ties.  The other was a much more sensible set of basic black pumps.  I didn’t allow him to tie the satin around my feet, but he was kissing every exposed bit of skin on my foot and ankle as I did so.

He dressed amazingly quickly, sliding on a crisp pair of black jeans and a white linen shirt over his undershirt.  He’d taken almost thirty minutes to dress me and dressed in less than thirty seconds.  I felt a little cheated, but he was taking me shopping.  I still had no idea what stores he had in store for me.  

The first place we went was a high-end women’s clothing store.  My eyes glazed over at the pantsuits, pencil skirts, blouses, and the general flow of fabrics.  I gravitated towards the leather section at one point.  Ron walked up behind me as I was holding a leather miniskirt up against my front, looking in a mirror.

Putting his chin on my shoulder and leering at me, he said, “That looks amazing, but I wonder how easy it would be to pull that up and fuck you from behind.  How about, just for today, we look for things that Tony could easily get behind.”

I looked into his eyes in the mirror, trying to see whether he was looking forward to another role-playing fantasy, or actually wanted me to fuck my boss again.  All I saw was a horn-dog, ogling his wife, but that didn’t really settle the question for me.

What I did notice is that he encouraged hemlines to rise, avoided flowing garments for much tighter-fitting ones (as long as the fabric was stretchy enough to yank up easily), and sought out blouses with low, scooping necks to expose as much breast as possible.  We left with five new skirts and four new blouses.  He didn’t let me get anywhere near the cash register.  I still have no idea how much he spent on me that day.

Our next stop made me blush.  Lingerie shops were loads of laughs and enjoyment with women friends, but going in with boyfriends always made me feel awkward.  Ron and I had never gone in to such a place together.

Just before he reached for the door and opened it for me, he said, “I want you to think about those skirts and blouses we just got and find things that would go well under them.”

Somehow, that gave me a focus and allowed me to sidestep most of my embarrassment and nervousness.  Ron simply followed me around the store, observing what caught my eye and what I quickly moved past.

I tried on a few things.  Seeing myself in the mirror wearing a cut-away teddy that ended in garters, dangling against my legs was a little more than I thought I could pull off.  As I came back out, Ron was clearly disappointed that he’d not gotten to see any of the options, but I explained that I wanted to be able to fully surprise him at home, with all that would lead to.  He could tell I was hiding some items, but the teddy was back on its hangar.

“Reject?” Ron asked me as he took the hangar from me.  “Wrong size?”

“No, it’s the right size,” I replied, “but maybe not quite the right style?”

“Then can I use this as a size guide to get you something just from me?” he asked with a twinkle in his eye.

I smiled at him, nodded, and headed toward the register.  He joined me outside of the store less than ten minutes later with what can only be described as a shit-eating grin on his face.  He even blushed a little when I looked at him with one eyebrow raised.

“Only one stop left,” he said as we walked back to the car.  “Thought I was saving the best for last, but I don’t think anything could beat that store.”

This is why I wasn’t that surprised when we pulled up to a sex toy shop.  If he hadn’t just bought me nice blouses and skirts, as well as some fun things to wear under them, I don’t know that I would have even gotten out of the car.  As it was, this seemed, in some way, to complete the full package — like he was dressing me inside and out.

It had been a long time since I’d been in such a store, and I’d never been in one so nice.  The salespeople were knowledgeable and helpful, but not pushy or hover-y.  There was a wall of dildos in every shape, size, and color, generally organized by size, though there was a separate section for vibrating and moving ones.  At one point I saw an old friend — and by that, I mean a little rabbit vibrator I’d been given as a graduation present from college from a close friend.

I wasn’t really sure what I was looking for, to be honest.  I noticed Ron had a bag with something in it, but the shopping bags were opaque here, so you couldn’t see what people were carrying around.  But the knowledge that Ron had found something made me decide I would not leave empty-handed.  I went back over the wall of dildos and, with the help of a friendly woman who asked very direct questions, I soon had a selection of cocks on display in front of me.

All of them were within an inch of the size of Ron’s cock, I realized as I looked down at them, with ‘slightly fatter’ or ‘slightly longer’ being the general theme.  After my experience of having both Tony and Ron inside me at once at the party made me want to feel that filled again.  I settled on two, the longer and slightly narrower one I thought would be good for my ass when Ron was in my pussy, while the thicker one could be fun to take in my pussy if Ron wanted to try with me what he’d done with Lydia.

In the end, we bought two bags of items.  One was filled with items I had chosen after careful consideration.  The other was filled with things Ron had chosen, whether because he wanted to use them with me, or because he’d seen me look at them longer than other items.  I was much more curious about his bag than mine.

Over the next few days, in order to spread out the fun, we each pulled one item from our bags each night.  We would alternate who went first, so we wouldn’t both pull out something fun for me to wear on the same night.

Turns out Ron had three items in his bags, and I had four.  (Well six if you count the two matching sets I had as four items, but I saw them as two.)  In any case, it was my turn to go first on that first night.  I pulled out a matching bra and panty set.  Basic black, but made largely of silk.  I say largely, but there really wasn’t much fabric.  The bra was basically a bunch of ribbons with one small silk triangle on each side that took me a long time to get to cover my nipples, especially since I had to tie the ribbons behind me.  The panties were ever so slightly more than a thong, but they tied at each hip.  One tug on either side and the lower half was hitting the floor.

I didn’t actually think I had the bra on correctly, but I was over-eager to get back out to the living room to see what Ron had pulled out of his bag.  I did manage to stop before walking through the doorway to compose myself.  I could see myself in the hallway mirror at the base of the stairs.

Wow! I thought to myself, that woman looks like she’s going to make someone very happy and get the fucking of her life!

With a whole different attitude, I called out, “Are you ready for this, Lover?”

I slipped around the corner, pretending slightly to cover myself until I had his undivided attention.  Then I put one hand high on the doorframe and turned to face him directly.

The looks on his face as he took in different parts of me were easily worth the price of the garments and the difficulty getting the top to cover my nipples.  Plus, the silk felt amazing over my nipples as they hardened — just from the knowledge that I was making my man aroused.

I could see he was about to stand and come over to me.  I held up my hand to him, stopping him.  He seemed to want to stand again.  I pointed down, then palm out to him again.  Stop.

I slowly walked towards him — leaning, twisting, curving, spinning — before coming to a stop directly in front of him, feet planted wider than my shoulders.  Looking down, I could see his desire written all across his face.  The bulge in his jeans spoke volumes, too.  This man loved me, to be sure, but he also lusted after me, which, in my current attire, gave me a feeling of power.

His hand started rising.  I glanced at it and back to his face, trying to command him with my eyes.  His hand halted but did not go back down.  I reached out with one knee and pinned his hand beside him.

His other hand came up, and, without much thought, I immediately pinned it with my other knee.  That put one knee on either side of his hips.  I could suddenly feel his cock, through his pants, against my silk-covered folks.  

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Grinding against denim has not been, in my experience, very fun.  But try a piece of silk there, tied in place to protect you, and it’s a whole different experience.  Suddenly, that fold over the zipper when you’re sitting down?  That becomes a little dildo.  I did grind myself against him, feeling his cock under the ridges of denim.

I sat back a little, with my knees still pinning his arms, and reached up to play with my breasts right in front of his face.  I cupped one while sliding my fingers under the ribbon of the other.  I pinched my nipples and exposed one for him, leaning towards his lips.  The flick of his tongue against my nipple was electric, especially since he couldn’t reach out with anything else.

I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him tight to my breast, his lips wrapping around my nipple as his tongue continued to flick across the tip of it.  I relented, freeing his hands and putting both of mine on his shoulders.  

I’ve always loved Ron’s hands exploring me, but this was truly another level of contact and connection.  I expected they would roam my body quickly, feverishly, roughly.  Instead, his touch was so gentle, so soft, yet somehow not at all ticklish.

His hands slid up my sides, then across and down my back, one hand slipping under the small triangle of silk that disappeared between the cheeks of my ass.  His other hand caressed one cheek before slipping up to my hip and touching the bow, but not untying it.

He reached to the side and picked up something in his hand.  He held his hand out, palm down.  I brought my hand down from his shoulder and held it under his.  He opened his hand and I could feel a small vibrating object drop into mine.  

I was frequently surprised by how much attention Ron paid to his surroundings.  This was no exception.  I remembered seeing the rabbit vibrator — I think I even closed my eyes for a moment remembering the one I’d had years earlier — but the thought had made me blush a little and I’d moved on.  But Ron had noticed the moment, and without knowing exactly why, just knew it was somehow special to me.

I leaned forward to kiss him, but also lifted myself up and slid the vibrator into myself.  As I sat back down, his cock pressed it firmly into me and against my clit.  The look in his eyes told me that he could feel it vibrating against his cock, too.

What he did next almost ruined the mood for me.  He reached for his phone.  I wanted to slap him.  What could possibly be important enough to grab your phone right now, you idiot?!  Something like that definitely went through my mind.

I opened my mouth as I took in a breath to command him to put it down, but my breath caught in my throat.  The vibration on the rabbit suddenly increased.  Then, with another tap of his thumb on his screen, it shifted from a constant vibration to staccato pulses followed by three long, strong vibrations, all held firmly against me by his cock.

“Nnghh!” was all that came out of my mouth, followed by, “Oohh…” much softer and trailing away.

He tapped his screen again and the vibrations dropped back again to a low constant hum both inside my pussy and directly against my clit.  I looked down into his eyes and saw nothing but love and joy at my pleasure looking back up at me.

Suddenly, I realized that he was controlling it with his phone.  I mean, I’d figured that out already, but it occurred to me that he might be able to control it from anywhere.  With me somewhere else.

“Does it work far away?” I finally found enough breath to ask.

“That’s the idea,” he replied, “and I’m hoping you’ll be willing to find out tomorrow at work.  

“But don’t worry,” he quickly followed, seeing the expression on my face, “I’ll only use it if you text me and ask, nicely, to have it, and you, turned on.  Just to test it the first day.  We can discuss how exactly we’ll use it later.

“Plus,” he continued, “you can always take it out and remove the battery if you don’t want to be disturbed,” he looked me deeply in the eye, “for whatever reason,” he finished with a slight lift of one eyebrow.  The image of Tony fucking me from behind after the party as I watched us in the mirror flickered through my mind.

No, I decided at that moment.  I didn’t want to be available for my boss to use, I wanted him to be available for my use.  What, I suddenly asked myself, would I want to do with my boss if it were him sitting here under me instead of Ron?

I reached down and unfastened Ron’s jeans, moving backward off his lap.  With a little help from him, I pulled his jeans off completely.  Standing in front of him, I again played with my breasts before leaning forward.  As I reached to his sides, to take hold of his shirt, he reached forward and took over playing with my breasts.  He rubbed his thumbs across my nipples, one exposed and one silk-covered.  The contrast of sensations was, again, electrifying.  I gasped.

I pulled his shirt up over his head, him reluctantly releasing my breasts for a moment.  Now that I had him naked, I leaned to kiss his neck where it met his shoulder.  He reached around me and started untying ribbons, hoping to free my breasts.  I inhaled deeply, smelling his scent in the hollow of his clavicle.  His hands froze momentarily as I imagined a deep tingling spreading through his body from my breath on his neck.  I kissed him gently, then licked up to his earlobe, which I gently took into my mouth, teasing it with my teeth and tongue.

His hands started moving again but no longer untying the ribbon.  They slid down my back until each hand cupped my ass.  He gently pulled my cheeks apart before squeezing them back together.  My ass was almost completely exposed at that point, with the silk fabric disappearing into my crack.  His hands massaged and caressed my ass, pulling me back onto his lap.

Knowing I wanted his cock, I reached to my side and pulled, undoing the bow.  As the silk fell towards my other leg, the vibrator slipped out of me and landed touching Ron’s balls.  Unable to contain myself, I slid back a little, reached down, and picked it up, sliding it along Ron’s cock.  I then circled and cradled his sack with it.  The pulse of his cock and drop of pre-cum that appeared at its head told me I was on the right track.

I slid off him completely, taking his cock into my mouth as I continued to play with his balls with the vibrator.  I switched hands on his balls as my head slid up and down his shaft.  I slid the vibrator back into myself, moving it around.  I rewarded myself as my cunt almost started dripping fluid.

Still keeping my lips wrapped around his cock, I returned the vibrator between his legs.  Knowing that anything can be washed, I found his ass hole and eventually slid it into him.  I didn’t think he’d last long after that, but I didn’t expect him to start cumming instantly.

As I’d been mostly focused on finding his ass and slipping our new toy into it safely, I was unprepared for him to come that quickly or that much.  It was a bit of a mess, but I was eager to see if a theory I had was going to pay off.

I figured, with that vibrator in his ass, his cock wasn’t even going to droop slightly.  The combination of briefly thinking of him as Tony again, having a vibrator controlled by someone else in my cunt, knowing that I stuck that vibrator into someone else and it made him cum uncontrollably and instantly — and on top of all that, I’d wanted his cock in me when I dropped the rabbit in the first place.

I stood, untied the final ribbon to remove the bra, and, now fully naked, straddled my husband.  I guided his cock to my lips and slid down upon him, all the way to the hilt.  I reached over and grabbed his phone, which lit up with a host of choices.  I raised the intensity of vibration from minimal to middle and randomly chose option 7.  I dropped the phone to the couch as I heard the vibrator shift from its low hum to a pulsing VVZZZ-VVZZZ, vvzz-vvzz, repeating.  Ron’s eyes were wide as he tried to process the combined feelings of his wife riding his cock for all she was worth, while a rabbit vibrated in his ass and on his peritoneum.  

At least this time, my theory worked.  He never softened as I rocked my body back and forth upon him.  At times, he helped me move with his hands on my hips and ass, pressing and pulling.  Other times, he let me please myself on his shaft while he fondled, licked, and suckled my breasts and nipples.

Just as I felt the first stirrings of what would become my orgasm, I felt him pulsing within me, filling me with his second load of the evening.  I had few illusions that he’d be able to stay hard, after cumming twice in a row, long enough for me to catch the O train, but that didn’t stop me from trying.  

There is that influx of sexual energy from a partner as they orgasm, which can help one jump to the front of the line, as it were.  It was that energy that drove me to ride his cock like my life depended upon it.  Maybe it was my added energy and enthusiasm.  Maybe it was his own love and lust for me.  Maybe it really was the vibrator in his ass.  Whatever it was, I was just grateful as I felt his still erect cock driving deeply within me as I impaled myself upon him.  Our combined juices were coating his entire groin.  Everything down there was slippery and easy to grind upon at the bottom of a thrust.

I finally just settled down there, his rigid cock deep within me.  I ground myself upon him, sometimes focusing on where the head of his cock touched deep inside me and sometimes focusing on the sensations of my labia and clit grinding against his slippery flesh.

Finally, my dam burst.  I grabbed him and kissed him and cried out in orgiastic bliss, somehow all at the same time.  My cunt was grabbing at his cock, seemingly trying to take him in deeper, to devour him.  

And just as my shuddering, my pulsing, my clenching, my devouring, slowed, he grabbed my hips and pressed himself deep within me again and again.  His whole body shuddered and his head tossed back and forth as he groaned, and, at one point, squawked.

I weakly reached over and grabbed his phone again.  As the screen lit up, I hit the OFF button and the sound of high and low vibrations stopped.  Ron whimpered, and I felt his cock finally softening within me.

I climbed off of him and curled next to him on the couch.  He turned his head and looked me deeply in the eye, but I could see confusion in his look.

“What was that?” he asked me sincerely.  “I’ve cum many times.  It’s almost always better with someone than on my own, but that, right there at the end…” he trailed off.  “That was more.  That was my whole body.  I went somewhere else.”

He trailed off again, and I had the thought that, maybe, just maybe, my husband had just experienced his first true orgasm.  I know my orgasms come in different intensities.  Why not his, too?  

“I don’t even think I ejaculated.  It was just my body…” For the third time, his voice trailed off.

That made me certain.  He’d simply ejaculated with me many times, especially when it had been a while.  (Like that Flight of the Concords song, Business Time — ‘Makin’ love for two… for two… for two… minutes.’)  Most of the time, I’d say he came.  More than he would typically get jacking off by himself, but still not the full-body orgasm it seemed he’d just experienced.  I was happy for him.

After dinner and a bit of couch cleaning, Ron and I lay cuddled in bed later that night.

“Was I me or Tony tonight?” he asked, gently, in my ear.

I answered him honestly.

“You were Tony when I pulled off your pants, but the moment the vibrator fell between your legs, you became Ron for the rest of the night.

“But could you do that thing with the vibrator with your boss?” he asked me.

“Oh Ron,” I replied, possibly sounding exasperated, “I don’t know.  I’ve never even imagined it!”

And with that, we went to sleep.  Or at least he did.  I lay awake and imagined it for the first time.  Then I imagined it again, over and over.

Written by Snowbody
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