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Author's Notes

"In the aftermath of the pool party, Julie and Ron explore themselves. (And this is the hottest story I've ever written that only involves a married couple -- and their imaginations.)"

My fears were apparently unfounded, as there was no change in Tony at work at all.  At first, I was relieved, but then it started nagging at me that we had shared such an intimate experience, and he seemed to have no reaction to it at all.  No snide comments, no ‘accidental’ touches, no innuendo — nothing.

After about two months, I started to wonder if I could get Tony to acknowledge what happened without actually bringing it up directly.  I figured the best way to do that was to gradually shift how I dressed at the office.  I told my idea to Ron, and he wholeheartedly supported my experimenting with my wardrobe because he loved taking certain things off of me at the end of a long day.

The next morning, Ron watched me get dressed for work.  I started with a matching bra and panty set that I knew Ron especially liked.  He asked me to stay in just that as long as possible while I got ready, which is how I ended up sucking his cock wearing his favorite outfit and high heels about thirty minutes later.  Having just watched his wife traipse around in virtually see-through lingerie for half an hour, I wasn’t surprised by how quickly he came.

I walked into work that morning feeling sexy and desirable.  (Wearing nice things just changes how you feel and how you move.)  Two of my male colleagues and three of the females commented on either my outfit or my radiance, but Tony wasn’t even in the office that day to notice.  As I proceeded through my day, images from the pool party kept going through my mind.  That and the image of Ron that morning, trying not to stroke himself as I got ready while dressed just for him.  There’s something about being desired that’s really sexy.

By the time I got home, I was already wet with anticipation.  Ron wasn’t home yet, so I stripped off my outer layer again and started cleaning the house wearing the exact outfit I’d worn that morning as I sucked my husband’s cock.  I was just finishing sweeping the kitchen when I heard Ron pull up.  I grabbed the brush and dustpan and, with my back to the front door, standing in the doorway of the kitchen, I bent at the waist to sweep the pile into the pan with my legs fully extended and slightly parted.

Which meant that Ron opened the front door to see my ass in the air, barely covered by his favorite fabric.  I hoped he could also see the wet spot that I knew was there as well with my breasts swaying while I swept.  As I stood slowly, turning to look back over my shoulder, I said, “Welcome home, honey.  I hope you brought me a gift.”

With that, I walked out of sight into the kitchen and dumped the dustpan in the trash before putting it and the brush away.  As I backed out of the storage closet, I ran into Ron’s cock.  His arms wrapped around me from behind as he cupped my breasts and pulled me into him.  The sensation of his warm skin against my back and his cock pressed up against my ass and lower back caused my cunt to pulse, and I felt my panties getting wetter.

“We can relax and be gentle later,” I whispered into his ear, “but right now I really need to get fucked.  Hard.  Take me.”

His hands dropped from my breasts to the waist of my panties.  He pushed them to the ground in one movement and guided his cock between my legs as he stood.  He turned me and pressed my torso forward over the kitchen table as his cock parted my lips.  As my hands met the table, he drove himself fully into me.  I yelped.

He pulled back an inch or two before driving himself deeply into me again.  His hands left my hips for a moment, undoing the clasp on my bra before slipping the straps off my shoulders.  It fell to my hands on the table as his hands slid from my shoulders down to my breasts.  As he grabbed them, much more forcefully than he usually does, he rammed into me again.  He pinched my nipples, again, harder than normal, pulling a strange hissing noise from me.

Whatever it was, he took it as a signal.  He dropped his hands to my hips and ass and grabbed on tight.  He started slamming into me, pushing me forward by one ass cheek and yanking me back by the other hip.  I'd been pretty worked up already, and found myself enjoying how rough he was being a lot more than I would have thought.  I started cumming before I even really knew what hit me.  I’d never cum so fast from fucking before — and neither of us had even touched my clit yet.

I felt my legs getting weak, but Ron didn’t let up.  He kept ramming his cock deep into me, which just prolonged my orgasm.  He could tell my legs weren’t really holding me up anymore.

“You call that fucking?!” he almost growled at me.  My pussy pulsed around him again.  I was surprised at how aroused his voice and tone made me.  “I’m not even halfway done with you and you’re already falling apart.”

He grabbed me by the arm as he pulled his cock out of me.

“Get over here so I can fuck you properly without you falling down on the job,” he shot at me as he roughly dragged me out of the kitchen to the couch.  He quickly made me kneel on it and again pushed my torso forward.  With my ass in the air and my legs slightly spread, he found no resistance as he again sunk his cock into my dripping cunt.

He wasted no time and immediately started pounding into me again, muttering angrily.  With each thrust, he made another comment.

“Can’t even hold yourself up…  Have to do all the work myself…  Get all dolled up…  But you can’t stand up…  If you ask to get fucked… You better be prepared… To get royally fucked!”

I can’t remember everything he said, but each thrust, each comment, made me tingle.  I could almost feel his voice on my clit, somehow.  And I could feel myself rushing towards another orgasm.  

“This is what you need, huh? You need someone to take control?  You just want to get fucked…  You want to be held down and fucked…  You want to be used…”

I don’t know why, but that line was what sent me off the edge again.  Maybe because the image is so degrading and objectifying?  Being talked to like that did something for me.  But being used by my husband, it was too much.

I came so hard I cried.  Tears rolled down my face as electricity pulsed through me.  I assume Ron came, too, but I was so far gone I don’t even remember him pulling out or covering me with the blanket.

I awoke to his gentle kisses on my forehead and nose, and his smiling face.  

“So,” he softly asked, “what are you going to wear tomorrow?”

We laughed and he handed me my bathrobe.

Over the next few weeks, our sex life changed.  He started getting home earlier and would frequently ravage me as I walked in the door.  We started having sex multiple times a night instead of multiple times a week.  I started spending time at work thinking up characters that Ron could control or dominate in different ways.  

One day I walked in the door looking distressed.  To his credit, he didn’t just take me, though I could clearly see his erection in his pants.  He’d definitely been ready and expectantly waiting for me.  He asked me what was wrong.

“Oh Ron,” I wailed at him, “I did something really bad.”

At that moment he seemed to click into the idea that this was a role I was playing for him.  He looked at me, expectantly, waiting to see where this was going.

“I’ll do anything to make it up to you,” I cried at him.  

“Julie,” he said, “Jules, what did you do?”

“I had sex with my boss,” I said, looking down.

“Well then,” he replied calmly, “tell me about it.  Who started it?”

I honestly wasn’t ready for that.  I didn’t plot out a story.  I thought I’d just come home, say that, and he’d do something to ‘make me his’ or something.  I just stammered.

“Okay,” he said, his voice changing — dropping lower — as he stepped close to me, “I’ll tell you what happened.”  Looking into his eyes, I knew he was about to take control again and I felt warmth between my legs.

“You were sitting at your desk,” he started, leading me over to a side table with a mirror on the wall above it.  He brought over a chair and had me sit.  He stood behind me, looking at me through the mirror as he spoke.

“Your boss was standing in the doorway, watching you.  You knocked something off your desk.  Something small, like a pen or a paperclip.  When you turned and leaned to pick it up,” he paused here, waiting for me to act out his words, which I did before he resumed the story, “you didn’t realize that you gave him a nice look at your tit.”

He emphasized this by poking one finger between the buttons of my blouse and rubbing against the exposed part of my breast.  Then he slid his finger down, under the cup of my bra, to find my nipple.

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“Your boss even got a peek at the edge of your nipple, through this sheer fabric, and it made him very excited.  He disappeared for a moment, clearing his schedule for the next hour or so, before returning to your doorway.

“By that point, you’d stood up,” at which point, he gently pulled back on the chair, encouraging me to stand, “and you were reaching forward over your desk to get a file.”

As I leaned forward, I watched him approach me from behind through the mirror.  Getting into the feel of his story, I coaxed the hem of my skirt up as I leaned forward.

“Your boss couldn’t help himself,” Ron continued, as his hand met the curve of my hip.  “One hand went to your hip, while the other slid between your thighs.”

I sighed with pleasure as Ron’s hand brushed my lips through my moistening panties.  He continued doing exactly what he was telling me my boss had done.

“As he heard your breathy sigh, he knew he was going to have his way with a very willing and sexy employee.  His hand on your hip pulled your blouse out of your skirt before gliding across your skin.  That hand continued up to gently cup a breast, through your bra, while the other hand pulled aside your panties and slipped one finger into you, feeling your wetness.”

Another sigh, leaning towards a moan, escaped from me.

“As that finger slipped in and out of you, spreading your wetness around your labia, occasionally reaching your clit,” a gasp from me at that moment, “his other hand pulled down your bra and cupped your breast.

“Just as he gently pinched your nipple, he slid a second finger into your wet cunt, his thumb finding and circling your clit.  You moan loudly in appreciation.”

I had no trouble following that direction, as the combined messages to my brain — from the fingers on my nipple, from the fingers in my pussy, from his voice calmly commanding me — overwhelmed me.  

“From that moment, you couldn’t get enough.  You loved his fingers inside you and under your blouse, but you wanted him.  You wanted more of him.

“You pulled your blouse completely out of your skirt and pulled it off over your head.  His hands never left your breast and cunt.  You took off your bra and tossed it to the side, encouraging his hand on your breasts.  You pulled your skirt up to your waist and pulled down your underwear.

“His hand had to leave your pussy as you pulled them down, and you took that opportunity to turn and drop to your knees in front of him.  You looked up at him with your big beautiful eyes and licked your lips in anticipation.

“You reached out and undid his belt, pulling it completely out before lying it on the desk, in easy reach.  Then you went after his cock, easing it out as you freed it from his shoes, pants, and boxers.”

I kissed Ron’s cock at this point and he continued.

“You kissed the head of his cock, then parted your lips to take just the tip into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the head and tasting his pre-cum.  Then, gently holding the base, you relaxed your throat and, in one continuous motion, took as much of it down your throat as you could.

“Oohhh,” Ron exclaimed as his cock disappeared down my throat.  He tried to keep talking, but I made it as difficult as possible.

“You… sucked… up and down… oh god yes… deep… ooh… fuck… until… OH, FUCK YES!” he cried out as he pumped his seed down my throat before slumping into the chair.

Kneeling on the floor at his feet, my breasts exposed, wearing nothing but a skirt around my waist, I looked up at him with what he’d just called my ‘big, beautiful eyes,’ and asked, “What happened next?”

Ron looked directly into my soul with that next look.  I could feel him peering into me, knowing me in ways I didn’t even know myself.  Oddly, I felt even more naked before him.

“Well,” he began again, still trying to catch his breath, “your boss loved that performance.  But he was going to need your help with the next part.  

“He helped you to your feet and sat you at the edge of his desk.  He sat in your chair and moved closer, kissing,” a pause here, “ your nipple,” another pause, “and flicking it with his tongue.  As he moved to your other breast, planning to head south after that, you took over the narrative, allowing him to please you exactly how you like it.”

That was, perhaps, the most achingly erotic thing I’d ever heard.  We’re in the midst of a role play in which my husband is my boss, and he’s telling me to drive the story and have my fantasy of what I’d want my boss to do for me become my reality of what my husband is going to do for me.

My thoughts were interrupted by his persistent kissing, licking, and suckling of my ‘other breast,’ as it was described in his story.  I started talking.

“My boss started licking the underside of that breast, before licking his way down to my belly button.  He took a moment then to unzip my skirt and work it off of me, dropping it to the floor.

“He sat me on my desk again, this time with my feet on his thighs.  I was completely naked and he wore only socks below his waist.  He started kissing just inside my knee, kissing and licking his way along the inside of my thigh.  I spread my legs wider for him as he licked the sensitive area between my outer labia and my thigh.  He gently rested one hand on my thigh, allowing his thumb to stretch towards my clit while his kisses started on my other leg.

“This time, as he reached, and licked, the same sensitive skin on the other side of my pussy, he let his thumb slip down and start to slide into me.  

“Aaahh,” I breathed, as Ron’s thumb entered me.

“As his thumb explored me,” I doggedly continued, “he started kissing my outer lips and letting his tongue find that glorious valley between the inner and outer — oooHH!”

My voice cut off as Ron’s tongue followed my narrative perfectly.

“As he could feel me nearing…” I stopped with a sharp intake of breath as Ron’s tongue slipped as deeply into me as it had ever gone.  

“He did things…” was all I could get out as Ron’s fingers joined his tongue in my very happy valley.

“Lots of things…” I breathed out moments later, hardly able to speak as his tongue attacked my clit while his fingers slid in and out of my slick pussy.


Ron never let up, he continued to lick and suckle my clit as he curled his fingers within me, finding various sensitive spots that made my breathing ragged.


Ron slipped his fingers out of me, and easily slid one of them up my ass as his tongue pressed against my clit.  That was it for me.  I sang.






The orgasm that ripped through me was exquisite.  There was so much emotion tied up in me, that orgasmic release was the only way to untie it and let it go.  

Then I heard Ron’s voice again, and felt his breath against my very sensitive, and still occasionally pulsing, lips.

“And, while you thought you were done, fully satiated by your boss's tongue and fingers,” Ron spoke slowly, deeply, and clearly, “he had other ideas.”

I opened my eyes to watch Ron stand.  His face raised from my cunt, he pulled his shirt and undershirt over his head in one motion, dropping them to the floor, and I watched his entire, muscled frame rise until his engorged cock was inches from my cunt.

“He asked you how you wanted him.  You turned to bend over the desk again, much like he’d walked in on you, and told him you wanted him from behind.

“He rubbed his rigid cock against your sopping pussy before sliding all the way in.  He held himself deeply within you and asked you how you wanted it.  Did you want to have sex, make love, or fuck?  He awaited your answer, his cock almost pulsing with anticipation deep inside of you.”

“Fuck me, Tony,” I said after a pause, “Fuck me like you mean it.  Then make love to me a few minutes before fucking the shit out of me again.  Make me sing again, Tony!”

All I can say is that was a good answer.  Ron did fuck me silly for a while, lifting me to a higher plane.  He somehow knew exactly when to slow down and become gentle, letting me get used to my new elevated sense of existence.  But he didn’t stay there too long and gradually picked up speed and force until he was pounding into me again.

His hand snaked around to find my clit, and I did sing again as he pumped into me around my quaking cunt.  

Later that night, as we were snuggling in bed, Ron asked me if my boss had made any sort of advances towards me since the pool party.  I gave him an honest no.  We then talked about how turned on we had each been as we’d acted out a scene of Tony having his way with me.  

Ron said, at one point, “I’d be happy to act out something that actually happened if anything ever does.”

It was that one line that kept ringing in my ears for the next few weeks.  It made me horny at work and horny at home and Ron and I had lots of fun talking about and acting out what Tony and I might do at the office.

Written by Snowbody
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